Art of Noise:  Three fingers of Love
The Last Man On Earth (High Quality)
Blood On The Sun
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C3Y Trailers & Reviews: King Kong
Johnny Volvo 2: Episode 12; Volvo
Bird Of Paradise
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Johnny Volvo 2: Episode 11; Tires
Bowery At Midnight
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Angel And The Badman
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Johnny Volvo: Episode 9; Sex & Shop
At War With The Army
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The Amazing Mr. X
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Cartoon Classics: Pvt. Snafu; Gas
Africa Screams
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@mikenovielli8625 10 минут бұрын
I want this beautiful song played as I leave this earth to meet my lord and savior Jesus Christ ✝️
@conocimiento_no_es_sabiduria 4 сағат бұрын
aaa esta sí para que vean la diferencia.... últimamente veo que es famoso el otro "claro de luna" sonata #14 de bee to Ven pero (sin a ofender a beethoven) es muy aburrida, esa me la ponía mi maestro cuando apenas iniciaba el curso de piano, pero este claro de luna de debussy si está bien cabrón para tocarla :U recuerdo pasar horas y horas practicándola y avanzaba muy poco, creo que solo una vez pude tocarla completa sin errores, lo que trato de decir es que esta pieza sí es bellísima no solo para el oído si no también en términos de composición.
@colingradwell1939 6 сағат бұрын
Been looking for this for 40 years. I remembered only that it was black and white and the juggenaut!
@dragon3zr488 6 сағат бұрын
And right when you were going to reach the top, your ladder fell to the bottom.
@JaneJunks 6 сағат бұрын
DAY 3:blah blah blah missed out on day two:(, day 4: school today, forest school, I drew a fetus:)
@CDCRelay780 8 сағат бұрын
I am a sleeper Agent to this song.
@shirleymassey4515 8 сағат бұрын
Took me a while to find this song, I couldn't remember the name, just the music
@RandomBoy-rb1pd 12 сағат бұрын
Day: 528-9 I finished Bioshock 2, it reminded me of a dream that i had a long time ago, the details are hazy, but i remember a girl wearing all black, i think even her make up was black. We talked for a bit but her voice didnt match her appearance. It was like she was a completely diffrent person on the inside. i know that in the dream, we were very close. i dont know if she was a lover or a daughter, what exsactly happened or how long ago the dream was. regardless im happy that i remembered bits of it. I also got a gym membership. I have never been to a gym by myself before, luckily someone there was kind enough to offer a personal training session next week on Wednesday at 5pm. i say that now because it'll help me remember for later. for what its work, its expensive, but not as expensive as i thought it was going to be for a 24 hour gym.
@genericgamer53 19 сағат бұрын
Day 611: I decided to go through the tarot card deck my older sister made for me. It was very nice. I’m going to be drawing a card every day. Today I got the world. According to the book she gave me, it represents looking at the big picture and seeing how much one has improved. I guess I have, i’m a different person compared to 611 days ago. I drew two more at night, one was an ace, but she changed the suits so I don’t know which one it’s supposed to be. I decided that it would be the ace of swords, which is about making decisions and stop postponing things.The other card was death. It represents new beginnings, I wonder what new beginning awaits me. Hopefully tomorrow will be better
@corkscrewfoley 20 сағат бұрын
I was 15 when I heard this on my favourite radio station at that time (96.3 in Detroit). I managed to record it on a cassette, but that was then recorded over. I tried for years to find it. It was Vice City when I heard it again, and was able to get the name/band.
@speed-87 Күн бұрын
300 wow big milestone and it’s Friday tbh just stayed home was really tired after karting and 301 forgor what I did I think more games but also found out about joe hishaishi concert in London and I’m thinking of going because my bank is giving 100 pound free 302 Sunday last day of holiday 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 😭 303 Monday just like any other day so boring but I kind of like the art I did today and also liked theology and ethics where we just watched a movie (documentary on the 2010 Haiti earthquake)
@Santiago_Gimenez 23 сағат бұрын
are you okay?
@weepbird036 Күн бұрын
@julienchaudey9193 Күн бұрын
Evil within Salle de save magnifique
@pknerdchimera Күн бұрын
Weirdly enough, discovered this song bc of moon remix rpg (bless gramby). It stuck in my head the first time I heard it, and unironically one of my favorite songs ever. Rather silly, but I appreciate knowing this song exists now.
