Doing Church God's Way Week 8 (29.09.2024)
Baptism Sunday (01.09.24)
Has the Church replaced Israel?
A Seat at the Table  (30.06.2024)
@TheMOV13 9 күн бұрын
Currently reading Wisdom of Solomon for the first time ever, yes, very interesting and beneficial, a bit like Proverbs Part Two. Maccabees is one bloody battle after another, a bit like Lord of the Rings, lol....
@TheMOV13 10 күн бұрын
I'll give my final word on this to St. John of Damascus, from the 600s, as an amusing example of very early irony and sarcasm, as he comments - in the discussion of icon veneration - on a strange matter that I've noticed in modern times, that Christians tend to trust the images they have in their mind, of Christ and the Apostles etc... but mistrust physical images, i.e. mental images are OK, but not physical ones: "...for I am made with a double nature, and seeing, I venerate what I see, not as God, but as an honourable image of those worthy of honour. You, perhaps, are exalted and immaterial and have come to transcend the body and are fleshless, so to speak, you spit with contempt on everything visible, but since I am a human being and wear a body, I long to have communion in a bodily way with what is holy and to see it. Condescend to my lowly understanding, O exalted one, that you may preserve your exaltedness. Christ accepted my longing for him and for those who belong to him"
@TheMOV13 13 күн бұрын
(Sorry, I'm spamming a bit here LOL....) If a man gazes at a picture of his wife, and kisses it, when he is away from home for a while, is he cheating on his wife with a piece of paper with ink on it???
@TheMOV13 13 күн бұрын
"Icons are being worshipped for itself" (Around the 3.22 mark) This is (sorry) flat out wrong. Holy Icons are like signposts, pointing beyond and above themselves, they don't in any sense merit or demand any kind of worship for themselves. You really gave the game away in your opening remarks, that it's not a question you've ever really thought about. It's interesting that you then describe how art depicting biblical scenes can stir the imagination and arouse devotion. Essentially, this means that you are constructing mental images of Christ, or the biblical event in the picture and becoming very excited by that mental image. In other words, it's OK to venerate your own mental images but not physical painted ones, for example. This is something I've observed a lot in many protestant Christian circles, a shying away from physicality in worship and keeping everything in a mental space in your head, as though that is safer somehow. For a good and concise explanation, I recommend this short video: kzbin.infogWMjBW3rJzM?si=sZwgfz9T_GKjGtgS
@stephenrustyak7447 14 күн бұрын
I am an orthodox christitian, we do not worship icons- we venerate the image of saints angels and the incarnate Jesus and veneration is paying respect and showing love. We worship god.
@TheMOV13 13 күн бұрын
It's a constantly repeated error, or misunderstanding, in the protestant world, especially amongst evangelicals. I think it's because there is no tradition of veneration in the evangelical world. There is worship of God, but under that highest level of worship, the sacrifice of one's own life to God, there tends to be nothing else at all, very often, either no sense, or a very limited sense, of the church building being a "sacred space" and no understanding that expressing deep love, reverence and respect, expressed through kissing or bowing, is not all-out worship, of the kind we give to God. If an evangelical sees an Orthodox Christian physically bowing to an image of the Theotokos, for example, they conclude that the Theotokos, or the Saint in the Icon, is being worshipped. (When someone worships they bow, therefore bowing is worship etc...) My sense in the Orthodox Church is that everybody in the Kingdom of God, whether here on the earth, or the saints in glory, is in their rightful place, carrying out their rightful ministry - nobody is competing with anybody else, and all of the saints, including the Mother of God, are pointing to Christ. The Icons of the Mother of God in the Orthodox tradition picture here nearly always together with Christ, and the observer will notice that her hand is directing the viewer towards him. After 57 years in the evangelical world (mostly baptist churches and charismatic fellowships) and the last three years as an Orthodox Christian, I have developed a great love for the Holy Icons and they are a big help and blessing in my love and service to God. However, if someone has a weak conscience or faulty understanding in this regard, it's best to stay away from them.
