@jemjem461 5 күн бұрын
To anyone who needs this, I hope you feel better soon! If you are going through a bad time please talk to someone, a lot of people care about you and will listen! Bad times always pass eventually, even when it seems they will never go away, it will get better. Life has ups and downs, maybe right now feels like a forever down but it i will go back up again, just keep on living and you'll go back up eventually, it'll be okay :) You are so strong and I know you can get through this! I believe in you, I believe in you even when you don't believe in yourself, _you_ are so strong and resilient, you have withstood so much, I'm so proud of you! Keep going! You are so special and unique and beautiful, don't forget that <3 You are worth so much and you deserve happiness! You deserve to take breaks, you deserve to be cared about, you deserve kindness and you deserve to smile :) Always prioritize your mental health, take breaks when you need them! Treat yourself to something nice, go out for a walk, make yourself some food, get a nice warm cup of tea/coffee, read a good book, doodle something on a piece of paper, do something that will relax you, whatever that may be :) You are not alone! There are always people out there who are in similar situations, you are understood. You are doing great, I'm so proud of you <3 Even though I'm a random person I love you, I love you even when you're at you're wost, I love you when you're at you're best, I love you even when you don't love yourself, I love you when you give it your all, I love you when you're too tired, I love it when you're _you,_ _you_ are capable of so much and I love every part of _you_ I hope this message made you feel a little better, even if it was only for just a moment. I wish you the best ♡
@isabelcristinacanomesa3520 6 күн бұрын
@yafkaihl21 10 күн бұрын
Pov: When you hava autism but your parents doesnt believe you and thinking you're predent for attention
@めえいけ 11 күн бұрын
@Stellanowheretobefound Ай бұрын
(TW mentions of suicide, arresing, trauma, etc. you have been warned) once my mom called the ppolice on my dad but she got arrested for assult and all i could do during the whole thing was play a teaching game and cry andhug her. and she also she tried to commit su!cide once. (shes sober now and ok :3)
@Stellanowheretobefound Ай бұрын
it was abc mouse tthe teaching game
@riadhamza6847 2 ай бұрын
Isint fallen down from omori or am i just going insane?
@JulioLeriano-ud6oe 2 ай бұрын
I miss you so much... its hurts... 😢 💔
@DragonIsAsleep 2 ай бұрын
♡☆°Vent ahead!°☆♡ My mom is evil and I firmly believe that. Earlier in my life, she wouldn’t yell as much and just hit us in the head (only me in the head now that I look back.) Nowadays she says bullsh!t about my friends that she should keep to herself like how one of my friends has some mental disorders and slept over at my house. Ever since then she would TALK about that friend and how ‘weird’ they are. Like what the hell?! She told me not to hang out with those people a lot. Do you think I chose to hang with her because of her mental issues?! No. She calls me useless and stupid. Onetime I didn’t know how to work a paper shredder, so like any normal kid, I asked her for help. But before that I was mumbling to myself cause it helps me focus, SHE TOLD ME TO STOP CRYING ABOUT EVERY GODDAMN THING AND READ. I wasn’t even crying. Only now I was cause she yelled at me for no fuck!Ing reason. My older brother had to help me cause he’s one of the only people who care for me and my little brother. HE COMES UPSTAIRS TO APOLOGIES TO US FOR MY MOTHER! How messed up is that?! Since my lack of good parenting,(I have a father but he works 5-9) almost all my comfort characters are caring, or are parents. That says a lot in itself.
@-Akuma_LOLZ- 2 ай бұрын
The thing is, in our life, were the main character. But, in someone elses view.. we are a side character.
