@I-serve-you-tea 47 минут бұрын
You can buy a microphone that doesn’t record mouth sounds and swallowing.
@angelawhitfield7498 Сағат бұрын
Their favorite scripture of questioning change is " The path of the bright light gets brighter and brighter till that day Is firmly established. "
@juanitazubizareta4475 4 сағат бұрын
Don’t neglect your prayer life. You need our Heavenly Father even more than ever. You’re not leaving Jehovah, you’re leaving an organization! Get a New Kings James Bible. Start reading in Matthew and read through Revelation. Ask for understanding and let the HolySpirit guide you.
@1trickingAWP 5 сағат бұрын
As an atheist I would rather be a satanist than being part of the JW org
@64maxpower 14 сағат бұрын
I have to say, our faith being different, I've found JWs to be kind and trustworthy more than any group I've dealt with.
@64maxpower 14 сағат бұрын
OMJ, did they really say black people will be white in the new system???
@Tentonmullet 2 күн бұрын
Appreciate you sharing, hope you are doing well
@thecommentor1064 2 күн бұрын
Genesis Chinese Calendar doesnt have the errors Chinese empire tradition has. Chinese Shiloh is NuWa or his grandson Arpaxad year 255-315. Reality is Terah getting data from his son Haran in 2078-2018bc (Shelah's year 255-315). Egyptian Ramses 2770bc calendar is year 320 from Flood derived from Harran Syria year 2050bc (320) of 80 leap days before Memphis calendar 2030bc (year 340) accepted then in Ur 2029bc by forefather who are Chinese. The 600-year Venus is 2029-1429bc, but in 1437bc the leader of migration out of Harappa India mistook it as 2037-1437bc (because 2029-1437bc is 600 of 360-day) a 592-year Venus of 8- year cycle. This led him to think it was 1200 back to 2637bc and 1140 years of 76-year/19-year lunar cycle to 1497bc. Reality is the moon is 2637bc Feb 8 to 1497bc Feb 4 (not constant Feb 4) and modern Chinese keep the same longitude so make it Mar 8 (when that is Aries) because Jan 8 is Aquarius and traditional Aquarius of Feb 4 (calculates Feb 8 ) is Pisces. All that error proves Chinese is 2000bc-based not 2600bc.
@thecommentor1064 2 күн бұрын
would you like a bible study over the phone with a real Witness. You went to the world for answers, i went to Jehovah. WT doesnt want the true answers, they are busy worshipping the business. There isnt a question you have had that i didnt have before you and got the answer. Everyone could have gotten those answers. But like Jesus said YOU people did not want it. The fire and the frying pan are the same. Only frying pan i am in, is persecution for real truth. THEN again you know everyone on Earth 8 billion all get that.
@susanlove1170 3 күн бұрын
Praying for you dear brother that "You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free" John ch8 vs 32 🙏🙏
@bigmouse2 3 күн бұрын
@alvirties8677 4 күн бұрын
When mans laes over rules gods word in a church '' CULT'' and there's many
@parisgirl8835 4 күн бұрын
You are super mature the way you handled all and I think the best thing in life is to question everything we are taught. As an ex witness myself I had great experiences in my congregation and nothing but sweet hearted friends I made. Thanks for sharing this.
@davidsolomon9085 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for your testimony and exposed the cult , we all need to open our eyes and ears to what the bible tells us along with the context . Welcome to being a lord servant , God bless you
@Currentttttt. Күн бұрын
How about stepping away from the bible and actually look at evidence.
@samr5179 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for this. I have been struggling for years since I watched the ARC trials to find out it was happening in my household. I found out 8 years ago my own father was involved in it while an Elder. When I confronted him, he said to me “ what makes you so perfect” I then told him to never talk to me again and that has held true since then. My mother and brother begged me to forgive him because Jehovah and the one done wronged forgave him so I should. I have struggled for years about this but recently did a lot of research and came to the conclusion I absolutely do not have to forgive him. God, according to the Bible says he that harms the children, it’s better for them to tie a stone around their neck and cast themselves into the sea. So they refuse to believe their own teaching. You hit every point I have tried to convince the one done wrong that they also didn’t have to forgive their wrongdoer because he is already judged by god. Sitting at conventions every fall and summer listening to the Speakers slam the Catholics by saying “if all else is true the one thing that makes them a false religion is the rampant child abuse within their organization because Jehovah would never allow his Holy Spirit to govern a religion like that. The hypocrisy right there is undeniable. I would enjoy talking to you about what happened to my family and where we are at right now. I have just now this week felt more free and so sure of my decision that I am no longer sitting back to allow the lies and deception go unchecked.
