What are #flyingmonkeys ?
21 күн бұрын
Is mutual abuse a myth?
21 күн бұрын
#highconflictdivorce #secret
28 күн бұрын
@waled700 2 күн бұрын
Honestly, I admire you very much. You are beautiful and have charming eyes.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 2 күн бұрын
@@waled700 thank you! That's so kind
@waled700 2 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Hi how was your day dear
@DVul 3 күн бұрын
Gents, this is what crazy looks like... stay clear....
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 3 күн бұрын
@@DVul stay clear? Of ... what? I'm already married, so not entertaining advances from random misogynists on the internet. I also only represent women, so it's not like professionally there's any risk either. Don't want to watch my videos? Scroll on.
@GildedZ 3 күн бұрын
Tell the driver to go where the ticket said you would be. If he says "oh I'm sorry I got lost, I'll rerail right away,, can you please help me?", it's one thing. If what he says instead is "well I changed ny mind, this is where we're going now, screw you and your ticket", that's the time to get off.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 3 күн бұрын
@@GildedZ i envision this part as more of an interior monologue - am I where I wanted to be or not? - but there's no question that in a real marriage, in real life, there are many such conversations.
@Channelinterrupted 3 күн бұрын
Wow, so many triggered people in the comments.....people who probably didnt address their own wrongdoings in the downfall of a a marriage to boot....shes just giving advice to people who care about what hapoens in a divorce...ideally, this doesnt happen, but people arent very accountable or mature or have good family values....so thats why it comes to this....
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 3 күн бұрын
@@Channelinterrupted thanks for the support! I get a lot of hate on this channel in particular - which I get - but its hard to get behind either forcing people to stay in unhappy or unhealthy marriages or denying them access to what was earned during it. Marriage is a partnership of two people supporting each other.
@GildedZ 3 күн бұрын
I was a young boy once. My father came to me, talked to me, said he couldn't stay in the family home anymore. He said he had problems with my mother, and a functional marriage couldn't be possible anymore. From the getgo I hated him just for that, because I was a product of a loving union, so I believed they had the duty to work on it. But they didn't. As he was going, I told him point blank that he needed to support the home as if he hadn't left. He made me a promise that he would. That nothing would change, except that he wouldn't be there every day anymore. I told him that if he didn't, knowing my mother, she would assert her spousal rights by every legal avenue she could - which of course, she did. He brushed it off, saying none of that would happen, that he would continue on delivering as normal. That was a blatant lie. A lie that he reaped no benefit in saying, for my mother DID sue him to oblivion in divorce court, just like I had warned him it would happen. Honest to god, he would have had an easier life if he honored his word.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 3 күн бұрын
@@GildedZ I'm so sorry that you experienced that. You must have been very world wise to realize the implications so young, too - that must have been hard on your heart. I hope you - and your mom - are doing well now.
@GildedZ 3 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce It's been years since. I found a way to cope. It was not until last year that my country finally passed legislation to crack down on deadbeat parents, by putting them in a registry that would not allow them to get new driver licenses or get out of the country - until they paid up. Pressure from the public finally made it happen.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 3 күн бұрын
@@GildedZ I love that! We should implement that here, too.
@michaelanthony1797 5 күн бұрын
Stay single guys.
@petermoygannon698 6 күн бұрын
He's not going to say anything he's now got piece and quiet . MONEY is only drama he's got . How much the system is going to take .
@loppuunpalanutdena 6 күн бұрын
There is no reason for men to get married, especially if he has something to loose.
@mattsmith817 7 күн бұрын
What you’re addressing doesn’t have to do with divorce. What you’re actually advising women on is how to gain full custody of the children in order to receive the highest amount of child support. None of these issues will prevent a man from having to pay alimony, that is determined by weather or not she worked throughout the relationship or not.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 7 күн бұрын
@@mattsmith817 *whether. And, no, I don't think you have a solid understanding of alimony.
@mikehunt5637 7 күн бұрын
Maybe just try to be a better spouse?
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 7 күн бұрын
@@mikehunt5637 right back at ya!
