Well, It Kinda Works.
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Hoverboard Test - Unity
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#7DFPS - All I Need Is A Shotgun
/agdg/ Asset Jam - I MUST CONSUME
Rotaction - Release Date Trailer
Rotaction - First Trailer
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Making Digital Camo In Blender
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@zmaxer01 Ай бұрын
Thx a lot been trying for a while now, this is a good solution 🎉
@アドチ 2 ай бұрын
skill issue?
@sventomasek 15 сағат бұрын
99% of this video can be summed up by this comment lol
@zebo280 3 ай бұрын
I think you should try using godot more, the problems you are encountering with godot right now could be caused by your approach, godot is very relaiant on classes, so i think you should try to solve problems in a way that better fits the engine, if you use the same approach you use in unity on godot the result's bound to be inferior. I suggest you give it another try under no time limit and with a clear objective so that you can better explore godot's functions and the way of thinking that they open
@scotmcpherson 3 ай бұрын
the biggest problem with videos like this is you guys are not learning godot from scratch, you guys are all trying to use Godot like it was Unity or Unreal..
@adamlutton_gamedev 3 ай бұрын
I'm in the process of looking for a new engine to develop in. I've used Unity for years; it's going to be a point of comparison on points like ease of development, support, feature sets, and so on. The point is whether or not I want to switch to this engine over other alternatives that I'm also looking at. And I did follow the tutorials and reference the documentation during my time with it, along with just playing around with it and seeing what various things did. But I was under a time limit to get various things ready for Global Game Jam. I will use the engine again because I have an idea for something that would work well with it, but I still want to look at other engines as well.
@scotmcpherson 3 ай бұрын
​@@adamlutton_gamedev that's fine, but you need to spend time in the engine and two weeks just doesn't cut. If you have a time limit because of a game jam, then make a video about that, not about godot and whether it's worth your time or not.
@coppertones7093 3 ай бұрын
correct type loading makes sense. for your on-screen example at 11:08, you need to load it as a Node3D or something that inherits that, because those nodes have a position property you can set. this is more of an issue of godot docs preferring gdscript over c#
@jsonwakefield6284 3 ай бұрын
Wouldn't say you are anywhere near amateur. Allot of people get caught in tutorial hell and this is well beyond. Looks good.
@archamondearchenwold8084 3 ай бұрын
This is so cool man.
@GlitchedCode 3 ай бұрын
10:57 I was with you and your opinions coming from Unity up to this point. You can drag and drop scenes and even make an array of scenes in your inspector. When exporting you would cast them as a PackedScene, in C# this would look like either of the following [Export] PackedScene MyScene; [Export] PackedScene[] MyListOfScenes; Always enjoy seeing opinions from people coming from another engine and giving a fair opinionated view.
@hamooag4052 3 ай бұрын
88 subs 4k views wtf 😂 i will fix this by adding one sub
@rungeon83 3 ай бұрын
Really good video, I'm an ex Unity dev, I've used many gameengines from the ages of 14 to now 39 :(... and I think the issue with Godot for most Unity devs, is that it's soooo different, at first I'll admit I didn't even want to use it, but then I was having so many issues with Unity and it's bugs that I thought okay well I'll try Godot and it's open source so least I have a chance at fixing them... for the first 2 months I just felt like "urgh I'm not sure, I like some things but" then when it clicked, a lot of what you mention as bad, I also said the same lol! And then you stick with it and suddenly it's like "ohh actually this is great", I don't think Godot is explained well to people who have a back ground in Gamedev. Now I can easily say Godot is the only game engine I've tried where I didn't feel I was fighting the engine, or that I wasn't enjoying using it. My computer is very fast so it's not even that, and I don't really mind so much about open source now, or even the horrible companies... for me I just care about user experience, and for me right now at least Godot has that for me. I do GREATLY disagree with Unity UI being better, it's soooooo bad! There are lots of videos about how Unreal has the best and how Godot is trying to get close to it while mocking how bad Unity UI is, this might be a case of using a game engine longer...
