all my (very old) skate 3 clips
[quik] 365 Days of New Horizons
[update] no more skyrim
4 жыл бұрын
Skyrim: bippin Begins
4 жыл бұрын
A Hat in Time (3): End the Suffering
A Hat in Time (2): Do the Do
5 жыл бұрын
A Hat in Time: Deal the Deal
5 жыл бұрын
i trap myself in the same room twice
7 жыл бұрын
'Hyper-horse takes flight'
7 жыл бұрын
Bully gameplay [GONE WRONG]
7 жыл бұрын
"Torbjörn, ready to work"
7 жыл бұрын
7 жыл бұрын
"Here come the fireworks"
7 жыл бұрын
A Stunt-Filled GTA Montage
8 жыл бұрын
I made another thing in GTA V
8 жыл бұрын
So I made this in GTA V
8 жыл бұрын
@travkozak1201 3 күн бұрын
I just got the neversoft eye tattooed on my arm the other day, the algorithm really be watching
@emperortrevornorton3119 29 күн бұрын
The Ruins level seems to be a reference to 1984 the book and movie's dystopian future especially with the voice over and the big screen in the level
@lackerback Ай бұрын
These weren’t scary they was cool asf
@marsug Ай бұрын
THPS has cool SFX effects
@catethps Ай бұрын
thps3 intro with the eyeball man used to have me screaming and running out the room as a little 4 year old, I had to get my parents to turn the game on for me lmao
@epona268 Ай бұрын
8:58 I have for years been convinced that it was a fever dream me doing an acid drop in tony hawks undergorund falling through the floor and hearing screams, the manhole cover glitch you had just we awoke that repressed memory
@thresholdhatesrevenant2620 Ай бұрын
"I was a pussy as a child and i still am."
@catethps Ай бұрын
ok we get it, you watched Saw as an infant, shut up lol
@m8xm153n8r 2 ай бұрын
Only the neversoft intro in thug and the pro skater level from thug 2 were scary to me
@m8xm153n8r 2 ай бұрын
Actually raising the dead was a bit scary too but that’s it
@butters3063 2 ай бұрын
after playing thps4 it was hard to go back to thps3 after realizing how empty the levels really are. that’s the only thing that sorta made me feel uncomfortable, i think you might’ve just been a wimp
@omarmoon57 3 ай бұрын
Green Day not fall out boy
@jagtaggart936 3 ай бұрын
I can't put my finger on why, but THPS2's Hangar always kinda unsettled me, especially that outdoor area. I always got the feeling that I was being watched there, that if I waited long enough looking out at the snowy nothingness beyond the fence outside, I might see someone looking back.
@JarbasTardo 3 ай бұрын
I just stumbled upon your channel, and I have to say that I really appreciate that you're so open and vulnerable about your sensitivities and what gets under your skin. Being like that is very frowned upon and discouraged by society (especially if you're a man), but that's BS and you're awesome for being yourself. And as for the game stuff, I was never really scared of the THPS3 Neversoft mascot, more just curious about what it was even supposed to be, since I was way too little to even know if there was anything morbid about it. I started playing that game when I was about 2 or 3 years old (obviously I sucked, but I learned the basics) because it belonged to my older brother, so weird stuff like that was always somewhat normalized for me, lol. I even watched Jackass 2 at like 7 or 8, and more than anything I was just surprised at what the human body is capable of and also confused as to why anyone would do that stuff. And the fact that I wasn't that squeamish about those things is definitely not cause I was tough or anything, but because to be squeamish you need to have at least some notion of what consequences are, which I didn't. I just sort of didn't really think about it (I was a stupid kid hahaha), which means I actually got MORE sensitive growing up than when I was little. What kinda made me anxious as a kid was all the demonic references in THUG 2, since my household was always particularly religious and I thought I could piss off god for playing the game, lol. The only piece of media that genuinely terrified me as a kid was a music video by Supertramp called "better days", not just for the war imagery, but mostly because I thought that I could be one of the people randomly selected to be teleported into that weird tunnel all alone and die. Like I said, I wasn't a very bright child. Also there was a PS1 game called Fade to Black that freaked me out a bit as a kid, but it wasn't quite as existential. Sorry for the huge text, but I wish you the best!
@Str1ctur3 6 ай бұрын
I always thought the evil tiki was hilarious! And I'm pretty sure the eerie music track that plays when you have to get eric's board back from the dealers is also the background for the new neversoft logo with t.h.u.d.
