@bto5stardraw Жыл бұрын
"Let it out" Adaptacion y Voz: Pamela Vargas / pamechan9 Letra: Marianne Desahogarse ~es importante El coraje no lo debes contener No hace falta~ consolarte Con el hecho de llorar te sentirás~ ya mejor Has padecido tanto y nadie entiende eso mejor que yo En tu camino han habido situaciones que a cualquiera pueden a~batir Has perdido y has ganado Te has sentido solo y lleno de dolor No sufras más,~ ya pasará Todo va a mejorar Aquí estoy yo~ pa-ra apoyarte en la adversidad Dame tu mano, entre los dos~ crearemos un futuro mejor El cie-lo azul~ nos invita a admirar su esplendor Desahogarse es importante si careces de caracter esta bien subestimas tus esfuerzos ya no menosprecies tu forma de ser ---nooo Siempre fuiste desconfiado esperando siempre lo peor creyendo que unicamente todos te hiban a descepcionar pero estar desalentado solo mas dolor te va a causar No temas más,~ ya pasará solo es una fase mas no escondas tu sonrisa que eso te puede ayudar juntos nos podremos apoyar crearemos un mejor futuro el cielo azul nos invita a admirarlo en su esplendor Hay momentos en que todas tus creencias quedan destrozadas pues incluso las verdades pueden causar tristeza y pesar pero aunque perdido creas estar justo a tu lado me hallaras apoyandote cuando todo te salga mal... No sufras más,~ ya pasará Todo va a mejorar Aquí estoy yo~ pa-ra apoyarte en la adversidad Dame tu mano, entre los dos~ crearemos un futuro mejor El cie-lo azul~ nos invita a admirar su esplendor En tu interior~ sientes temor de que llegue un adiós Por eso estás~ tan- reticente a abrir tu corazón Ya no pienses más en el dolor Y Aunque tu te sientas perdido Contigo estaré No importa lo que pase, a tu lado estaré
@Karla17-20 Жыл бұрын
Todo afuera, Todo afuera No hay necesidad de fuerza pretender Alguien dibujo en una pared La imagen de una flor que apunto esta de caer Nadie ahora te comprenderá, la manera en que tu estas Esta es la forma que se pierde y se gana En un camino que muy largo lo es Pueden haber días que tal vez De la nada en soledad, te harán llorar El dolor o lágrimas por estrellas cambiaran Una luz en un mañana nuestro brillara Aunque inseguro puede ser Haremos juntos esto ahora Brillante será, el polvo de estrellas que vamos a hallar Todo afuera, Todo afuera Mil preguntas ya no están sin resolver Increíble, que surgieran Porque ellas me guiaron hasta aquí, ante ti Un anhelo intenso por tener De la verdad que quiero ya saber Todo este tiempo he mantenido Una daga con un filo en mi Estoy sufriendo el duelo de mentir Tratando de aparentar que fuerte soy En realidad con miedo estoy Pero en marcha siempre voy El viento va ligero y sonriendo ahí estas Nuestras manos lo van a alcanzar Haremos juntos esto ahora Brillante será, el polvo de estrellas que vamos a hallar Que es lo que haremos si lo que creía bien ahora resulta mal Solo acepta esta verdad no importa cuán profundo sea el dolor No le creí que te perdí La respuesta no te abandono Tan feliz estoy que siempre estás ahí OHHHHH El dolor o lágrimas por estrellas cambiaran Una luz en un mañana nuestro brillara Nuestras manos lo va a alcanzar Haremos juntos esto ahora Brillante será, el polvo de estrellas que vamos a hallar El día vendrá, en que los dos, pronunciemos el adiós El ciclo está girando y con los años volverás Aunque dudas tenga alguna vez Estaré siempre a tu lado Y eso será lo que entre nosotros no cambiara
