2 жыл бұрын
How to Pass the CritiCall Test
3 жыл бұрын
A little bit about:  Melissa Taaffe
9-1-1 Calls: Abduction
4 жыл бұрын
9-1-1 Calls: Active Shooter
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9-1-1 Calls: Aircraft Crash
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9-1-1 Calls: Amber Alert
4 жыл бұрын
9-1-1 Calls: Assault
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9-1-1 Calls: Body Found
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9-1-1 Calls: Burglary
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9-1-1 Call: Carjacking
4 жыл бұрын
9-1-1 Calls: Domestic Disturbance
9-1-1 Calls: Home Invasion
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9-1-1 Calls: Hostage
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9-1-1 Calls:  Murder
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9-1-1 Calls: MVC
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9-1-1 Calls: Narcotics
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9-1-1 Calls: Robbery
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9-1-1 Calls: Vehicle Fire
4 жыл бұрын
9-1-1 Calls: Wildland Fire
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@jmoriarty8000 8 күн бұрын
I just did it and I definitely failed miserably lmao
@Exotic_St4rxxx 19 күн бұрын
Thank u 🙏
@may 3 ай бұрын
just purchased! wish me luck!!!
@بندرعبدالله-ز6ط 4 ай бұрын
@بندرعبدالله-ز6ط 4 ай бұрын
A182016A ❤❤
@بندرعبدالله-ز6ط 4 ай бұрын
هذاء علم يدرس للاجيال ❤.
@بندرعبدالله-ز6ط 4 ай бұрын
@بندرعبدالله-ز6ط 4 ай бұрын
@shelsrecovery 7 ай бұрын
Ugh can’t wait🙄
@donnalee7379 9 ай бұрын
Thank you
@PhilVerryChannel 9 ай бұрын
Curious if she resisted the robber?
@PhilVerryChannel 9 ай бұрын
"Maya, let's get your son back as soon as possible. I need your full attention. I need you to immediately calm down so I can give the information that only you know to the police. Hurry now, calm yourself and start telling me the answers to my questions so we can hurry and get your son back." I would then proceed with questions. The mother is only focused on her catastrophic fears and the shock of losing her son. You have to keep bringing her back to getting her son back Thomas she doesn't care about anything else and she has a mother cannot care about anything else but she is helpless does, the fear is a cycle she is going through. The operator needs to be able to break her out of that cycle but Maya will only exit the cycle if wording is focused on her son's return. Her clinical shock, adrenaline and helplessness must be horrendous for Maya to go through. Getting those critical answers needed by the operator, is all that matter. If you can't get Maya to calm down, the mother's state of mind would actually could be the demise of the child... potentially. It's horrible to say but it's very true. Her inability to calm herself, is cause for the literal minutes the kidnapper is speeding away with her child in the little, rusty, red truck.
@Irishrose5424 10 ай бұрын
She held strong trying to reassure the lady. Bless her poor girl. She handled herself very well. Good head on her shoulders instructing the customers and crew in that intense moment.
@billiejoboyd2022 10 ай бұрын
what is the website for the actual criticall sample test?
@JamesAnthoony 10 ай бұрын
which prep is better, 911 or iprep? thank you
@DavidGrub 11 ай бұрын
I just took the test yesterday. The agency I applied to actually shared my score. He said it was scored in 2 sections. One section, I scored a 93 (I assume that is percent) and the other was a number...I think something like 3800. Looking online, I see that it may have been keystrokes per hour?
@tanvirchahal8288 7 ай бұрын
Hey David, did you use any prior resources to prepare ? And can you tell what all you got in the test, how was the experience ?
@DavidGrub 7 ай бұрын
@@tanvirchahal8288 I didn't use any resources and I still scored what I think was well. I'm not sure what you mean by "what I got in the test". If you mean my score, I put that in my original post. If you're referring to the questions...it's a mixture of memory recall, decision making, prioritization, map reading, etc. Just don't freak out going in. Clear your mind and know that you are going to kill it.