@KyrieKirigiri 7 ай бұрын
The New Orleans Zombie thing is even worse, as the game's credits confirm that the 'Zombies' were actually just drunk people, so the mission to run over the 'Zombies' is just the player murdering 10 people with a tricycle
@SleepyRobbo 5 ай бұрын
@levilurgy 7 ай бұрын
the loading tunnels in between levels in American Wasteland are liminal asf when you stick around them and treat them as levels.
@RunTheJorge 7 ай бұрын
This is an oddly specific video that hits home lol
@BlueBirdRR 7 ай бұрын
Pro Skater 12 Lol Its 1+2 not 12
@soulman3729 8 ай бұрын
Whatever you do do not look up the las vegas sphere and the eyeball lol
@evanpreston3432 8 ай бұрын
so breathing is scary, ok got it
@TheNathanNS 8 ай бұрын
Three things out the entire series scared me when I was a kid: 1. The THUG Neversoft Intro I don't need to explain that, others already have, but I do have a memory of seeing that for the first time as a 7 year old and running out my room asking my mum if she got a "scary game" instead, when came back into the room it was playing that upbeat skateboarding montage. It freaked me out because I was dead certain "there was a scary monster" I saw. I actually did think that monster was in my game and I was a bit scared to play it in case he appeared and attacked me. Then when I rebooted it, I saw the intro again and quickly skipped it. Only then I realised it was the intro and not some monster hiding in the game waiting for me lmao 2. The funhouse area in THPS4 I found that completely by accident when I was playing it with a friend, neither of us knew it existed, so when the level suddenly changed to this dark, disorted thing with nasty looking skulls and a scary face at the end with the sound suddenly stopped, we both jumped because it was so startling. You are right in saying it is a jumpscare. There is no warning to it whatsoever. Just coming straight at you randomly like those old screamer videos of gaming hoaxes you saw a lot over KZbin in the late 2000s. Funny thing is, we were both interested in finding it again, but also absolutely terrified of it. Both of us spent hours combing every level to see if other levels had their own little scares waiting for us. We still hated it. Coincidentally when he found the Evil Tiki's "scare" in Underground 1, I didn't believe him. We spent so much time in THPS4 only to find no other areas like it exist. So I went around his house, he showed me and we started another hunt across THUG1 for those areas again. Good times. 3 The Ruins in THAW When I played through classic mode in THAW, that Ruins level really caught me off guard. Wasn't "scary" but definitely unsettling. I played through most of the series so weird courses aren't that new, but the sudden juxtaposition of the THAW levels being normal skate-ified areas of LA set during the summer days only for The Ruins to come along and show a completely bombed to hell LA with destroyed buildings, crashed trains, strange tannoy announcements, threatening messages and a very disturbing sickly-green sky was just startling. It's weird for a Tony Hawk level imho. If I remember correctly, you can also see the Hollywood sign in the distance, which we see a lot during the story, so it feels like it's some alternate universe.
@reeseboyko1650 8 ай бұрын
I was around five years old when THPS 2x came out, the neversoft intro gave me legit nightmares for a solid month at least
@HondaMoto14 8 ай бұрын
Bro you know that’s Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day, not fallout boy… right?
@Browningate 8 ай бұрын
6th generation 3D wasn't great, but some of the worst video gaming experiences of all time were the non-2D PlayStation and 64 titles. Those things have been virtually unplayable for years. A lot of people don't like to admit that, but it's the truth.
@ljuanmamx 8 ай бұрын
Agreed on some parts being scary but I think based on what you are saying, everything, everywhere scared you man!😂
@SleepyRobbo 8 ай бұрын
you don't scare me ❤
@EmergencyChannel 8 ай бұрын
PS1 was a horror factory for small children.
@GrapefruitMcgilicuddy 8 ай бұрын
You only played a couple of the games? Bro you shouldn’t make a video like this unless you played at least most of them.
@GrapefruitMcgilicuddy 8 ай бұрын
How eerie some normal games were was a lot of the appeal for me.
@CanalAleblasco77 8 ай бұрын
I mean, when I was a child I was scared with both the Luigi's Mansion and Banshee Boardwalk in the Mario Kart DS game, specially the GP version because there would be Boos showing up at certain points of the racetrack, whenever I got one of those two tracks I'd give my father my DS to play them for me lol. I can say now that both tracks don't terrifye me as much as back then but I still find Banshee Boardwalk creepy due to the music
@TheNamesJER 8 ай бұрын
It’s always interesting what scares different people or creeps them out. I’m someone who was scared of everything as a kid but I always found the Tony Hawk games to be really funny and never really bothered me much. Good video!
