@AzariusR 10 сағат бұрын
People kinda think its the true ending for the Halpha arc, and that we are probably moving to Nameless City hub as that was an intact ARKS Ship?
@依神姉妹教信者零星レス 14 сағат бұрын
マルス固定となる第2形態は人によっては悪戦苦闘(ガード出来るニズヘッグ+ハイドラ[回復弾のみ使用]の組み合わせ以外だと更に厳しい)難所だけど、サビ的な部分が戦闘中でも口ずさみたくなる心地よいリズムの曲の熱さやクロフォード等のブーストがかかる連絡応援演出もあってマルスを扱うのは苦手だけど一番好きな戦闘形態BGMでリピートしまくる…! そこだけを取り上げた耐久BGMとかあったら良いなぁ…🤔 W烏賊との第1形態も ようこそヴァエルパークドッタンバッタン大騒ぎ で派手なだけでパターンは慣れると読み易いし、ラストのバイオハザードの追跡者(BSAA連呼する、ロケランでないと倒せないアイツ)みたいなアークスアークス連呼する最終フェーズは実質消化試合だから実際ヴァエルで最高潮に盛り上がるのはマルス固定の第2〜3形態だと思う🤔
@ast5521 17 сағат бұрын
@デュアルサイド 23 сағат бұрын
後半戦のBGMの明るさは、古き良きセガ(ソニック辺りのノリ)って感じで大変良かったです! 個人的に仮面ライダーの大ファンなので、トドメがライダーキックなのも結構好きですw
@holly.sekihara 23 сағат бұрын
知り合いに徒花感があると言われたw 登場シーンといい、わざとそう作ってるのかも
@tukap1807 23 сағат бұрын
〈動画説明内にも追記していますが、暫定の歌詞、和訳できる方がおられたらお願いします🙏時間できたタイミングでこちらも字幕追加します。〉 後半部分の暫定歌詞 Shattered skies call our names Through the void we stand strong A scar tells the tales of a fight The flames rise higher... In the struggle fading into dark With trembling hands we strike to bring it all down As we falter with grief But we won't back down no matter the cost ahead Steel and shadows meet in countless attacks A deep promise to the lost Their spirits remain Courage seeps, it never fades away And this is unbreakable Through every storm's embrace, endure, pressing on- Lift your heads up, never bow to dark The gleam of hope that breaks the dark night Our souls unite, with the true stars You seize the dawn, the light is ours to claim Unyielding through our trials Our strength is forged with new power in hands Can you see us there pushin' ahead? Feel the spark now Grab the light clear And let sunlight ignite the sky Embrace this world Givin' us life Memories of them turn us to blazing light To keep our hearts from fading away Now we tear down the chains of endless pain For all, our fate aligns with the stars Bound by hope, we'll prevail ...til' the end! インスト Fallen stars call your name Through the dust we fight back Whatever the cost just to break through The winds grow wilder The time and space have twisted all You hear the voices calling through the storm Who gave their all to save the world So we just see clear now past all the fear ahead Bravery and darkness clash in this war Our bond with this endless light, unbroken still Now you truly see how much it means To unite as one So our power is infinite with them all Hold it tight "Turn your gaze up, never lost your dream" The stars have oh softly whispered to us Our spirits unite with the pure will We chase the light that's ours to take and keep Overcoming the odds New might will stand Forging our strengths We rise from the dark Let our heartbeat mark time and space Feel the air now So tense all around The next strikes will bring The Whole New World Making your might all turn to blades That these sharp blades to strike down our foes To keep what's dear from fallin' apart In this new gear we head for glowing future, of us Our fate aligns with the stars Driven by hope we'll press on... ...'til the end! インスト Steel and shadows meet in countless attacks A deep promise to the lost Their spirits remain Now you truly see how much it means To unite as one So our power is infinite with them all Hold it tight インスト "Turn your gaze up, never lost your dream" The stars have oh softly whispered to us Our spirits unite with the pure will We chase the light that's ours to take and keep Overcoming the odds New might will stand Forging our strengths We rise from the dark Let our heartbeat mark time and space Lift your heads up, never bow to dark The gleam of hope that breaks the dark night Our souls unite, with the true stars You seize the dawn, the light is ours to claim Unyielding through our trials Our strength is forged with new power in hands Can you see us there pushin' ahead? Feel the spark now Grab the light clear And let sunlight ignites the sky Embrace this world, giving us life Memories of them turn us to blazing light To keep what's dear from fallin' apart In this new gear we head for glowing future, of us Our fate aligns with the stars Driven by hope we'll press on ...'til the end!
