@jonsor-u9m 2 күн бұрын
Is this Bishop an Orthodox Catholic, if so they do not believe that the Pope is infallible.
@boblevey 5 күн бұрын
Remember Barry my landsman, Yeshua/the Christ was Jewish and celebrated and followed all the traditions. Such a beautiful testimony from you!!!❤
@ruthhelen6501 8 күн бұрын
Please pray for me èveryone. I need a healer for my mold problem. Either that or I need to go to Lourdes.
@margaretpatras3654 9 күн бұрын
Please share your blessings and graces with each other. Jesus I trust in you.
@stephenphillips4984 10 күн бұрын
The Gospel of St John states: "So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen." (John 20: 3-7) Either the Shroud of Turin is genuine and theses verses are wrong in recording that strips of linen (not just ONE SHEET) were found or else it is a fake and the biblical account is accurate. Christians cannot have it both ways. If they don't believe that a gospel could be wrong in such a detail as this, then THEY HAVE TO DECLARE THE SHROUD TO BE A FAKE. Which or course it is, being a photographic negative created by projecting the image of a corpse through a camera obscura onto a burial cloth that had been brought back by a pilgrim from the Holy Land and which the hoaxer treated with a photo-sensitive chemical solution so as to produce a photographic negative. Sceptics who think this cannot do the job should read the book "Turin Shroud: how Leonardo da Vinci fooled history", written by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. They will find photographs of actual images of human heads on a linen sheet created with a camera obscura.
@glendawilliams1603 11 күн бұрын
What happens when this just makes it worse.
@morenanovoa1715 11 күн бұрын
What a beautiful testimony! Your testimony brought me joy and moved my heart to know that nothing is impossible to God. I was once upon a time lost for many years and in 2021 I had an encounter with Jesus, I just KNEW it was him and I gave me life to him in that same year. Since then He changed my life completely and still going through his daily change of heart, I'm a new creature in Christ. I must mention that Mother Mary was also interceding for my change. Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony. God bless you!
@inttubu1 17 күн бұрын
You may not be Christian, but you’re pretty close. Fear not to take the step. By embracing Truth you already accepted Yeshua ha Meshiah.
@inttubu1 17 күн бұрын
The choice of sample was not disingenuous. Out of 14 ft of shroud they PICKED the repair material . The British Museum BLOCKING re analyses Proves culpability.
@PlateArmorUnderwear 17 күн бұрын
Rest in peace Barrie. I hope you’re chilling with Jesus in heaven talking about Shroud science.
@zeroonetime 23 күн бұрын
Only Jointly, the Star of David and the Cross together will bring the anticipated Peace in the World. It will also leave the ayatollahs fumbling in dast.
@noeldoyle4501 22 күн бұрын
What a beautiful thing to say! Still Judaism must promptly bring violent Zionism back to God's Commandments, or Zionism and Judaism will be permanently rejected.
@Tracey-zr5do 25 күн бұрын
No, you will find Lucifer is not the "King of hell" he is 'the coward of hell' please be sure to remember this.
@sashastrain1700 26 күн бұрын
Is there any way to get a hold of Mr. Blai? I have a few questions for him
@jaggedstarrPI 28 күн бұрын
To still assert that this is a clever forgery is, to me, much more an exercise in faith than accepting the overwhelming evidence indicating that it is the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth; and further, that it in turn contains multiple attributes supporting the gospel accounts of His death, and even His resurrection (Notice I did not use the word, "proof," but "evidence").
@Mermaidinfrance 29 күн бұрын
Sry, what's the name of B. Schwartz' website ?
@kenboydart Ай бұрын
I like this guy it saddens me to hear that he is no longer with us. He’s the kind of person you like to know personally, rest in peace Barrie ……..
@beverlyhurd8556 3 күн бұрын
I have spent many wonderful hours talking on the phone to Barrie. He lived not far from Colorado Springs where my daughter lives. I mentioned that I was going to come and visit her and he suggested that we meet up for dinner one night while I was there. We both enjoy Mexican food, so we ate at one in Woodland Park that he had eaten at before and enjoyed. While over the years I had spent hours talking to Barrie about the Shroud, this time it was just free rein to chat about anything we wanted. His time in the Navy, his first photography studios in California. Cameras, film, previous marriages, kids, cars, even Mount Everest. When we talked over the phone it was always Shroud related. When we met for dinner, nothing was off limits. He gave me some pictures that he had taken of the Shroud back in 1978 (they are framed and, on my wall, now) and a book on the Shroud. Two hours of chat later spilled into the parking lot where we chatted for yet another hour. I did not want it to end. But end it had to so when we parted company, I shook his hand and felt such a thrill knowing that I was touching the hand of a man that touched the face of our Lord. The Mexican food that night was only OK, and the prices were high, but wow was it ever worth it to spend that much time with Barrie. I am so sad that I will never be able to do that again. Rest in peace, Barrie. You will be missed. Greatly. 😞
@fredfloyd68 Ай бұрын
And a fine chap!!!!
