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Dr Who BF Audio Stories 8
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Dr Who BF Audio Stories 7
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@iankeill6865 Күн бұрын
I miss this great tv series
@spacehound3355 Күн бұрын
Better TV back in the day. 👍
@simonparry5958 6 күн бұрын
Great episode for Jan Chapel , Cally lovely double role
@spacehound3355 6 күн бұрын
Yes a good episode for Jan and about time.
@venzybierxski7672 17 күн бұрын
One of my favorite episodes 😂
@Eltonlaleham 22 күн бұрын
This B7 episode having no arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain Servalan herself, and her federation is a refreshing change.
@spacehound3355 21 күн бұрын
Lucky for the rest of the crew Avon used his brains playing a dangerous game of poker. Indeed another refreshing episode giving us a break from the Federation.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I say gaining two new recruits into the Liberator crew to supersede Blake, and Jenna was something refreshing and we still have the arch-enemy and returning arch-villain Servalan herself still in the series is awesome in billions of ways.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
The actor playing villain Klegg Michael Sheard, was an awesome actor he appeared 6 times in classic Dr Who stories, starting with Bill Hartnell in the Ark then he appeared with Jon Pertwee in the Mind of Evil then he twice appeared with Tom Baker in first Pryamids of Mars and then later Invisible Enemy . He then appeared with Peter Davison in Peter,s debut story Castrovalva then he finally appeared with Slyvester MCcoy in Remembrance of the Daleks so he did well in classic Dr Who appearing with all but 2 Doctors from the classic era Patrick Troughton and Colin Baker. I think had he been alive still when Dr Who came back in 2005 he would have appeared in the series,. Michael Sheard wanted he said at conventions to have played the Doctor given the chance.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
Michael Sheard was great as Klegg so ruthless, it seemed out of place for him when you look at his other roles. And yet he was great in this episode.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I like Tarrant,s outfit in this episode, and also some fans wonder why Avon did not kill arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain Servalan in this episode had he done so she could never return to menace the crew of the Liberator again in subsequent episodes when arch-enemy Servalan has got Anna,s gun and shoots down her number 2 called Hob who wanted the arch-villain herself killed but Anna stopped him it in that way was arch-enemy Servalan,s revenge against him.
@Sudlesuebaker Ай бұрын
I just wonder where the poster of Anna came from! Has Avon been carrying it about all this time? or did he order it from Amazon? LOL
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
Yes its what you call hang on who came up with that idea moment. It probably helped if it had a reason given but then again it was in the background.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say series 2 of B7 would have been done more trade, had either Stephen Greif been able to reprise his role or had Travis been killed off in the final episode of series A of B7 Orac or even written out inbetween series A and B and had series B seen arch-enemy Servalan been given an entirely new henchman with a new name as Travis,s replacement it would have done both more trade for series B and for Brian Croucher had he been cast in the role of a new villain .
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I like arch-enemy Servalan,s new spaceship in this episode, a mark 2 star cruiser and it is whale shaped.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I did notice in the cellar where arch-enemy Servalan, herself is held prisoner there is a grandfather which IMO is like the Master,s TARDIS seen in both Deadly Assassin and in the keeper of traken.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
oh I have seen props from other shows pop up here and there as well.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
@@spacehound3355 I noticed the white walls in arch-enemy Servalans HQ in Space Command were used in the TARDIS in classic Cyberstory Earthshock in Adric,s bedroom . I also know that many costumes, as well as sets and props pop up in both B7 and classic Dr Who.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say if Del Grant had learnt his sister Anna, was killed by Avon despite betraying Avon he would no doubt have been devastated and shocked I do think Del Grant had enough potential to become a new regular character in place of Blake once he left at the start of series 3 . I do say by this episode Tarrant had started to grow on me and though I missed Blake I accepted the changes regarding regular characters like in Dr Who classic and new when companions come and go. I do think when we had lost both Blake and Jenna along with Gan it became a necessity to introduce 2 entirely new crewmembers in place of Blake and Jenna Tarrant and Dayna into the Liberator but when Gan there were no plans to introduce a new 6th crewmember in his place . I am pleased that 3 of the regular characters stayed in all 4 series of B7 Vila, Avon and arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain Servalan herself these became core characters.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I think the location in this episode is awesome and the stately house is awesome, and I would suspect that arch-enemy and returning arch-villain Servalan had her spaceship parked behind the house.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
And hidden from view that ugly whale space ship! 😆
