@Mr.MoriartyXIII 6 сағат бұрын
great vibes keep uploading
@mariecage1191 8 сағат бұрын
8:35 This was the pain to see 😅. You should have chosen the higher difficulty because the harder it gets, the more resources you’ll obtain. Naturally, you'll get double the amount of green, purple, blue, and gold. always farm the highest difficult
@mariecage1191 8 сағат бұрын
i love your videos it's so chilling 🫰
@KantDimPrimLite 9 сағат бұрын
15:00 I've been saving them for the most part. Especially how they are throwing them at us, lol.
@bfu-jeansshadow 12 сағат бұрын
Good luck w everything you're working on and congrats on getting your degree. Yeah the weather right now makes it difficult w staying healthy - half of my family got the flu. I've been very fortunate so far I haven't caught anything between my family and my coworkers, good grief. The only long range I can really depend on currently is Chixia, although you have Zhezhi right? I run a Ranged Only and I have all the standard ranged along w Carlotta and Zhezhi and I've done pretty well with them but Carlotta you can't really get a aimed shot out of her sadly. Zhezhi I'm slowly getting used to but she's pretty good so far. Sadly there's not much selection for ranged characters - hopefully this'll change in the future. Take it easy! - Jean
@merxer3129 15 сағат бұрын
I think if you want luv emperea, there’s an S rank selector this patch. There a little over 10 days left if you grind you’ll get it❤
@KantDimPrimLite Күн бұрын
24:00 so i need to get my Danjin level up as well. bet!
@ms.ebonyytv Күн бұрын
Danjin is a great amplifier!! I love her, I just need to switch her weapon up.
@KantDimPrimLite Күн бұрын
8:00 definitely gives the view character, lol. I've been deligently getting my resonators I like to level 70 while working on their skill trees. The grind is REAL.
@ms.ebonyytv Күн бұрын
This is the first game that I actually grinded on and it didn’t feel like some chore.
@KantDimPrimLite Күн бұрын
@@ms.ebonyytv right I would have to agree. It feels rewarding.
@kittysennpaii97 Күн бұрын
Heddo!! good video. I recommend for the things you gotta shoot, you can use the Tool now to shoot them . ( I'm not sure if you have it yet but maybe? ) it's called Hoverdroid Shooter. Instead of always having to get out a shooter type character. I believe they added this in the last update before 2.0. <3 Hope this helps for future
@ms.ebonyytv Күн бұрын
Thank you! I’m still deciding on who my first shooter should be! They’re all good resonators!!
@Wren.7769 2 күн бұрын
Congratz on getting Shorekeeper! If you are going to main Rover you should try to get the 5* Emerald of Genesis.... Then Danjin can have a 4* ATK stick. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to watch your whole video. Keep getting all the astrites u can and use your 3 weekly boss materials wisely. Go girl gamers!
@ms.ebonyytv Күн бұрын
Thank you so much!! I appreciate your time, even if it’s for a few minutes! It means a lot! Eventually I’ll get to weapon pulls! I’m saving my asterites!
@KantDimPrimLite 4 күн бұрын
22:50 so if you look at the top left of your screen you'll see the auto/semi/manual setting for fighting and moving.
@ms.ebonyytv Күн бұрын
I seen that but it said I couldn’t change it until the tutorial was over 😭
@KantDimPrimLite 4 күн бұрын
This game is AMAZING!!! Ever since I started locking in on the anime, I be playing this. FAITHFULLY!!!
@ms.ebonyytv Күн бұрын
Nah it’s lit!! I wish I had more time to play it!
@dz_zyy 6 күн бұрын
I don't mean it in a bad way but why are you using Calchado and other standard 5 star characters instead of the limited ones like Jinhsi, Camellya or Jiyan, they work a whole lot better, also a tip for Shorekeeper, give her an energy regen 3 cost echo and a spectro damage bonus 3 cost echo, her 4 cost echo could be Healing honus, HP% or Crit damage, because her enhanced intro skill does 100% critical damage
@4nabinabi 5 күн бұрын
maybe she like cal's gameplay more than them limited 5 stars
@ms.ebonyytv 5 күн бұрын
Well in any gacha, you don’t spread resources. I’ve already made that mistake in the beginning. That’s why they’re not being used. They are too low level for the SOL3 phase that I am in. We all know that every time we ascend it requires more resources to level up. Which is why I only work one resonator at a time. Calcharo is my personal favorite and everyone has their preferences. However, Calcharo has been put on the back burner. In the beginning I had nothing but MDDs (main damage dealers) that carried me through the story until I reached a point of reaching max level. I made the decision to work my first support. There is no “healing bonus” echoes in the rejuvenating glow class in particular. Because the class already comes with the healing bonus by itself. I have 135 rejuvenating glow echoes and not one holds that healing bonus. There’s HP and that isn’t the same as a healing bonus. She already has a Spectro damage bonus and hp. However, I won’t work on her echoes until I finish her skill tree. I can only focus on so many things. As the echos can only do so much if most of her skills aren’t unlocked yet. However, how you set up you echoes is a personal preference, some people go for DEF, some go for HP or even ATK. There is no right or wrong way of building them. As there are a few echo classes that do not main certain elements like empyrean anthem and tide breaking courage, moonlit clouds, lingering tunes and rejuvenating glow. I chose rejuvenating glow for now because I want to use her for support purposes not fighting purposes. But then again it’s trial and error. So I may change it. I appreciate the tip!
