Kreshtat e Kosovës
7 ай бұрын
Pse Aleksandri i Madh ishte grek
Dëgjoni ju o anti-komunistë!
2 жыл бұрын
Ante i tokës sime - Rovena Dilo
Ti qeshje - Jonida Maliqi
4 жыл бұрын
Shqipëria e bukur e Enver Hoxhës
Arritjet e periudhes komuniste
7 жыл бұрын
Enver Hoxha nderohet ne SHBA
7 жыл бұрын
Prane buzeve tua  - Shpat Kasapi
10 жыл бұрын
@ErandLicaj 2 күн бұрын
T'honksha vokalin oylllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
@GjulianaCoraj-yj7rk 5 күн бұрын
Kto jan kenget e shpirtit 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@sofijesinani1698 7 күн бұрын
@NevrezeGaxhja-b1q 10 күн бұрын
Sa I mir je ti shpati nostragji kam per kenget tya
@RakajPranvera 15 күн бұрын
Sa me pelqente kjo keng rastesisht sot 😍pershendetje nga Kosova
@balimorina569 27 күн бұрын
@fatoslanaj6135 29 күн бұрын
Keta politikane sote e gjeten kosheren plote me blete dhe mjalte ,,, dhe qe nga pd , ps , apo dhe gjithe hajdutet jo qe mjaltin e hengren vetem , pore shperndane dhe bletet brenda kosheres ,,, dhe mburren qe jane ne demokraci ,,, i sqaroni te rinjet sote , ju thoni si ishte realiteti me te mirat qe ishin shume , pore dhe me te metat qe pati patjeter ,,, pore jo si ne ditet e soteme ,,, hani derra _ pini derra ,,,
@fatoslanaj6135 29 күн бұрын
Jua tregoni gjithe politikaneve sote , te djathte e te majte. Dhe i pyesni me pergjegjesine .e te madhe ku perfunduan gjithe ky gjaku i popullit shqiptare ???
@shpendbokshi5739 Ай бұрын
Sa ishte ne pushtet Enveri e kishte Shqipërinë pronë të vetën (prandaj edhe ky film quhet ashtu) dhe bënte ç'të donte me popullin. Njëri më famëkeq në historinë tonë.
@shpendbokshi5739 Ай бұрын
Kjo nuk është shqipëria e enverit, por me shekuj e shqiptarëve.
@D.H.Alb.24 2 ай бұрын
E paperseritshme, e bukura e botes, artiste e madhe Ledina Celo. Shqiperia eshte me fat qe te ka. Mbretereshe je! ❤🇦🇱👸🏼
@violettagjergio6165 2 ай бұрын
Shume kenge e bukur 3:07 E kenduar, e teksti me fjale shume te ndiera me muzike ❤❤
@LedovikNikolli 3 ай бұрын
@jetonjeton4854 3 ай бұрын
Këta paskan folur po kush i ka dëgjuar
@Oldschoolmusic160 3 ай бұрын
1 Qershor 2001
@Entela666 4 ай бұрын
Ka dhe tolerime😜
@Luka-l1s 4 ай бұрын
Te lumte
@krisilmarku1095 4 ай бұрын
mossi o kengtar jo kjo
@southepirote7676 5 ай бұрын
13:08 po si mund te ndyshome kur kemi pushtetar ne qeveri qe vetem na shesin tokat Grekut dhe na len me asgje o Idubbz me mjeker???
@southepirote7676 5 ай бұрын
Po ore po, ky Idubbzi na u be historian 😂
@southepirote7676 5 ай бұрын
Greqia eshte Shqiperi. Rofte populli autokton Cham.