@hamishthomson6743 12 күн бұрын
@@TheMOV13 Perhaps the reason Evangelicals have no tradition of veneration is that the scriptures don't make what could be argued as an artificial distinction between veneration (you described it as reverence) and worship. For example, in Acts 10 when Cornelius met Peter and "fell at his feet in reverence" Peter rebuked him.
@TheMOV13 12 күн бұрын
@@hamishthomson6743 There is no "artificial distinction" between veneration and worship, they are two different and separate actions. Paul rebuked Cornelius with the words "I too am a man" - why do you think he used those words? is it possible that a pagan Roman needed to have clarification that Paul was not, and was not claiming to be, any kind of deity? This being mistaken for a deity happened at least twice in other recorded incidents in Paul's ministry. once when he was shipwrecked on the Island of Malta and he survived a potentially deadly snakebite and another time when Paul had healed the lame man and the people thought he was the god Zeus. This seems to have been an ever present danger in Paul's ministry in that cultural context and has nothing whatever to do with sacred images used properly as devotional objects - nobody is ascribing deity to the Holy icons.
@hamishthomson6743 12 күн бұрын
​@@TheMOV13ok I'll take your bait. 😀 Show me the distinction in scripture - whether in Hebrew or Greek is fine.
@TheMOV13 12 күн бұрын
@@hamishthomson6743 Bait? I'm not fishing 🤣 OK, let's try it this way - veneration equals showing deep love, respect and gratitude to someone who has run the race, fought the good fight and has demonstrated a very high degree of humility and Christ-likeness in their lifetime and is now with God in glory. Worship of God is saying "You are my God, my creator, my loving Father in Heaven, I give you my life, my complete submission, my all, I don't do this very well, have mercy on me, send your Holy Spirit to enable me to do better etc..." In Orthodox churches we even make little bows to one another, as a recognition that we are all living abd breathing icons of Christ, through being made by God in his image and his representatives on earth. We're not making one another out to be deities because we show that respect to a valued and loved bearer of God's image on the earth. Surely this is relatively straightforward to grasp? Why would we have have to fiddle aruond with Greek and Hebrew to see this clear distinction? However, as I mentioned earlier, if you see physical demonstrations of deep love and respect as idolatry, then of course, keep well away from it.
@HenryCooper-nd7hf 22 күн бұрын
I went to America the Land of the Giants
@royb3532 Ай бұрын
Yes he passed in last couple of years. And also referring to Job 1 & 2 by memory. There's a longer video on it on KZbin easily found, but not viewed much of it myself yet.
@Brian-kl1zu Ай бұрын
"Has the church replaced Israel?" Unfortunately, and with respect--That shows a very common; skewed understanding of scripture. What do I mean? (1) The people commonly referred to as Jews are NOT biblical Israel. Some are descendants of Judah; most (according to several Jewish scholars) are proselytes. God made a sharp distinction between the small house of Judah, and the much larger house of Israel. also known as Ephraim; after Joseph's son. ONLY children born into the tribe of Judah were Judahites; later shortened to Jew. Each of the ten tribes were named after ten of Jacob's other sons. The Dan's descendants were Danites; not Judahites. Therefore; they could not be--were not--Jews. Judahite was a tribal identity. God NEVER referred to the ten tribes of Israel as "Judahites"/Jews. It is absurd, and false; to claim that "all twelve tribes were Jews." That has zero biblical support. Nor do any serious Jewish scholars/historians/rabbis make the claim. (2) In Hosea, chapter one; God exiles/disperses the ten tribes of Israel. In the same chapter; He also promised to multiply their descendants "as the sand of the seashore." Joseph's two non-Judahite sons inherited Joseph's birthright--Passed down to all of their posterity. In the blessing; they--and they alone; not Judah--Were given the legal right to the name of Israel. Read about this in Genesis 48. Judah....The Jews...Have no legal right to the name Israel. Ephraim and Manasseh's multitudinous descendants were to form a "[Great] Nation, and Commonwealth of Nations." Manasseh's descendants would form a separate nation of "great" people. Beginning in Genesis 49:1; Jacob prophesied some of the the chief latter day characteristics of each of his sons' descendants. Joseph's descendants (through Ephraim, and