@manuelpompa-u5e Ай бұрын
schneider should be exploring the many man-made heresies within the roman catholic church.
@FAngus-ly8lk Ай бұрын
No kidding. Talk about ignoring the 800-pound in the room. Babbling about a conflict with Lutheran theology from 500 years ago as an example of current "heresy"? It would be funny if it weren't nauseating.
@noeldoyle4501 22 күн бұрын
I challenge any of you to name and explain some of the heresies you mention. As a Catholic person, I feel sure that you have no authority or sufficient study to judge the Catholic Church. Maybe you realize that your very limited Christian faith comes from the Holy Bible which is given to you by the Catholic Church. It's reasonable to say that the Church that gave us the Holy Bible, and also the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus, (The Real Presence), understands our relationship with Our Lord Jesus much better than the groups who were persuaded to turn their backs on Christ's original Church. It's very easy to sneer, but far more difficult to actually explain one's anti-Catholic accusations.
@zeroonetime 22 күн бұрын
Only Jointly, the Star of David and the Cross together will bring the anticipated Peace in the World. It will also leave the ayatollahs fumbling in dast.
@FAngus-ly8lk 22 күн бұрын
@@noeldoyle4501 - You are delusional. I challenge you to google "Catholic child sex abuse". Thousands of citations will come up. Give yourself a few hours to read just the first hundred or so.
@FAngus-ly8lk 7 күн бұрын
@@noeldoyle4501 Fold your pompous, ultramontane, reactionary blather 5 ways and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. ANYBODY can judge your precious Church for the horrors it has inflicted on defenseless children.
@jellyserrano-h4t Ай бұрын
God is good and merciful. Please pray for me and my children health and salvation. Amen
@janetplonka8110 Ай бұрын
I have the 📖 of “Blessed Holiness” & it’s truly amazing. I highly recommend to everyone!
@frankmacgabhann6935 Ай бұрын
Before I watch this, is this Ultramontane nonsense?
@FAngus-ly8lk Ай бұрын
@tamangchristopher5453 Ай бұрын
God bless you both sweet souls 🙏
@dalma.m.monika Ай бұрын
15: 25 exactly best is to call GOD. Heavenly Father, ...........amen. .....once, a couple of years ago I was traveling on a bus, and two evil politicians' faces appeared from the evil first heaven, very dark intentions. I was thinking about their collective successful change..... suddenly, a young man of probably 18 to 20 years old sitting on the bus to left to me... got an epilepsy attack ......it was terrible to see I got a bit frightened and called GOD in the very second: LORD ! Help! (I was shouting but inside.......the young person's attack was pushed back within 1 minute. GOD showed me one minute running before the boy it was at around in a circle 56 seconds when GOD was ready! For His Glory, for His praise :) :) as He is the greatest and most awesome. (actually there was two other occasions when a dirty Jewish evil kabbalist tortured another person that is a old one, older one 61 on medication and that person's epilepsy attack was stopped (literally pushed back) in a second by The LORD. To this person GOD has made several good things in the most wondrous way of His Glory to Him. Back to the bus. That young person got off, I went after him, to call the ambulance just in case but he did not consent as he felt absolutely alright. He was a very good soul you can tell... he threw away his headphones into a bin....and I told him when seeing it was all over on him and he was alright that I took them out from the bin and I asked whether he had needed any other help to drink some water or perhaps food but he said he would be fine (thank GOD of course!)
@tamangchristopher5453 Ай бұрын
Why so litte view for such a wonderful mig. Our lady pray for us 🙏
@renee-mariekrug1889 Ай бұрын
How should the US deal with the Masons of Europe, how can we negociate anything?
@ailishwalls197 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your inspirational talks and I hope to read your books. I’ve always been drawn to natural/ herbal remedies so particularly look forward to this book also.
