@royalaxe 5 күн бұрын
i honestly thought samuel was putting that voice on. after listening to him converse i am in awe. methodical, analytical, high mental acuity ... shit, i want him as a leader.
@lucyflanagan3628 5 күн бұрын
Nice interview, AJ!
@EipsteinClyde 6 күн бұрын
Jones Susan Jones Jessica Martinez Ronald
@jaoll76 6 күн бұрын
Galeotti is always a brilliant mind. It looks like Putin is comiting the same error of Hitler in stalingrad. Making this war a personal Matter and interfering with profesional militar staff is the basic mistake.
@tunzlover1682 8 күн бұрын
An incredible book! It is the first book ive read by Derek. I just now finished my fourth book by him. Safe to say Im a huge fan now. Thanks for this great podcast!!!
@kamilziemian995 Ай бұрын
Great discussion. Greetings from Poland. 👋
@howelltaylor6774 2 ай бұрын
I believe she meant Stalin. All over the former Soviet Union Lenin Statue is still up. In many places Stalins is taken down.
@tupperlake100 3 ай бұрын
I would think that most Russians considered the period when the Soviet Union began falling apart the low point in its current history. Putin appears to be very smart, but like most leaders, he has a panel of experts on various subjects. In discussions one can realize he is well versed on Eastern European history. There are lots of centuries old hatreds in Europe. That makes it difficult to give credibility to everything that is said. The amount of lying does not make it any easier.
@tupperlake100 3 ай бұрын
The cause of the war was basically Europe's disregard for ethnic boundries when establishing territorial boundries. European countries laid the groundwork for conflict in the middle east and other places. Ethnic ties are stronger than national ties and should not be ignored when decisions are made.
@alexlong3714 3 ай бұрын
This guy knows what he is talking about. No?
@RomanRoman-v2c 3 ай бұрын
Correct. the lesson went wrong as is war of the last 2 years
@janethulstrand4741 3 ай бұрын
I thought this was a wonderful interview, well done! Good, thoughtful questions and wonderfully interesting answers from Anne Berest. Thank you! (And PS the book is wonderful!!!)
@TheMustafamarwan 4 ай бұрын
Great book. If you will, check out Guns & Almond Milk which is a war related novel
@Mightyflynn77 4 ай бұрын
@sjk1940 4 ай бұрын
I’ve read many books about the Holocaust but this one is so different. I connect to her story; do my family’s genealogy, connecting to my Jewish background. I understand more about cellular memory.
@localbod 4 ай бұрын
When you say his book was excellent, it sounds like it's not available anymore. I would suggest that you use the Present tense. Dr. Phillip Blood is such a marvellous historian and writer and so knowledgeable about the German forces and Germany leading up to and during the Second World War.
@RonaldTolar-pg8uh 4 ай бұрын
Russia wars were caused by the U.S. Deep State, including CIA, USAID, other NGO's promoting NATO membership, which is just another way of continuing Washington D.C's aggression to surround Russia with armies ( Nato ) and nuclear weapons 5 minutes from most of Russia.
@danielduwaldt 4 ай бұрын
My Prof. said that Wilson "owes him a coffee" bevause he made one of students by his book.
@hawkbartril3016 5 ай бұрын
I only needed to hear her say it is Russia's war. Well that's not right, as it was thought up in an American think tank called RAND Corporation and the booklet they produced called Extending Russia -Competing from Advantageous Grounds. And as for nazism you only need to know zelensky has allocated a national holiday to Stephan Bandera. Her book would be a waste of time, from her total ignorance. Just google "2018 nazi Ukraine" why does she full so much time talking about history that has nothing to do with this particular war
@CollectiveWest1 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this interview of such an authoritative academic. Great to hear that your town in the Eastern US is showing support for Ukraine, which is also an investment in the security of Europe and the US and the wider world. Professor Plokhy explains the history very clearly. I enjoyed English language translations of his books very much. The Kemlin's worldview is very simplistic and old and destructive - that there are simple 'blocs' of exclusive cultural identity based on language, which should also equate with the borders of political units in the form of states, and that state relations are just based on force. That worldview is a recipe for endless wars - either to create buffer zones of puppet states (which then need to be expanded endlessly) or to unite 'lost' language speakers with the mother country, whether or not those people claim a distinct identity. Part of that Kremlin worldview is to deny identity and agency to other nationalities if they are in the way of imperial ambitions. Putin and Moscow do not have the right to decide whether Ukrainians or Ukraine are real. The world is more complicated and nuanced and multi-layered than the Kremlin worldview. Current events reminds us of other aggressors in the past. Sadly, the West has mostly been managing support for Ukraine based on flawed assumptions of shared global values, ingrained habits about damage limitation, and lack of geopolitical understanding or strategic thought. Western politicians are used to demonstrative gesture politics to meet short term demands of the media rather than effective politics to achieve strategic goals.