Manasseh) would have great wealth/abundant natural resources/many navigable rivers/God's rich blessings/"Treasures beneath the sea"/"Treasures beneath the hills (minerals/oil)/They would have powerful militaries and navies/They would "possess the gates of those who hate them" (Strategic military chokepoints)/they would dwell in a land that their forefathers "never knew"/They would not be bothered by ancient foes/they would be God's "servant people" (in modern terms; a missionary minded people)/They would be envied, and feared/They would possess the New Covenant. (See Jeremiah 31:31.) This (Christian) Covenant would be their possession. They; in turn; would proclaim it to the ends of the earth. Judah has not done this; they rejected the Messiah, and forbid the message of salvation. Only one "Nation, and Commonwealth/Company of Nations," and a separate Nation of great people have been in possession of the New Covenant since the birth of Christianity. As God's (also chosen) people; it is their possession. That does not contradict John 3:16. God also said that [they] are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises. Rad the whole context; book by book, chapter by chapter. The same people who were "not my people/no mercy/strangers to the [Old] Covenant" were the people of the ten tribes, and their descendants--Whom Paul describes in the New Testament. There is no "spiritual Israel." These were real people in Hosea's day, and Paul is writing about their blood descendants. There is no biblical justification for changing from "x" into "y." It is a violation of scripture. The "church"--Most of whom are biblical; historical descendants of these people--Are God's literal people; albeit unrecognized by most. They have "replaced" no one. Nor have they "stolen" God's promises. The birthright promises do not belong to Judah. It cannot be overemphasized: Judah (the Jews) are NOT biblical Israel. That name belongs to the ten tribes; none of whom were Jews. Without them; there is no fulfillment of the enormous number of scriptures pertaining to them. Through many; many centuries of migrations; they gradually lost awareness of their biblical identity. However; there are echoes, and vestiges. Think about it. We celebrate Thanksgiving; thanking God for our many tangible, and spiritual blessings. Why? He has blessed us b/c we're Christians? We have "White privilege" because we're special? No; we enjoy our birthright; inherited from Joseph, and his two sons. We have a sea of Bibles; in all translations. Other nations do not. Why? God chose the families of Jacob--Twelve tribes. Later; they formed the two houses. Judah was chosen; the tribes of Israel were chosen. Same family. To what end? To brag; as today's Jews are wont to do? No. To proclaim God's Name to the world, and his Salvation. Judah; the Jews--are only one small fraction of God's chosen people. The rest have been faithfully carrying out his commandment to "Go into all the world, and proclaim the Gospel to every creature." BTW--The twelve tribes expanded into thirteen. Joseph's two sons subsumed his name. Instead of the tribe of Joseph; there became the tribes of Ephraim, and Manasseh. If you want book with a solidly biblical exposition; with sound; provable exegesis, and well sourced: Read Ted Weiland's *The Mystery of the Gentiles. Who Are They, and Where Are They Now?* . (Available as a free PDF; or as a ten dollar e-book on Amazon.) Do we have any DNA evidence? Yes. This is only the surface of all of the historical/archaeological/linguistic/biblical data. It's highly likely YOUR birthright, and opens up the Old Testament to new eyes. Pray--Ask God; is this true? Study; don't dismiss it before examination. The critics have tried "debunking" it, and failed. They shoe an appalling ignorance of the literature, and a weak understanding of the relevant scripture; not comparing scripture with scripture. God cannot lie; or contradict himself. The house of Israel is not the house of Judah. It's SO simple; but has caused so much confusion: Judahite/Jew is a tribal identity. Period. Children born into the tribe of Judah were Judahite; or later known by the short form of Jew. The tribes of Benjamin, and some of Levi--Joined the smaller house of Judah. That is why the Apostle Paul could say he was a Benjaminite, and a Jew. A Benjaminite by birth; a Jew by living within the house of Judah. The separate kingdom/house of ten tribed Israel were all non -Judahites. The Danites/Simeonites/Ephraimites/Asherites/Zebulonites/Manassehites/Gadites/etc....Non Judahites. Non Jews. Thus saith the LORD. Prove it for yourself. Study the Old Testament.