@mikehunt5637 7 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce That is a response that I would expect from someone in high school.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 7 күн бұрын
@@mikehunt5637 kind of like your user name
@mikehunt5637 6 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Again, another childish response. Mike Hunt isn't my "user name", it is my name, or rather Michael Hunt, but yes, my friends and family call me Mike, and Michael Hunt is my birth name. I understand being teased about this in high school, but not from a grown adult. If you really are a lawyer, I am sorry for any client who employs your services.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 6 күн бұрын
@@mikehunt5637 I assumed you chose it to be funny. I'm sorry - that's unfortunate, but I had no way of knowing. It's a common joke name. In any case, I stand by my initial response - if your wife is leaving you, you have the opportunity to be a better spouse too. It's hard for me to understand why so many men are determined to trap women in marriages that aren't working but are unwilling to do the work to improve the marriage. The women who I see are doing the work - have done the work for years - and are tired of being alone in their marriages.
@cullen6015 8 күн бұрын
Marriage is dead! Women and lawyers killed it! Divorce lawyers better start looking for a new job!
@perkelin 8 күн бұрын
Women 🤮🤮🤮
@Reidar911 9 күн бұрын
@delocon 9 күн бұрын
70% of all divorces are initiated by women, with the primary reason being "I'm not happy." Marriage is a fools game.
@delocon 9 күн бұрын
For the dudes: Remember bros, never sign a contract with someone who is rewarded for breaking it.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 9 күн бұрын
@@delocon rewarded? By receiving an equitable share in what they helped build?
@delocon 9 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Let's be honest here, you wait at the finish line and you pick the winners, then you take them for all their worth.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 9 күн бұрын
@@delocon ....what? If that were true, it would be separate assets because they're already earned. What's divided in divorce is what was earned during the marriage - hardly the "finish line"
@delocon 9 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Women don't pick loser men with nothing to marry, they pick established men. They can then cheat on those men, or just flat out decide "I'm not happy" and abandon the marriage. If she decides to accuse the husband of domestic or sexual abuse, true or not it will work even better in her favor. They will then, as you have in this thread, describe basic necessities of living as "unpaid labour" painting themselves as victims in the relationship. More and more of us are done. We'll keep our shit, and the women we do have relationships with will be told straight up that marriage isn't happening, and for many of us, you're not even getting cohabitation. This is the bed you're making, enjoy sleeping in it.
@Neoteny374 12 күн бұрын
Passing up the fact that you need therapy for misandrist obsessions... getting less than you asked for isn't really a thing. There is a court minimum that will be enforced. Even if the wife admits the breakup was her fault (she blew up the family for an affair with the pilates instructor) And even if her wishes are, "I just want a clean break, I'll be fine, my plates instructor is a trust fund boy" The court will still allocate a certain amount to her. That's the way it works here, anyways. Maybe Virginia is different.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 12 күн бұрын
@@Neoteny374 definitely not the way it works here! I've seen plenty of women - mostly by agreement, mind you - willing to buy their freedom at whatever cost.
@Neoteny374 12 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce OK. I get your angle. Look, I certainly feel for the women that need to bargain(submit) for thier "freedom" (safety).
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 12 күн бұрын
@@Neoteny374 I see what you're saying - and yes, if you go to court the judge will often give you your marital share. But the most vulnerable women won't be able to afford to get that far at all; they've given up (and don't have the resources to fight anyway) long before that point. It's like the analogy of the poor man and the boots, have you seen that? He can't afford a $50 pair that'll last forever so he buys a $10 pair every year for ten or fifteen years - it's expensive, right? Litigation is like that. If you just plain can't afford the retainer for a contested divorce you can't even mount a defense to obtain your entitlement - even if that entitlement is literally ten times the retainer amount!
@tiabiamama 13 күн бұрын
They can just allege that you are bipolar and it carries weight. The system is broken and our kids suffer for it.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 13 күн бұрын
@@tiabiamama i literally have a case exactly like this right now! It's insane to me. Who cares? The stigma is so gross.
@godswillm575 13 күн бұрын
I should talk to you. This is exactly what I have been through, and literally the reason why I have not found the courage to go against him in court. For 7 years, I have been trying but I am scared of his manipulation and the support he has been able to collect.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 13 күн бұрын
@@godswillm575 I'm so glad this resonates! Not always, of course, but ... high conflict divorces can be crazy.
@XAn0nymousX0 14 күн бұрын
Mega cringe. Idk how this got into my algorithm, but this is just more proof people need to completely abondon the idea of marriage as a concept.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 14 күн бұрын
@@XAn0nymousX0 probably a good choice for you if you don't believe in equity of any kind for both partners.
