@WillieSam 17 минут бұрын
Add Oil HK!
@kennysiu-HK Сағат бұрын
反而要調查一般人, 之前香港是英國殖物地, 我同班就有幾個半唐番, 回龜後就, .....,, 普通的普通話, 普通的普通人沒問題. 但H.K. 有隻怪象, 我是"潮"人, 識家鄉+ 2nd +鄉, 日日語 日本語.--- paradigm 源自希臘語 παράδειγμα, 意思是思維的邏輯吧, 但一般少用, 但 paradigm shift 改變思考模式/範就會見, 逆向, 傍行另類......古希臘語 παράδειγμα 是圖形的格式吧, 又有一班人是讀希臘/希伯來文的, 因為聖經, 新約是用希臘文寫的. 但就好像沒商業價值.
@SingKwong-s8n Сағат бұрын
有質素的視頻 大家都應該學習 國際言語上 第一語言溝通就係英語 唔識唔緊要大家去學
@kennysiu-HK Сағат бұрын
頂尖的, 大學排名巳有, Hong Kong U #35, $ingapore #19 #32 + 我母校 Polytechnic #84. 不過我讀"Business" 主要是考不到講大, Poly Business 排#45。 而且近我屋企, 自知不是死讀書的人, 學歷是在"眨值"的, 反而考專業試 -> 考專業牌比較有用, 因為專業是限制人數來......的.
@SingKwong-s8n Сағат бұрын
@tel8482 2 сағат бұрын
很厲害了 來台灣問問看😂
@crackerzelda5206 3 сағат бұрын
The reporter who was on the poorer side could have asked more in depth questions like why is is long war separating both sides? / how many people (%) from the poorer side work in the rich financial side? / is the exit (she found) at the end of the wall the only entrance/exit for people to cross back and forth? /do people from the poorer side ever earn enough to move to the rich side? A wasted opportunity.
@kongyeenchoy2245 4 сағат бұрын
@alyn3379 4 сағат бұрын
@andtotherightleft8445 4 сағат бұрын
@kadajlim 4 сағат бұрын
0f coz SG is better coz HK PORK GUY already~ #CCP #CowardsLeftBehind #ProtestorsLeftHK
@TheShanghaiGuy 5 сағат бұрын
@TheShanghaiGuy 5 сағат бұрын
@choumie6675 5 сағат бұрын
@Sysiu 5 сағат бұрын
@BrotherPeanut888 5 сағат бұрын
@joejojo4805 5 сағат бұрын
@keithngck 5 сағат бұрын
2:41 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
@wendy-ud6hr 6 сағат бұрын
@mabels1337 6 сағат бұрын
这个测试实际上是多余的。新加坡人从学前班开始学习英语。新一代每天都使用英语,甚至在家里也是如此。就像你注意到新加坡的街道标志和方向标志都是英文的,因为新加坡人能理解它们。在外面,你经常会听到他们用英语互相交流。 This test is actually redundant. Singaporeans learn English since preschool. The new generation uses English every day, even at home. Just like you have noticed Singapore's street signs and directional signs are in English because Singaporeans understand them. Outside, you will often hear them communicating with one another in English.
@changyewwong 6 сағат бұрын
本地人一定不会去吃第一间,会吃的都会去隔几间店的“鸡蓉” 那个我可以说是KL最好吃的海南白斩鸡饭~ 他们的老板以前就是南香的头手~ 其它两间都没有听过😂
@圣上侯 7 сағат бұрын
@圣上侯 7 сағат бұрын
@mantai234 8 сағат бұрын
8:58 為左效果呃人食多次囧?
@Kurtis_plays 8 сағат бұрын
@imddawl9867 8 сағат бұрын
@_marilyn_11 8 сағат бұрын
沒得比 不在一個檔次上 語言本來就是他們的一個優勢 不只英文 他們還懂馬來文/閩南語 不如叫坡縣來比廣東話
@felixgoh7414 8 сағат бұрын
Hongkong only Cantonese while Singapore English, mandarin , Malay and dialect how can you compare this 2 country. Hongkong only Cantonese
@chihungchan5086 9 сағат бұрын
原因是什麼呢? 1、回歸之前的香港是面相世界, 2、回歸之後的香港是面向大灣區, Too simple!
@familyfamily5541 9 сағат бұрын
Hk - another one bite the dust
@wizardscauldron 9 сағат бұрын
I am Chinese American and my English is better than most other typical Americans. It all depends on your education and how often you use certain words as well as if your grammar is correct. Having said that, it is difficult to master a second language if you are not in an environment where you use it daily.