@trishwelly 2 ай бұрын
Blessings Hamish. Great explanation.
@lucyk2371 2 ай бұрын
What about the women suing because they almost died? Also, how come Republicans are against making birth control easier/ more affordabler to obtain? Originally it was they were taking money frim Big Pharma and probably still are. I feel it is a sin to abort a healthy fetus. However, doctors say that you cannot ban it because of the circumstances i listed above with the women who almost lost their lives for very wanted babies. You are not a doctor and dont know every circumstance. The repiblican party is against everything Jesus teaches. Do your research. This isnt a simple topic. I have yet to see a minister speak that has even listened to any testimonials of women like the ones suing. I challenge you to fault them.
@fruitsnacks155 4 ай бұрын
@Lazydaisy646 4 ай бұрын
Really helpful Lewis
@timwilkins2008 4 ай бұрын
When what you have been handed no longer works, due to life circumstances or the process of spiritual growth, then it is right and proper to deconstruct the "beliefs" habded to you and take themn apart and rebuild them in ways that makes them yours. It is not a lack of faith, it IS faith to go through the process.
@hamishthomson6743 4 ай бұрын
Great message Lewis!
@Reason1717 5 ай бұрын
So my comment here is not an attack (to some it may feel like it), it is a comment about the Bible not the one's who find it's content important. I could list so many things here wherein I have issues with scripture. But I will only list two: 1- The Lord knows exactly what it would take to bring me back to the faith. To save me from eternal damnation. But nothing has happened. Which I may concluded as a) he does not care to right the ship and save my soul or b) There is no Lord thus it falls upon deaf ears. (Some may shift the burden upon me to seek the faith... which I've already done for years. An in reading the Bible I was lead straight to Atheism). 2- Take the story of Moses. Wherein God kills all the 1st born of the empire of Egypt. God's best plan (after 9 attempts of various misfortunes, which failed) His best plan is to murder children to get one guy (Pharoh) to change his mind. Not to mention the Bible says "The Lord hardened Pharoh's heart" (in fringing upon his free will). God creates the Universe (countless Sun's and planets) but the best he can do is kill kids to gain freedom for one group. I think most of us, would decline the offer if the price was mass murder of children. We'd say we'll find another way or ask the Lord for a better way. So reading the Bible an it's crazy stances on many things (Slavery, Blood sacrifice, race of Giants, etc. etc.) has lead me to leave the faith. I think if the reader (you dear reader) were told the truth of Islam and it's belief in the Moon being split in two and 72 virgins after death... were to step back and then realize "Yeah, this is crazy."
@jamestaylor1624 5 ай бұрын
Those who deconstruct their faith are simply retrying to redefine Christianity to fit their worldview which is like trying to have a foot in both when clearly you can not.
@jenna2431 5 ай бұрын
No, for me, deconstruction was less about getting to some primeval "pure" Christianity or doing post-doc level study on the language and more about really just assessing what I read, reframing it without the pulpit narrative whispering in my ear. No, it was NOT okay for the wandering Hebrews to be told to take the land by force from a community that had been there we might guess 400 years since it had been abandoned. It's NOT okay to level women with livestock. It's not okay to cure a people of child sacrifice by murdering all the boys and taking the girls as your toys or slaves. It's NOT okay for former slaves to be told to buy slaves from the region around them. It's NOT okay to demand a ritual male genital mutilation as a loyalty oath. I learned to expect more from a "superior" spiritual being that was immaterial, incorporeal than to demand a blood sacrifice to assuage its ego and "allow" it to "forgive" its own created beings. It's NOT okay to finish off the world with a violent conflagration when all a "god" would need to do was vanish it. When I was more moral than the god of the bible, something had to give. It seems god has higher standards for his created beings and I have much higher standards for a quad-omni (power, presence, prescience, and compassion) "god."
