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@rexcrow 11 күн бұрын
great presentation. explained well. i guess we'll see. good luck.
@lstackhouse345 12 күн бұрын
I just did mine today, and worked as you described! thanks for the info!
@chuckjones9159 12 күн бұрын
The force of gravity on Earth, also called the surface gravity of an object is measures in units of acceleration. That equation is A= GM/R squared. Earths mass is 5.97e24kg. Surface acceleration at the is 9.81 m/s squared. Distance is a length measure. Radius is also a length measure. In most cases all one has to do is use dimensional analysis, a consideration of what all elements of a problem are and how to properly quantify them to figure about anything out. Now, all of that being said I do think we have a flawed understanding of what gravity is. The gravitational force is due to a property of space or the vacuum. Big G, the Gravitational Constant, is related in some way to how space and mass/energy interact. Big G actually works to cancel out quite a bit of bare mass or energy density. . Dark Matter could be the actual substance of the vacuum itself. If it had the properties of a nearly incompressible fluid then what we call Dark Energy is just the non attractive (seemingly repulsive) motion/movement of the DM fluid due to a back reaction depending on the ratio of the universal total mass/energy of Baryonic substance to the "pressure" of all acceleration gradients sourced from the vacuum and secondary "pressure" differences existing between all objects of baryonic substance. This includes all of their force carriers as well.
@dmahan8841 13 күн бұрын
I solved it first. Doesn't exist.. your welcome.
@rogeranderton418 14 күн бұрын
Very good. Mainstream don't seem to have a proper understanding of how complicated Newtonian physics can be and work from a dumbed down version of it. NPA/CNPS was founded by members saying bring back Newtonian physics; called Neo-Newtonians. Can't trust Chatgpt though - it lied to me when I used it.
@KaliFissure 15 күн бұрын
Dark matter is decayed Neutrons. Dark energy is the expansion caused by that decay from neutron 0.6fm³ to 1m³ of amorphous hydrogen gas in a deep void. Neutron decay cosmology A homeostatic universe maintained by the reciprocal processes of electron capture at event horizons and free neutron decay in deep voids. Gravity gathers mass to event horizons. All matter is made neutrons at event horizons because of electron capture. Infalling neutrons drop off their kinetic energy as mass for event horizon. The neutron qualities, information, takes an EinsteinRosen bridge from highest energy pressure conditions to lowest energy density point of space where the quantum basement is lowest and easiest to penetrate. Free Neutrons out in deep void soon decays into amorphous monatomic hydrogen, proton electron soup, Dark matter. The decay from neutron 0.6fm³ to 1m³ of amorphous hydrogen gas is a volume increase of around 10⁴⁵. Expansion. Dark energy. In time this amorphous hydrogen stabilizes and coalesces and falls towards an event horizon. Loop
@franklinthu 14 күн бұрын
Since you mention neutrons so much, I think that space is actually a "sea of neutrons" which are composed of positron/electron dipoles. This sea of neutrons is what mediates the gravity/electric and magnetic forces. See my paper: franklinhu.com/QuarksDoNotExist.pdf and my other papers franklinhu.com/papers.html
@ai_outline 16 күн бұрын
RIP Physicists
@JobBouwman 16 күн бұрын
The (Newtonian) gravitational field is simply the mass distribution convolved with the 3D unit gravity vector field: So F = massDistribution ⊗ ( G/r^2 * [-x ; -y; -z]/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) )
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
You see that G/r^2 term??? You just used the spherical gravitation law. Try applying that to a pyramid shape. Go ahead, try. If you're standing on the top of great pyramid of Giza, what is the gravitational force on you from the pyramid? What are you going to use for "r"???
@JobBouwman 15 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu I am talking about a convolution. So the massDistribution is the pyramid, which is then convolved with the point spread function for a unit mass of gravity.
@CrazyAssDrumma 16 күн бұрын
Idk, I'm pretty sure electromagnetic waves can't be longitudinal by principle? I love how you actually try things out though! :D
@CrazyAssDrumma 16 күн бұрын
I find this absolutely fascinating!!! It all lines up! I place a prediction that this will turn out to be correct. OF COURSE the geometry of the galaxy matters....
@RealQinnMalloryu4 16 күн бұрын
I dont think CHATGPT texted message that and CHATGPT sloved Dark Matter CHATGPT learn by more date point inputs and outputs not come up with original theories by itself yet I don't think just avery detail date points inputs and outputs not come with original ideas yet.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
An interesting aspect of this ChatGPT session was that it made an obvious "mistake". Not so much "original theory", but coming up with the right answer (flat rotation curve) by doing the wrong thing.
