@ahteechia2687 Күн бұрын
The comment regarding neck holds being not allowed in competition push hands does not apply in a training session. Chen style Tai Chi is combat Tai Chi, not a push hands competition with rules. When I studied Chen style Tai Chi in China push hands training is not constrained by rules, only by taking care to prevent serious injury. One of the guest held up his opponent after the throw to stop him falling down. However when you execute a fast move the response have to be as fast, and if you get injured it is your responsibility. Having said all that it is clear that the level of Tai Chi skill on both sides is mediocre resorting to using force and hence degenerating into a wrestling match. The proper skill is to use listening jin, ward off jin, adhering jin, neutralising jin, and finally expressing and directing jin. The execution is then effortless and smooth.
@MegaHitman666 24 күн бұрын
The music is kind of comes you down , takes the tension out .
@Steel9k Ай бұрын
Great martial art skills, taichi is one of the most advanced system!
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
all right ive rewatched it and calmed down a little. theyre still total bullies but by the end the kid in red was asking for it. I still do NOT like these guys. freaking cobra kai energy.
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
they may be agressive and powerful but there is no discipline here. men like these are cowards who will break in an instant on the battlefield and abandon you to die. shame on chen.
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
a team of bullies trained by a bully. disgusting.
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
omg the last guy is making me so mad my sow choy is feeling..hot. center! must center!
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
what the h is wrong with these guys? the guests are acting like they have something to prove or a chip on their shoulders. they look like undisciplined idiots who dont practice the very Taoist philosophies they claim to love. Im thourally disgusted by this display, and am very impressed by the host's ability to keep his cool.
@BobJohnson992 2 ай бұрын
I think Ziqiang was reacting to what he thought was a lot of rough non-Taiji push-hands. I.e., he was teaching them a lesson about their hard approach to push hands. The Chens will do that to people they think are bullies.
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
and come off looking like the biggest amateur bullies on earth. a disgrace to my master's kung fu.
@lalnes82 3 ай бұрын
@MilaN-vq5sm 4 ай бұрын
Too aggressive china. Respect for autocontrol of others
@rickhung4611 6 ай бұрын
@rickhung4611 6 ай бұрын
It is no. Polite
@zhaoang2011 6 ай бұрын
@zhaoang2011 6 ай бұрын
This is not Tai Ji. just wrestling. LOL
@madogblue 6 ай бұрын
This type of Tai chi competition should be done on mats for participants safety
@AndreyDao 7 ай бұрын
Chen ZiQiang - this is a master of external stupid struggle.. this has little to do with real Taijiquan. his face and his manners betray his restless mind, all he knows how to do is make sharp jerks and pushes, and this is the lowest level, he constantly voltage or becomes passive, in a real fight he would quickly get hit and knocked out, and with a good wrestler his games in the tui shou will not work. if he tried such thrusts with a person who has the qualities of tai chi, it would be like an angry bull trying to butt a mountain of stone... he would have beaten off unconscious head))) this "master" has no real qualities... emptiness and peace, inner strength, liberation of the body, immersion, heaviness, lightness, he is no longer 15 or 20 years old, but his mind is like that of a restless teenager! this is shameful behavior! If he was a real master, he would have shown his skills and skill without tension and stupid jerks, and obvious superiority in a playful manner.
@theolima8929 7 ай бұрын
didnt understand why ziqiang got so mad
@user-cf2vr7mb8s 8 ай бұрын
This CZG suppose a master but use to much force to push the guy to fall. What kind of Chen’s taichi????. All his colleagues also use to much force push a or sweeping down opponents. This CZG group like to use hand to crap neck of opponent who they never do like that. CZG’ group really very bad taichi really ruin the Chen’ family Taichi Name. Very bad
@lauriehartley9808 8 ай бұрын
Not much skill on show here.
@entrenamientos9295 9 ай бұрын
Chen Ziqiang estuvo mal mal mal , desprecio total , si se enfrenta a uno de MMA se le acaba todo.
@thedoctor7151 9 ай бұрын
Someone needs to learn the fundamentals of pushhands is combat
@yunshen 9 ай бұрын
I think stepping over across the opponent's body is not an issue. This is common in many grappling arts preparing for an advantageous mount position. However the last throw was definitely a disregard for the host, throwing him on concrete in that fashion which could cause head injuries. The guest being an experienced teacher is obviously either negligent or malicious. In Judo, even on mats, an experienced teacher, in practice or performance may throw someone hard, but will hold on to the opponent to control the impact and the position of the fall. Lesson learnt for the host is to be prepared with mats for any event with substantial grappling activity.