@jmanuel722 Ай бұрын
All of this has been answered- Out of curiosity, what religious organization do you belong to?
@whiterosesforthebrideofchrist Ай бұрын
Seven Roman Catholic blind spots: Rome says, “We will use the word “Father” as a formal and professional title for our clergy.” But Scripture says, “call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven” (Mat_23:9 ). Rome says, “Our bishops cannot be the husband of a wife.” But Scripture says, “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife...” (1Timothy 3:2 ). Rome says, “There is nothing wrong with having statues and icons.” But Scripture says, “Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am Yahweh your God.” ( Lev. 26:1). Rome says, "All our saints are dead." But Scripture says that EVERY member of the congregation must be a saint while they are still living. Romans 16:15, 1 Corinthians 1:2, 1 Corinthians 6:2, Ephesians 2:19, Ephesians 4:12, Ephesians 5:3, Philippians 1:1, Philippians 4:22, etc. Rome says: You are encouraged to incorporate repetitive elements in prayer with "decades" of ten repetitions. But Scripture says, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions..." Matthew 6:7 Rome says to honor Astarte (Easter) and Saturnalia (December 25th). These were already pagan holidays of Rome before Christianity got there. But Scripture says, “And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.” (1 Corinthians 11:24-26). In other words, when He said, “this do ye as often as ye drink it” He was referring to the cup of Passover wine and the unleavened bread of the Passover meal that He was having with His disciples. Rome says, “You need to submit to our authority if you want to go to heaven.” But scripture says, “... If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him.” (John 14:23). The Father and Son want to abide in you. Your body is supposed to be the temple of the Holy Spirit and not a church building or a church altar (1 Corinthians 6:19). There is absolutely no room for any religious organization to insert itself into this equation. They have no right to make this kind of spiritual power grab.
@alternativefactory7190 Ай бұрын
Hey man. I'd recommend you research what the church says about all of these so-called problems. For instance. Paul calls himself a father to the corinthians, and he also calls Abraham the father of all the faithful. All these problems have been answered. It's the 21st century. There is the catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholic answers, the vatican website, and countless other resources. There is no excuse to even call these problems.
@AmandaS18 Ай бұрын
18And you shall make two cherubim of gold; of hammered work you shall make them at the two ends of the mercy seat. 19Make one cherub at one end, and the other cherub at the other end; you shall make the cherubim at the two ends of it of one piece with the mercy seat. 20And the cherubim shall stretch out their wings above, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and they shall face one another; the faces of the cherubim shall be toward the mercy seat.
@YaksoHD Ай бұрын
Mt 3:9, Jesus calls Abraham "father" Acts 7:2, ST. Stephen calls Jewish leaders "fathers" Acts 21:40, 22:1 St. Paul calls Jerusalem Jews "fathers" 1 Cor 4:14-15, Paul calls himself a "father" Cherry picking verses out of context makes the Scriptures contradictory. You should not do this, it is not wrong to call someone "father" just as the apostles themselves called others and themselves "father/fathers". You need to learn basic Catholic apologetics because this level of Protestant apologetic argument is literally the bottom of the barrel. There are actually good criticisms that can be made, you have not made one, you've just repeated one of the worst arguments from Protestant apologetics. Please try to learn more brother so you can grow in your knowledge on the faith.
@hazelmaymcclelland Ай бұрын
The catholic church doesn't follow Holy Bible and has incorporated many pagan practices like praying for the dead. This is not scriptural.
