@mni5245 8 сағат бұрын
Where are the Islamist!??
@DavyAnthonissen 10 сағат бұрын
Can you tell me the reason why someone uses "some" instead of "most", when it's "most" and not "some"?
@Norway-um4qy 23 сағат бұрын
Are you alive 🤔
@shakirmumtaz1 23 сағат бұрын
It is a great debate exposing traditionalism's negatives but does not leave a good impression of counterarguments either. Jawad seems shallow and lacks confidence in his presentation. Shakir Mumtaz. Author, Thinker, Analyst. shakir2.wordpress.com
@iiddrrii6051 2 күн бұрын
I have to accept that this definitely seems better than "wife-beating". Corporal punishment laws are still problematic though. In theory, the bar for evidence is absurdly high, but in practice, it's often abused.
@DrJavadTHashmi 2 күн бұрын
Islamic modernists like myself do not believe in implementing such corporal punishments and see this as a time bound historically contingent ruling at a time in which that was the punishment and there were no prisons.
@iiddrrii6051 2 күн бұрын
@@DrJavadTHashmi That's reasonable. There are a lot of beautiful things in Islam that people struggle to see because of these old practices.
@nejatyalin 2 күн бұрын
Evolution proves that religions are rubbish. Not the idea of a god...
@muntasirminhaz 2 күн бұрын
Javed just recording himself. There are no audience here. One single shot of him, no pan towards the audiences, no shot of other guests and speakers! One Strapped lapel Mic and one microphone; sound quality is too good for a live audience recording. The background looks like a TV set. Dude is wearing Makeup. Trying to appear as Gillette Zakir Naik. Lighting just gives it away. No way there are people inside (except his camera and equipment guys), let alone any young people. And if there was any Islamic scholarship within you, you wouldn't dare to pass final judgement any born or new muslim (even if the judiciary system did) in your speech. You would have stayed within your topic without mentioning any names or showing any picture. If you find anything problematic with him, a scholar wouldn't approach the issue like you did. Shekh Uthman in USA did a great video where he very gently pointed out where Tate is getting wrong, why it's wrong, explained it well and prayed from him. Tate is just promoting courses and memecoins, you on the other hand is using "Islam" to fill your ego. Kind of a Tate move. But Tate move works for marketing; not for religious preaching. This is just sad! You have no idea, how many people have taken interest in Islam and have become muslim just because of Tate. In you speech, you just took Tate out of Islam! You are just doing takfir of him. Which is prohibited in Islam. You forgot calling people Kafir is prohibited in Islam, as one don't know what is inside other one's heart. You forgot the Hadith that recounts an incident where Usama bin Zaid killed an enemy combatant who professed faith in Allah just before dying, for which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) repeatedly admonished Usama, emphasizing the sanctity of the declaration of faith even in the heat of battle. Even if you have evidence (let's suppose); no scholar would do this publicly. Well in your defense you didn't do it publicly, you just posted a video from your apartment! How about I say, that you don't represent Islam and "Ya sheikh, where's your bread? Why shave twice a daily!" And "why the gae makeup dude!" ~ What do you think of this! You and MPAC is just there to take money from Washington elites for doing NGO and political BS. Don't think tate does that. This hadith is just for other readers, Javad already knows this, choose to avoid these on purpose:- Usama bin Zaid From Sahih Muslim Hadith No: 176 Narrated/Authority of Usama bin Zaid Listed in: Faith (Kitab Al Iman) That the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent us in a raiding party. We raided Huraqat of Juhaina in the morning. I caught hold of a man and he said: There is no god but Allah, I attacked him with a spear. It once occurred to me and I talked about it to the Apostle (may peace be upon him). The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Did he profess" There is no god but Allah," and even then you killed him? I said: Messenger of Allah, he made a profession of it out of the fear of the weapon. He (the Holy Prophet) observed: Did you tear his heart in order to find out whether it had professed or not? And he went on repeating it to me till I wished I had embraced Islam that day. Sa'd said: By Allah, I would never kill any Muslim so long as a person with a heavy belly, i. e., Usama, would not kill. Upon this a person remarked: Did Allah not say this: And fight them until there is no more mischief and religion is wholly for Allah? Sa'd said: We fought so that there should be no mischief, but you and your companions wish to fight so that there should be mischief. I sure this guy will say this Hadith is not related to "takfir", "but this is war situation, blah ...." You literally did the same thing, instead of a spear, you just injected confusion among the new muslims and new people that are showing interest., by making takfir of Tate.
