XF18-55mm f2.8-4 review
2 жыл бұрын
Film camera and antique market
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How to be good at photography
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@daisukeabe8125 2 күн бұрын
私もSummaritの魅力にハマり2本持っていますw モチふぉとさんの作例は今まで見たSummaritの作例の中でもずば抜けて良い(Summaritの魅力が伝わる)と思いました。とても勉強になりました。 レンズを探していると良い作例に巡り合えなくて、結局「買わないと分からないや」と思って買ってしまい、オールドレンズが無限に増えて困って(いや、ニヤけて)います。この動画はそういう状況の購入を検討する人にとってはとても参考になる良い作例ですね。沼に引きずり込んでいるとも言えますがww
@mochiphoto 2 күн бұрын
なんて嬉しいコメント!本当にありがとうございます!2年以上も前の動画なので自分達的には作例を撮り直したいって思っていたくらいなんです。 でも作例を褒めて頂いたり、沼に引きずり込む魅力があると言ってもらえてとても嬉しいです。いつかsummarit動画のver2も作りたいです!
@Dchoddj 3 күн бұрын
후지필름은 렌즈를 너무 만들지 않아서 서운하다 ㅠㅠ😢
@mochiphoto 3 күн бұрын
@@Dchoddj FUJIFILM은 렌즈의 라인 업이 적습니까?나는 그렇게 생각하지 않습니다.
@fellowcitizen 20 күн бұрын
Thank you! Subscribed!
@00027900 20 күн бұрын
Nice review Can i ask you about your film simulation in low light photo i love that tone
@mochiphoto 20 күн бұрын
@@00027900 Hello. I often adjust the Classic Negative film simulation when developing raw files. I also sell presets, so please consider them. mochiphoto.stores.jp
@gesotem Ай бұрын
いつも楽しく拝見しています 質問なのですが こちらのレンズを使う時に レンズフードはおつかいですか?
@mochiphoto Ай бұрын
@@gesotem こんにちは。90mmに限ったことではないのですが、フードをつけないで使っています。逆行時の耐性等よりも身軽さやコンパクトを優先したい派です。 何を優先したいかは人それぞれですよね!
@motsu_house8753 Ай бұрын
@mochiphoto Ай бұрын
@@motsu_house8753 ズームレンズ購入されたんですか!!うわぁぁぁ報告嬉しいです! 色々な写真を撮る人ならきっと楽しめるレンズだと思います!
@SiddhantParkar 2 ай бұрын
Hi thank you for the video. It was quite informative. I was interested in buying the 35 0.9 Nokton, but it is quite expensive. I am considering this f1.2 now. I already have the f1.4 classic. Is the look of this 1.2 lens very similar to that of the classic?
@mochiphoto 2 ай бұрын
@@SiddhantParkar The appearance of this f1.2 lens and the Nokton Classic are not very similar. The appearance of the Nokton Classic is distinctive and beautiful with its silver rim!
@SiddhantParkar 2 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto thank you, sorry for the confusion. I meant is the image quality of this lens similar to the Nokton classic 1.4?
@mochiphoto 2 ай бұрын
@@SiddhantParkar Sorry for the misunderstanding. As I said in the video, I think the trends are similar! Although I didn't compare them strictly.
@SiddhantParkar 2 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto thank you, I appreciate that you took time out to reply. Have a nice day!
@jpcurran712 3 ай бұрын
only discovered your videos today, on this one with Cosina Ultron F2, the fiddle music towards the end is very nice, almost Irish sounding. Your approach to lens reviews is very refreshing and has a cute delicate touch - but all the better for it. And yes, the stylistic touch of the cats is welcome too. all the best, thanks.
@mochiphoto 3 ай бұрын
Hello. Thank you for watching my youtube. I am very happy to be able to interact with people from other countries through photography. Before taking up photography as a hobby, music was my main hobby, so I'm very particular about choosing the music I use in my videos. So, I'm very happy to receive compliments on the BGM. thank you! I will continue to share information about photography with a unique atmosphere that is not found on other KZbin channels, so please support me! The handwritten English subtitles may be a bit immature, but I hope people overseas can enjoy them as well!