@wizardscauldron 9 сағат бұрын
For example Americans learn a second language starting in junior high school, but because English is spoken everywhere, most are not fluent in another language. The environment forces you to use the 2nd language. I am fluent in Chinese and can read as well which surprises people. But despite studying Spanish for 5 years I am horrible at it. I can read but can’t have a conversation in Spanish.
@zachvee2127 9 сағат бұрын
我是马来西亚华人。其实新加坡多元种族的国家,当然是说英语方便,因为英语是世界通用的语言。就好像马来文是马来西亚的国语,每个民族都得学习啊,除非你是外籍人士或在国际学校上课。。。 本身认为,都是看你的学习能力吧,你有能力就继续深造,自然就会学好专业的商用英文。 反而你学习能力差,自然也不需要学习专业的英语词语吧,能简单地沟通就好。 其实我们华人最重要是不要忘记自己的母语和文化习俗。 越来越多华裔子弟都逐渐洋化或被同化了,看看马来西亚的马来人和印度人很少这样被影响的,因为他们对于自己的民族和文化认同是很自豪的,从来不会被其他种族影响。
@JC-yj5xn 10 сағат бұрын
@pmq6974 10 сағат бұрын
@SgForeverSg 10 сағат бұрын
Even pre-1997, Singapore students were more proficient in English. There’s nothing embarrassing or competitive about it. A large proportion of Singaporean kids continue speaking English at home, it’s everywhere. I believe many Hong Kong children would continue with Cantonese at home. This “culture“ affects a lot of things since language is more about usage than studying. But for bigger words, I would think Hong Kong students would do better as they would go study it but Singapore students won’t bother. Don’t even think this is something worth comparing.
@hirokun789 10 сағат бұрын
@jasonchan4827 10 сағат бұрын
如果以呢d受訪者嚟講,新加坡係平均英文水平都好好,可能d太少用嘅字先會唔識;而香港就整體冇咁好,但每組會有1-2個英文極深厚嘅人,carry返成組。都幾反映到香港會有一部分人埋頭苦幹讀書,另一部分人超抗拒但又被迫讀書,而重點係大家都視英文做「讀書」。 另一個發現係,新加坡人唔識一個字多數就直接同你講未見過、唔識;而香港人唔識都會用邏輯去推,撞吓。呢一點反映到新加坡人係視英文為溝通工具,名副其實地「浸」出嚟,而香港人習慣左考試,只係視英文為攞分數嘅工具。
@YuetkamWong 11 сағат бұрын
@高端资源中介 11 сағат бұрын
@kasiu4200 11 сағат бұрын
@Leucine65 11 сағат бұрын
In a recent English proficiency study, Hong Kong even got a similar rank to South Korea. It's just so acknowledged that Koreans normally can't speak proper English at all. How could you still compare Hong Kong with Singapore in terms of English proficiency? lol
@winstontan7683 11 сағат бұрын
這種調查完全無法反映其真實性, 專挑會英語的學生考問單字和詞句, 基本上就是個錯誤, 請在街上隨便拉個小孩或成人問看看, 多少香港人能用英語和你溝通, 程度又如何? 在新加坡就是個英語為主的生活環境, 人人都用英語, 香港到底要用甚麼跟人家比?
@Maiden-iron 12 сағат бұрын
你淨係聽新加坡既小學生講 it means , 已經知道係母語。 好多中文係母語既會讀 It is mean < which is wrong
@SANMMA 12 сағат бұрын
Singaporeans speak English all the time because it’s their official language. But where the heck is Singapore, senator? Is it part of China? Bro thinks English is a skill, but it’s actually more about identity. No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be better than native speakers, so now what? Automatically makes anglo monkey superior in asia?
@Leucine65 12 сағат бұрын
In Hong Kong's daily life, English is not really a common language, most people merely use Cantonese or Mandarin for over 80% of their daily communication. While English is already the official language of Singapore, the weird Singlish accent kinda hurt my ears but it's overall understandable, at least most of these southeast Asians can communicate in basic English.
@scottkuo1230 12 сағат бұрын
無需比較 但 香港口音 完勝….🎉 新加坡 英文 是找誰上課?
@KkK-p8e5r 12 сағат бұрын
黐筋 拎香港同新加坡比
@justicelai7404 12 сағат бұрын
伍熹贤 很可爱❤
@EvaEva-k2e 12 сағат бұрын
@太阳杨-c2j 13 сағат бұрын