@jenna2431 5 ай бұрын
And your data is incorrect. "Deconstruction" has been a thing since the Enlightenment. It just never had a convenient social media label. AnD the people who are not Christians are not living in an "alternative" moral framework. That would suggest that Christianity is the norm. It's not. It's a norm TO YOU. You forget that TWO-THIRDS of the world is not Christian. Who's in the minority???? "People who have not heard of a moral compass" is INSULTING, my guy. *IF THERE'S ONE THING I WOULD COUNSEL CHRISTIANS IN THEIR "REACTION" TO A PERSON YOU KNOW WHO'S DECONSTRUCTING IS LEAVE THE WHOLE MORAL BS ARGUMENT OUT OF IT. WE ARE NOT IMMORAL. WE ARE AS MORAL AS YOU BECUASE WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS WITH EMPATHY, JUST LIKE YOU.* Do not get sucked into the lie that we are depraved, evil, hedonistic, pagan, immoral, evil, demonic or wicked. Yes, I "sin" EXACTLY as much as I want to, which is not to. And here's a point to consider: If you're ONLY moral because "book says so" or to get to heaven, then YOU aren't moral at all.
@hamishthomson6743 5 ай бұрын
Saying someone has an alternative moral framework is not saying they are less moral. It is not a judgemental statement in that one is superior to the other. It is simply saying they have an alternative to the one being discussed.
@pastorbri 5 ай бұрын
easy, tell LGBT the truth, its not a sin to be born LGBT and it never was and never will be.....and God loves them as they are....simple.
@jamestaylor1624 5 ай бұрын
So are you saying being gay isn´t a sin or that God loves you even though you are a sinner?
@pastorbri 5 ай бұрын
@@jamestaylor1624 of course being born LGBT is not a sin.....homophobia is the real sin here.....God loves homophobics but hate their sin.
@jamestaylor1624 5 ай бұрын
@@pastorbri So clearly we read different Bibles as according to Romans everyone is born into sin, not to speak of expressing or adopting a sexual identity outside of what God has established - whether that be heterosexual expressions or homosexual ones.
@pastorbri 5 ай бұрын
@@jamestaylor1624 Yes we read different Bibles as the christian one shows Jesus never mentioned nore condemned LGBT people......But yes according to Romans everyone is born into sin, not to speak of expressing or adopting a bigoted identity outside of what God has established - whether that be racist, sexist expressions or homophobic ones.
@aussierob7177 5 ай бұрын
The rapture is NOT Biblical. People are misinterpreting Scripture they use to support the rapture. The Church is remaining on earth to face the persecutions sufferings and trials which are needed for its purification.
@hamishthomson6743 5 ай бұрын
I think you may have read something into what I said as I wasn't offering a particular position on the timing of the rapture, but rather that the scriptures point to us being caught up with Christ (the rapture) at SOME point. If you feel that the scriptures I mentioned don't say that we will be caught up with Christ, I would be interested to hear your interpretation of them.
@Izamen 5 ай бұрын
Aren’t the righteous supposed to testify against the anti christ? Why would they be raptured?
@Lazydaisy646 5 ай бұрын
They will be saved during the tribulation
@kendraarden1168 6 ай бұрын
Promo SM ✅
@royb3532 7 ай бұрын
Great video, good to catch up earlier tonight... Love the link to Gal. 6:1 and diving deep in verses around it, even through to "big handwriting" (inference) later into the chapter. I'd gotten a lot out of that part of Tim Keller's book on Galatians. I'd also link that to 2 Tim 2:23-26, especially v. 25-26. While it's a longer link as fair bit later I do find the reference in next chapter to Jannes and Jambres quite intriguing and enjoy gently poking others to do a Bible word search on those names fail to find it easily and go dig too!
@jamestaylor1624 7 ай бұрын
This is so encouraging right now. Thank you for your inspiration.
