@Andysantiago7 16 сағат бұрын
Where is my master mode?
@dylantheking0014 Күн бұрын
It's my favorite game of all time
@DrCureAging Күн бұрын
Ive ALWAYS HATED both games. Because these two games arent actually zelda games. Its zelda themed minecraft
@Michael-un5mz Күн бұрын
Don't forget people were complaining about skyward sword and twilight princess for being the same games aka linear games
@DiegoGonzalez-ic3si Күн бұрын
I hated this from the beginning not just now hahahaha thefact that they essentially copy pasted the map was boring as hell
@MysticalPerson48K 2 күн бұрын
Tears of the Kingdom is the woke version of Breath of the wild.
@Bornagainvillain 3 күн бұрын
The game is fine.
@theninja6516 4 күн бұрын
Personally I had a lot of fun with it and I think I'll do it again but on an emulator 4k 60 fps etc But yes it is still too similar to Botw even the world, I would have preferred fewer sanctuaries and more dungeons with unique items (grappling hook, mirror shield etc) and in a Hyrule that takes place like 10 years after Botw. All the Zeldas suffer from the comparison with OOT because they lack qualities. Wind waker a great story, a big world and a lot of side quests but lacks dungeons. Twilight princess a gigantic world, a lot of dungeons, a great story but very few things to do or side quests. Skyward Sword well balanced but a world too compartmentalized etc Ocarina of time has the perfect mix between world size, dungeons, story, side quests etc For me it is the technical limitations of the N64 and the cartridges that made OOT a very well balanced Zelda, as the size of the cartridges was small the world was too but it was suddenly very well filled with secrets, quests etc. Also Nintendo does not evolve the formulas but breaks them completely, make a Zelda with 50% TP, OOT etc and 50% Botw and it's perfect. I hope to see that on the next Zelda, an open world with a story and traditional dungeons. For a world like Totk it would take 60 sanctuaries and 12 main dungeons, for the side quests we can take what worked in the other opus or create a photo album to fill. For example, Mr. X is a photographer who traveled around Hyrule and took pictures 20 years before the elements of Botw and you have to find pictures in Hyrule. This is an interesting and easy to do non-mandatory side quest for Nintendo.
@rGGdom 6 күн бұрын
Nintendo deserves this for making Tears so gimmicky. Don't promise a fully developed sequel if you're just going to come up with the same stuff again. Not saying Tears doesn't have anything new but what it does have feels gimmicky in my opinion.
@Bornagainvillain 3 күн бұрын
Gimmicks are fine. All games have them.
@riverstyx9 7 күн бұрын
No it's just you. Nobody is fatigued of open world Zelda. If you want the old style, just play the old games. There's plenty of them.
@AntiRiku 8 күн бұрын
Decent as a standalone game, absolute dog shit as a sequel
@MrBurger.0001 10 күн бұрын
While I prefer TOTK slightly over BOTW, both games mutually tell the story in not the strongest way. The memories are cool, bur what if the story was told and HAPPENING in the present?
@zman837 12 күн бұрын
As they should
@goonballoon 12 күн бұрын
i dismiss most totk hate, some is very constructive, fair and valid but most (such as a good chuck of these comments) is mainly just whinging, nitpicks and disappointment they didn’t implement everything the fans wanted. i loved botw and totk is far better, but i agree as a zelda game its lacking but who honestly cares? a game doesn’t and shouldn’t follow a strict guideline from it’s predecessors, the story and vibe could’ve been better but that really is the only thing the old formula did better. people can dislike or despise the game, but you can’t say it’s a “bad game”, the gollum game is a bad game and totk is nowhere near that level. just play twilight princess if you want a good story and botw/totk for gameplay
@awalltep81 12 күн бұрын
After playing through it twice and getting damn near 100% I think I’d like them to scale back the sandbox elements. Ultrahand is remarkably intuitive as a system and it makes no apologies for going deep into the “anything goes” end of the pool, but I’m just not someone who appreciates games like Minecraft. But I can’t deny I was absolutely hooked while playing it, with game sessions upwards of 6-7 hours where I just couldn’t put it down. The core gameplay loop is incredible. Zelda has an incredibly high standard to live up to. People were always going to eventually pine for the Ocarina formula once they strayed too far from it.