@jonwijaya8539 10 ай бұрын
If you think this is rough, go and play chess instead.
@aiko4321 Жыл бұрын
NIice cultural exchange. :D CZQ couldn't control his anger.. If that lady didn't stop it, he might be still taking down that guy in red. :) Disgrace.
@johnyossarian9059 Жыл бұрын
I don't see the point of putting this video and the long ass text in the description. It doesn't seem fair that the video uploader doesn't try to present the perspective of the Chen Taiji people.
@MrDeano-eu9rg Жыл бұрын
Do they've given up on the magic no pressure bullshit like Adam minzer?
@Rankawino Жыл бұрын
there are historical and efective martial arts which have developed wrestling in a very high level, the wheel was discover long ago (jujitsu, judo chinesse wrestling, mongolian wrestling, BJJ, ...so what is this ? you all know that a profesional fighter could bit these guys in one minute, including the teacher. In the other hand the agressive trainig or demostration did not share nothing clear to the audience, just an ungry teacher doing the job of his student. For me one thing is the demostration of the chen form , with all that power, and other thing is this aproach to tuishou, san shou. The form is amazing, the other training not. My opinion, with respet with you chen practitioner.
@ChristianoSts Жыл бұрын
This bad wrestling is being called Chen taijiquan. Sad
@kingofaikido Жыл бұрын
China bashes Australia, just like in politics..! In the coming war, taichi brother and sisters will have to kill each other. How sad...
@LMJett Жыл бұрын
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, of course, but the first time I saw this clip, I personally found it a little distasteful and IMHO a poor representation of Chinese culture & character. I'm reminded of why Professor Cheng Man-ching admonished his senior Tai Chi students: "Don't be greedy!"... In other words, don't abuse lessor skilled people just because you can!... If Tai Chi is TRULY practiced as a Chinese Taoist Art, then it would seem that the HIGHEST LEVEL would be aiming at finding your decades of practice evolving into a state of "Wu Wei" (effortless doing), and then "winning" would simply be a "by-product" (with very little "ego" involved). But, if your goal is to merely to be "the MEANEST S.O.B. on the planet", then you can certainly train in that direction (and, apparently, there's no shortage of people that do), but I personally don't find that particularly enviable, OR an intelligent way to navigate through your years of life on this planet. Speaking of Professor Cheng, his personal philosophy seemed to be about 50% Taoist and 50% Confucian, so he tended toward encouraging the Confucian values of encouraging a "harmonious society" (hence his poem: "Hall Of Happiness", which is well worth reading). So, I've been practicing martial arts myself for over 50 years now, and I can certainly admire people with a high level of martial skill (regardless of their chosen art)... but, to earn my trust as a FRIEND, my criteria is really MUCH HIGHER... I expect a balanced quality of character... because, in the log run, "champions" are a dime a dozen.
@chrisz9732 Жыл бұрын
In the West, Tai Chi is a way for old people to exercise and weebs to experience Asian culture. In China, it's still a full contact wrestling sport. This video just shows the massive cultural gap that's grown between the two communities and both of them came out of the experience completely confused.
@venisiushuang593 10 ай бұрын
Agree, tai chi brought to the west is actually a misrepresentation of what tai chi really is, there’s nothing wrong with the tui shou demonstration, Chen Zi Qiang simply just want to show what the western don’t know about Tai Chi, actually he’s giving precious knowledge, If they want to understand it
@MohammadJK197 Жыл бұрын
I do appreciate the level of skill demonstrated by Chen ZiQiang, however in my opinion his behaviour was wrong and egotistical. You slam someone down on a hard floor like that, just check if they are okay and give a helping hand. This is not Mortal Kombat and you are not trying to Finish someone!😂 Having said that, it is very difficult to keep your ego in check when you are so superior in combat skill compared to 99% of people.
@ROTNERTV Жыл бұрын
Just show-offs, none of that is in accordance with the principles of Taiji, it's just people pushing and shoving each other in a bulgarian way.
@taichiwonders8784 Жыл бұрын
This is what I got out of the video... Chen's student in black is pushing with the Australian in Blue. Fairly even, black was a bit better but nothing much, until Chen's student sends the other fellow back out of view. They start to go again and CZQ tells his other student to go with the Australian. Chen's student in blue tries a bunch of stuff but is unsuccessful until he is able to get the Aussie off balance and lands him on the ground. After that the Aussie in blue wisens up and Chen's student tries but can't do anything to him until he sets him on the ground a second time. At that point when CZQ sees his student may not be doing as well as he had expected, he tells the Australians to switch. It really looks like CZQ is trying to direct the narrative. When Chen sees that his student is unable to do anything with the Australian in the red, he steps in to replace his student. CZQ is probably a good level or more above the Australian. Chen then seems to take his frustrations (that his students didn’t perform as good as he may have wanted) out on the Australian until people stepped in and stopped the event. It seems like he was really trying to prove a point. In the end Chen Ziqiang did not show that his school was better, only that “he” was better… Kind of a fail in my eyes.