@takaando 3 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 3 ай бұрын
@@takaando コメントありがとうございます! XT5羨ましいです。うちのXE4にはnokton35mmf1.2とultron27mmf2がついていることがほとんとです!
@takaando 3 ай бұрын
返信ありがとうございます、どちらのレンズも候補でした。コメントをいただき、まずはUltoron 27mmの購入を目指そうかと思います。今度はブラックかシルバーかで悩みそうですけど、、、^^
@mochiphoto 3 ай бұрын
@@takaando 色は完全に好みの問題ですよね。モチふぉとはシルバー推しですけど、世の中的には黒の方が人気あるような気がします。 この、悩んでる時期もすごく楽しいですよね!
@kentaito7359 3 ай бұрын
いつも楽しく拝見しております。モチふぉとさんと全く同じNOKTON Vintage Line 50mm F1.5 Aspherical II (SC)+SHOTEN マウントアダプター LM-FX M+X-E4で使用しているのですが、他のレンズに比べ中心部のハイライトがかなり白飛びしやすいという傾向があり、モチふぉとさんはそのように感じられた事はありますでしょうか?私はこのレンズをGFX50SⅡでも使用しているのですが、ラージフォーマットはAPS-Cに比べてダイナミックレンジが広いためかX-E4程のハイライトの白飛びは感じられません。
@mochiphoto 3 ай бұрын
こんにちは!同じ組み合わせでこちらのレンズを使っている人がいて驚きです! こちらのnoktonだけが極端に白飛びしやすいっていうのは全く感じなかったのですが、X-E4を使っていると白飛びに悩まされることは多々あります。ダイナミックレンジを200にするべきか、400にするべきかなど色々模索しましたが、今は「ダイナミックレンジは100で撮る時に暗めに撮る→RAW現像で調整」に落ち着きました!(それでも強い光源によって白飛びしてしまうことはありますが...) センサーサイズが大きくなると白飛び、黒潰れに強くなるというのは自分でもライカを使って実感しました!
@kentaito7359 3 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto 大変参考になる細かなご回答ありがとうございます。マウントアダプターはカメラ店のジャンク館にて中古でかなり安く出ていたのを購入したので内面反射等も疑っているのですが(目視では以上が無さそうなのですが他にMマウントレンズを持っていないので比較は出来ず、、、)、ひとまずモチふぉとさんに倣ってダイナミックレンジ100&暗めに撮る、を実践してみたいと思います。
@el0blaino 4 ай бұрын
Amazing images. I hope the lens performs as well for me -- I only have an x-t30, and I don't have a cat!
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@el0blaino I think this lens goes well with the XT30! I definitely recommend you try it. I currently have three cats at home! All of them were rescued from the outdoors and were weak.
@Anou_Aesenal 4 ай бұрын
m11にはトリプルレゾリューションシステムが入ってるので画素数を変えて撮影できますよ。 6000万画素多すぎますからね。私もsigma fpLで洗礼を受けました。 画素数下げていいと思います。ダイナミックレンジも広くなるそうですよ。
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@Anou_Aesenal なななななななんですってー!!画素数下げるとダイナミックレンジが広くなる!?  それは知りませんでした! 手ブレも軽減されて、レンジが広くなるのなら、、、悪くない選択なのかもしれませんね! いい情報ありがとうございます!
@ksphoto5777 4 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@ksphoto5777 しばらくボディの追加はないかと思います!悪魔の囁きやめてくださいーーーー!(笑)
@venom2k2 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for another beautiful video! I started my Fuji journey with xt30, had the x100f, xe4, x pro3 and now I am using the xh2 and x100vi. The x pro3 was my favorite from the design, build materials and shooting experience. I used the Voigtländer 35mm Nokton on it and it was my poor man Leica :) the manual focus experience is fun, but unfortunately not the real deal and I was craving for a proper rangefinder experience. I had an eye on a Leica M240, but I dont want to buy such an old camera and I would like to avoid developing raw files :) I am happy with Fuji, but I want a proper rangefinder camera and as a fun hobby camera a Leica is too expensive right now. One day
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
If you want to enjoy rangefinder photography cheaper than a digital Leica, how about a film camera? I use a rangefinder film camera called Zeissikonzm.