@Xiatter 12 күн бұрын
Since when does internet opposition shut people up? Most people seem to double down, even if it means moving to another platform to do so. I think people just got burnt out of and started looking for reasons to dislike these games. Yeah they share a lot of similarities, but it doesn't take dozens of hours or months or a year to figure that out and say something about it. I had a similar reaction to Elden Ring. It just wasn't nearly as impressive as people led me to believe, but I was not ashamed of saying how I felt about it, the whole way through until it's several 30-second endings.
@Xiatter 12 күн бұрын
I think people just got burnt out and instead of looking back at the time they enjoyed, they've decided the whole thing was a waste of time. Not loving it is fine, calling it a "bad game" is a stretch. There will be new Zelda games. 🤷 One even comes out this week.
@jacksemporiumofstuff 12 күн бұрын
While I certainly don't hate TOTK, I'll admit to being majorly underwhelmed with it. To me, it just seemed like a fancy DLC for BOTW. Especially after waiting for 6 years. And then I learned that it's release was held back for a year. BOTW blew me away. TOTK is also a beautiful game, but it just used too much from BOTW. I can't honestly say that I hate any Zelda game, but Adventure of Link comes close!! THAT, in my opinion, is the worst game sequel ever made!! Anyway...
@googlewolly 12 күн бұрын
The clickbait, dishonest title isn't necessary. When it comes to that, you can do better. That said, the video is good.
@tobiascore 13 күн бұрын
I've put at least 700 hours into both games. And I played most all the previous Zelda titles on their respective consoles back when they were originally released - I'm kinda old. So here's my gripe - I dont get why people are disappointed that they didnt get a linear zelda game when they knew the entire time they were going to be open world. Like yeah, it's open world, and people are upset they it wasnt the Minish Cap 3D, or what? I don't get it. If you want a linear 3D zelda game 30 years after the first was released, then fine demand that if you must. But dont blame BOTW or TOTK for that. They were always going to be open world games. Being disappointed they are what they were always going to be, is crazy to me. There's valid criticisms of both game now in retrospect, as there is with literally every other zelda game. But my criticism would be petty if I complained that Windwaker wasnt truly open world. I mean, I could. It would be awkward because that game is what it is, and what it was designed to be at that time. I think the same rule applies to the open world zelda game. That's my few dollars of input.
@bigd90909 13 күн бұрын
I felt that TOTK was to similar to BOTW from day 1, it’s actually less fun and more linear with its tutorial area and start of the game. Just getting the paraglider was a chore.
@re4me 14 күн бұрын
I still love tears of the kingdom
@DANBAN119 14 күн бұрын
I still prefer it over botw, but I think what aggravates me the most about totk is mostly that it didn't really fix the issues I had with botw. Sure the dungeons have themes and unique bosses, and I really don't hate any of them, but they are still pretty short and lack that classic Zelda formula, I.E Unique Miniboss, searching for a boss key, several locked doors you need a small key first to get through. I really Don't mind the "find 5 locks to unlock the boss" formula but at make finding those 5 locks a bit longer to get too and put in a unique miniboss. Combat is still trivialized healing by the ability to bullet time and flurry rush infinitely, why this isn't tied to a focus meter or something is beyond me. Would've made combat more engaging while also increasing possible rewards by allowing the player to find collectibles to increase the flurry/bullet time and healing slots. I really don't mind the weapon durability system but the ability to repair weapons is really tedious and not at all told to players, that way being you have to throw a weapon and have it eaten by a rock octorock which are ONLY found in the eldin region. Just, the ability to use monster parts to repair a weapon would've been cool, fuse increases the damage of weapons but it doesn't really help repair them. Also the mastersword being breakable is still stupid. In a game where every weapon breaks is it really such a crime to have 1 weapon be unbreakable? ESPECIALLY when it's the main weapon of the game? Mastersword isn't even the strongest weapon, just make it unbreakable but in exchange it can't be fused and is locked at 30dmg for all nongloomed enemies, that's a decent trade off right? Story is not as solid as botw, as well as kinda giving Zelda a character assassination after the opening. Idk it just mostly