24/08/25 @ BQE Fitness - Game 5
24/08/25 @ BQE Fitness - Game 6
24/08/25 @ BQE Fitness - Game 3
24/08/25 @ BQE Fitness - Game 2
24/08/25 @ BQE Fitness - Game 4
24/08/25 @ BQE Fitness - Game 7
24/08/18 @ BQE Fitness - Game 8
24/08/18 @ BQE Fitness - Game 7
24/08/18 @ BQE Fitness - Game 6
24/08/18 @ BQE Fitness - Game 5
24/08/18 @ BQE Fitness - Game 4
24/08/18 @ BQE Fitness - Game 3
24/08/18 @ BQE Fitness - Game 2
24/08/11 @ BQE Fitness - Game 9
24/08/11 @ BQE Fitness - Game 8
24/08/11 @ BQE Fitness - Game 7
24/08/11 @ BQE Fitness - Game 6
24/08/11 @ BQE Fitness - Game 5
24/08/11 @ BQE Fitness - Game 4
24/08/11 @ BQE Fitness - Game 3
@8alin2flip 3 күн бұрын
@8alin2flip 3 күн бұрын
@rodellcee Ай бұрын
L4 started off with 4 pts due to two members of Scrub City forgetting their jerseys. Offense First half 13:28 Rodell miss corner 14:00 Sang turnover 14:21 Sang miss elbow 14:45 Bryce miss 15:12 Bryce miss 15:40 Rodell turnover 16:00 Austin miss long 2 16:20 Rodell make 3 wing 16:43 Rodell make 3 corner 17:20 Austin miss 2 17:24 Sang miss 2 17:51 Bryce miss 3 18:50 Rodell miss 3 19:00 Bryce make 3 wing 19:25 Bryce miss 3 19:28 Bryce miss 2 corner 19:55 Bryce miss 3 wing 20:36 Bryce make 2 21:21 Bryce makes 1/2 FT 22:34 Rodell miss 3 wing 22:58 Bryce miss 3 22:02 Pat miss 3 24:25 Bryce make 3 25:07 Sang miss 2 25:30 Austin miss 2 25:50 Austin miss 2 26:36 Bryce make 3 27:23 Austin turnover 27:45 Pat turnover 28:16 Austin miss 29:27 Austin moving screen 30:09 Austin miss elbow 30:33 Danny miss 2 32:19 Bryce miss 2 32:30 Pat make 3 33:00 Rodell make 3 33:17 Bryce turnover 33:50 Rodell miss 2 34:13 Bryce miss 3 34:20 Bryce miss 2 35:03 Sang miss 3 35:27 Austin miss 3 35:52 Pat miss 2 36:37 Rodell miss 2 Second Half 40:10 Danny turnover 40:48 Rodell miss 3 41:15 Bryce miss 3 41:45 Bryce miss 2 42:10 Pat miss 3 42:37 Bryce make 3 43:24 Rodell makes 1/2 FT 44:12 Pat miss 2 45:11 Rodell turnover 45:38 Sang miss 2 46:11 Austin miss 2 46:48 Pat make 3 47:33 Austin turnover 48:10 Pat make 2 49:23 Rodell make 3 50:10 Pat make 2 50:50 Sang miss 2 51:09 Sang miss 2 51:41 Rodell miss 2 52:33 Rodell miss 3 54:25 Rodell miss 2 54:30 Danny miss 2 55:15 Bryce miss 3 55:42 Bryce miss 2 56:00 Rodell miss 3 56:53 Danny miss 2 57:33 Rodell make 2 58:07 Pat make 3 58:35 Bryce miss 2 59:02 Sang miss 2 59:18 Danny make 2 59:52 Bryce miss 3 59:58 Bryce make 2 1:00:19 Bryce miss 2 1:00:25 Danny miss 2 1:00:32 Bryce make 3 1:01:16 Sang make 2 1:01:53 Sang miss 3 1:03:10 Rodell miss 3 1:03:16 Rodell make 2 1:03:44 Bryce miss 3 1:03:47 Rodell miss 3 1:03:51 Pat make 3 1:04:17 Danny miss 2
@8alin2flip Ай бұрын
20 🎉
@revwarriors7749 Ай бұрын
holy shit you guys suck ass
@aycehoops7863 Ай бұрын
6:00 - 2 guys guarding cutter. Left big man open 6:10 - Brandon, pass to the chest not over the head 6:24 - Drive was stopped. Need to pass out and reset. Good job attacking open space but already 2 possession with no basket. Better to move ball around and get teammates some touches. 7:30 - Attacked space. Strong finish. Good. Probably good idea to attack that low block more. 8:30 - EZ Layup. Right lane seems open a lot. 8:50 - Good splitting the double and finding Kamil under the basket. Need to finish play. Again attacking space on the right side seems fruitful. 9:00 - Brandon, don't back pedal with arms like a bird in transition defense. Face the other way and sprint back full speed to cut off angles. 9:30 - Middle penetration off a screen to a dump-off to Kamil. Good play. Good shot. Good finish 9:42 - Defend with your feet not your arms. Too easy splitting 2 defenders for a foul in transition. 10:32 - Somebody gotta sprint back. Offhand note - Josh get longer shoe laces dawg 14:50 - That looked clean wtf Offhand note again - More aggressively box out the shooter. Get a hand on him. 17:15 - Spacing is weird 17:20 - Who's mans 19:00 - Potential dump off to a cutting Josh? Hard to see. Either way, continuing dribbling out or passing out is better option than shooting at that angle. 