@kalebj7001 2 күн бұрын
This shows why Islam is a dangerous religion, there is no room for Reformation, the majority are rooted too much into its Fundamentalism that it will sideline and even destroy any sign of moderation or reformation
@demitrykhandree1774 3 күн бұрын
Hello Dr., first off, great job in this debate. Secondly, I am seeking clarification from you in regard to my homework assignment. My friend had told me that you are a Muslim who, like Dr. Shabir Ally and Dr. Andani Khalil, believe Jesus was put on the cross. So, I just wanted to know: (1) What is your belief regarding the crucifixion? (2) What Islamic sect do you belong to? ... Thank in advance for your time. God Bless!
@DrJavadTHashmi 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment. (1) Yes, I do believe that the Quran affirms the crucifixion. According to this view, Jesus died in the flesh but his soul lives on with God, as all martyrs’ souls do. Therefore, there will be no second coming of Christ, no anti-Christ, and no mehdi. None of this is in the Quran and is thus a post-Quranic belief. (2) I am of Sunni background, and Islamic modernist.
@demitrykhandree1774 3 күн бұрын
@@DrJavadTHashmi Thank you. I appreciate it.
@demitrykhandree1774 3 күн бұрын
@@DrJavadTHashmi Sorry to bug you, but I was wondering, just for my enjoyment - do you have any videos or reading material on the topic of the crucifixion? To me, this is a very interesting topic. One of my Sunni friends rejects the notion Jesus was crucified, however, my other Sunni friends does believe Jesus was crucified. Both have great points. My friend who does affirm the crucifixion has mentioned other Sunni's like Etheesham Gulam who debated David wood, and Shiekh Hussein Imram who also maintain the same position. In other words, he has supported his position and showed me that not all Muslims deny the crucifixion. My other friend says all Muslims deny Jesus was put on the cross - but Im starting to believe that is not an accurate claim.
@elliot7205 3 күн бұрын
Dr what is your understanding of the verse 4:82? What type of discrepancy is it refering to...
@napoleonlaguerre5587 4 күн бұрын
and his name wasn't Muhammad but Quthemean shit or poop of Men
@vvaloachi7263 4 күн бұрын
What if, A Good Jew or Christian realize that Islam is the Truth, and then decides to reject the Truth ??
@2011minos 5 күн бұрын
This was the age she was betrothed to Jubair ibne Mut'im, before moving to Abysinnia for 5 years.
@vvaloachi7263 5 күн бұрын
it's 11 month ! Part-2 has not published yet !!
@MohammadFaisalSaleem 6 күн бұрын
Javad, are you a Muslim?
@attila0073 8 күн бұрын
"The ecclesiastical tradition acknowledges that Mary married Joseph the Carpenter, who was over ninety years old, before she was twelve. This Christian cross-dresser points to what he believes is a speck in the eyes of Muslims, forgetting the log in his own backside."
@attila0073 8 күн бұрын
"Whether he married for nine years or twenty, what's the problem? This was the custom of all humanity and only began to be criticized in modern times. Aisha was engaged before him, and I believe this was part of divine planning, as she lived a long life and narrated the Prophet's biography to the third generation, which is part of the miraculous preservation of prophethood. Hafsa married young, and this was common among humans, especially in nomadic environments."
@cantrikcaraka8259 8 күн бұрын
No one knows the takwil except Allah. However, Hijab knows the takwil. What does that imply then?
@JessePunkman1 9 күн бұрын
@2:26:57, many Muslims attack Christians using the western scholars. They like the consensuses regarding the Book of Daniel, Deutero-Isaiah, missing verses, DH/SH...
@Mutazili 9 күн бұрын
Daniel's school is the reason why I was disillusioned with Sunnism. Converting to Mu'tazilism was the best thing I did.
