my biggest regret
9 ай бұрын
how much do SHIBA INU SHED? 🙈
@HockeyPurist 3 сағат бұрын
@InfinitePawsShop 5 күн бұрын
You dog looks so much like mine! We rescued him in Texas! What kind of dog is he??
@InfinitePawsShop 5 күн бұрын
Correction: is he mixed with anything that you know of? We were told mini Aussie.
@InfinitePawsShop 5 күн бұрын
You dog looks so much like mine! We rescued him in Texas!
@k6roadbikers 5 күн бұрын
@k6roadbikers 5 күн бұрын
@PetMusicGarden 6 күн бұрын
i love shiba inu ❤
@catieward3697 7 күн бұрын
The reason I want to see the internet is the red coat color looks like a smaller version of a dog I used to have and my bulldog is perfectly fine during the day but at night death stares me and backs me up around the house.
@HockeyPurist 8 күн бұрын
We've had 2 Shibas a girl and boy - they are exact opposites. The only thing they have in common is we can walk them off leash. We didn't have to teach the girl who was smarter, but she barks & hated everyone & loved to eat everything and woke us up to eat, super loyal to my husband and follows him everywhere. Koji is silly, playful, loves everyone, cuddles, never barks, and picky eater.
@Christian-cv5rw 10 күн бұрын
We have an Portuguese Podengo, one of the oldest european hunting dog breeds and I can always walk him off leash. You should only get one of these old ancient dogs if you really want to live with the dog and not only to own it. My very first dog was a Bardino, a former stray dog and he was around 2 years old when we came to us. I walked him off leash from day one. No tricks, no training just calmness
@YegorChumakov 11 күн бұрын
I fucking hate how americans are putting their dogs down on slightest sight of being displeased with them.
@elenamartinezaguilar1764 13 күн бұрын
Love this ❤️
@aokiandanais 10 күн бұрын
@danaMccabe-dagmarK 14 күн бұрын
Every Shiba has their own, very distinct personality. They do not fit easily into any general What You Need To Know description.
@aokiandanais 10 күн бұрын
That’s very true! Somethings they can be so similar and so particular 😅
@HiroThatDude 20 күн бұрын
I feel so lucky about my Shiba he gives me kisses all the time and he's not picky about saying hi to humans he does it to everybody It feels amazing. I agree with a lot you said. But the part of they want their own space I 100% agree with you. I think every receiver I seen online is like that but mine I doubt that's the case every time I'm working he hast to come to me every hour and a half just to be like we can do something now.?
@wexoom 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video! what treats do you use to train your dog? Our dog seems so picky!
@aokiandanais 10 күн бұрын
Have you tried freeze dried treats? Try tossing a variety of treats in your pouch so you offer a variety of textures. Also refrain from giving too much all the time to create scarcity. Another option is that your pup might not be food driven ;)
@wexoom 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for reply! Yes I’m currently trying freeze dried beef liver and pork heart
@whitesnake. 23 күн бұрын
I was really lucky I found a great breeders and also nice people who helped me with everything, were communicating and also offered me a best price from all I found.
@aokiandanais 10 күн бұрын
That is awesome! 🥰
@MrCATgpt 24 күн бұрын
My bois are def not silent lol.
@aokiandanais 10 күн бұрын
Hahaha I find so interesting how they all have their own vibe and personality… weirdly enough, he is very like me 🥲
@MrCATgpt 10 күн бұрын
@@aokiandanais right. Even between the 2 brothers I have they are so unique. But they are constantly in conversation with each other like raptors haha.
@qantasboi12 29 күн бұрын
Yep, have to agree…both my guys are super snobs. Asking is a very handsome fellow.
@aokiandanais 10 күн бұрын
🥰 thanks!!
@laurencel.7980 Ай бұрын
how bad do they shed?
@alexeran991 29 күн бұрын
Oh they shed like crazy you could make another dog with the amount of fur that comes off them. I’m a dog groomer though so I’m used to it
@carltonwalton9819 28 күн бұрын
If you can, brush with de-shedder at least twice a week and you’ll be fine. Mine loves being brushed. 🤷🏾‍♂️
@aokiandanais 10 күн бұрын
BAD 🥲 if you don’t like hair on you, in your house sometimes….in your food, Shiba Inus are a no go 😅 I have to vacuum everyday.
@roguetheotter Ай бұрын
i spent a very long time not wanting a dog (mostly because my lifestyle didnt allow for one).... after a few years of loneliness and recognition that i need a companion, i changed my mind.... i've settled down a little bit and have finally come to a place where a dog would be rather good to have. i recently started work as a dog groomer, and it just feels right. i've spent a good deal of time studying different breeds, and comparing how they are at work and i've decided that a Shiba feels right for me. i always loved the idea of a husky, but thats just. too much dog. i *adore* cats, and have always had them, and having a dog that is mildly catlike feels so good. I'm going to be researching and speaking to some local breeders to begin the process, and spending the next year or two readying my lifestyle for a pup. I'm so excited to begin this chapter! thank you and thank aoki for being so awesome and sharing your story.