@cslewis1404 27 күн бұрын
Catholic Church has 23 different rites. There’s eastern Catholics whose majority of priests are married prior being entering into priesthood. Secondly the Latin church is only rite which keeps discipline ( not dogma) of singleness amongst priest due to Paul’s desire that those who are called to celibacy to remain single in 1 corinthians 7:8, Also Jesus spoke of those who are eunuchs for sake of kingdom of God. However if a Catholic priests wants to marry , he would have to ask permission to be laicized. After laicization , they can marry. If they want to be deacon they can do so. The Latin church kept this discipline due to 1 corinthians 7 : 32-34 regarding it is better to be single since singles can focus on pleasing the lord instead of pleasing spouse which can cause them be worldly. Eastern Catholics have more experience in able to juggle family life and ministry more than Latin rite Catholics . I would say fir Eg Charles Stanley is an example of what can happen if a pastor cannot juggle marriage and ministry. His wife divorced him. The repetitive prayers , Jesus spoke against are not same as the ones used in rosary. The repetitive prayers were used by Pharisees to show off to others ( self glorification) . However the purpose of repeating Hail Marys is to focus and concentrate on meditative prayer. It calms a person’s spirit when they have stress/ anxiety in their lives. The rosary includes the our fathers ( can include spontaneous requests directly to father); and focus on life, death and resurrection of Jesus; his ascension into heaven; the descent of Holy. Spirit. Also the assumption and coronation of Mary ( revelations 12). All are scriptural. The rosary has been useful in exorcism; people testify of healing effects from sin, cancer , addiction to drugs, porn addiction , fighting demons,
@michaelspeyrer1264 Ай бұрын
Schnedlier is a heretic and schismatic
@luisalopez9142 2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@byronyadao5550 2 ай бұрын
God made everything good. After the fall of Adam & Eve, Satan made us feel naked. Receive the Sacraments, Confession and Holy Communion regularly.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@habtomtesfa9236 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much
@ninasamuels9482 2 ай бұрын
The most peaceful town . I visited 8 years ago and came back changed . Pray for us MOTHER OF GOD .
@MassimoBoscoMusic 2 ай бұрын
Post mortem wounds do not bleed; so: 1. The body wasn't washed; 2. The image must have been taken in a very short time between the death occurred, before blood clotting.
@beverlyhurd8556 3 күн бұрын
Are you really dumb enough to believe that blood cannot ooze out of holes in a body?? Are you that dumb yes or no?? 🤦‍♂
@user-iq4ow3fn1t 2 ай бұрын
It took me 45 years to start believing in God. Before that, i thought thay God was distant and uninterested in our lives, but the fact is that I didnt know that i had to call upon him for his help or didnt know hownto call upon him so I have up on him.
@navymomfl7294 3 ай бұрын
I would love for @CandaceO to interview Barrie Schwortz. Barrie is sincere, honest & an expert on the shroud.
@JosephLario 3 ай бұрын
@raymondgonzalez2992 3 ай бұрын
What about our pets ? Keep out or what.
@annmaciorowksi8882 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Christine for sharing these amazing stories of conversions! It brought me to tears hearing story of Fr. Michael Lightner!❤️🙏🏻🤩
@bbullwits258 3 ай бұрын
Great book indeed. I hope I can finish my book on Saint Pio. God bless you all.
@ginalambourne6547 3 ай бұрын
The more I pray the more I m put into isolation mental torment but u know what is happening .I can t break .had most prayers and deliverance ..
@macmaccourt 3 ай бұрын
Yeshua HaMashiach! Baruch HaShem Adonai!
@arthurrock4979 3 ай бұрын
Almost every holy object, and prayer, is only as effective as its witness is pure, worthy, but certain things, like Palo Santo and live White Sage, just work, without absolutely any additional intent/will/whatever. My idea, these bully spirits need to be drawn away, let's say, in a Palo Santo box, in a room full of growing White Sage, then have the sins, or agreements, given by the victim under threat, rooted out through hypnosis. Only then you can get a meaningful Confession. I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be in this mess without something similar. And if you'll settle for the victim being just "mentally ill" (psychiatry has always been a joke to every other medical field, because it is), that's exactly what the incredible copycat will give you. The "medicine" will only aid it in destroying its target. Why go in all the way, when holding on to just a part of the brain suffices, or even spook visits once in a while, to make sure you're on that brain destroying "medicine"? Adam too has stuff on his conscience, what this acceptance of psychiatry leaves no doubts about. Plus you get to return home earlier, maybe to still catch that ball game.
@arthurrock4979 3 ай бұрын
Where's the proof a theoretical "chemical imbalance in the brain" makes anyone so unbelievably abused, trampled over, socially rejected, etc, in any way immune to evil spirit influence? Come on, you guys. The devil has no greater fortress than psychiatry (why isn't the real problem of the world not dealt with, psycho and sociopathy, even now, when literally the survival of the planet depends on it), and this is just an excuse to not have to deal with these people.
@cecilianewman4683 4 ай бұрын
Sr Briege please Pray for me, I Pray JESUS wil free me of deep fears palpitations all the time weakness in my body depression Amen I'm suffering, at times I want the Lord Jesus to take me. Please help me Jesus for a Miracle to happen Amen
@evam2311 4 ай бұрын
Please pray for me and my family things are really crazy attacks nonstop I am do exhausted every day 😓
@alduzak1053 4 ай бұрын
In a little while Eternity!