relies on Zelda being stupid, which she is NOT, this is probably the most clever and intelligent Zelda we got. Like you meet a guy named Ganondorf, very similar sounding name to that Calamity Ganon monster, not only that but that Ganondorf guy looks almost exactly like the mummy you ran into before being sent back in time, a mummy who also mentioned the first king of Hyrule. And what's most damning is that you know of an ancient battle with a Demon King called the "imprisoning War", which occurred around the time period you are CURRENTLY IN. Theoretically any person with decent deductive abilities and the knowledge that Zelda had could at least piece together that the mummy was around at the time of Hyrule's founding, and that he was "imprisoned", so he may or may not be the demon king who was defeated in the Imprisoning War. At the very least Zelda could have asked if anything like an the Imprisoning war had occurred yet, and if Rauru said it hadn't, could've warned him that it WOULD happen. This would fix another issue, the fact Ganondorf and Rauru say that Rauru was "arrogant", but for the most part we don't see that. It would've been so simple for Zelda to warn Rauru about the Imprisoning War, and Rauru in his arrogance be like "Ha! Well if that does happen it certainly won't be now! Under my leadership Hyrule has prospered! And their certainly isn't any 'Demon King' like you mentioned!". Rauru can still be this strong and noble leader, but at least make his character flaw of being arrogant a bit more pronounced so that his eventual revelation about this flaw and Ganondorf calling him out makes more sense. The story and character arcs aren't bad on paper, and their are definitely some good and iconic moments from it, but it feels like a rough draft that still had some holes that needed to be filled in, as opposed to botw which felt a bit more realised, even if it is obnoxious we didn't get to play through it.
@rezarfar 14 күн бұрын
My biggest issue with TOTK is they took a cumbersome, unintuitive and tacked on building mechanics from BOTW that was added for fun and not needed to progress the game. They took that, doubled it and gave it to the next game 😂. Oh and they made progression more reliant on it. They didn't make it less cumbersome, less annoying to use and more engaging. They just changed the way you engage with the mechanic to actually be MORE ANNOYING than before and they made progression more reliant on this terribly tacked on and lazy building mechanic. I like Zelda, im not a fan of Minecraft. To me this game is the second worst Zelda game right behind Skyward Sword. 6.5 out of 10 game at best.
@goonballoon 12 күн бұрын
i love the building and remember the target audience is mainly kids and it allows creativity. I love twilight princess which i believe is the definitive zelda game, but tears of the kingdom was much more enjoyable.
@goonballoon 12 күн бұрын
and the zonai is very shoehorned but the building mechanic is one of the best i’ve seen implemented in gaming, yall just impatient lol
@KevinKeys-KK 15 күн бұрын
Ill say it didnt feel like enough changed. It very much felt like a hefty dlc called "Upheaval" or something. I was certain they would address the weapon durability issue, in a world where theres weapon durability, ore, gems, mineral and blacksmith NPCs, you still cant repair. It also boils down to playstyle, i dont like building stuff, i dont like losing gear because it feels like lost progression, i started to avoid combat that wasnt worth durability. I tried to play Link like i know Link. Sword, board, bows and arrows. I didnt care about the new powers and the game punishes you for that by weapon breaking and making you fuse crap around you because that was the devs answer to weapon breaking, instead of you know letting the blacksmith npc already there repair your stuff. The exploration and puzzles were good but again i dreaded combat once i had all good weapons "lets see, which really good weapon do i want to lose in this fight". Theres a reason one of the most popular mods is no item durability. Also fans just havnt stuck with this one like botw, brag videos from botw were everywhere even up to the launch of totk, totk had build videos of crazy stuff to but those dropped off in frequency so fast in comparison. And i know someones gonna say "weapons break because they want you try new things" whatever the reason doesnt mean me or others will like it. Its a bad system when your brand new shiny weapon lasts all of two fights, dont care what bs lore they invented to try and retcon that either. To sum up, i like to explore and fight with weapons, the game is not built for players who just want to use weapons. It favors players who use some combo of powers and manipulation and building.
