Scarface Intro - Narcos Style
7 жыл бұрын
@jaxsonbremer9120 Күн бұрын
I believe
@geniusyola1982 11 күн бұрын
After listening to Hanz's , William's sounds cringe.😢 sorry. Personal thought and taste
@KingMike-t1d 12 күн бұрын
6:50, I noticed that you used Superman returns theme to mesh with the suit. It makes sense to do this. If only Tom had stepped out of his comfort zone just once for the series finale and put on the suit?- i probably would've cried, lol. Ngl😅
@mezar32 15 күн бұрын
I still believe if they would have played John Williams score when Clark took his suit from Jonathan, that moment would have been much better. Just like this video here.
@dj2bklyn 16 күн бұрын
This was OK.
@josephbouthillier6637 17 күн бұрын
I never liked the last scene at the end. The structure of the Fortress of Solitude is not that big. Clark soars out of there at a very fast speed but it takes him forever to get out. Not well made.
@fucksticklikesbbc 18 күн бұрын
Such a badass scene
@donaldboyer8182 19 күн бұрын
Right. That won't be visible by passing satellites.
@philtamblyn 20 күн бұрын
Josh Allen can still throw farther!
@joaopicoli 20 күн бұрын
This would have been a great ending to the show
@SFDestiny 22 күн бұрын
So he thought he should break the ice ceiling? Kids have no respect.
@netgear0913 22 күн бұрын
Foram 10 temporadas e ninguém viu tom welling com o uniforme do Superman 😂
@DarkRini01 22 күн бұрын
Excellent recut
@MichaelJohn-dw6dl 27 күн бұрын
All that build up for some complete bullshit lol😅
@skymaster4121 27 күн бұрын
The Man becomes SuperClark… Let me try again. the ClarkMan becomes Super…. Dang 🤦‍♂️
@SuperBobby1967 Ай бұрын
Funny how Superman's DNA is compatible with ours when Neanderthals' could never have been lol.
@PaulVandersypen 21 күн бұрын
Um, what? "Approximately 20 percent of Neanderthal DNA survives in modern humans; however, a single human has an average of around 2% Neanderthal DNA overall with some countries and backgrounds having a maximum of 3% per human." Link to
@TOSStarTrek Ай бұрын
One thing I like more then annnything was he had to earn the right to be Superman.
@backwoodsjeff Ай бұрын
Was an awesome show and he makes an awesome Superman
@squibs799 Ай бұрын
Its wrong that Tom Welling never got to actually wear the suit. One of the best portrayals of the character ever.
@PaulVandersypen 21 күн бұрын
Tom signed onto Smallville specifically because the show's creators stated "No flights, no tights." While Tom has backed off in recent years, he was clear during the show's run that he did not want to wear the suit, nor did the producers want him to wear the suit.
@bussi7859 Ай бұрын
This is really really really stupid
@ConcettinaPeccerillo Ай бұрын
Il nostro tributo a Signor Reeves per Superman ❤️
@krystoferbates5232 Ай бұрын
I watched Man of Steel.. and it really frustrates me to see that they have changed "Fortress of Solitude" to a "Metallic Spacecraft" just to show literally why Superman was the Man of Steel.. but unfortunately.. it didn't work well for the movie. L
@christianCheckHook Ай бұрын
This is a blended scene, NOT accurate at all and almost disrespectful
@johnny1902 Ай бұрын
I like how recently he said he is open to wearing the suit
@johnmack85730 Ай бұрын
No flight, no tights. Lamest Superman show ever. Allison Mack was pretty exciting though
@walterengler5709 Ай бұрын
All of the mixed in words from other parts of the show maybe even movies? .. Yuck. Ruins the scene.
@frankiesidaras8958 Ай бұрын
I like it. It’s something I needed to complete the story. Really nicely done!
@DoIGetTube Ай бұрын
Wrong, wrong, wrong!!! Thomas Welling has NO BUSINESS attempting even to HOLD a CANDLE to Christopher Reeve, since Welling NEVER actually DONNED the UNIFORM!
@Crosby4ever Ай бұрын
Still my favourite version of Superman was Tom Welling Smallville was probably the best series DC ever made but only a few downsides some of the main boss fights were so easy and short it was dumb 1. Darkseid 2. Doomsday 3. Brainiac
@DanPratt-s8k Ай бұрын
The cast did great
@DanPratt-s8k Ай бұрын
Tom welling perfect for role.
@DanPratt-s8k Ай бұрын
I loved Smallville. I bought all the DVDs. Great series
@altha-rf1et Ай бұрын
I still had my VCR at the time have them all on VCR tape they started breaking after a while brought the whole series on DVD had to sell them when money was tight, now I just stream the series
@erikbrantner4295 Ай бұрын
I thought he'd never get that costume of super man, But he is the second best version to Chris Reeves!
