@morgunstyles7253 14 сағат бұрын
8:12 its not dark. Its transparent.
@halfgazo 2 күн бұрын
As a neophyte trying to learn cosmology have had my doubts about theoreticals, questionable metrics, and expansion theory. Thank you for blowing away the Bullshit! Really like your 9/4/24 video on general relativity.
@rs8197-dms 11 күн бұрын
fwiw, I'm really good at logic, and I know some physics. The big bang is completely absurd. There is absolutely no good logic in the so-called deduction of the big bang event. and for the record same goes for dark matter and dark energy. Someone should teach these fools propositional logic sometime. And while we are at it, it should really be obvious that the universe is not expanding at an accelerating rate. Logically completely absurd. Which means you need to find a better explanation for red shift.
@abelincoln.2064 16 күн бұрын
There is only one reason the Universe is not expanding. It's the only known example of an Isolated thermodynamic System (Function) composed of space, time, Laws of Nature, matter & energy with increasing entropy. And all thermodynamic Systems (Functions) originate from the "surrounding" Universe or existence/reality. Engineers had known this fact about actual Universe by the beginning of the 20th Century and "Atheist" Cosmologists & Physicists ignore this fact believing at that time the Universe was infinite and always existed and definitely not Created by God who is timeless, infinite & always existed. lol. Universal Functions is the hypothesis for Sir Issac Newton's Watchmaker Analogy over 300 years ago and all Machine Analogies (Observations) used by Christians to explain Creation of the Universes (Natural Function) by God (Unnatural Intelligence). The Scientific Method (Function) designed by Man (Natural Intelligence) to explain Natural phenomena (Functions) relying on fixed Laws of Nature (Functions) is simply: 1. Observation 2. Hypothesis 3. Test & Predict ( relying of fixed Laws) 4. Conclude 5. Refine( only if valid/true). Universal Functions easily passes the scientific Method and proves space, time, Laws of Nature, matter & energy are Natural Functions with clear purpose, rules, properties, processes & design (Information) that can only come from the Mind of a ... single,, timeless, infinite, nonphysical, multidemensional Unnatural Intelligence with freewill & Nature called ..... God. The Mind of any Intelligence has to be Unnatural ( spirit). Therefore the Mind of Natural Intelligence (Man) is Natural (body) & Unnatural (soul) and both are Functions with clear purpose, rules & design .... to give Man .... freewill, nature, intellect, memory, senses, feelings and consciousness of the natural first then the unnatural. Science only supports God of the Bible .... creating Man ... in His image with a body & soul ... for a reason/purpose. Atheism is a religion that believes Nature & Natural processes made the Universe & Life and follows fake science with fairy tale laws( Not the Laws of Nature). We have religions that believe in "the gods" because Man is a Natural Intelligence ... with an INTELLECT ... living in a world & universe where everything including Man's body has clear purpose, rules & design which can only come from the Mind of an intelligence. See. There is only one reason the Universe is not expanding. It's a Natural Function, composed entirely of natural Functions with clear purpose, rules & design made by ..... God. The Redshift data is likely due to inertia gravity slowing down the speed of light ... during the 6 day creation. God created the Universe in 4 days ... starting with Earth in the space of the Universe (1st heaven) and a very bright light (energy) surrounding Earth. Over 4 days this "hollow" sphere of light (energy) began to dim as it "expanded" away from Earth at greater than the speed of light ..... forming the stars, galaxies etc and filling the space God assigned for the Universe. By Day 4 ... all the stars/galaxies had been set in place ... and only then did God create the Solar System within the Milkyway ( originating from the Light) and formally defined a day, year, seasons, night/day, morning & evening. So the only "expansion": of energy & matter occurred over 4 days at many times faster than the speed of light due to the size of the Universe. There were no Laws of Nature during Creation except gravity. See. Gravitational inertia. Time & the Laws of Nature as we know them now ... began 5994 years ago when Adam & Eve sinned bringing decay(entropy) and death to all of Creation. Now you know the reason for the constant temp of the CMBR ... in all directions ... and why all observed date shows Earth at the center of the Universe. The Theory of Everything ... that unifies Classic Physics, General Relativity, & Quantum Mechanics is Universal Functions derived from the obvious observation that everything is like a machine composed entirely of machines and requires a machine maker due to the information every machine has to exist & to ...... Function. Everything is clearly a Function ... with purpose, rules & design .... made by a Natural & Unnatural Intelligence for a reason/purpose.