@tanvirchahal8288 7 ай бұрын
@@DavidGrub Thanks David for the clearing my doubts, one more question I had was, is the test proctored, I believe you gave the test online, right ?
@DavidGrub 7 ай бұрын
@@tanvirchahal8288 When I got there, the 911 Operations Coordinator took me to a room and sat me down at a computer. He explained what the test would entail, told me approximately how long it would take and started the test. I think he said it would take anywhere between an hour and an hour and a half. I think I finished in a little over an hour.
@titus4166 Жыл бұрын
I hate when interviewers ask “what are your weakness’s “. Cause it’s an antiquated question that should be asked as “what are some things that can you improve on?” Any ‘weakness’ can be improved on.
@RebeccaDowling-p3z Жыл бұрын
I am doing my online criticall test online this thursday, I find the most difficult part to prepare for is memory recall, which usually includes numbers and letters in a random sequence. Once the characters go from 7 or 8 to 9 my brain just gets scrambled. It could also be the way its being said through audio. Any tips would be awesome! Kingston Ontario :)
@samanthanichole6096 Жыл бұрын
I'm a hospital operator and recalling numbers and letters comes with practice. I was terrible when I first started but now I can easily remember large number sequences. Probably not a particularly helpful tip lol, but just want people to know recall is absolutely something you can learn with practice!
@donnalee7379 Жыл бұрын
Good advice. Different key pad, chairs, etc., have different ergonomic feels.
@highlandspiper8838 Жыл бұрын
30.00 an Hr? LOL where are you a Telecommunicator at? Here your lucky if you see 16-18. Not to mention most people LOOKING FOR work can't afford 50-60 dollars for a prep-test for a job they likely won't even get a interview on. The fact is, in most places, if you dont type at warp speed and have very* good data entry skills, your not going to make it as a Telecommunicator, even if you do manage to get hired. Many Firefighters such as myself (ret)have plenty of skill in decision making, resource allocation , prioritizing ect...But the fact is, this is not what agencies need or are looking for in a Telecommunicator. If you peck, or dont type by touch alone, you will not be able to do this job. Likely you wont even be able to pass the test. This was a fallacy with many firefighters I knew who became disabled or otherwise unable to function as a firefighter and thought they would become a dispatcher as they "already were familiar with the Fire Service and had the skills." No. Being a responder is something most Telecommunicators cannot simply lateral over and do -and being a Telecommunicator is something most responders only have some of the skills for and also cannot simply lateral over and do. If you are a Firefighter/ LE /EMS and think you can simply switch over to being a "dispatcher" -unless you also happen to have very good data entry skills, your mistaken. If your a former or current responder I strongly suggest you take a data entry course or a gain very* good FAST /accurate typing and data entry skills, then apply. While FF/LE/EMS bring some, limited, valuable experience/skills to a Telecommunicator job, they are FAR from the primary skills that are needed. What is needed, is RAPID, ACCURATE, DATA ENTRY...While NOT looking at the keyboard(pecking). The rest will come fairly quickly. As for 30 a hr , it's unheard of here in North Fl. Maybe in some larger cities where the cost of living is higher. But in many locations Telecommunicators are widely looked at (mistakenly) as nothing more than "secretaries that answer the phones" in most Departments. And despite having the same- or even worse stress, do not get the same "high risk" retirement benefits. Again this may vary by agency, and certainly location, but it's true for large portions of the South -esp rural Departments and agencies.
@9-1-1professor8 Жыл бұрын
Hi and thanks for the comment. You are absolutely right that typing and data entry are a critical skill as a dispatcher; both on the CritiCall test and in practice in the comms centre. I don't know about "warp speed" but the most agencies set the typing standard to 35-45 wpm and, as you mentioned, the "hunt and peck" typing method will not be sufficient. And thank you for your comment and recognition that telecommunicators aren't often recognized as a skilled profession. It means a lot from an experienced responder. As far as wages go, I'm Canadian! In Ontario, our 9-1-1 communicators are unionized and make anywhere between $30-45 / hour with good benefits and pensions. That would be around $20-33 USD.