@laurencel.7980 Ай бұрын
do they require a lot of maintenance? shedding?
@roguetheotter 29 күн бұрын
@@laurencel.7980 mildly. they do need routine de-shed's and brushing, and a bath every month or so just to keep them from getting impacted. like most double coated dogs, they shed out their inner coat at the changing of the seasons. but they don't need to be cut or shaved like many other dogs do.
@1hz901 Ай бұрын
My Shiba Inu was born wild and lived wild for about 8 years. He was not socialist by humans. I found him near death and helped him. He decides to stay with me and I never had any problem. I handle him on a co-operating basis and he always does what I want him to do. We rarely use a leash because he comes immediately when I call him and stays near to me in general.
@christinab3863 Ай бұрын
Really loved this video, we just got our 11 week old shibe yesterday. He is AMAZING, however we were met with some judgement from our friends since we’re in an apartment but your video gave me so much validation and reassurance. Thank you so much for these videos, will look back on your training videos as we learn!
@Roy-tf7fe Ай бұрын
Yes, they can absolutely love more than one person and get along with plenty more. Like me, they do seem to prefer the "I have 2-3 great friends and 20 folk I am more than an acquaintance with, and more that I know... some..." and I have a firm understanding of how that is basic to one. But people expect what they get with many other dogs, golden retrievers for example. They expect a slavish, "Me dog, you human, you are the center of my universe" the moment they deign to greet doggie. Well, Shibas figure they have a say in that too where the golden retriever is just "Why would I want a say in anything?" The key is, that "you are wonderful" thing is not automatic. Like kids. The two year old can't do enough to make you happy... if you're not the parent for whom "NO" is the day's watchword. But a four or five year old... you have to work a certain amount to get any interest, and if some other kid runs up and says "You're IT" they are off like you never existed. You have to show yourself, like with humans, and be of interest to the Shiba to get a foot in the door. And if you do, there's a happy dance each time they see you walking up. If you don't show yourself, basically offering Shiba nothing, just demanding their attention like a tourist who targeted someone who does not work in the local tourist trade, they ain't a lot interested. Bad start... maybe not so good a finish. Like with every person you'll ever meet once you're in the adult world. And it isn't surprising Aoki plays differently, has a different manner of relationship with the two of you. Even your son or daughter (not playing parent asking for grandkids, just using the most intimate example appropriate) would have differing relationships with you as parents. Different fun things, different interactions, different background mannerisms. Your golden retirievers might not do anything close to such, but your Shiba does. They don't turn you down if you end up trying, but they do decide, rather than have their DNA push them into it with rose-colored glasses on. But... they can become territorial (like a boyfriend or girlfriend that doesn't understand the adjective "my" demonstrates a relationship, not an ownership. Interestingly, that seems to take the form of "the one I love is perfect so you must be Satan for even trying to walk by him three feet away." But then, we see THAT with people too. Truly, thinking of them as humans is a useful tool for figuring their moods, motives, likes, dislikes, and needs. Not saying my Shibas have all been little furry humans. Just saying that like quantum theory in its many forms is incredibly useful in understanding the universe but is in NO way a true view of actual reality, thinking of Shibas as humans can give you a lot of insight into what will happen next and what will bring happiness. It doesn't have to be actual reality to be hugely useful for understanding the real thing. BTW, your Shibas obviously love you both so you both are probably as awesome as they are. I won't take a golden's word for that kind of thing, but I will take a Shiba's.