@walterbrownstone8017 21 күн бұрын
Nope you are wrong. The universe has a defined origin and an infinite moving edge defined by r=t
@ExistenceUniversity 21 күн бұрын
Your first argument about the expansion as an assumption is wrong. Einstein created the Cosmological Constant to STOP the expansion because he didn't believe in it either. But the expansion is real, the value he got was experimentally proven, the constant was his biggest blunder because he rejected the facts for a starionary universe
@ExistenceUniversity 21 күн бұрын
15:40 It does not violate the isotropy of the universe as isotropy is having identical values of a property in all directions, and expansion is the same value at all points in all directions. Hence why we say it is expanding everywhere and not just moving into nothingness at the edges.
@ExistenceUniversity 21 күн бұрын
17:00 In agreeing with your assumptions we also get gravitational blueshift
@ExistenceUniversity 21 күн бұрын
21:57 meaningless dribble
@ExistenceUniversity 21 күн бұрын
8:00 Video starts
@ExistenceUniversity 21 күн бұрын
2:30 OH we just make things up when it feels good huh?
@ExistenceUniversity 21 күн бұрын
well that makes zero sense
@ExistenceUniversity 21 күн бұрын
"It is so simply you just have to believe boundaries are not real." Oh is that it? Just stop believing my body exists and bingo I'm a smart cosmologist now!!
@CarmenVeranda 27 күн бұрын
Most of these comments are "I don't know much science but I've never liked the idea the universe is expanding so I'll believe any rubbish that says it isn't".
@ExistenceUniversity 21 күн бұрын
Yeah it is so funny. "I am no scientist but I hate science and always get it wrong" Well that's probably why you are not a scientist then lol Silly people
@TimJBucci 28 күн бұрын
Space is an endless void. Because, what endless void would the universe be expanding against if it were expanding?
@rogerscottcathey Ай бұрын
Im not sure what people conceive when they hear the words "expanding universe". As far as solar systems and galaxies are concerned, there is conceivable the process of growth. Within our own solar system, Jupiter and Saturn are close to being duns themselves. B.T. Spalding recorded a model of planetary birthing from within the sun, with each planet being formed, one by one, each taking on further flung orbits as new planets are popped out. The model he described deemed Neptune as the oldest planet, and that eventually it will fly off into a much further orbit and go nova, becoming a sun. Dual sun systems are more numerous than such as ours presently is. This model suggests our own sun was once a planet orbiting another. The old concept of Vulcan, a planet inside the orbit of Mercury might have some probity, as a future event, though Spalding's model suggested there was already a plasma sphere there, and when a new anet is born, all the other planets will be displaced outwardly. Thus there are nine planets extant in his theory . . . Earth was the sixth planet born of our star, Venus seventh, Mercury eighth, and "Vulcan" the ninth. Spalding posited that our system can only accomodate 9. Hence why Neptune will move off to start its own family of planets. At any rate, this process if multiplied billions and trillions of times would suggest that while the metric of space is constant, systems grow, the population expands. The theory at least reflects how all things grow.
@DestinationArt Ай бұрын
I get irritated about redshift=velocity=galactic rotational curve=dark matter. No, we measured redshift. That is all we measured, the rest is an assumption!
@boriskaragiannis Ай бұрын
a week has passed and you failed to respond correctly...your time is off sucker
@ashleeaustin358 Ай бұрын
Lol. Those would get on our pepper plants. My grandfather would send me out there to pick them and id always accidentally grab one thinking it was a pepper. Scared the mess out of me! 🤣 Of course we'd get them off but jeez when your expecting to feel a pepper and you feel something warm and squishy.. it will make you jump.
@MikaKovin Ай бұрын
Kiitos perusteluistasi ja koko videosta! Itse pidän kaikkeutta äärettömänä. Ja tuo mitä Friedmanin yhtälöistä sanotaan koskee vain ns staattista universumia, jota ei ole olemassakaan. Jos, ja kun universumi on dynaaminen ja itseuusiutuva kiertoprosessi, jossa materia - eri asteisesti rakentuu - ja myös taas purkautuu ja tämä jatkuu ikuisesti, niin on todellakin tarve päästä eroon tästä nykyisestä "konsensuksesta", joka kumartaa jotain "yleistä käsitystä". Se ei ole tiedettä ollenkaan!
@secretweapon8367 Ай бұрын
i managed to get to 2:23 before realizing you probably don't know what you're talking about, but then 2:28 makes it almost certain. first you claim HD 140283 is one of the oldest objects, which is correct, then go on to claim HD 140283 is the oldest star, which is incorrect. which is it? additionally, if science did discover an object older than the Universe, what has that to do with its expansion? it means either the age of the Universe is wrong or the age of the star is wrong. how exactly is expansion relevant, here? as for the obviously clear-headed and objective diatribe about dogmatism, atheism, materialism, scientific fraud, dogma, cutthroatness and, hilariously, narcissism, i suggest you pray to God to give you a little more of His grace before making another video about science.