@RisingPhoenix-cf7om Жыл бұрын
I was thinkingthe same thing about $30.00 an hour 😂 and purchase the test for $50.00. Wish she would have clearly stated that she was talking in term of Canadian currency. Misleading but at least she responded with an explanation. Your comment caught my attention l, and hence; I am glad I read it. Thank you for your service as a firefighter. May blessings to you and yours!
@kiaramatthews2634 11 ай бұрын
@@RisingPhoenix-cf7om in dc the wage is about 30 hrly
@dioncampbell6020 21 күн бұрын
Just for perspective: where I live, 911 dispatcher jobs start at 100k/year, and in the county just south of me it starts around 170k, plus full benefits.
@mammithian Жыл бұрын
I somewhat disagree regarding studying to pass the test. Yes, reading up on the test, what they define as police/fire/EMS/utils. situations, and maybe taking a few typing tests would be good, or even as a warm-up. However, as Criticall states, it's not really something you can study for. You either have the ability to pass, or you don't, and just because you ace Criticall doesn't always mean you're going to be a good dispatcher. Side note, for those concerned, the math section is like elementary school level. Background and reason for this conclusion: 18+ years of 911/air medical dispatch experience. Took the test twice, after leaving 911, to help my current company establish some baselines for new hires. So, no skin in the game for me and zero preparation. Took the test at like 3 AM in the middle of my nightshift years ago. Now a dayshifter, I took it about a month ago after coming in for a short meeting. My scores were identical in many categories and not more than 10% one way or the other in the remaining categories. So, that is my anecdote/counterpoint, don't waste more than an hour or two "preparing," as anything more is not likely to make much difference in you passing.
@9-1-1professor8 Жыл бұрын
Hi and thanks for the comment. I think your scenario is great evidence that CritiCall test measured your skills the same each time. I've noticed a large improvement of scores amongst my college students but I'm thinking there may be two different things to consider: 1) Familiarity with the test, rules, types of calls, etc. as you mentioned. And typing speed as you also mentioned. 2) I'm guessing you probably did very well both times? I'm wondering if your tests scores were similar because you had already aced those skills and maintained them. Some of the candidates may be less-skilled in particular areas. If they can identify those areas and practice, it is possible to improve. As a teacher, I have to believe people can acquire new skills. lol. Thanks again for your example and opinion. As a seasoned dispatcher, you have a lot of insight into an often hidden field of work. :)
@chrinamint Жыл бұрын
I really want to do this but at the same time I'm so nervous about taking 911 calls. I think it'll be really stressful! Is no one else worried about this?
@9-1-1professor8 Жыл бұрын
Hi! Great comment, and one that everyone who clicks on this link is worried about. Something to consider is that you will be trained extensively for the new role AND that many centres use standardized guidecards. These guidecards outline questions that you should ask, they give you a guideline to use for prioritizing the call and they give instructions you can relay to the caller to help them until first responders arrive. Its a common misconception that 9-1-1 communicators are answering calls and coming up with questions off the top of their heads.
@Robloxgrl123 2 жыл бұрын
Just passed the Criti-call exam thanks to you!!! Your videos helped me to be familiar with what to expect! Thank you!!!
@Redbeard327 Жыл бұрын
Hello I saw your comment is relatively recent and I just got selected to move forward with the first step in my pre-employment with a CritiCall exam but I have only been given a week to prepare before I have to complete it and it’s freaking me out because everything I am reading, this is nowhere near enough time, so I am curious if you have any recommendations based on your experience. Any help is much appreciated, thank you!
@9-1-1professor8 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this comment Amy. Best wishes on the new career.