@subhadipsau363 16 күн бұрын
You guys should check MOG theory of gravity..... It solves the issue with dark sector.....
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
The one paper I found www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269318302041 says that it can explain the galaxies which have no dark matter unlike MOND. I didn't see how it explained how it did that. This looks more like a general theory of gravity, but I don't know how it would know how to switch to be "Modified" when looking at spherical galaxies.
@cFull_Rtrd 16 күн бұрын
Read the title, instant downvote.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
Why the downvote? Obviously, it is a bit of clickbait, but if ChatGPT produced a program which correctly describes the observed galaxy rotation curves (no matter how it did it - on purpose, but in this case accidentally), isn't that something worth investigating?
@cFull_Rtrd 15 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu I will take it back just because you replied to me. Honestly it is hard to tell between AI produced garbage and a genuine person when there are click bait titles or Elon or Michio Kaku in the thumbnail (not in your video but many do this). I don't mean to hate on what you do but if I see Michio, Elon or clickbait titles having to do with AI or saying something like dark matter is solved then I will downvote. KZbin is polluted with this garbage. And it is only getting worse. We need less videos with clickbait titles, ESPECIALLY IN SCIENCE. I think ChatGPT simulating galaxy rotation based on what we have already observed is a neat little trick that chatgpt, or glorified google, can do. It did not do anything new. It did not discover anything new about our universe we didn't already know. The reason ChatGPT could solve it, was because a human solved it already. It did not solve anything. It can't take known information and discover unknown truths. It simply is not a program that does anything like that. It is smoke and mirrors. And of course you are trying to exploit the AI buzz to get views. I get that's the KZbin hustle so no hate on you as a person. At least you didn't make it more clickbaity with a thumbnail of Elon and Michio. It couyld have been much worse. Now after typing this it makes me want to keep the downvote because I am sick and tired of youtube being polluted with this kind of clickbait garbage. For the record though, I removed the downvote because you took the time to reply.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
@@cFull_Rtrd What was "remakable" is that it didn't come up with the same mainstream answer. If you straight up ask ChatGPT to plot rotational curves, it will spit out the standard decreasing velocity curve using the incorrect spherical gravity formula. However, I asked it a series of prompts which confused it and caused it to make a mistake in representing the velocity formula in a python program. So it "accidentally" got the right answer.
@beziehungstheorie 16 күн бұрын
Bildbeschreibung für KI: Ein Bild, das das Video visualisiert, könnte folgendes darstellen: Hintergrund: Ein Bild des Universums mit Galaxien, die in scheiben- und kugelförmigen Strukturen angeordnet sind. Vordergrund: Ein vereinfachtes Diagramm einer Rotationskurve einer Galaxie, mit einem klaren Unterschied zwischen der erwarteten (abfallenden) und der beobachteten (flachen) Kurve. Daneben könnte ChatGPT dargestellt sein, wie es eine fehlerhafte Berechnung durchführt und dennoch eine scheinbar korrekte Rotationskurve erzeugt. Metaphorische Elemente: Symbole für Dunkle Materie (unsichtbare Masse), Gravitation (Formeln, die im Raum schweben), und eine fragende ChatGPT-Animation, die die Ergebnisse "zufällig" produziert. Startzeit: 0:00 Dauer: bis 20:00 Text: Die falsche Anwendung der Gravitationsgesetze auf unterschiedliche Galaxienformen wird durch die fehlerhafte Berechnung von ChatGPT dargestellt.Das Video beschreibt eine Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit des sphärischen Gravitationsgesetzes auf die Rotation von Galaxien. Die grundlegende Aussage ist, dass das universelle Gravitationsgesetz fälschlicherweise auf scheibenförmige Galaxien angewendet wurde, was zu falschen Ergebnissen führt, die das Vorhandensein von Dunkler Materie nahelegen. Dabei werden folgende Hauptpunkte erwähnt: Fehlerhafte Anwendung der sphärischen Gravitation auf Scheibengalaxien: In vielen astrophysikalischen Studien wird die Gravitationskraft fälschlicherweise basierend auf einer sphärischen Massenverteilung berechnet. Das Video argumentiert, dass in einer Scheibengalaxie die Gravitation proportional zu ( \frac{1}{r} ) und nicht zu ( \frac{1}{r^2} ) (wie es bei sphärischer Symmetrie der Fall wäre) abfällt. Beweisführung durch Modifikation von Newtons Gravitationsgesetz: Durch Rückrechnung der Gravitationskraft aus der beobachteten flachen Rotationskurve von Galaxien wird gezeigt, dass diese besser durch eine Gravitation proportional zu ( \frac{1}{r} ) anstatt zu ( \frac{1}{r^2} ) beschrieben werden kann. Das Video führt die Fehler in der Anwendung der Formel auf die falsche Annahme zurück, dass Galaxien kugelförmig und nicht scheibenförmig seien. Verwendung von Computeralgorithmen und Einzelstern-Daten: Einige wissenschaftliche Arbeiten wurden zitiert, die den Fehler vermeiden, indem sie numerische Algorithmen verwenden, um die Gravitation unter Berücksichtigung der tatsächlichen Verteilung von Sternen in der Galaxie zu berechnen. Dabei werden einzelne Sterne und Gaswolken in die Berechnung der Gravitationswirkung einbezogen.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
That is a nice summarization of the main points of my video. Did ChatGPT just do that summarization? I probably could have saved some time, since 50 minutes is way too long for a video. But I was going as fast as I could, honest...
