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5 ай бұрын
Just when I thought I was out..
the journey to a mount
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this is why we play the game
arcane mage in retail vs classic
@vadimgutu4006 Күн бұрын
I like classic more, TBC in particular.
@user-oe4uw9cm5v 2 күн бұрын
0:30 11111111111111
@jemo7059 2 күн бұрын
I still play classic almost everyday and I love it. I take my time, sometimes I turn all addons off and I read all the quests and try to figure shit out by myself. A real rpg. Retail is really just an arcade game at this point
@KarlPedal-qu7hu 2 күн бұрын
Lirly playing the new starfall classic ot-server without any addons and volume on, feels clean somehow and immersive
@puppylord5459 4 күн бұрын
i like the classic one more guy looks like he is having fun in a video game
@Coaltiger2024 5 күн бұрын
Been queued for days and not one bg has popped. Completely dead before 50. And at 50 all are premades
@SkyeeYee 5 күн бұрын
PvP in wow retail is dead. They premade in random epics mostly. It’s weird. I still enjoy play but blitz gotta do something before PvP becomes actual dead content
@Sithlord43 5 күн бұрын
Bro instead of complaining play something else don’t make a video on how PvP sucks and then join a match and not even play and help your team because your too busy making a youtube video and on top of that you fucking leave lol 🤡
@IvMrNayfeenvI 5 күн бұрын
I believe PvP is dead in SoD and Blizzard are comfortable to let that be the case. I'm an Arms Warrior on Horde who ONLY enjoys PvP. I only PvE to get gear and then I'm in BGs. However playing a warrior in PvP without a pocket healer is worse than any experience I've ever had in WoW. This game was made for casters and only casters when it comes to PvP. I believe they've only focused on PvE balance and whenever that it the case, PvP dies. You can't have some classes applying dots that are ticking for 20% of your life and then have Warriors hitting 8% with Mortal Strike.... Anyone who wants to PvP in SoD needs to give up and go play Cata. Cata PvP is incredible at the moment, it'll die in Season 10 but right now, it's decent.
@Another_Dusk 5 күн бұрын
Fire mage in wotlk : literally 3 spell + pyrotechnic proc
@Lemarcqgaming 5 күн бұрын
As a horde on SOD, the problem is not Premade the problem is, you only get Qeues if u are in a group of 3 to 5 because you have to wait 2 to 3hours for a BG to pop or 40minutes if you are in a premade, we just LFM AB/WSG and invite random guys. We also fight Alliance premades alot, but i think the problem is that you only get in BGs as horde if you premade. it sucks iknow but what do you want us to do, not enough alliance are Qeueing for BGs and i keep fighting the same teams when we do get Qeues. (teams in, same players not entirely sure if those are premade or not)
@tubesism 5 күн бұрын
Why would anyone do bgs when all the rep rewards can be gained through SoD events? Quite frankly casual players are unlikely to do more than a couple bgs for fun, and the ones who play bgs alot tend to do so for rewards. Players like us who just like to pvp are a minority and suffer for SoD's design decisions. It's why I quit in P3. You either queue as a premade, or you go do stv because otherwise you're basically wasting your time. These premades you're queueing into are actually a minority. I actually like premades. The most fun I had in SoD was P1 when EVERYONE was premading wsg. The premade vs premade games were super competitive and incredibly fun! Unfortunately ranking is so piss easy and the rep grind is so trivialized that by P2 the premade scene was actually killed from a hardcore player perspective. At the same time, enough people still made premades that the casual players still get bullied. SoD literally gives you the worst experience from all angles if you're a pvp oriented player. Open world pvp is awful due to the power creep. Dueling is ok, but not nearly as balanced as regular era and the level caps limited your tools for months! The Bgs are trivialized by the events, and the events are laggy zergfests with super shallow objectives and a meta that isn't very satisfying. Most pvp oriented players are not happy with SoD at all!
@5csandaskunk 5 күн бұрын
Horde here. For 99% of phase 3 horde crushed WSG, I'd say 70/30. Both teams were usually comprised of two 5 man teams. Some comps were good, some comps neither team brought a healer. However, recently horde has a 0% win rate, queueing into perfected 10 man alliance groups. If the faction with the lower pvp population group queues with 10 they'll get an instant pop and easy win.
@oleg.helgwar 6 күн бұрын
Those are not premades. I play Horde and we are forced to queue in 5 man groups which are just 5 random people regardless of their gear, class, spec. It's our soloqueue. The reason you end up against the same people is because 5man groups usually go 2-3 rounds and then disband.
@Iam18 6 күн бұрын
I feel like this is a song as old as time and the reason why PVP has always been a super insanely small niche of players. It's just not remotely balanced. Pick up a long lasting PVP game like a moba or FPS(or pick up chess or a sport irl), that has lasted over a decade and continues to grow, use that as your competitive PVP outlet, then come back to WoW for NPC killing or casual PVP outlet every few months of the year.