@StevieB-g4e 7 ай бұрын
What a load of rubbish. Of course you can be saved and have a relationship with Christ without going to church. There is corruption within the churches of today, with the love of money 💰, and paedophilia. They have been infiltrated by the enemy. And what brand of church would you suggest. The crazy fundamentalists, I assume. Take the money and tithes out of the equation and the preachers wouldn't even show up. Tithing is unbiblical anyway, but they push it hard every Sunday for your tax free dollars 💸. You have just wiped out the salvation of many millions by including works based church attendance to Gods plan of salvation. Getting together with one or two like minded believers in your own homes is also not forsaking assembly. That's how they did back in biblical times. People are leaving because of evangelical hypocrisy, and nonsense within the body of Christ. Your assumptions are works based heresy. My salvation rests entirely on Christ's finished work at Calvary and Gods grace alone FULL STOP.
@jamestaylor1624 7 ай бұрын
This is so encouraging! I need to read Ruth and I can't wait for the rest.
@laurenmallon4963 7 ай бұрын
the reason I don't want a church is they are run by mankind ! all are corrupt ! Jesus prayed in fields, peoples homes everywhere! He never said build a church, man did that to control other men! Churches are bad, we need to fellowship with each other, pray together, help each other out, but I am not supporting a corrupt church of any denomination !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@DJR641 8 ай бұрын
I am planning on getting an apocrypha because im on a journey for hidden knowledge. I feel like i need this moment so i can have well being.
@theprogrammer8200 8 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is Life! There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. ~Proverbs 14:12 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance : that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, ~1. Corinthians 15:1-4 Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours: ~2. Peter 1:1 God bless you!
@jojocounie678 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Alc. Great reminder Josh
@Lazydaisy646 9 ай бұрын
Fabulous Josh .
@owen6192 9 ай бұрын
@Lazydaisy646 9 ай бұрын
Thankyou Lewis , that was very uplifting.
@danielcounihan5531 9 ай бұрын
Cheers Lewis great word of encouragement.
@lewisbloomfield9840 9 ай бұрын
Hey love to hear your thoughts how did he missed it? What points did he make that missed the mark.
@Lazydaisy646 10 ай бұрын
Wonderful Lewis ..
@AaliaRanchord 10 ай бұрын
f this
@plumleytube 10 ай бұрын
Many DO observe the days of Leviticus 23. In rhe whole Bible they are rhe ONLY days given by God. The days have enormous NT meaning and they outline the purpose and plan of God. Without them one would be totally ignorant of what god is really up to with us humans.
@edwardenglish6919 10 ай бұрын
These are not "Jewish" Holy Days. They are Biblical Holy Days. Christians are phonies. They embrace pagan holy days, (Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Halloween), yet have no idea that our Creator commanded us to observe His Holy days.
@MrRayzabass 11 ай бұрын
Praise God, my brother. Continuing to look to our heavenly father. Hallelujah!!
@jamestaylor1624 11 ай бұрын
Never thought about turning it around and asking why God heals. Certainly changes the way you see things. Thank you.
@gilliantapper7854 11 ай бұрын
Glory To God. Thankyou for making this video. However I was hoping you could explain other types of associations that is not necessarily as spouse. For example I am an adult living in my parents house who has 3 employees that are maids living in the house. However there is conflict and God has given me the discernment to see that they are not in fellowship with Christ. One of them especially has a diabolical hidden agenda for years to bring the family down.. As a result of that it's beginning to fall apart. Is this such a situation of unequally yoked believers with unbelievers?
@7munkee Жыл бұрын
If your gonna lay around all the time and not do anything but smoke pot, then it is no different from being a drunkard. If you can accept it for what it is and not overdo it, then there is nothing wrong with using it as a relax, to create, for pain, anxiety or whatever. Moderation is the key. "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed."
@Svlli1983 Жыл бұрын
I'd say cannabis will get u higher, aka closer to God...expand ya mind Craiiig
@cc-nt5pl Жыл бұрын
dabbington city, snall we?
@franklinj1038 Жыл бұрын
Ask your maker
@Aleph23 Жыл бұрын
As Jesus said to Buddha back when they were smoking a blunt together; "If the world wasn't the way it was and won't be the way it is, we wouldn't think about what it would be like if it wasn't the way it used to be, if it hadn't become different.
