I'm really struggling with placing myself in the sequence. We're told not to do it by sound or by memorising the pattern, but instead by 'rope sight', ie, following visually, but how does the person you are trying to follow know what place he/she is in? By the time I've tried to work it out visually, it's too late and I'm out of sequence. I've never had a satisfactory answer to this from a teacher (they all seem to have known it instinctively since they were six years old) or a video.
@duncanloweth84553 күн бұрын
That’s really interesting as most teachers I know suggest looking to begin with only because listening and counting is much harder and as you get better you shake off the need to see it and you do it by rhythm and listening. Rope sight is a tricky thing to learn and it can take people different lengths of time to see it. If you have a brain for coursing orders then you might like to work out the pattern for a while as a way to train your rope sight. So plain bob doubles is 2453 and then you bring the last to the front so it’s 3245 unless there’s a bob then you repeat the same order but swap the middle bells 2543. That’s a lot of thinking for a whole quarter peal but not too bad for a 120 at practice night. I’m not saying you do that for everything but it’s a darn sight easier to learn rope sight when you’re looking in the right direction! You can also learn rope sight on the tenor covering so keep doing lots of that. It can also be helpful to stand next to someone whilst their ringing and try to follow the rope sight as they ring. Then you can concentrate fully on the seeing without the distraction of the pulling. I had one learner who couldn’t see the rope sight at all. I was counting their place for them: 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. But then I change to saying one below you, two below you, three below you, all of them below you and she could see it soo much better as those words linked the rope sight to her tenoring rope sight. Not saying that will work for you (might do - try it) but my point is that everyone thinks and sees it slightly differently and you just need time and practice and it will defiantly come! Try different things and if teachers just keep saying the same unhelpful things then just nod and smile and then try things out for yourself!! Good luck and feel free to ask anything else. I must get round to making more videos one day but life is so busy at the moment!
@JonOfOld3 ай бұрын
Currently moving from call changes to Plain Hunt on 5 and this video is really helpful! Particularly appreciate the tip around not memorising the order of bells as I've felt myself falling into this trap as you say. Thanks Duncan.
@jaywoods265 ай бұрын
Best explanation online. Many thanks!
@andykinman17879 ай бұрын
This is great Thank you. I hope I remember it for this evenings bell practice.
@edmilner Жыл бұрын
These exercises are really really useful for myself as a beginner! I'll be sure to share to my cluster and hopefully you will get some more subscribers.