@jasonmorgan27 6 күн бұрын
Premades have always been the number 1 problem since 2004. How the fuck can you ever justify 5, 10, 15, 40 people hand picked on gear/ balanced group of healers and dps, all on fucking comms vs. a rando group getting slaughtered every time. They should have ALWAYS had a group que meaning more. Than one player or str8 single que PERIOD.
@deadkold 6 күн бұрын
sod sucks balls for pvp, p1 was amazing, been lame since then
@Kavou 7 күн бұрын
You can clearly see who is having fun here.
@HolyFrenchFrog 7 күн бұрын
we struggle with druids exploiting terrain in wsg
@Ross_2312 7 күн бұрын
I hate that. Both factions have terrain exploits though. I did fc a lot on my way to exalted, but refused to exploit. It’s against rules and instantly turns a game one sided unless both teams have people doing it.
@HolyFrenchFrog 7 күн бұрын
@@Ross_2312 thank you for your wise words, i wish we could all think like that
@Ross_2312 7 күн бұрын
@@HolyFrenchFrog thank you for your comments on my video =]
@Sinful-Princess69 7 күн бұрын
There is a reason why PvP has lost all views and there is little to no competitive scene left. It's all about Raids and Mythic Keys.
@dimitarpetrovski2102 7 күн бұрын
SoD is for zombies
@kylestolte3282 7 күн бұрын
Because there are less alliance queing, and more horde queing, it forces horde to fill 5 man teams in order to have 15-30 min group que times as opposed to 1-1.5 hour solo que. It is typically just coincidence if the separate 5 man teams are from the same server appearing to be a “full premade”.
@Ross_2312 7 күн бұрын
Interesting. I didnt consider people joining groups to cut down their queue time. I have a hard time believing i keep getting 3 random 5 man groups always from the same server though. Definitely possible though 🤷‍♂️. Thanks for giving me some perspective!
@kylestolte3282 7 күн бұрын
@@Ross_2312 it certainly is still possible to sync ques and join at the exact same time to create a full 10 or 15, but it is pretty rare. Most 5 mans are just LFG pugs of randoms trying to farm honor or reputation. I play horde and have entered a match full from my server many times because there are that many 5 mans queing.
@fkaroundhandleit 7 күн бұрын
It's the fking worst for allys. The game is insanely unbalanced. In the beginning it seemed to be ok. I played horde and it was fair, but switched to ally with someone, and ally never wins now. Blizz needs to stop the abuse of premading. The beginning of the week we kept getting premades that kept fking up, so we'd get 5 - 9 allys against a full stack if not it'd be the horde that fkd up, so the game would just end, cause not enough players within the time limit....
@inkbyfrank 7 күн бұрын
can anyone explain to me why 90% of the players in this game live an breathe for a 2-button NPC killing rotation once a week and that´s all that matters to them? literally grown ups who gets excited to do a toddler level of complexity in a game. what the f is this?? PvP premade vs premade is insanely fun to participate in and also to watch. i dont get why that isnt the focus in this game. PvP in general. pathetic devs and gamer dads
@fkaroundhandleit 7 күн бұрын
Cause people don't want to put in work. They want the purple/oranges to flex on people. The game is fk'd up, community is beyond a lost cause. I can't wait for all the ''You can't come andys'. Need X ilvl more than the content you're doing...People love to get carried.
@inkbyfrank 7 күн бұрын
@@fkaroundhandleit true words. SoD had so much potential, but like you said, this community is beyond words. Alliance human male cloak and helm wearing roleplaying dads afk’ing in bg’s and 50% rerolled shamans on horde. Can’t wait for p4 guys..
@helloitschris88 7 күн бұрын
"90% of players play PvE" ...... "blizzard should focus PvP". Like what?
@sfbenji 7 күн бұрын
SoD PvP is sadly an afterthought for the devs. I wish they put more effort into balancing it and adding more battlegrounds and pvp activities but they've openly said it's not the focus for SoD. This is probably why so few people participate in PvP, and the ones that do care about it go horde because their racials are better for PvP and shamans are straight up better than pallies. If you're looking for some casual, classic style PvP, then I'd say Cata Classic would probably be better right now because there's just more to do and more people PvPing. Phase 4 SoD will definitely be bringing some people back though.
@Ross_2312 7 күн бұрын
Was definitely thinking of trying cata. Was going to potentially make a whole video trying pvp in the different versions of the game, to see what game version has the best “casual pvp experience”
@japetox 7 күн бұрын
get a group this isnt a single player game
@Ross_2312 7 күн бұрын
@LycheenutOWL 5 күн бұрын
Yeah! Fuck being able to que a few games after work and relax out of voice chat!