@bonquaviusdingle5720 15 күн бұрын
Because now people realize the game is actually pretty average, just like everyone now realizes dragons dogma 2 is also mid at best
@Yupthereitism 16 күн бұрын
This game was a smashing success. There is always a vocal minority of negative losers who whole find anything to complain about.
@gregpayne4128 17 күн бұрын
it's one of the best I loved it! I binged like 120 hrs on tears of the kingdom. the only thing I didn't like were the bosses were way.way to easy and same with dungeon
@mrtesticlease4638 18 күн бұрын
"almost no reason for the hate"' great start. (sarcastic) 5:42 no its not. the only one that is was the desert temple but that goes out the window when you look at... every other dungeon. water "temple" is the most egregious example
@giovanniromero2790 18 күн бұрын
(Unpopular opinion) i love the games in my eyes theyre amazing. Though the story couldve used some work. Totk was perfect tho....in my eyes
@MoodersInit 19 күн бұрын
I think that as people play games for HUNDREDS of hours you just generally grow to realise that its kind of unreasonable to expect a piece of software to hold peoples attentions for that long and for them to enjoy the entire thing. I see this with so many different games people play them for like 300 hours and then when they are between hour 300 and 400 they realise that they are not enjoying it as much so it must be the games fault. It happens with a lot of sequels especially with sequals that dont switch up the formula much i think the reality is that people just get bored and frustrated being this deep into something and really need to take a break from it and try something else
@MoodersInit 19 күн бұрын
i love tears of the kingdom but thats because i skipped breath of the wild and just played tears so for me the value was insane
@aricheec7722 20 күн бұрын
took off my rose tinted glasses. totk made it obvious that all the lore that exists is nothing more than a cash grab to keep the series relevant between games, and outside of that is easily dismissed by nintendo. bad and inconsistent writing that retroactively makes botw worse, which i find unforgivable. it made it clear that nintendo plans to make every new major zelda game a skyrim clone. congrats to bethesda for porting and remaking skyrim so many times that nintendo started remaking skyrim for them. this is the “future” of zelda everyone- copying popular but played out games from over 10 years ago.
@RunnyElephant44 20 күн бұрын
It feels like it tried to be for botw what mm was for oot. And it failed I feel like ganon was so wasted they promoted him a ton to not use him other than that dumb meme smile
@robaidhinnes8678 21 күн бұрын
A lot of people have moved past the grace period of a new Zelda release and are now left with the sad realisation that TotK is barely a pivot from BotW. All of the content is thoroughly tedious, shallow and almost entirely derived from BotW.
@omgray 23 күн бұрын
Despite all of the criticisms, I can’t see any logical argument that this is a BAD game. I seriously don’t get it. A bad game? Don’t you all think the pendulum has swung too hard in the other direction? Seriously, I can’t even find a single video singing this games praises because people are just too concerned with putting out hate videos.
@DANBAN119 14 күн бұрын
I agree, it's not a bad game, but unfortunately it didn't do enough to change the issues people had with botw, while also bringing along some new issues it had itself. The games are just too similar, the most fun thing about totk is the building aspect, but people don't play Zelda games for a vehicle builder sandbox game, so it's left some people dissatisfied, especially since those other "Zelda elements" are lack luster.
@gabrielduquevizfraga6238 24 күн бұрын
Zelda always had amazing worldbuilding with tons of interesting things to talk about and theorize. BOTW decided to do it's own thing and basically ignore the lore from previous game. And I get it, you're basically recreating the franchise from scratch, some things will change. TOTK does not have that excuse. It disregard most of its prequel story and heck, even its own story. If the game itself ignores its story, why should I care?
@DANBAN119 14 күн бұрын
Botw was still able to creat a whole lot of interesting lore on its own, the Zonai being super interesting. But totk doesn't really make them as interesting as the fandom had built them up to be, which, sure, is our fault for getting our expectations up, But are you telling me that after 6 years the best thing you could come up with for the Zonai is that they were ANOTHER ancient technologically advanced society? IMO the Zonai devices should've been "sheikah devices" repurposed from gaurdians, sheikah shrines, and the divine beasts. That way we could still have those gameplay elements, you could explain where the sheikah tech went, and you can give the Zonai a different cultural identity. Idk make them some cool mystic sky wizards that use spirit energy or something, anything but what we got.
