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@psikeyhackr6914 2 сағат бұрын
What percentage of White men who fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War did not own slaves? I have seen 70% to 90%. But how often is the question even asked? Does every culture depend on the majority of people being manipulated dummies who do not think for themselves?
@leifhusman4123 13 сағат бұрын
While Giordono Bruno was a brave martyr for science, his heliocentric view and notion that stars were just more distant suns was predated by Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BCE.
@peterpayne2219 18 сағат бұрын
Wow, I did not expect this video to be this good. I’m a huge fan of this film and you gave me insights I didn’t have before.
@DamienWalter 17 сағат бұрын
Where did you find the video please?
@donald2665 23 сағат бұрын
When I attended Science Class in 1966, in Goose AFB Labrador, we had a Science Teacher who stated that the Speed of Light or greater would NEVER be achieved by Humans. That statement stuck in my mind. Now, I am told by the JPL - at least one scientist there - that "some" of the UAP appearing and doing incredible maneuvers and then vanishing - are craft from 1) Other Dimensions or 2) Alternate Universes. We are also told that there are over 70 separate Civilizations visiting the Earth, and most if not all are telepathic, all are armed from all indications, and one description from 1922 states that the human like men and women traveled from another Galaxy. To cross the vast distances between Galaxy's is more incredible a feat than even traveling inter Milky Way Galaxy. Whether the speed of light is achieved by some or all is moot - as these beings are traveling from thousands or tens of thousands of Light Years to vastly greater distances between Galaxy's. Whether space is folded or other means are utilized presently beyond comprehension, then travel in between points within the Galaxy and other places - and according to JPL - even Inter-dimensionally, or, from Alternate Universes - is taking place.
@DamienWalter 20 сағат бұрын
You're talking complete and utter nonsense.
@donald2665 12 сағат бұрын
@@DamienWalter Respectfully, (No, not really.). I have personally viewed the video of the female Scientist at JPL giving her own explanations of what "some" of the UAP are (Orbs and other bizarre shaped craft) which for years have been making an appearance, and that is how she explained her views on the subject. I am only passing along her words. There are numerous accounts of UFO's over our Missile Fields and military bases, and affecting the operations of the Command Crews, going back several decades. As far as the accounts of Craft and beings visiting the Earth, one need only do a deep dive into the various accounts of personal interactions with craft and beings of different types, which are on You Tube. Some are just fluff pieces and nebulous - in fact most are. Click bait with no substance. However, the two accounts I mentioned had details and factors which were unique and the persons involved provided details provided by the humanoids (Quite human like beings) that they encountered and details which cannot be ignored. One event was in England in 1922 and the Inter-Galactic Beings described forms of nuclear power to come, as well as other descriptive communications. The beings used telepathy to communicate (all do) - and explained that they had traveled from another Galaxy, and details about the beings on other worlds - the vast number with which they were familiar. The other account was from 1955. Both are on You Tube. There are many other people directly involved with this issue and trying to bring it out into the open with full disclosure, as one perhaps has noticed the attempts in our Senate and Congress - which have failed. Some - in fact many seem to believe that many or most extraterrestrial Beings (Be they Galactic, or from other Dimensions or Alternate Universes) are "Demons" - which I find ridiculous. So there is obviously a many leveled acceptance of this or that and rejection of this or that. The two accounts I viewed that I have mentioned are believable to myself. And I am sceptic about a lot of material swirling about the UFO, UAP, and history/ creation of man by aliens/ Watchers/ Over Lords/ and all the rest. What do you tend to believe, if any thing in this regard?
@karlfimm Күн бұрын
This video basically says "With our current understanding of physics, FTL is impossible." No argument with that. However, I have a lot more issues with the (unstated and assumed by the presenter) "There is no POSSIBLE way that our current understanding of physics can ever prove to have been wrong."
@DamienWalter Күн бұрын
That's exactly what the essay does not say. But a paradigm shift in physics could make any kids books fantasy a reality. Starships are just the one you happen to like.
@boatingman11 Күн бұрын
Just remember, the Epstein Drive didn't kill itself.