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say for series 3 of B7, one of my alltime favourite episodes is City at the Edge of the World featuring Colin Baker as the main villain of the episode Bayban the butcher a villain who was not Federation and also not happy at the statement that he is the second most wanted man after Blake . I sometimes wonder if Colin Baker could have made a good Blake had Gareth Thomas not been cast in the role, of Blake and also in this episode two of arch-enemy Servalans underlings Forres and Grenlee were both classic Dr Who stories Donald Douglas Grenlee was in the Tom Baker story Sontaran Experiment as Vural and David Haig Forred was in the Leisure Hive as the main villain Pangol, also Philip Bloomfield Balon was in Dr Who in Keeper of Traken as a Foster.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do think with this episode of B7, had still had Blake I do not think he would have sent Deral back to arch-enemy, Servalan,s ship to his death.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
Deral struck me as nothing more than a yes man.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I like the 5th Doctor story with the Cybermen, called Spare Parts which is a genesis of the Cybermen story and also when Peter Davison met the Cybermen on screen in Earthshock originally the Cybermen story intended for the 5th Doctor was Genesis of the Daleks,
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
I have recommended Spare Parts it's one of their better ones from years ago. Too be honest I feel Big Finish older stories are their better ones.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
The actor playing Chel was in classic Dr Who in the Tom Baker story Underworld, he played a character called herrick and also Gareth Milne who played George Cranleigh, in Dr Who serial Black Orchid was one of the Sarran warriors he was the warrior that Dayna shoots in the back and also Stuart Fell is another warrior in this B7 episode.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
In this episode much as arch-enemy and arch-villain Servalan is mentioned but does not appear and the fact Blake puts out a warning beacon to warn all ships to keep well away from the planet until the virus dies out and it means saving their arch-enemy Servalan,s life which Avon does not want to do. If arch-enemy Servalan had landed her ship on Fosforon, and caught the deadly virus she would, have died and thus Blake and his crew would have been free of her but from the series point of view if the arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain Servalan was killed off in this episode she could never return to menace Blake and co again.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
Knowing how crafty Servalan is I suspect she would have made a bolt for it before the virus got any where near her.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
This B7 episode is the first time Gan and arch-enemy Servalan meet in person, even though they do not speak to each other
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
This B7 episode is the 4th appearance for female arch-villain Servalan and I suspected when I first saw this series, she would return for more episodes in later series.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
As I understand it Jacqueline Pearce was only cast for one episode, clearly having made impact making that episode got to appear in a few more. I suspect it was the viewers who liked her in series one landed her to go on right to the end.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
The radiation sickness is lifted from the first Dalek story the Daleks, aired in 1963 with Bill Hartnell where the Doctor and his 3 companions got radiation sickness in Dalek planet Skaro and they needed drugs to cure the sickness.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
Just watching that one the other day.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
This B7 episode been the 3rd episode for female arch-enemy Servalan herself, is awesome and she i showing how ruthless she is and she is getting to be more involved in the action against Blake and his crew.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
Crossing the line abusing her power and just gets away with it thanks too Travis the fall guy.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do think in B7 although Blake had 2 clone duplicates made of him, in series 2 episode Weapon by clonemaster Fen who was a clone herself under the orders of the arch-enemy Servalan it was a shame in billions of ways there was never an android replica of Blake unlike android replicas in Dr Who of three Doctors the first, the fourth and the fifth and some of the Doctors companions. I do like the scenes where Blake and arch-enemy Servalan meet in person for the first time onscreen it is clear that Blake recognises Servalan even though they have not had a fight before like Blake and Travis had done before the series started.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say this B7 episode did really well, bringing back the female arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain Servalan herself for a 2nd episode and also this episode is the point where Servalan is starting to come more and more to the fore and is doing more in this episode and later episodes of B7 in comparison with her debut episode which also introduced Travis to the series.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
one of the very few episodes Servalan comes close to capturing the Liberator. As a side note I suspect you picked up on Glynis Barber as the Mutoid who became a regular Soolin in season four