@Jamesalec63 Ай бұрын
Riss of Superman:Smallville To Tomorrow. This continues the journey of Superman from farm boy to reporter and husband of Lois Lane. The Last Son of Krypton and his cousin Supergirl and the challenges of heroes. The end is the beginning. Metropolis City Of Tomorrow Clark Kent and the Daily Planet and Lois Lane and Perry White and many more. The Man of Tomorrow Superman and Marsion Man Hunter and Green Arrow and Bart and Lana Lang and a mysterious figure in the shadows from the mystical world. And Lex Luthor and Booster Gold and Red Tornado. The whole JL. Should have happened. We did get Arrowverse, which led to a different variant of Superman and Lois Lane, but Smallville still exists alongside even in a crisis, so expect the unexpected. None multiverse existence of Smallville and Superman brave and bold.
@AlexanderWright1 Ай бұрын
Ahh, so Elsa saw this too.
@robertroyer4288 Ай бұрын
im convinced that this clark/superman wasn't the same one shown in COIE in 2019 but another earth since he gave up his powers
@rickyjaybernardez6485 Ай бұрын
You're The Best The DaVinci Resolve Ever!
@rickyjaybernardez6485 Ай бұрын
Mission Impossible Final Reckoning Is Upcoming On May 23 But First Trailer 2 Is Coming On March 3!
@018975 2 ай бұрын
why is the song's sound SOO VERY LOUD??? that's surprising, and annoying!
@DyNaMiTe-369 2 ай бұрын
bro how to make these narcos style video
@dynaguy3 2 ай бұрын
Terrance Stamp was a fantastic choice for the voice of Jor El. Even though it was a bit of stunt casting since he was Zod in the Donner films, he was a great presence in the show pushing Clark to reach his potential.
@wilfredoquinones3077 3 ай бұрын
It was an insult to fans of Smallville. Tom Welling was never all to stand in full costume as Superman. The series was not even allowed to be titled or speak the word Superman.
@dynaguy3 2 ай бұрын
They said it multiple times
@sinvalalvesdossantosalvesd7041 4 ай бұрын
Após refletir por muito tempo, resolvi compartilhar com vcs minha experiência espiritual que mandei a Sede Mundial das Testemunhas de Jeová nos EUA em 2013. Um dia de noite aproximadamente em 08/98, após a morte de minha mãe, saí para frente de casa para fazer um banquinho na praça, qdo de repente senti mãos grandes nos meus ombros, no instante pensei na ilustração do semeador do Sr. Jesus Cristo em Lucas 8:4-15. Naquela noite, não tinha tomado banho ainda, e não soube dizer que anjo tinha me tocado, mas com o tempo na congregação do irmão João Batista, discerni que foi o Apóstolo Pedro, vou explicar o porquê eu acho isso. Acho que se tivesse tomado banho naquela noite antes, teria ido na casa do meu tio Michael Jordan para namorar Keishya Cole, pelo menos essa era a minha intenção aqui. Nessa época, tive um carro modelo Fusca ano 70 cor vermelha que me deu muitos problemas de saúde mais por causa dos dois meus vizinhos. E em 10/2001 fui expulso da congregação que eu pertencia por ter cometido fornicação no dia 03/09/2001, oito dias antes do desastre das Torres Gêmeas nos EUA. Minha vó me contou que ela nasceu em 1912, qdo afundou o Titanic ela tinha aproximadamente seis meses na barriga da minha bisavó, que era loira dos olhos azuis e nasceu próximo a abolição da escravatura em 1888 no Brasil, o último país da América a abolir a escravatura e o nome dela era Josefa. Na década passada, mandei uma carta para a Família Real Britânica a/c do Sr. Príncipe William. No momento da minha experiência espiritual o Apóstolo Pedro me passou algumas informações, como por exemplo: "tive falta de fé Sr. Jesus Cristo, olhei para o céu e vi uma figura do Diabo e em outra ocasião também vi o Diabo no céu, desde então faço uso de remédio para controlar alucinações, vozes e vultos, porém o 1.o diagnóstico do psiquiatra foi de stress do trabalho, mas meu pai insistiu para que eu fizesse o tratamento. Também vamos sair daqui que aqui vc vai sofrer." Meus pais já faleceram, eles eram analfabetos e retirantes nordestinos e vieram para São Paulo-Brasil para trabalhar aqui, e aqui eu e meus irmãos nascemos, em ordem cronológica eu, Celso Ricardo, Marcelo que morreu aos seis meses de idade em 79, Simone e Sandra Regina. Mais recentemente tive a oportunidade de namorar a Rihanna, antes da morte da Rainha Elizabeth II. Acreditem se quiser!!!!!!!!🦸🦸🦁🦁🐵🐵😃😃👫👫❤️❤️🐕‍🦺
@williamchollick959 4 ай бұрын
1:09 Hey, uh, Gary? 1:11 Yeah, brother? 1:14 I’m sorry for firing you! 1:16 Actually, 1:20 I quit.
@kibinirowilly 5 ай бұрын
I enjoyed smallville but wish he wore the cape at least once
@adultsswin260 6 ай бұрын
Please maxxxine ending credits style fall out of love scream 2022
@user-jt7bu1bh7q 6 ай бұрын
Good work keep it up!
@Funnyben5000 8 ай бұрын
Please make another version of this song with another movie
@janessajohnson7842 9 ай бұрын
Paw patrol the mighty movie Credits (Scream 5 style)
@horrorfan467 10 ай бұрын
Halloween Ends end credits (Scream 6 style)?