@ChrisLehtoF16 Ай бұрын
A prime tenet of the Big Bang is that it started at a point and expanded. That means the time is important
@jaydenwilson9522 Ай бұрын
.... you seem like a nice guy but I gotta say. NEWTON WAS WRONG! Specific Gravity is real yes. Universal Gravitation is just a personification of Luke Skywalker "forcing" material to compress. Planets are MAGNETICALLY COUPLED to their birth place.... Aka. The Sun's Core. As they decay and lose charge they drift further and further and further away. It's not homogenous.... the pressure is denser closer to the Sun. Planets seek hydrostatic equilibrium and decompress as they move out of the pressure gradient.
@innertubez Ай бұрын
If the universe is not expanding, then what is it doing according to this video? Static, or collapsing?
@mark4asp Ай бұрын
Standard model of particle physics is backed by lots of evidence? But the standard model of particle physics also has a ton of assuptions behind it and there's little evidence for the assumptions behind the SMPP.
@mark4asp Ай бұрын
The big bang model does not explain the origin of the universe; so does not explain away God.
@sacriptex5870 Ай бұрын
Space cant expand because space arent a Thing-in-itself theres no space by itself just distance, like time theres no time by itself just duration
@matthewatwood207 Ай бұрын
@CameronCrichtonVFXArtist Ай бұрын
What if the universe is expanding in some areas and contracting in others?
@johnsteeley Ай бұрын
I'm sure there are people out there who will peer review your work, Chris. Are you familiar with See the Pattern? He has done many videos on alternatives to the redshift = expansion paradigm. Hit him up. I think he'd be very interested in what you're doing here. I love what you're doing. I am starting to piece it together, but just not there yet. The two circles showing the Schwarzchild radius growing faster than the radius of the boundary very helpful. Please keep the videos coming.
@chuckjones9159 Ай бұрын
I hope you have never taken my comments where I sometimes give my ideas as discouraging. I may state my ideas but they are not intended to be taken as trying to override yours. I like taking and giving feedback.
@boriskaragiannis Ай бұрын
@boriskaragiannis Ай бұрын
@DarwinianUniversal Ай бұрын
If the Big Bang is wrong, then the CMB needs another light source. Could it be distant starlight thats undergone redshift, and then shifted through into the microwave frequencies? I did some calculations and if the CMB is microwave shifted starlight then it was emitted approx 44 billion years ago. And represents a vista onto a truely spectacular universal visable horizon. Think along the lines of Olbers paradox. Stars blanketing every point in the sky
@DarwinianUniversal Ай бұрын
A like from me. I listerned with interest and agree with your stance. A stance I can justify with reason. I have a paper detailing a good deal of considerations, I'm happy to share with you if you like? Mayvbe run it past AI LLM's to judge the quality of the material. AI will inform you its very comprehensable, well explained, plausable and perswasive. Are you interested? You'll be surprised with what you find
@matthewatwood207 Ай бұрын
Honestly, the math is beyond me, thank you [this comment will get removed if I name it on a video that's not specifically about it], and I only watch because these videos validate my own perception, but from another angle. Basically, there's a pattern of sphericalness, branching, barred spirals, and waves, depending on density, scale, and timescale. I.e. the magnetic field lines of a star are the same as those of a galaxy, barred spirals, which I suspect would be the same as the x-rays of an atom, if the exposure time was small enough. Similarly and more obviously, electroscopies of atomic nuclei show them almost perfectly spherical, while a 40 km wide celestial body is the threshold for a spherical planetoid, and a supercluster of stars is generally spherical. So, based on these repeated patternns, I hypothesize that we do live inside one of possibly many or infinite black holes, which may or may not be inside other black holes, or something comperable to them. If there is a true plank length, then increasing the scale also increases the complexity, meaning it's something like a black hole, but not exactly a black hole. But if there is no true plank length, if it's just a limit imposed by the ideas of the time and self-important scientists, then the complexity is infinite and the observable complexity is entirely dependent on these three factors; density, scale, and timescale, and we literally live inside a black hole inside a black hole inside a black hole, ad infinitum.