@ornerydyke 6 күн бұрын
#12 was the one that blew my mind!!! Watchtower took a little spin on the wild beast! Riding bitch behind Christendom! They’d still have their feet in the stirups if they hadn’t been caught!
@ginabird2322 6 күн бұрын
I married into JW, my now ex husband was disfellowshipped when i met him, but he was reinstated and i got baptised (mainly to please the Mother in law). He cheated on me so many times, all he got was a kind of slap on the wrist. But when i did it to him, they were foing to help him get custody of my kids. So i stayed stayed with him. When his mum died, we both stopped going to meetings. That was in 1995. Finally i left him and got divorced and kept my kids, they hated him. He even abused my daughter. They missed out on so much. He moved to America and re married, i re married and he has just gone back to JW. His wife is furious 😂
@HisMightywheels 7 күн бұрын
I'm not a Jehovah it doesn't apply to me unless it's because of someone else that got me mixed up in this shit because I was never into before
@johnwonderland-hw9lo 7 күн бұрын
I just say the heading of your video. You need to move on with your life. All religions have issue's but it your life and who really cares about your personal problems. Buy yourself a box of pacifiers and sit with a box of tissues and cry it all out then maybe you just might turn into a man!
@ramrod576 4 күн бұрын
Do you have experience being in a cult? Your hilariously ignorant comment makes me think, no.
@HisMightywheels 7 күн бұрын
🤔 I was never a Jehovah. So this is why it's important to know what and who you are surrounding yourself with . I was an infant baptized into the Catholic Church. Grew up Catholic now identify as Christian.. If my friends were a Jehovah they never told me. So much for truth and communication 😂
@missk7145 8 күн бұрын
Thank you. Where our creator's spirit is, there is such freedom. Communication is key ❤️🙏
@charlesweber9780 8 күн бұрын
Ok listen up This is truth : Jehovah cleans oyt his own congregation first. This guy is nit worthy to be one of His Wittnesses. He could not live up to decency ! Si we are glad he is igone !!!! Hevwould corrupt the rest if us. And of course he doesnt want you to know what his sinful cintamination was. Just loik at him and lusten Ehen a cathiluc, Methidust , etc leVe their churches, di they come in you tube to shoyt uglies ? He is simply cleaned out by his own sinful actions. Ive lived up to my love gor Jehovah And no Complsints here !
@ramrod576 4 күн бұрын
Are you drunk? Is this Tony??...
@ltsReallyHim 9 күн бұрын
Yea man. Its hard. So much trauma. My dad still loosely believes it, although I think hes starting to question a lot of their decisions over the years. How theyve become more lenient on dress code etc, just shows me they arent sticking to their guns and if the "truth" can change so rapidly. Then maybe it wasnt the truth after all Honestly as a kid i never believed it lol. I just went cause i had to. When I got older I just stopped going. The fake smiles from the elders when they knew i was playing football, and damn good at it. They never asked me about it. But always were onto my parents about it. Just felt like i was living a double life and my "worldy" life. Gave me so much more fulfillment that it made me feel guilty because i still had that JW mindset. Finally got rid of it. Never been happier. Truly. Miss my friends though. Thats what kept me in it so long. Hope they are doing well.
@andreahall6007 10 күн бұрын
I completely relate to everything you said and been on a similar journey and the more distance i got the more i realised my family and i had been in a cult and didnt know the trauma caused to my children looking back makes me so sad and had alot of healing and forgiveness with my children in later life xxx
@KevinDouglas-e7y 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I'm curious if you still consider yourself agnostic and if you're intensely seeking/researching the truth about Jesus.