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I did notice in this B7 episode there were callbacks to classic Dr Who, story the first Dalek serial the Daleks aka the Dead Planet given how series creator Terry Nation recycled plot elements in millions of ways.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do think this B7 episode not having female arch-villain Servalan in it was the one and only time Travis appears without her in tow, also I do wonder if this episode could have in retrospect have included Servalan . This B7 in some with the fight scenes is like the fight scenes in Dr Who serial Deadly Assassin with two enemies in hand to hand combat.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
Not forgetting Avon's sarcastic remarks. Blake took a chance not too kill Travis which was interesting.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
There are a number of actors in this B7 episode who also appeared in classic Dr Who, and the actor playing Kendall the captain of the ship Barry Jackson was in classic Dr Who 3 times he is most remembered for the Dr Who serial the Armageddon Factor as the rogue Time Lord Drax a character who was not a villain but he sadly never returned to classic Dr Who a shame because he could become a recurring character in the series.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I When it came to adding 2 new characters to the mix in B7, out of the 2 series principal villains Servalan and Travis originally Servalan was a male villain called Shervalan and would only do the one episode but Terry Nation switched Shervalan to a female villain and renamed Shervalan Servalan and also it was decided to retain Servalan as both arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain instead of been just a one-off villain. The switching of character gender had taken place in the Jon Pertwee story Colony in Space where the principal villain Morgan was female in the early stages but was switched to male. I do say having two arch-enemies in the form of Servalan and Travis was a nice addition to the regular characters.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say when it came to devising the character of Del Tarrant, I think that it was always the name the production team on B7 determined for the new male crewmember and Tarrant in series 3/4 is never mentioned to be a relative of Dev Tarrant from the pilot episode the Way Back who was the principal villain for that one episode. I do IMO say and think Dev Tarrant as a villain and as an enemy having survived been killed off could have realistically been brought back to B7 and IMO I wish Dev Tarrant had become the henchman and underling to arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain Servalan herself IMO Dev Tarrant was a better and more interesting villain and character than Travis good as Stephen Greif was as Travis like Roger Delgado who played the Doctors Time Lord arch-enemy much as Anthony Ainley did his best as the Master he no way like every other actor who played the Master matched or overshadowed Roger Delgados Master. I also say this episode having 2 main villains in arch-enemy Servalan and Klegg leading the death squad of the Federation I do say that this episode is similar to series 1 episode Mission to Destiny in the way it is a whodunnit , and in the first season episode the main villain was a woman called Sara and in the episode it is Tarrant who reveals to Avon he was a Federation space captain who went rogue and nicked a pursuit ship and got involved in smuggling and is a wanted outlaw with a high price on his head. I also feel series 3/4 of B7 having lost the banter between Blake and Avon was a shame in tens of billions of ways but if we had not lost Blake and Jenna then there is no way that Tarrant and Dayna would have even been in the crew of the Liberator . The only real way either Tarrant and or Dayna could have been in B7, if they were not in the crew of the Liberator and or later Scorpio they could have been portrayed either as villains or as heroes supporting the crew of the Liberator or Scorpio . If series 3 of B7 had kept Blake I suppose it is a possible option that Tarrant could have become a new underling and henchman to arch-enemy and arch-villain Servalan and that had it been the case could have been interesting .
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say this B7 episode Countdown in some ways, has elements from classic Dr Who Dalek serial the Daleks and also, having a different main villain in the form of Provine who sadly died because I could envisage Provine taking over as new henchman to arch-enemy and arch-villain Servalan given that Provine was a much better villain than Travis and more interesting like even Bayban played by Colin Baker who became the 6th incarnation of Dr Who four years after he played Bayban in B7.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
Tom Chadbon who played Del Grant, in this B7 episode was twice in classic Dr Who first in City of Death, as Duggan who much as he survived could have become a new companion to the 4th Doctor and he would be an adult companion like Ian, Steven and Harry were.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
I can just see Duggan landing a punch on Davros. As a side note too City of Death the two guest stars also appeared in year one of Space 1999. Catherine Schell in Guardian of Piri and Julian Glover in Alpha Child.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
In this episode we get to see Arch-enemy Servalan travelling in a ship to the planet Exbar, in pursuit of her former henchman Travis the pursuit ship she commandeers which was C-26 may have been used by her twice more in Gambit and the keeper that ship she travels to Exbar was used by the space commander who failed to destroy the Liberator in the space battle the pursuit ship Avon and Cally see in the Keeper after Blake has gone back to Goth was identified as a modified mark 1 pursuit ship and it may have been the same pursuit ship used by arch-enemy Servalan in this episode .
