教えてくれてありがとう。あなたの 3D モデルはとても素晴らしいです!実際のところ、あなたが 3D モデルを AI に変換して、作成したキャラクターと会話したり対話したりできるようにすることに興味があるかどうかはわかりません。もっと知りたい場合は、返信して連絡してください〜
@fremy423011 ай бұрын
2:15らへんの服の作り方などが知りたいです_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
@isabelaszm11 ай бұрын
go king
@kiexieren11 ай бұрын
Please never remove this, it's been a favorite of mine for years! it's such a beautiful cover.. <3
@aya.yama885311 ай бұрын
Do you make custom models? (I've asked before but I'll do it again 😅. Of course I will pay for your work. I really like the models you make ☺️.)
@kanocrow78111 ай бұрын
Yes! (*^^*) I am accepting requests for 3D model. However, please note that I may decline if the design is too complex for me. Please send a message to X with details about your request😆 twitter.com/kano_crow
@Kat_Moon11 ай бұрын
I love your work, I want to learn to model like this 😊✨🎉
I love your videos so much! 😍 The models you create... are so wonderful! 😭 I love Matsudappoiyo in particular 💙. Can I contact you somehow? Do you make custom models? 🙂