@tukap1807 23 сағат бұрын
〈動画説明内にも追記していますが、暫定の歌詞、和訳できる方がおられたらお願いします🙏時間できたタイミングでこちらも字幕追加します。〉 後半部分の暫定歌詞 Shattered skies call our names Through the void we stand strong A scar tells the tales of a fight The flames rise higher... In the struggle fading into dark With trembling hands we strike to bring it all down As we falter with grief But we won't back down no matter the cost ahead Steel and shadows meet in countless attacks A deep promise to the lost Their spirits remain Courage seeps, it never fades away And this is unbreakable Through every storm's embrace, endure, pressing on- Lift your heads up, never bow to dark The gleam of hope that breaks the dark night Our souls unite, with the true stars You seize the dawn, the light is ours to claim Unyielding through our trials Our strength is forged with new power in hands Can you see us there pushin' ahead? Feel the spark now Grab the light clear And let sunlight ignite the sky Embrace this world Givin' us life Memories of them turn us to blazing light To keep our hearts from fading away Now we tear down the chains of endless pain For all, our fate aligns with the stars Bound by hope, we'll prevail ...til' the end! インスト Fallen stars call your name Through the dust we fight back Whatever the cost just to break through The winds grow wilder The time and space have twisted all You hear the voices calling through the storm Who gave their all to save the world So we just see clear now past all the fear ahead Bravery and darkness clash in this war Our bond with this endless light, unbroken still Now you truly see how much it means To unite as one So our power is infinite with them all Hold it tight "Turn your gaze up, never lost your dream" The stars have oh softly whispered to us Our spirits unite with the pure will We chase the light that's ours to take and keep Overcoming the odds New might will stand Forging our strengths We rise from the dark Let our heartbeat mark time and space Feel the air now So tense all around The next strikes will bring The Whole New World Making your might all turn to blades That these sharp blades to strike down our foes To keep what's dear from fallin' apart In this new gear we head for glowing future, of us Our fate aligns with the stars Driven by hope we'll press on... ...'til the end! インスト Steel and shadows meet in countless attacks A deep promise to the lost Their spirits remain Now you truly see how much it means To unite as one So our power is infinite with them all Hold it tight インスト "Turn your gaze up, never lost your dream" The stars have oh softly whispered to us Our spirits unite with the pure will We chase the light that's ours to take and keep Overcoming the odds New might will stand Forging our strengths We rise from the dark Let our heartbeat mark time and space Lift your heads up, never bow to dark The gleam of hope that breaks the dark night Our souls unite, with the true stars You seize the dawn, the light is ours to claim Unyielding through our trials Our strength is forged with new power in hands Can you see us there pushin' ahead? Feel the spark now Grab the light clear And let sunlight ignites the sky Embrace this world, giving us life Memories of them turn us to blazing light To keep what's dear from fallin' apart In this new gear we head for glowing future, of us Our fate aligns with the stars Driven by hope we'll press on ...'til the end!
@Ideal-lovelink-Alicia Күн бұрын
@ふきげんぐりむ Күн бұрын
千年はPSO2の世界であっても果てしない時だと思う。 色々なものが様変わりしてるだろうけれど、ガーディアンの元には変わらず沢山の人が駆けつけてくれますね。
@ハルゥチェ Күн бұрын
共感できる方少ないかもしれませんが、ヴァイオリンの使い方が日本ファルコムの軌跡シリーズと似てて凄く感動しました笑 NGSってRPGなんだなぁ、、と再び感動を味わった気分になりましたねェ
@テル-d9n Күн бұрын
@おもち-p9y Күн бұрын
流石に神曲すぎる これできちんとヴァエルに関するストーリーがあればもっと盛り上がってたと思うんやけどなぁ…
@Void-institution.mokotan Күн бұрын
@Void-institution.mokotan Күн бұрын
1:28 あのテーマのワンフレーズ!