@CollectiveWest1 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this interview of such an authoritative academic. Great to hear that your town in the Eastern US is showing support for Ukraine, which is also an investment in the security of Europe and the US and the wider world. Professor Plokhy explains the history very clearly. I enjoyed English language translations of his books very much. The Kemlin's worldview is very simplistic and old and destructive - that there are simple 'blocs' of exclusive cultural identity based on language, which should also equate with the borders of political units in the form of states, and that state relations are just based on force. That worldview is a recipe for endless wars - either to create buffer zones of puppet states (which then need to be expanded endlessly) or to unite 'lost' language speakers with the mother country, whether or not those people claim a distinct identity. Part of that Kremlin worldview is to deny identity and agency to other nationalities if they are in the way of imperial ambitions. Putin and Moscow do not have the right to decide whether Ukrainians or Ukraine are real. The world is more complicated and nuanced and multi-layered than the Kremlin worldview. Current events reminds us of other aggressors in the past. Sadly, the West has mostly been managing support for Ukraine based on flawed assumptions of shared global values, ingrained habits about damage limitation, and lack of geopolitical understanding or strategic thought. Western politicians are used to demonstrative gesture politics to meet short term demands of the media rather than effective politics to achieve strategic goals.
@pavelkatz5374 5 ай бұрын
Hi does the book has photos of the f-35 or its strictly information book?
@joeblack1052 5 ай бұрын
Create a threat where none exists Create the condition for a threat And perhaps the threat will materialize What does a lawyer know of geopolitics This isn’t a Cold War The Cold War had the basis of dialogue in the presence of tension The current situation is tension created due to the absence of coherent dialogue Russia is more influential than China politically because it is an alternative to western hegemony. China doesn’t enunciate any alternative and is rather geopolitically insular it instead rides the coat tails of the Russian political sphere Stop thinking economics, the Vatican is influential but has no real economic of military power. The US on paper is richer than it has ever been in economic terms but has lost its political soul
@JesterEric 5 ай бұрын
It was a disaster for Britain letting Ireland gain independence. The start of a national decline that is accelerating today. Putin won't let something similar happen to Russia
@arseniipivtorak3815 5 ай бұрын
Pretty accurate point of view
@henriikkak2091 5 ай бұрын
Putin is an imperialist. His support ratings go up when Russia invades its neighbors or when he expands its sphere of influence. He failed to keep expanding his empire through "peaceful means" so he decided to do it militarily, and when that didn't work, he escalated, and because that's not going according to plan either, he's trying to beat Ukrainian civilians into submission. There are all kinds of Russian-minded experts trying to excuse this behavior. What incentive is there for Russia to stop invading its neighbors the way it's been doing for centuries if it keeps working -- if the West keeps thinking that the buffer states are expendable. The people in the so-called buffer states are tired to keep having to ask for permission to exist and to live free, not least from Moscow's tyranny. This stops here.
@Astronist 6 ай бұрын
Great interview with many valuable insights from Mark Galeotti, even tho this is now nearly a year old. But please sack your video editor - the switching to the wrong camera view (of the interviewer while the guest was speaking) every few seconds was very distracting.
@oscarmora4602 6 ай бұрын
@robertaurens5665 6 ай бұрын
RT and Sputnik must be telling the truth as they have been banned in France. Did she miss the bit where Bandera and co went on the rampage for the nazis and when WWII ended managed to escape to Canada only to start reviving Bandera's memory in 2014 in Kiev. Russia was forced to do the special military op as Ukraine had assembled a large army ( with the help of NATO/US) to invade and occupy the Donbass but Putin pre-empted them by a few days. Truth will out. Perhaps Jade needs to dig deeper and find out the west is lying through it's teeth.
@lw1zfog 6 ай бұрын
‘King’s college indirectly invests £2.2 million in arms and defence and has increased its shares in the industry in recent years, despite its reputation for being Cambridge’s ‘progressive’ college, Varsity can reveal. Freedom of information requests showed the College’s £349m of assets to include shares in over fifty arms companies, held mostly via investments in a range of index tracker funds. As of March 2023, the college indirectly invested over £2,206,000 in companies like Lockheed Martin, Korea Aerospace, and BAE Systems.’
@lw1zfog 6 ай бұрын
‘King’s college indirectly invests £2.2 million in arms and defence and has increased its shares in the industry in recent years, despite its reputation for being Cambridge’s ‘progressive’ college, Varsity can reveal. Freedom of information requests showed the College’s £349m of assets to include shares in over fifty arms companies, held mostly via investments in a range of index tracker funds. As of March 2023, the college indirectly invested over £2,206,000 in companies like Lockheed Martin, Korea Aerospace, and BAE Systems.’