@muhammadhaq7773 10 күн бұрын
Just we need to understand these perspectives from Quran. 1. Muhammad (PBUH) had the best of character (64:8 , 33:21, 0"128 and others) , 2. properties to be handed over to orphans when they reach marriageable age (6:4), meaning they are both physically and more importantly mentally matured enough to handle / understand property, and that is also the marriageable age. So the best of character will only marry a woman who is matured and has reached marriageable age. So Ayisha (RA) had reached marriageable age AND NOT 6/9/11/or whatever when she married Prophet (PBUH). So what was her age, you ask? I don't know and neither do I care, because one, she was matured enough and two, it has got nothing to do with my faith in One Allah (monotheism), judgement day and good deeds, the core pillars of Islam.
@genzigzag 11 күн бұрын
No surprise that this fraud Dr. Javed Hashimi hasn't posted anything recently. Is it because he hasn't received instructions from his Zionist masters? The moment I saw the look on this disbelievers face when brother Daniel called him out on not being able to recite Itel kursi, or not stating PBH following stating our prophets name sealed his fate amongst the Ummah.
@gowsikuna3987 11 күн бұрын
In India child marriage is between two children- child marriage in Islam is marrying girls young to be your grandaughter - not the same you are dishonest as you did not mention Yemen which has problem with child marriage - you probably a Pakistani - with out knowing or being self aware you defend child marriage by saying is prevalent in India
@Islam-bq4dp 11 күн бұрын
I would like to point out that there was no formal calendar until the time of the second Caliph, Omar, which means birthdates or precise event dates were not recorded necessary with accuracy. The calendar was established in 638 CE / 17 AH, starting backwards from the year of the Hijra, 622 CE / 1 AH. Additionally, some Hadiths in Bukhari mention that Aisha was present at the Battle of Badr in 2 AH / 624 CE, the same year as her marriage, and she also participated in the Battle of Uhud 3 AH. How could a nine-year-old girl take part in such battles? It's important to note that historical records sometimes experience digit drops. For example, the number nineteen ("tisa'a ashar" in Arabic) might be recorded as nine ("tisa'a"). This suggests that Aisha might have been 19 years old at the time of the Battle of Badr not 9, which makes more sense in this case, and it was also the year of her marriage. Finally, considering the age of Aisha's sister, Asma, who was 27 years old at the time of the Hijra and was 10 years older than Aisha, it suggests that Aisha was 17 at the time of the Hijra. This aligns with the previous estimation that she was 19 at the time of the Battle of Badr, which is the year of her marriage. Asma's date of death and other dates of her life, like her Hijra, were widely presented and recorded because she was among the companions who lived to reach 100 years old.
@tradelayer5417 12 күн бұрын
7:157 must be referring to Dueteronomy 18:18 and the Paraclete from gJohn. Notably, Duet. 18:18 depends on if "achim" means brethren in the sense of their immediate cohort (Israelites) or the cousins (Ishmaelites) and gJohn's paraclete is resonant with the title of Mani, so Islam is not the first incidence of a seal of prophet claim calling back to gJohn. But since gJohn says the paraclete will be in the believers, it implies that the prophets would have to be part of a holy spirit continuity or a Logos continuity.
@theguyver4934 7 күн бұрын
Just like biblical and historical evidence proves that jesus and his apostles were vegatarians biblical and historical evidence also proves that the trinity, atonement, original sin and hell are very late misinterpretations and are not supported by the early creed hence its not a part of Christianity I pray that Allah swt revives Christianity both inside and out preserves and protects it and makes its massage be witnessed by all people but at the right moment, place and time The secred text of the Bible says ye shall know them by their fruits So too that I say to my christian brothers and sisters be fruitful and multiply Best regards from a Muslim ( line of ismail )
@ranimouf 13 күн бұрын
Mo mother doesn't know her age. She's still alive. May Allah grant her a long life. She said that my grand parents neglected to go to the nearest city to register her.
@epona1525 6 күн бұрын
When I see people on the street, I don't know their age. But I can tell, who is around six, around 10, around 15, around 20, around 30. Baby, toddler, child, teenager, aduld: it's obvious.