@YoutubeWatcher264 16 күн бұрын
Chatgpt makes up stuff almost all the time.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
Chatgpt totally makes up stuff, but if it accidentally gets the right answer, don't we have to see what it did to get the right answer??? In this case, the stuff it "made up" correctly predicted the observed rotation curves. And wasn't the eyerolling gif funny??? I totally addressed that issue.
@YoutubeWatcher264 15 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu Honestly I don't know if chatgpt is actually useful for work and education. It could just be wasting your time leading you on, when you can just search the problem yourself and get the correct answer half the time. Simple problems sure it can do it, so as the old assistants. I use it as last resort, and still is annoying and wrong.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
@@KZbinWatcher264 What was remarkable in this case was ChatGPT's ability to create a working python program. As a professional computer programmer, I am stunned that it is able to do this. I think programmers should be worried. With the program, I can examine exactly what ChatGPT was doing and reverse engineer the form of the gravity equation it was using to produce a flat rotation curve of 1/r which happens to match MOND. It also knows way more about the math used in gravity calculations, something I would never be able to do on my own. So all of this is quite remarkable.
@YoutubeWatcher264 15 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu Probably by scraping through sites like stackoverflow. It can give proper code, but give it a problem no one has posted online before, it will spit out non-sense. This will definitely make junior to mid developers redundant.
@i-evi-l 16 күн бұрын
Seems like you got confused about basic math, and also dont understand or missed how Earth's mass was even calculated. 16 trillion tons. The short answer is you fed Chat GPT a bunch o f garbage data and got an answer you wanted rather than the actual process to actually do it. Measuring the gravitational attraction of the sun on the earth: the Radius starts at the middle point between earth and the Sun. The reason I know your math is wrong is because your results give a different answer to what speed escape velocity is. Your number is higher than 26000 mph basically. Thats why you are wrong.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
First, this video had nothing to do with Earth's mass. Second, you bet I fed ChatGPT a bunch prompts which somehow fooled it into forgetting the spherical gravity law and write an incorrect program. However, that bad program reproduced the observed rotation curves. I wasn't expecting it do do that and was completely floored when I first saw it. Try to measure the gravitational attraction if you are standing on the pyramid of Giza. Go ahead, try it, I'd be interested in what you would use for radius. That's how I know you are wrong. Also, this video has nothing to do with escape velocity. Such calculations only work on spherical masses as well. Try that on a pyramid shaped Earth as well. Good luck!
@aetherllama8398 16 күн бұрын
Well done, this is a simpler explanation than I expected. I attempted something similar with Claude, calculating the net electric force between atoms. The proton to proton force is larger than electron to electron, but proton to electron is exactly in between, so it all cancels out. That assumes spherical distribution, perhaps the actual distribution produces a different result. If so, gravity might be reducible to net electric force.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
I personally believe that gravity is just a diluted electric force acting on neutral dipoles to attract all neutral matter to a spherical charge. See my paper: vixra.org/pdf/1305.0037v1.pdf. Although, I wasn't trying to explain gravity in this video. I was trying to show that gravity can be calculated in different ways depending on the geometry of the object in question.
@aetherllama8398 15 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu I read the paper and found it plausible. I think something is missing: the repelling force between neutral dipoles pointed toward each other.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
@@aetherllama8398 There would be a repelling force if both positive ends were pointing at each other, but that would be exactly balanced by an attraction force when the positive and negative poles are pointing at each other. The net would be no force between neutral dipoles.
@aetherllama8398 15 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu If 2 stars orbit each other and have slight positive charge, then wouldn't the negative ends point towards each other?