@lw1zfog 6 ай бұрын
‘King’s college indirectly invests £2.2 million in arms and defence and has increased its shares in the industry in recent years, despite its reputation for being Cambridge’s ‘progressive’ college, Varsity can reveal. Freedom of information requests showed the College’s £349m of assets to include shares in over fifty arms companies, held mostly via investments in a range of index tracker funds. As of March 2023, the college indirectly invested over £2,206,000 in companies like Lockheed Martin, Korea Aerospace, and BAE Systems.’
@lw1zfog 6 ай бұрын
😂🤣😂🤦🏽‍♂️🥴🤡 ‘King’s college indirectly invests £2.2 million in arms and defence and has increased its shares in the industry in recent years, despite its reputation for being Cambridge’s ‘progressive’ college, Varsity can reveal. Freedom of information requests showed the College’s £349m of assets to include shares in over fifty arms companies, held mostly via investments in a range of index tracker funds. As of March 2023, the college indirectly invested over £2,206,000 in companies like Lockheed Martin, Korea Aerospace, and BAE Systems.’
@free2dialogue 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for giving the opportunity to connect with life and beauty. I can hear the warmth and deep appreciation in the tone of your voice, when you tell about Bakhmut. Such a deep mourning.
@andersliwenborg3355 6 ай бұрын
They are a bad culture since centurys-just saying to save the person in Russia
@josemapolo1974 6 ай бұрын
Real situation between a Russian man and I: One day before invasion, he denied Russian troops near the frontier to invade. "All is NATO propaganda", he said. One day later, after invasion... all justifications. And, of course that kind of chorus line "Russia never attacked anybody". It would be funny if it wouldn't be so bloody and horrible.
@namesurname624 6 ай бұрын
I can't convince my Soviet grandma that UK was on our side in WW2 lol...
@Aspen7780 7 ай бұрын
Do Russians conflate the Soviet Union with Russia the way the West often does neglecting that the USSR was made up of many nations, essentially the Warsaw Pact? I can’t understand how Russians can consider themselves victims when it’s Russia trying to control its neighbors. It’s so bizarre to think Russians are fighting the N.A..-zi? It’s as if we in the US would characterize that we are in a war against King George. It’s bizarre. Lastly, how do Russians approve of fighting and killing those whom they characterize as fellow Russians (Ukrainians)? They want to save them by killing them. If Russia wants to remain or become a strong respected sovereign nation again, then How can they fail to empathize with the Ukrainian’s wish to also be sovereign? Why feel they have to conquer their neighbor and impose Russian rule on them in order to “free” them?
@Gorboduc 7 ай бұрын
I love the term "The Age Of Grass" to sum up premodern logistics.
@stevenjohns-savage7024 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Jade 😊
@petermckeown1583 7 ай бұрын
I would like to hear Dr McGlynn to a commentary on Putin Carlson interview,
@garysymons3930 7 ай бұрын
One of the best interviews on the Ukraine war so far, and Owen's 25 years of working in Russia gives him an edge over other writers . Owen does not regard Putin as an imperialist about to attack Latvia, but he certainly is a polished murderer of Nemsov , Prigozin , Magnitsky etc, and his prisoners are subjected to terrible torture in his jails . I would like to have heard Owen's opinion on a peace deal, would Putin agree? I think not . So far his only peace deal is with Xi Jinping
@PauZakArtist 7 ай бұрын
if ruski are not guilty. who is then? who is at the front? who is supporting the dictatorship..? what a a load of b* this vid
@nihatsavmaz6677 7 ай бұрын
I loved that Thank you very much. I will hear it as Podcast durin my Train Ride to work.
@gtk1201 7 ай бұрын
Uzmanlar Ile sohbet ?
@nihatsavmaz6677 7 ай бұрын
Yes sir!
@sshender3773 7 ай бұрын
Jade is amazing. A TRUE expert. The host is annoying and clueless though.
@lassel1344 7 ай бұрын
Through the Rand corporation document from 2019 on Ukraine, we now know that the NATO war with Russia in Ukraine had been planned for decades despite what was promised at the time of German reunification and the closing of the Warsaw Pact. Who would dare to trust NATO again after this and after the deception with the Minsk agreement. If I were Putin, I would be pissed off at NATO.
@alastairhunter353 7 ай бұрын
More people should listen to her.
@lw1zfog 6 ай бұрын
why ?
@Rjsjrjsjrjsj 8 ай бұрын
More Jade McGlynn. 👍
@aliofly 8 ай бұрын
Really interesting discussion
@Canonfudder 8 ай бұрын
Can i have a link to that telegram channels study?