@henrietta2443 2 жыл бұрын
I took one recently. Totally failed it. They said it was easy, but it really wasn’t. I never took a test like that before, and I totally agree that it is out dated. I feel it’s really irrelevant to how the job is done today, and it was waayyyy too fast to keep up with and for me the instructions help a lot more if I see how it’s done verses listening to how it’s done. Plus they want you to write neat, which you can’t because you’re trying to write things down fast because you’re trying to keep up with the audio. Plus it wasn’t really explained to me how to use the buttons on the machine. I had no idea what each knob meant, and I was really confused. When I went to take the test I was expecting it to be like other dispatching tests where it’s done on a computer. Using this machine does not help prepare people for the way dispatching is done today, and personally I think any department still using this machine needs to do it the way it’s done today because time has changed. Might as well use the typing test on a type writer while they’re at it.
@9-1-1professor8 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear this. And I couldn't agree more that it is not relevant to dispatching and assesses a set of skills (namely handwriting) that are not related to 9-1-1 Communications. I actually didn't create a Perfex Test Prep package originally because I thought it would become obsolete in a year. Unfortunately, I was wrong. And I eventually created one so that my students wouldn't walk into this strange test blindsided like you did. The brightside? At least now you know what to expect for next time. Thank you for sharing your frustrating experience.
@florenceomenye1233 2 жыл бұрын
I just bought the package on the website, but I had a few questions: can we make notes while listening to the short passage? Is there a passing score? Can you use short hand when writing? Thank you.
@9-1-1professor8 Жыл бұрын
Hi Florence, I had already answered this question to you a while back via email, but thought I'd respond here as well in case other people had the same question. Unless the test proctor says otherwise, you can make small notes in the ledgers or edges of the page and then erase them at the end of the test. As far as short-hand goes: It depends on the proctor. If you are going to ask, make sure you ask BEFORE they start the tape. I recommend using shorthand where needed and then transforming them into full words later, if possible. I hope you aced the test!!
@aliciarobinson1826 2 жыл бұрын
Passed the test the first time. I didn't over think it. Only practiced memorized number sequences. Easy peasy. Hard to type on the typing test cause of the keyboards they had, so annoying.
@ShyButterflyMist 2 жыл бұрын
What website do I go to to check on the criteria for which scenarios go to EMTs, U, F, and P?
@judygordon9204 2 жыл бұрын
Your "FREE" Test was a scam!!! So disappointed in you!
@9-1-1professor8 Жыл бұрын
Hi Judy. I'm so sorry you feel that way. It was not meant to be a full-length test, if that's what you were looking for. So that everyone reading this also realizes what I think Judy is pointing out: the free tests are just mini-versions (10 questions) that showcase one or two types of question from each category to give the user an idea of what types of questions would be on the CritiCall test. And they also give people a sample of what the paid practice tests look like so they know before they buy. They are not a scam though; a scam would imply that you didn't get what you paid for. Since we let everyone use them for free on a platform with no advertising or pop-ups, we didn't scam anything from you. I am particularly disheartened that you are "so disappointed in me." I wish you all the best in your new career.
@anthonymartial2313 2 жыл бұрын
I purchased the $39.99 4 test bundle and it was the cheapest out of all the other internet dispatcher prep tests. Absolutely worth every dollar !! I passed the Criti-Call test on first try which I was told 80-90% testers would fail. The actual test was far more easier than the study test that 9-1-1 Professor bundle, and the actual Criti-Call Math problems were Elementary compared to the 9-1-1 professor program. So if you can pass the 9-1-1 Professor mock tests, you should have NO problem with the actual Criti-Call test. Now I am not sure how nervous you will be when you take the test, but if you do your research and prep then you should have NO problem. If you get nervous under pressure then maybe you should think twice about this career path. I'm not sponsored by 9-1-1 Professor :)
@9-1-1professor8 Жыл бұрын
Wow, thanks Anthony! What an endorsement! And congrats on the CritiCall pass!
@Laurasamama 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Melissa! You taught me at Durham college, you were awesome and now I’m searching how to study for the criticall test and seeing you everywhere!