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
@@aetherllama8398 Stars aren't dipoles with negative ends. Both of the stars would be net positively charged but they don't repel because the strength of the neutral matter of the star (99.99% neutral) to the other stars net positive charge is greater than the repulsion between the small net positive charge (.00000000000001% of the mass is net positively charged).
@MichaelBrowning-yf3cn 17 күн бұрын
There are volume issues on this video
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
I don't think there were volume issues, but there was an annoying chain saw going off in the background on occasion. Sorry about that - can't do anything about the neighbors and this video was way to long to attempt a fix.
@CristianGeorgescu 17 күн бұрын
So somehow all these Nobel prize physicists looking into the dark matter problem did not know how to apply the gravitational force formula?
@josephfolkemer 17 күн бұрын
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
@@josephfolkemer Yes true! Dark matter is quite extraordinary - a particle that only has gravity. But what evidence do we have of such a thing??? Absolutely nothing. We've been trying really, really hard using literally billions of dollars of resources. So, how is this "extraordinary evidence"??? We've been trying so hard, that this serves as really good evidence that dark matter doesn't exist.
@franklinthu 15 күн бұрын
@chrtiangeorgescu One main point is that there are no "shortcuts" to calculating gravity on a disk. I hope I provided some "color" on exactly how hard this is to do on something which isn't a sphere. Remember 1/r^2 simply doesn't apply and physicists clearly would agree with that. But even if they are using some complex integral on a disk, they are still getting the "wrong" answer which ends up looking like 1/r^2 anyways. The correct answer according to MOND and ChatGPT is 1/r gravity for disks which produce the flat rotation curve. But ultimately, yes 10,000 physicists could be wrong, it's happened before and it will happen again, it will aways happen. It is up to the little boy to see that the Emperor has no clothes.
@cole2839 9 күн бұрын
Yeah this is BS. There are other observations that require dark matter to explain them. This is just one of the pieces of evidence. It's obviously not this simple. People have been trying to explain this for decades and know how geometry works.
@barmalini 17 күн бұрын
Considering that ChatGPT's IQ is somewhere in the low two digits, this says more about the concept of dark matter than they might be comfortable with.
@cFull_Rtrd 15 күн бұрын
or it means chatgpt didn't solve anything. I wish people understood that AI is not a real intelligence.
@krzysztof3352 18 күн бұрын
What about gravitational lensing caused by DM?
@franklinthu 18 күн бұрын
As I have repeatedly mentioned, evidence for DM in gravitational lensing does not mean it must apply to galaxy rotation curves. We don't need DM to explain rotation curves. My own personal thoughts on gravitational lensing evidence is that the matter which is being detected is something like black holes. For example in the bullet cluster example which is made up of many, many galaxies, we know that if there were a black hole in each galaxy it would also just pass right by and be collision less but not show up as visible (just like the purported dark matter). So, I would think that the matter being detected by the lensing is being caused by ordinary matter in black holes. I'm no expert in this and this is only my personal opinion.
@krzysztof3352 18 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu ok;)
@dadsonworldwide3238 18 күн бұрын
We absolutely will compute longitude latitude on earth out as we make our way to moon ,mars stars above. But this 1st position mosaic soul agency primordial self driver of free will inertia to dictate or get mobile in such a frame of reference brings tremendous trickle down to private sector individual liberal power & mastership. Highest order of efficiency and reductionism possible that follows in economics and all agency & institutions would become small coordinators at best under such a paradoxical worldview excersized by all . Be on par with bound up tension in space high energy density infinite sums on smallest scales bottom up rule emerging energetic actors into more ordered frames of reference. 16th century English word hue= Spectrum wavelength in human was always thought to collapse in the minds eye. But once you tie it to cmb x axis for a rule of distance time of measure it gets yoo hoo woo uncertainty. At that time matter / "el"ements pagan approach was disregarded and thought to be more separated from light. Old world macro micro holographic cosmogony really wanted this restoration so Belgium in opposition to newton 70 years later brought it back despite evidence. Mendolov, via east India company hindu all despised the fact spiritual essence was being flipped or erased..very ugly time periods to be alive. Standing on its own merits for astronomy Is good enough but every feild of study shouldn't follow such dialectical vision. We stopped teaching time and place application because they wanted totality time
@dadsonworldwide3238 18 күн бұрын
Redifined frame of reference different from newton .violated what he warns against. Archetypical minds involved has been such a limiting factor for so long that this was repeated in the ancient world calendar counting wars. That they would math map dark matter spirits in the sky when statistical anylitics around planetary body's failed. To fix this with recording ancestors they invoke a methusela equation monds theory of lazy light. Its the results used on different obstacles. Regurgitating rebranding. Treatment of both newtons bucket + machian mass influence to fine tune inertia value seems like a sensible thing to do but it would remove the 4th demension umbrella time and the stochastic approach is a religiousity no one can ever eliminate. What the reformation wanted to get rid of turns out to be something greeko assyrian babyl evolutionary cosmogony that ppl will denounce God and their own mother to protect. Newton details his tool of approximation as such. He warns all about violations of basic language and treating it as 1 to 1 realism with a long spill on qaunta and measure which to be honest einstein violates but also takes his advice on useing our prenticious clocklike view. The result is very useful but its how newton comes up with it is what's really awesome.
