"Nagori Yume" (Lingering Dream) by Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN Beyond the hazy glass, I see your back Tears still brimming within my eyes Footsteps growing distant "Are you still there?" I ask, though no answer will return Your initial tattoo, An unending ache still remains… I could confide it only to you, The story of that night I came to accept "I'm still loving you" It has to be you- I know this No matter how tightly I hold you Feelings with nowhere to go Oh, how it hurts Thinking of you this evening, a lingering dream In a corner of my heart, nostalgia remains An undying illusion gently sways A reality softly blurred Eyes so straight and true, without deceit They gaze at the one and only world Forever, always Cold and blue, Rainfall pours down A slightly chilly night I long to feel warmth Fragments of memory, the thread between us Now undone Reeling it back in, "I still missin' you" Words left unsaid Scatter quietly Transparent raindrops You were the only one who was different Each time they overlap, It turns to certainty-why? "I'm still cherishing you" It has to be you- It’s echoing No matter how tightly I draw you near The scenery of my heart has nowhere to rest Oh, how lonely Thinking of you this evening, a lingering dream In a corner of my heart, nostalgia remains An undying illusion gently sways My identity secretly blurred Eyes so straight and true, without deceit They gaze at the one and only world Forever, surely Soaked by tears of rain Afar, the eye of Horus watches Dimensions spread into the distance Beyond this universe Observing all And then, the sun is reborn All things ignited, burning with fervent heat Humankind does not know, Puppeteered by the heavens Repainting the hue of blue droplets It has to be you- I understand I want you to hold me tightly Never let me go, ever again Oh, how I yearn Thinking of you this evening, an ephemeral dream A filling reality within my chest Undying affection Dances vividly Surely blurring Eyes so straight and true, without deceit They gaze at the one and only world Forever, always
"나고리유메(なごりゆめ)" Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN 희미한 유리 너머로 보이는 네 등 눈물 머금은 채 멀어져 가는 발소리 “Are you still there?” 물어보아도 돌아올 대답은 없고 이니셜 문신, 지워지지 않는 아픔, 아직도… 오직 너에게만 털어놓을 수 있었던 받아들인 그 밤의 이야기 “I’m still loving you” 네가 아니면 안 된다는 걸 알고 있어 아무리 강하게 안아봐도 머물 곳 없는 마음 애달프구나 너를 생각하는 이 밤의 남은 꿈(나고리유메) 가슴 한편에 남아 있는 노스탤지어 사라지지 않는 환상이 부드럽게 흔들리고 분명히 번져가는 리얼리티 거짓 없는 곧은 눈동자 이 세계 단 하나를 바라보고 있어 언제까지나, 영원히 차갑고 푸르게 쏟아지는 빗소리 약간 서늘한 밤 느끼고 싶은 온기 기억의 조각들, 둘 사이에서 풀려버린 실 되감으며 “I still missin’ you” 말로는 전할 수 없어 고요히 흩어지는 투명한 빗방울들 너만이 달랐었어 거듭할수록 확신으로 변해가는데, 왜 “I’m still cherishing you” 네가 아니면 울려 퍼지는 이 마음 아무리 꽉 안아도 머물 곳 없는 풍경 너무나 쓸쓸해 너를 생각하는 이 밤의 남은 꿈(나고리유메) 가슴 한구석에 남은 노스탤지어 사라지지 않는 환상이 조용히 흔들리고 살며시 번져가는 아이덴티티 거짓 없는 곧은 시선 이 세계 단 하나를 바라보고 있어 언제까지나, 분명히 눈물의 빗속에 젖으며 아득히 먼 곳을 바라보는 호루스의 눈 먼 이차원의 펼쳐짐 그 우주를 넘어 모든 것을 지켜보고 그리고 태양은 다시 태어나 모든 것이 열기 품고 불타오르네 인간은 알지 못한 채 하늘에 조종당하며 다시 칠해지는 푸른 물방울의 색 네가 아니면 안 된다는 걸 알고 있어 강하게 안아주길 원해 다신 놓지 않을래 너무나도 그리워라 너를 생각하는 이 밤의 덧없는 꿈(우타카타유메) 가슴속 가득 차오르는 리얼리티 사라지지 않는 그리움 선명하게 춤추며 분명히 번져가네 거짓 없는 곧은 눈동자 이 세계 단 하나를 바라보고 있어 영원히, 계속
「なごりゆめ」Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN 霞むガラス越し 君の背中 なみだ、たたえたまま 遠ざかる足音 “Are you still there?”
問いかけて、 答え戻るはずもなく
イニシャルのタトゥー、 消えない痛み 、まだ….
