ADORE FINDING OLD-NEW DENG SONGS COLLECTION PLAYLISTS Just can’t imagine just how much astronomical DEVOTION was committed by Teresa Teng - Deng Lìjūn has worked so feverishly & ferocious to achieve her musical lyrical poetic songs blissful with amorist thematic emotional feelings that captivated multimillions of fanatics are the world becoming true worshipers of such amazing polyglot languages of talents: songwriting, singing, acting, producing, fashionista designer, and choreographic geniuses as she actually labored in many of the setups, finances, promotions, and theatrically natural experience that forever hypnotically mesmerized people for ages to come even in today’s current future! Mrs. Deng’s magical touch & melodic angelic soft cherub wordy phrases engulfed audiences Hearts & Souls spiritual rapture in a deep passionate love wishing to bring peace, serenity, amor, and a melodic harmony of UNITY!! 😍 GODS GRACEFUL HEAVEN’S DIVA R.I.P.