@matthewatwood207 Ай бұрын
Here's the basic breakdown: Atomic scale) Spherical - Atomic Nuclei / Spiral - Atoms / Simple branching - Compounds, molecules, & Viruses / Waves - stupidly small stuff in high enough density Micro scale) Semispherical - Small cells, dense cells, large viruses / Simple Branching - large, less dense cells / Waves - Subatomic particles Small scale) Simple branching - Nuerons, slime molds / Waves - homogenous liquids, gasses, and-at the right timescale-solids. Our scale) Complex branching - Nervous systems, limbs, trees, [note that all branching phases have polarity, the roots and the above ground portion of the tree, the river systems on land and in the air, as it were] / Rounding off again - Larger, dense animals and plants [They form so many collections of branches that they tend toward a slightly rounder outer appearance, like a bush, but for evolutionairy pressure like a tree's competition for light or a giraffes need for reach / Waves - Micro scale objects in high density Large scale) Branching - Rivers, paths / Waves - Small to our scale objects in high density and [increasingly] faster timescales Planetary scale) Semispherical - Planetoid / Spherical - Planet, star, black hole / Spiral - Magnetic fields of planetary and solar systems / Branching - Binaries, trinaries, star clusters / Waves - Large scale stuff in high density and timescales, like the movements of plant life on the surface Galactic scale) Branching - Galactic arms / Spherical - star superclusters, galactic nuclei / Spiral - Spiral galaxies / Semispherical - Other galaxies / Waves - Planetary scale stuff in high density Intergalactic scale) Branching - Intergalactic web / Waves - Galactic scale stuff in high density at unimaginably fast timescales I assume I'm missing a few things, but that's the basic gist. I also assume that the pattern extends down some ways into the subatomic particles and out beyond the visible universe. The differing complexities of the branches at different scales may suggest a plank limit, but the complexity reverts back to the same as the atomic scale when the planetary scale is reached, leading me to believe that it's not strong evidence for it. An alternative solution may be that potential complexity maximizes equidistant between the atomic nucleus and the planet. Perhaps, at the right timescale and density, there could be life that uses stars and planets in place of atoms. Alternative to that, there could be layers of fluctuation between branches and spheres, resulting in larger gaps between phases of high potential complexity and/or differing levels of complexity.
@ChrisLehtoF16 Ай бұрын
The visualizations definitely help for the Schwarzchild radius. For the blue shift issue, is there no “cancelling out of the redshift by the blue shift” because the blueshift light expands in one direction only? I think the confusion is the blue circle would nullify the red circle red shift. From your video I understand that some of the light would be blueshifted by earths gravity field but not the large mass of matter inside the blue sphere. I’ll check out the visualization on the website. Yes, many people just comment and don’t actually watch the video. And people naturally like to troll for some weird reason. But, we will know the reality I think in the next 3-5 years when AI really comes online. It’s important someone thinks about and posts this stuff so it gets put into the possible solution set:)
@matthewatwood207 Ай бұрын
Hopefully the ai's don't heat up the planet too much in the meantime, and the people programming them don't forcefeed them more bias against unconventional positions than we already know they do.
@matthewatwood207 Ай бұрын
Also, I would assume that blueshift is way more dynamic than nullifying the exact right amount of redshift. Every light source has a different gravity than us, every galaxy is a different size, the photons pass objects, spending less time shifting one way if it either starts or ends within the gravity well of a large celestial object, like the galaxy we are in. It feels like the whole field is stuck on binary thinking, when there's an obvious linear option, that itself is probably a gross oversimplification of the dynamic nature of our reality.
@musicbycarlgrimes Ай бұрын
To an intelligent person, you make a lot of sense.
@bastobasto4866 Ай бұрын
This guy is a moron, and so are you for saying that. Is this some kind of advanced shitpost that I'm out of the loop for? Like, here's a quick compilation of everything wrong with #10 alone 1) The estimated age of HD 140283 is within the timespan of the Universe if you take in mind the measurement uncertainty 2) The answer isn't necessarily that the estimated is wrong; indeed, more recent estimates have put it as "young" as 12 billion years old. 3) In general, this doesn't prove that the "Universe is not expanding", or that "science is wrong" - only that you misunderstand the scientific method and its output. This is like seeing a bunch of 5 years old trying to dabble in rocket science...
@ChrisLehtoF16 Ай бұрын
That Sean Carrol quote explains it all. “If you doubt the Big Bang is true, we don’t let you on the stage.”
@ChrisLehtoF16 Ай бұрын
Stoked to see more videos! Yeah!
@wesbaumguardner8829 Ай бұрын
Physics has become a religion.
@DarwinianUniversal Ай бұрын
Agreed. For mainstreamers who think they are perswaded by convincing evidence, calling big bang a religion is the worst insult they can think of. And sooner or later they will be confronted with contrary evidence not even they can deny
@Jay-xw9ll Ай бұрын
You think it because you think you know better. Stick to sport.