@vegestaples 11 күн бұрын
👉GOD is calling you "OUT OF BABYLON", Dear Reader ("...Come out of her, MY PEOPLE... that ye be not 👏partakers of HER SINS and receive not of HER PLAGUES..." Revelation 18:4)... Let HIS WORK in your life GO FORWARD...❗🙏🏼❗ 👉🙏🏼📖🛐JESUS will save HIS people "FROM" their SINS...😌 🤔⁉️WHOM WILL WE WORSHIP⁉️🤔 It is ALWAYS about WORSHIP❗❗❗ 👉It is quite clear that the evangelicals "claim" that GOD'S LAW has been nailed to the cross... BUT, upon closer examination, what they REALLY mean is that ONLY the 4th commandment (Remember the 7th-day Sabbath) has been nailed to the cross... NONE would teach their children to USE GOD'S NAME IN VAIN, DISOBEY PARENTS, LIE, STEAL, KILL, etc. 👉BUT, regarding the one commandment (the 📖4th) which they are disobeying, what they desire is to QUIET THE CONSCIENCE and gain the approval of the WORLD (the world being under the umbrella of Rome), rather than the LOVE of GOD (If you love ME, Jesus said, keep "MY" COMMANDMENTS... THIS IS LOVE, that ye KEEP "MY" COMMANDMENTS)... The evangelicals are actually keeping the pope's commandments... The pope-inspired evangelical commandments are ONLY 9️⃣0️⃣% EFFECTIVE against sin, and this is JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH... As long as we are unwilling to flee from sin, satan has ✊GOT US...🤯❗ 👉Jesus writes HIS law upon the 💕HEARTS💞 of the BELIEVERS... T H I S is HIS DOING and is what is known as the ✅NEW COVENANT✅ (See Jeremiah 31:33 AND Hebrews 8:10 AND Hebrews 10:16) AND NOTICE that this NEW covenant is found BOTH in the OLD testament AND the NEW testament... ✅BOTH✅...❗ IT is a matter of CONDITION, and not of TIME... It is ALSO a matter of FAITH... Do YOU "BELIEVE" that Jesus writes HIS law upon your heart...??? If YES, then it is JESUS that does the WORK in making you OBEDIENT TO THAT LAW... NOT YOUR OWN WORK... JESUS can take the "CREDIT" and WE can say THANKYOU, LORD...❗✅👍 😌 (the OLD covenant is man making VAIN promises TO GOD that MAN will obey the law. Peter did this... And this ALWAYS leads to failure)... 👉AGAIN, It has always and ever will be about 🙏🏼WORSHIP🛐... Will we worship the CREATOR of heaven and earth, JESUS... and REST WITH HIM on HIS appointed REST DAY, the DAY7️⃣ SABBATH... 👉OR, will we worship CREATED SATAN, through the CREATED pope of Rome... and his CREATED pagan day of ☀️sun worship, the CREATED-BY-MAN SUN-DAY...😧❗ 👇✅CHECK THIS OUT✅👇 🤔ANTI-CHRIST...⁉️ WHAT is it...⁉️ WHO is he...⁉️ Can we even know...⁉️ Here are some CLUES: 👉"ANTI" not only means "against", but also "IN PLACE OF"... 👉It is a MAN OF SIN (a succession of men)... 👉He sits upon 7 hills (Rome is known all over the world as "the city of 7 hills") 👉He is clothed in PURPLE (his official color) and SCARLET (the color of his cardinals)... and decked in pearls and precious stones and holding up a golden cup full of abominations (false doctrines)... 👉He would "think" to change times and laws (he "thinks he can change God's 10-commandment law)... 👉He speaks great words of BLASPHEMY (claiming to BE GOD and claiming to FORGIVE SINS)... 👉He would exercise his authority for 1260 years (538 a.d. to 1798 a.d.) and then receive a "deadly wound" (1798 was the year that Napoleon's General Berthier marched into Rome and took him captive)... That deadly wound would be "healed" (in 1929 when Mussolini granted Vatican city full statehood and full autonomy from the other nations) and "ALL THE WORLD" would "wonder" (follow) after the beast... 👉He is the head of a church that is said to RIDE upon a scarlet colored BEAST... 👉 His "church" is called "MYSTERY BABYLON", the "MOTHER OF HARLOTS"... 👉The BLOOD of the martyrs (50-100 million, only God knows the exact number) figuratively CRIES OUT from the altars of this church... 😯There is only ONE HISTORICAL FIGURE/ENTITY that satisfies ALL of the characteristics of this description... and that is the POPE OF ROME and the VATICAN HIERARCHY (pope, cardinals, bishops, priests)... 