@TheSunriseGames 3 ай бұрын
you have 85 subs, there's no even a single video about you making a game which would be considered AT LEAST CLOSED as OKAY, you're no one and I cant see your own games on the top of steam SO... do you really want someone to listen to you? do you really think your opinion matters? lmao
@_mustard_ 3 ай бұрын
I think you are being a bit harsh on the guy, opinions are opinions after all 🤷‍♂️
@neohelios77 3 ай бұрын
WOW... you really just put that out there? Just... BAM, blah blah blah? Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs? Your "contribution" to the conversation here sounds a bit personal. Maybe someone upset you this morning and you felt the need to project your frustration. One person on the internet sharing an opinion shouldn't have such a significant impact on your feelings. Perhaps it's worth taking a moment to reflect on why this bothers you so much.
@TheSunriseGames 3 ай бұрын
@@neohelios77 wow, and who are you? Who bothers about your “contribution”?
@L4Vo5 4 ай бұрын
iirc, godot's custom physics engine has been half abandoned ever since the guy in charge of it got hired by another company, which is why physics are in such a janky state for many use cases, and bug fixes come pretty slowly... unity's physics engine seems really robust in comparison would've liked to hear your thoughts on gdscript, have you tried it out?
@adamlutton_gamedev 3 ай бұрын
I can't say I'm a fan of GDScript. I learnt to code with C#, and know other languages like Java, C++, and JavaScript. So I'm more comfortable with that. I imagine if I learnt Python I'd probably like it more.
@vitaly.petkevich 17 күн бұрын
[Bookmark] Godot's physics engine issues.
@gostan2718 4 ай бұрын
My only problem with Godot is its community discourage criticism.
@MouseGoat 3 ай бұрын
I mean Godot is free and community driven, so what really is the use of complaning? If Godot cant do a thing, you should just make the thing youself or go and pay for a sold program. I think thats kinda the problem. Free and open source really also means: no one to complain to if shit aint working that's just on you.
@kaifungaming 4 ай бұрын
you can add scenes to the inspector tab you just need to set the export variable type to `PackedScene` e.g: [Export] private PackedScene _scene1;
@cqrhqr3418 4 ай бұрын
@SGTADMAN 4 ай бұрын
No, this is Unity.
@MrGenie151 4 ай бұрын
Hi there, Godot not veteran but experienced guy here! One thing I want to point out is that Godot DOES have a built in scene management system. I'm using it for my major project, Marshmallow Land: Definitive Edition. It can be accessed using get_tree().change_scene(<path to scene>) and is what I organize my projects around. Also, remember autoloads exist. They can be useful if you need to use a function anywhere or to store data across scenes. Good video btw!
@nnNothing 4 ай бұрын
so, the conclusion is Godot is everything Manually Unity is everything Automatically Godot will so hard when building mega project game
@MrGenie151 4 ай бұрын
He overcomplicated some things, like apparently he doesn't know that get_tree().change_scene() exists
@amirosman8797 4 ай бұрын
Hey, your first impression on Godot is spot on, and comparing it with what Blender used to be in it's early days is quite accurate, I too a Unity developer who's messing around with Godot, and the feeling I get from using Godot after years of experience using Unity is the same feeling as when I first used Blender back then after Using 3DMax and Maya, Godot is no where near Unity at the moment but it’s doing just fine. Anyway, the problems you have with Godot's physics engine are common, Godot's physics engine is really really bad, specially when you compare it with Unity’s, fortunately there is another physics engine called Jolt that you can use instead of the built-in physics engine, it’s much better and open source, so if your game is physics based or physics is a major component of your game, you might want to use the Jolt physics engine, it's a plug-in and easy setup.
@adamlutton_gamedev 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tip. I'll look into Jolt.