@gabrielduquevizfraga6238 14 күн бұрын
@DANBAN119 honestly anything would've been better than what they did with the Zonai
@elmatador3154 25 күн бұрын
Because the music is crap.
@luisburgos7365 25 күн бұрын
You guys aren’t tired of open world Zelda. You’re tired of BotW/TotK We’re most likely getting another open world 3D Zelda. But hopefully with even better, tighter dungeon design and hopefully more items to unlock permanently like the hookshot. They went balls to the wall with the crazy shit Link can do in TotK but I’d like for them to dial it back a bit and give us other things to use
@DANBAN119 14 күн бұрын
real, there is such a thing as TOO much freedom and you really felt that in totk, botw was a good balance with the tools you had.
@optombomber2980 25 күн бұрын
I don’t believe you on that
@Fusion05 26 күн бұрын
I haven't cared for TOTK since launch. I consider it inferior to BOTW. It doesn't have many new locations, the depths aren't unique unless you go to death mountain, the sky islands are few and far between with most being nothing. I feel like it should've been a DLC like they initially intended. It just didn't have enough substance to differentiate it from BOTW. I think it just shared too much to make it feel different. The story is also super confusing compared to BOTW.
@Mr.Peanut1986 27 күн бұрын
TOTK is incredible. Its too far ahead of its time. Just like previous Zelda games...people love to hate them, then end up calling them the best game ever!
@Mr.Peanut1986 27 күн бұрын
Also, gamers are far too spoiled. Readjusted your lenses! When you play TOTK, play it as if it's the first Zelda game you've ever played. See how fortunate you are, then...
@rozanslash 27 күн бұрын
Ill be happy if we dont get all the powers at the start of the game or at the very least sprunkle in some other optional powers that may help progress in certain shrines. Because the fact that shrines are waypoints are irrelevent if we can just complete them right away we never need to return to it unless we need to warp to a specific part of the map. I liked the dueling peaks shrine bc each of the shrines had an answer to the other in how it was laid out. It was simple but it allowed me to go back and forth between them in order to get the correct pattern for each. They should take that approach with certain powers so that we woulf hsve a need to find a shrine but cant complete it until we got that new hidden power(s). It could replicate that feeling of sort of finding a new item in a dungeon. Tgey could also unlock the powers in stages and potentially expand and unlock certain powers as you progress.
@fjcarmo0369 27 күн бұрын
All great video games regardless of franchise or platform go through a state of being praised and then a state of being criticized. TOTK is a great game but like any video game it does have its flaws. My biggest complaint about TOTK is the weapon location dynamics of the game. Just because you got a certain weapon from a certain weapon soldier on the last blood moon doesn't necessarily mean that that weapon soldier will have the same weapon on this blood moon. This makes finding some weapons a serious pain in TOTK. Parts of TOTK do become boringly repetitive as well like grinding for zonaite, small crystal charges, and large crystal charges. Grinding for good weapon fusion parts like silvier tier horns, and lynel parts. Farming good weapons is another thing that becomes repetitive. Like I said TOTK is a great game but like any video game it does have its flaws.
@Lia_da2904 27 күн бұрын
Narratively is so mediocre but everything else is a 10/10
@bw8685 27 күн бұрын
Videogame fans are fickle. We deserve Pony and M$. Tears of the Kingdom was way better that BoW. The building mechanics alone was worth the price of admission. I didn't even finish FO4, but the wasteland in my save file is full of settlements.
@megaman37456 27 күн бұрын
Because people are waking up to the fact that while BoTW and ToTK are great video games, they are TERRIBLE Zelda games, everything that made previous Zeldas popular was thrown out, and after 6 to 7 years of the same hyrule with the same minimalistic features, people are gonna hit burn out, the honeymoon phase is gonna wear off.