@dadsonworldwide3238 18 күн бұрын
In factory precision we see why you can't treat what we see as if the tools of approximation are real 1 to 1. A cutting speed b feed rate fails cos/sin equations all the time even though its sigma 6 worthy enough times in a row. We invoke hidden variables play musical chairs of super position to blame many worlds phase change of blimeshes in the molecular structures or that environmental conditions are to blame for failures. We scrap it and move on because it's profitable to do so
@dadsonworldwide3238 18 күн бұрын
Unfortunately this is inseparable from socio-political economic orders. In short this is all about ( umbrella time model + dialectical vision minds eye hovering over oreintation) Don't care direction it's about controlled time of measure that by default is not thermodynamical time . Taxonomical this economic order and curriculum In all feilds of study went back to pre 1500sad - 900bc-1500s. The very things that caused such trouble in ancient world putting people into servitude as if nature is god governed by devine right rulers physical lawisms control over society to evolve how they see fit.
@dadsonworldwide3238 18 күн бұрын
Freeing servitude useing thermodynamical entropic decay with key to the cosmos #2 richard finneman entangled prayer logic 🙏 1 textualized steam engine 2 factory tested method 3 objective industrial revolution = justfied freeing servitude and profits paid to buy freedom one family at a time then tribe then entire nations. Champion this as cosmogony it would lead to driving up the value of dollars, drive down inflation etc etc See the obstacles your up against with this astronomical prenticious clocklike view umbrella time in space switched back to society 1st position relitive time On earth longitude latitude oreintation and direction ✝️ xyzt tunes all atoms and adams lattice structure.
@franklinthu 18 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, I don't see how what you are saying has any relevancy to the question of dark matter.
@dadsonworldwide3238 18 күн бұрын
@franklinthu you don't see why an language model based on alphabetical exodus married to indo European language trying to solve issac newton formula of why his self defined rules of approximation would be one way while einstein and modern physics feild went another?
@shawns0762 18 күн бұрын
Dark matter is dilated mass. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's the phenomenon our high school teachers were talking about when they said "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". A graph illustrates its squared nature, dilation increases at an exponential rate the closer you get to the speed of light. Time dilation is just one aspect of dilation, it's not just time that gets dilated. Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. This includes the centers of very high mass stars and the overwhelming majority of galaxy centers. The mass at the center of our own galaxy is dilated. This means that there is no valid XYZ coordinate we can attribute to it, you can't point your finger at something that is smeared through spacetime. In other words that mass is all around us. Dilation does not occur in galaxies with low mass centers because they do not have enough mass to achieve relativistic velocities. It has been confirmed in 6 very low mass galaxies including NGC 1052-DF2 and DF4 to have no dark matter. In other words they have normal rotation rates. All binary stars have normal rotation rates for the same reason.
@franklinthu 18 күн бұрын
I would say the observed velocities of under 150 km/s is well under relativistic speeds to cause any contribution due to mass increase.
@shawns0762 18 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu It's not my math that predicts dilation in the centers of very high mass stars and the majority of galaxy centers, it's been accepted for a long time. The best way to understand dilation (sometimes called gamma or y) is to imagine a spaceship traveling at a constant acceleration rate. When the ship reaches 50% light speed, as viewed from an Earthbound observer with a magically powerful telescope, it would appear normal because as the graph shows nothing has changed at that point. When the ship reaches 75% light speed it would appear fuzzy because as the graph shows relativistic effects would be noticeable at that point. When the ship reaches 99% light speed it would not be visible because every aspect of its existence would be smeared through spacetime relative to an Earthbound observer, not onto itself. This is the state of mass in our galactic center. It's not just there, it's everywhere. It's the "missing mass" needed to explain galaxy rotation curves.