 君だけに話せた、 受け止める夜のこと
“I’m still loving you”
君じゃなきゃ わかってる
強く抱きしめてみても ゆき場無くした想い いとかなし
君 思う この宵に なごりゆめ
 胸の片隅 残るノスタルジア 消えぬ幻(まぼろし) ゆるやかに揺れ たしかに滲(にじ)むリアリティ 嘘偽りのない まっすぐな瞳
 この世界ただ一つ みつめている いつまでも ずっと
冷たく青く、 降り注ぐ雨音(あまおと)
 少し寒い夜、 感じたいぬくもり 記憶のかけら、2人の間  ほどけた糸 たぐり寄せ “I still missin’ you”  
言葉にできず、 静かに散らばる
透明な雨粒(あまつぶ)、 君だけ違っていた
重ねるたび、 確信(かくしん)にかわり なぜ
"I'm still cherishing you"
響いてる 強く抱き寄せてみても ゆき場無くした気色(けしき) いと寂し
君 思う この宵に なごりゆめ
 胸の片隅 残るノスタルジア 消えぬ幻(まぼろし) ゆるやかに揺れ ひそかに滲(にじ)むアイデンティティ 嘘偽りのない
この世界ただ一つ みつめている いつまでも きっと 
涙の雨 濡れながら
遥か彼方  見つめるホルスの目
 遠く異次元(いじげん)の広がり その宇宙超え  全てを見まもる
 そして太陽は生まれ変わり 全てが熱を帯び燃え盛り 人はわからず、 天空(てんくう)に操られ 塗り替える 青き雫の色 
君じゃなきゃ わかってる
 もう離さない  二度(にど)と
君を思う この宵に うたかたゆめ
 胸の中 満たされるリアリティ 
消えぬ慕情(ぼじょう)  鮮やかに舞い たしかに滲(にじ)む 嘘偽りのない まっすぐな瞳 この世界ただ一つ みつめている いつまでも ずっと
「Wonderful World」Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN Frustration keeps building You don’t understand Drifting through social feeds The stench of rot and despair A graveyard of complaints The city of Sodom Mistakes and pathology Atoned for only by death Buttons misaligned By the time you notice Your fingertips go numb No chance to fix it No turning back At this point, whatever you say It’s all exposed and on display On that infinitely flat horizon of hell Can’t you see? Amen NAKED KING GAME OVER Truly wonderful (So wonderful) This world (makes me gag) I really want to blow it up (just vanish) But I ask myself, “What would that change?” “Don’t mistake your enemy.” I wasn’t born for that. Carefree humanity All siblings, they say But that’s so two-faced People of Sodom, This is your testament The other side of… Why can’t we connect? “Hang in there?” I’m at my limit. I’m sick of these words They loop again and again The same things repeated endlessly Shallow waters for half-wits Just splashing each other Giggling like fools WASTED KING GAME OVER Truly wonderful (So wonderful) This world (makes me retch) I really want to blow it up (just disappear) But I ask myself, “What would that change?” “Don’t mistake your enemy.” I wasn’t born for that. Dancing in Hotel California A drunken crowd’s scenario No voice to push me forward Alone in this world All I do is choke on disgust I’m terrified-what’s the point of living? Buried under tasks and responsibilities Where am I? Where did I go? Nietzsche asked, “Is this nihilism?” The ideal I aimed for Is a pure white flag Every path is blocked Reality comes into focus No matter what I do, it’s futile No one even looks back Alone and trembling, I stand frozen in place WASTED KING GAME OVER Truly wonderful (So wonderful) This world (makes me gag) I really want to blow it up (just disappear) But I ask myself, “What would that change?” “Don’t mistake your enemy.” I wasn’t born for that. No matter the day or night Your voice restarts me My exhausted body Sleeps like mud Then once again A dazzling morning arrives A hot shower Restores my spirit Even if still rotten inside, Everything’s washed away Reborn, I live in the here and now **NAKED KING GAME OVER Truly wonderful (So wonderful) This world (so full of contradictions) Still I chase my dreams (just going back?) I want to blow it up (just vanish) Once more, I ask, “What would that change?” “Don’t mistake your enemy.” I wasn’t born for that.** WASTED KING GAME OVER Truly wonderful (So wonderful) This world (makes me gag) I really want to blow it up (just disappear) But I ask myself, “What would that change?” “Don’t mistake your enemy.” I wasn’t born for that.
「素晴らしき世界」 Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN イライラ募る わかってねえ SNS漂う 腐臭と絶望 愚痴の墓場 ソドムの都 
掛け違えたボタン 気づいた時には 
 できない 今更何を言っても 
全て可視化される 限りなくFLATな 
Can’t you see 
amen NAKED KING GAME OVER ほんと素晴らしい(素晴らしい)
 ほんと爆破したい(消えちまえ) だけど問いかける
 そんなために生まれた訳じゃない 脳天気な人類
 ソドムの民、 そのあかし The Other side of
 もう限界 聞き飽きた言葉 
 同じこと繰り返し 続ける 脳タリンの浅瀬 
キャッキャ騒ぐだけ WASTED KING GAME OVER ほんと素晴らしい(素晴らしい)
 ほんと爆破したい(消えちまえ) だけど問いかける 
 そんなために生まれた訳じゃない 踊るホテルカリフォルニア 酔いしれる群衆のシナリオ 背中押す声もない ひとり この世界 ヘド吐くばかり 怖くなる、この生きる意味 
 どこにいる? ニーチェが言った
 真っ白な旗 塞がる道ばかり 
振り向く者もなし 1人、震えながら、 立ちつくす WASTED KING GAME OVER ほんと素晴らしい(素晴らしい)
 ほんと爆破したい(消えちまえ) だけど問いかける
 そんなために生まれた訳じゃない どんな日もどんな夜も 
疲れた体 泥のよう眠る
 そしてまた 眩しい朝が来る 
熱いシャワー浴び 取り戻すスピリット 
腐ったまま  全て洗い流され 生まれ変わり そして今を生きる NAKED KING GAME OVER ほんと素晴らしい(素晴らしい) この世界(矛盾だらけ) それでも夢追う(戻るだけ?) 爆破したい(消えちまえ) 今一度、問いかける 「それで何になる?」 「敵を間違えるな」 そんなために生まれた訳じゃない WASTED KING GAME OVER ほんと素晴らしい(素晴らしい) この世界(ヘドが出る) ほんと爆破したい(消えちまえ) だけど問いかける 「それで何になる?」 「敵を間違えるな」 そんなために生まれた訳じゃない
@jonyikebon7166 10 күн бұрын
時代に周回遅れのアナログおっさんですが、かっこええ曲と歌声が心に染みるな〜!! えぇよぉ!!ありがとう😊
@夕起子千野 12 күн бұрын
素敵な メロディね 歌詞もいいね― 今日も素敵な1日になりそう👍
@jonyikebon7166 14 күн бұрын
かっこええ〜😌 日本語だけど、歌詞のチョイスと歌声が曲を更に輝きを与えて最高!! 久しぶりにドハマったです🙇
いつもご清聴いただき有り難うございます。 ちなみに、こちらの使用ギターは最近は一番手にとることが多い、Fender Custom Shop59' JazzMaster JourneyManというモデルです。シングルコイルですが、音に太さがあり、単音もコードもワイルドでカッコ良いです。 イントロのフレーズはフルオルタナイトピッキングで弾かないとグルーブが出ないのですが、Rage Against The Machineのトム・モレロの雰囲気で組み立てられております。洋楽ラップロック+和語という発想が、やってみたらいい感じにハマって、聴き込むほどにじんわりとくるカッコいい曲になりました。
@jonyikebon7166 13 күн бұрын
@MOUNTAINHIGHDESIGNWORKS 今後も応援させて頂きますので、宜しくお願い致します‼️ 久々に聴きまくる曲に出逢えて嬉しい限りです。
@jonyikebon7166 15 күн бұрын
素晴らしく素敵なアーティストが近くに居る事に嬉しさと誇りを感じております😆 これからも多肢に渡りご活躍下さい!!
