Prisregn 2021 - Politiken
2 жыл бұрын
Året der gik - Politiken i 2020
Politiken - Scoop Scoop Loops
4 жыл бұрын
Hør sangen 'Ramadan i København'
@KVl-w9n 25 күн бұрын
Lyd lort , ja ja gang staking, og deres hacking nr er til at luk op at skide i
@pieceofmind3291 Ай бұрын
De er sku nogle klovne
@ThunderWindz 2 ай бұрын
tænk og stå ved en 1000 liter tank og sige 275 gallon ej men de amerikaner og deres dumme enheder.
@KVl-w9n 2 ай бұрын
Hey taber army hils pet psykopaten og sig at han og jeres lille pet projektet er ved at løbe løbsk i Aalborg og det lort i puttet i folk øre er en saga blot i dumme svin ,i trode der ville komme rocker bande krig men i har været deltager i at ødelægge min familie Ole og Annette lund og Kristian Lund Aalborg jeg er søn til dem og gang staking er ulovligt og husk hvem i er åbentbart folk der skide folk i dk et stykke og Fink fra politiet og junkie Fink vil stjæle 6 millioner fra Ole Lund
@XDRosenheim 2 ай бұрын
>Vælger at oversætte. >Bruger stadig "gallons" i stedet for liter. Var det meningen I ville have man skulle forstå hvad han sagde?
@pettorturoffer1441 3 ай бұрын
Luk lortet ...
@xXLegendXx70 3 ай бұрын
Er skuffet. Troede sku denne video omhandlede en dansk prepper. Det i viser her er bare en standard amerikaner. Havde været sjovere hvis han var dansker og det havde været i Danmark :D
@xXLegendXx70 3 ай бұрын
Muuuriicaaaaa fuk yeaaaaah!
@gylp2 3 ай бұрын
dommedag kommer aldrig til at ske hvad er det for noget overnaturlig skit at bile verden en hvad er overhoved dommedag er det noget med gud manden vi aldrig har set eller vad jeg mangler en forklaring?
@Altinget 3 ай бұрын
Han havde ret i at sammenbruddet af USA var ca 5 år væk. Det blev bare på den måde at de valgte Trump. Store nationer tager flere generationer at gå under fuldstændig.
@jrgenandersen1849 4 ай бұрын
TVA: Folketinget og Kongen fejrer 175 år med Grundloven..Ehhhhh hvad med Folket...Det må da være en rigtig betalt egoistisk udtagelse fra DR folkets tv station....
@nicolaisvendsen7101 5 ай бұрын
Netop derfor, så ser jeg aldrig mig selv i folketinget. Jeg understreger tit en særlig pointe med et bandeord, fordi det gør man sgu bare. Det er nok de fleste folk. Enig med 00:38 Man forklarer sig bare, og så får folk ondt i røven. 😆😆 Puha!
@Neceh01 5 ай бұрын
Det er sikkert pisse sjovt, hvis man ikke er en del af det private arbejdsmarked, og skal se 38% af ens løn blive brugt på det her. Jeg håber virkelig at jeg dør tidligt, for det gør så fucking ondt.
@martinhovehansen3391 10 ай бұрын
Danmarks dyreste Børnehave
@randomvideospro1243 5 ай бұрын
Så skal du se hvordan det foregår i England.
@oYFOR 3 ай бұрын
hi hi
@martinhovehansen3391 10 ай бұрын
@aidepaul534 Жыл бұрын
Det er overvejende de røde, der bander. Pøbel på tinge...
@rhddfgdfdrgd Жыл бұрын
selv børnehaves klasser ar mere pli end disse folk. De har åbenbart glemt rimelig mange regler fra folkeskolen. Når der tales så lytter man og kigger op mod den som taler og man sidder ikke og taler med sidemanden eller kigger på sin mobil. sjovt at man tvinger folk til at lære disse regler for så at skide på dem selv ........ er der overhoved en voksen ansat i det cirkus
@RobelEmilKochbjrnkjr-fh2oc Жыл бұрын
Jeg elsker Din sang isam b Respekt til dig
@alleveddet118 Жыл бұрын
@DanielHertz Жыл бұрын
Det er den tørreste video jeg endnu har set...