@czdarn3157 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you : )
@Scarlett-Hofferson 3 жыл бұрын
Let it out Let it all out, let it all out You don't have to think your heart is made of steel Come away now, from your own doubt Like a flower of hope that's growing in a field you will heal Although the road has changed you And the world has often failed you You've gotta carry on and show them you're strong You've gotta bury what is past and gone Some days will be worse than others But you've gotta find another way Through pain and fear, or rain and tears, We will hold on to the light We'll chase the dawn that waits for us beyond the darkest sky Keep following that distant star Never walk away from who you are Never forget that the promise of tomorrow lies in your heart Let it all out, let it all out Nothing ever seems to work or go your way But you'll learn that isn't all bad The misfortune isn't always here to stay, hey Once upon a time, in my youth I wanted a taste of the truth But everything that I came to find Was nothing but a castle built on lies Now I don't know what to believe But I've gotta stay alive and breathe I'm terrified, but I'm alright Knowing you're there by my side When I'm with you, I'm stronger and I never have to hide I've known it from the very start Even if we're far or worlds apart Nothing will change that the promise of tomorrow lies in our hearts How can I tell right from wrong when everything I've known has betrayed me? Do we take the truth at its face value, or do we give up on believing? When think I about losing you, in my heart I know what I should do Deep down I know that I'll never let you go Through pain and fear, or rain and tears, We will hold on to the light We'll chase the dawn that waits for us beyond the darkest sky Keep following that distant star Never walk away from who you are Never forget that your future's waiting up ahead As seasons change and rearrange And the sands of time descend As all your hope starts vanishing you'll always have a friend In brightest day or darkest night Even if we have to say goodbye You'll be alright I will always and forever be by your side
@gabby_music0012 3 жыл бұрын
🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍 May I use it for my upcoming covers? 😍😍 This is very helpful to my song covers projects!
@kiwii8932 4 жыл бұрын