@albertrexhepaj7425 5 ай бұрын
Përralla greke moderne🤣🤣🤣
@maliktvha4303 5 ай бұрын
Me gëzim po shkoj në punë Po punoj e qet e lirë x2 Faqebardhë e lumja unë Sa me gaz e me dëshirë x2 Me shoqet jam vu në garë Tu kalu normën përdit x2 Na u dhashtë punë e mbarë Jemi shembull për të rinjt x2 Po punoj për vendin tim Do të ec përher më shumë x2 Natë e ditë e pa përtim Faqebardhë e lumja unë x2 Natë e ditë e pa përtim Faqebardhë e lumja unë x2
@spainspain3398 7 ай бұрын
@fatmirmurtina142 7 ай бұрын
2024 kush e dëgjon një këng që të rrenqeth shum dmth jo si këto të sotme kot pa kuptim
@oceanz7255 8 ай бұрын
Perla e këngës popullore tironse .E madhja Fitnete Rexha, unike. Nostalgji për zërin dhe 3:25 këngët e saj.E paharruar gjithmonë ..🎉🎉🎉
@hakijaeminovic5621 9 ай бұрын
Kang komunisti.😂
@VikiVikk-wz1rg 9 ай бұрын
Allahu ju Bekoft
@FM-hm7eb 9 ай бұрын
😂 e more tasin e supes. Jua mbushe mëndjen shqiptareve! Shif tani gjej pallavra te tjera te maresh tasin e radhea
@e-lionofficial3968 9 ай бұрын
Të marrësh për bazë Henrin, qr🤣
@-Macoku.20_ 9 ай бұрын
Çar thua o karo.
@southepirote7676 9 ай бұрын
Greeks are non existent people. The place called Greece never existed before as we know it today. The people who live in so called Greece today used to be called "Romej" during Byzantine Empire and "Raja" during Ottoman Empire times (except the Arvanitas who used to be called always by their name like "Albani", "Arbanoi", etc.) and the name "Greece" never existed during Byzantine times. The people who live in the so called Greece today are NOT the descendants of ancient Greece (as the world history knows it). That ancient culture and civilization, went extinct times ago, like many other ancient civilizations (like Latin civilization as well, language of which is spoken only in the certain official religious ceremonies in Vatican today and for international medical terminology). During Ottoman times in the Balkans, after the big powers pushed for an uprising in the place that today is called "Greece", an independent country was formed in 1821-1832. The majority of the population there was of Arvanitas (and Chameria) stock, they also were the backbone of the uprising for independence from the Ottoman Empire. The rest of the minority population was of Slav, Turks and Aromanian stock. After the gain of independence the place was so divided, and with a prolonged civil war that a real country could not be formed. Fearing the disintegration of the place after Ottomans left (and possibility of a return of the Ottomans), Prince Otto of Germany was brought in by European powers to clear the mess and do nation - building there. He was proclaimed King of the place by big powers and given plenipotentiary powers. The Price Otto royal family in Germany happen to be an admirer of the ancient civilizations, one of them being the extinct ancient Greek civilization, traces and archeological findings of which are also seen in that region called today "Greece" as well. Being an ancient history romantic and buff, Otto came up with the idea, that the only way to keep the place together and for a chance to build a country there, was to adopt/impose some kind of neutral/foreign ancient language and culture for all people living in that place, that will make possible for the people to stick together under one language and culture imposed on them. So with a special royal decree, he proclaimed a version of the ancient Greek (the easier one to be taught and learned by people there in those times) as an official language of the place, and also came up with the new name for the place, calling it with a special royal decree "Greece". Everything else was banned, and the new "country" formed, was ordered to be rebuild anew in resemblance of the old romantic view of the ancient Greek civilization, starting with the buildings, names of people, places, cities and villages, regions, mountains, fields and all were changed to made-up names loaned by the ancient literature of ancient Greek civilization. This of course was associated with money brought by European powers to rebuild. The more people in that place agreed with the change of their true national and ethnic identity and declare themselves artificially "Greeks/Helenes" and adopt to the new order, the more money was to be pouring in. Naturally, the strongest resistance to this artificial and made-up solution, was made by the Arvanitas (and Chameria), but at no avail. It is legendary, the loss by one vote in the Price Otto's Parliament of that time, of Arvanitas proposal to have the Albanian (Arvanite) language as an official language of the place called 'Greece" today, and to call the new country "Arvanoi" (instead of "Greece"). There is plenty of scientific and factual evidence, archival and historical documents, as well as studies and publications by major authors and authorities in the