@oddkitty98 3 ай бұрын
Sometimes, the only comfort I have is too think about little goobers I created in my head that make me feel okay about myself
@CandyCatGamer 4 ай бұрын
I wish i did better idk why dad and his brothers/sisters hated me and hit me
@chihir0556 3 ай бұрын
a child never deserves that, you are a beautiful and worthwhile person who went through something horrible and you deserve far better
@SonnyListonStanAccount 5 ай бұрын
to anyone that needs to hear this, everythings gonna be fine, trust me, it gets better
@CandyCatGamer 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, I could tell my brain tried to help itself after 2 years of my Trauma, but it still holds on for life but it does get a bit better
@SonnyListonStanAccount 4 ай бұрын
@@CandyCatGamer i hope for the absolute best for you
@Yurii._nothere 5 ай бұрын
OI YOU- Yes you, I thought i'd tell you something..... I love your smile I love your laugh I love your personality I love your hair (or lack thereof) I love your insecurities I love your accomplishments I love your failures I love your eyes I love your beauty I love your handwriting (or the way you communicate) I love the way you dance I love you on your happy days I love you on your sad days I love you on the days you feel lonely I love you on the days you feel helpless I love you on the days you feel like no one cares I love you on the days you feel forgotten I love you on the days you feel unmotivated I love you on the days you feel loved I love you on the days you feel sick I love you on the days you feel motivated I love you on the days you feel depressed I love you on the days you feel stresses I love you on the days you feel crazy I love you on the days you feel hopeful I love you on the days you feel cuddly I love you on the days you feel clingy I love you on the days you feel amazing I love you on the days you feel beautiful I love you on the days you feel like a failure I love you on the days you feel angry I love you on the days you feel aggressive I love you on the days you feel horrible I love you on the days you feel safe I love you on the days you feel unsafe I love you on the days you feel vulnerable I love you on the days you feel weird I love you on the days you feel ok I love you when you're healthy I love how you sing (or hum or feel the music) I love your taste in music I love your taste in movies I love your taste in tv shows I love the way you move I love the way you act I love you when you cry I love you when you're kind I love you when you're mean I love you when you're alone I love you when you can't feel I love you when you feel too much I love you when you can't take life anymore I love you when you feel like it's too much I love you when you're asleep I love you when you have nightmares I love you when you have dreams I love how you believe I love you when you believe in yourself I love you when you don't believe in yourself I love you when you hate yourself I love you when you love yourself I love the way you think I love you problems I love your solutions I love how you support I love you when you're in pain I love you when you're hurt I love your promises I love your secrets I love your attitude I love you sass I love your creativity I love your voice (or lack thereof) I love you hand gestures I love your stories I love your wounds I love your scars I love your face I love your past I love your future I love your present I love your outfits I love your style I love your art I love your honesty I love you when you lie I love you when you're tired I love you when you're energetic I love how you look I love how you cook I love you when you're adventurous I love you when you're scared I love your imperfections I love your perfections I love you when you worry I love you when you talk (or communicate) I love your opinions I love you when you have a headache I love you when you have a stomach ache I love you when you help others I love you when you need help I love you when you're mature I love you when you're immature I love you in the hard times I love you in the easy times I love you when life is meh I love you when you're responsible I love you when you're irresponsible I love you when you fight I love you in your darkest moments I love you in your brightest moments I love your heart I love you in the day I love you in the night I love you at midnight I love you at 3 am I love you at all times I love you at your best I love you at your worst I love the little things you do I love all of you I love you when you're you I love 𝙮𝙤𝙪. From the stranger on the internet who loves you :) (THIS ISNT MINE BUT PLEASE PASS IT AROUND :DD)
@lenabogart6279 5 ай бұрын
make it stop,the voices are getting louder it all hurts make it stop
@still_a_potato 5 ай бұрын
I love the image man it reminds me of when I was a kid I can't be in a loud area because I get scared and start panicking and wanting to cry well unless I'm listening to music in my headphones it gives me something else to focus on
@Tee.Dee3 5 ай бұрын
sometimes i wanted friends yet sometimes i didnt and honestly it was really confusing ! nobody ever really saw me or talked to me , and those who did were liars and cheats . and they never called me nice things , all they did was talk about me spitefully . and sometimes when i hear people say to cherish your younger years , i look back and i regret them like a crime i never commited
@Жополобик 6 ай бұрын
It's very sad when parents turn the best part of life into hell.
@COYOT3_TAILS 7 ай бұрын
@gloomygirl_0 7 ай бұрын
Sometimes I forget that my brother lives in the same house as me and goes through the same pain I do.