Let it all out, let it all out You don't have to live as though you’re made of steel Come away now, from all your doubt Like a flower of hope that's growing in a field, you will heal Even if the road has changed you And the world has often failed you You've gotta carry on and show’em you're strong You've gotta bury what is past and gone Some times will be worse than others But there’ll always be another day Through pain and fear, or rain and tears, We will hold on to the light We'll chase the dawn that waits for us beyond the darkest sky Keep following that distant star Never walk away from who you are Never forget that the promise of tomorrow lies in your heart Let it all out, let it all out Nothing ever seems to work or go your way But you’ll soon learn what it’s all worth The misfortune isn't always here to stay, hey oh Once upon a time, in my youth I wanted a taste of the truth Yet everything that I came to find Was nothing but a castle built on lies Now I don't know what to believe But I won’t let grief take hold of me I'm terrified, but I'm alright Knowing you're there by my side When I'm with you, I'm stronger and I never have to hide I have known it from the very start Even if we're close or worlds apart Nothing will change that the promise of tomorrow lies in your heart How can I tell right from wrong when everything I've known has betrayed me? Do I take the truth at its face value, or give up on my dying faith? If losing this means losing you In my heart I know what I must do I’d rather hurt than ever have to let you go! Through pain and fear, or rain and tears, We will hold on to the light We'll chase the dawn that waits for us beyond the darkest sky Keep following that distant star Never walk away from who you are Never forget that your future's waiting up ahead As seasons change and rearrange And the sands of time descend As all your hope starts vanishing you'll always have a friend In the brightest day or darkest night Even if we have to say goodbye You'll be alright I will always and forever be by your side
@darwin14221 5 жыл бұрын
belleza <3
@547537 5 жыл бұрын
Let it all out, let it all out 強がらなくていいんだね 誰かが描いてった 壁の落書きの花が 揺れる 自分らしさなんて 誰もわからないよ 長い長い道の途中で 失くしたり拾ったり 急に寂しくなって 泣いちゃう日もあるけど 涙も 痛みも 星に変えよう 明日を照らす 灯りをともそう 小さく迷っても ふたりで作ろう 星屑を 強く光る永遠を探そう Let it all out, let it all out 足りないことだらけだよね 足りなくていいんだね だから君と出会えたんだ 「確か」が何なのか それが知りたくて 小さなナイフを靴下に隠してた 強がってついた 嘘の方がずっと痛かった 本当は 恐いよ だけど生きてく 笑顔の君を風が撫でてく 小さな手かざして ふたりで作ろう 星屑を 強く光る永遠を探そう 正しいことが間違ってたら どうすればいい? 悲しいことが正しかったら 受け入れるだけ? 失くしたと思ってた でも君が知ってた 君がいて 本当によかった 涙も 痛みも 星に変えよう 明日を照らす 灯りをともそう 小さな手かざして ふたりで作ろう 星屑を 強く光る永遠を さよなら いつかは 来るかもしれない 季節はそれでも巡り巡ってく 小さく迷っても 歩いてく 君と歩いてく それだけは変わらないでいようね
@nothing4580 5 жыл бұрын
@nothing4580 5 жыл бұрын
Let it all out, Let it all out 強がら なくて いいんだね 츠요가라 나쿠테 이인다네 강한 척 하지 않아도 괜찮아 誰かが 描いてった 壁の 落書きの 花が 揺れる 다레카가 카이테타 카베노 라쿠가키노 하나가 유레루 누군가가 적어놓은 벽에 낙서해놓은 꽃이 흔들려 自分らしさなんて、誰も わからないよ 지분라시사난테, 다레모 와카라나이요 자신 답다는건, 누구도 알 수 없어 長い 長い 道の 途中で 失くしたり、拾ったり 나가이 나가이 미치노 토츄데 나쿠시타리 히롯타리 길고 긴 길을 가는 도중에 잃어버리기도 하고 줍기도 하고 急に 寂しくなって、泣いちゃう日もあるけど 큐니 사미시쿠 낫테 나이챠우 히모 아루케도 갑자기 외로워져서 울어버리는 날도 있겠지만 涙も 痛みも 星に変えよう 나미다모 이타미모 호시니 카에요오 눈물도, 아픔도, 별로 바꾸자 明日を照らす 灯りをともそう 아시타오 테라스 아카리오 토모소오 내일을 밝히는 등불을 키는 거야 