@pamelamaxwell1734 4 ай бұрын
Excellent Interview 👍♥️
@UnlikelyAnimalFamily 4 ай бұрын
Great interview thank you ❤
@augustsoomre4795 4 ай бұрын
Luuka evangeelium 24:Jeesus ilmub üheteistkümnele jüngrile 36 Aga kui nad seda kõike rääkisid, seisis Jeesus ise nende keskel ja ütles neile: „Rahu olgu teile!” 37 Aga nemad kohkusid ja lõid kartma, arvates end vaimu nägevat. 38 Ent tema ütles neile: „Miks te olete nii kohkunud ja miks sellised kahtlused tõusevad teie südames? 39 Vaadake mu käsi ja mu jalgu, et see olen mina ise! Puudutage mind kätega ja vaadake, sest vaimul ei ole ju liha ega luid, nõnda nagu te minul näete olevat!” 40 Ja seda öeldes näitas Jeesus neile oma käsi ja jalgu. 41 Aga kui nad rõõmu pärast ikka veel ei uskunud ja imestasid, ütles ta neile: „Kas teil on siin mingit söögipoolist?” 42 Nemad panid ta ette tüki küpsetatud kala, 43 ja Jeesus võttis ja sõi nende silma all. Johannese evangeelium 14:Jeesus julgustab jüngreid 1 Teie süda ärgu ehmugu! Uskuge Jumalasse ja uskuge minusse! 2 Minu Isa majas on palju eluasemeid. Kui see nõnda ei oleks, kas ma siis oleksin teile öelnud, et ma lähen teile aset valmistama? 3 Ja kui ma olen läinud ja teile aseme valmistanud, tulen ma jälle tagasi ja võtan teid kaasa enese juurde, et teiegi oleksite seal, kus olen mina. 4 Ja kuhu ma lähen, sinna te teate teed.” 5 Toomas ütles talle: „Issand, me ei tea, kuhu sa lähed, kuidas me siis võime teada teed?” 6 Jeesus ütles talle: „Mina olen tee ja tõde ja elu. Ükski ei saa minna Isa juurde muidu kui minu kaudu. 7 Kui te oleksite tundnud mind, siis te tunneksite ka mu Isa. Nüüd te tunnete teda ja olete teda näinud.” 11 Uskuge mind, et mina olen Isas ja Isa on minus. Kui te ei usu muu pärast, siis uskuge mu tegude tõttu. Apostlite teod 20:28 Seepärast pange tähele iseennast ja kogu karja, kelle ülevaatajaks Püha Vaim on teid pannud, et te karjastena hoiaksite Jumala kogudust, mille ta on saanud iseenese vere läbi. Pauluse esimene kiri korintlastele 15:3 Ma olen teile ju kõigepealt edasi andnud seda, mida ma ka ise olen vastu võtnud: et Kristus suri meie pattude eest, nagu on kirjutatud pühades kirjades, 4 ja et ta maeti maha ja äratati kolmandal päeval üles pühade kirjade järgi 5 ja et ta näitas ennast Keefasele, seejärel neile kaheteistkümnele, 6 seejärel näitas ta ennast ühtaegu enam kui viiesajale vennale, kellest enamik on veel praegugi elus, mõned aga on läinud magama; 7 siis näitas ta ennast Jaakobusele, seejärel kõigile apostlitele. 8 Aga kõige viimaks näitas ta ennast ka minule kui äbarikule. Pauluse kiri galaatlastele 4:4 Aga kui aeg sai täis, läkitas Jumal oma Poja, kes sündis naisest, sündis Seaduse alla, 5 lahti ostma seadusealuseid, et me saaksime pojaseisuse. 6 Et te olete aga pojad, siis on Jumal läkitanud teie südamesse oma Poja Vaimu, kes hüüab: „Abba! Isa!” 7 Nõnda ei ole sa enam ori, vaid poeg, aga kui sa oled poeg, siis sa oled ka pärija Jumala kaudu. Pauluse kiri filiplastele 2:Hümn Kristusele 5 Mõtelge iseenestes sedasama, mida Kristuses Jeesuses: 6 kes, olles Jumala kuju, ei arvanud osaks olla Jumalaga võrdne, 7 vaid loobus iseenese olust, võttes orja kuju, saades inimese sarnaseks; ja ta leiti välimuselt inimesena. 8 Ta alandas iseennast, saades kuulekaks surmani, pealegi ristisurmani. 