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
this episode is a definite improvement on the previous one, and we learn something of Avon,s background I thought Del Grant was an awesome character who IMO could have become a crewmember on the Liberator and he could have filled the space Blake left vacant in series 3.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
It was in series 2 of B7 that we get to see arch-enemy Servalan aboard a ship travelling from her HQ to whichever planet she is visiting in the episode and also I do think in this episode the 2 henchmen of arch-enemy and main villain Servalan Ginka and Deral for villains they IMO were more interesting than Travis was and also I had a hunch when I first saw this episode over 44 years ago possibly Deral or Ginka might survive and become new recurring characters and become new henchmen to arch-enemy Servalan but they were both killed off.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say this ship arch-enemy Servalan has in this episode the mark 2 star cruiser which, is very much shaped like a whale and also I preferred the Federation pursuit ship she used in series 2 which was a modified class 1 pursuit ship C-26 which was used in episode 8 of series 2 and also that ship was used by principal villain Servalan to travel to unnamed planet in episodes 11 and 12 Gambit and the keeper. I do think if the clonemasters who made the 2 Blake clones in series 2 episode Weapon been dead, according to the arch-villain Servalan may have been true or possibly a lie and since cloning is now exclusive to Auron sounds a little strange,.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say when the decision was made in series 1 episode to retain the female villain Servalan as both arch-enemy and also as returning arch-villain instead of been originally a one-off villain who would have not returned or even possibly never been talked about in later episodes and series. I say David Maloney when he took the decision to retain Servalan which lead to her becoming both arch-enemy and also principal villain for the series. I have a hunch that B7 is one of the very first science fiction, series in which the arch-enemy and also the main villain is a woman I could be wrong .
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say this B7 is like the season, 2 episode Killer where the planet Fosforon becomes infected with a deadly plague and Blake much to Avon,s annoyance puts out a warning beacon to warn all sapceships to stay well away from Fosforon until the virus burns itself out and Avon wants the arch-enemy and principal villain Servalan herself who is in a ship on her way to the planet to capture Blake and co and if she lands her ship on the planet she will be killed by the deadly virus and off the backs of Blake and his crew but if that happened Servalan been the arch-enemy and also the returning arch-villain of the series could never return to menace Blake and co ever again so really Blake is saving their arch-enemy,s life much as Avon does not approve of Blake putting out the warning beacon to warn all ships to avoid the plague riddden planet.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say this episode having the arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain Servalan state the clonemasters in series B episode Weapon which involved arch-enemy Servalan making a deal with the clonemaster Fen who was female and was cloned herself as all clonemasters were cloned and saying the clonemasters from Weapon are dead and cloning is no exclusive to Auron Callys home planet only does arouse questions whether arch-enemy Servalan is telling the truth or plain lying. I do say it is a shame the previous episode which was City at the Edge of the World having Colin Baker in as the main villain Bayban the Butcher was awesome it is a shame you did not include that episode good as it is, I do say the episode with Colin Baker in as the villain Bayban who was a nutter and scene chewing, not having arch-enemy and principal villain Servalan in was a smart move Colin Baker and Jackie Pearce worked together on Dr Who when Colin was the Doctor in the 2 Doctors and Jackie played the villain an androgum called Chessene of the Franzine Grig and the story was awesome for the 6th Doctor.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say that this episode of B7 is nowhere near as good as the next episode City at the Edge of the World with future Dr Who actor Colin Baker as the main villain Bayban who was not Federation and also Bayban was very much a villain who was nutty and also the episode with Bayban in does not include the arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain Servalan herself or any Federation personnel I do not think that B7 episode would have worked as well had arch-enemy Servalan been in it with the main villain of that episode Bayban because IMO arch-enemy and arch-villain Servalan would have been overshadowed by Bayban himself. I know some people think Colin Baker was better as the villain Bayban than he was as the 6th Doctor and also one female B7 told me she thought Colin Baker would have made an awesome Blake had Gareth Thomas not been cast in the role of Blake when the series was devised. I suppose Colin Baker could have played Blake in B7 in place of Gareth Thomas and had that been the case in an alternate time line then I think Colin Baker had he been cast as Blake would have stayed with the series for as long as it was running on tv and also it is possible there might have been multiple series of B7 and I cannot had Blake stayed for series 3 of B7 have seen Tarrant ever joining the crew of the Liberator because they would be no need for Tarrant to have been in the Liberator crew had we kept Blake.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