@olelarsen7688 Жыл бұрын
Idag bliver Greta 20 år. Så er hun ikke engang teenager længere. "Hør, Greta. Har du nogensinde foretaget dig noget fornuftigt"?
@JokeR-ok1qw Жыл бұрын
Crazy seek people you ARe not muslim
@paulersboll7903 Жыл бұрын
Ya ya Hi hi Fra Paul Ersbøll We are very proud of our family participation in Danmark’s place in the world. Alt det bedste Paul
@kathy259 Жыл бұрын
Magthaverne kommer med gyldne løfter - vi har hørt det hele før. De konforme levebrødspolitikere kan ikke redde planeten - vi ved det jo egentlig godt. Derfor er der så mange tvivlere tvivlere.
@kirstinetermansen Жыл бұрын
D. R. ???)).
@kirstinetermansen Жыл бұрын
Ok frank Sinatra
@lotharlundgren9509 Жыл бұрын
Free Lars
@christianmadsen7997 Жыл бұрын
Idioten solgte Danmark og danskerne til Amerikanerne👎
@sunSherifAhmDRose1QuIST 2 жыл бұрын
Proud danes NEED HELP from abroad . Too many civilian individual danes get absolutely no freedom of expression or freedom of thought or legal safety or human rights VS supremacy of the State. Danish Crown GLÜCKsburg family is SO CORRUPT, there are Crimes against Humanity repeatedly committed as DEDICATED TO Crown's name since 1970'ies until today by regime's own COLLECTIVELY CORRUPT privileged public sector employees and by the politicians in Crown's Absolutist 1 chamber parliament and those crimes are done towards danish civilian private citizens. We are in the oldest kingdom of Denmark STILL TODAY living as if it is WW2's danish KZ camp prior to Nurnberg process but no liberator yet is arriving at all while danish journalists are bribed by stateSubsidy and therefore loyal silent to Crown's regime, while the civilian private citizens as victims of miscarriage of justice or regime's powerAbuse -as citizens are by secret services massively censored for decades after the citizens are mass victimised by danish regime. Danish society is "so happy" that more than 10% ( unlike danish crown's regime, Hitler went after ONLY 1% of german society!) of society are stigmatised for political purpose by psychiatric diagnose, by the narcissist psychopath "expert" authority who want to silent the critics and the rebbels and to present these citizens collectively as automatically Non trust-worthy in case of criticism towards the regime's institutions. The many different statistics in kingdom of DK are the proof of the regime's personal civil war on its own by the regime victimised citizens, and since 1970'ies until today. No one ever punished danish Crown and its parliament for its own COOPERATION with NSDAP nazis, and therefore the civilian citizens of Denmark are suffering still today, because those privileged public sector employees within all branches had inherited and continued their own COLLECTIVELY CORRUPTION after WW2 until today. Term COLLECTIVELY CORRUPT is to be understood just as when the priests were FOR DECADES collectively corrupt and covering up their own colleague's boy abuse. Term COLLECTIVELY CORRUPT is to be understood just as when those public sector employees under Hitler, FOR MANY YEARS were all covering up their own regime's miscarriage of justice and about regime's powerabuse and about stigmatizing civilian private citizens. Danish narcisist Crown's regime claims to be one of the happiest nations on earth, but that is just the same manipulation of the impression as when WW2's KZ camp's prisoners were taken a photo of outside in the sun while smiling. Also, Kingdom of DK had now for decades also had Arbeit Macht Frei Jobcenters where citizens with cancer are forced to work. Civilian private citizens whom criticize the danish regime's institutions are not the citizens getting the access to journalists, and are as the civilian private citizens mostly labeled with psychiatric diagnose