@zhavlan1258 Ай бұрын
Пусть ❤школьники, студенты❤, измеряют сами Вселенную её тёмную энергию, чёрные дыры, … Господа академики соберём для них учебно/практические пособия «лазерную рулетку *+опорные* 1000000 м» и «ГИБРИД гироскоп Майкельсон Морли». (Мы, не ищем эфир, мы *увидим* работу квантов гравитации) Обращаюсь к Вам с предложением на совместное изобретения ГИБРИД гироскопа ИЗ НЕКРУГЛЫХ, двух катушек с новым типом оптического волокна с «полой сердцевиной из фотоно-замещенной вакуумной зоной или (NANF)», где - свет в каждом *плече* проходит по 250000 (в дальномере 1000000) метров при этом, не превышает параметры 84/84/84 см., и вес - 24кг. Предприятия по выпуску "Волоконно-оптических гироскопов" может выпускать ГИБРИД гироскопы и дальномеры, для учебно практического применения в школах и высших учебных заведений. Эйнштейна мечтал измерить скорость поезда, самолёта - через опыт Майкельсона Морли 1881/2024 г., и только тогда, опыт будет выполнен больше чем 70%. Это возможно выполнить с помощью оптоволоконного ГИБРИД гироскопа. Вот исходя из выполненного более 70% опыта Майкельсона, возможно доказать постулаты: Свет - это упорядоченная вибрация гравитационных квантов и доминантные гравитационные поля корректируют скорость света в вакууме. Думаю получится совершать научные открытия; по астрономии, астрофизике, космологии, высшей теоретической физике,.. В итоге *увидите* теорию всего в простых учебных устройствах.
@TimSeff Ай бұрын
Error.... You are mixing up the variables (specifically "r") in the 'acceleration due to gravity from center' equation, with variable "r" in the 'geometrical density equation'.... these two variables "r" do not represent the same concepts. In summary, you cannot cancel-out the two "r^2" because they represent different things. You should pick a different symbol to clarify that 'r: radius from center' is not the same variable as 'r: distance within a sphere' edit: 'r: radius from center' is not the correct linguistics, so "r: radial distance from center" would be more accurate.
@generichuman_ Ай бұрын
This makes absolutely no sense because we are surrounded by this density distribution, so the density in front of us that would red shift the light would be blue shifted by the density behind us and we would see no change... like how if you were at the center of the earth, you would experience no gravity because the mass of the earth is pulling you in all directions equally. This seems like a fairy obvious and fatal flaw to your theory.
@matthewatwood207 Ай бұрын
And that density is COMPLETELY homogenous. Sure, buddy.
@kresovk5 Ай бұрын
I had an idea for video essay regarding the Attack on Titan on how it is an allegory for human mind. You saying that making YT videos is really hard, but still doing it, pushes me just that closer to actually making it. So thanks for stating that "obvious" part!
@BestCosmologist Ай бұрын
You should definitely do it. It feels good to unload those thoughts. It also helps you develop the idea further. Plus, that sounds like it would be a great philosophical discussion.
@kresovk5 Ай бұрын
@@BestCosmologist Thanks, will give it a shot. :)
@TeethToothman Ай бұрын
Sure, you know better than 500 years of science. Right...... How fracking arrogant can you be?
@TeethToothman Ай бұрын
@russelltaylor535 Ай бұрын
If the Universe isn’t expanding, how do you explain the cosmic microwave background radiation? That is Exhibit 1 that the Universe was much denser in the past than it is today (I’m not saying smaller because if the Universe is infinite now, it was infinite then). You can’t just throw out the CMBR because it’s inconvenient to you. In addition, the metallicity of the most distant stars is consistent with a Universe containing only hydrogen and helium and traces of lithium as predicted by the Big Bang model.
@BestCosmologist Ай бұрын
Great question! I believe the CMBR is blue shifted Hawking radiation. The anisotropy in the bg is caused by subtle variations in the density distribution. I used a rather practical and logical method to find a physical upper limit to relativistic effects. This would be the factor of change due to the entire observable universe (Schwarzschild radius). This results in a giant number that we can use as an upper limit to the factor of change. Then I combine that to the Hawking radiation temperature equation and I get around 6 degrees Kelvin. My method of determining the max factor of change is a little suspect. There's a lot of fine-tuning that needs to be done as well. Hubble's law is almost certainly over-estimated. I plan on revisiting the subject soon and will likely make a video. Just remember, the current explanation of the CMBR requires inflation, at a rate of expansion much faster than today's rate, at a time when mass was compact and gravity was strong. It's literally absurd.
@russelltaylor535 Ай бұрын
@@BestCosmologist Hawking Radiation is only applicable to a very specific set of circumstances because of the assumptions made to combine General Relativity with Quantum field theory. That is near the event horizon of a Black Hole. I get the impression you’re just combining random equations together without once considering all the underlying assumptions under which those equations are valid. And the CMBR is at 2.7K as predicted by GR, it’s not 6K. And yes, that is a big difference.
@johnsteeley Ай бұрын
The standard model explanation is hardly the only possible explanation for the CMBR. It's not proof of anything. Deep space is in equilibrium with respect to density/temperature and a bunch of EM waves are flying everywhere. Takes a big leap in faith to tie that to something that might have happened billions of years ago.
@BestCosmologist Ай бұрын
@johnsteeley Ай бұрын
@@russelltaylor535 Please provide cite for 2.7K prediction. Let's not pretend that "science" had 2.7K penciled in. They did not.