@genericgamer53 Күн бұрын
Day 610: I am still very tired, I feel like I didn’t do much today, I don’t like that. I don’t have much to write about. Hopefully tomorrow will be better
@RepostProductions Күн бұрын
A moment of silence to those who don’t know the name of this song.
@jomama5186 Күн бұрын
I saw this Movie and fell in love with song it in the 80s. Still loving it. Touches me
@lehamsterhollandais9908 2 күн бұрын
that music makes you feel that you tried everything to get something, but failed , and here you are now , wondering "well it can't be helped it didn't work for me but I'm somehow I'm kinda relieved i still tried against the odds"
@sapristidiantre 2 күн бұрын
Ce type valait mieux que de figurer sur un billet de 20 francs dans les années 80 mais au moins cent francs entre Delacroix et Cézanne
@BenjimanBenjiman-df3fs 2 күн бұрын
@Luiza2507_ 2 күн бұрын
This song is magic ❤️
@BookEnthusiast2763 2 күн бұрын
“it's a soothing song that calms your heart like the moon's reflection on water” - Kaede Akamatsu, the ultimate pianist
@tvandel1 2 күн бұрын
As much as I like this song and Metheny I think the version with David Bowie singing is even better.
@JaneJunks 2 күн бұрын
Day 2:in trying to access Google gemini, regular Google is a little frustrating to find information, not saying I'll abandon it forever :)
@Eman-md3ps 2 күн бұрын
that 5 minute was long....
@Santiago_Gimenez 23 сағат бұрын
are you okay? 😕
@RandomBoy-rb1pd 2 күн бұрын
Day: 525-7 Today was fun, although i woke up late and didnt really do anything i played games with my friends even if it was briefly. most of the time i played Bioshock 2 remastered. i really like the game because i enjoy the story. It makes me feel so powerful and putting it to good use to protect your "daughters" in the game. the character you play is what i aim to be. I have also been listening to a fan made song called "Daddys home" there are some other bits and pieces i left out but today was a good day
@RaviSingh-od5fn 2 күн бұрын
First little journal entry in a while here. A lot has changed since then. I'm sad to see that there aren't as many people commenting daily journal entries. It makes sense, MrTortilla stopped, and now most of the others moved on. Me included I guess. Still, it makes me a little bit sad. Perfect music for how I feel rn. I'm trans, I figured that out a while ago. Havent made muchh progress in my transition cause I need my mom to work with me for that to happen. It's not like she's outright opposed to it, but she always makes these little comments about it, and sometimes she's supportive, but other times she'll say stuff that makes me wanna curl up in a ball. I love her, and she's trying her best, but it's so hard to talk to her about it.
@I_Am_June_2024 2 күн бұрын
Avoir la valeur de ses convictions.✨⭐
@gregphillips4485 2 күн бұрын
Grandma wasn't really considered by anyone to have been a good mother, a good cook , a good wife but she was a darned good Piano Teacher 😎 She was a rich doctors only daughter, spoiled, went to College got degree's in Music. Gave up a career as a Traveling Concert Pianist, entertaining Kings & Queens in Europe and abroad, to marry Grandpa and never let him forget it...but she did teach all the kids to play piano, in fact was a Freelance Professor of Music for the University at Oxford, you finish her 2 year course and you'd get an associates degree from the University at Oxford...& Mom was her least favorite child because she took up for her Daddy & her Daddy took up for my mother...which Grandma also hated with a passion but the Woman did raise "her" better!!! Mom could way out play her on the piano, mom was the best my favorite was "Clair de Lune" After her and Grandpa divorced, she moved to California and taught some of the Stars children, some went on to become famous themselves. I don't know how many years she taught music but she died at the age of 88 in 1987 and everyone thought it was fitting for her as there are 88 keys on the Piano. That may sound kinda brash, but I can arrest to the fact that she complained that she didn't know why the Lord would make her stay here on this planet with her old wore out body. She was a mess! My Uncle, her only Son, once told her, "Mom, maybe the Good Lord is trying to give you a Chance to Repent!!!" Her head snapped around to look at him and said, "For What??? I haven't done anything!!!" Which I thought was hilarious because she'd actually tell on herself in her rambling, at least she admitted to stuff to me, when I was young would make me blush and think, "My God the rumors ARE TRUE!" 😳