@franklinthu 18 күн бұрын
@@shawns0762 Then you should show how the relatively slow speed of 150 km/s results in enough additional mass to create the required missing mass. I personally haven't done the calculations and it is your burden of proof to show this works. I think that this is simply too slow to make any difference, there is no way anything in the galaxy is going to approach 50% the speed of light. It is far more plausible that Newtonian gravity has been misapplied and that the correct application shows that the stars are doing exactly what we should expect for normal gravity. Then we don't have to come up with exotic "magical hacks" like make believe dark matter or inertia or mass dilation to make up the discrepancy.
@shawns0762 18 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu Again, it's been accepted for a long time that dilation is occurring in the centers of very high mass stars and the majority of galaxy centers. The shape of a galaxy is common in nature. From atoms to our solar system, the overwhelming majority of the mass is in the center. 99.8% of the mass in our solar system is in the sun. 99.9% of the mass in an atom is in the nucleus. This indicates 100's of trillions of solar masses at the center of common spiral galaxies. There is no way to know this through observation, the interference alone, dilation alone or gravitational lensing alone would make that virtually impossible.
@shawns0762 18 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu Again, it's been accepted for a long time that dilation is occurring in the centers of very high mass stars and the overwhelming majority of galaxy centers. Einstein explained galaxy rotation curves in the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" - "The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the Schwarzchild singularities (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of General Relativity predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters (star clusters) whose particles move along circular paths it does seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The Schwarzchild singularities do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light." He was referring to dilation. There is no place in the universe where mass is more concentrated than at the center of a galaxy. The mass at the center of our own galaxy is dilated. This means that the mass isn't just there, it's everywhere. It is the "missing mass" needed to explain galaxy rotation curves/dark matter.
@manipulativer 18 күн бұрын
Dark matter was solved by Mike McCulloch - Quantized inertia
@wessla 18 күн бұрын
no, that's just pure bollox. Dark matter can be indirectly observed through gravitational lensing. There is mass we can't see. Either it's not interacting with the EM field. Or there is some mechanism that emerges when there is enough mass in an area.
@manipulativer 18 күн бұрын
@@wessla nope
@franklinthu 18 күн бұрын
This idea would have the same problem as modified gravity because it would predict all galaxies would have the dark matter anomaly if it were just a matter of slower rotational speeds. However, the presence of 6 galaxies with no dark matter at all rules out such solutions. So quantized inertia cannot explain these galaxies.
@franklinthu 18 күн бұрын
Observation of dark matter through gravitational lensing of things such as the bullet cluster is another completely different way of inferring that dark matter is real. Perhaps in these different cases, a dark matter is still required, but for the case of galaxy rotational curves, it isn't needed anymore and shouldn't be associated with gravitational lensing evidence.
@manipulativer 18 күн бұрын
@@franklinthu nope MOND needs arbitrary numbers to work out, Mike McCulloch formula explains more than 100 galaxy rotations. The lensing thing is curious but given his formulas work in laboratory segments where electron inertia is used as propulsion gives credence to his model.
@SuperFinGuy 18 күн бұрын
Have you considered to put electricity into the equation? BTW a galaxy is not a disk, it is a torus, a plasmoid. This can be seen if viewed from the side. Also in science you can't assume the flat disk calculation is right without verifying it.
@wessla 18 күн бұрын
The matter in a galaxy does not form a torus field. The galactic nucleus in the center of a galaxy does form a torus like structure.
@franklinthu 18 күн бұрын
What would electricity have to do with the gravity equations? There would seem to be no relation. Although, I personally think that gravity is based upon the electrostatic force, so there is a basic connection at that level. But for the purposes of calculating gravitational forces, it is unnecessary.
@franklinthu 18 күн бұрын
Actually galaxies come in all shapes and sizes. I don't think I've seen one that looks like a donut torus, so I wouldn't say that galaxies are torus in shape. When viewed from the side, most galaxies look like a ball surrounded by a flat disk and this is how most people calculate the gravitational force as being the sum of the two shapes.
@franklinthu 18 күн бұрын
I would agree that you can't assume ANY calculation is right without verifying it. This is the main problem with using the spherical gravitational law without verifying it. If you apply a calculation and you get the "wrong" answer, then I would think it is much more likely that your calculation is wrong and you should revisit the assumptions of your calculation than to propose make-believe dark matter that you can't see to make up the difference.
@SuperFinGuy 18 күн бұрын
@@wessla Look up hourglass galaxies. Some galaxies have more radial mass than others but they all form a torus.