@kazu19720329 4 ай бұрын
ライカを買うとか使うとか言うときにラグジュリー感とかオシャレ感で買うのか、レンジファインダーを活かした撮影が目的なのか、ライカのレンズの描写が目的なのか。ですかね。 まあでもライカで撮れて富士で撮れない写真なんて基本的には無いと思うので、最終的には好みですわな。
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@kazu19720329 たしかに!ライカに魅力を感じるポイントも人それぞれですよね。我が家の場合は、本体の見た目や、Mマウントレンズを使えるっていうところが大きかったように感じます。 「最終的には好み」おっしゃる通りだと思います。いかに愛着が湧く機材で楽しく撮影できるか、ということが大切だと思っています。
@keisukehonda5873 4 ай бұрын
M9、M10などシャッター音が違うようですね。 吐き出す絵も違うようですよ。 なぜライカを使うのか? 撮ってる感があるからかなー。
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@keisukehonda5873 ラグがなくて、シャッターフィーリングも良いという理由でm10を使い続けてる人もいるみたいですよね! なので、M10やM9も触ってみたいですね。少し気になっています! 確かにライカは写真に特化したカメラっていうこともあって、撮ってる感はありますよね!楽しい!
@高山-n6z 4 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@高山-n6z こんにちは!確かに二人で趣味が共有できるのは楽しいです。 思い返してみると最初は興味なかったことでも、相手の影響で自分も興味を持つっていう事柄も多々ある気がします。
@abdallah_m 4 ай бұрын
Great review as always. I lol’d at the analogy of getting used to a new pan for RAW development I was wondering how is the OVF different to Fuji’s EVF for focusing? I think that could be the main reason to think of getting an M (though the X-Pro is close).
@abdallah_m 4 ай бұрын
7:21 I heard about that lag issue before, and I am surprised that it exists in a camera at this price point. This makes me appreciate the snappiness of Fujifilm cameras more
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@abdallah_m The shooting experience with a rangefinder camera (OVF) is completely different from that of an EVF camera. It's fresh and fun. There are also benefits such as no blackout when you press the shutter and being able to shoot while checking outside the range of the image. Once you get used to focusing with a double image, you feel like you can focus faster than with manual focus in an EVF.
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@abdallah_m Even though they are both Leica M series cameras, the shutter structure is different between the M10 and the M11. I have heard that some professional photographers refuse to use the M11 because of the slight lag. I have never used the M10, but I would like to try the M10 shutter as well.
@abdallah_m 4 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto That’s interesting. As a manual focus lover, I definitely want to try one now 😅
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@abdallah_m If you love manual focus, I highly recommend Leica! This is a manual focus only camera!
@sait-7434 4 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@sait-7434 xpro3ってXE4とはまた違ったシャッター音、感触なのでしょうか?実はプロシリーズほとんど触ったことないんですよね...ご飯3杯いけるpro3、、すごく気になります。。。 サイトーさんQ2所持されてるんですね!たしかqシリーズは色々と実用的な機能満載なやつですよね?羨ましい...!!
@sait-7434 4 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto さん E4と似た系統だけどちょっと高いというか、言葉で表すならE4が「ジャコッ」でPro3が「ジュキッ」という感じでしょうか。Q2はレンズシャッターだからか、「コトッ」と静かで優しい音です。
@kamonegikamo 4 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@hobonickel840 4 ай бұрын
how much is a rare fujinon 55mm 1.6 no ebc worth?
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@hobonickel840 It's a rare lens, so it's rare to even come across one for sale. I happened to buy one cheaply a few years ago.
@hobonickel840 4 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto thank ya ... I'm only just learning about all the lens options
@hobonickel840 4 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto this will help me with inference ...Which m42 is better a FF 55mm 1.6 or 55mm 1.8 ebc?