@devilblackdeath 4 ай бұрын
I've spent years with Unity and that's something I still don't get. I can get it for SOME projects, especially some big indies. But most people who say that about Godot often have small 1/2/3-person projects that don't go for photorealism and are likely to benefit from Godot size and speed at startup and included git compatibility. Sure it's not 100% there for modern AAA graphics, but : 1 - should it ? 2 - not much really is missing for this 3 - it actually is better in certain aspects than Unity, for example Godot has had a real time, no-precalculation solution for global illumination for a VERY long time now, meanwhile Unity still suffers from its feature creep (90% of it are unfinished and pointless bloat to the engine) And as far as everyday usage goes, Godot is insanely mature. Sure it's lacking a FEW things like web exports for C#, but that's because they'd sometimes rather wait on external upstream projects to have proper support for stuff than hack in stuff (which is what led to Unity having broken hacky stuff all over the engine that the team never got around to fixing). To me it's very very near, and what it lacks it probably can overcome in a matter of 5 years tops. When using the Blender I'd say we're basically like Blender 2.5 right now. Basically catching up super fast to industry standards and even overcoming some, but usability, UI and a few basic QOL feature are missing, but nothing that's a dealbreaker if you'd rather switch to something that's not reliant on a company with crappy decision-making and a product that's actually much more versatile and future-proof. At least that's my take !
@devilblackdeath 4 ай бұрын
@@adamlutton_gamedev Yeah Jolt is borderline mandatory if you want good performing physics, and its ease of use is almost ridiculous. The only drawback for now is its lack of soft body physics.
@amirosman8797 4 ай бұрын
@@devilblackdeath there is some truth to everything you just mentioned and I totally agree with most of it, however, I strongly disagree with “Godot is insanely mature” I mean it’s true Godot is been in the game for a while, it’s not a new game engine however the version that actually have the potential to compete with Unity is Godot 4, which is a complete rewrite and totally new, I wouldn’t call it mature yet, I don’t know how deep you ventured into Godot but it still have issues with rendering and optimization, not to mention a highly unreliable networking solution specially when building large scale multiplayer games, even Juan Linietsky mentioned this in GDC 2023, and according to him, Godot 4 might reach the level of maturity with version 4.5. Even though Godot is rapidly improving that doesn’t mean other engines are not, you might think Godot is catching up with Unity but Unity just went a few miles a head with the release of Unity 6, it brought an insane level of optimization solutions that never existed before, as of now, I wouldn’t compare Godot with Unity, but who knows maybe in the future things will change
@vitaly.petkevich 17 күн бұрын
[Bookmark] Jolt as an alternative to the native Godot's physics engine.
@Oniichanh 4 ай бұрын
I had a similar opinion of game objects vs nodes when I first switched as well, but I saw a video somewhere that explained to me that they aren't the same and I realized I was limiting myself by thinking that way Tldr; instead of treating nodes as gameobjects, you treat them as the components to a game object where the root of the scene is the actual game object So If i wanted to make an enemy in a 2d platform game, I could start with a Body as the root, add a custom child "WanderLeftRight" node which might make any body its parented to wander left and right ; then add another child which might be the "Stompable " node. This might give any parent the behavior to be stompped when it collides at the correct angle etc... Now I love the node way, but it did require me to give up my top down thinking Just a rando's 2cents 😬
@adamlutton_gamedev 4 ай бұрын
I definitely agree with the treating nodes like components point. The ordering of stuff is probably the only sticking point, but I think with some planning beforehand I should be able to mitigate any issues with that. It does take some getting used to.
@AlanDarkworld 4 ай бұрын
I can see that you'll find some usability aspects lacking in the beginning, and it does take some time to get used to. But when it "clicks" you'll never want to go back. Remember how long it took in unity to get nested prefabs? Well, with godot nodes, you get this out of the box, by design. Scene management is no big deal either, you just load in whatever PackedScene you need into your tree. If you don't like the editor UI, you can adapt color schemes and other things fairly easily (*cough* how much did unity charge for the dark mode again? *cough*). The real downside of godot is that it cannot support closed platforms such as game consoles, since it's an open-source project. But I'm sure even that will eventually be figured out (there's a spin-off company of the godot foundation called W4 games that specializes in these matters). Also, godot has amazing things that Unity outright doesn't have. Did you try SDFGI for lighting? I'm getting PTSD thinking back in my unity days when the whole scriptable render pipeline fiasco began and entire scenes turned pink for no damn reason. Remember enlighten, the GI solution unity brought in - and killed a few versions later, with no replacement? Urgh. Upgrading godot from one version to the next is usually also extremely smooth, which cannot be said about Unity.