I do say that Jarvik as a villain was more interesting than Travis ever was in billions of ways and when I saw this episode, first time around I wondered if Jarvik was to become the new henchman to arch-enemy and recurring villain Servalan herself and was also going to be Travis,s replacement and in series 3/4 arch-enemy Servalan no longer had anyone as a regular henchman unlike in series 1/2 with Travis and also in this episode of B7 Tarrant is portrayed as been much older than the actor Steven Pacey, Tarrant was to be aged from 35 to 55 but the producer David Maloney felt it would not work to have an older well known actor playing Tarrant in an established series which was originally set to end and one actor who was considered to play Tarrant who was well known and very talented was Jack Watson who was much older than 35 to 55 he was at the time aged 64 going on 65 and so the production team made Tarrant a much younger man altogether instead of been mid 30s to mid 55s Tarrant was thus played by the awesome Steven Pacey who was only 22 years old in 1979 when the character Del Tarrant was introduced to series 3 of B7 plus I at the time thought Pacy was older than 22 more likely 28, 29 or even early 30s. When tom Baker became Dr Who in the mid 70s he was aged 40 yet IMO he looked younger say in his mid 30s to late 30s.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
Tarrant was originally devised as an older man than Steven Pacey who at the time was only aged 22, and also I have a hunch Tarrant was always the name that the new male crewmember to the Liberator was to be called and also there were rumours this episode was originally written with Blake in mind but had to be rewritten to replace Blake with Tarrant who at one stage was to apparently be the new leader of the crew of the Liberator but that changed and instead Avon took over as the new leader of the Liberator crew and Tarrant basically tried to prove to Avon and the other crewmembers that he was a better leader than Avon.
@danielwilliamson6180 Ай бұрын
Children of Auron is a great episode.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
Yea its a good one over all and you finally get some background info on Cally.
@danielwilliamson6180 Ай бұрын
@@spacehound3355 It is one of my favourite episodes.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
@@danielwilliamson6180 I like this episode and the previous episode with Colin Baker in as the main villain Bayban is awesome and four years later COlin Baker became the 6th incarnation of Doctor Who and IMO Colin Baker was awesome as Bayban in B7 even thought Bayban blew himself up at the end of the episode. I do not think the B7 episode with Colin Baker in as Bayban the Berserker really could not easily have included arch-villain Servalan herself and or the Federation as it would have overcrowded the story plus the B7 with Bayban did not require the series arch-villain Servalan or even the Federation.
@danielwilliamson6180 Ай бұрын
@@Eltonlaleham I once met Colin Baker. Nice man. Good sense of humour.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
@@danielwilliamson6180 I have met Colin Baker many times at various events and he is really nice and he loved playing the main villain Bayban in B7 episode City at the Edge of the World and he was awesome as the 6th incarnation of the Doctor a shame he did not get a longer run as the Dr. I do wonder if had Colin Baker been cast as Blake that he would have stayed longer than Gareth Thomas who was cast as Blake but left B7 after series 2 to go to the theatre I cannot imagine Colin Baker doing that had he played Blake instead of Gareth Thomas who was good. I suspect if series 3 had kept Blake and Jenna then there would be no way Tarrant and Dayna would have ever been crewmembers in the Liberator.
@mistergeneration 2 ай бұрын
I hated the new one lol
@mistergeneration 2 ай бұрын
Captain Scarlet still hopes up in my opinion also
@Eltonlaleham 2 ай бұрын
I liked the way Sara was the main villain in this B7 episode, and it is similar to the Dr Who serial Robots of Death with a whodunnit in killing the crew in that story it was on a planet with no name in this B7 episode it is set on a spaceship a freighter Ortega and both stories are awesome in billions of ways.
@spacehound3355 2 ай бұрын
Oh I agree it was a refreshing episode which gave us a break from the Federation
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
@@spacehound3355 I do say this B7 having no Federation and also no featuring the 2 newly introduced arch-enemies and recurring arch-villains Servalan and Travis is an awesome change and also the B7 episode in series 3 which featured then future Dr Who actor Colin Baker as the main villain Bayban the Berserker did not have arch-villain or the Federation in it which was awesome. I do wonder if Colin Baker could have played Blake and if so, I would suppose he would not have later become the 6th incarnation of Dr Who . I wonder if you think Colin Baker might have been a good, choice of actor to play Blake in B7 instead of Gareth Thomas Colin had he played Blake would have been a different Blake from Gareth.