@ms.ebonyytv 5 күн бұрын
And I do!! 🫶🏾 However he’s on the back burner, I need support and I’m salty I can’t get his wavebands 🥲
@dz_zyy 4 күн бұрын
@@ms.ebonyytv You're welcome, also I totally get you with the resource part, I've had my fair share with the lack of resources because I tend to level up certain characters just to try them out and I never use them again, also the 4 cost Fallacy of no return and the Bell Borne Geochelone do sometimes give a Healing bonus main stat, I'm pretty sure I have one or two as well, though you're completely right, there's no right or wrong way to build any characters, I was simply trying to help and give optimal tips, hope you have a good one!😌
@SubbyMalik 6 күн бұрын
just came to WuW when 2.0 came out so i could play on ps5 and already got most my 5 stars to the highest lvl i can possiable get them and im loving it .
@ms.ebonyytv 6 күн бұрын
That’s awesome!! I’m glad to see that you love the game! What 5 star did you choose first??
@bfu-jeansshadow 6 күн бұрын
have you checked out any of the boss echoes from Rinasita? I'm changing up some of my character builds from them. Sadly I returned to the game when Shorekeeper was running so I don't have her; I've only used Verina and Baizhi which they've not let me down honestly. I love Danjin myslelf. Right now I have her on Crownless, but like I said I'm starting to change my character builds with some of the newer echo sets. Good luck :) - Jean
@ms.ebonyytv 6 күн бұрын
Yess!! I’m thinking about putting Danjin on Midnight Veil echo class. I love the Havoc Eclipse but I want to experiment a little more. Once I finish ShoreKeeper’s skill tree I want to also experiment with Eternal Radiance as well on her! I love that there’s so many options to choose from!
@KantDimPrimLite 7 күн бұрын
34:50 LMAO!!
@ms.ebonyytv1889 6 күн бұрын
I’ll Dm the exact video!
@KantDimPrimLite 7 күн бұрын
They say Encore is one of the better characters you should have on your team. While she is powerful, I don't like her fighting style that much. I'm still tryna pull her though.
@ms.ebonyytv1889 6 күн бұрын
She’s great but she needs work as far as the echoes I have for her! I’ll work her later.
@KantDimPrimLite 7 күн бұрын
So since Jinhsu is back, I'll try to get her but otherwise, save my resources for the next banner.
@ms.ebonyytv1889 6 күн бұрын
She’s great! She needs a crit rate echo! She’s great at that! If you can’t get a 5 start weapon the Autumntrance is a great one to start with if you pull her. Otherwise the sentinel Jiyue is an echo himself (dragon) and she already has a part of him in her to top it off!
@tryfactjay7241 7 күн бұрын
30:58 Wood 🪵.
@LeanneKrv 9 күн бұрын
Can't get over how pretty Lady Kamui is. God I miss him so much, him and Camu😭
@jeremiahtorrevillas4396 9 күн бұрын
Kuro isgoing the gooner route their out of ideas to copy and inspire since most stories
@ms.ebonyytv 7 күн бұрын
He is my favorite in the story! I love his energy! He’ll bring it every time 😅
@bfu-jeansshadow 9 күн бұрын
The last 2 havoc wavebands aren't available yet. We got 2 more from the 2.0 story bringing you up to 4 but if anything hopefully they'll either give the to us later on in the story or we'll get them through familiar means like we did the spectro ones.
@ms.ebonyytv 9 күн бұрын
So one of them is! Surprisingly it’s in Jinzhou! Sonance caskets need to be collected! I don’t have enough yet. As far as the last one, it would make sense. As they would want us to play more of the story. Not to mention that the rumor floating around is that Rover’s third path will be Aero! I’m hoping it’s true! 🥹
@bfu-jeansshadow 9 күн бұрын
@ms.ebonyytv yeah...I recently got all the spectro and all the havoc as possible. I'm sure people were wondering when we would get the other havoc. Guess we just gotta be patient. Good luck w your leveling! Oh and about Calcharo, he's usually the one I've seen people lose 50/50 to the most lol. Mine is C1 currently.