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@hobonickel840 What makes one lens superior varies depending on the individual's preferences, purpose, and goals, so it's difficult to say which is better. However, as mentioned in this lens review video, the 1.6 has a unique lens configuration that allows you to enjoy unique depictions that cannot be expressed with other lenses.
@josephlai1078 4 ай бұрын
Great video. I also have the M11-P. Did you test shooting with DNG at 60MP or 30MP?
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@josephlai1078 Hello, When I shoot with my m11p, my settings are set so that everything is 60 size dng.
@typeology8266 4 ай бұрын
10:29 gorgeous!
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
thank you very much! This is a mellow photo and one of my favorites!
@nibugari9715 4 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@sait-7434 4 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@sait-7434 ありがとうございます!炎の描写めちゃくちゃいい感じだと思っていました!saitさんにも伝わって嬉しいです!妙に立体感ありますよね!
@masumikiyotake2230 4 ай бұрын
投稿お待ちしておりました。 毎回楽しみにしています。 モチふぉとさんの動画見るとカメラっていいな、レンズって面白いな、写真って楽しいな〜っていつも思います。 そして勉強になります。 いつかモチほぉとさんの撮影会などありましたら参加したいです。
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
うぁああああもう、めっっちゃくちゃ嬉しいお言葉。本当にありがとうございます。 モチふぉとが「写真楽しいな」のきっかけになれたことが本当にほんとうに嬉しいです! 撮影会...考えたこともなかったです!でも、いつか一緒にスナップ撮影とかできたら面白そうですね!
@MMIGZ 4 ай бұрын
Lovely video! Does the camera automatically rewind when you reach the end of the roll?
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@MMIGZ I'm glad that people from overseas are interested in this camera! This camera has a feature that automatically rewinds the film after you finish shooting!
@MMIGZ 4 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto thank you! Its a very rare camera and i’ve never seen it talked about in the West. The subtitles are very inclusive to foreigners like me :)
@mochiphoto 4 ай бұрын
@@MMIGZ I'm glad you enjoyed the video! It's a niche film camera that doesn't get much attention even in Japan. There is a black version as well as a red version. My English translation is poor, but it was worth the effort of typing it on the keyboard.
@SergioMusel 5 ай бұрын
Great photos and stories behind them🙌🏼
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind response even though I suddenly visited your channel today! I'm going to take this opportunity to watch your other videos as well! fun!
@tunisiaxzz 5 ай бұрын
awesome and magnificent vieod as well as lens. Good job guys. Now I have to search for "Blue Period" comic.
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@@tunisiaxzz Thank you for your nice comment. It was worth the effort to manually translate it. I'm so happy that people overseas can enjoy my video! Blue Period is a wonderful manga, so please check it out! It's a work that resonates with all creators.
@user-love-golf 5 ай бұрын
ultoron f2からここに来ました。のんびりゆったり素敵なカメラとレンズの紹介動画が好み。作例も素敵ですよ。
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@@user-love-golf 嬉しいお言葉、ありがとうございます!更新頻度ものんびりゆったりで申し訳ないのですが、、、がんばります!
@cheerlscable 5 ай бұрын
This lens is super light weight. The sharpness, bokeh and anti-flare are more like that of modern lenses. I prefer the classic rendering of Nokton 35mm f/1.2 x-mount.
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@@cheerlscable As you say, it basically has the performance of a modern lens, but it also has some elements that give it bokeh similar to that of old lenses, such as the swirling peripheral bokeh. The appeal of this lens is that it is lightweight and compact, yet well designed and practical! I think it is a lens that can be used for different purposes than the Nokton series! It all depends on the photographer's preferences and purposes.