@Roy-tf7fe Ай бұрын
The advice at the end is spot on: Shibas are VERY loving (to the point of getting quite angry with others when the others want to share you), but each and every one is a different personality, more so it seems to me than many other breeds. They want to be part of your pack. But two things are important: 1. Every one of them has a unique, different personality. Think people here, literally. All dogs do, of course, but some breeds are MUCH more similar in personality to each other than Shibas ever turn out to be. Regard them like you would your children. You love them unconditionally, and (until they are teenage daughters) they love you unconditionally. But they aren't necessarily going to be a match for you like an automatic best friend thing anymore than your kids will want to be around you day and night because you match each other so well. 2. They need time to be dogs. On walks, be sure to let them have their head (to the extent that a HARNESS (it's almost criminal to take a Shiba outdoors with only a collar) and leash allow) and to smell anything they wish, etc. Most other folks are walking dogs on leashes, so all the good smells are going to be near the walking area anyway. Use a 6' leash, not those 4', stay at my foot kinds. Let them put down some teensy dribble over some interesting smell. This is their social media. If you have appropriate moments, or places (like dog parks, enclosed ones!), then let participate with them as a buddy, but wait until they have been dogs in each place. You know how people meet whilst walking dogs and both utterly ignore their dogs while standing and gabbling to each other? EXACTLY that happens with Shibas when they meet other dogs or messages left where others have peed or pooped. Let them. If you have more than one, and they snarl about at each other, for the most part let them get it out of their system because I can promise you, no matter how they seem after you break it up, it did NOT go away and will flare right back up. Working it out (or at least "through") seems likeliest to me to give them better mental health. They WILL get right back to it endlessly if they don't work through it. And like your children, keep loving them endlessly no matter how much you get aggravated. They do respond to that. And they are so freaking loving... honestly, I cannot imagine how so many folks come to say they are standoff-ish. Some yes, due to their personalities or that of their owners, sure, but this is like people going on about "red-headed Irish women" being fiery and impossibly demanding. Just them? Not red-heads in any other place in the world? And why not red-headed Irish MEN? And to some extent, it seems those women are, but I have no scientific basis for that, just experience with a couple. It seems to me it has to be more of a "they, and everyone else, are taught that they are so, and it's got a certain amount of pleasure to it, the being able to be very rude and everyone just accept it like it's in your DNA. Or watching fails videos and seeing children fall and go boom. Then get up with no reaction, look to the 'rents, and if the parent laughs, they smile and laugh, but if the parent is all "Oh poor baby!, Are you hurt? Are you hurt?" you immediately see the child wind up and scream and cry like someone is amputating his leg right that moment and without anesthesia to boot. Learned, not natural. Two of our Shibas hated getting their nails trimmed and fought such pretty hard. But their two puppies did not. Not ever. Calm, cool , and collected. The difference? My wife and I split before the puppies were about six months old and they never saw mom and dad go ballistic. Not ever. Never learned that only Satan clips nails. These are two puppies who solved the leash between the legs problem like mom and dad, one like mom, one like dad, in their earliest walks when it was just them, no mom or dad walked alongside them before we observed this. So DNA showed through meaning the non-shared reactions to nail clipping clearly a learned thing. I strongly think a lot of presented Shiba behavior is learned from parents or by reacting to owners' reactions with accepted behaviors strengthening and becoming more pronounced. "My Shiba might be all wild about baths." And so he is since you are jacked up expecting a horrid reaction. In that case, I think the keying action is they often seem to do the Shiba crying/howling/whatever you call it during things like baths though they are completely responsive at all times, move as desired, don't leap out of the tub, etc. So clearly not actually bothered too much by the bath or grooming, just doing what seems ok to him. And smiling and being biddable at all times. But WE react as if they are going wild and being terrified and they catch on. Dogs are learning machines and if the one they look up to for learning things is tense and nearly crazed, that's what they learn. If that is you, it's you. If it's the next age layer of dog in the household, then they learn from them. There's no alpha-male/female stuff. Puppies look to year or two old dogs to learn from. And so on up the chain. Stop learning from the current idol and he loses his shine and you move on up an age layer. YOU need to be that individual doggie looks to. YOU need to keep intriguing him, teach new tricks, go new places, always be the confident rock he can ease back to. And don't teach him anything you don't want him to learn! I always say after 20 years with Shibas: "You can teach an old dog a thousand new tricks. But you can NEVER unteach him an old trick." It is essential that you stay ahead of his needs. They truly are closer to children than to many other breeds of dogs and you need to consider that in how you live with him. Shibas have no natural bad features that I've ever observed, but they do have some behaviors that suck but look strongly to be taught, on purpose or quite without knowing. Don't do too many of the latter, and never do the ones you hear about that you would find hideously bothersome. Don't push poor doggy into becoming a monster of a red-head, and for no good reason at all. And remember too that he isn't a golden retriever. He needs to be a dog on a regular basis, not a version of a human. And oddly, in that he actually will be more like a human, an individual with a strong personality, and capable of real, and vast love. For you. As different as each was from each other, all of our Shibas have always loved the living daylights out of us. So much so that I cannot have another now that only the two puppies are still alive and live with my wife. For the simple reason that I am old and cannot countenance engendering love on their scale only to die leaving them thinking I just ditched them. It's sad having no Shiba in my life day to day, but that would be so much sadder.
@sgames-rq3zo Ай бұрын
Hi!! What breeder did you use?
@vaksehund2 Ай бұрын
Very helpful, thanks ❤❤❤
@anna-kayebrown4122 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely beautiful dogs! Do they shed a lot?
@brokerbrice3119 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your video. I honestly thought something was bothering my Shiba Inu, but I guess it is normal behavior. • Absolutely lazy dog. Sleeps most of the day and night (~16 hours). She prefers under the bed or couch • Very picky eater. I cook 93% lean ground beef & eggs, topped with carrots, rice, and small spoon of peanut butter. Still doesn’t eat… shame waste of food. • When curtain is open, she barks at everyone who passes by. LOL • She is very reluctant to walk pass by elementary school with kids in the playground • It is so difficult to put her harness on… I hide the harness in my pocket then corner her in a closed bedroom.