@spacehound3355 Ай бұрын
@@Eltonlaleham interesting idea but not too sure how his interaction with his thorn in the side Avon would have played out.
@Eltonlaleham 2 ай бұрын
This episode was not to bad and Blake and Jenna were in the original script drafts, instead of Tarrant and Dayna.
@spacehound3355 2 ай бұрын
Never knew that thanks.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
@@spacehound3355 I do like the new spaceship that arch-enemy Servalan has accquired in this episode which is referred to as a mark 2 star cruiser and also this episode having a rumour planted by the main villain Servalan that Blake was on the planet but it is stated he has never even been to the planet. I also think that in this episode given how arch-enemy Servalan now has this Federation space captain Mori with her I did when I first saw this epsiode wonder if Mori was going to become the new henchman to the arch-villain Servalan and be Travis,s replacement now that Travis had been killed off and was dead and gone having been killed by Avon not Blake. I do think the silver android Robi was like the androids in Star Wars like C-3PO and other androids like the 2 black androids used by the dreaded Cybermen in classic Dr Who story Earthshock and also like the silver android in Dr Who stories Kings Demons and planet of fire where that android was named Kamelion and was very shortlived as a character. I do also wonder as I have read the original scripts were written with Blake and Jenna in mind instead of Tarrant and Dayna how well this episode would have done or was it better this episode was aired with Tarrant and Dayna in place of Blake and Jenna.
@charleswest6372 2 ай бұрын
Veey Bizarre episode. In fact, the series is very Bizarre..
@spacehound3355 2 ай бұрын
The second block of recording did indeed enter the world of the strange and yet it was also refreshing.
@Eltonlaleham 3 ай бұрын
Tarrant was originally intended to be played by an older man aged 35 to 40 but, was changed to a much younger man in his early 20s.
@Eltonlaleham 3 ай бұрын
The Tarrant character was mainly brought in as a standin for Blake, and this series was so different in billions of ways without Blake and Jenna.
@spacehound3355 3 ай бұрын
Indeed over all series 3 was good and had some interesting episodes. But it lost that banter between Blake and Avon.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
@@spacehound3355 I do say having Tarrant and Dayna in the Liberator once Blake and Jenna sadly left, was done to rebuild the number of crewmembers back to 5 and season 3 still retained both arch-enemy and returning arch-villain Servalan herself now the president of the Terran Federation and she gains in the following episode Volcano a brand new ship which is a mark 2 star cruiser which is horrible in shape looking like a whale if she had had another modified mark 1 pursuit ship like she had in the series 2 episode the Keeper it would have been nicer or even a ship that was a cruiser not shaped like a whale. I do say series 3/4 of B7 having arch-enemy Servalan teaming up with different henchmen makes a refreshing change from having just one particular underling in tow like in series 1/2 . If in series 2 principal villain Servalan had gained an entirely new underling with a new name in place of Travis it would have done series 2 of B7 much more trade in billions of ways and it would have improved series 2 of B7 immensely .
@Eltonlaleham 3 ай бұрын
It was a shame Blake and Jenna left, and having arch-enemy and returning arch-villain Servalan in this episode was awesome in billions of ways.
@spacehound3355 2 ай бұрын
From what I understand they just wanted to move on. Never the less the series was refreshed with the new recruits.
@Eltonlaleham Ай бұрын
@@spacehound3355 I do think having two new recruits in the form of Tarrant and Dayna, who take the places of Blake and Jenna who have disappeared offscreen and also this episode having the arch-enemy and recurring arch-villain Servalan herself in was awesome in billions of ways and also she has had her ship attacked and has been forced down on planet Sarran where she and Avon meet Dayna Mellanby and her dad Hal who sadly gets killed off by arch-enemy Servalan herself which is very savage an cruel. I also when I first saw this series of B7, wondered if arch-enemy Servalan would, get a new hnechman as a replacement for Travis who had been killed off in the finale of series 2 and really should have been killed off in the finale of series 1 instead of been in series 2 no longer played by Stephen Greif which was a shame in billions of ways . I have always said out of the 2 recurring arch-villains Servalan and Travis Servalan was always a more interesting villain and character than Travis ever was and the fact she stayed in B7 for all the 4 seasons was awesome too.