@XAn0nymousX0 11 күн бұрын
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce It's so wild watching feminists still treat marriage traditionally. Equity would only be important to you because you're looking for a man that's better than you in every single way to improve your quality of life and status. Thought we were about equality these days? What about 2 partners on the same level building their life together? As long as ya'll continue to treat marriage like a buffet line, you can expect to die alone.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 11 күн бұрын
@@XAn0nymousX0 it's men who are more likely to be single! But, no - it's not a buffet line. There are inequities at every stage and both partners support each other, though not necessarily equally from a financial standpoint, especially once children come into the equation. Families make all sorts of different decisions, and that's fine - but you can't expect only one to pay for it while the other is free to go on as if he had no responsibility for joint decisions.
@hongolloyd8728 16 күн бұрын
Lawyers love money.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 16 күн бұрын
@@hongolloyd8728 lawyers who love it the most practice in an area other than family law
@De_Lus 17 күн бұрын
whats the point of getting married anymore :D
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 17 күн бұрын
@@De_Lus well, I think that depends on what you're looking for. I got married for love and because I had found someone I wanted to raise children with and build a life with. But just because I got married doesn't mean that I give my husband a blank check to abuse or control me, either. If it's not a partnership, I - and a lot of other women - don't want it. It's possible that what you're bringing to the table is just not something that women want and that's less a problem with marriage than with... well, you.
@De_Lus 17 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce lol you said it yourself its what you are looking for... it should not be something what you are looking for. marriage should be about love and thats it,nothing else and here you are giving advice on how to abuse the marriage system. beyond that, there is no reason for you to personal attack me like that. thats kind of predjudice of you. there just is no point to marriage anymore especcialy in this day and age and with that i think you have even proven my point if this is your reaction on me just simply sharing my opinion
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 17 күн бұрын
@@De_Lus marriage - historically - has not been about love. In any case, both now and then, there's a lot of economics behind it. I'm not suggesting anyone abuse the system; I'm suggesting they make sure they're aware of how the system works so that they don't get taken advantage of. This happens all too often. Your comment that you don't know why to get married suggests to me that it's not about love for you and also that you're not even married.
@De_Lus 17 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce no i don't even want to, i am staying single like a lot of men are doing the pro's don't outweight the con's, like getting evidence in a trial case to get a heads up for in court is kinda of sick entrapment in my opinion. its all about the money so, again and i repeat my statement there is no point in getting married anymore. we can talk back and ford about this but its not gonna change. the way the world is like
@De_Lus 17 күн бұрын
not one single positive comment i read here on this video, so i don't know whats the point in debating. i don't even understand why youtube would want to adress me this women fashion magazine garbage nonsense talk
@garagearts 17 күн бұрын
😂😂😂 woman have no ACCOUNTABILITY 😂😂 there perfect 10s , its the mans fault whatever the problem
@TokyoTraveller 17 күн бұрын
Men have no business getting married anymore. I mean, what IS the benefit??
@jameskirk7984 18 күн бұрын
This is a very good example of what's wrong with the world today.
@danu_daann 18 күн бұрын
Prety eyes
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 18 күн бұрын
@@danu_daann well thanks!
@mattwernecke2342 18 күн бұрын
Nice pimple
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 18 күн бұрын
@@mattwernecke2342 ugh, I know! The worst ive ever had! But, you know - we all have imperfections. I could pick myself apart but I choose to show up instead.
@carissima_illuminatio 20 күн бұрын
I would argue about the 1st one but everything else - entirely true and backed up by research, data and statistics!
@ebrimamaubeh8363 28 күн бұрын
Marriage and divorce are just money games now. And most people that play this game will lose.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 28 күн бұрын
@@ebrimamaubeh8363 Not necessarily. Not if both respect each others right to their marital share. It's the fighting that loses all the money.
@bobbyscalchi4013 25 күн бұрын
Correction. Most Men that play this game will lose. In the West anyways.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 25 күн бұрын
@@bobbyscalchi4013 far from it, in my experience. How long have you practiced? Where?