as non trust worthy or are by the corrupt police falsely accused as criminal in order to stigmatise them in advance, or are the citizens where public sector employees in the citizen's public journal are planting written false evidence in order to easier automatically condemn/ to judge those civilian private citizens in the future chronologically. The danish statistics about stigmatised civilian citizens by the danish crown's regime's psychiatrists for political purpose, is nothing better compared to Soviet Union's on political dissidents or China's statistics on Uyghurs. The danish regime have also for decades abused its power when it comes to parental rights and the danish regime is also labeling the children of the parents whom criticize the danish regime's institutions. The judges know very well that danish policeofficers are COLLECTIVELY CORRUPT, and the judges are therefore mostly not punishing the policeofficers by jailing them, but policeofficers are most often given a very small fine of only approx 1000 - 5000 kr to pay = because the judges know very well that if those collectively corrupt policeofficers were to be properly punished than there would almost not be any policemen left in the policeforce simply because too many are corrupt ! More than 30% of civilian private citizens whom criticize own danish regime, are by the danish PET secret service online labeled as "russian propaganda" or "american propaganda" even though those citizens are having danish national passport. Danish civilian private citizens have not even a chance against danish crown's regime, because since WW2 and until today, it is both political wings that are fishing after public sector's employees votes whom are already having Authority Title to excercise power or are as the public guards excercising the rule of a mob, and there are approx 1 million employees whom are receiving the salary from public sector employer/Govt. And even if both political wings are claiming to not fish after the votes of public sector employees they are still anyway seeking to Empower those public sector employees VS an individual civilian private citizen, by promissing to implement less bureaucracy as less transparency in order to those public sector employees as the public representatives of the regime itself could easier without leaving any trace faster damage by planting written false evidence/ or to kill without leaving a trace / or break legal safety by manipulating upside down the chronology/ or achieve other miscarriege of justice towards an individual civilian private citizen. No one for decades ever dared to even mention that there are very bad public sector branch employees and that their bad judgment is infecting the whole organisation as well as lives of civilians, whereafter the expences are enlarged for the next field caused by the previous public sector/government employees whose job never was obliged to personal psychological test even though they are pure narcissists or psychopats or lacking social intelligence or are collectively corrupt. Even the forensic psychiatrists in kingdom of Denmark, are personally suffering from megalomania and suffering from angst that there might be some even bigger megalomaniac as the "competition" (to the forensic psychiatrist) by simply criticizing the forensic psychiatrist. Several billions kroner to psychiatry will just even more empower the psychiatric staff in their powerabuse and in their usually unpunished breaking of also criminal law besides health laws too. As comparative, private labor market's employees are no where in all world allowed to vote and elect their top employer. Danish Ombudsman is CORRUPT ALSO.
@Microbex Ай бұрын
You need to medicated yourself. You sound absolutely crazy.