@elliot7205 13 күн бұрын
Dr, what is your view on the yasir qadi 'holes in the narrative' the christians love jumping on? And what is your view of people who are good people but are atheists? Does the Qur'an tell us if they might also go to paradise.
@SerrotBelac 14 күн бұрын
Staright honest and openly i can get around surrah 65:4. And if its because i dont know arabic well then damn what do you tell the 60% of muslim who dont speak arabic
@nemesis1055 14 күн бұрын
Hi Dr. Javad, I appreciate your view. The topics and arguments you provide align exactly with what I have found in my own research and study, and I have been debating them within the Persian community. I think you could also bring a lot of evidence from tradition, especially among Sufi and philosophers in the Islamic tradition, who had inclusivist and pluralistic views. In Persian-Sufi literature, I found many pluralistic perspectives that show even the tradition of Islam wasn't entirely exclusivistic. Just reading Ibn Arabi, he is the most amazing and profound Sufi who specifically speaks against exclusivism and interprets the verses of the Quran about tritheism (not the Trinity) in a way that shows the Quran didn't condemn orthodox Christianity. He states that the orthodoxy of Christianity is very similar to Islam and that Christians are monotheists. Even the quote you provided in the debate, "God is not the Messiah, but the Messiah is God," is one of Ibn Arabi's arguments. He also discusses the divinity of Christ, suggesting that every human being has the potential for divinity. The only difference is that Christ actualized that divinity and was aware of it, and the goal of religion is to reach that state of unity with the Being. So, even the concept of incarnation is not shirk; it's a very profound teaching found among all religions if we understand it correctly. So those exclusivist Muslims who define themselves by Tradition are not entirely accurate because you can't exclude mysticism and Sufism from the Islamic tradition. My master's thesis was on "The Concept of Religious Pluralism in a Globalized World: An Analytical and Comparative Study of John Hick and Hossein Nasr's Theories," which you can read at this link: www.academia.edu/112507090/The_Concept_of_Religious_Pluralism_in_a_Globalized_World_An_Analytical_and_Comparative_Study_of_John_Hick_and_Hossein_Nasrs_Theories Thank you for your profound and in-depth view on Islam. You could ask your opponent that if institutional Islam and believing in certain propositional dogmas and statements is the way to salvation, then you must believe that ISIS is also saved because they believe in the Prophet and other essentials dogmas. Or consider Shia Muslims who devote themselves to Imams and go to shrines-they should also be considered saved (against the Wahabi and Salafi views). By his logic, you would have to say that St. Francis of Assisi, Gandhi, Mandela, and many virtuous people around the world with good deeds are damned according to this exclusivist view. They don't understand that God does not support a party or and football team! or an egoist who wants you to become a member of his sect! All the verses you provide from the Quran argue against this sectarian and tribalistic view of exclusivists. They are so misguided! This exclusivist mindset treats religion like supporting a football club, where if you support one team, you must be against the others. However, religions are more like different flowers in a garden, various foods, or diverse forms of art and colors. They all offer paths to self-realization, beauty, goodness, and wisdom. I recommend studying the works of Perennial and Traditionalist thinkers like Hossein Nasr, Rene Guenon, frithjof schuon (His famous book "Trancendence unity of Religions") and Ananda Coomaraswamy. These traditionalists are pluralists who respect all traditional religions, contrasting sharply with Salafis. The latter are not truly traditionalist since they reject significant parts of tradition, including art, philosophy, mysticism, dance, music, and more.
@DrJavadTHashmi 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind comment. I am traveling so my comment will be short but just wanted to let you know thatI had already read your paper previously and benefitted from it!