@genericgamer53 2 күн бұрын
Day 609: Happy start of pride month. I am again very tired, I had a lot of yard work to do, when I do it I like to just think, right now i’m thinking about the game I want to make. I did not feel anything when I finished my yardwork, but that’s standard. I mainly spent the day with my dad. I need to start going to sleep earlier. Hopefully tomorrow will be better
@honeybadger7734 2 күн бұрын
Get plenty of rest friend
@genericgamer53 Күн бұрын
@@honeybadger7734thank you
@nerebubbles7081 2 күн бұрын
Who’s watching in 2024 👇
@JesusLealcampos-yd2vg 2 күн бұрын
I was looking for her for years
@RetroHoodie25 3 күн бұрын
The very last song I want to listen to, right at the end of my last day alive♥️
@annapotat0987 3 күн бұрын
play this over everything to instantly make it a cinematic masterpiece
@JaneJunks 3 күн бұрын
Day 1:I found this video. While scrolling mindlessly, I'm 13 today. Let's see how old I am after 1000 days
@DaniBoyOficial 3 күн бұрын
Dia 5: Amanhã é meu aniversário, outra vez. Acabei de acordar de um sonho aconchegante. Hoje é sábado, 1º de junho de 2024. Amanha acordarei com 31, meu presente do Tempo, foi um sonho aconchegante. Meu primo Nenem, o Hiago, meu ermao, o cheiro da carne de panela que virava carne maluca no mini pao, feito pela minha maezinha e pela vó Wanda. A gente tava jogando videogame na sala da casa dos meus pais, eramos como somos hoje, adultos, mas pelo clima, isso foi em algum aniversário de 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15… A gente já repetiu tanto essa cena, que não sou capaz de identificar ao certo, quando esse sonho aconteceu. Sim, foi hoje, essa noite, quase agora, mas era um sonho. Foi um sonho. Mas amanha vai ser real. Amanha ao acordar, vou aclamar pela carne cozida com azeitonas, que a vozinha preparava lá na casa dela pra me esperar no almoço, vou esperar ansioso para receber minha familia e meus amigos lá na casa dos meus pais, quando o sol partir, vou desejar estar arrumando os golzinhos de cano de pvc pra rolar a partida de futebol no corredor da casa 104. Vou ficar ansioso pra abrir os brinquedos, esperando pelos parabéns… Amanha vai ser real, mas me doi ter que procurar as coisas que me faltam, as pessoas que fazem falta e a saudade que apareceu aqui, bem hoje durante o sonho. Por tanto, ontem a saudade foi real, hoje esta sendo real e amanhã eu só queria que fosse um sonho, pra acordar, dar um pulo da cama e ir viver o dia. Mas amanha vai ser real, diferente do que eu sonho, essa saudade diária vai ser real e vai me dar as boas vindas do 31º ano. Parabéns pra você, nessa data querida, muitas felicidades, muitos anos de vida 🎂 🎈 🥺
@user-wq9cq4ef7p 3 күн бұрын
this reminds me of Ms Shilvers
@genericgamer53 3 күн бұрын
Day 608: very tired, too tired to write much, today was supposed to be my interview. I don’t feel like much happened. Hopefully tomorrow will be better
@luminoussintuitivetalks8027 3 күн бұрын
I always heard this song on the quiet storm as a kid, and my mom played it all the time. Never knew the name nor artist until about 4 years ago, lol in my thirties now 😂
@edcarlos7282 4 күн бұрын
📍My soul is dacing
@annetteburger1912 4 күн бұрын
Very sweet to name your baby after this Enchanting song❤
@delate1167 4 күн бұрын
@Kdogheller123 4 күн бұрын
I miss mr tortilla 😔
@hungct5728 4 күн бұрын
Just going through really hard time in my life rn, this song really helps ❤😢
@genericgamer53 4 күн бұрын
Day 607: I’m very tired today. I beat a difficult part of the game I was playing, now i’m almost done. Too tired to write anything, I have a job interview tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow will be better
@lasteri 3 күн бұрын
Good luck.
4 күн бұрын
Esta canción me hace feliz y triste al mismo tiempo
@szymonpach1070 4 күн бұрын
I love this piece of art as an 13 years old kid👌
@jeanniejudnich656 5 күн бұрын
Lovvvve this song. Haven’t heard it for a very long time, ❤😊 thank you 😊
@Winning_smile1234 5 күн бұрын
Wheres the original i dont like piano 😡🤬🤬
@lynneforsyth8231 5 күн бұрын
I believe this is the most perfect piece of music ever, it fills me up with emotion and peacefulness