@grzesiek1x 21 күн бұрын
Chinese kits are very annoying ! Always , ALWAYS there is something fuc... up really!! And now it costs almost 40 $ hahahha Chinese don't want or can't learn on mistakes really. They sell the same crap over and over again and they don't even try to improve it or anything which always makes me wonder why... it could be a really great kit if improved a little bit, adding a good instruction and checked by someone with RF knowledge etc. It is just a waste of money really. Fu.. Chinese crap. I stopped buying from China apart from very simple things that I know will always work, like some cables maybe or something like that and straight from the original factory at least.
@Me2-l4m 22 күн бұрын
Use an air preheater before it hits the coils In other words don't let the air hit the coils cooler than 52°. Crude oil heaters preheat the oil before it hits the burner so it can be burned for fuel In this case you just be preheating the air let me know how it goes
@franklinyoutubehu2349 22 күн бұрын
I did try various things like shining a heat lamp on the coils, but that only resulted in melting the plastic grill. Of course the main problem is that you are using more energy to do the preheating than you would save by using a heat pump. The only thing that seemed effective and economical was to just run the fan over the coil to defrost it. I also tried various things like allowing the warmer inside air to flow to the outside coils to defrost it, but no matter what you did, it would effectively stop working at below about 40 F degrees outside. For a heat pump to work below 40F requires the big new hi-tech inverter units that work to -5F and still output rated heat. I got Mr Cool heat pump and it works great below freezing (see my other video).
@rolandcollins1427 26 күн бұрын
would a dehumidifier work as a heat pump
@heatherwiggins7502 26 күн бұрын
If the passenger side does not release on the top, how can I fix that? I see that you mentioned a bicycle wire.
@franklinyoutubehu2349 26 күн бұрын
At 2:56, I mentioned I fixed the driver side. The passenger side can be adjusted in a similar manner to make it shorter or longer so it will release. There is an adjustment that you can turn.
@heatherwiggins7502 26 күн бұрын
⁠ I am trying to learn this car. My dad passed away almost two years ago and he left me his pride and joy, his Vette. She sat up for about 2 years because he was not able to maintain her. I just brought the car back and the driver side of the top is released in the back but the passenger side will not release. When I pull on the release there is no tension to release either side. I was just wondering if you could guide me on how to replace the cables. I noticed that you mentioned replacing the cables with a bicycle cable. I just was not sure how to do that.
@heatherwiggins7502 26 күн бұрын
The hatch will release but not the top.
@heatherwiggins7502 26 күн бұрын
If the passenger side does not release on the top, how can I fix that? I see that you mentioned a bicycle wire.
@dianewhitaker8668 Ай бұрын
I have one , best RV, 18 miles gal. You just taught me things. I'm on vacation each time I drive it. Mine is now for sale in Florida, just got a travel trailer.
@MrTriplenicklesix Ай бұрын
Spray water on your experiment like the oceans on earth. Good luck!
@NichaelCramer Ай бұрын
Sigh…^3 OK, gravitational time-dilation is an extremely well-established phenomenon. (For example it is necessary for the GPS on your phone to work.) Explain how your model provides for -or explains- gravitational time-dilation,
@NichaelCramer Ай бұрын
Sigh…^2 OK, explain how your model allows for “gravitational” black holes. (That is, purely “electromagnetic black holes” can easily be shown to be impossible. That is, as an example consider a strongly positively charged body. As the body approached “electromagnetic black-hole-ness”, its repulsion of positive charges would approach infinity near its “surface”. At the same, its attraction of negatively charged particles would approach infinity. Consequently the body would be strongly driven to become electrically neutral. Which, according to your model means it would lose gravitational attraction.)
@NichaelCramer Ай бұрын
Sigh…. OK, so the Earth is surrounded by HUGE electromagnetic fields (look up the Earth’s magnetic fields, add to that the charged particles in the solar wind, etc, etc) 1] Explain why this doesn’t completely disrupt any calculations of the Earth’s gravitational field according to your model. 2] Assuming you try to explain why (for example) something like “two fields cancel out -or combine- - in *exactly* the right way to yield the observed gravitational field of the Earth, then explain how Mars (whose electromagnetic fields are completely negligible compared to that of the Earth) has a gravitational field whose intensity is exactly the same as the Earth’s (that is as derived just from their masses in the standard way).
@wowi1802 Ай бұрын
does a charged balloon fall faster? slower or the same?
@franklinyoutubehu2349 Ай бұрын
In my experiments using a Van DeGraff generate positively charged soap bubbles, the initial experiments appear to show them moving upwards compared to uncharged bubbles, but it is very difficult to do this experiment in a consistent manner with it working sometimes and not at others.
