Incredible transformation. Very awsome. I am a fan of bald back and sides. Well done barber.
@robverschuren399919 күн бұрын
Well done barber! Awsome haircut however the skinfade could be higher upto or over his crownarea for an more clean and fresh result. The front is perfect.
@robverschuren399925 күн бұрын
Thanks for posting skinfade haircuts. As an 17 year old young man i worship very high skinfades with bald back and sides with zero faded crown. For myself i get every two weeks such a nice haircut. I hope that you post more high skinfades an baldfades on young lads with a longer front.
@Donald-j4vАй бұрын
I would really enjoy sitting there having you give me a very short buzz cut like that.
@ynstmmjАй бұрын
you dont do any styling with product at the end?
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@ynstmmj only if the customers asked Sir due to most of them when they go home wanna have shower
@marceloamorim4357Ай бұрын
I want to see buzzcuts with straights hair
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@marceloamorim4357 thank you sir
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
very nice haircut
@MagnusVonBenzАй бұрын
laught out loud !
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@MagnusVonBenz thank you sir
@petervanbrock2Ай бұрын
never seen a haircut video where the barber uses these gigantic seize scissers
@jean-louisguffon1367Ай бұрын
The short back and sides are nice but the Fringe should be much shorter with a bare forehead
@ynstmmjАй бұрын
agree or styled in a hard part with pomade
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@jean-louisguffon1367 thank you very much
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@ynstmmj I agree
@sadadhivteli1353Ай бұрын
@Chris-nq7beАй бұрын
Where is the barber shop?
@marceloamorim4357Ай бұрын
Perfect haircut but buzz cut suits on boy. Next try buzz for the boy
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@marceloamorim4357 thank you very much
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
Nice haircut. Very good look for his thinning hair.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 thank you very much
@notreyfАй бұрын
Great barbering skill, dude looks way better.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@notreyf thank you very much we really appreciate your comments. You have a good weekend.
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
Nice haircut and style for him. Looks much better.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 thank you very much, yes after a year he decided to cut his hair.
@spiderastleАй бұрын
I love the full haircut videos bro
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@ thank you very much
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
Excellent classic English haircut on a very handsome young man.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 he is indeed a handsome young man. Have a nice weekend.
@jean-louisguffon1367Ай бұрын
The boy is really unhappy. His mother choosed the short haircut
@marcwurАй бұрын
strange at this age
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@jean-louisguffon1367 yes before he sat down on a chair he was not happy, I think he doesn’t wanna have a haircut on that day.
@jean-louisguffon1367Ай бұрын
@marcwur no it's normal that parents bring teen boys to the barber. They must give instructions and check it the cut is short enough. The mother wanted the boy's long hair cut off
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@ 100% true
@bruce-v4dАй бұрын
camera should be closer
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@bruce-v4d yes Sir we are working on it. Thank you for supporting our channel.
@c.storbin3271Ай бұрын
He didn’t look happy about getting a haircut
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@c.storbin3271 absolutely correct Sir
@pr1965Ай бұрын
Wow totally scalped, bummer.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@pr1965 thank you very much Sir.
@abdullahalkhalidi1932Ай бұрын
Buzzcut please kids
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@abdullahalkhalidi1932 thank you sir
@marceloamorim4357Ай бұрын
I prefer with buzzcut
@wasfazedАй бұрын
a very handsome lad
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@wasfazed thank you very much
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
Nice haircut.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 thank you very much
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
Awesome haircut. I think buzz cuts look great on most guys, and on this man in particular. It's perfect for his hair texture and it complements his facial features. I might like it a bit shorter on top, but I'm sure you gave him what he wanted.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 that’s absolutely correct, your comment explains it all
@jde9488Ай бұрын
What number grades did you use on this haircut?
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@jde9488 it’s number 6 on top and 1.5 side and back
@marceloamorim4357Ай бұрын
I love buzzcuts with 1,2 or 3 on top.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@marceloamorim4357 yes I agree with you Sir, it looks more cleaner
@CosmosArchipelagoАй бұрын
You aren't british. Go home.
@mudrabels8815Ай бұрын
@@CosmosArchipelago you aren't human, go back to your planet.
@marceloamorim4357Ай бұрын
Buzz is the best. Is number 1?
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@marceloamorim4357 thank you very much. It’s number 2 side and back
@emilytolman46Ай бұрын
Looks good on him!
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@emilytolman46 thank you very much
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
Nice clean haircut. Looks good on him.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 thank you very much
@franciscoguerra3276Ай бұрын
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@franciscoguerra3276 thank you very much
@hairycueballАй бұрын
He had nice long hair but short hairstyles match very well with such nice beards. Next time, he should try even shorter.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@hairycueball thank you so much, you have a nice weekend ahead
@hairycueballАй бұрын
Better than before but he could go shorter. The less hair you have on your balding head, the shorter and the more often you must cut it.
@marceloamorim4357Ай бұрын
I love buzzcuts. The man needs try #1 because is almost bald
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@marceloamorim4357 thank you very much
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@marceloamorim4357 thank you very much
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
The best cut for many men--especially those who are balding.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 thank you very much
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
Very nice haircut.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 thank you very much
@emilytolman46Ай бұрын
He looks so much better!😊
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@emilytolman46 thank you very much you have a good day ahead
@rjcarter2904Ай бұрын
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 thank you very much, you have a good day ahead
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@rjcarter2904 thank you very much
@jde9488Ай бұрын
The long hair really suited him but so did the buzzcut. Well done to this guy for going through with the buzzcut, I actually want to high five him. I had the same haircut this summer but 0.5 on the back and sides and it's a big thing to do.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@jde9488 thank you very much
@emilytolman46Ай бұрын
I love it!!!
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@emilytolman46 thank you so much
@alansaltz8308Ай бұрын
You are a terrific barber!
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@alansaltz8308 thank you very much, we really appreciate it
@jamis7516Ай бұрын
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@jamis7516 hello Sir thank you for supporting our channel
@marceloamorim4357Ай бұрын
Buzz is the best for straight hair
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@marceloamorim4357 thank you very much
@aveuch2 ай бұрын
I feel bad for the guy.- doesn’t know what he wants, asks for the first thing that comes to mind. Looks good though.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@aveuch yes sir that’s why I’ve asked him if he really wanted it cut short
@marceloamorim43572 ай бұрын
Perfect hair for try buzz cut too.
@BritishhaircutsАй бұрын
@@marceloamorim4357 yes sir buzz cut for sure will suits him