👉Notice too, Revelation 13:18 says that the NUMBER of this "man", this "beast" is 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣... One of the pope's official titles (in Latin) is "VICARIVS FILII DEI" (vicar of the son of God). The values of the Roman numerals contained in this title add up to 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣🤔... Another official title is DVX CLERI (captain of the clergy). AGAIN, the numeral values add up to 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣... One more, LVDOVICVS, (latin man). And once again, another 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ identifier... There are many more examples of this... (FYI👉Roman numerals: D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1)... 👉The pope claims that it is a "MARK" of his "authority" to have "changed" the true creator God's 7️⃣th-day Saturday SABBATH to the 1️⃣st-day Sun-day (☀️sun, or "nature" worship)... The "MARK" of the "BEAST"... (Sun-day will only become the "MARK" when it is FORCED UPON THE PEOPLE "BY LAW"... The United States of America will LEAD OUT in this, and EVERY OTHER COUNTRY WILL FOLLOW)... 👉GET READY❗❗ 👉The Jesuit arm of the Vatican has been employed to create false theories and doctrines and teachings to turn the FOCUS, as it were, AWAY FROM THE POPE being identified as the "ANTI-CHRIST"... 👉📖🙏🏼🕯GOD will sweep away the curtain and HIS PEOPLE will see what is really going on behind the scenes... Amen...😌 😐P.S. "ANTI-CHRIST" is the "Holy Roman Catholic PAPAL SYSTEM" (the Vatican, popes, cardinals, bishops, priests)... NOT catholic "PEOPLE"... ❗❗❗VERY IMPORTANT DISTINCTION...❗❗❗ God has his honest-hearted jewels in ALL the churches... Individuals who are acting upon ALL the light that has been made available to them... And GOD will call them out of Babylon... This is HIS DOING... Praise His Holy Name...🙏🏼
@HPB1776 12 күн бұрын
I'm not and never have been involved in high demand religion. I am raised Christian but have a fairly secular outlook. I just came upon this video and am astonished. I'm so, so sorry for the suffering that I see on the video and in the comments. It is heartbreaking to learn about 💔. Sending sincere love and best wishes to you all in finding peace and contentment. You are all incredibly brave. ❤
@garrettheyns5464 12 күн бұрын
So heartbreaking that so many Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons turn to atheism😢
@katherinegeorge4945 13 күн бұрын
My friend Mary who is with Jesus now was a JW for 27 years before the Lord called her out of it. One day she cut herself on a rose Bush and she had a revelation of how the crown if thorns was pressed into Jesus head and she cried out to the Lord. She showed me a JW bible and how the scripture was twisted even by adding the letter 'a' into it as in John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The JW Bible says 'and the Word was 'a' God. She pointed out that it makes two God's when you add the a. I have spoken to JWs that I met and told them some of my testimony but they didn't seem to believe it and I said how can you call yourselves witnesses if you don't believe that God does miracles? I myself found Jesus about 25 years ago. I'm 56 now. I prayed Psalm 51 every day for a month and after the Holy Spirit came in power and entered through my throat and was stuck in my oesophagus for a few seconds until he pushed down and started cleansing me from all my sins. I had the impression of a small person with a cleaning cloth swirling it around very fast. Psalm 51 is all about asking for God's forgiveness and cleansing from sin. I felt very honoured that God visited me like that and a little embarrassed that he was cleansing all my sin. Another time I was in a very oppressive atmosphere and started reading Psalm 91 over and over and after about 5 minutes a massive spiritual snake leapt off our laps and was gliding above our heads but in from of us in the air. I could see its shape and spiritual substance and it was about a foot thick. All the oppression left and we were free. Jesus said if you continue in my Word, you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. JWs only exist because there is a reality that satan doesn't want you to know. It is a counterfeit and a cult and there is a real Jesus who died for our sins and who gave us his body broken for us and his blood for the remission of our sins. He was resurrected on the third day and was taken up to heaven and is seated at the right hand of power. Jesus promised that if you seek him with all your heart you would find him. Jesus also said "come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest for your souls".