小さく迷っても ふたりで作ろう 치이사쿠 마욧테모 후타리데 츠쿠로오 조그마한 손을 내밀어 둘이 함께 만드는거야 星屑を 強く 光る 永遠を 探そう 호시쿠즈오 츠요쿠 히카루 에이엔오 사가소오 무수히 작은 별들을 강하게 비추는 영원을 찾자 Let it all out, Let it all out 足りない 事だらけ だよね 타리나이 코토 다라케 다요네 부족한 것 투성이죠 足りなくていいんだね 타리나쿠테이인다네 부족해도 괜찮아요 だから君と出会えたんだ、Oh 다카라 키미토 데아에탄다 oh 그러니깐 당신이랑 만났어요 明日が何なのか、それが知りたくて 아시타가 난나노카, 소레가 시리타쿠데 내일이 무엇인가, 그것을 알고 싶어서 小さなナイフを 靴下たに、隠してた 치이사나 나이프오 쿠츠시타니, 카쿠시텟타 작은 나이프를 양말에, 숨겼다 強がって付いた、嘘の方が ずっと痛かった 츠요캇테츠이타, 우소노호가 즛토 이타캇다 강한척 해 붙은, 거짓말이 훨씬 아팠어요 本当は 怖いよ だけど生きていく 혼토와 코와이요 다케도 이키테이쿠 사실은 무서워요 그렇지만 살아가요 笑顔の君を 風が撫でてく 에가오노 키미오 카제가 나데테쿠 웃는얼굴의 그대를 바람이 쓰다듬고 있어요 小さな 手かざして ふたりで作ろう 치이사나 테카자시테 후타리데 츠쿠로오 조그마한 손을 내밀어 둘이 함께 만드는거야 星屑を 強く 光る 永遠を 探そう 호시쿠즈오 츠요쿠 히카루 에이엔오 사가소오 무수히 작은 별들을 강하게 비추는 영원을 찾자 正しい ことが 間違ったら どうすればいい 타다시이 코토가 마치갓타라 도우스레바이이 올바른 일이 잘못된것이라면 어떻게해야되는가요 正しい こと 正しかったら 受け入れるだけ 타다시이 코토 타다시캇다라 우케이레루다케 올바른 일이면 올바르게 받아 들일 뿐 なくしたと思ってった でも 君が 知ってた 나쿠시타토 오못데타 데모 키미가 시텟다 잃어버렸다 생각해도 그래도 너가 알려줬어 君が いて 本当に よかった 키미가 이테 혼도니 요갓타 네가 있어 정말로 다행이야 涙も 痛みも 星に変えよう 나미다모 이타미모 호시니 카에요오 눈물도, 아픔도, 별로 바꾸자 明日を照らす 灯りをともそう 아시타오 테라스 아카리오 토모소오 내일을 밝히는 등불을 키는 거야 小さな手かざして ふたりで作ろう 치이사나 테카자시테 후타리데 츠쿠로오 조그마한 손을 내밀어 둘이 함께 만드는거야 星屑を 強く光る永遠を 호시쿠즈오 츠요쿠 히카루 에이엔오 무수히 작은 별들을 강하게 비추는 さよなら いつかは来るかもしれない 사요나라 이츠카와 쿠루 카모 시레나이 이젠 안녕 언젠간 올지도 몰라 季節はそれでも巡り巡ってく 키세츠와 소레데모 메구리 메굿테쿠 계절은 그래도 돌고 돌아가 小さく迷っても 歩いてく 君と歩いてく 치이사쿠 마욧테모 아루이테쿠 키미토 아루이테쿠 잠시 망설여도 걸어갈거야 너와 함께 걸어갈거야 それだけは変わらないでいよね 소레다케와 카와라나이데이요네 그것만큼은 변하지 말고 있자
@nothing4580 5 жыл бұрын
@lucienangelo5406 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks you bro
@jannhannagarcia7287 6 жыл бұрын
Let it all out, Let it all out Tsuyogara nakute iin da ne Dareka ga egaitetta Kabe no rakugaki no hana ga yureru Jibun rashi sa nante Daremo wakara nai yo Nagai nagai michi no tochuu de Nakushitari hirottari Kyuu ni samishi kunatte Nai chau hi mo aru kedo Namida mo itami mo hoshi ni kae you Ashita wo terasu akari wo tomosou Chiisaku mayotte mo futari de tsukurou Hoshikuzu wo tsuyoku hikaru eien wo sagasou Let it all out, Let it all out Tari nai koto darake da yo ne Tari nakute iin da ne Dakara kimi to deaetanda "Tashika" ga nan na no ka Sore ga shiritakute Chiisa na naifu wo kutsushita ni kakushiteta Tsuyoga tte tsuita Uso no hou ga zutto itakatta Hontou wa kowai yo dakedo ikiteku Egao no kimi wo kaze ga nadeteku Chiisa na te kazashite futari de tsukurou Hoshikuzu wo tsuyoku hikaru eien wo sagasou Tadashii koto ga machigattetara Dousureba ii? Kanashii koto ga tadashikattara Ukeireru dake? Nakushita to omotteta Demo kimi ga shitteta Kimi ga ite hontou ni yokatta Namida mo itami mo hoshi ni kae you Ashita wo terasu akari wo tomosou Chiisa na te kazashite futari de tsukurou Hoshikuzu wo tsuyoku hikaru eien wo Sayonara itsuka wa kuru kamoshirenai Kisetsu wa sore demo meguri megutteku Chiisaku mayotte mo aruiteku Kimi to aruiteku Sore dake wa kawara nai de iyou ne
@alchemicreduction3819 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks! such a lovely song :3
@abhaysingh8345 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this thanks