@nemesis1055 14 күн бұрын
​@@DrJavadTHashmi Dear Javad, It is a great honor that you have read my paper. I was not familiar with your thoughts and opinions until a few weeks ago when I had the good fortune of coming across your debate with Daniel. It was then that I realized what a smart and knowledgeable scholar you are. I regret not discovering your work earlier. I have not yet had the honor of reading your master's thesis, but I plan to find it soon. I become aware in your debate that you are a PhD student, although I am not sure if you have completed your PhD. I wish you the best of luck and encourage you to participate in more debates. You make these Salafi Muslims very angry by citing many verses from the Quran :)) During your debate, Daniel had a panic attack and resorted to ad hominem attacks. They are not true seekers, but dogmatic fanatics who lack a correct understanding of the goals of religion and the deeper, esoteric meanings of Islam. As you know better than me, there are many different levels of understanding the Quranic message. When I read the works of Sufi scholars, I see that these enlightened Sufis experience the consciousness of the Prophet and serve as a ladder to Allah. In contrast, the Islam practiced by Salafis, Wahhabis, and literalists represents the lowest level of the message of Islam. Every person will experience the meaning of the divine message according to their level of knowledge and wisdom. The Quran has many layers of meaning, including inner, esoteric meanings that go beyond the literal interpretation. As English is not my first language, I am more active in the Iranian community, engaging with the same fields and themes you discuss. I am also looking to start my PhD program with the project theme "Beyond Tradition: A Meta-Historical Exploration of Revisionist Theories on Islam's Inception." I see that you are very familiar with these historical criticism perspectives about Islam. I look forward to seeing more debates and interviews from you and admire your views. The only thing I am a bit skeptical about is that in some of your debates, you position yourself against tradition and define yourself as a Muslim Modernist or Liberal Muslim. I suggest you read some works by Hossein Nasr, whom I believe is one of the most prominent contemporary scholars of Islamic studies. Our view of religious pluralism from an Islamic and Quranic perspective is not as modern as it seems; it is deeply rooted in the tradition of Sufism. When you speak against tradition, I believe it is important to clarify what you mean by tradition. I know that you are aware, the Salafist or Wahhabi perspectives are actually products of modernism and reject significant parts of traditional Islamic thought, such as philosophy, art, mysticism, and more. Pre-modern traditionalist Muslim thinkers have written extensively on topics like music, sexuality, the importance of the female role in ontology, and other subjects. Thank you for your time and have a nice travel.
@osayameojo6277 14 күн бұрын
Hmmm, how does historical critical scholarship explain Surah Al-Talaaq 65:4. My view is the Quran addresses child marriage in that ayat because it prescribes a waiting period for women who haven’t reached puberty (menstruation).
@DrJavadTHashmi 14 күн бұрын
@paragsonalkar 14 күн бұрын
@alanshearer3682 14 күн бұрын
When are you releasing part 2. Release it before topic become irrelevant
@user-vz6vf5zn9t 14 күн бұрын
Why does the Quran call Jesus Essa instead of his real name Yasu in the Arabic?
@murraymoore8668 15 күн бұрын
it's such a relief to listen to a sermon where the quran is frequently quoted
@Megalodon74 15 күн бұрын
Any more untrustworthy hadith, or just this very convenient one?
@DrJavadTHashmi 15 күн бұрын
You obviously don’t know me or the position of historians: kzbin.info/www/bejne/eKuXp4CLit2bl8ksi=MFb-U66JYHJP7Uyv
@adamsulaiman639 15 күн бұрын
the Quran is the True Hadish. salaam
@muruvvetacikgoz6083 15 күн бұрын
Activist show themselves to be stubborn and really bad listeners. Like the islamists, environmentalists, gender idiologists. No room for critical thinking. They just want to yell kick and scream out of madness!
@CTG2500 15 күн бұрын
This debate was vicious but civil simultaneously. Glad you both aired your views. One group are like branded as white washed conformist people, while the other is a bunch of lunatics who want to destroy the world, like they did in some countries….This is why historically the state based-Sunni Islam has been a turn off to me. Do nothing majority, fascinating….Thanks to Allah SWT that the Shi’a creed hasn’t actually been degraded like this and it is the true core belief of God that holds up the entire ummah. The Gaza situation proves this too….
@lillylillylillylilly-zk8fr 6 күн бұрын
40 thousand Palestinians were killed in Gaza, in addition to thousands under the rubble and thousands wounded. What did the Shiites do to prevent this?
