Not happening. We can't escape our problems via a simple process of mode selection or energy carrier selection.
@psychocyclops40614 жыл бұрын
im watching for homework as well lol
@Itsamecat6 жыл бұрын
I’m watching this for homework XD
@ElleCooper7 жыл бұрын
Trains (light and long distance), awesome - BRT awesome - small transit pods, awesome - bikes (human or powered) awesome - walking awesome - MULTI MODAL ** minus petrol powered automobiles ** :) the only way to go on a finitely resourced Earth.
@bestandroidgame18 жыл бұрын
Best project.
@lohphat8 жыл бұрын
"Ded reckoning" actually means "deduced reckoning": to navigate without assistance. By using embedded magnets it's being actively guided by them.
@rbaleksandar9 жыл бұрын
I didn't see a single bicycle alley in all the videos about Masdar City...
@kayndashians7 жыл бұрын
rbaleksandar the city did not even finish yet
@Free7ZipDownload11 жыл бұрын
Would be great to see more cities implement this!
@goldenxscholars11 жыл бұрын
you're ignorant. nobody wants you there anyway.
@garydunncolumbus11 жыл бұрын
Those traveling to high security areas, or gated communities could be given override passwords or security access swipe cards to get to work or get inside their homes.
@garydunncolumbus11 жыл бұрын
When further developing PRT software for future use in cities, please consider software commands which block travelers from freely driving into high security areas, or even gated home communities to prevent crime and reduce security risks. Municipalities of the future should issue security access transit cards or passwords for keypunch to adults of age and monitor their ridership should crimes occur. No one should share rides with strangers. Unattended children must not be allowed to access.
@shehabhazzaa731112 жыл бұрын
Investing and researching in sustainable renewable energy is not just anything
@TheTerr0rbyte12 жыл бұрын
This seems like a rich people's cover, I want to see the workers actually doing the real construction.
@rock3tcatU23312 жыл бұрын
You trolling pieces of shit really need to find yourselves a new hobby.
@thetruereality212 жыл бұрын
No there isn't but there will be, since this technology is still under development and needs more funding. Maybe the new and improved versions might come out in other cities. For example such transport system is already in place in London Heathrow airport
It's ridiculous that the key figures for making plan for U.A.E are non citizen.So how it will proceed with those key figures.No big deal with a major exploitation of its vast wealth Just focus on producing qualified citizen learned with Islamic knowledge just like neighboring Arab country so that they can drive the country.Once this will be done, they will be the best asset of the whole country.It's only the patriot ,conscious,qualified citizen that is the greatest asset of a country.Care that.
@905666613 жыл бұрын
@VertigonA380 yes they did i was there a week ago and the prt is a bit scarry knowing that its drives itself without a driver XD
@angypangyify13 жыл бұрын
hey ! its not "SCIENTISTS" developing this... it's ENGINEERS!!
@bighands6913 жыл бұрын
@trihumanish Because our countries are unfortunately bog down with inefficient Bureaucratic administrations that are more concerned with political games. It is a chicken and egg situation. They will not invest the money so they will not get more economical systems.
@peeratop14 жыл бұрын
@Mobilitytomorrow so why not bike but PRT. PRT still using electricity which currently still come from fuel (perhaps sun at later stage) 5 hr useage at 2 hr recharge? I would like to see how efficient it is in comparison to car all-in-all.
@cobraman9614 жыл бұрын
@KrunchyJD Maybe its just eurotrash liberals like you that i hate,You see that be more eurpeon is a liberal thing.We fought to get away from your sorry asses years ago!
@cobraman9614 жыл бұрын
@KrunchyJD Numbnutts<i have two bad knees from working in the same industry for 23 years.The last thing i wanna do is ride a fucking childs toy home after a hards days work.You're entitled to your opinions ,yet you have no right to force your beliefs on everyone else by riding you bike in traffic and slowing everydown and therefore burning more fuel in city traffic!
@cobraman9614 жыл бұрын
@KrunchyJD Try riding your lil bike on your next overseas vacation.....
@cobraman9614 жыл бұрын
@KrunchyJD No they just belong on bike trails on not on the hiway!
@KrunchyJD14 жыл бұрын
@Mobilitytomorrow Further reply, Im not saying your system is bad, its not it is good. Unlike the present system we should use bicycles were we can, and only when we cant use them we should use another system. In otherwords when going from A to B bicycles should be the first option. Indeed, within cities most car trips are single occupant trips, under 5km's. A distance that can be easily undertaken on a bike. Cycling has the added benefit of keeping the country healthy.
@KrunchyJD14 жыл бұрын
@Mobilitytomorrow, The thing is though, unlike electric vehicles, bicycles dont require any electricity to power them, just human movement. Any system that is reliant on electric vehicles requires more electricity to be created. Bicycles are more effective in urban spaces then any other area, because distances are shorter and space is scarce.
@KrunchyJD14 жыл бұрын
@cobraman96 What about all the processes required in building a car, what about the steel that came out of the ground to produce that car and the rubber for its tires. The fact remains that the resources required to build a bicycle are far less then a car, and once the bike is built fossil fuel dependence is finished, unlike a car. What is your problem with bicycles?When you dive a car you pollute, when you ride a bike you dont, cars kill, and create oil dependence, or cant you see that.
@KrunchyJD14 жыл бұрын
@cybr426 Cobraman96 Hates bicycles and bicycle riders, and has invented every lame reason against their use. He has responded to all my suggestions on youtube about getting more bicycles by denigrating it with illogical arguments and or miss represtented everything I have said. He seems to hate bicycles!
@Mobilitytomorrow14 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Appreciate all of the comments.
@Mobilitytomorrow14 жыл бұрын
Bicycles are and should be important components of any sustainable transportation system. Cities like Paris, Barcelona and Madrid are demonstrating the virtues of bike sharing programs and showing that bicycle use can be an attractive and effective form of mobility, even in urban spaces.
@Mobilitytomorrow14 жыл бұрын
PRT will be one of many transportation tools used in the future. It indeed offers many benefits and is being used and designed primarily for airports and university campuses. The system in Masdar City is innovative and could prompt other cities to implement the technology. Costs at the moment are prohibitive for some and multiple PRT routes are subject to monitoring challenges but advances and economies of scale might make PRT more common place in future transport mixes
@Mobilitytomorrow14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for comments. More videos are coming
@cobraman9614 жыл бұрын
@KrunchyJD Yeah,how did that bike get to your store where you purchased it? How did the steel get to the factory?How did the iron ore get out of the ground?What about the rubber for your tires?You live in a fantasy land!
@KrunchyJD14 жыл бұрын
Instead of PRT, why not have bicycles, they require NO electricity.