@bfu-jeansshadow 8 күн бұрын
@@ms.ebonyytv Also, i was incorrect about Havoc Rover's wavebands because I was looking at mine today and they're up to c5 so we only have 1 more to wait on which hopefully they'll just give it to us from the story and then move onto whatever the next ability Rover's supposed to have.
@salad771 12 күн бұрын
new luna is broken damn she got unli s
@ms.ebonyytv 10 күн бұрын
She is nice! It will be a while before I get to work her 😭
@soulinio.5613 12 күн бұрын
You’re not playing character right
@ms.ebonyytv 12 күн бұрын
@@soulinio.5613 If you are looking for a content creator of “expertise”, then I am not the content creator for you. I am here to enjoy the game itself. I do appreciate the comment and I hope you do find the content creator that suits your needs as a viewer. 🙂🫶🏾
@soulinio.5613 11 күн бұрын
@@ms.ebonyytv it’s not even that, later on if you’re trying to clear content in the game it’d be best if you learn the mechanics of the character, but if that’s not your objective then fuck it it’s your life 😭
@ms.ebonyytv 10 күн бұрын
Bro I main crimson weave so Luna is the least of my concerns 🤣 Anyone new that I get, chances are I’m not going to use them much. However, it would be nice to get my Crimson weave to an SS 😮‍💨
@KantDimPrimLite 14 күн бұрын
Roccia's banner has came back to the shop and I definitely hope I pull her or Jinshi.
@ms.ebonyytv 13 күн бұрын
This is actually Roccia’s first time in rotation! 🎊I like her but I’m not pulling for her. I want Brant. I’m saving up! Watch I get the Roccia curse just because I don’t want her 😩
@KantDimPrimLite 13 күн бұрын
@@ms.ebonyytv oh word? Ima look him up.
@KantDimPrimLite 14 күн бұрын
4:40 yeah it do look like Oily water, lol.
@ms.ebonyytv 13 күн бұрын
Their graphics are absolutely craazy bro 😮‍💨
@KantDimPrimLite 16 күн бұрын
39:10 when you plugged in what you had said previously, SOLID and I was laughing.
@ms.ebonyytv 15 күн бұрын
Fam his vibe was off from the start!
@KantDimPrimLite 15 күн бұрын
@ I still got that mission to do. Now I know before hand he ain’t shhhh
@ChodaExploda 21 күн бұрын
im world lvl 80 n stacked f2p .. i have that wind lady at s3... she sux ... wish i puts all my standard focus into either verina or encore. only ones still worth it
@ms.ebonyytv 21 күн бұрын
This is exactly why I started a vlog on her. She does suck. There HAS to be a way around it. I’m testing these builds!
@bartgeron2366 21 күн бұрын
More power to your channel! Enjoy Wuwa <3
@ms.ebonyytv 21 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for the support! I hope you’re enjoying the game as well! 🫶🏾
@BastienBby 24 күн бұрын
sis you did neglect shorekeeper level up her abilities at least her skill and ult 😭😭!! loved the stream tho:3 hope it doesn't keep freezing!!
@ms.ebonyytv 24 күн бұрын
Thank you!! I’m glad you enjoyed! I’ve been echo hunting lately! I really need to get hers together 😭
@BastienBby 24 күн бұрын
@@ms.ebonyytv 😂 I definitely understand I am barely on act 3 of the story~ I've been just wandering around exploring and echo farming!! Like you said they are all so cuteeee. Can't wait to see your next episodes! 🍭✨
@ms.ebonyytv 23 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for the support! I will have more coming!
@Yapper44.5kg 27 күн бұрын
wait did i see this right? you're using danjin? wow...
@ms.ebonyytv 27 күн бұрын
Yes! Everything okay?? 🧐
@Yombra 29 күн бұрын
I just got into this game pretty fun
@ms.ebonyytv 29 күн бұрын
I absolutely love this game! It’s different from the other gacha games I played!! I’ve been committed ever since! Let me know if you have questions about the game! ☺️
@Yombra 27 күн бұрын
@ I def will !!!
@valkyriearih4268 Ай бұрын
I still don't get why Kuro never made Lady Kamui as a skin lol Also, i hope you stick around til you get to Surviving Lucem chapter. It's honestly the best story chapter I've experienced in gacha games.
@ms.ebonyytv 29 күн бұрын
There’s a lady Kamui???!! Oh now I really have to see what’s up!