@sunSherifAhmDRose1QuIST 2 жыл бұрын
Proud danes NEED HELP from abroad . Too many civilian individual danes get absolutely no freedom of expression or freedom of thought or legal safety or human rights VS supremacy of the State. Danish Crown GLÜCKsburg family is SO CORRUPT, there are Crimes against Humanity repeatedly committed as DEDICATED TO Crown's name since 1970'ies until today by regime's own COLLECTIVELY CORRUPT privileged public sector employees and by the politicians in Crown's Absolutist 1 chamber parliament and those crimes are done towards danish civilian private citizens. We are in the oldest kingdom of Denmark STILL TODAY living as if it is WW2's danish KZ camp prior to Nurnberg process but no liberator yet is arriving at all while danish journalists are bribed by stateSubsidy and therefore loyal silent to Crown's regime, while the civilian private citizens as victims of miscarriage of justice or regime's powerAbuse -as citizens are by secret services massively censored for decades after the citizens are mass victimised by danish regime. Danish society is "so happy" that more than 10% ( unlike danish crown's regime, Hitler went after ONLY 1% of german society!) of society are stigmatised for political purpose by psychiatric diagnose, by the narcissist psychopath "expert" authority who want to silent the critics and the rebbels and to present these citizens collectively as automatically Non trust-worthy in case of criticism towards the regime's institutions. The many different statistics in kingdom of DK are the proof of the regime's personal civil war on its own by the regime victimised citizens, and since 1970'ies until today. No one ever punished danish Crown and its parliament for its own COOPERATION with NSDAP nazis, and therefore the civilian citizens of Denmark are suffering still today, because those privileged public sector employees within all branches had inherited and continued their own COLLECTIVELY CORRUPTION after WW2 until today. Term COLLECTIVELY CORRUPT is to be understood just as when the priests were FOR DECADES collectively corrupt and covering up their own colleague's boy abuse. Term COLLECTIVELY CORRUPT is to be understood just as when those public sector employees under Hitler, FOR MANY YEARS were all covering up their own regime's miscarriage of justice and about regime's powerabuse and about stigmatizing civilian private citizens. Danish narcisist Crown's regime claims to be one of the happiest nations on earth, but that is just the same manipulation of the impression as when WW2's KZ camp's prisoners were taken a photo of outside in the sun while smiling. Also, Kingdom of DK had now for decades also had Arbeit Macht Frei Jobcenters where citizens with cancer are forced to work. Civilian private citizens whom criticize the danish regime's institutions are not the citizens getting the access to journalists, and are as the civilian private citizens mostly labeled with psychiatric diagnose as non trust worthy or are by the corrupt police falsely accused as criminal in order to stigmatise them in advance, or are the citizens where public sector employees in the citizen's public journal are planting written false evidence in order to easier automatically condemn/ to judge those civilian private citizens in the future chronologically. The danish statistics about stigmatised civilian citizens by the danish crown's regime's psychiatrists for political purpose, is nothing better compared to Soviet Union's on political dissidents or China's statistics on Uyghurs. The danish regime have also for decades abused its power when it comes to parental rights and the danish regime is also labeling the children of the parents whom criticize the danish regime's institutions. The judges know very well that danish policeofficers are COLLECTIVELY CORRUPT, and the judges are therefore mostly not punishing the policeofficers by jailing them, but policeofficers are most often given a very small fine of only approx 1000 - 5000 kr to pay = because the judges know very well that if those collectively corrupt policeofficers were to be properly punished than there would almost not be any policemen left in the policeforce simply because too many are corrupt ! More than 30% of civilian private citizens whom criticize own danish regime, are by the danish PET secret service online labeled as "russian propaganda" or "american propaganda" even though those citizens are having danish national passport. Danish civilian private citizens have not even a chance against danish crown's regime, because since WW2 and until today, it is both political wings that are fishing after public sector's employees votes whom are already having Authority Title to excercise power or are as the public guards excercising the rule of a mob, and there are approx 1 million employees whom are receiving the salary from public sector employer/Govt. And even if both political wings are claiming to not fish after the votes of public sector employees they are still anyway seeking to Empower those public sector employees VS an individual civilian private citizen, by promissing to implement less bureaucracy as less transparency in order to those public sector employees as the public representatives of the regime itself could easier without leaving any trace faster damage by planting written false evidence/ or to kill without leaving a trace / or break legal safety by manipulating upside down the chronology/ or achieve other miscarriege of justice towards an individual civilian private citizen. No one for decades ever dared to even mention that there are very bad public sector branch employees and that their bad judgment is infecting the whole organisation as well as lives of civilians, whereafter the expences are enlarged for the next field caused by the previous public sector/government employees whose job never was obliged to personal psychological test even though they are pure narcissists or psychopats or lacking social intelligence or are collectively corrupt. Even the forensic psychiatrists in kingdom of Denmark, are personally suffering from megalomania and suffering from angst that there might be some even bigger megalomaniac as the "competition" (to the forensic psychiatrist) by simply criticizing the forensic psychiatrist. Several billions kroner to psychiatry will just even more empower the psychiatric staff in their powerabuse and in their usually unpunished breaking of also criminal law besides health laws too. As comparative, private labor market's employees are no where in all world allowed to vote and elect their top employer. Danish Ombudsman is CORRUPT ALSO.