@boriskaragiannis Ай бұрын
I BELIEVE THIS IS NOT BEEN ACCEPTED AND COMING OUT CAUSE caps...the current theory was not made like this by error...it was intended in order to make science feet with religion by G.Lemetre and the money the vatican dropped in order to give the theory and math to back it up after
@John-gz2km Ай бұрын
You can’t simplify the equation at 2:48, the r^2 on the bottom is a measurement of how far away you are from the object, the r^3 is a measurement of the size of the object so simplifying it means you’re assuming that the distance from the center of the ball is equal to the size of the ball so this is only useful if you want to find the surface gravity of an object. It’s useless if you want to find gravitational acceleration due to a distant object
@johnsteeley Ай бұрын
Not following. r^3 / r^2 = r
@jard Ай бұрын
​@@johnsteeley yes, however if the object experiencing gravitation isn't located at the surface of the ball then you can't do that cancellation, which was @John-gz2km's whole point let's say the radius of the earth is r; the distance some object is from the earth is represented by s. in general, r ≠ s therefore r^3 / s^2 can not be simplified; unless the object is on the earth's surface, in which case s = r and r^3 / s^2 = r^3 / r^2 = r. this is why the 9.8 m/s^2 figure is always defined as "near the surface of the earth"
@johnsteeley Ай бұрын
@@jard 4/3*pi*r^3 is the volume of a sphere with radius r. r in the volume equation is the same r in the g equation. Maybe I'm missing something.
@jard Ай бұрын
​@@johnsteeley g = GM/r^2 describes the gravitational acceleration that a sufficiently massive object's gravitational field exerts on another object. r in this context is the distance between the center of mass of the large object. M = rho*4/3*pi*r^3 is the mass of a regular sphere ('ball') given its radius and average density. r in this context is the radius of the ball, which the formula then calculates the volume of that ball, and multiplies by its density (mass/volume) to obtain the mass of that ball. they are not equal in both contexts. it is only valid to assert that the distance the object is from the earth's center of mass (r in the first equation) is equal to the radius of the earth (r in the second equation), when that object in question is resting on or very near earth's surface. obviously, the distance from earth's surface and its center of mass is its radius, so an object located near or resting on the earth's surface is also distanced away from the earth's center of mass by earth's radius.
@user106peregrine8 Ай бұрын
​ @jard you're correct, but also missing some context. at 2 minutes he says if you move away from the ball it would be r² plus the distance you move away from the ball, and no, that's not correct, it's the square of the distance between the two objects' centers of mass. but, if you're inside a uniformly distributed spherical mass, the effective gravitational acceleration at a distance r from the center is given by considering only the mass enclosed within that radius. M(r)=ρ(4/3πr^3 ), and the derived formula g=Gρ4/3πr is in fact correct inside a uniformly dense spherical mass. But this is a specific case where the gravitational force inside a uniform sphere varies linearly with distance from the center (similar to how gravitational potential inside such a sphere works). If you're outside the spherical mass, you have to consider the entire mass M as concentrated at the center, because you're correct, the r term is found by computing the distance squared between their centers of mass (which is most easily seen in vector solutions where r→ = (r2→ - r1→) and is the scalar distance and is the magnitude of r. outside of the sphere,such as between two masses some distance extended away from each other (as long as they're separate, meaning, one isn't inside of the other) the correct formula would remain: g=G(ρ4/3πr^3)/r^2 ​ If r is the distance an object is away from the center of the sphere of another, and that distance is larger than the sphere's radius, it simplifies back to: 𝑔=GM / r^2​ This doesn't just always simplify to a linear dependence on r. because the force vector F→ = G (m1m2 / r^3) * r→ in otherwords the force vector has a magnitude of G(m1m2/r^2) and points from m1 to m2. the vector r→ provides the direction of the force, scaled by the factor of 1/r^3 to account for the inverse-square law. but, Inside a uniformly dense sphere... Yes, g=Gρ4/3πr is correct, and contextually appropriate - the best kind of appropriate. Outside the sphere tho, and g = GM / r^2 which is the expression for a POINT mass, or, the mass distribution when viewed from the outside. and the Schwarzschild solution is A solution to einstein's field equations, not THE solution. it's the simplest, actually. there are more solutions than this one. In general relativity, the Schwarzschild solution is derived assuming a central mass M. The metric considers the mass M as the source of the gravitational field. What happens if we try to substitute density? Far-Field Approximation: At large distances, the gravitational effects are dominated by the total mass M, not how the mass is distributed (density). This is because the far-field gravitational field of a spherically symmetric mass distribution is identical to that of a point mass M. The Schwarzschild metric already assumes a total mass M at the origin or equivalently distributed spherically. Substituting mass M with density ρ multiplied by some volume term does not change the far-field behavior. The metric remains dependent on the total mass M. The Schwarzschild metric encapsulates the curvature of spacetime due to mass M. Time dilation and spatial curvature depend on M, not directly on ρ unless considering specific distributions inside a radius r. also, Birkhoff's Theorem states that any spherically symmetric solution of the vacuum field equations must be static and asymptotically flat, leading to the Schwarzschild solution. This implies that the external solution is uniquely determined by the total mass