@steelers4srilanka 2 жыл бұрын
An excellent video. Thank you
@steelers4srilanka 2 жыл бұрын
An excellent & forthright video. Very well done. Thank you from Tallahassee 😊
@erinbrothers5852 3 жыл бұрын
Are you expected to answer all the questions in the time limit? Seemed like the audible portion did not allow enough time to answer all the questions.
@marinapedreno3303 3 жыл бұрын
I have til jan 4 to take mine!! I got the email today and I just have a couple days to prepare😭!! I hope I pass! Its online!
@christianmorello2238 3 жыл бұрын
This was a very fun event! Well done dispatch team!
@BreeCrutch 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I'm taking the test tomorrow 🤞🏽👍🏾
@jerinabraham343 3 жыл бұрын
Hey just wanted to ask you how many parts is it divided into i know thr duration is 2 hours so what all can i expect can u tell me please
@9-1-1professor8 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jerin. There can be anywhere from 8 - 18 different sections. It's difficult to say which parts will be on it because each agency is able to select which sections they want to test on and which they don't. There are about 20 sections to choose from. I'd suggest purchasing a study package or taking a practice test. My faves are at 911Professor.com and iPrep.online. Of course that is a biased opinion, but for good reason. ;) Best of luck on your upcoming test!!!
@AdventuresWithBrie 3 жыл бұрын
I have my test in 3days!
@_XOXOLOVELESS 3 жыл бұрын
How did it go
@MomDateWithSashaJay 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I have my test tomorrow and so excited!!!!
@jonathanorozco2619 3 жыл бұрын
Hey How did it go? I have mine tomorrow, any tips?
@MomDateWithSashaJay 3 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanorozco2619 I never ended up going because they’ couldn’t work with my schedule
@jonathanorozco2619 3 жыл бұрын
@@MomDateWithSashaJay Oh that sucks. Sorry to hear that!
@MomDateWithSashaJay 3 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanorozco2619 it’s ok, thank you though. Good luck on your test!
@heychunkybutt2010 3 жыл бұрын
Right on time! I’m scheduled for the online version for Thursday
@9-1-1professor8 3 жыл бұрын
Oh awesome. I hope you crush it!
@michaelstemmler9093 4 жыл бұрын
Very professionally done, and sincere. Nice job. It's a good time to be getting into dispatch - the market is hungry!
@BrittneyChristina 4 жыл бұрын
OMG. I went to the site and took the test, I failed 😫 but I'm happy lol. Now I know what is expected and have a general idea of what I'm going to be tested on, how the test is set up, as well as what I need to work on. I love how they give you your results as soon as you finish, along with all the correct answers. I definitely recommend this site!!! Going to keep practicing until I get the call for the actual CritiCall test! Update : I passed the CritiCall Test 😆
@toohighclass 3 жыл бұрын
What are some tips you have
@BrittneyChristina 3 жыл бұрын
@@toohighclass Now that I've been offered the position and I am 2 weeks in on training. I would def recommend taking this as a start. Don't stress if you fail. You can't replay a call but it's a good marker to see where you are with retaining info the first time you hear it. Real life you can usually just ask them to repeat but if they're hysterical and are just yelling things out, you're going to want to get what you can from them. Also, the dispatcher keyboard is different from the standard keyboard. That's taking some getting used to. Listen to some real 911 calls and honestly evaluate your reactions. I thought I was pretty patient but some calls really make you want to scream 😬 So you have to be able to honestly say, that you can take verbal beatings and bad attitudes when you're trying to help someone.
@chikondihargrove1617 3 жыл бұрын
@@BrittneyChristina which website did you go to for practice?
@BrittneyChristina 3 жыл бұрын
@@chikondihargrove1617 The first link in the See More section.
@TooHonestButtTrue 3 жыл бұрын
So did you get hired, took the test, failed, then was given a second chance? My employer is doing the test pre interview so I am not sure how it will work. Any insight would be appreciated.
@mollybrenner5440 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Because of Covid, they're having me test online from home with SO many rules, the test is only part of the drama, but this video was awesome and the links for testing worth it! : )
@BrittanniMelissa 4 жыл бұрын
Thank u!