@鷹の爪団員ジャステス 5 ай бұрын
カラースコパーは老舗ドイツカメラメ―カ―フォクトレンダーの名レンズ 会社は消滅、名前継承権を得た日本のレンズメ―カ―コシナが製作している フォクトレンダー名一眼レフカメラも製造していた コシナは自社ブランド一眼レフや小型カメラを製造していたチノンの様な知る人ぞ知る中堅メ―カ― 中にはブ―ムになったLOMOのモデルになった小型カメラを製造した技術力の高い会社 フォクトレンダー名のヒット商品に各種目測カメラのアクセサリーシューに取り付けられる小形距離計があった コレはロ―ライ35専用なのかと思うほど違和感無く収まる シルバーとブラックがあった ネット中古販売でもかなり高額😢
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@hhc1205 5 ай бұрын
So glad I found this review. I have owned this lens for more than a decade, and it's a lens I'll never sell. I used it on film and now digital, and its rendering is just magical. I don't speak Japanese, but from the subtitles I totally agree, it's a lens that you can't really describe, you'll have to shoot with it to feel its magic.
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching this video as well. I'm glad I made the effort to add English subtitles. I would be really happy if people like you enjoyed my videos. csonnar has a unique and magical descriptive power. I also like the look of this lens!
@highlow5226 5 ай бұрын
X-T2から使ってますが何の問題もないですよ。 等倍鑑賞するのが好きな人は辞めておいたほうが良いですが知り合いに高級単焦点で撮影して安物プリンターでプリントして満足してる人もいますし、人それぞれだなって思います。
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@@highlow5226 ボディやレンズなど機材選びは「人それぞれ」本当にその通りだと思います!
@abdallah_m 5 ай бұрын
This lens' bokeh is amazing, looks like a vintage lens. The photo samples are really beautiful as always. I am not sure, but I felt that the colors of the Leica photos were a little different than usual. Did you adjust your editing style for the M11-P DNG files compared to Fujifilm? As a side note,I think it would be interesting if you compare both camera systems when you talk about the M11-P.
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@@abdallah_m Thank you as always. Your perspective is sharp. As expected. Leica raw data and FUJIFILM raw data are completely different, and I am not yet used to editing photos taken with a Leica. I would like to make a video someday comparing FUJIFILM and Leica, such as the differences in shooting data and the difference in usability!
@nibugari9715 5 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@nibugari9715 5 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@@nibugari9715 28はめっっちゃくちゃ薄くて可愛いですよね。 28に比べたら厚さはあるかもしれません。でも、50mmでこのサイズ感って考えるとなかなか他にないレベルのコンパクトさだとおもいます!
@busoku3979 5 ай бұрын
かわいいレンズで写りも好きな感じで興味湧きました✨ 50mmか〜今欲しいのは23mmだからパスかな〜と思いつつも再生ボタンを押してみて正解でした。作例のお写真が素敵だからというのはもちろん。 髪の毛の写真に一番驚きました、こんな感じに撮れるんだーと。 毎度の空気感に安心します、素敵な動画をありがとうございました。
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
アップロードしたら、さっそくコメント頂けて嬉しいです!ありがとうございます。 2.2というF値なので他の50mmレンズに埋もれてしまいそうな立ち位置のレンズですが、軽量コンパクトであることの大切さに気付ける玄人な方々には是非!という感じのレンズです!!
@NicholasMak88 5 ай бұрын
I liked your video! Will you do a review of Nokton 23mm f1.2 in the future?
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@@NicholasMak88 I'm happy that people overseas are watching my videos. Thank you for your comments! I like and use the Ultron 27mmf2, which I reviewed in another video. I don't own the Nokton 23mm, but it's one of the lenses I'd like to try if I get the chance!
@NicholasMak88 5 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto I like your video review about the lenses characteristics without going into pixel peeping and also the overall content 😍. I have the xf35mm f1.4 currently, and I am looking for a Voigtlander lens. I am thinking of the Ultron 27mm f2 and Nokton 23mm f1.2. It seems the Ultron 27mm is sharp at f2 wide open while Nokton will have dreamy look at f1.2 and sharpen up at f2.8 above. They are very unique.
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@@NicholasMak88 I've heard that the Nokton 23 has a less old-fashioned feel than the Nokton 35, and more modern depiction. I'll also share some good news with you. Japanese camera retailer Map Camera and Cosina are collaborating to sell a limited edition of 300 single-coated versions of the Nokton 23mm. I don't know if it's only available in Japan or if it can be purchased from overseas, but it's scheduled to be released in August in Japan, and pre-orders are currently being accepted. A limited edition of 300. Hearing that makes you want one. I'm also interested in it and thinking about whether to buy one.