@aricheec7722 20 күн бұрын
this phrased it perfectly. i think i would enjoy these games more if nintendo had put in the effort to design an original ip for it, instead of just slapping a pre-existing brand on it for the sales margin. it just feels so LAZY.
@megaman37456 20 күн бұрын
@@aricheec7722 Not just lazy, but lackluster and uninspired.
@doolenny9458 18 күн бұрын
And the thing is atleast for me Botw is good at what it is trying to be while totk isn’t as good as Botw at being Botw and isn’t as good as classic Zelda at what classic Zelda is so it has no identity
@hued2542 16 күн бұрын
Ok but 50 million combined sales says everything Nintendo needs to know but what the wider audience wants these days. To back peddle on the open air formula would be a blind move to make as it would further alienate the people that hopped on this series with botw release. You won’t see a “traditional” Zelda for a decade as long as this style of game is popular. The final nail is definitely echoes . If it manages to outsell links awakening you will see more of this on switch 2. This is why you haven’t seen ww or tp pop up in hd yet. Why should they ? Release them when there’s doubts as to whether this style of game is beneficial
@hued2542 16 күн бұрын
@@aricheec7722way too much risk with a new ip. But I definitely could see a world where star fox adventures got a botw type refresh with the ships being easy access tools for the world
@nicolefajardo3658 27 күн бұрын
Honestly, I prefer BOTW's story far more than TOTK's. Sure technically TOTK'S is much more "developed" and whatnot, but in the end, I prefer the simpleness of the first game cuz even tho its told in the past as well, these are memories that Link himself had lost and even if the player already knows the concequence of the calamity 100 years back, at least its interesting seeing how it all unfolded. Also youre given different cutescene with the champions per main mission lol. And importantly, the aspect of finding them around the land works far better cuz theres literally no concequence in watching them out of order. Unlike in TOTK, where the game punishes the player for exploring by spoiling you if you're unlucky enough to come across a certain death scene without even having seen any of the previous memories. Overall personally I felt more connection with the Champion/Calamity story than the one with Zelda roaming around the past and even less the Sages..
@DANBAN119 14 күн бұрын
Eh, idk totk story is far more messy. It has way more holes than botw, and in my opinion it kinda character assassinates Zelda. Botw's biggest sin with its story was that we didn't get to play through it, and that you didn't need to discover it in chronological order. When I step back and look at botw's story overall everything flows together nicely, but when I look at totk, I constantly find myself wondering "why did this character do this? why didn't they do that? WHY DOES LINK NOT TELL ANYONE THAT ZELDA IS A DAMN DRAGON?!". It's not bad on paper but it needed some more ironing out.
@nicolefajardo3658 14 күн бұрын
@DANBAN119 Oh trust me I fully know and im 100% with ya there on everything, hence why i prefer Botw story waaaay more. Heck i'll be honest, even tho i try to be a bit nicer when i comment about this game online, i honestly did not like totk at all by the time i finished it due to the reasons you just mentioned. Doesnt help that my main focus on a zelda game is generally the story, so the whole aspect of building shit was completely wasted on me and just overall yeah... Too much character assassination, questionable choices and just too much repetitiveness. For now heres to hoping Echos does a better job, even if its not some sort of epic story like the wild era tried to make them.
@DANBAN119 14 күн бұрын
@@nicolefajardo3658 I really prefer totk over botw, and for the life of me I don’t know WHY. When I’m in there and playing the game I love it, but when I step back and examine it on its own and compare it to botw, it just infuriates me. It carries over all the problems that botw had, barely fixes any of them, adds more of its own problems (the most aggravating to me that most puzzles are trivialized by hover bikes, recall, and rocket shields), and on top of that gives us this sloppily written story. I honestly think the only flawless thing is the soundtrack, and I wonder if that’s why I like it.
@Noctnerd13 27 күн бұрын
@iflgames3245 29 күн бұрын
Honeymoon period is not people liking the game , but finding it later how bad it really was.
That’s not how it works. People just like to hate. The same thing happened with RDR2 and now everyone loves it. It happens with every popular game.
@iflgames3245 25 күн бұрын
@@THEONETRUEOVERLORD R2D2 was hated for things that had nothjbg to do with game design and gameplay. That the difference.