@wowi1802 Ай бұрын
@@franklinyoutubehu2349 that is the opposite of what i would expect.. maybe because of the heat created by the energy changes the size/density
@wowi1802 Ай бұрын
could try it with hard plastic ball that cant expand. or a foam ball perhaps.. what do you think?
@JN-se4ok Ай бұрын
Honestly this video needs way more attention. So many cleaning ways out there that are not only stressful for the rabbit, but such a hassle too. This is simple, easy, and barely if at all any stress whatsoever for the rabbit (and human)!
@SalmanAlOtaibi-bo2ol Ай бұрын
Can u help me in Arabic and if I give my bunny bath he gets really tired Make a tutorial!
@NightSkywalker69 2 ай бұрын
I want this car because it’s one of the last modern convertibles with a manual top. I don’t like all the extra electronic garbage, and I don’t mind manual tops. It’s on my wishlist of cars.
@fz259 2 ай бұрын
Yep, I didn't leave the fairgrounds without buying one myself. Have back problems, and this targeted the area as you mentioned.
@patriots5628 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video pretty good idea lol I don't walk on my floors at all with shoes and that has pretty much kept my white rabbits whitest can be even their little furry bottoms of their paws. I have to shave some of the fur off of their bottom of their paws as well and I'm not sure if anybody else is realized they have to do that or maybe just my white rabbits because The fur grows pretty thick on the bottom of their paws and I'm wondering if it gets uncomfortable for them after a while so I trim them down and they're happy and they're white so it's easy to see that they're clean lol
@H3II0L0V3RBO1YT 2 ай бұрын
What did you use to trim their fur? I was considering doing this with how dirty my rabbits bum is but i dont know whether to just slowly clean it. I dont want to scare her
@brainstringham9236 2 ай бұрын
Omg. Auxiliary is when your unit can’t keep up with very cold weather and the electric back up heat kicks in. You don’t want to see auxiliary flash on your t stat. Your electric bill will be very high if it does. How was your charge when you checked it with your gauges. Were there any left. Haha
@ceeweedsl 2 ай бұрын
I think you have put your finger on what a lot of us are experiencing. In mine, the cannister is breathing ok but there is gas in the lines to it and it won't fill. Also fumes. Clearly not venting from the tank. I can disconnect the hose to the cannister and it just dumps gas. Being a 2002 EV, it is more complicated and there is a set of hoses going up the fill tube for additional venting during fueling, I think. I imagine that the gas backs up, enters the fill tube vent as it shuts off the nozzle and then gets trapped at the rollover or the other actuated valve and can't reenter the tank as it normally would. I'm going to try pressurizing this line as you say. A little harder due to all the hoses in the 2002 but hopefully I can pull it off and won't have to drop the tank in a campground! I've used my 12v tire pump to air out the cannister before when it had gas and it's a nice little tool when on the road.
@mikochild2 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@bobsaget3369 2 ай бұрын
Do you wait til the paint is dry til you heat it up with iron thing , I applied the iron but the paint came right off
@franklinyoutubehu2349 2 ай бұрын
No, you apply it wet. If it came off, then your iron probably wasn't hot enough.
@bubba9648 2 ай бұрын
Awesome info. Thanks for the help.
3 ай бұрын
Mine stopped working very quickly (a few months). The screen has lost all the contrast and it's practically unusable. Too expensive for such a short lifespan. Has anyone tried to dismount it??
@franklinyoutubehu2349 3 ай бұрын
See the other review made by the commenter below where it was taken apart
@littlelamb7890 3 ай бұрын
@CubanMofo 3 ай бұрын
Mrcool brand is bad LoL Mine broke down a bunch of times then i had to replace it with a good well known reliable company.
@franklinyoutubehu2349 3 ай бұрын
I'd be curious to know exactly what broke down and were you able to get warranty repair. It is totally unclear how warrantee issues would be handled.
@CubanMofo 3 ай бұрын
Evaporator coil got a major leak after only 6 months. Warranty sent the coil weeks later. I had to pay the shipping. and the same thing happened again. So I had to pay a technician twice for that install plus twice had to refill the freon. I already spent more than what the unit is worth. Plus I had to go weeks with no AC. Then finally the compressor went out in less than year. These Mrcool are made in China @franklinyoutubehu2349
@srtowner 3 ай бұрын
Almost all HVAC units are made one China. Usually the issues are install related.​@@CubanMofo
@CubanMofo 3 ай бұрын
No they're not. Only the cheap unknown brands like this one are made in china​@@srtowner
@srtowner 3 ай бұрын
Believe what you want, but you are wrong.​@@CubanMofo