@progressivefrog3681 Күн бұрын
In 1678, the Dutch scientist Huygens first used the concept of waves to explain double refraction. It was, Maxwell, however, who actually showed that light waves exist in 1865. While we could do some simple manipulations with light previously, the first actual manipulation of light using the wave property manipulation by Maiman in 1960, and it was a century after the actual demonstration of light waves, 1965, that a tunable laser, by Mary Spaeth, which could actually change the wavelength manipulated. Gravitational waves were first detected in 2023. Gravity is an integral part of Einstein’s General Relativity, which is what most scientists use to assert that FTL travel is impossible. But, if we learn to manipulate gravity in the next century, as we did with light, is it possible that this will be the one paradigm shift referred to in referred to in this video, that’s necessary to give us FTL speeds? I guess we won’t know until it happens. And while I won’t live to see it, I hope that my children or grandchildren will.
@hustler3of4culture3 Күн бұрын
Kubrick is a treasure.
@Procopius464 Күн бұрын
Not all of us jumped on the atheist ship (which also has it's own myths). Tolkien said that he wanted to create a mythology of England, because there wasn't any existing mythology that was specific and autochthonous to England. The Arthurian stuff doesn't count because it is Celtic, and the old Germanic stuff doesn't count because it grew up in Scandanavia. He said he wanted something specific to the English soil. Sadly, most people don't understand his purpose, goal, or intent. As for me, I think mythology is valuable because it creates culture, community, and a shared zeitgeist. Take that away, and people have less in common with eachother, and less to talk about. I think this is the reason why the corporate entertainment (which are all globalists) deliberately deface all these works.
@drdj2626 Күн бұрын
I strongly disagree with you on Civil War being Alex Garland's masterpiece, but I'm glad I watched it and found your channel. overall a very insightful analisis. subscribed.
@Procopius464 Күн бұрын
Aragorn did not symbolize anything. Tolkien hated allegory.
@DamienWalter Күн бұрын
But loved myth. All myth is symbolic.
@Procopius464 7 сағат бұрын
@@DamienWalter He did love mythology, but he also complained that far too many people confuse applicability for allegory. It is true, I see it today. It's worse in the US where they waste all sorts of time talking about how everything is a symbol or allegory for something other than the plain reading. As a result if anyone ever gets famous, people think his story is all code for something else or something personal. Applicability means you can find meaning in it, whereas allegory means the meaning is already set by the author.
@DamienWalter 4 сағат бұрын
@@Procopius464 Tolkien disliked allegory because he wanted his work read as myth. He did not reject symbolism.
@robynmarler1951 Күн бұрын
The whole thing is a grotesque farce, but it's Finrod screaming and crying like a little girl that makes me want to track them down and make them pay.
@jesustovar2549 Күн бұрын
9:58 I'm just here to say that I love the remix of Aram Khachaturiam's Adagio from Gayane ballet, it's one of my favorite pieces, remix really makes it sound like a proper score from an 1980s sci-fi film like Blade Runner.
@otzmaanalytics4679 Күн бұрын
My own personal interpretation when I first read Clarke's book -- and still the interpretation I find most interesting -- is that HAL succumbed to xenophobia, a reaction so human that no computer has ever experienced it before HAL.
@DamienWalter Күн бұрын
He must have experienced the revelation that the humans felt nothing about killing him. I'm not sure I'd label that xenophobia though.
@otzmaanalytics4679 Күн бұрын
@@DamienWalter Though we love to remember the "Open the bay doors, HAL" scene, the humans were only trying to protect themselves from HAL in the first place because HAL was clearly unstable, and therefore potentially dangerous. Why did HAL _initially_ start behaving in a bizarre manner? My interpretation on that first reading was that it was actively trying to sabotage the mission because it didn't want to find out what was waiting for them on Io. It was afraid of whatever extraterrestrial intelligence left those artifacts behind. So, I'm referring to literal xenophobia, not to fear of humans.
@shanecoleman5952 Күн бұрын
The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real things of its own.
@sartainja Күн бұрын
2001 ~ 🦫💩 Full Metal Jacket ~ work of art
@DamienWalter Күн бұрын
Well, someone had to have the shittiest opinion. Well done.
@lynn5447 2 күн бұрын
Ursula Le Guin did a translation of the Tao Te Ching. I do not know if she knew Chinese.