@HockeyPurist 8 күн бұрын
The only way I get my Shiba to eat is a lot of exercise and he will at least eat 1 meal a day around 7ish. He will go on a food strike and throw up bile - so picky.
@floofkim 2 ай бұрын
@karenrogers9034 2 ай бұрын
Mistake is the Harness half Check collar ,Dont for get the Sniff walk as you not only exercise the Legs exercise the Brain
@WinterWalker2 2 ай бұрын
Love how taking the bath for the shiba always starts with the owner getting the "bath outfit" aka what you would wear for the beach or less. The less wet one gets , the better.
@PetsOf_Wonders 2 ай бұрын
Why do i have to lose THIS breed for 2 years??
@RiRyn27 2 ай бұрын
What size harness does he wear?
@RiRyn27 2 ай бұрын
We should swap Shibas. I need a lazy one. 😂
@RiRyn27 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for mentioning kibble and raw both have benefits/down falls. And that he isn’t obese.
@tojennielo 2 ай бұрын
Thanks. This is very helpful
@YegorChumakov 2 ай бұрын
My Shiba always wants to be in the same room as me.
@kelshammond2552 2 ай бұрын
I want to teach my Shiba puppy to "high five" with his paw or something to that effect. I have no idea how and think it's a great one!
@HiroThatDude 2 ай бұрын
Wow, I'm amazed that you said by your second year is when he got that way. My Shiba was a completely different experience. The first day I got him which I live on my own. He was literally sleeping right next to the bed on the floor by the end of the first week. He was next to me in my bed but I can relate that in the beginning I did take him a while to want to be pet very frequently. It's not that he didn't like it when I first got him at eight weeks it's just that all he cared about was play play play play play. I've had many people tell me that my Shiba is more like a golden retriever than Shiva because this guy has energy starting at noon all the way to 9 o'clock. Granted he is a year and a half. Honestly, every Shiva is different. some love everyone some hate everyone someone nothing to do with you and someone want everything to do with you. I feel like I'm just lucky that mine loves. Everyone loves every dog loves the cuddle doesn't bark and is absolutely not aggressive and super chill but his energy needs are quite still high.
@ShadowXLugia 2 ай бұрын
I hope to see another video from you again soon! I found your channel after losing my own shiba in December of 2022. I had been reconsidering adopting another puppy and watching your videos have brought me much joy. Thank you for all that you do and sharing your journey with us.
@alvaromartinez34 2 ай бұрын
Hi! How' s their training? I plan to have my first dog and I´ve been surfing through the net, discovered this breed some lil while ago. Are they good for a first time dog owner?? Thxs in advance, love the video, quite enjoyable as well as informative.
@hello_bye_dude 2 ай бұрын
I like you videos very much ☺ What is the brand of your sling bag? We are going to have our pup soon , so I was thinking to buy something similar. Thank you in advance 🙂
@LeaBergen-gz3jp 3 ай бұрын
How much food do u give to your dog for 1 day ? I am interested to adopt 1 and don't know how much food and when I need to give a shiba inu
@RiRyn27 2 ай бұрын
Can I ask how old they will be? Amounts are dependent on age, spay/neuter status, and exercise achieved in a day.
@recreepy 3 ай бұрын
My eyes are grateful for the blessing that is this incredible content on my screen
@bnkwupt 3 ай бұрын
I miss our Shiba. He lived to be 18.5 years old. Aoki looks like a wonderful boy! They’re great dogs but they aren’t for everyone.
@Dandoskyballer 3 ай бұрын
Shibas are terrible dogs from my experience. Too aggressive & flat out dangerous towards other animals.
@witchyshiba 3 ай бұрын
I know this video is older but for people watching it later on like I am Do NOT use furminators on double coated breeds like Shiba Inus! They are extremely damaging to the coat if you're not careful! The reason is because furminators are bladed and instead of pulling the loose hair out it tends to cut the hair instead! It's a huge mistake that a lot of people make, including me a few years ago!
@ashantejacksonpusey891 3 ай бұрын
What would you recommend instead?
@IamThatGirlMissy 3 ай бұрын
Is he a mix??
@ThePearTree2 Ай бұрын
No. He's a Sesame Shiba Inu, which is a rarer coat for them.
@PG3DYT 3 ай бұрын
Hey, I'm curious about puppies. I did researches that puppy should be fully vaccinated before they can go out. My puppy only has his first vaccine not long ago but I really want it to get in touch with the nature
@IamThatGirlMissy 3 ай бұрын
So cute
@blueshibai 3 ай бұрын
I love my Shiba ❤ and cant imagine other dogs ever again