@Cloudturd 8 ай бұрын
Quitting in banjo kazooie scared the CRAP out of me. I would leave the room any time that cutscene played
@NoviListovi 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for gathering up all of us who were traumatized by the Neversoft Eyeball early in life. It brings me great relief to know it was never just me. There's actually like... Eight of us. Maybe nine?
@daemonvanmeir9697 8 ай бұрын
even though i was afraid of a lot of things when i was a kid, most of those things didn't scare me. i was especially afraid of zombies yet i always thought the ones in THUG2 were cool. so i find it pretty interesting that a lot of the things you mentioned were spooky (aside from the THPS4 easter egg) never spooked me, but the one thing i vividly remember spooking me (while also getting me to do it alot) was only shown for 2 seconds and not even mentioned at the part where you talked about suburbia. the door you can enter used to spook me a bit at first and is pretty creepy compared to the rest of the house, so i find it interesting that the only mention of it in the video was just a 2 second clip without talking about it.
@xela12345 8 ай бұрын
No mention of the freaking Shining twin NPCs from Project 8??
@TadIGuess 8 ай бұрын
The Neversoft logo did creep me out as a kid, but I was weirdly never bothered by the playable eyeball, I thought they were awesome. Great video!
@Lucasub-Seiyuu 8 ай бұрын
The original Neversoft mascot never bothered me for whatever reason, even though knowing child-me would've hated that in any other cases. Also, for me, I used to find the memory card selection on the PS1 unsettling. I think...
@billydonuts4965 8 ай бұрын
Nothing outside of the creature from THUG’s Neversoft logo scared me as a kid. It’s funny that after finishing the mission you’re told that THUG 2’s New Orleans zombies were just a bunch of people who drank too much tho.
@paso6234 8 ай бұрын
Intro killed mah ears
@rashko3845 8 ай бұрын
Hey dude, i don't know why everyone's shitting on you for being scared of these things as a kid (they weren't for kids, more that spooky older brother of your friend that broke the rules). Honestly a good video, covers a fair amount of content.
@SleepyRobbo 8 ай бұрын
i honestly think it's just a generational difference thing! lots of people just can't relate cuz i was incredibly young playing these games. there honestly wasn't that much strictly adult content in these games despite the ratings, i always thought they were pretty goofy, so when there was something that could be seen as disturbing it was a lot to take in. thank you for the kind words and i hope you had a good time with this vid!
@RIkumaru17 8 ай бұрын
thanks for this video i really really enjoyed it! I love to see more vids about your niche gaming experiences growing up if you can @@SleepyRobbo
@andersondiazcampos8720 8 ай бұрын
i dare to say the only good proving ground version is the ds one because of being an improvement of the american skat8land gameplay
@yeti4954 8 ай бұрын
Yeah i'm not gonna lie, the School level always, *always* creeped me out.
@ThisBirdHasFlown 8 ай бұрын
14:05 had I played this as a kid, I think I would have fucking loved it.
@ThisBirdHasFlown 8 ай бұрын
I kept wanting to quit the video and watch Cyberpunk but this video sucked me in. Good work.
@ThisBirdHasFlown 8 ай бұрын
2:20 wtf that's terrifying lol. I would never have played this as a kid.
@ThisBirdHasFlown 8 ай бұрын
The opening Neversoft logo for Guitar Hero used to creep me the hell out.
@GrownUpKid94 8 ай бұрын
Scary? Idk man I was raised on courage the cowardly dog lmao this shit was light
@mordaciousfilms 8 ай бұрын
THUG 2 was the sillier, cartoon entry for sure.
@jonjmar2541 8 ай бұрын
I feel sorry for you.. go play silent hill or clock tower now that shit was scary
@Dr._Nicolas 8 ай бұрын
yeah i miss elavorated easter egg hunts, now everyone solves it on day one or datamine it before anyone can even come across it naturally
@U.F.O_0908 8 ай бұрын
Next video: Fifa '98 menu screen made me see a psychologist.
@pushon10 8 ай бұрын
I can now see why these games got 15+/16+ ratings here in Europe.