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
agreed. chen's guys were crossing the line from what id consider defensive tai chi into offensive kung fu. sifu would have kicked me out of class in an instant the moment i grabbed my partner's neck. total bs.
@MrDidjcripey Жыл бұрын
I think they weren't expecting the skill level of the team from Perth. Worried they might lose face.
@mountainpeakcloud8442 Жыл бұрын
I‘m not from either camp, so have no biases, but I have trained IMA for decades, and have trained in combat sports, so I know how things can get misinterpreted from both the perspective of the people training, and spectators that has certain expectations of how training should manifest. I see a lot of comments on here criticizing Chen, but from what I can see, the Aussies asked for push-hands, and were clearly giving full resistance. Anyone who’s wrestled, it doesn’t matter if it’s western wrestling, Judo, BJJ, Shuai Jiao etc. know what it feels like when someone is trying to challenge you based on the kind of resistance they give you (there doesn’t even need to be take down attempts). With this in mind, it’s not surprising that the Chen’s brought out some throws, cause that is not only what push-hands mean to them, but if you’re going to asked for a push-hands exchange with them, and then give them full resistance, this is where it goes. I see a lot of people talking about “respect”, but what I find disrespectful is asking for a push-hands exchange, giving full resistance, and being upset if you’re tossed on your ass. Now, I’m not saying the Aussies feel disrespected, I don’t know, but it seems that a lot of people in the comments sections are unrealistic about how this should have played out. Seriously, what do people expect, that you’re going to ask for push-hands, give them full resistance, and they’ll take it easy on you? That’s ridiculous. Go to any BJJ or Judo school, and asked them for a “friendly exchange”, and then go full resistance with them, and see what happens… you’ll be thrown on you ass and submitted over and over, and guess who will be considered the disrespectful asshole? You will, the guy who asked for a “friendly exchange”, only give the same level of resistance as if it were a tournament. If the Aussie guys asked for a push-hands exchange, kept in light will less resistance (there are levels of “respectful” resistance where you’re not going all out, not flopping like a wet noodle), I feel that the Chens would have taken it easy on them, and if they didn’t, then yes, they’d be the assholes, but I don’t find that to be the case here at all… Their response was appropriate to the level of resistance they were obviously getting.
@mountainpeakcloud8442 Жыл бұрын
@@vivalaliberty From everything that's displayed here, it's certainly the conclusion I would draw. I don't see the Chen's at fault at all.
@yunshen 9 ай бұрын
@mountainpeakcloud8442, I agree with you that this level of intensity is mostly OK, especially as displayed by everyone in the push hands exchange, apart from the last Chen guy. The part that was not OK was when it continue to a stage where there is high chance of serious injury. No doubt, the last Chen guy was highly skilled and he already proved his point multiple times in a safe fashion prior to the last throw. High level Judo teachers will hold on to the opponent for control of the impact and manner of the opponent's falling in demos and practice. In BJJ, when you watch the Gracie's being challenged they would just slap the opponent on the face in a controlled manner to prove their point or submit the opponent without breaking a limb. In this scenario it was not even a challenge. The Aussies did not asked for a challenge. They were asked to be partners for the demo. Indeed the Aussies did give some resistance which was skillfullly overcome by the first two Chen Taiji guys, which made it a great martial demo, show casing the Chen Taiji exponents skills. Unfortunately, it turned all ugly when the Chen master went up and went overboard because of his ego.
@mountainpeakcloud8442 9 ай бұрын
@@yunshen Well, we'll have to agree to disagree about the last guy. I don't know if the Aussies didn't ask for a challenge, but when you give the amount of resistance they did, in any combat sport, that's a challenge. I have trained at both a high level Judo school (with former world champions and olympians), and high level BJJ school (world champions), and I will say that if you go in there and treat ever randori and roll like a tournament, they will not take it easy on you, and you're going to get your ass handed to you. If you go in there with a humble attitude and go light, they'll take it easy on you and will stop you mid spar and help you. There's gray areas, all depending on the level of asshole the person is being, and I believe the last Chen guy falls in that gray area where I don't believe he's objectively being inappropriate. Something else to keep in mind is that this is their family art, and it is what they do for a living, so if you're trying to challenge them, the response so it's not automatically "ego", it's about maintaining the name of the families art. Here's the thing, with any combat sports gym or teacher, you're free to go in and challenge them, but if you use too much aggression and resistance, you can't whine about it when they go an extra step to humble you. Basic rule of going into any combat sports gym is stay humble, don't use resistance that can be perceived to be a challenge, meet the level of resistance you sparring partner is giving, but don't go over it, and certainly don't spar with the head of the school as if you're at a tournament... break these rules and you deserve to get your ass kicked.