@bobbyscalchi4013 25 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce "Not if both respect each others right to their marital share." Please elaborate? Are you saying marital share as in division of labor? Marital share as in legal rights to assets, time and money? Or marital share and legal rights and claims during a divorce proceeding such as "equitable distribution"? What are we talking about about here by that statement?
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 25 күн бұрын
@@bobbyscalchi4013 marital share - equitable interest in what was earned, purchased, or acquired during marriage. Not all states are equitable distribution states
@geogeer9911 29 күн бұрын
Ask yourself if your vows meant anything at all.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 29 күн бұрын
@@geogeer9911 it takes two people to uphold vows.
@233kosta 25 күн бұрын
@Bubba22able 16 күн бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce True. But when one doesn't, it can be problematic.
@JohnCunningham-sy5ug 3 күн бұрын
Prenuptial and DNA tests for all offsping. There is no Debate.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce 3 күн бұрын
@@JohnCunningham-sy5ug you're right, there isn't - because no state requires either of those things automatically, let alone both.
@stevenhuckaby2902 Ай бұрын
I know her type ,, she's a girl only divorce lawyer, thats bottom of the latter in the litigation field , add to that her very young age means her experience is minimal , take this short promotional with a grain of salt
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Ай бұрын
@@stevenhuckaby2902 oh gosh, thank you! When I first started practicing I got so many questions about how old I am... but it hasn't happened in ages! Also, I believe you mean "ladder."
@MátéJuhász-d8m Ай бұрын
@MátéJuhász-d8m Ай бұрын
@Neoteny374 Ай бұрын
Some victims of DV have pen!ses. What youre describing is the lesser force of colliding forces.
@rickdiaz1748 Ай бұрын
I won’t bother you again maybe you have a boyfriend I don’t wanna cause no problems. I just wanna be friends. Maybe you’re married. I don’t mess with Mary woman put it this way. I don’t talk to Mary woman I do respect that too. Very pretty woman I would love to talk to you, please
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Ай бұрын
@@rickdiaz1748 I'm married but thank you!
@rickdiaz1748 Ай бұрын
I always wanna talk to a woman like you or other respect to have a good conversation. We all have issues, but I always my desires in my heart to talk to a woman like you a good conversation you’re very attractive. I’m mature woman maybe you’ve been hurt I don’t know, I don’t know but I do respect you, but I hope you don’t mind. I’m telling you you’re a busy woman.❤❤❤❤❤😂❤❤
@rickdiaz1748 Ай бұрын
I always wanna talk to a woman like you or other respect to have a good conversation. We all have issues, but I always my desires in my heart to talk to a woman like you a good conversation you’re very attractive. I’m mature woman maybe you’ve been hurt I don’t know, I don’t know but I do respect you, but I hope you don’t mind. I’m telling you you’re a busy woman.❤❤❤❤❤😂❤❤
@rickdiaz1748 Ай бұрын
Why are you in the camera? Why you’re in a video? Are you trying to find a man or you just want to talk or you want somebody to listen to you you want attention I don’t know. It’s none of my business, but do you mind if I ask you this.😊
@rickdiaz1748 Ай бұрын
Why are you in the camera? Why you’re in a video? Are you trying to find a man or you just want to talk or you want somebody to listen to you you want attention I don’t know. It’s none of my business, but do you mind if I ask you this.😊
@rickdiaz1748 Ай бұрын
Hi, how are you? Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. What are you doing? You are a woman attractive. It seems like your eyes are so tired or red. You’re tired. You are a woman that I respect. That’s a woman. I like to talk to all the respect pretty hair your eyes are so red, sleep any rest? Maybe take some vitamins. Maybe you need to work out more what do you think?
@nickjames3049 Ай бұрын
Is this yet another misandrist channel?
@chewface Ай бұрын
Divorce and child custody are always nasty and stressful experiences that literally BREAK people down. You just never know what someone's been through.
@Chris-hp2gg Ай бұрын
The Golden Rule.❤
@sandyedwards2681 Ай бұрын
Well said. And you are 100% right: all kinds of abusers including trolls only reveal the edges their hostility and hate. It's gross and scary to come face to face with sexist and misogynistic attitudes. Sadly it's not uncommon.