@JW-yi6bt Жыл бұрын
Either way it’s not good for your health
@Horus1133 Жыл бұрын
arguable, depends how you consume.
@JW-yi6bt Жыл бұрын
any way you consume actually, edibles/tincture are bad for long term cardiac health & possible liver complications, smoking bud or dabs is bad in immeasureable number of ways from respiratory to organ to oral, carts are actually worse than regular vapes. There is no healthy way to consume thc@@Horus1133
@franklinj1038 Жыл бұрын
@imfrom210texas Жыл бұрын
Neither is drinking too much water. The more you know
@JW-yi6bt Жыл бұрын
this is such a braindead response. you'd have to drink 3-4 liters of water at one time. I mean how badly do you wanna defend drug use? its not good for you in any amount period with serious organ complications. why do people try so hard to defend weed its dumbfounding @@imfrom210texas
@Hayahwassa-t9j Жыл бұрын
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where [is] the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk [therein]. - Jer 6:16 KJV People who know the old paths know some ways to heal people. Noah used herbs. One of the best path for healing is cannabis. The anointing oil used in the temple of the Lord to pour on the high priests. look at the words used for the ingredients please in strongs concordance it has several healing herbs in the recipe from Moses. Cassia, olive oil and kaneh bosem. Its translated sweet cane, or sweet spice, reed. In the holy bible is the word cannabis from beginning to end. The candlesticks in the temple of the Lord have marijuana on them. The two witnesses use reed. Esther used it for her purification. The Queen of Sheba brought it to Solomon. It was food for Ezra the flowers are very healthy for you and have protein and many good benefits. There are over 300 healing compounds in the plant. So if you have issues with this this message is not for you. Move on don’t nag me about how this or that might occur just ask the Lord and let Him show you. If you are sick listen and hear me: Marijuana heals it is anointed by God. Epilepsy, depression, Skin problems, nausea, cancer, Sleeplessness,so many things it heals. it has been used as food, clothing, ropes, medicine, and oil for thousands of years. Since the garden of Eden. Its like truth serum if your heart is good it shows that to you. If its bad that shows. I tried it when i was a teen. My black sinful heart was exposed, i cried 4 hours the three times i used it then and never touched another medicine for 20 years. I hated to see the state of lostness i was in. I had a birth defect and i was sich my entire life and After i met the Lord and followed Him many years i began to decline in health because i didnt digest food properly. 20 pharmacy meds later after suffering much at the hands of physicians Jesus finally broke through my fearand i tried cannabis again. I began to drop those pharmacy meds fast, gone the fentanly patch, the morphine, clonazepam, antidepressants, digestive enzymes, the pain, i got out of my deathbed, went outside, went camping, pulled weeds, started singing praises to the Lord instead of groaning. I saw victory not defeat in the future and it is here. Many of you are weak and sick and many die. This is because you dont discern the body of Christ and consume medicine made with sorcery. You eat things sacrificed to Idols. Produced on the flayed hides of dead babies. You are eating your brother. Humanized mice. The abomination mouse. Many products you use all day long are made by testing on these things. If you google it they will try to sell you them. Its disgusting and the truth was exposed by scientists on Apple news who said they would use them to study the co vee d jabbb. Vaxx ine I saw that and threw up, cried, and sweated blood for three weeks. I wanted God to kill me it was so horrible to find out i was consuming sorcery. They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one [tree] in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD. - Isa 66:17 KJV That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well. - Act 15:29 KJV So when i removed the pharmacy meds and soap, makeup, foods tested on humanized mice the Lord completely healed me. From the birth defect so from eating one or two meals