@yunshen 9 ай бұрын
​@@mountainpeakcloud8442 From just watching the video, I thought the amount of resistance was OK, given that these Chen village Taiji guys are supposed to be high level. The resistance was based on technical positioning, there was no obvious brute force resistance. The Aussies were just mainly defending and hardly any attacks were attempted. That little amount of resistance that is based on technical positioning, was obviously overcome with good honest and safe techniques in the first two matches, which was what made this video interesting to watch. Enough resistance to show meaningful effectiveness of the Taiji techniques. The Chen village Taiji guys very clearly showed that they overcome their opponents for the demo but maybe this is not enough for the Chen village Taiji master, maybe he was expecting the opponents to fly away from just a light touch like in many Taiji demos. These Aussies supposedly also practice Chen Taiji but maybe because it's from another line they were deem a challenge.
@KingoftheJiangl 9 ай бұрын
This takes place in AUS, and the Chen group was invited to showcase their skills. It's not the aussies inviting themselves over to chen village and asking for a 'push hands exchange'. So the fact that chen was guest, and that the stage is concrete makes this behavior especially inappropriate.
@t.d.nguyen7688 Жыл бұрын
I've had the privilege of attending Master Chen's school in Chenjiagou for a short time. Unlike some of the others, his, keeps it real. Combative training and grappling as shown above is their standard daily. Instead of expecting Master to sip tea and lead forms training nonchalantly - You'd find it common for him to actively hands on instruct & spar physically with an authentic discipline - From kids, teens or grown adults - homeborn or internationals (myself). Super great academy lead by a realistic and humble master. 🙏🙏
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
hes a bully. plain and simple. his government probably told him to not look weak. you can see the abuse in his eyes and his student's eyes. this is..revolting.
@Steel9k Ай бұрын
@@derosecutus3462 Martial arts are tools of combat. Real masters can be trained killers. What did you expect? :D Its not abuse in their eyes, its dominance. Winning and looding in the martial art world is not abusive.. its a 'competition' after all. you fight to win. People forgot what real martial arts are..
@heidegger71 Жыл бұрын
A real taiji master can own you without losing composure. Chen family should be ashamed of themselves if this is their top talent.
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
@moifaacademynewcastle6130 Жыл бұрын
I have learnt you have to build up a trust and friendship before engaging in training otherwise its all about ego and showing off. Respect to you and your team.
@derosecutus3462 2 ай бұрын
if youre walking into any situation with ego in charge, you dont have any business being in a real fight, a tournament, or a display exhibition. Thats kid shit.
@ptarter Жыл бұрын
Where’s the podcast?
@RamseyDewey Жыл бұрын
I just read the video description. I’ve trained taijiquan in Jiangsu province, China with Master Yu Dao Shui. These guys were being very NICE to you by comparison! That’s just basic taiji sparring. I don’t understand the complaints about the etiquette you expected, so I doubt your guests did either. I have lived in China for 15 years, what is considered to be polite and rude here is very different from other countries. If you ask a Chinese martial artist to show you their gongfu, the expectation is that they will show you their skill. I would suggest that if you are going to do an exhibition in a grappling art like taiji, use mats next time. Even in a gentle push hands drill, falling down is not uncommon.
@clouddragon8673 Жыл бұрын
It's not just a grappling art
@oalsaker Жыл бұрын
Thanks for that. I have trained with Chen Ziqiang several times and he has been absolutely friendly since it was mostly technical form training or more formal push hands training. Never had an issue with his attitude or behaviour in the ten years I have attended training with him.
@watermelonprom7197 10 ай бұрын
I absolutely agree the hosts from the looks of it they don't actually do any real sparring cause every attempt made by the hosts was in response to the guests not even as a counter to they never once made an attempt to attack which is why the guests look like the bad guys it's like watching a white belt spar a black belt (also different schools have different rules most push hands allow that technique) also btw if you guys liked watching the master spar I suggest watching Taichi Zero & Taichi Hero cause everything he did looks like it came straight out of that movie
@zhongdingtaichi9377 Жыл бұрын
The Chen Village guests were asking what their hosts had in mind and attempted to be polite. Their hosts behavior was disgusting from my vantage point. If you want to compete with someone, you don't call it a demonstration and that should be done in private, which is why things got out of hand.
