Thank you for this. I always do my best to offer interesting reviews.
@psychodic4 күн бұрын
Added to my to be read shelf! 😊
@ModernMystic816 күн бұрын
Thank you for your very kind words about the deck (author here)! Craig's art is amazing, I hope he gets to create more cards in the future.
@shelflifebookreviews63925 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comments. I hope there are more cards in the artist's future. Take care.
@laurad48227 күн бұрын
@psychodic8 күн бұрын
Nice summary, sounds interesting!
@andrewcrossman21659 күн бұрын
Love your videos been enjoying them thank you for your content
@shelflifebookreviews63929 күн бұрын
thank you for the kind words..
@andrewcrossman21659 күн бұрын
I finally am down to only four of the hardbound EC books left to get - this was incredibly expensive and arduous . But I could not be happier with these products. My question to you is what a couple runne R ups from the EC because I'm gonna start on those next.
@shelflifebookreviews63929 күн бұрын
Not sure what you have read but I am going to review Vault of Horror Volume 5 soon. It looks like another winner...
@radiak5511 күн бұрын
Thanks for the review, I'm glad whenever these artbooks have more about the artist and not just a pinup collection. But on that note, is this replacing the previous 2 volumes of his Art of Pinups or something separate? I'm assuming there's a fair bit of all of his career history
@shelflifebookreviews639211 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comments. I have not read the first two volumes, so I cannot compare this to them. I just know what I saw here was most impressive in this edition.
@nishantsingh975717 күн бұрын
Can I directly read this book without reading any other books in series?
@shelflifebookreviews639216 күн бұрын
I think you can. The stories are kind of standalone much of the time. I have not read every single one of them.
@nishantsingh975714 күн бұрын
@shelflifebookreviews6392 thank for the help
@Matt-es9me19 күн бұрын
Age appropriate?
@shelflifebookreviews639218 күн бұрын
It's adult mystery. Not written for the teen field.
@angryjack796320 күн бұрын
Thank goodness they put out a new edition, now they need to put out a new X-men one, Hulk, and Thor guide book
@collinsdarkwa28121 күн бұрын
My favorite superhero team
@MdAsrafulIslam-k6l27 күн бұрын
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@andrewcrossman216529 күн бұрын
Im obsessed- i have every volume out of thr three horror sets- all hardcover!!! Costed me a fortune- now all i have left is weird fantasy. Sir can you tell me which one is better between weird science /weird fantasy. Because I may not go to the trouble of getting the weird fantasy line in hardcover. they just make them the only one paperback set.
@shelflifebookreviews639228 күн бұрын
Thanks for writing. I honestly like them both. It is really hard to say one towers above the other, story and art wise. Sorry for being non-commital, but I like them equally.
@CanadianGardenBeeАй бұрын
Have you read books by Florence Scovile Shinn?
@rdallas1614Ай бұрын
Superb book
@woodywoodlstein9519Ай бұрын
CID is a dilettante. She’s also a liar. Strippers are hookers. That’s a fact. To think otherwise is just the height of naivety . They’re prostitutes. It gues on in the club and outside if it. lol. Hilarious she lies about that. The book is nothing but drivel. She lived on her boyfriend’s father’s money. A guy who served time getting others to riot in Toronto for the g20. His friends were undercover cops. lol. He’s bipolar and I’ve heard he killed father. To get the money. So they both live on it today. cid and Erik They’re lazy drug addicts. Who couldn’t hold a job and railed against the same system that made them rich. Total weasels they even got grants after jail. For the arts they don’t even know anything about. Like playing classical music backwards like some Mozart ozzy nightmare. It’s hilarious. But at least he admits he’s insane now. There’s no hope for these two dilettantes
@-h-e-x-Ай бұрын
Great book
@saltairtherustonyourdoor9944Ай бұрын
I’ve been meaning to read this book!!
@Chosen__One12 ай бұрын
thanks for the review man! highly appreciated
@shelflifebookreviews63922 ай бұрын
Glad you liked it. Keep watching my channel for lots more reviews!
@ManCaveTV12 ай бұрын
I really can't stand the two main character writing style. Why can't he just write a storyline with just pickett.
@dmminhajul-gt3bn2 ай бұрын
Your videos are amazing
@shelflifebookreviews63922 ай бұрын
Thank you sir. I do my best.
@DavidSohn-i3t3 ай бұрын
Really want a
@Leor_the_cream3 ай бұрын
Sounds very nice I will give it a read
@shelflifebookreviews63923 ай бұрын
It is a good book. Thanks for responding.
@Mex.Libris3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this review. 💯
@Md_Shajid_Hasan4 ай бұрын
You know what? I am a regular viewer of your KZbin Channel. I have seen all your videos and your content qualities are excellent. I learned lots of things from you. Your channel has great quality content but still, it needs to deliver its right audiences due to SEO and thumbnail problems. You should focus on your SEO and thumbnail so that You can get a big fanbase. Thanks.
@ihatechemistryyy4 ай бұрын
i read it n i rlly enjoyed it!!
@Lisa-io5vd4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the great review!
@shelflifebookreviews63924 ай бұрын
My pleasure!
@LeeGoldberg0074 ай бұрын
Thank you for the great review! I hope it becomes a TV series, too... there are producers trying to make it happen, :-)
@joniarmel73084 ай бұрын
I did not like this book . There are several messages going on here . Morals , there are none . Also working out and going to the gym does work , along with eating well…. I know … That message of working out is put down . Abortion is treated flippant. So let’s go bike riding , don’t tell Mom and go get abortion pills. Abbey just leaves her group at the end which isn’t very nice . Abbey is mean to her mother . Woman’s rights are stressed so much yet trans woman are invading woman’s sports and taking away those rights . No one has morals , secrets abound and discipline in good deeds are not encouraged. This book sends out wrong messages to young girls.