@_jetori_ 4 ай бұрын
69 subs nice
@joshuamorris1851 4 ай бұрын
As someone who is pretty engine agnostic (Unity, Unreal, Godot, GameMaker), I think your opinions on Godot are valid and I shared a lot of them back when I started using Godot, but it's funny how little I notice a lot of these things now after using it for some time. Ultimately no matter what engine a person chooses, it's going to have it's quirks, and it really comes down to whether or not those quirks are something that meshes well with the way you think about game creation or not. Ultimately the best engine is the one you can finish your game in. Cheers for the vid!
@GodotNoContext 4 ай бұрын
Your observation is spot on. Many people who use Godot for a while get used to its limitations and even its bugs. This is unfortunate because normalizing these issues can make others think that the problems with Godot are just part of the norm.
@K4rmy 4 ай бұрын
You can use [Export] or @export to expose variable to the inspector, then you could export PackedScene which is equivalent to Unity's Prefab, or you could export Node2D or 3D or Node, to pick any node from the scene
@adamlutton_gamedev 4 ай бұрын
Good to know. Thanks.
@snarf8115 4 ай бұрын
thanks for the info Adam.
@mrjshzk 4 ай бұрын
About 10:57 - I'm pretty sure you can export an Array[PackedScene]
@amimirmimir512 4 ай бұрын
tbh this is the best game engine for a 15 year old shitposter
@ZalupaDeez 4 ай бұрын
thanks for the info Adam.
@derrorer 4 ай бұрын
thanks for the info Adam.
@mj2068 4 ай бұрын
thanks for the info Adam.
@saltyyy5765 6 ай бұрын
Camera may be jittery in your part but if you add sparks behind the player it kinda looks good with the jitters
@chainiktm 6 ай бұрын
Can I somehow mix the camouflage with the fabric?
@adamlutton_gamedev 6 ай бұрын
Depends on how you do it. Mix Colour and Mix Shader can mix it in with a fabric material you have. If you're adding fuzziness via the hair modifier, it should work fine with that also.
@echo7project904 7 ай бұрын
Definitely gonna take a look at this for my next project. Its arcady but it works for a idea i have. Thanks though ive been looking for some kind of tutorial on this.
@minimastudios_ 8 ай бұрын
Thanks! Would donate but no donate button. Also, i originally had a physics checksphere for detecting rails, im not using chracter controller, any idea how to get specific rail info from that or am i forced to use ontriggerenter?
@minimastudios_ 8 ай бұрын
Nevermind, man its late. im dumb for not just remembering i can use physics.spherecast
@adamlutton_gamedev 8 ай бұрын
​ @minimastudios_ That would work. I use the character controller collision method here, but would use OnCollisionEnter for a more generic type. But spherecasting will work as well. I actually use it in a game I'm working on for jumping between rails. Also, you can donate at the Ko-Fi link in the description. I very much appreciate it. Good luck with whatever you're working on.
@minimastudios_ 8 ай бұрын
@@adamlutton_gamedev thanks! Got it all up and running. Changed the normalDIr to work off my orientation instead of the transform and added some lerp. It’s first person and it works smoothly! Had a hiccup since I’m using forces, jumping and turning off kinematic were too close together + switching right back to grinding immediately after jumping so when I call my version of getting off the rail I set the location of the player slightly above the rail. If you have a discord would be happy to share the results. I’ll check out the kofi too thanks
@llibertii 8 ай бұрын
I've been looking for a tutorial like this for months, thank you very much!
@xRaybeesx 8 ай бұрын
I am having a problem getting the direction to work, I use as sphere with a rigidbody to control my player that handles the physics so I dont think Unity understands the playerForward, when I hit the rail I am going a random direction, and don't rotate to the rail. Would you have any idea how to fix this?
@xRaybeesx 8 ай бұрын
The transform.rotation lines during MovePlayerAlongRail() dont seem to be actually working I dont think it's possible to rotate rigidbodys like that
@adamlutton_gamedev 8 ай бұрын
It's not easy for me to comment specifically what's wrong without seeing the code. But I will ask if you're making sure the rigidbody is kinematic when it hits the rail? Otherwise, the physics will cause issues.