21:44 - ??? 22:32 - Box out. Ball goes up = find a body. You don't even need to secure the rebound 22:44 - The throw ahead T_T 23:10 - 1v2 no advantage. Wait for teammates 24:24 - Brandon box out 29:24 - Teammate open under basket 29:31 - Rodell open in corner 31:00 - Lane is clogged af 35:30 - Try to catch the ball on the block without losing your dribble 37:40 - Had really deep position. Maybe could've just put it up? 41:07 - Good cut. Deep Position. Good finish
@brycebalingit7791 2 ай бұрын
11:47 kaka finish
@brycebalingit7791 3 ай бұрын
those passes tho
@brycebalingit7791 7 ай бұрын
@jeongersss 7 ай бұрын
@brycebalingit7791 8 ай бұрын
1:36 B looks into the abyss
@rodellcee 8 ай бұрын
3:17 Rodell miss floater off cut from short left corner to paint. 24:26 Rodell miss left wing 3. 25:52 Rodell correct read to drive instead of shooting the 3 (the defender was put on skates lol), but spacing was poor and couldnt make a pass and airballed a lefty floater off the double team. Shouldve pumped faked off the reverse pivot spin before shot attempt. 28:16 Rodell couldve changed directions to going left to get a clean left drive to the basket. And the driving angle going right was too wide 29:00 Rodell airball top of the key 3. 31:08 Rodell defended and cutoff baseline drive and somehow got called foul instead forcing the guy out of bounds lmao. 34:24 Rodell miss 3 right wing. 34:39 Rodell had a chance for a lefty hook. But not a bad decision to pass since the double was coming. 34:48 Rodell couldve rolled half a second earlier and open up on the roll the opposite way. 38:56 Rodell missed mid-range right wing. Had opportunity to cut to the basket as well.
@rodellcee 8 ай бұрын
0:37 Rodell miss left wing 3 1:54 Rodell miss left wing 3 6:19 Rodell miss right wing 3 6:43 Rodell miss right corner 2 7:11 Rodell miss right wing 3 7:38 Rodell miss layup off the right block. Rodell should've seen the help defender in position and realize he want's to block, so Rodell could've either passed to Clem or if he wanted to score then either A.) Veer finish into the big man or B.) Hop into 2 feet and pump fake. 22:14 Rodell needs sharper driving angle driving left so his defender cant recover as easily. Also needs to stop picking up dribble at the high post, its a useless spot to pick up the dribble. Just keep the space using the off arm or retreat out. Also couldve relocated to weakside corner after the pass to Bryce for better spacing 25:51 Rodell got blocked off the high pickup layup. Got passed both defenders but for the 3rd defender Rodell shouldve seen him before attacking so on the last step of the layup Rodell could've jumped into the 3rd defender to neutralize the block and probably get the foul call. 29:50 Rodell mishandled the hop step move. 31:44 Rodell shouldve used Ray's screen going downhill instead of going left. The defender was not keeping up and Rodell bailed him out. Rodell could've then proceeded to drive against the help defender in the paint and get a foul or pump fake. 34:23 Rodell couldve just spun the ball the other way to keep the ball protected. Alternatively, if Rodell wanted to attack off this closed off position, he shouldve done a hip swivel and continue attacking baseline. Also before Rodell dribbled to the short corner, he couldve drove thru the paint via bumping the top defender with the left hip to achieve a sharp driving angle or via a hop, then Rodell couldve lobbed it to Sang. Alternatively Rodell couldve bounced passed it to Ray on weakside corner. 35:36 Rodell missed an easy driving opportunity or alternatively missed a give and go with Ryan cutting down the paint. 36:12 Good sharp driving angle that Rodell finally took the opportunity for. Mid range shot.