@Sanjixoxo Күн бұрын
Peak pso right here
@mai_yuki Күн бұрын
@kuny_zatuch Күн бұрын
19:36 すこ。
@yugamyon Күн бұрын
19:36 このあたりからのループメロディーテンポがめっちゃ好き
@なまたらこ Күн бұрын
@sweetcakesch Күн бұрын
@ひむすん-l4i Күн бұрын
@to-bari Күн бұрын
@to-bari Күн бұрын
後半戦になってからずっと激熱の曲調が続くのが好き ヴァエルも派手な攻撃連発してくるし戦ってて凄く楽しい
@space_ninja_chikuwa Күн бұрын
なんか他ゲーできいたことあるようなフレーズが…気のせいかな。 まだ戦ってないけどこの曲に合わせて踊るのがたのしみだ。
@きんさん-n9l Күн бұрын
希望溢れる勝ち確BGMで泣いちまった。 ラストのマトイ達過去キャラ出してくれたの感極まった。
@Dil-dil-dild0 Күн бұрын
マジで神クエストだったし曲も最高やった もっとこういうのやりたいから終わらんでくれー!
@darksidemorel Күн бұрын
@mickbotcast Күн бұрын
Feel like I was in robot anime opening
@サンショウウオの妖精 Күн бұрын
処刑用bgmだけは期待を裏切らないよな!!これ流れた時鳥肌凄かった( ˘ω˘ )
@メスケモ化布教教祖 Күн бұрын
これ、ラスト男安藤だと滅茶苦茶映えてカッコいいと思う。 やっぱトドメはキックよなぁ!
@vaito3 Күн бұрын
@Melonpoid 5 күн бұрын
@ミックスジュース-d7h 7 күн бұрын
ランク上がっていく毎に記憶を思い出していく感じが熱い 感動しながらプレイしてる
@mirai2019_YT 10 күн бұрын
10:22 からEP5 テーマ
@Xx早瀬ユウカxX 18 күн бұрын
@pfa6684 19 күн бұрын
/toge アンコール
@pipi-s3s 19 күн бұрын
NGSを一旦出来ない状態にして、こっちに戻すこととかできないのかなぁって思ってしまう、、 全盛期に戻りたい泣
@tenkunoymina 21 күн бұрын
@スィールアリア 21 күн бұрын
最終まで到達したけど……弱い!w 1発即死はやりすぎかもしれないけど、2撃決殺くらいの緊張感がほしい!あと行動にちょこちょこ挟む間をなくして!オメガみたいに流れるように怒涛の連撃捌くのが楽しいんじゃ!w
@nulldog1871 19 күн бұрын
@なし-b4r 21 күн бұрын
0:00 戦闘開始、不気味な脅威 2:06 アークスまだ劣勢 5:12 戦況好転、反転攻勢へ 8:19 活路 9:21 星の守護者たち 10:25 And You
@to-bari 22 күн бұрын
@23094 22 күн бұрын
BGMありがとうございます 一つ気になる所ですが 闇の暴王はヴァエルのことじゃない?って
@ハルゥチェ 14 күн бұрын
@23094 14 күн бұрын
@@ハルゥチェ 「達」は闇の暴王自身+他の人と解釈してた すみません
@rikusukemmd4195 22 күн бұрын
@なんでも聞いてくれるマトイちゃん 22 күн бұрын
@ast5521 22 күн бұрын
@Videmacio 22 күн бұрын
It all sounds the same to me. .... Much like my non-whale, no-luck gear, it all looks the same to me.
@アオ-w9d 22 күн бұрын
@to-bari 22 күн бұрын
@えすのさばきU_v0x0v_666 22 күн бұрын
戦闘前bgmの切なげなピアノまじでエモくて不思議な気分になって最高。 ところで1000年前はこれを999階層までやってたって苦行すぎないか(NGSゆとり世代並感)
@karzinom66 22 күн бұрын
BGMが神だったから曲聞きに通ってたみたいになってたなぁ。 100階時点「これ何階まであるんだ?」→300階時点「流石に500階で終わるかな?」→500階時点「あ、これ1000階まであるな(白目)」→600階時点「モーションの追加が無い・・・だと・・・(絶望)」→700階時点「気づいたら被ダメ0安定してきちゃった」→998階「あと1・2階かなぁ、それとも9999階とかまであるんかなぁ?へへへ」→999階「うひょー!白ーい!」→なんか物足りないから複数クラス使ってもうちょい通うか~ って感じだったね。
@Ideal-lovelink-Alicia 20 күн бұрын
@えすのさばきU_v0x0v_666 20 күн бұрын
@@Ideal-lovelink-Alicia 何階層あたりからキツかったですか…?
@volst1416 19 күн бұрын
@@えすのさばきU_v0x0v_666 999だけ攻撃力が打射40341452、法66666666になって何食らっても一撃死だった
@lv1636 19 күн бұрын