@electropop1728 26 күн бұрын
I listen to john lamb lash not people like this. Not sure why you keep on getting put on my feed really
The school that made an impact on various country and the world itself
@PatTap-og7he Ай бұрын
Gnostic culture?!! There are others???
@anoccasionaldream Ай бұрын
Wow! Great!! ✨
@helloSanders Ай бұрын
happy to see more with Lawrence Carauna. i enjoyed his lecture on gnosticism ☆ cheers~
@treeyoda20223 Ай бұрын
christians are gnostic initiates. some reach gnosis, others stay dogmatic
@ingela5355 2 ай бұрын
So interesting! Thank you🎉❤
@vidasagrada7 3 ай бұрын
I can see why traditional Christianity will reject this teachings... the saviour didn't come to save us because of his love for humanity, he just came for this bride 😂 I have felt his love it has healed me. I can take some things from Gnostics teaching still it doesn't portrait the love of God the father mother and the son for humanity. I Refuse to believe I am just a mistake from a Demi God called Yaldabaoth In Revelation 21:1-23, the apostle John was shown a vision of the Lamb’s wife, whose description was beyond human words. John described the Bride’s glory with words such as “[she was] descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal” (Revelation 21:10-11,)
@vidasagrada7 3 ай бұрын
Were we created by this demonic being called Yaldabaoth ?
@vidasagrada7 3 ай бұрын
very interesting a lot of the arcon names are similar to the name of the gods of the old testament: adonai yahew , Elohim . I don't longer follow astrology, Praise the saviour Christ for opening my eyes
@sandorrabe5745 3 ай бұрын
57:06 just like any child is androgynous initially but "turns into" a boy or girl at some later point? Ehhh how exactly? What about the y chromosome that came from the father? It suddenly turns into an X chromosome "at some point”? You must be completely out of your mind or high on drugs to come up with something like this 😂
@sandorrabe5745 3 ай бұрын
25:12 Almost? Mate you need some serious mind altering drugs to turn this gibberish into something that even remotely resembles a story with a beginning and an end. And that's allowing for any plot hole we encounter under way as if we're watching a movie from Hollywood. Are you sure "gnosis" is the right word to name this "philosophy"? Seems rather poorly chosen to me, professor 😅
@veritas5008 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant. So clearly explained. Thank you.
@juanmaguire6482 3 ай бұрын
Philolology is the study of words and thier origins, by this method these gospels will be disproved 3:48
@dop363 4 ай бұрын
Yo can i applied?
@jermaineclarke4298 4 ай бұрын
The most significant 2 hours of my entire existence. Thank you kind soul for sharing this master piece with us all.
4 ай бұрын
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@Charles-allenGodwin 4 ай бұрын
Gnosis: Be still and know that I am, you are, we are - simply being aware of being aware - as Life at Large - eternally actualizing infinite potential, because only Eternity can fully embrace Infinity. Love is the recognition of our shared Being. The one all-encompassing principle of Nature is pressure mediation: 0. Hermaphroditic di-electric null point/plane of conversion. 1. Masculine electric centripetal convergence (charge). 2. Feminine magnetic centrifugal divergence (discharge). 3. Androgynous electromagnetic current (parsing). Psyche: A = Will U = Heart M = Mind Integration = Integrity = Soul When the Heart aspires, the Mind inquires and the Will conspires (combines) To actualize potential: Mind = Inspiration Heart = Aspiration Will = Volition Dream it, Feel it, Do it. The abstract (Heaven) called Love by the Psyche (Firmament) can be expressed concretely (Earth) as a smile, hug, etc, thereby uniting Heaven and Earth. Optimums feel inherently good (Heaven). Extremes feel inherently bad (hell = the two thieves = too much/too little). We are an eternal open ended possibility, here to experience completion of Joy in form - in, with, by, for and as the all-inclusive One (Life).
@lazmotron 5 ай бұрын
Have you ever heard heard that the Gospels where written by Gnostic Jews in Alexandria Egypt?
@richardkasper5822 5 ай бұрын
Its pronounced maa-noj - in-ees
@SerialMascot 5 ай бұрын
Hooray another wacky internet pagan Jesus thing!
@rijntje73 5 ай бұрын
I've been slowly getting interested in and learning about the gnostic teachings in the last 2 years or so, but it can become very convoluted as well as be hard to get into and piece together. This helped me massively to get that hawk's eye (though detailed) view of the entire framework of thought. 🙏🏼
@danielgriebling6123 5 ай бұрын
I was raised in a very religious charismatic (Protestant) household. My first self aware religious thought was: The God of the OT sure is a jerk…also, nothing like Jesus. No one had to “teach” this to me, in fact, I was told over and over why that was wrong and incorrect. I’m now 42 and haven’t change changed my mind one bit.
@jasonmenmuir6783 5 ай бұрын
The findings are reserved for the searchers.
@peterwilliams8705 5 ай бұрын
Needs sound track on all lecture 3
@abundantharmony 5 ай бұрын
This guy's snotty upspeak makes him hard to listen to. He phrases everything as a question basically. Why do people do this? Is he unsure of himself?
@PatriciaJordan-lb5jf 5 ай бұрын
True gnosticism is not a religion
@PatriciaJordan-lb5jf 5 ай бұрын
True Gnostics are always has been self enlightening truth seeking spiritual people.