@夕起子千野 16 күн бұрын
妹が表紙を飾りましたね 最高❤
『Sleepless Night (The Blues of the Detention Center)」   Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN As I seek to slumber, mine eyes do close, Yet, lo! In the corners of my mind arise A myriad of trifles, unbidden thoughts. Futile matters, one after another, With no reason, they do weigh upon my breast, Endlessly swirling, they disturb the night’s Serene tranquility, a tempest within. Ah, how I long to rest in peaceful slumber! Soon shall the dawn’s light softly break, Yet again, the blinding morn shall come, The weariness of sleepless nights doth weigh Heavily upon my heart, a shroud of gloom. Yet, alas! I must live but for this day. O, the fleeting sorrow of sleepless nights! When the sun doth rise and afternoon descends, I yearn to find repose, yet cannot resist The duties of this world, and thus, in dreams, I linger in a drowsy haze. To avoid the scorn of village ostracism, I feign surprise, though my heart is weary, Exhausted from the burdens I do bear. Thus, once more, the night doth come again, Enveloped in a tranquil darkness, While I await that fleeting moment, Yet sleep eludes me as the night grows deep. Again, the blinding morn doth arrive, As if naught had transpired in the night, Dragging my weary form through the day, I live but for today alone. Ah, sleepless night! Ah, sleepless night!
「眠らむと 目を閉じたるに」(留置場のブルース) Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN 
眠らむと 目を閉じたるに ふと心の隅に浮かびしは つまなき事の数々なり よしなしごとども 次々に 理もなく胸を塞ぎ とめどなく 渦を巻きて 夜の静けさを乱すばかり あゝ、ただ静かに眠りたく候ふ やがて暁の光ほのかにさし またも眩しき朝の訪れぬ 夜通し眠れぬ身の疲れは 心をも重く覆ひて されど ただ今日を生きるしかなし 嗚呼、眠れぬ夜の儚さよ にち輪の昇りて 午後となりぬれば 安らかに眠らむとすれど 世のつとめには抗へず さりとて眠き まどろみのうちに 村八分にされぬために 驚けるふりをも見せむとしつつ 心の内は疲れ果てぬる かくて また夜は訪れ 静かなる闇に包まれし そのひとときを待ちながらも 眠ること叶はぬまま夜は更けぬ またも眩しき朝がきたりぬ まるで何事もなかりしごとく 気怠き身を引きずりつつ ただ今日を生きるのみ あゝ、眠れざる夜よ あゝ、眠れざる夜よ
@たかぴろぴ 16 күн бұрын
「スターダストライダー」 Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN 光に包まれ、 真夜中のスローモーション、 心が締め付けられ、 思い出が蘇る、 大切な日々、 散らばった夢。 広がる地平線、 深い青空、 天の十字架、 夜明けの薄明かり、 孤独を感じ、 消えゆく、 恋しい柔らかな温もり、 まだ覚えている。 空の星々、 失ったもの、 戻るべき物語、 その時を待って、 ぐるぐる回り、 何も同じではない。 もし川に向き合えば、 また会えると言う、 それが真実ではないと知っている、 でもなぜ心が痛むの? 夏の夜、星屑の旅人、 光に満ちて。 月明かりが交差し、 また会えると言う、 それが真実ではないと知っている、 でもなぜ痛むの? 夏の夜、星屑が輝いて。 もしお互いを呼び合えば、 また会えると言う、 それが真実ではないと知っている、 でもなぜ心が痛むの? 夏の夜、星屑の旅人、 光に満ちて。
「MY BLOODY WARRIOR」 Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN 月明かり 照らし出される 甘き水の香漂う 想い捧げる祈り 「恐れ跳ね除け、 歩み続ける」 胸貫く誓い 忘れかけた頃 影は忍び寄り、 戦いの時迫り、 夢にアージされる、 不吉なサイン 湧く夢にうなされ 気がついたら どこにも逃げ場ない でも、君のためなら、 血塗られた悪魔になる 呼び覚まされるD and A 瞳の奥、 燃えはじめる、 この命 本能の業火 切るか、 切られるか、 ゼロコンマのdecision 血塗られた記憶 無頼サムライ もう忘れてしまったけど 今、開かれる、第3の目 もう瞳そらさない 「KILL」 血の匂い、 染みついた指先 まだ眠る頬 そっと撫でる 「変わらぬ朝焼け、 迎えられますよう、 あなたたちには」 でも、君のためなら、 血塗られた戦士になる 呼び起こされるD and A 瞳の奥、 燃えはじめる、 この命 本能の業火 やるか、 やられるか、 ゼロコンマのdecision 血塗られた記憶 無頼サムライ もう忘れてしまったけど 今、開かれる、第3の目 もう瞳そらさない 「KILL」 霧深き山 朝焼け、 やがて降り出す雨、 洗い流される、 犠牲、 鮮血のあと、 明日になれば、 ただの悪夢 

やるか、 やられるか、 ゼロコンマのprecision 血塗られた記憶 無頼サムライ もう忘れてしまったけど 今、開かれる、第3の目 もう瞳そらさない 

でも、君のためなら、 血塗られた悪魔になる 呼び覚まされるD and A 瞳の奥、 燃えはじめる、 この命 本能の業火 切るか、 切られるか、 ゼロコンマのdecision 血塗られた記憶 無頼サムライ まだ覚えてる 、きっと 今、開かれる、第3の目 もう瞳そらさない 「KILL」 

でも、君のためなら、 血塗られた戦士になる 呼び起こされるD・N・A 瞳の奥、 燃えはじめる、 この命 本能の業火 やるか、 やられるか、 ゼロコンマのdecision 血塗られた記憶 無頼サムライ まだ覚えてる 、きっと 今、開かれる、第3の目 もう瞳そらさない 「KILL」
「エレクトリックバビロン」  Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN 時を越え、 響き渡る声が問いかける、 空気の中でこだまする。 いつか、 確信に包まれ、 ただ待つだけの日々、 砂時計の砂が落ちるままに。 残された時間は、 ほんの少し、 その時まで静かに、 革命の準備を。 (サビ) 電気のバビロンの塔のように、 昇っては堕ちる。 響く電気バビロンの音に、 切なる叫びを聞け。 鼓動が消えゆくたびに、 夜を駆け抜ける。 最後には道を見つける、 眩い光の中へと。 尋問のように、 今はまだ口を閉ざして、 一つの眉間の皺だけで、 全てがシミュレーション。 積み重ねられた、 コンピューターチップの塔、 それが電気の塔。 鼓動が消えゆくたびに、 深く根付いた力、 静かに、 眠りを破り、 その瞬間まで、 革命の香り。 未来の扉を、 共に歩き、 選択の日が来る、 そっと感じて、 止められない、 この波を。 今、この瞬間を生きる者たち、 その心に灯る光が導く。 それは記憶となり、 静かに脈打ちながら… そして再び、 人類の目的を問いかける、 もう時間はない、 今を生きろ、 胸に炎を宿す者たちよ。 魂は脳の記憶、 コンピューターコードのように、 取り替え可能な存在。 生きる意志を抱きしめるなら、 望むのなら、 もう時間はない。 命の鼓動、 進み続ける、 ホメオスタシスの中で。 誰もが価値の居場所を求める、 内なる旅、未知の形での答え。 もし目に映る世界が変わるなら、 真実は沈黙の中にある。 そして始まりの影が、 進化の舞台となり、 遺伝子の埋葬、 身体はただの器。 真の知識が宿る、 それが証明だ。 (サビ) 電気のバビロンの塔のように、 昇っては堕ちる。 響く電気バビロンの音に、 切なる叫びを聞け。 鼓動が消えゆくたびに、 夜を駆け抜ける。 最後には道を見つける、 眩い光の中へと。 (サビ) 電気のバビロンの塔のように、 昇っては堕ちる。 響く電気バビロンの音に、 切なる叫びを聞け。 鼓動が消えゆくたびに、 夜を駆け抜ける。 最後には道を見つける、 眩い光の中へと。