@sunSherifAhmDRose1QuIST 2 жыл бұрын
Har Jacob Ellemann overhovedet haft et RIGTIGT JOB fra virkeligheden, eller har han blot som en voksen leget som en overbeskyttet "fredsbevarende" MIDT I andet lands FREDSTIDEN ??? Og jeres kære STM Mette Frederiksen er en biologisk datter af den britiske prinsesse Anne, og det er derfor at Mette har levet hele sit liv som privilligeret, men det tier Mette Frederiksen om !
@f.s1281 2 жыл бұрын
Så fint 💗
@sunSherifAhmDRose1QuIST 2 жыл бұрын
American spy agencies as "world's policeman" are across the ocean protecting the regime of Kingdom of Denmark. In kingdom of Denmark last year I got a visit from 3 secret policemen to my home because of mine online comments, the Crown's police told me that I was dangerous (never earlier in my whole life I had even a ticket nor a criminal record ) and they took my computer and mobile phones and 10.000 dkr in cash and my passport and health care card (the police didn't even have the papers from the Court's Judge for such confiscation, and so I fear that danish police might later abuse mine ID for some terrorist attack or that a policeman could create some debt in my name) , and the police kidnapped me from my home without at all informing my family for the next 6 days about where was it that the Crown's police took me away, the policeman without any reason or warning had hit me in my face and so I was bleeding all over the floor in my home, after the Crown's police took me away from my home they surrendered me to almost the "army" of other policemen, later that same day the police abused their power to imprison me for the 1st time in my life in some closed psychiatric hospital for several months without ever presenting me in front of the Judge (and at that time they as well didn't want to give me a lawyer for a very long time) , and the police instructed the psychiatric staff to write in my papers that I was "dangerous" so that the next one psychiatric staff or the next time policemen would treat me less humane as if I was really dangerous ( I now fear every single day for all my future that they might even in advance frame/stage to shoot me without any warning some day in the future, and the policemen in Kingdom of Denmark always go free because they always say something was in self-defense). At the end (which I discovered several months much later while reading the accusation, because the danish police initially didn't even inform me about their paragraf accusation) the Crown's police invented one whole scene as if it was me the one whom attacked the police (which I didn't , at all, and what they accuse me of had never happened), and so I am now still waiting to go to the court some day in the future for accusation about something which I did not do but they know in advance that I can not prove it because there were no other witnesses in my home, and the judge and even defence lawyer usually trusts to the police above the law in fancy uniforms. No one ever informed me that I actually am living as if in 1970'ies Latin Amerika or in a communist totalitarian absolutist kingdom with only 1 chamber parliament . "Legal Safety" & "Legal Certainty" & "Human Rights" do NOT EXIST in Kingdom of Denmark, and danish public sector employees /state employees are Collectively Corrupt covering each others back (just as f.x Vatican was collectively corrupt in SILENCE about the boys abuse for decades). All danish journalists are on state subsidy and are the government agents whom for decades protect only the regime against its civilian citizens while the civilian citizens are intimidated into applying the self-censorship. I would so much like to ask Bernie Sanders a few questions, about that gratis health care costs at the psychiatry hospital with very often blood tests.