M. substituting mass with density (ρ and a volume term) in the context of the Schwarzschild metric is misleading. The Schwarzschild metric already incorporates the total mass M, and at large distances, the metric's form remains invariant regardless of how the mass is distributed within the spherical volume. So, when dealing with the Schwarzschild metric and general relativity, stick to using the total mass M for describing gravitational effects at large distances. Density ρ plays a role in specific contexts (like interior solutions), but not in altering the fundamental form of the Schwarzschild solution for external fields. very creative idea being expressed by mr.brown in the video, but the assumption being made is wrong. you can't just extend something internally consistent and expect it to be externally consistent as well. in fact, if a person sat in the earths center, they would float freely, it would feel an awful lot like accelerating away from the surface and into space, either way you go you'd end up feeling gravity diminish the further away from, or closer to the center you go. and an objects density is critically important there, as the Schwarzschild metric illuminates - there is a critical density at which point a new surface extends to encapsulate the reality of the point mass expression and specifically doesn't contain the terms for density M=ρV=ρ(4/3πr^3) because part of it being a solution to einsteins field equations is because of the fact that it correctly describes that extended surface called an event horizon, within which all that density is contained and compressed into the most point-mass like object even einstein hadn't considered. it was a stroke of brilliance and rigorously mathy in unintuitive ways. Also, the expansion of the universe isn't an assumption, it's a measurement. Like dark matter, it's not a theory, it's an observation, what causes the observation is an unknown and is just called dark matter. it could be something else causing the observable, but it's not an assumption that the measurements are making in the observations. ​ maybe everything far away is actually just shrinking? idk. probably not. stephen wolfram thinks dark matter and dark energy are purely thermodynamic in nature. i think the "big bang" happened at one single point, at one single time, exactly equidistance away from every point in space and time and everything is basically in the process of being exploded into existence at every moment, and swallowed up by non existence a mere second ago. luckily we exploded out just in time to be here right now. and get swallowed up. fortunately, explosions. and the timing is just perfectly in balance. like a trampoline. if it was stuck at the horizon between a blackhole and a whitehole and we can't tell the difference between free falling down, or on the upward parabola of a vomit comet. basically Carlo Rovelli's hinted at pet theory. i'm pretty sure all physicists have their pet theory they can't disprove or provide evidence for but think about a lot. like string theory. loop quantum gravity. ads/cft. superdeterminism. multiverses. I wonder if Chris Brown knows Julian Barbour's work. the Janus Point. i just don't see M(r)=ρ(4/3πr^3) a lot, it's fairly obscure outside of textbooks and physics papers talking about the math inside stars and junk.
@johnsteeley Ай бұрын
Was on a jury last year for a month long murder trial. The idea that the guilty party had no choice but to shoot an innocent man in the back three times at close range is beyond ridiculous. Keep the videos coming Chris!
@ChrisLehtoF16 Ай бұрын
Great explanation thanks. I’m curious to see if anyone can improve on it and write it in a paper format:)
@emanemanrus5835 Ай бұрын
Universe is a 3d surface of a 4d black hole, we (our universe) live onto the event horizon of a 4d-black hole which is expanding, because feeding from the surrounding matter in his 4d space + time. So we have the emerging impression of an expansion. Maybe.
@user-dialectic-scietist1 Ай бұрын
Also, if someone is telling that the Universe is expanding, that means that the Universe have limits and a V and an M and a form. Again, that means that something exist outside the Universe where the universe in it is expanding. In this case this is absolutely absurd because we have defined that universe means everything, so and the outside thing of these poor guys. This is only a logic acrobat who saying that the universe is expanding only and only to have a spot and a moment of creation. That is only the religion belief of Lemaitre and the attempts of many other guys paid by the Church.
@stoppernz229 Ай бұрын
The universe can expand and there is nothing outside of it. There is nothing contradictory about that
@user-dialectic-scietist1 Ай бұрын
@@stoppernz229 Do you have any experimental proof about that as the physics ask? No? No. But about red shifting and my thesis about it that it is only an optical phenomenon of depletion of energy, I have experimental proof. It is very easy. Take e regular flashlight and leave it on till will deplete its batteries and see what will happen with its light. I have done this to our laboratory many times and with the use of a spectrometer and there you are, you have red shifting and not only, you have any color shifting till the moment of darkness. Even, before darkness the light is flashing as e star and all of this you have without space expansion. Do you have such an experiment with expansion? No? No. So, physics without experimental proof dear it is only doctrine, a dogma. And if you take the expansion of your Universe, flashback you will have the B.B. and then you have to find a creator and to going to church every day alleluia. But you see, alleluia isn't physics, it is religion and Middle Ages. And please define for us, what do you mean with the term space and after that we will see if your definition need some other space outside it, where can expand peacfully. For this obvious reason, Linde and Penroose are talking obout Multiverse just to save the religion in frond of sciense and physics.