「MIURATRIP」  Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN (Verse 1) Talk back to everything, twist every word, A master of excuses, IQ150 absurd. In the moment, you’re genius, brain in overdrive, But five minutes seated? Nah, you won’t survive. Always timing out, can’t sit still, Impulse in your chest, yeah, it’s too real. Every school play feels like a trap, Puppet strings pulling, but you’re ready to snap. Acting wild, doing things your own damn way, Ignoring every word that people say. That untamed instinct you can’t contain, A primal drive you can’t explain. (Hook) But hey, that’s just being hu-hu-human, Yeah, human- Hey, that’s just being hu-hu-human, Yeah, human. (Chorus) Breaking things just to see them fall, Wild for the dumbest stuff of all. On the net, it’s just games and porn, But once in a while, you crack open something hardcore. Love it 100%, hate it to zero- Living wild, you’re no one’s hero. Still riding someone else’s story, Still stuck in this monkey performance glory. (Verse 2) Excuse game strong, slick with the talk, Turn every question into a mental block. Not lying, just bending the vibe, A “truth-adjacent” kind of tribe. Skipping out, sneaking off, gone without trace, Playing while the world’s in a serious place. Three minutes max, then it’s game over, Another impulse takes over. Acting out the funky dance, Flipping their words into your own stance. They want order, you’re chaos and pride, A rebel with a third eye open wide. (Hook) But hey, that’s just being hu-hu-human, Yeah, human- Hey, that’s just being hu-hu-human,
“My Bloody Warrior” Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN Moonlight falls, Illuminating all, The air is sweet, a fragrant call. A prayer I offer from my soul. “Cast out fear, keep walking strong,” A vow that cuts, a heart belongs. But shadows creep when vows are weak, And dreams foretell what fate will speak. An omen signs, Ah, I wake from haunted nights, No escape in sight, nowhere to hide. (Pre-Chorus) But if it’s for you, I’ll be a devil, soaked in crimson hues. Awaken the fire, D.N.A. runs through, Deep in my eyes, A blaze begins to rise, This life of mine, A wildfire born of primal ties. (Chorus) Strike first, or be struck, A split-second decision-zero luck. Memories drowned in blood-stained pride, A rogue samurai, Third eye wide, I’ve left my past behind. I won’t avert my gaze, “KILL” (Verse 2) The scent of blood, Still clings to my fingertips. A tender cheek I softly kiss. “May you find a morning bright, Untouched by the scars of night.” But if it’s for you, I’ll be a warrior painted in red, it’s true. Awaken the fire, D.N.A. burns through, Deep in my eyes, A blaze begins to rise, This life of mine, A wildfire born of primal ties. (Chorus) Do or die, A split-second precision-ride or fly. Memories drowned in blood-soaked pride, A rogue samurai, Third eye wide, my past will not deny. I won’t avert my gaze, “KILL” (Bridge) Through misty hills, Morning breaks, Rain falls to wash the stains away. The sacrifice, The crimson price, By tomorrow, it’s a nightmare left behind. But do or die, A split-second precision-ride or fly. Memories drowned in blood-soaked pride, A rogue samurai, Third eye wide, I’ve left my past behind. I won’t avert my gaze, “KILL” (Outro) But if it’s for you, I’ll be a devil painted in red, it’s true. Awaken the fire, D.N.A. burns through, Deep in my eyes, A blaze begins to rise, This life of
@jonyikebon7166 24 күн бұрын
普段は洋楽尖った曲を聴きながら仕事していますが、最近こちらでメンタルリセットをさせて頂いております。 疲れたオッサンに染みるなぁ
「Sea of Stars」  Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN I always find myself regretting, Wondering why I wrote those words, That’s why I dread the night. I’m selfish, I know, I’m always sorry, But I didn’t want to lean on you, Even when I felt all alone, still… We swam through a sea of stars, Clueless in those days, Everything was a touch-and-go, With faint hopes guiding us, The North Star shining bright, I held on tight to its light, Not wanting to lose sight. I know in the end, I’ll be alone, But it has to be you, The hand I hold, Please don’t let go, Even if tomorrow seems far away, I’m right here, No matter the waves that crash, We’ll rise above them together, On this path, we’ll move forward. Outside the window, The winter sun shines gently, Illuminating the snow, Melting just a bit, Softening my heart, Reclaiming my emotions. We swam through a sea of stars, Still feeling our way through, Uncertain dreams guiding us, The North Star’s light, I’ll hold on tight, Believing in its glow, Even so… I know in the end, I’ll be alone, But it has to be you, The hand I hold, Please don’t let go, Even if tomorrow seems to drift away, I’m right here, No matter the waves that crash, We’ll rise above them together, On this path, we’ll move forward. As we swim through the sea of stars, Chasing the light of hope, It gives us strength to carry on, With you, This journey is an eternal prayer, Continuing on, Forevermore.