@jessedameron7985 Ай бұрын
I understand you're making a purely legal argument. With that said, ethically, hitting should be illegal and I'm glad to hear it is judged unfavorably in court.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Ай бұрын
@@jessedameron7985 I agree! I don't ever like one parent weaponizing things like this against the other - glass houses and all that - but I don't believe in spanking. I'm glad parenting has come so far and were able to better meet little people on their level. In many ways, I think spanking only ever developed as a method to "control" behavior because parents were out of control and out of resources to help them with some of the harder aspects of parenting. It truly is incredibly difficult work.
@jessedameron7985 Ай бұрын
@@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Unless the countries it is banned in, like Sweden, dissolved into chaotic anarchies where everyone is smashing windows & running red lights, then there's really no question that rules/structure can exist without hitting. It's only a matter of how, not if, order can be achieved without any hitting. Generations before us didn't have access to this type of information with a few clicks of the internet, so I want to forgive and not shame, but the practice should be discontinued - including banned. Humanity seems to gradually become less violent over time (as Steven Pinker argues). It will completely phase out in this country at some point.
@badawesome Ай бұрын
Move out of a community property state before getting married.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Ай бұрын
@@badawesome I don't practice in a community property state. Equitable distribution states are similar, but does allow the possibility of a division other than 50/50. Mostly, though, divorce is not - and is not designed to be - punitive.
@godswillm575 Ай бұрын
This is exactly what you can expect from these people. They can stand up for each other. They can stand up for men's rights. And its only fair. But if women try to take a stand for themselves or for other women, these men call them names. Horrible ones. Because they can't stand feminism. How dare women try to have rights? How dare they even try to think of themselves as equal? My own father is disgusting like that, so............... And of course my brother automatically too, he is my father's legacy.
@sonnyeriksson4480 Ай бұрын
Never marry
@RapborlangGassah Ай бұрын
@damienmidanik9680 Ай бұрын
Best choice, don’t get married. Then you don’t end up with some other dude living in the house you paid for. Marriage has ZERO positives for a man. Only a woman has something to gain by getting married and that something is at least half of your stuff. Any woman that wouldn’t stay with you without a marriage certificate wouldn’t stay with one either. So protect yourself and don’t sign contracts to say you love people.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Ай бұрын
@@damienmidanik9680 marriage has a ton of positives for men, including better health outcomes and more earning potential over your lifetime. Married men also report more general happiness and suffer less depression. Harvard - among others - has studied this. Actually, studies have been done in the US and in other countries (like Japan) and the results were all similar. You can Google it!
@damienmidanik9680 Ай бұрын
Except you failed to mention that you can literally have ALL of that without a marriage certificate!😂 You don’t need a PAPER to have a PARTNER! The happiest and longest standing relationships that I see are the people who are together because they want to be together and never got married. Yet the most miserable relationships that I see are people who are married. I stand firmly on my belief that Marriage has no benefit for a Man. Every single thing you just described as a benefit can be had without signing half of your stuff away. Your research shows married vs single. It doesn’t show married vs unmarried couples over a long period of time. This alone makes it deceptive.
@YourGirlfriendNeedsaDivorce Ай бұрын
@@damienmidanik9680 it absolutely does. Did you research? Cohabitating couples did not benefit in the same way.
@damienmidanik9680 Ай бұрын
Your channel name is literally “Your Girlfriend Needs a Divorce” and here you sit trying to convince Men that marriage is something good for them! That is honestly hilarious and it really proves how a woman will try everything possible to convince you that marriage is a good thing just so she can take your stuff as soon as the bigger better deal comes along! You aren’t even advocating for marriage, you are clearly advocating for DIVORCE! You just need to sucker men into marriage to reach your goal. That goal being half of a man’s stuff and a free house.
@damienmidanik9680 Ай бұрын
I have done my research and you are absolutely correct. Unmarried couples do not benefit in the same way. Their incomes aren’t combined so their taxes are much less. They don’t carry each other’s debt or poor credit if credit if past mistakes are an issue. They have the opportunity to own Real properties both separately or together instead of just together. Legally married people are basically 1 person. In the long run 2 people have a lot more financial power than 1. Like I said before, you are an advocate of divorce. That pretty much invalidates anything you have to say about marriage. Marriage is just the first step to getting that divorce you want. Marriage has benefits for you. Marriage has no benefits for me.
@patrickhenry7416 Ай бұрын
YT deletes my comments so I’ll post again. Just don’t get married to modern women. Period. Case closed. Bunch of gross over weight entitled creeps