@NicholasMak88 5 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto It seems the lens is a Single Coated lens. I think it will have a more dreamy look in f1.2. They do ship to my country (Malaysia). The price is slightly high, but it's very tempting to buy it!
@cheerlscable 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for your sharing! I've been using and collecting vintage M42 standard lenses. Each have its unique depiction, bokeh, color rendition, etc.. You're right. If you love a specific lens, surely you'll have greater motivation to use it to take more pictures!
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
It's fun to find your own favorite lenses that others don't have. They become like partners. For m42, we have also released a video introducing enthusiast lenses such as FUJINON 55mmf1.6 and MAMIYA 58mmf1.7, so please take a look!
@cheerlscable 6 ай бұрын
I love vintage lenses. The bokeh of this lens is very unique and interesting. Thanks for introducing it!
@mochiphoto 6 ай бұрын
I hope people from overseas will enjoy it too. There are other videos introducing rare old lenses, so please take a look.
@ryogriffon 6 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 6 ай бұрын
@ryogriffon 6 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto 私もこのレンズの愛好家です。ボディ内手ぶれ補正がなく、防塵防滴のX-Pro3を使っていますので、これに見合う標準望遠ズームはこれ一択。山や旅で重宝しています。
@mochiphoto 6 ай бұрын
@@ryogriffon 手ぶれ補正がレンズ内にあるのは便利ですよね!実用的で頼りになるレンズですよね!! 山や旅にぴったりですね!
@cheerlscable 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for making such good videos! I really like your pictures, especially the beautiful color rendering. Which film simulation do you use? 😻😻
@mochiphoto 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I often develop raw files based on classic negatives. I also sell presets that I have created, so please check out the sales page! mochiphoto.stores.jp
@cheerlscable 5 ай бұрын
@@mochiphoto It seems that the presets are sold locally in Japan. How can I buy from other countries? Thanks!
@mochiphoto 5 ай бұрын
@@cheerlscable mochiphoto.stores.jp You should be able to purchase from overseas on the sales page at this URL, so I would be happy if you could purchase it.
@sclogse1 6 ай бұрын
The Fuji 16-50mm 3.5 (get V2) has OIS, weighs nothing, focusses extremely fast on the body's that came out after the ones it shipped with, like the X-M1. I like to shoot square format with it, black and white, but this lens is as sharp in the middle as the 16mm 1.4. If you think it produces no bokeh, that's not what the lens is for. It's a street lens. The amount of in focus shots with it are higher than most of the Fuji lineup. If I want to soften the background, I have 20 years with Photoshop. If you don't own this lens, you're making a mistake. And I own lots of Fuji primes, and lots of vintage. Hope you read my comment about fixing your Mamiya aperture problems.
@mochiphoto 6 ай бұрын
I also think that zoom lenses are suitable for street snapshots because they can be used in a variety of situations rather than for enjoying bokeh! I'm very happy that you have been commenting on many of my videos since yesterday. I have responded to all comments, including those from mamiya! Please continue to enjoy the youtube channel mochiphoto!
@sclogse1 6 ай бұрын
I wonder if the Mamiya Sekkor and the Minolta Rokkor lenses are the same. If the lens has a little plunger on the back that requires it to be pushed in when mounted on your adapter, take the lens off, push in the tab as far as it will go, even with a paper clip, and see if the lens begins to stop down. If it does, a different adapter might help, like the Fotasy. Or, some custom work on your own. I use to have trouble with the wrong adapters, but never the Fotasy.
@mochiphoto 6 ай бұрын
Even when I pressed the pin on the back of the lens, the aperture did not work. I tried attaching it to mount adapters and film cameras from various manufacturers, but the aperture still didn't work. I would like to get one without a broken aperture someday! I didn't know about the adapter made by the manufacturer Fotasy, so I'd like to check it out in the future!