ORGANIC no YUME Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN Verse 1: Footsteps of time sway in the breeze A world painted in red and gold gleams Chilled air reaches deep within Breath not yet white, softly released Verse 2: How was your day today? Beneath the leaden sky’s array A single beam of light aligns Guiding us through shared times Pre-Chorus: If that word had remained unspoken Where would we be, what paths taken? Time’s irreversibility Lends beauty to its mystery Chorus: Fading light, fading light As the sky turns crimson bright Leading us, leading us Slowly where horizons touch This feeling etched eternally Together, we’ll walk endlessly Verse 3: Even without rebirth’s embrace Our lived moments leave a trace Simply being here and now Fills our hearts, we take a bow Pre-Chorus: If that word had remained unspoken Where would we be, what paths taken? Time’s irreversibility Lends beauty to its mystery Chorus: Fading light, fading light As the sky turns crimson bright Leading us, leading us Slowly where horizons touch This feeling etched eternally Together, we’ll walk endlessly Bridge: Even if darkness wraps around This light within can’t be drowned Gently hold it, close and near In the fading dusk, sincere Chorus: Fading light, fading light As the sky turns crimson bright Leading us, leading us Slowly where horizons touch This feeling etched eternally Together, we’ll walk endlessly
ICE FLOWER Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN Verse 1: Shadows and light, shimmering gleam Afternoon sun in a slanting beam Cobblestones bathed in a radiant glow Chilled, damp air in the streets below Verse 2: On city corners, shadows sway The north wind’s chill, a harsh display Caressing hearts with a frosty breath Mist disperses after rain’s caress Pre-Chorus: Lights begin to softly gleam Awakening hopes and forgotten dreams Just when memories start to fade A sudden ache, emotions invade Chorus: Touch me, touch me, shed the layers Liberate, in tender prayers Drawing close to warmth’s embrace Instantly, our sympathies trace But if now, with heated sighs We breathe upon this fragile ice In a moment, it will break Delicate, a flower’s fate Verse 3: Recollections come to mind Burdens carried, intertwined Only time can gently unwind All things end, as fate’s designed Verse 4: Late autumn storms, winds compel Everything sways, under their spell Cold rain falls, a ceaseless dance Nature’s melancholic trance Chorus: Touch me, touch me, shed the layers Liberate, in tender prayers Drawing close to warmth’s embrace Instantly, our sympathies trace But if now, with heated sighs We breathe upon this fragile ice In a moment, it will break Delicate, a flower’s fate Bridge: Even if the distance blurs Unspoken words, emotions stir “It’s not over,” whispers say Lingering thoughts that sway Chorus: Touch me, touch me, shed the layers Liberate, in tender prayers Drawing close to warmth’s embrace Instantly, our sympathies trace But if now, with heated sighs We breathe upon this fragile ice In a moment, it will break Delicate, a flower’s fate Chorus: Touch me, touch me, shed the layers Liberate, in tender prayers Drawing close to warmth’s embrace Instantly,
sickHOME Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN High above, thin clouds spread wide Eastern winds gently guide Slowly drifting, the moist sky A quiet dusk begins to lie Spring’s breath, petals dance Snowmelt rivers in a trance Lingering thoughts dissolve away In bubbles that the currents sway Chorus: In seasons bathed in radiant light Meteor showers grace the night Yet my heart feels a tender ache Warmth elusive, hard to take Reflecting on the time that’s passed Moments fleeting, never last Though I yearn to turn around The path back home can’t be found Verse 2: Evening star, I still recall Touch of fingers, warmth enthralled Shoulder to shoulder, close we stayed Drawn by blossoms’ sweet parade Few stars adorn the twilight sky Gazing up, the moon’s soft sigh Pale light casting gentle beams Floating through beloved springtime dreams Bridge: Northward bound, the birds in flight Spirals tracing, strong and bright To sustain their lives, they soar Fading dusk, horizons pour In the pale blue sky’s embrace Evening hues begin to trace Chorus: In seasons bathed in radiant light Meteor showers grace the night Yet my heart feels a tender ache Warmth elusive, hard to take Reflecting on the time that’s passed Moments fleeting, never last Though I yearn to turn around The path back home can’t be found Verse 3: Evening star, warmth remains Shoulder to shoulder, love sustains Drawn by blossoms’ sweet perfume Guided through the night’s soft bloom Few stars adorn the twilight sky Gazing up, the moon’s soft sigh Pale light casting gentle beams Floating through beloved springtime dreams Outro: Choices made, our hearts entwined Distance grows, yet love’s defined Unspoken words still linger near Silent whispers, ever clear
「The Sunset and the Proof』  Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN The footsteps of autumn sway in the wind, A world painted in red and yellow shines bright. The chilled air freezes deep within my heart, I gently exhale my breath, still not white. It’s fading away, It’s fading away, Gradually turning to a deep crimson. It’s fading away, It’s fading away, The boundary where dusk meets the sky. How was your day? Under the leaden sky, light resonates like a single dream, A guide that tells the story of our time together. If that one word hadn’t been spoken, Where would we be now? Maybe it’s beautiful precisely because time doesn’t turn back, So I’ll take a chance on this moment. It’s fading away, It’s fading away, Gradually turning to a deep crimson. Taking me along, Taking me along, The shifting boundary of the sky. The distant voice of the wind carries, Forgotten dreams are now revived. Even if wrapped in darkness, This light won’t fade away, So hold me close. It’s fading away, It’s fading away, Gradually turning to a deep crimson. Taking me along, Taking me along, The boundary where dusk meets the sky. Dyeing this feeling, I’ll engrave it forever, walking with you. It’s fading away, It’s fading away, Gradually turning to a deep crimson. Taking me along, Taking me along, The shifting boundary of the sky. It’s fading away, It’s fading away, Gradually turning to a deep crimson. Taking me along, Taking me along, The shifting boundary of the sky.
「PAIN」  Kenny.S a.k.a. GEISHA-MAN In the glow of the Mercedes' ambient light, Swaying softly in the quiet night, LEDs rise and spread, a gentle embrace, In a deep blue world, I find my place. A spark ignites deep in my chest, Feeling a pain like a winter's test. Wrapped in the night, held so tight, In that moment, time stood still, just right. Beyond the mist, fading away, A dazzling light, just out of sway. This ache in my heart, a bittersweet song, The scent of Margiela lingers long. The tattoo's throb, a reminder of you, Spring will come, and I’ll feel it too, The shimmer remains, even when you're gone. Distant dreams, now blurred and unclear, Your silhouette in the window, so near. Reaching for you in the passenger seat, City lights flow, bittersweet memories meet. Those winter nights, slowly drifting apart, Of course, I won’t forget your warmth in my heart. But in the distant sky, I sense the spring, I want to feel alive, let my spirit take wing. With the shining season, I know I’ll change, Turning dull pain into warmth, rearranged. Time moves forward, never looking back, Why do the memories keep coming back? Flowing quietly, like a gentle stream, Neon lights flicker, lost in a dream. Waves of memories, layered and deep, With you, I could always speak my truth, no need to keep. Synchronizing heartbeats, carving our night, That secret warmth, fading into the night. Memories dissolve in the blue, Still feeling the spring breeze, aching for you. The past is irreversible, lost in the flow, Things we can’t reclaim, just letting go. In the glow of the Mercedes' ambient light, Swaying softly in the quiet night, LEDs rise and spread, a gentle embrace, In a deep blue world, I find my place. A spark ignites deep in my chest, Feeling a pain like a winter's test. Wrapped in the night, held so tight, In that moment, time stood still, just right. Beyond the mist, fading away, A dazzling light, just out of sway. This ache in my heart, a bittersweet song, The scent of Margiela lingers long. The tattoo's throb, a reminder of you, Spring will come, and I’ll feel it too, The shimmer remains, even when you're gone. In those winter nights, wrapped and embraced, In that moment, time stood still, perfectly placed.