@adamlutton_gamedev 8 ай бұрын
Wait, I do mention in the video that I'm using a character controller rather than a standard rigidbody, and mention that you need to use OnCollisionEnter instead of the Character Collider specific function. Have you changed that part of the code? If not, that might be the issue.
@Watervr2341 9 ай бұрын
What is your game called
@adamlutton_gamedev 9 ай бұрын
"End Of The Line". There's a link to it in the description.
@polarstarcohhee 9 ай бұрын
Excellent work! Can I take inspiration from your scripts here for me and my team's capstone project? I've been trying to make a mechanic similar to rail grinding, but been having trouble thinking around how it can work 😭
@adamlutton_gamedev 9 ай бұрын
Go for it. There's a GitHub link to the project files in the description.
@your.statu_s 9 ай бұрын
Hey Adam, I'm very attracted to game development, I'm just a college student but I like ML and Game Dev. I don't know what path to choose, I feel like I should do both and dive deep in both fields. I'm thinking to somehow join both fields. I am just confused what to do. Game development fascinates me by the thoughts of what my thoughts can create, ML fascinates with what we can do using math and programming. Confused.exe 😅
@publicalias8172 6 ай бұрын
Do both!
@freddymausyt 10 ай бұрын
Beautiful 😄 Thabks for this easy understanding tutorial :)
@three_ 10 ай бұрын
You should make a custom level builder so people can build and share their own levels.
@adamlutton_gamedev 10 ай бұрын
We'll see. Maybe sometime in a far future.
@xorraks 11 ай бұрын
i feel like i jus tlooked into a mirror with how accurate this was to what im currently working on, im using the splinemesh asset for my railgrinding, but also have started to completely rewrite my character controller in the same way for the same reason, i look forward to seeing how things progress its looking great
@GoodCharless 11 ай бұрын
Unity =(
@adamlutton_gamedev 11 ай бұрын
I know, bro. I know.
@Waffle4569 11 ай бұрын
I'd encourage you to make something a little more complex than pong and in the style of the kind of project you'd usually make. For example, doing a 2D game is going to be painful in Unreal and more pleasant in Godot. But then making a high fidelity 3D game will be more pleasant in Unreal and painful in Godot. Test the experience you're actually going to get when using it seriously.
@adamlutton_gamedev 11 ай бұрын
It's more of a "How quickly can I get something up and running" type of thing than a full-blown breakdown of the engine. Mostly just to see which ones I like using the most, and then I'll narrow it down as I start doing more complicated stuff. My experience with them will not end with Pong.
@muba_7306 11 ай бұрын
Add camera lag
@adamlutton_gamedev 11 ай бұрын
I'll be fixing the camera soon.
@dgamer5405 11 ай бұрын
If you can add some camera lag it would enhance the movement so much
@adamlutton_gamedev 11 ай бұрын
Working on it.
you should try and make it so that the character sort of drifts around corners instead of just changing direction.
@Zharkan16 11 ай бұрын
"Second Life" 2003 pinned game :P
@domovoi_0 11 ай бұрын
Ayyyyyyy awesome. Love and blessings!
@DaveSucker Жыл бұрын
pls pls pls bro can you make a snowboarding physics because this howerboard physics seems to be hard and i think you can easily make a snowboarding game physics pls bro i really want that for my game but cant get that to work right
@adamlutton_gamedev Жыл бұрын
I am working on something like that, it's gonna be awhile before I make a video on it. But making a hoverboard has been much easier than a snowboard, at least for me. That said, this video might help you out a bit: kzbin.info/www/bejne/oaCTgK2keJ1_rdU
@DaveSucker Жыл бұрын
@@adamlutton_gamedev thanx for answering but if you ever make a tutorial or give away a project of snowboarding pls tell me because i searched every where there is no good snowboarding asset there are like 1 or 2 and they are paid still they sucks and there is no tutorial about this to so i just wanna say if you ever make a tutorial on this or anything pls let me know thank you
@jackman00110101 Жыл бұрын
This looks so good!