@sclogse1 6 ай бұрын
Of course, studying art and composition will help, along with watching films like Lawrence Of Arabia, or even the 1930's films which combined film stock, film development, lighting, and filters to make you look at exactly what the director and cinematographer wanted you to look at. When digital video first came out, like when the Canon 5D Mark II arrived, the digital video we saw was hard looking, and. everything was in focus. The viewers eye would travel to defects in peoples faces, instead of their souls. Try shooting in low light, early in the day and late, and of course it's much better in fall and winter. Try shooting square format. It changes your idea of what a composition should be. Don't take lots of pics, take the right pics. Prepare your exposure when you first walk out. And if you leave things on like grain, your backup is to shoot jpeg and raw. Jpeg for the look you can make your Raw photo look like. Watch out for only shooting jpeg. On Fuji, you might like the Velvia setting, but you can't recover the shadow detail you lose if it's too much unless you also shoot raw with it.
@mochiphoto 6 ай бұрын
It's called "Lawrence of Arabia," but I've never seen it, so I'd like to see it someday! Also, learning how to cut in square format would be interesting. When I use a twin-lens reflex camera or shoot digitally, I sometimes use the square format. Square format is so much fun! In the past, I mainly focused on jpeg photography, but recently raw development has become my main focus. By developing raw images, I have more time to work on each image one by one, which I believe will lead to improvement and awareness. Thank you for all the advice! I'm very happy to be able to communicate with people from other countries!
@sclogse1 6 ай бұрын
The lens came up today in my Facebook Vintage Lens group. So, here I am. I like your style of upload, with the "argument". I'll post this link to the group.
@mochiphoto 6 ай бұрын
I'm very happy that people outside of Japan can watch Douga. I am truly honored to have the link posted on your Facebook page. There are several other videos introducing enthusiast lenses, so I hope you enjoy them as well! I look forward to working with you.
@yowashi_nekokai 7 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 7 ай бұрын
猫飼さんプリセット購入してくださったんですか!?ありがとうございます。 4つのプリセットの各コンセプト。おっしゃる通りでどこにも明記していません。 「このプリセットは〇〇な写真に使うとピッタリ最適です!」というような意図はなくて、モチプリを使った上で各種パラメーターを本人の好みに調整してもらえたらなぁという気持ちで販売しています。どの色味からスタートするかによっても編集のゴール地点は変わってくるものなので、編集のスタート地点を変える気分転換アイテムとして使ってもらえると嬉しいです。 強いて言うならばなのですが、4はフィルムライクなプリセットになっています。 プリセットに関するコメント頂けてとても嬉しいです。今後の参考にさせて頂きますね!
@yowashi_nekokai 7 ай бұрын
​@@mochiphoto 早速ご返信ありがとうございます。 無理言ってしまい申し訳ございませんでした😅 同じプリセットでも写真の明暗や被写体でまったく雰囲気かわってきますものね。 最近は横着してJPEG撮って出しかカメラ内RAW現像だったので、モチプリを先生していろいろ試行錯誤してみたいと思います! 第二弾も期待しておりますね☺
@phild5322 7 ай бұрын
Can you add a PayPal purchase link so we can buy outside of Japan?
@mochiphoto 7 ай бұрын
I'm sorry. I misunderstood that people outside of Japan could purchase from the base shop using Paypal. I will think of another way to sell to people outside of Japan.
@mochiphoto 7 ай бұрын
mochiphoto.stores.jp/items/664c7b979ad1d5037b302246 Sorry to have kept you waiting. We have opened a store where you can purchase with PayPal. Now even people from overseas can purchase it! please! !
@まかせたまねぎ 7 ай бұрын
この動画をみて数ヶ月迷ってましたがついに購入しました!! 届くのが楽しみです!
@mochiphoto 7 ай бұрын
おおおおウルトロン購入されたんですね!大好きなレンズなので買ってくれる人がいるとこちらまで嬉しくなりますね! 間違いない一本だと思います。 是非、撮影楽しんでください!
@tabowtabowtabow 7 ай бұрын
@mochiphoto 7 ай бұрын
なんとするどい視点!!そこは考えたことありませんでした!! 勉強になります!