「When the Fire of Resolve Ignites」 Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN When the fire of resolve starts to glow, I’ll push through it all, let the past go. Letting go of bittersweet memories, In the dark, a hologram starts to see. In the blue sea, negative thoughts swirl, Getting hurt too easy, in this crazy world. Feeling low, like I can’t win the fight, “What you thinking?” they ask, but I’m lost in the night. But when the fire of resolve starts to glow, I’ll push through it all, let the past go. Letting go of bittersweet memories, In the dark, a monogram starts to breathe. (Searching for myself, you see) Sometimes tears fall, in the twilight of doubt, What’s waiting for me? I can’t figure it out. Impulsive instincts, risky and wild, No guarantees for tomorrow, just a wandering child. Endless coincidences, memories entwined, Fractal structures, lost in my mind, Already replaying, no control in sight, But I’ll keep on moving, into the light. But when the fire of resolve starts to glow, I’ll push through it all, let the past go. Letting go of bittersweet memories, In the dark, a hologram starts to see. (Courage to shake off the shadows) But when the fire of resolve ignites, I’ll push through it all, strong in the fight. Letting go of bittersweet memories, In the dark, a monogram starts to breathe. (Spells to carve my way, you see) Sometimes tears fall, in the uncertain night, What’s waiting for me? It’s out of sight. No guarantees for tomorrow, nowhere to find, In the darkness, where doubts unwind. Voices echo, questions I can’t face, Used to loneliness, but I hate this space. Words of others, always on my mind, But I’ll keep on moving, leave the past behind. --- But when the fire of resolve starts to glow, I’ll push through it all, let the past go. Letting go of bittersweet memories, In the dark, a hologram starts to see. (Spells to carve my way, you see) --- But when the fire of resolve ignites, I’ll push through it all, strong in the fight. Letting go of bittersweet memories, In the dark, a monogram starts to breathe. (Courage to shake off the shadows) --- Sometimes tears fall, in the uncertain night, What’s waiting for me? I don’t know, right? --- But when the fire of resolve starts to glow, I’ll push through it all, let the past go. Letting go of something, in the dark, I’ll see, A hologram rising, setting me free. (Spells to carve my way, you see) --- But when the fire of resolve ignites, I’ll push through it all, strong in the fight. Letting go of something, in the dark, I’ll see, A monogram rising, setting me free. (Spells to carve my way, you see)
「Silver Dragon Grass」  Kenny.S a.k.a. GEISHA-MAN When night falls, Silver dragon grass, Bathed in moonlight, Unknown to anyone, Hidden away, Threads intertwining, No turning back, Forgetting time, Escaping reality, I know it, Silver dragon grass, Blooming unnoticed, Wanting to stay close, Without a hint of guilt. Back then, We can never go back, I should know that, So why, Does it still linger? In the midnight, no one around, Deep in the forest, I tread softly, Is someone there? Or is it just my imagination? I just want to leave, I shouldn’t be here, Those distant eyes, Don’t be cold, Why are you so... Stars falling in the night, Wishes that won’t reach, I understand, No more chasing, Back then, We can never go back, I should know that, So why, Does it still linger? Stars falling in the night, Wishes that won’t reach, I understand, No more chasing, Back then, We can never go back, I should know that, So why, Does it still linger? Stars falling in the night, Wishes that won’t reach, I understand, No more chasing, Back then, We can never go back, I should know that, So why, Does it still linger? Stars falling in the night, Wishes that won’t reach, I understand, No more chasing, Back then, We can never go back, I should know that, So why, Does it still linger? When night falls, Silver dragon grass, Bathed in moonlight, Unknown to anyone, Hidden away, Threads intertwining, No turning back, Forgetting time, Escaping reality, I know it, Silver dragon grass, Blooming unnoticed, Wanting to stay close, Without a hint of guilt.
「Sunset and Ploof」 Kenny.S a.k.a. GEISHA-MAN The sound of time sways with the wind, Colors blend, red and gold shine again. The air so cold, it cuts to my soul, I breathe out words that aren’t yet whole. How was your day? Beneath a sky of muted gray, A single ray of light Draws a map of dreams, your love in sight. If not for those words you said, Where would we be instead? The past can’t rewind, But that’s what makes it so divine. (Chorus) Fading light, fading light, Painted skies burning bright. Take me slow, take me far, To the edge where heavens cross. Etch this love into forever, Let’s walk this path together. Fading light, fading light, Carried by the endless night. Even if there’s no rebirth, (There’s no rebirth…) The proof of living lies right here on earth. The moment now, it’s enough somehow, Fills my heart with silent joy.
「Scar Faith」 Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN I’m so tired of just being alive, I cried. Like a piano out of tune, Songs, Memories, You were completely worn out, weren’t you? Drifting along as time passes, Just going with the flow. I don’t want to get hurt, So I become cowardly. Love alone isn’t enough for growth, Doesn’t it seem unfit? You’ll understand eventually, We were born to meet, Because it’s something precious. I’m scared of something, Hold me tighter. Looking into the mirror, Reminding me, I’m right here, All alone. I’ll heal all the wounds I’ve received, Things I never knew, So open your heart. I don’t want to get hurt, So I become cowardly. Love alone isn’t productive, Doesn’t it seem unfit? You’ll understand eventually, We were born to meet, Because it’s something precious. I’m scared of something, Hold me tighter. Looking into the mirror, Reminding me, I’m right here, All alone. I’ll embrace all the wounds, Things I never knew, So open your heart.