@lillylillylillylilly-zk8fr 6 күн бұрын
Since the beginning of the Gaza war, Iran has not sent a single bag of flour, anti-missiles, or anything. Stop exploiting Palestine for Iran’s expansion in the Middle East. We Arabs understand this game.
@muruvvetacikgoz6083 15 күн бұрын
Atheïsm is a religion too and has it's fundamentalists.
@muruvvetacikgoz6083 16 күн бұрын
Very refreshing! Jawad has easily won this debate
@Jk-ow8ny 16 күн бұрын
wow the apostle Javad hashmi was cooking
@elliot7205 16 күн бұрын
Dr, if we take the Qur'an as literary were do we draw the line? Is Allah just allergory aswell?
@DrJavadTHashmi 16 күн бұрын
Great question. I would say that the classical Islamic philosophers realized long time ago that the language used to describe God is indeed literary and figurative, using anthropomorphic language to express the ineffable Ultimate Reality.
@elliot7205 15 күн бұрын
@@DrJavadTHashmi so when we say God knows the future or is all knowing should we not take that literally? Because God transcends all of these things? Also Dr what do you make of the book history of the Quranic text by Mustafa azmi..
@user-vz6vf5zn9t 16 күн бұрын
Do you have a video explaining Surah 65:4 of the Quran child divorce?
@DrJavadTHashmi 16 күн бұрын
Here you go, sir: kzbin.info/www/bejne/kIuuZ3SMqLKcaMk
@user-vz6vf5zn9t 16 күн бұрын
Hi Dr. Javad , I have a question if the Quran confirms the Torah and Gospel that are with the Christian why does it contradict the Torah and gospel historically and theologically. It’s clear that God is Known as a Father and we are sons and Daughters of God. But Quran say to Muslim they can only come to Allah as a Slave! And he has no sons and daughters. For someone as smart as you why haven’t you left Islam all together?
@DrJavadTHashmi 16 күн бұрын
Hi there. Whereas the Quran does not seem to claim that the Torah and the Gospel are corrupted as Muslim apologists claim, neither does the Quran claim that these past scriptures are "100% accurate" as is often portrayed by Christian apologists. Rather, the Quran assumes that what is with them is sufficient for salvation, even if it implies that these former scriptures should be read through a quranic lens, much like a Christian would insist that the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) be read through a Christological lens. Additionally, there is inherent ambiguity as to what exactly the Quran is referring to by the terms "Torah" and "Gospel," as well as the Quran's own view towards scripture (al-kitāb). The Quran seems to prioritize the transcendent Scripture (al-Kitāb, also known as the Preserved Tablet) (from which all scriptures come from) over their instantiations in this world (i.e. the specific scriptures that are followed), even if the latter are the access point through which believers can grasp at the transcendent scripture, which is with God (or even perhaps in the divine mind). So, whereas I agree with you that the Muslim apologist is wrong to attack the Bible as corrupted, as this is chopping off the very branch upon which we Muslims sit, at the same time I simply don't agree with Christian apologists either that Muslims will fall into the dilemma they are trying to put us into as far as this alleged paradox is concerned. Hope this helps! Take care!
@TheJackfd81 16 күн бұрын
There's a big difference between 9 and 10
@checking-ti5gp 16 күн бұрын
Dr Shadee spent most of his time apealling to the emotions of the audience and listeners. He didn't make a proper objective case for his position.
@Lydia3.16 17 күн бұрын
Sam shamoun said you’re the 14 th apostle so here I am ❤😂
@Galatians_614 17 күн бұрын
we are both watching on Sams channel😀😀
@NelsonTalksFootball 16 күн бұрын
Yeah we are all here to support the 14th apostle of christ
@rawdog8141 8 күн бұрын
I'm too 😂
@spatel353 8 күн бұрын
The 14th apostle is a muslim?
@shamounian 17 күн бұрын
Dr. Javad you are truly pheonemnal! You make me proud. Keep it up!
@shamounian 17 күн бұрын
I got to say Javad, you are fast becoming one of my favorite scholars since your refutation to the traditionalist Muslims and new atheists is refreshing.
@shamounian 17 күн бұрын
Javad, you were awesome in this debate!