@MegaFooji 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. You hit the nail on the head for so many topics. The delusion and the hiding of information of a set of rules they don't know they are being judged by. Also about people assuming you want to sin when you question the truth . I have no desire to sin I am married with 3 kids and they are small and thinking of raising them as a JW knowing what I know is scary. I do feel like you that a lot of them are genuine hearted people. I'm thinking of dissassociating / fading away and have begun the process but this video confirmed it. I have been praying and praying and I'm in a similar journey as you once were and I do feel that God has revealed everything to me. Again thanks for the video
@ROSWITHAkorobi 15 күн бұрын
the truth will make you free...God BlessYou Denver Metro Area
@lighthousenetwork.tv-media 15 күн бұрын
@user-gv2sz2br5h 15 күн бұрын
So after all I feel sorry for your people also this is the most amazing experience and i wonder what you are doing now and what is your religion now .
@danlong5008 15 күн бұрын
Sounds interesting but with all the talking he is losing my attention
@doge8676 16 күн бұрын
Can you list the questions?
@violetwanjiku7937 16 күн бұрын
My father has been a Jehovahs witness for the last 46 years. He is an elder and has been quite senior in Kenya. He is the most abusive man that i know, He beat my late mum, I and my siblings to pulp because we did not want to join him. We went to meetings for one year under such violence. I was beaten to attend meetings. My family fell apart and the wounds that he inflicted are still visible in all of us.He is a horrible person even now and it takes the Grace of God to even relate to him. God has been faithful to enable us completely forgive and love him. I realized a long time ago that its a false religion because how does one stay in a "church" with no real change. I pray that God will reveal Himself to him because i love him.
@berthaimona6909 16 күн бұрын
"your faith in the organization"? You mean you had no faith in Jehovah? Interesting.. I knew the brothers had their wires crossed about the clergy before I looked at outside articles. and I called an elder out on it . He had no answer. I'm still a JW or more specifically a worshiper of Jehovah. I'll watch the vid to the end to see if you're still a worshiper of Jehovah? BTW if you had studied the bible more closely, you'll see that the WT is on the money about 607 BCE. That is not to say that the 2520 years is no more than an artfully contrived false story. All by studying the bible without looking to EX JW wannabes. More study of the bible will tell you what apostacy is and the org fits the bill. and so do those that you read.. Maybe even you? I'll keep watching. Sorry 48.45 I pulled out of listening to you say the gripes you have about the Brothers, is not going to make them any more off side with Jehovah, of which is between them and Jehovah and for which they must answer. Thanks for sharing.
@EddieBrozKY 17 күн бұрын
Them being there was the sign you were looking for to leave hahaha
@Allthingspassed 18 күн бұрын
Hello, can you please give me the reference where Jehovah's witnesses organization said " black people is a race of slavery and that in paradise they will have white skin " ?
@YehovahsWorshipper 19 күн бұрын
There is no one and single God's organization on earth. Bible says, " At this Peter opened his mouth and said: “For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him " (Acts 10:34,35) It's your personal relationship with God that is important NOT a membership in any human organization.
@tonyaboggs5367 21 күн бұрын
Jehovah IS a MAN made name. A religion made up for control
@owenmccallum6076 21 күн бұрын
Same old nonsense, secret homosexul eventually comes out then has to leave the JW, just another people pleaser, the Internet is plagued with them. His wife is now an ex wife I noticed
@tabithaparsons4590 21 күн бұрын
Child of JW, it's isolating, the abuse is rapid and hidden, they sooo bad 😢
@dr-rexmangrca113 21 күн бұрын
@pcharm3711 22 күн бұрын
@pcharm3711 22 күн бұрын
You're doing such a great service to humanity! Thanks for being so brave and helpful for us and I appreciate your honesty. It's hard but you did it. Thank you
@pcharm3711 22 күн бұрын
The more I hear about the JW. The more it leads one to believe that it is A CULT!
@pamelaschniepp6075 24 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video. I was born into JW and it never set well with me. I was never baptized as one, which gave me a loophole in communication with my only sister and my parents, but it was an extremely strained relationship after I left. It was a very difficult childhood and existence without family, and knowing the depths of what they were still involved in, but I kept my mouth shut. I am thankful for people like you who speak up. God bless you in your spiritual journey.
@stormbytes 25 күн бұрын
You couldn't add a TDLR?
@QueenLotty 25 күн бұрын
Why did you share this?