@rodellcee 9 ай бұрын
Observations: 1:44 Rodell needs to close out hard on the shot 2:00 good 45 cut by Clem to the basket. Good recognition by Eric for the pass. Just gotta convert the layup 3:05 missed opportunity for Rodell give-and-go. Bryce recognizes the open space instead and cuts there 4:03 Rodell missed pass to Eric 5:09 Guy with the ball got past Eric way too easily and collapsed our defense. Both Rodell and Clem worried about the pass down low and led to a poor close out on the open 3. We can't allow easy drives and the shots need to be contested better 7:05 zone defense positioning was poor here. 7:20 Sang missed Ray on the left block 10:09 Timmy was a bit too high on the 2-3 zone. Good attempt at taking the charge tho. Ken and Ray need to close up the gap towards the middle. Big guy was able to get to the paint and dish out to the PG which collapsed the 2-3. Timmy didnt rotate down which led to the wide open shot and easy put back lay up 10:24 No ball movement and poor spacing. Not a bad 3 point attempt. Missed opportunity to flash middle top of key 10:42 No close out by Bryce 10:57 instead of passing directly to Timmy, it couldve been easier to get it to Timmy if Ray passes to Clem and then Clem passes it to Timmy like a triangle. Clem has the easier passing angle 11:27, Ray couldve attacked immediately and drew a foul. Also Rodell couldve drove left due to no help defense on the left lane 12:00 Ray and Rodell missed a cut from left wing to the right block to receive a pass from Ken. Rodell does a deep cut to drag defender away from Ray which leads to open 3 for Ray. Rodell shouldve sprinted back to the right block to try to go for a rebound at least. 12:12 Need to be more aggressive on the big guy, his handles arent good. He shouldnt be able to get to the mid range so easily. Need to bully him more to retreat 12:22 Bad dribble handoff (dho) by Rodell. Need to hand it to Timmy. Good pump fake by Timmy. Just need to stay balanced to convert. But overall good read by Timmy to attack off the dho since he has momentum and his defender is slightly delayed by Rodell's screen. 12:48 Rodell missed give and go opportunity with Ray. Rodell needs to set the screen way closer to Ray's defender to make contact with the defender. Ray needs to dribble way tighter around the screen to make his defender bump into Rodell and also occupy the help defense. Rodell did a terrible job getting back on defense after the steal. Rodell gave up on the play too soon. 13:13 Ken did a good job attacking the closeout and assist to Sang 15:35 Good idea by Rodell to push the pace while the defense wasn't set and great pass by Timmy to cutting Eric. Gotta go strong with the layup. 16:08 Good idea by Eric to attack middle, but he missed Clem on the left corner. Luckily Sang cleaned up on the play. 17:11 Good idea by Rodell to attack left, he fumbled the ball on the right to left between the legs. Rodell needs a better go to move when going downhill on the left wing. 21:24 Bryce missed a give and go opportunity with Clem. Sang was setting Bryce a screen and Bryce couldve used the screen to cut and receive the pass back from Clem. Rodell was simultaneously cutting to weakside thus dragging the help defender area if Bryce ended up receiving the ball back. 23:05 Need better communication on who boxes out shooter. Bryce and Eric were both boxing out shooter but we needed to box out the big man more. 23:27 great face cut by Clem 25:30 Rodell couldve went for a charge 26:30 Rodell couldve drove left into the paint. 