field about as above. One interesting fact here, is that one of the earlier German/Austrian well known historians and scientists of that time, Fallmerayer, alerted Prince Otto and others to this nonsense, of declaring a whole people and place by a name not belonging to them, and injecting an extinct language, culture and civilization on people who had no idea about it and did not belong to it at all. Well, Fallmerayer may have proven to be right. By the way, Fallmerayer, is a banned figure and historian in what is called Greece today. Germany is still paying for the Otto's mistake, even today. It has gotten stuck with the country so called "Greece". It is now forced to pour free money, even today, out of Germany's pocket (through European Union as well) year after year to keep it alive and going, as this "Greece" cannot stand on its own. It is an artificial creation of Prince Otto's fantasy (a "zombie" country so to speak), and the new generations of the Germans and Europeans are continuing to pay the price for it. Moreover, what Prince Otto did back then, is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. He forced inhabitants of a whole region/place (called "Greece" today) to change by force their culture, language, national and ethnic identity to something else that those people were not, so they could artificially change in order to look modern and civilized (like ancient Greeks in Otto's personal view) and possibly be united. And of course, Arvanites and Chams (as the majority population in the region) suffered mostly from this ethnic cleansing. All this revelation, informs another major point: history taught about what today is called Greece, it appears to be taught wrong. People are wrongly taught in schools that today's Greece and its people are the direct descendants of ancient Greeks. Greece and Greeks of today, in some extend, also think they are superior to others just because they are called "Greeks" and their country "Greece" by decree (not by the virtue of the truth). They also seem to believe for some reason, they are entitled to the German and European money being handed out to them. The school textbooks and historiography should change, telling people the truth as it is. And with this, will come many other changes, in the way we see relations with the country called "Greece" today
@publicalchannel8064 10 ай бұрын
Me t ba mut turit mor pler komuniste
@margheritapolizio1402 10 ай бұрын
Grupi I pergatitur nga regjizori Zef Nikoll mirdita Grupi me I mire
@Smyrni1919 10 ай бұрын
Hallo anybody?
@joranurellari5133 11 ай бұрын
E mbrekudhushme kjo kenge sa emozione sa her qe e degjoj 😢❤
@bujarosmani2362 11 ай бұрын
I prishi dhe i shiti Sali kurva me Shokt e vet.
@eltoncekani1342 11 ай бұрын
@d9353 11 ай бұрын
2023 ktu 🖐️ e mbaj mend i vogel kete kenge kur e jepte tmerronte ky videoklip..🥺
@TrueMakedonia Жыл бұрын
Albania is turk not Pelasgian
@illyriankingdom8810 Жыл бұрын
ka filluar derrkuci të bëhet historian ky antishqiptar eshte 100% I paguar nga pala greke
@deborahpavia838 Жыл бұрын
Erano obbligati dal regime dittatoriale cantare per un criminale sanguinario come .enver hoxha. Comunismo il pegior sistema sulla faccia della terra.andate a vedere i crimini indescrivibili del criminale degli criminali enver hoxha. Ladro ,ha ucciso e derubato tutti intellettuali, inginieri ,filosofi, storici eccetera. Donne bambini giovani vechi non guardava in facia nessuno. Amazzava tutti nel nome del popolo...invece amazzava per la sua poltrona...ha ridotto paese in estrema povertà. Ha messo in prigione 2 milioni albanesi circondando territorio albanese con filo suo nome va cancellato dalla ruota della storia. Enver hoxha ha masacrato suo popolo pegio dei tedeschi condannati per crimini di albania.🇦🇱
@freudvibes10 Жыл бұрын
Profesor Lloshi është me këmbë në tokë kur arsyeton, nuk kërcen në konkluzione "të padiskutueshme" si puna e atyre të çarturve, të tipit Sazan Guri me shokë.
@dariosinanish Жыл бұрын
@donadona8992 Жыл бұрын
Eeeh koh te arta te folklorit dhe muzikes se veryet qe nuk kthehen ma kurr 😢 tash e kan degjeneru komplet, turp i madh. U prehesh ne paqe e madhja Feride Kurti 🙏
@gentihamzaj3419 Жыл бұрын'ore.
@dinsulejmanasi6892 Жыл бұрын
Sa klas ka kjo artiste
@Naruto99-o10 Жыл бұрын
Nacional populism
@ilevenuan3297 19 күн бұрын
how about preventing the people having their own nation, the nation's borders being drawn as the superpowers please dividing the people and territory they live in among the neighbor countries; how about the neighbor countries waging territorial claims unceasingly, how about the neighbor countries taking to ethnic cleansing, massacres and genocide because one don't belong to same language family; how about that.. Btw it's written 'national' - learn the history prior to speaking and let me tell you there is a lot and dense history.
@dritankllojka1431 Жыл бұрын