@bjornfeuerbacher5514 Ай бұрын
"if someone is telling that the Universe is expanding, that means that the Universe have limits and a V and an M" Err, no, that does not follow. Why do you think so? If the universe is infinitely large, it can expand nevertheless. Try looking about what "the universe expands" actually means in cosmology. "that means that something exist outside the Universe where the universe in it is expanding." Wrong again. Please educate yourself about cosmology instead of simply assuming all that false stuff. "That is only the religion belief of Lemaitre" So you conveniently ignore that the Big Bang theory is based on the work of many physicists, many of them working completely indepedent of Lemaitre. "the attempts of many other guys paid by the Church" Care to name a few of those?
@bjornfeuerbacher5514 Ай бұрын
@@user-dialectic-scietist1 "about red shifting and my thesis about it that it is only an optical phenomenon of depletion of energy" How does that explain the CMBR? How does that explain the cosmological time dilation observed e. g. in SN light curves? "ake e regular flashlight and leave it on till will deplete its batteries and see what will happen with its light." It does _not_ redshift! Apparently you don't know what "redshift" actually means! "you have any color shifting till the moment of darkness" What is "color shifting" supposed to mean? Redshift is about the shifting of _spectral lines_! Again: Apparently you don't know what "redshift" actually means! "I have done this to our laboratory many times and with the use of a spectrometer and there you are, you have red shifting " Spectral lines shift when a flashlight depletes its batteries? Seriously? :D :D :D :D :D If you really had made that experiment successfully, a Nobel prize would be ready for you, since that would refute at least 100 years of well-established physics! "So, physics without experimental proof dear it is only doctrine, a dogma." Thanks for showing that you have no clue how the scientific method works in astronomy. "you will have the B.B. and then you have to find a creator" Not at all! The Big Bang does in no way imply a creator! "And please define for us, what do you mean with the term space" The thing which is described by the metric tensor. (Actually, the metric tensor describes spacetime, but you conveniently ignore yourself that General Relativity and hence the BBT uses spacetime in its description, not only space.)
@user-dialectic-scietist1 Ай бұрын
@@bjornfeuerbacher5514 CMBR, the microwave radiation? This is easy. It means more depletion of energy in the image idols and that means more increasing of the wavelength. That means older light. So you did your conclusion that I don't know what is red shifting? Because you said it happens only in specific lines of spectra? So you mean that the Doppler phenomenon because it has to do with the light, it jumps from frequency to frequency, like a miracle, and it hasn't a smooth appearance? It is like god's miracle dear, let my to use your irony one time. Well except the zone of blue, with the increasing of distance from the observer, exists the zone of green after that the yellow, then the zone of red and at the end microwave zone. All that we're calling red shifting, and not only one part of it. Every next zone is bigger than the previous and that not because we have more galaxies but because we have more and more, depending on distance, image idols of the same amount of galaxies. One more recent image idol of a galaxy will be more warm from the older image idol of the same galaxy, and for that reason, the two image idols will have difference spectrum analyze. If you can understand that, why we have more image idols as more far away we look, then you will have understood what means the time increases, more, with the increased distance and for that time which has pass, if it is enough, a galaxy can succeed to create more image idols of it on its trajectory. You know, galaxies aren't static, they travel on trajectories in a cluster. It is the combination result of distance, trajectory, and time pass. I hope you are able to do, with your mind, complicated explanations? But this also happens everywhere in the Universe, because except distances we have and time pass and so the old image idols everywhere before disappeared, not because of distance but because of the time that passing, after time, they will be seen like microwave radiation. For that reason, the microwave radiation is in the background of the Universe. But then why you see zones and every zone to increase? That is because also of the distance one source of light successfully produces more idol images of the same source and that more, again, has to do with the increasing of the distance. More distance, more image idols. Also, the zones do not have a constant appearance in frequencies, but they are change depending on the distance in the same zone, but also it depends, and of the warm's activity of the sources. So. no, the shifting of the light isn't only a few lines on spectra, but if you put them one to the other in a graphic of distance you will see the whole band in the spectrum analysis. The red zone it isn't homogenous as we see from the telescopes. And about the Nobel Prize I can shit on that, because I am a peaceful man and I don't like the dynamite, and I don't give an excuse to Mr. Nobel.