@Pablochette98 8 күн бұрын
this video is one of the reasons i prefer retail wow. Bgs are way more fun to play
@Ross_2312 8 күн бұрын
Yeah I have thought about doing a whole video where i try to figure out which version of the game has the best “casual pvp experience.” I have a feeling its retail lol
@Solklar 8 күн бұрын
Haha true, I will never go back to mythic raiding. I find it way too boring / frustrating wiping 50-500 times on prog when I can just chill and have fun in classic
@Ross_2312 8 күн бұрын
Do Horde players struggle with premades as much as Alliance on Season of Discovery? My excitement for p4 has been snuffed out...
@tubesism 5 күн бұрын
I played on the horde side all P1 and P2. We had a similar problem except also our queues were hella long P2. The problem is there simply isn't enough incentive for a casual to do bgs except for fun, and that gets snuffed out when the casuals try it and realize it ain't actually that fun... SoD is a raidlog/parsing season.
@tljftw 9 күн бұрын
@tsolanoff 10 күн бұрын
Shitty comparison. Priest in heirlooms and naked druid… By the way, there are movies about classic low levels chars wearing top greens with high level enchants annihilating mobs.
@Ross_2312 9 күн бұрын
Well first, its a joke. Second, check out part two where i do the same thing on retail naked cause everyone cried about heirlooms
@blacksunshine9995 10 күн бұрын
How you guys can juat look at the two examples and ever want to play classic is beyond me. Yeah it's a bit of a rush and a little overpowered leveling in retail, but it is far more enjoyable than dying to two mobs and the awful slow grind to 60. Seriously, the cope that you guys have is amazing. I get it, the world felt bigger and it felt like you were a small fish in a big pond, but this kind of gameplay was horrible even back then when people had 10 hours a day to play the game. Nobody likes the slow grind and you're deluding yourself into thinking you actually like it.
@fallenmercury 11 күн бұрын
People see that classic gameplay and think its good HOLY 🤣
@Silly_Illidan 11 күн бұрын
U can't win with an argument with idiots. Evolve the game play over the years: this meme. Don't evolve the gameplay: Blizzard is dead. No improvements!
@Ross_2312 11 күн бұрын
I personally think blizzard has done an amazing job evolving the game to keep it relevant. Some people like to complain just to complain. Thats part of why i made this video, to make fun of both sides.
@Silly_Illidan 11 күн бұрын
Blizzard: let's make a mmo so that the players can play in any camera angle they want. I'm sure many are fed up with the overhead hovering angle. This guy:
@shahaman5694 12 күн бұрын
That is why Classic is better. Being overpowered with time becomes very boring and monotonous.
@bigboyhooga2776 14 күн бұрын
This is exactly how I feel after I got my PHD in arcane mage
@MrManaraSou 14 күн бұрын
The world being dangerous meant that you had to party with others. That is the biggest loss of retail imo.
@Ross_2312 11 күн бұрын
True. I do think retails pacing makes sense in the current state of the game, but you lose the charm of mmos when you make everything soloable. Some quests/mobs were supposed to be too hard to solo to encourage group play.
@FlockofSmeagles 14 күн бұрын
I suppose by comparison, yeah. Though, it's all relevant. Because I consider the colosseum of fools in Hollow knight to be much, much harder than even Arthus in Sepulcher. Shit, even prof putricide from ICC is as hard as current WoW. It really isn't that bad.
@silentsoul7015 14 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂 ору
@emeraldPipers 16 күн бұрын
I just can't process retail.
@CounterTheAnimatorocn1 16 күн бұрын
I remember playing a dwarf paladin and fighting off (successfully) 4 mobs in dun morogh. I felt like a superhero about it even though my character was a no one in the world. Not something you can do on retail. But retail will make sure you get called a champion, hero, commander etc…
@Ross_2312 11 күн бұрын
Thats my biggest gripe of modern wow.. we are the “savior of azeroth” “champion” “hero.” There are millions of players, nobody is supposed to be the main character in this genre of game.
@da_tho 16 күн бұрын
@paymox 16 күн бұрын
wow is shit
@Lol-gx4zm 16 күн бұрын
skill issue
@user-uh7jn2hm5c 17 күн бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/fnKxd3mvbJZ3ptU @desciption
@coomercommander2554 17 күн бұрын
now show retail raiding vs classic raiding
@unknownperson2422 17 күн бұрын
Classic isnt Classic anymore. Its Retail again. Blizzard is full or idiots who dont know what Classic Means.
@fire3985 17 күн бұрын
Depends on how good you are too
@allnamesaretakenb4 18 күн бұрын
Ye, Classic good, retail bad 😢
@1337GRM 18 күн бұрын
jpp trop vrai