@dreamakuma4 ай бұрын
This was a day one get for me. Judgement day is a piece of history.
@HighlanderNorth14 ай бұрын
I started reading it about a week ago, and I was initially disappointed by the slow pace of the story. It seemed as if the character development was excessive/redundant. It was learning the same personality traits over and over again. But then it started to pick up once the accident happened and the story finally developed. Although I'm surprised that I've made it 2/3 of the way through the book without the "horror" part of the plot taking shape, I like the overall story so far.
@razer00720734 ай бұрын
Provocative title = book sales
@virgiepalon11405 ай бұрын
Thanks for the review. Just finished reading it and i’m a bit confused at the ending.
@shelflifebookreviews63925 ай бұрын
Sometimes it is best when the ending is left up to one's own interpretation.
@-h-e-x-5 ай бұрын
@TerryMarsh20245 ай бұрын
My copy is coming tomorrow. I've been a Tina Turner for years. My nan and grandad had the Simply The Best greatest hit cd, but I don't know anything about her life until the movie What's Love Got To Do With It. Then later on I read her book I, Tina
@_.thealtbutton._34835 ай бұрын
The thing about Character story driven book is that that if the main character isnt 100% Interesting then most people reading it will probably just get bored and stop reading. So if a book is successful in that matter than its definitely a amazing book.
@ronfoss77845 ай бұрын
Fantastic review. Love the EC ARCHIVES editions!! Thanks🤘🏻😁
@ronfoss77845 ай бұрын
Excellent book review. I previously ordered the Creepy archives vols 1-4 And with Vault of Horror i was a little skeptic. But watching this review definitely made me ordered this Vault of Horror vol. Thanks!!
@shelflifebookreviews63925 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comments. Much appreciated.
@charmainedelarosa44765 ай бұрын
I’m about 70% done with the book I’m so anxious lol I enjoyed your review detailed but no spoilers I will browse your videos for more book recommendations 😊
@shelflifebookreviews63925 ай бұрын
thanks for the response. Hope you enjoy future reviews.
@NickVanaswegen5 ай бұрын
@igorkovalenko94095 ай бұрын
Wow, sounds as very interesting book :) I take audiobook and I will listing it soon :) Thank you so much for your review :) It was short and very nice explained the plot, not many people can do it like you :) Thank you for your work :)
@shelflifebookreviews63925 ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind words. I do my best to tell the highlights of the book and keep it as short as possible.
@igorkovalenko94095 ай бұрын
@@shelflifebookreviews6392 Also if you haven't read mind games by the Nora Roberts, you can read it :) It's also really good one :) I don't know how this women can write so many books and have really good plot :)
@thegeekeasy15 ай бұрын
I was going to watch the whole video, but once you started spoiling the stories, I stopped. If you’re going to do that, could you at least add a spoiler warning?
@shelflifebookreviews63925 ай бұрын
I only mentioned a couple out of 24 or so stories. Not exactly spoiling the entire issue. I just gave a tiny sampling from 2 of the tales. Lots more spoiler free.
@purrfect06136 ай бұрын
Maurice’s name is pronounced “Morris.” Andy did not die from drugs. He was clean and sober at the time of his death. He died from a heart condition related to years of drug abuse.
@AlamoDame76 ай бұрын
Andy Gibb had been writing songs for a new album which was to be his big comeback. At his brother Robin's guest house, he fell into a deep depression over his writer's block. He had not taken drugs, so he was clean of them, but he went on an alcohol binge before, on, and until he was hospitalized a few days after his birthday. Robin witnessed his decline as did their mother, Barbara. who flew from her home in Miami to be with him weeks before his death.
@shelflifebookreviews63926 ай бұрын
Just the way it came out. We Canadians sometimes slur words when talking fast.
@judithoden6 ай бұрын
Just read Calamity of Souls. A wonderful well written book. I grew up in Virginia and graduated from James Madison in 1968. All of the story took me back to that time and all that was happening.
@judithoden6 ай бұрын
Just started this book this morning. Have been reading Balduacci since the early 90’s. First saw him on Cspan doing a review of his book. Have read almost everything he has written. Many of his books are on Audible. There are a few movies based on his books. Give him a chance and enjoy!
@benzigabor6 ай бұрын
Greetings from the UK. Thanks for another great book review. :) I agree that dark horse have done a fantastic job with the EC archives. They truely are a joy to read. Btw, incase you dont know, dark horse are selling some awesome book ends featuring all 3 of the ghoulunatics. I just got mine and they look fantastic. A perfect way to hold up the EC collection. Anyway, take care and keep up the awesome reviews :) cheers
@shelflifebookreviews63926 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for the kind words. I do my best to make them informative.
@jewdavid56276 ай бұрын
I disagree. I would only give the book a four out of ten. I read it, and I honestly don't see what's so good about it. I think David Baldacci is really losing his touch. His best book was Memory Man.
@StewardoMuchos6 ай бұрын
Hey man, you've done a quality thorough review here. You're very candid and speak clearly in this topic. Good detail with lots of room to explore as a reader. I took out the book via my public library. You have a smooth delivery and break things down we'll. Thank you dude. Look forward to reading it old style.
@shelflifebookreviews63926 ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind words I do try to be thorough in my reviews. I appreciate the smooth delivery comment. I have had a speech impediment since I was 5 years old, so I do my best to keep things smooth. Hope you keep watching my video reviews.