28:05 Clem needs to way closer up to the big man's body to bully and contest better. The big man has 0 handles/speed and just wants to shoot. Giving him space is what he wants, force him to drive and make a dumb layup/pass. 28:17 Clem need better shot selection 30:32 Rodell missed a slip opportunity to cut down the middle of the paint to receive the pass. 32:30 Rodell missed an immediate drive opportunity to the right. 33:43 Rodell shouldve went for the layup instead of pass. Also Rodell shouldve cut and drove with way more speed than that. 35:37 Rodell missed a give and go opportunity with Sang right after the pass. 35:48 Bad spacing on the Box1 Defense. Eric on the help side needs to deny middle to prevent 3 on 2 situation. More communication from Rodell and Sang to call out when this happens as well 36:04 Rodell missed 45 cut into the paint. 36:27 Clem need better shot selection 37:55-38:35 Really great defensive effort by Sang. 38:23 Bryce not boxing out 40:19 Really bad TO by Rodell General Observations: - More patience with each possession. Consider ball reversals by swinging the ball along the perimeter. - More cuts need to occur straight thru the paint and along baseline. Moving around should NOT just be moving around the perimeter. - We need a little bit more dribble penetration. This doesn't mean to wildly throw up layups, but we had some opportunities to drive and kick and settled for contested 3's. - Need to finish those wide open layups. Stop losing focus. - Need to be generally more physical and aggressive against this team - We need some simple off ball screening actions for people to utilize. - Cut along the paint/baseline or screen away immediately off of the pass. Stop standing there after the pass. - Close out on open shots and trust teammates to help out on the drive. Run the shooter off the line and make them earn their points. - Whoever are the 2 guards on top of the 2-3 need to be more aggressive and urgent on protecting drives to the foul line. We cannot let those drives happen that easy. - Way more communication is needed on the defensive end especially on denying passes/drives to the middle. But generally the defensive effort was certainly there. - More communication on offensive, when we need guys to cut and people arent cutting, we need to be more direct with each other to move - Sang continues to be a beast on the defensive end and rebounding
@rodellcee 9 ай бұрын
0:17 Bryce layup 1:25 Bryce steal and layup 2:38 Clem 1/2 FT 4:14 Eric assist to Clem for 3 5:26 Clem assist to Eric for 3 8:02 Sang put back layup 8:55 Bryce assist to Ray for 3 13:13 Ken assist to Sang layup 13:42 Rodell Euro layup 16:09 Sang put back layup 23:45 Clem 1/2 FT 24:20 Rodell assist to Clem for 3 25:19 Bryce mid range shot 27:40 Clem assist to Timmy for mid range shot 29:35 Timmy assist to Sang layup 33:07 Sang put back layup 33:54 Rodell steal into layup 36:31 Bryce steal into And1 Layup 40:35 Sang steal into layup
@jeongersss 9 ай бұрын
@brycebalingit7791 Жыл бұрын
I thought there was a random bridge overhead
@brycebalingit7791 Жыл бұрын
@brandonaniceto2845 Жыл бұрын
That Chinese guy is so hot
@vincentpatti9306 Жыл бұрын
That shot at 11:50 though
@jeongersss Жыл бұрын
So cool! 🤩
@jeongersss Жыл бұрын
@jeongersss Жыл бұрын
@jeongersss Жыл бұрын
Wow! Cool!
@DreadinNY Жыл бұрын
Is the colorful court still there and in good condition?
@gordonho9298 2 жыл бұрын
Did you record game 4?
@gordonho9298 2 жыл бұрын
Did you record game 4?
@brandonaniceto2845 2 жыл бұрын
That dude with the Champion tank on fire from 3 🔥
@jeongersss 2 жыл бұрын
@jeongersss 2 жыл бұрын
@8alin2flip 2 жыл бұрын
@ibracadabra900 2 жыл бұрын
0:54 👀
@jeongersss 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! Nice!
@8alin2flip 2 жыл бұрын
@8alin2flip 2 жыл бұрын
@ibracadabra900 2 жыл бұрын