@darkhorsiesmedia 6 ай бұрын
I have never heard gnosticism explained so clearly before, truly illuminating!
@jeremiahmckenzie5532 6 ай бұрын
"Have you already laid bare the beginning so that now you seek the end? For the end will be where the beginning is."- Jesus on the mentioning made of RESURRECTION, REINCARNATION
@elsergic 6 ай бұрын
Holy shit dude I learnt so much today wtaf , from what I’ve read DMT experiences tend to follow this concept to shockingly similarity could Dmt be far more important than we know rn ?
@MargretTheGreatWealthTransfer- 6 ай бұрын
@theviennaacedemyofvisionar2602 please decipher : for millennia they have seen the light of all humanity so they ask why don't these have a light , but now they know the light of the Elect is hidden by their image and the Elect now walk among them . they understand the Elect weren't locked in this realm with them - they are locked in this realm with the Elect , they only have one place to flee as they can't stay here because this real is about to roll up like a scroll in the fire . make your way you need not fear the sabbath he has nowhere to go and is trapped but he too shall join the All but has no claim to you for you join the All before him . the Scorned shall become the Honoured and the Blind God Whom the Saviour calls the Kind God and Whom He loves as Himself will walk as The Great King amongst Kings so go in Peace rest in Peace and be in Peace with Him for is your Creator enjoy a thousand years of Peace with Him
@TommyBoy11 7 ай бұрын
Gnosticism is a variation and continuation of the Mystery Religions ; Sumarion, Babylonian, Egyptian, Kabala, and so on. His initial description is the typical "scholarly" bable started in the mid 1800's that is nothing but a "house of cards." Q is a fictitious fabrication with no independent primary sources.
@vg8328 7 ай бұрын
WOW 🎉❤
@zacksymes 7 ай бұрын
My guru said it best. Any snake giving knowledge is the good guy. With that being said, maybe “god” was the good guy in the garden story. We are at an intellectual impasse. Because, if it ever existed, we can not imagine a world BEFORE good and evil - as we would bring all of our knowledge of good and evil to the discussion. This would render us technically biased. However, Hinduism directly states we have the upward momentum on consciousness to achieve something akin to a godlike status. Afterall, we build worlds while asleep, and make life while awake. Rendering us gods by Webster’s strict definition.
@humdinger77 7 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏼
@lauracaelestis9167 8 ай бұрын
@BeesWaxMinder 8 ай бұрын
25:00 - it's all very interesting as a concept but I can't make head nor tail of what is being said! I mean I don't understand any of the ACTUAL meaning ...has anyone done a complete interpretation of what any of these writings actually mean not just a word for word translation of what we've got available?
@lauracaelestis9167 8 ай бұрын
Thats what Ive been looking for, wanted to know when alchemy statert dealing with symbolic/psychological/human processes. Thanks a lot!
@MamaNation711 8 ай бұрын
I’ve always known God, The Oneness, the Unseen. I’ve felt that light my whole life. As a southern American, I was brought up Christian, and I Loved Church and Learning about Jesus and his Teachings….. As my age progressed and I learned the stories of the Old Testament and Revelations… I grew Confused and Scared, because of my life, Family, upbringing.. It wasn’t Conventional to be tactful. So my Love of Religious tradition was tainted by the Thought that I was basically being told that my Family and Loved Ones would go to Hell and burn for eternity if they did not repent of their sinful ways…. I couldn’t hold Faith with that. I’ve never renounced God, He is there ever Present, but I’ve also always thought that he couldn’t control the world, He didn’t have Complete power. I have known Evil in my life Cruelly and Sadism, Yet I also know in my Soul. That no matter what happens here in this world. I am and always will be a child of God. This has given me some Perspective and insight into the Things I’ve always Known that contradicted what I was taught.. Thank you, I have found some Peace watching this. Much Love and Happiness ❤
@_.Sparky._ 8 ай бұрын
This is such a wonderful lecture!! Thank u 🙏🏻
@jonathanmoore5619 8 ай бұрын
This is good.
@Ru_bizzy 8 ай бұрын
@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 9 ай бұрын
36:41 Recent scholarship has shown that the scheme of elements are not Aristotelian, but in fact, have their origin in Eudoxus. He hid them in the names of the Zoidia ("signs"). He was the one who carefully crafted the names. He also found their true numbers, and we can demonstrate he used gemantria (despite no other scholar realizing this, you see). Eudoxus, as well, linked the Zoidia Names to the parts ( -- elements -- ) of speech itself. Namely, the consonants. (Planets correspond to the vowels, by the way.) See Plato's Cratalys. Hermogenus, the one who is interlocked with Socrates, in a dialogue -- that is to say, a Logos -- is Eudoxus. The point being Aristotle's system of elements, including their relationships to hot/cold, dry/wet, was already in place before Aristotle. All three of these men knew each other, too, all being members of the Academy. For anyone interested in the original astrology ... please see the late Robert Schmidt, and Project Hindsight. Your mind will be blown, I can easily promise you. Thanks. Peace.
@Astrolovescrypto 9 ай бұрын
It just hit me that Yaodoboath is shaped like semen. Is this intentional or just me making something out of nothing?