@sunSherifAhmDRose1QuIST 2 жыл бұрын
Word "muslim" in its root means: "enslaved believer/ the follower (based on blind trust) ". When the Authority/ the Government asks for your blind trust = the one whom governs you had just converted you from your CHRISTian faith into another muslim faith where you are not going to ask any questions, without you even noticed that your faith had been changed. The faith is not about "the label" you glue on yourself, but the faith is in what you are doing/ re-acting.
@Projekify 2 жыл бұрын
Den fascistiske stat Rusland bekræfter hver dag sin status som terrorstat! De arrangerer atomterrorisme på det største atomkraftværk i Europa i det sydlige Ukraine, de bomber civilbefolkningen i byer og byer i Ukraine med artilleri og krydsermissiler, i går ramte de målrettet et herberg for døve og stumme i Kharkov, snesevis af mennesker blev dræbt, mere end 100 mennesker blev såret!!! Det er alle forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, som allerede overgår det fascistiske Tysklands forbrydelser i 1939-1945. Rusland isolerer sig selv fra verden. Derfor bør alle stater stoppe med at udstede visa til russere! Udbredelsen af ​​racisme skal stoppes!
@Projekify 2 жыл бұрын
Den fascistiske stat Rusland bekræfter hver dag sin status som terrorstat! De arrangerer atomterrorisme på det største atomkraftværk i Europa i det sydlige Ukraine, de bomber civilbefolkningen i byer og byer i Ukraine med artilleri og krydsermissiler, i går ramte de målrettet et herberg for døve og stumme i Kharkov, snesevis af mennesker blev dræbt, mere end 100 mennesker blev såret!!! Det er alle forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, som allerede overgår det fascistiske Tysklands forbrydelser i 1939-1945. Rusland isolerer sig selv fra verden. Derfor bør alle stater stoppe med at udstede visa til russere! Udbredelsen af ​​racisme skal stoppes!
@Projekify 2 жыл бұрын
Den fascistiske stat Rusland bekræfter hver dag sin status som terrorstat! De arrangerer atomterrorisme på det største atomkraftværk i Europa i det sydlige Ukraine, de bomber civilbefolkningen i byer og byer i Ukraine med artilleri og krydsermissiler, i går ramte de målrettet et herberg for døve og stumme i Kharkov, snesevis af mennesker blev dræbt, mere end 100 mennesker blev såret!!! Det er alle forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, som allerede overgår det fascistiske Tysklands forbrydelser i 1939-1945. Rusland isolerer sig selv fra verden. Derfor bør alle stater stoppe med at udstede visa til russere! Udbredelsen af ​​racisme skal stoppes!
@Projekify 2 жыл бұрын
Den fascistiske stat Rusland bekræfter hver dag sin status som terrorstat! De arrangerer atomterrorisme på det største atomkraftværk i Europa i det sydlige Ukraine, de bomber civilbefolkningen i byer og byer i Ukraine med artilleri og krydsermissiler, i går ramte de målrettet et herberg for døve og stumme i Kharkov, snesevis af mennesker blev dræbt, mere end 100 mennesker blev såret!!! Det er alle forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, som allerede overgår det fascistiske Tysklands forbrydelser i 1939-1945. Rusland isolerer sig selv fra verden. Derfor bør alle stater stoppe med at udstede visa til russere! Udbredelsen af ​​racisme skal stoppes!
@Projekify 2 жыл бұрын
Den fascistiske stat Rusland bekræfter hver dag sin status som terrorstat! De arrangerer atomterrorisme på det største atomkraftværk på kontinentet i det sydlige Ukraine, de bomber civilbefolkningen i byer og byer i Ukraine med artilleri og krydsermissiler, i går ramte de målrettet et herberg for døve og stumme i Kharkov, snesevis af mennesker blev dræbt, mere end 100 mennesker blev såret!!! Det er alle forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, som allerede overgår det fascistiske Tysklands forbrydelser i 1939-1945. Rusland isolerer sig selv fra verden. Derfor bør alle stater stoppe med at udstede visa til russere! Udbredelsen af ​​racisme skal stoppes!