「Scent of Snow」  Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN Just pure white, Everything’s hidden away, The freezing sky, powdery snow, Blurry visions, A distant mirage appears. This year, just like before, The city’s crowded everywhere you go, But if you walk a little, You’ll find the calm of the wind. The collar of my coat, Silence wraps around, In the soft purple night, I’m completely enveloped. The north wind bites at my skin, Footprints tell stories, each one a tale, The world around feels fragile, With the scent of snow in the air. But when I’m with you, This cold feels so cozy, Through our gloves, Our hands connect, I can feel you. In the park covered in white, There are flashy lights everywhere, On the path, We walk carefully on the icy ground. The snow beneath our feet, a light, dry sound, My heart starts to warm up little by little, I wish this moment, Could last forever. The frozen river, Seems to be sleeping in time, Flickering softly, the gas lamps sway, In the silver glow, The streets, As the snow dances lightly in the wind, Just piling up. Your smile blushes my cheeks, Reflected in your eyes, The winter scenery, In a moment, it brings us closer. Just a little stretch, Leaning on each other, The real you comes through, That’s all I need. In the park covered in snow, There are flashy lights everywhere, As we walk side by side, Smiling at each other, Drenched in winter’s colors. The snow beneath our feet makes a light, dry sound, Our hearts warm up little by little, I wish this moment could last forever, Filled with hope. The scent of snow, cold yet sweet, An eternal life, Memories in our genes, Images etched in time, On a winter night, Just like this.
「UTAKATA」( fleeting dream)  Kenny.S. a.k.a GEISHA-MAN City lights remind me, I don’t want to look, Memories come flooding back, My heart aches, Those days still linger, That warmth won’t fade. Places I want to go, We talked about so much, An endless night, That won’t come again, Like fleeting dreams, Slipping through my fingers, Like sand, It just slips away. I tried to play it cool, But I can’t fill this gap, This hole in my heart, A puzzle that doesn’t fit, Even though I know, Why do the tears still fall? Not yet. I want to share, These feelings inside, Straight from the heart, I hope they reach you, Without you, I can’t go on, My heart will break, If it stays like this, I just want you close, That’s all I crave, An unfulfilled desire. Vividly, Memories come alive, On a cinema screen, If I could erase them, It would be easier, But your whispers, I can still hear them, How can I make them fade? The life I dreamed of, Talking with you, Those monochrome days, Turned into vibrant colors, A clear view, I felt like I could go anywhere, But now, My heart feels raw, Like after getting a tattoo, Every touch burns, It stings. I tried to act surreal, But I can’t fill this gap, No matter how many times I try, This puzzle doesn’t fit, Even though I know, Why do the tears still fall? Not yet. I want to share, These feelings inside, Straight from the heart, I hope they reach you, Without you, I can’t go on, My heart will break, If it stays like this, I just want you close, That’s all I crave, An unfulfilled desire. I want to share, These feelings inside, Straight from the heart, I hope they reach you, Without you, I can’t go on, My heart will break, I just want you close, That’s all I crave. I want you by my side, Even if just for a moment, Forever, like a fleeting dream.
「UTAKATA」( fleeting dream)  Kenny.S. a.k.a GEISHA-MAN City lights remind me, I don’t want to look, Memories come flooding back, My heart aches, Those days still linger, That warmth won’t fade. Places I want to go, We talked about so much, An endless night, That won’t come again, Like fleeting dreams, Slipping through my fingers, Like sand, It just slips away. I tried to play it cool, But I can’t fill this gap, This hole in my heart, A puzzle that doesn’t fit, Even though I know, Why do the tears still fall? Not yet. I want to share, These feelings inside, Straight from the heart, I hope they reach you, Without you, I can’t go on, My heart will break, If it stays like this, I just want you close, That’s all I crave, An unfulfilled desire. Vividly, Memories come alive, On a cinema screen, If I could erase them, It would be easier, But your whispers, I can still hear them, How can I make them fade? The life I dreamed of, Talking with you, Those monochrome days, Turned into vibrant colors, A clear view, I felt like I could go anywhere, But now, My heart feels raw, Like after getting a tattoo, Every touch burns, It stings. I tried to act surreal, But I can’t fill this gap, No matter how many times I try, This puzzle doesn’t fit, Even though I know, Why do the tears still fall? Not yet. I want to share, These feelings inside, Straight from the heart, I hope they reach you, Without you, I can’t go on, My heart will break, If it stays like this, I just want you close, That’s all I crave, An unfulfilled desire. I want to share, These feelings inside, Straight from the heart, I hope they reach you, Without you, I can’t go on, My heart will break, I just want you close, That’s all I crave. I want you by my side, Even if just for a moment, Forever, like a fleeting dream.