@blablue2711 8 ай бұрын
No I wasn't abused or SA. When I say it like this some people can thought so there is not a big problem then, you're are just being emotional. But my problem is a little different. I was a 11 year-old girl back then. I was the great kid all parents would've wanted in there life's (They always told my parents that). So when I turned 12 something's started to change. I was a 7th grader and there was a guy at my class (let me call him A). So A was a sweet and understanding boy. I was starting to fall in love with him but there was a problem, I was completely a shy person. All I was doing was just walking around him like a stalker ,I never found the courage on me to talk with him. In the second semester of the 7th grade I thought buying him a present would be a great idea to talk to him. I bought him his favorite anime's figure. The day I was going to give it to him was his birthday. On that day I did a terrible mistake. I was to shy too shy to even talk so my friends got in the tennis court to give him the present for me. He got the present from them and got out of building searching for me. He saw me in the corner with some of my friends (I was red like a tomato and crying bc of shyness). He started to walk towards us and I did the worst mistake on my life I stood up fastly and pushed my friends away to run away from there. They all looked behind me I runned faster as I could. I waited on the toilet until the break finished but when I got on my class. I couldn't find the same boy that I loved. He changed after that. I knew it was my fault, he was broken that I didn't talked to him and instead I runned away. After that 2-3 months later there was a instagram account that would share people's secrets no one knew who was the owner of it. There was a long message about me in there, that message changed my life completely. (So let's call me E) It told '' E you are the most boring person I ever met in my life. Oh and you think you're pretty too? Oh nah, you're really ugly you know that stop pretending you are beautiful. I always thought why A didin't talk with you after that thing that happened. But now I know why. Why would anyone wanna talk with a ugly and boring person just to thank for a stupid ugly gift. No one. So I don't question it anymore. He choose a pretty girl to like. You ofc don't know it PUDHWJ! Oh I was almost forgetting he doesn't even care about u as a person, he doesn't even see you as a human. Stop fooling yourself he hates u. Get ur self together u are acting like a clown.'' That words changed my life after that everything was broken. It was the finish line. I lost myself. I changed to the person that I was scared. All I see on the mirror is a dead body who is just standing. I lost my social skills and turned into a awkward introvert who doesn't even talks a word. That's what all people thinks of me even my parents. I'm a mess right know. A thing that's just written on the ınternet just for fun can easily change a peoples life so think twice before writing something on the internet about someone. That words triggers me until know. (I''m a 14 years old right know) I don't know who to trust. And guess what's coming after 10 days? My trauma day, the day everything started January 18th.
@alexazinzun9194 8 ай бұрын
My mom is a busy woman and I am grateful that I work to support myself and my siblings, but even though I have food, a place to sleep, and clothes, I never had a mother who consoled me, who did not hit me, who did not humiliate me,etc i have Panic attacks anxiety etc,and my mom just say "stop crying for everything!" "Crybaby" "You should have attacks of responsibility and not shit like that", i know shes tired but.. hurts very much
@Goober-dude 8 ай бұрын
I have this oc that has autsim and barely talks and when she does she is very quiet or studders and then she says im sorry after every single time.......and i would protect her with the world
@glooomyXD 9 ай бұрын
@AyanoAishi6446 10 ай бұрын
when I was a kid I made something called a "c o p i ng d i a r y" so I could vent about my feelings I would keep it a secret from everyone except my friends
@Lel0ma_Lel0 10 ай бұрын
sometimes help isnt enough.
@alifelessbodyfoundinthebac8615 10 ай бұрын
Remember me lol well its been two years so ha This playlist has a special place in my heart Goodbye now 🩷 ^^ - Friday Nov 3 2023 <3
@user-no9vr2rx4o 10 ай бұрын
Sometimes i dont know how Socialize, i am tired
@myvoid7939 10 ай бұрын
Was stimming. Wasnt sure if I wanted to die or vibe. So I just stared at wall until it ended.
@snowcone6953 10 ай бұрын
Kids are pushed to forget. Get yelled at and hit multiple times? No, say sorry for something you didn't do and get hugged minutes later like nothing happened. Forgive and forget. Thats all they want me to do... Forget.
@GUMMIESKITTLES_JAS045 11 ай бұрын
2:30 how it feels to have a autism meltdown
@xx_furby_lover_xx5812 10 ай бұрын
Literally 😥
@GUMMIESKITTLES_JAS045 11 ай бұрын
2:30 how it feels to be forced into a religion.