@Projekify 2 жыл бұрын
Den fascistiske stat Rusland bekræfter hver dag sin status som terrorstat! De arrangerer atomterrorisme på det største atomkraftværk på kontinentet i det sydlige Ukraine, de bomber civilbefolkningen i byer og byer i Ukraine med artilleri og krydsermissiler, i går ramte de målrettet et herberg for døve og stumme i Kharkov, snesevis af mennesker blev dræbt, mere end 100 mennesker blev såret!!! Det er alle forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, som allerede overgår det fascistiske Tysklands forbrydelser i 1939-1945. Rusland isolerer sig selv fra verden. Derfor bør alle stater stoppe med at udstede visa til russere! Udbredelsen af ​​racisme skal stoppes!
@Projekify 2 жыл бұрын
Den fascistiske stat Rusland bekræfter hver dag sin status som terrorstat! De arrangerer atomterrorisme på det største atomkraftværk på kontinentet i det sydlige Ukraine, de bomber civilbefolkningen i byer og byer i Ukraine med artilleri og krydsermissiler, i går ramte de målrettet et herberg for døve og stumme i Kharkov, snesevis af mennesker blev dræbt, mere end 100 mennesker blev såret!!! Det er alle forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, som allerede overgår det fascistiske Tysklands forbrydelser i 1939-1945. Rusland isolerer sig selv fra verden. Derfor bør alle stater stoppe med at udstede visa til russere! Udbredelsen af ​​racisme skal stoppes!
@Projekify 2 жыл бұрын
Den fascistiske stat Rusland bekræfter hver dag sin status som terrorstat! De arrangerer atomterrorisme på det største atomkraftværk på kontinentet i det sydlige Ukraine, de bomber civilbefolkningen i byer og byer i Ukraine med artilleri og krydsermissiler, i går ramte de målrettet et herberg for døve og stumme i Kharkov, snesevis af mennesker blev dræbt, mere end 100 mennesker blev såret!!! Det er alle forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, som allerede overgår det fascistiske Tysklands forbrydelser i 1939-1945. Rusland isolerer sig selv fra verden. Derfor bør alle stater stoppe med at udstede visa til russere! Udbredelsen af ​​racisme skal stoppes!
@mohamedessid761 2 жыл бұрын
For du bli integreret i DK du ska sælge dig selv og visa samma dobbeltmoral. Jeg kan se du er en god skuespiller 😉
@sundfornuft9449 2 жыл бұрын
hun kan da bare flytte
@heidichristensen9978 2 жыл бұрын
@tintinjailhouse1312 2 жыл бұрын
Det er altså en frue ik overfor Pia k!!
@jrgenandersen1849 4 ай бұрын
Det er begrænset hvad du kan forlange af en tidliger hjemmehlælper med IQ under 76.............
@hafsa1698 2 жыл бұрын
Det her er så haraam
@sundfornuft9449 2 жыл бұрын
hvorfor så bo i et vantro land
@kennethize 2 жыл бұрын
Det er skalkeskjul. Beslutningerne bliver taget på regeringsmøderne inden de behandles i folketinget, og så bliver de underskrevet efter. Det efterlader politikere, der ikke ved, hvad de skal stemme om, eller agere fjollet, useriøst.
@martinolesen9930 2 жыл бұрын
Simpelhen bare for godt 😂😂😂😂......ET HJERTE! 🤣🤣
@MartinToernby 2 жыл бұрын
Jeg mener, det er godt, at der er regler der. Flere folk i kommentarerne formår ikke at udtrykke deres mening, uden samtidigt at nedgøre mennesket, de er uenige med. Det er lækkert, hvis alle spirer i den retning klippes af tidligt. Få kraftudtryk (som ikke er bandeord) er ok, men at bruge mange kan bare skabe støj. Og hvis der er noget, ingen har brug for, så er det mere støj i politikeres tale.