a week now i can eat three times a day. No pain, i can run with Elijah, i cook, clen, meet people, shine light to them, the medical marijuana industry in my state is having a revival. Nothing hidden will not be revealed and i get to reveal this to you. It’s not fun to tell you this at all but the Lord has been giving me this message over and over i just relay the message. Don’t shoot the messenger because the sender is my defender. Moses got the recipe for the oil. Burning bush. A group of levites prepared it to pour on the high priests, gives a whole new meaning to “high” holy elders. Smoke fills the temple a sweet savor to God. THEN THE LORD SAID TO MOSES, “TAKE THE FOLLOWING FINE SPICES: 500 SHEKELS OF LIQUID MYRRH, HALF AS MUCH OF FRAGRANT CINNAMON, 250 SHEKELS OF KANNABOSM, 500 SHEKELS OF CASSIA - ALL ACCORDING TO THE SANCTUARY SHEKEL - AND A HIND OF OLIVE OIL. MAKE THESE INTO MAKE THESE INTO A SACRED ANNOITING OIL, A FRAGRANT BLEND, THE WORK OF A PERFUMER. IT WILL BE THE SACRED ANNOITING OIL. THEN USE IT TO ANOINT THE TENT OF THE MEETING, THE ARK OF THE TESTIMONY, THE TABLE AND ALL ITS ARTICLES, THE LAMPSTAND AND ITS ACCESSORIES, THE ALTAR OF INCENSE, THE ALTAR OF BURNT OFFERING AND ALL ITS UTENSILS, AND THE BASIN WITH ITS STAND. YOU SHALL CONSECRATE THEM SO THEY WILL BE MOST HOLY, AND WHATEVER TOUCHES THEM WILL BE HOLY. ANOINT AARON AND HIS SONS AND CONSECRATE THEM SO THEY MAY SERVE ME AS PREISTS. SAY TO THE ISRAELITES, “THIS IS TO BE MY SACRED ANOINTING OIL FOR THE GENERATIONS TO COME. DO NOT POUR IT ON MEN’S BODIES AND DO NOT MAKE ANY OIL WITH THE SAME FORMULA. IT IS SACRED, AND YOU ARE TO CONSIDER IT SACRED. WHOEVER MAKES PERFUME LIKE IT AND WHOEVER PUTS IT ON ANYONE OTHER THAN A PREIST MUST BE CUT OFF FROM HIS PEOPLE.” EXODUS 30:22-33 The bride of Christ smells like kaneh Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon. - Sng 4:11 KJV Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices: - Sng 4:14 KJV qānê Pronunciation kaw-neh' calamus is cannabis its in the anointing oil recipe Moses used in Deut 30 the two witnesses recommend reed for all that ails you. This is a sign for you very obvious since not many Christians even know its good for you. 62x The KJV translates Strong's H7070 in the following manner: reed (28x), branch (24x), calamus (3x), cane (2x), stalk (2x), balance (1x), bone (1x), spearmen (1x). Outline of Biblical Usage [?] reed, stalk, bone, balances stalk water-plant, reed calamus (aromatic reed) derived meanings measuring-rod reed (as unit of measure - 6 cubits) beam (of scales - for scales themselves) shaft (of lampstand) branches (of lampstand) shoulder-joint Kaneh and 7 7ns The Facts about Kaneh Bosem | AHRC (
@Hayahwassa-t9j Жыл бұрын
of course its ok marijuana is all over the holy bible from Genesis to revelation. its an anointed healing herb unlike the sorcery found in pharmacies. ask me about it God gives me a message about it every week.
@royb3532 Жыл бұрын
A really good video, some good questions in it, thanks for follow on with that topic Hamish (and questioners!). Your reference to red flags is one I want to pick up on a bit though, and I had a really timely video saw just after this one, where around 33 min they talk about something that sounded quite similar to me, and I definitely experienced a few times myself e.g. with "The Shack" where I couldn't immediately fully articulate where or why something I heard seemed a bit suss.... and where those that are more vulnerable to something like this are probably where the teaching is weak... I think this is where John 4 spirit AND truth comes into play, and also the passage John 8:31-32 which I used at our little one's dedication, with emphasis on v.31 knowing and abiding in the truth, before the much better known v.32 even in secular circles with an implied then "... you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free". I also found 47:25-end on this other video useful too on a ministry of sorrow.
@hamishthomson6743 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, will take a look. Sadly many got drawn into The Shack and its deception!
@royb3532 Жыл бұрын
@@hamishthomson6743 As per excerpt noted thanks for solid engagement with teaching. Hope your big week going well.