@I_LOVE_YOU_HOE 11 ай бұрын
vent chat: (reply)
@arabella2coolc249 11 ай бұрын
I liked bc ofcthe image❤❤
@cristianpereira7204 Жыл бұрын
@Alex-eq4xl Жыл бұрын
this helps me alot after i got SA'd i posted a video on it and someone said they wish they were the person who did it so now im spiraling but i opened youtube and saw this thank you so much
@xx_furby_lover_xx5812 10 ай бұрын
Wtf, that is so messed up. I'm so sorry someone had the audacity to say that. Hugging you rn
@collinmckibbin7508 Жыл бұрын
@SSSS-xs1mg Жыл бұрын
I think Im gonna kms soon
@youra8748 Жыл бұрын
I want me and my parents to be okay so badly but I know it’s a relationship that cant be fixed
@alexaplank5073 Жыл бұрын
-my dad loved a fake ass daughter other than me- such a cool playlist!
@floof6105 Жыл бұрын
My teacher screamed very loud, but it was her method of teaching
@Milkman-kipo Жыл бұрын
eeeaaaooo Hmmmmm my favorite song- it must fit the depression well if it has five songs that are all in my playlist normally-
@leocherry Жыл бұрын
I have a rather fine relationship with mother now, at least compared to what it was, I don't know if she feels the difference though. I feel so, so bugged by how she can pretend everything was ok, how she doesn't feel sorry for all the times, most of which I don't even remember, that she hurt me so bad I can still feel that. I want to cry every time I think about that
@fluffyw0lfy Жыл бұрын
when i was 4 or 5 my brother sexualy assaulted me i never talk about it even though i should i never wanted to get him in trouble
@Mikoo-- Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry, I hope you are safe now ♡
@fluffyw0lfy Жыл бұрын
thanks @@Mikoo-- im fine but from time to time he does try to do it but ive protected myself
@Mikoo-- Жыл бұрын
@@fluffyw0lfy That's good that you can protect yourself, but I really suggest that you tell someone you can trust. If he doesn't stop, then he deserves to get in trouble. He probably thinks that you won't tell anyone, so he just continues. I don't want to force you, I know how it feels, but it's the best thing to do for your safety. I wish you all the best ♡
@fluffyw0lfy Жыл бұрын
@@Mikoo-- i havend told bc the last time i did i almost put him in jail wich made my parents angry thats why i dont tell anyone
@Mikoo-- Жыл бұрын
@@fluffyw0lfy Oh , I'm really sorry for that :(
@Carl_Is_Tired Жыл бұрын
This morning my mom came upstairs asking loudly about what to make for dinner. She came up to me while I was still in bed and patted me on the back talking about me needing to get up and to clean up my room. Now you would think I'd be fine but nope, I started crying. I quickly stopped but it was so stupid like I haven't started crying over something that stupid in years. But I now know why it happened and why it happened all those years ago. I am autistic so the noise of yelling and touching overwhelmed me and caught me off guard that I ended up crying. I still think it was stupid but whatever nothing I could have done.
@nya.cat. Жыл бұрын
{TW: rape, derealization] At age 11 i met a guy i thought i could trust. One night he raped me, he had a knife right bed, he convinced me i wanted it to happen. And in the morning he gave me a stuffed lamb named snowy. it smelled like him, and still does. The smell never goes away it stays with me just like the horrible memories. why. why wont the smell go away
@starznova Жыл бұрын
For as long as I can remember, I've always been this anxiety driven person, but I have no idea why. I mean, nothing really bad happend in my childhood but something has to have happend to make me like this. I feel like since I was as young as 3, I was always super anxious and sensitive (both emotionally and physically) idk this has something due to being autistic (probably played a factor but idk). I guess thats another sucky part of trauma is that it could've happend when you were so young or that it was so traumatizing that you can't remember anything
@kayx83 Жыл бұрын
the first image I relate too so much, i always get panic/anxiety attacks when I hear super loud noises like a fire-alarm, thank you for this playlist, it’s very comforting
@temmietv4324 Жыл бұрын
today one of the most terrifiyng things happened; i was just watching videos but my mind said nope, so i kind of looked at my little lamb plushie and for a second i straight up thought that there was a pitch black liquid draining from its eyes, it's been one hour and i'm still terrified
@RAWRC0R3Z Жыл бұрын
hmm what a coincidence my pfp is the same as the picture for the vid :D
@G.X.T.KGroup_K Жыл бұрын
Me after i snap, shouting at my classmates, hurting them, accidentally making my best friend cry bc she was scared of me bc i was angry, crying, tooks 2 teachers to calm me down, been taking to another classroom, and it was my birthday at the time and its so, so loud. (june 23)