9 Seepärast on Jumal tõstnud ta kõrgemaks kõrgest ja annetanud talle selle nime, mis on üle iga nime, 10 et Jeesuse nimes nõtkuks iga põlv nii taevas kui maa peal kui maa all, 11 ja et iga keel tunnistaks: Jeesus Kristus on Issand - Jumala Isa kirkuseks. Pauluse esimene kiri Timoteosele 3:16 Tunnistatavalt suur on jumalakartuse saladus: Jumal on avalikuks saanud lihas, õigeks tunnistatud vaimus, nähtav olnud inglitele, kuulutatud paganatele, usutud maailmas, võetud üles kirkusesse. Kiri heebrealastele 13:8 Jeesus Kristus on seesama eile ja täna ja igavesti! Pauluse kiri Tiitusele 2:11 Jah, Jumala arm on ilmunud päästvana kõigile inimestele 12 ja kasvatab meid, et me, öeldes lahti jumalakartmatusest ja ilmalikest himudest, elaksime praegusel ajal mõõdukalt ja õiglaselt ja jumalakartlikult, 13 oodates õndsa lootuse täitumist ning suure Jumala ja meie Päästja Jeesuse Kristuse kirkuse ilmumist. 14 Tema on loovutanud iseenda meie eest, et meid lunastada kõigest ülekohtust ja puhastada endale pärisrahvaks, innukaks headele tegudele. Peetruse esimene kiri 1:14 Nii nagu kuulekad lapsed ärge ka teie kohanege oma kunagise teadmatuseaja himudega, 15 vaid saage pühaks kogu oma käitumisega, nii nagu on püha see, kes teid on kutsunud; 16 sest kirjutatud on: „Olge pühad, sest mina olen püha!” 17 Kui te hüüate Isaks teda, kes mõistab erapooletult kohut igaühe tegude järgi, siis elage kartuses oma majalisepõlv, teades, et 18 teid pole lunastatud kaduvate asjadega, hõbeda või kullaga teie tühisest esiisadelt päritud eluviisist, 19 vaid Kristuse kui laitmatu ja puhta Talle kalli verega. 20 Tema oli selleks ette määratud küll enne maailma rajamist, aga aegade lõpul on saanud avalikuks teie pärast, 21 kes te tema läbi olete ustavad Jumalale, kes on tema üles äratanud surnuist ja andnud talle kirkuse, nii et teie usk ja lootus oleksid Jumalas. Johannese esimene kiri 4:2 Te tunnete Jumala Vaimu sellest: iga vaim, kes tunnistab Jeesust Kristust lihasse tulnuna, see on Jumalast, 3 ning ükski vaim, kes seda Jeesust ei tunnista, ei ole Jumalast, vaid see on antikristuse oma, kellest te olete kuulnud, et ta tuleb, ja nüüd ta juba ongi maailmas. Johannese ilmutus 1: Temale, kes meid armastab ning on meid lunastanud meie pattudest oma verega 6 ning kes meid on teinud kuningriigiks, preestreiks Jumalale ja oma Isale - temale olgu kirkus ja võimus igavesest ajast igavesti! Aamen. 7 Ennäe, ta tuleb pilvedega ja iga silm saab teda näha, ka need, kes tema on läbi torganud, ning kõik maa suguharud halisevad tema pärast. Jah, aamen. 8 „Mina olen A ja O,” ütleb Issand Jumal, „kes on ja kes oli ja kes tuleb, Kõigeväeline.” 17 Kui ma teda nägin, langesin ma tema jalge ette nagu surnu. Ning tema pani oma parema käe mu peale ja ütles: „Ära karda! Mina olen Esimene ja Viimne 18 ja Elav. Ma olin surnud, ning ennäe, ma elan igavesest ajast igavesti ning minu käes on surma ja surmavalla võtmed. 19 Kirjuta siis, mida sa oled näinud ja mis on ning mis sünnib pärast seda! Johannese ilmutus 19:12 Tema silmad olid nagu tuleleek ning ta peas oli palju peaehteid. Neile oli kirjutatud nimi, mida ei tea keegi muu kui tema ise. 13 Ja tal oli üll verre kastetud kuub ning oli nimetatud tema nimi - Jumala Sõna.