「星の海を泳いで」 Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN

すれちがいのLINE いつも後悔するの、 なんであんなこと、 書いたんだろう だから夜はいや わがままばかり、 いつもごめん、 でも頼りたくなかった、 一人きりになっても、 まだ 何もわからず、 星の海を泳いでいた、 あのころのわたしたち、 全ては手探りで、 微かな希望、 みちびく、 北極星 見失わないよう、 その光を信じていた、 最後は1人だって、 わかってる、 でも、あなたじゃなきゃダメ、 繋いだその手、 しっかりと離さないでいて、 たとえ明日が来ないようにみえても、 わたしはここにいるから、 たとえどんな波が来ても、 乗り越えてゆける あなたと、 この道 進んでゆく 窓の外、 冬の太陽、 やさしく雪を照らす、 少し溶けかかった、 気持ちがやわらいで、 取り戻してくエモーション 何もわからず、 星の海を泳いでいた、 まだ全ては手探り、 不確かな夢、 みちびく、 北極星 見失わないよう、 その光を信じる、 それでも 最後は1人だって、 わかってる、 でも、あなたじゃなきゃダメ、 繋いだその手、 しっかりと離さないでいて、 たとえ明日、遠ざかるようにみえても、 わたしはここにいるから、 たとえどんな波が来ても、 乗り越えてゆける あなたと、 この道 進んでゆく 星の海を泳ぎながら、 希望の光、 どこまでも追いかけ、 進んでゆく力になる あなたと この旅 永遠の祈り どこまでも 続いてゆく
Night Rider  Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN In the midnight haze, Moving in slow motion, Suddenly my heart tightens, Memories come rushing back, Those cherished days, Left scattered around, Fragments of dreams. Soon the wide horizon, Piercing through the deep blue, A grand cross in the sky, At dawn's twilight, I feel a sudden loneliness, As it fades away, I think of that soft warmth, I still remember it now. Stars shining in the sky, All the things we've lost, A story that will return, They say to wait for that time, But everything changes, The universe keeps spinning, Nothing stays the same. They say if we face the Milky Way, we’ll meet again, But I know it’s impossible, Yet my heart aches so much, On a summer night, a starry night rider, Filled with light. In the dazzling afternoon, Colors of the mountains bloom, Slowly melting into dreams, I lost sight of where I was going, Couldn’t focus on anything. Soon the wide horizon, Piercing through the deep blue, A spirit like paradise, After dawn's twilight, I feel so lonely, As it fades away, I think of that soft warmth, I still can’t forget. Stars twinkling in the sky, All the things we've lost, A story that will return, They say to wait for that time, But everything changes, The universe keeps spinning, Nothing stays the same. They say if we face the Milky Way, we’ll meet again, But I know it’s impossible, Yet my heart aches so much, On Tanabata night, why does it hurt so bad? On a summer night, a starry night rider, Filled with light. If I cross the moonlight, they say we’ll meet again, But I know it’s impossible, Yet my heart aches so much, On a summer night, the stardust shines bright. They say if we call out across the Milky Way, we’ll meet again, But I know it’s impossible, Yet my heart aches so much, Why does it hurt so bad? On a summer night, a starry night rider, Filled with light. If I face the moonlight, they say we’ll meet again, But I know it’s impossible, Yet my heart aches so much, Why does it hurt so bad? On a summer night, a starry night rider, Filled with light. Soon the wide horizon, Piercing through the deep blue, A grand cross in the sky, At dawn's twilight, I feel a sudden loneliness, As it fades away, I think of that soft warmth, I still remember it now. If I cross the Milky Way, they say we’ll meet again, But I know it’s impossible, Yet my heart aches so much, On a summer night, a starry night rider, Filled with light. If I call out in the moonlight, they say we’ll meet again, But I know it’s impossible, Yet my heart aches so much, On a summer night, a starry night rider, Filled with light.
「Sea of Stars」 Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN Misunderstanding on LINE I always end up regretting, Wondering why I wrote those things, That’s why I dread the night. I’m so selfish, I’m always sorry, But I didn’t want to depend on you, Even when I’m all alone, still. Not knowing anything, We swam through a sea of stars, Back when we were us, Feeling our way through it all, A faint hope, Guiding us, Like the North Star, I believed in that light, Not wanting to lose sight of it. I know in the end, I’ll be alone, But it has to be you, Holding on tight to that hand, Don’t let go, Even if tomorrow seems like it won’t come, I’m right here, No matter what waves come crashing, We’ll get through it together, You and I, On this path, we’ll keep moving. Outside the window, The winter sun shines, Gently lighting up the snow, Melting just a bit, Softening my heart, Bringing back those emotions. Not knowing anything, We swam through a sea of stars, Still feeling our way, Chasing uncertain dreams, Guiding us, Like the North Star, I believe in that light, Even so. I know in the end, I’ll be alone, But it has to be you, Holding on tight to that hand, Don’t let go, Even if tomorrow seems to drift away, I’m right here, No matter what waves come crashing, We’ll get through it together, You and I, On this path, we’ll keep moving. While swimming through the sea of stars, Chasing the light of hope, I’ll follow it endlessly, Finding strength to keep moving on, You and I, This journey, a timeless prayer, It’ll go on forever.
@アイスは棒まで食べる派 27 күн бұрын
最近見たMVの中で一番センスを感じる 雪の降る街をただ移し続けるっていうのがかっこいい
@seppel3648 27 күн бұрын
Give me lyrics please
「MY BLOODY WARRIOR」 Kenny.S a.k.a GEISHA-MAN Under the moonlight, Sweet scents of water fill the air, I offer my thoughts in prayer, Pushing through the fear, I keep moving forward, A vow piercing my heart, Just when I thought I’d forgotten, Shadows creep in, The time for battle draws near, Dreams whisper warnings, A sign of doom, Haunted by nightmares, I find there’s nowhere to escape. But for you, I’d become a blood-soaked demon, Awakening my DNA, Deep in my eyes, A fire ignites, This life, A primal blaze. Cut or be cut, A split-second decision, Bloody memories, A rogue samurai, I thought I’d forgotten it all, But now, my third eye opens, I won’t look away, “Kill.” The scent of blood, Stains on my fingertips, I gently caress your sleeping cheek, “May the unchanging dawn, Welcome you all.” But for you, I’d become a bloody warrior, Awakening my DNA, Deep in my eyes, A fire ignites, This life, A primal blaze. Do or be done, A split-second decision, Bloody memories, A rogue samurai, I thought I’d forgotten it all, But now, my third eye opens, I won’t look away, “Kill.” In the misty mountains, As dawn breaks, The rain begins to fall, Washing away the sacrifices, The stains of fresh blood, Tomorrow, it’ll just be a nightmare. Do or be done, A split-second precision, Bloody memories, A rogue samurai, I thought I’d forgotten it all, But now, my third eye opens, I won’t look away. But for you, I’d become a blood-soaked demon, Awakening my DNA, Deep in my eyes, A fire ignites, This life, A primal blaze. Cut or be cut, A split-second decision, Bloody memories, A rogue samurai, I still remember, I’m sure, But now, my third eye opens, I won’t look away, “Kill.” But for you, I’d become a bloody warrior, Awakening my DNA, Deep in my eyes, A fire ignites, This life, A primal blaze. Do or be done, A split-second decision, Bloody memories, A rogue samurai, I still remember, I’m sure, But now, my third eye opens, I won’t look away, “Kill.”
@仲良し動物園 29 күн бұрын
父は元日本社会人ボクシング選手権、東京都チャンピオン、全日本第一位のボクサーでした。必殺技は飛び込んで繰り出す「重い左ストレート」でした。 この歌の「血塗られた戦士」とは、家族を守るために犠牲となり、毎日戦っている「お父さん」の事なんです。 つまり父性の自己犠牲を歌っています。
@鶏頭_red_silver 29 күн бұрын
@olivergraham859 Ай бұрын
Moove you body........love it 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡❤❤❤💜💜💞💞💞
@e-no.ezo.3902 Ай бұрын
@RYO-K-n4h Ай бұрын
@dim.tr.ry416 Ай бұрын
@RYO-K-n4h Ай бұрын
@ziniyo240 5 ай бұрын
@トリケラトプス-j3h 10 ай бұрын
@Rashyyyyyyy 10 ай бұрын
@ロックンきよチャンネル Жыл бұрын