@108Circle8 Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@loredanamassini9484 10 ай бұрын
Maybe they Just tried to make It seem more real?
@MegaHitman666 9 ай бұрын
So that's why Chen Zi Qiang was a bit rough with the guy !
@ShorelineTaiChi Жыл бұрын
"What style do you want to learn?" The gentleman in blue did not seem to understand the implications of the question. Cultural exchange indeed!
@zev9111 Жыл бұрын
Well, you had an opportunity to say how you wanted to demonstrate push hands, the first guy from Chen Village clearly wanted to do the gentle silk reeling and the boy from GMA was being stiff an unmoving, after it had been said on the outset as silk reeling. This does 2 things. 1. By itself its a challenge, because you are not working with your partner, but rather against your partner, this makes it a drill for superiority. 2. It shows your school can't be trusted, as you invited them to something friendly and then went for something more combative. This comes across to their school as duplicitous and an obvious challenge. Another thing you don't do, is invite another group from overseas to your event and try to embarrass them. Also, you write in your description that you are giving the opportunity for them to market themselves. They don't need you. Aside from you all breaking away from Chen Zhonghua (who is not particularly big as a Taiji exponent anyway) You are a small school in a small city in a small country (population) They are representatives of Chen Village - birth place of Chen Style. The last of them to Push was Chen Ziqiang - son of Chen Xiao Xin the instructor of the MAIN CHEN SCHOOL IN CHEN VILLAGE. You guys embarrassed yourselves after trying to embarrass a group that you invited under the pretense of friendliness and then whine about being put in your place. What a joke
@venisiushuang593 10 ай бұрын
You said it loud & clear, anyway if Chen Zi Qiang and his disciples don’t deal with them so called “demonstration”, they will lose cause of this “friendly match”, and everybody will say bad things about chen tai chi, like it’s a weak martial arts. But when they win, everybody will say they are bad influence, too harsh and kind of bad things. But at least they’re proof to show what chen tai chi is
@greadore Жыл бұрын
Chen ZiQiang looks like a real jerk. Supposed to be a cultural exchange. He was moving in standing over the opponent in an intimidating posture after he knocked him down, what is he trying to prove, he is supposed to be the “master”. That last sweep he did it looked like the other guy wasn’t sure if they were going to continue or wasn’t ready, and on concrete. Total lack of concern given it was a “friendly” exhibition and not a competition.
@taoliu3949 Жыл бұрын
Not really, the guy kept holding onto him, which meant he had to keep walking to maintain his balance or get dragged down. The last sweep the guy just wasn't prepared, which is kinda his fault because as soon as you're in position it's game on. You can see that CZQ is a lot more aggressive, which is fine in MA because you need to be. It's also probably what he's more used to and how he teaches his students.
@Steel9k Ай бұрын
Sorry for taichi being a dominant, potent, highly advanced martial art.
@yuenmah Жыл бұрын
It's really disappointing to see a supposed master behaving like a gangster. The last leg sweep was totally uncalled for. Lost all my respect for him.
@taoliu3949 Жыл бұрын
They were in position. As soon as you're in position it's game on. The guy wasn't prepared, that on him.
@Internalflow33 Жыл бұрын
@@taoliu3949 its a demonstration not a tournament.
@taoliu3949 Жыл бұрын
@@Internalflow33 And he didn't treat it like a tournament. He treated it as any other sparring demo.
@mountainpeakcloud8442 Жыл бұрын
Yet the other guys were treating it like a tournament. It’s not difficult to see the level of resistance the other guys were giving. If they wanted a “demonstration”, they shouldn’t have given tournament level resistance. The whole premise was disingenuous.
@Scott-tw1hm 7 ай бұрын
Pure thuggery from Chen Ziqiang. And far from the first instance of it.
@marcditcher Жыл бұрын
Chen Ziqiang is such an asshole. Small man complex, just a bully. This is just one of dozens of situations like this where he inappropriately goes all out to prove something, often injuring students. What a tool.
@taoliu3949 Жыл бұрын
Dude, have you seen competitive tuishou matches? This is far from "all out".
@robertvong Жыл бұрын
Stay friendly. You don't get to challenge a guy, go in hard, and complain about getting thrown down.
@lisandromendez3494 Жыл бұрын
En "criollo" se dice el maestro Che Ziqiang se CALENTO 😤😠😡😡😡