@valkyriearih4268 29 күн бұрын
​@@ms.ebonyytv I was referring to the one in 58:07 where Kamui disguised himself as a woman for the mission lol. Everyone wanted it as a coating/skin for him 😂 But sadly, we can only get it as an emote for when we get to SSS rank his A rank Physical tank Frame. Also really, I'm not exaggerating about Surviving Lucem chapter it's just that good and is worth the hype!
@ur.vvitchyalexxx Ай бұрын
can you compare qu shukra to crimson weave? cuz i wanna pull her but i pretty hesitate because i saving up for luna oblivion
@ms.ebonyytv Ай бұрын
Let me do some research and I’ll make that happen!
@Tjtellsthetruth Ай бұрын
I hope your enjoing Wuwa. I just got Red Spring for my Camellya and it's been amazing for gameplay. I pray your doing well.
@ms.ebonyytv Ай бұрын
I’m a lot better than last time! Ive been committed to the battle pass so I’m definitely enjoying the game so far! I just pulled Camellya today! Four hours before Lumi gets released! I hope you’re doing well! 😃
@Tjtellsthetruth Ай бұрын
@@ms.ebonyytv I just got the $5 Asterite bundle 2 days ago, but yeah the battle pass is amazing for raising characters fast or perfecting one who doesn't have good relics. Grats on Camellya she is alot of fun, and slaps! I am excited for Lumi as well she is so fun to play, even though I have Yinlin already I prefer Lumi's playstyle. Glad your having fun! =D
@Whotfisxinya Ай бұрын
@ms.ebonyytv Ай бұрын
You’re too kind! Thank you 💖
@Yombra 2 ай бұрын
im glad your liking it im addicted
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
@@Yombra Me too!! It’s so cute! 🥰 you have to send me your info so I can add you!
@Yombra 2 ай бұрын
@ I will
@Wren.7769 2 ай бұрын
I can't believe u messing with purple echoes. Get that data bank level up. Wuwa so fun. Go girl gamers 💪
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! Majority are turning gold now 😄
@matity 2 ай бұрын
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!! ☺️
@carloscoelho8947 2 ай бұрын
candy crush ta diferente
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
I miss candy crush! I haven’t played in a while!
@เมืองทองสิงห์แก้ว 2 ай бұрын
Man it just pains me when seeing someone playing characters wrong 😅 The tutorial literally teaches you how to do the combo
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
I actually did do the tutorial. You just didn’t see it here. My purpose here on my channel is to show that you can still enjoy the game, regardless of your account level, regardless of your expertise, and regardless of how many characters that you do have. If you are looking for perfectionism of any kind, then this channel is not for you. I do hope you find the content creator that you are looking for. Respectfully. 😊
@เมืองทองสิงห์แก้ว 2 ай бұрын
@ms.ebonyytv nah I can see that you do have fun and I respect that 😁 It just so rare I could even find some PGR enjoyer on youtube and still not getting used to people playing characters in an "unusual" way if you know what I mean. When you can perfect your favourite characters it's the BEST feeling ever I tell you. Take your time and I know that just by having fun you can still play and WIN like a champ. And You know what? *Press Subscribe* I'm waiting for your new PGR contents Commandant 👍
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
Awww I appreciate this!! Welcome to the channel! I don’t think Epitaph is meant for me though, will see! Everyone says he’s good!
@เมืองทองสิงห์แก้ว 2 ай бұрын
@@ms.ebonyytv yeah he's really good and actually one of the easiest one to play in my opinion (Try to learn his combo and you will see why 🤣) btw next patch is an Ice attacker name Qu her gameplay is a bit... confusing 😅
@heroman1322 2 ай бұрын
I love this game! I am looking forwards to the next patch in a few days :D
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
Me too! The new girl is so adorable 🥹
@N07_P4G3 2 ай бұрын
love me some new wuwa content
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for being here! ☺️
@Sophia.3535 2 ай бұрын
hi from thailand, I love this game, support here.
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
Ohh! An international Subbie! Thank you for choosing me!
@joaquinnevarez2509 2 ай бұрын
Keep in mind that we are finally getting the Devil May Cry coming next year for the global service so save up your black cards for them
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
OMG I just spent mine on Camu’s new skin! I gotta do better 🫠
@joaquinnevarez2509 2 ай бұрын
@ is ok at least you got it for him right
@Ku-Rover 2 ай бұрын
This is literally why i use ranged character when fighting Jue that thing spends 90% of the fight in the air
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
It’s crazy because I just pulled encore into the mix!! Thank goodness.
@INFINYVERSE 3 ай бұрын
Excelent gameplay ❤ I have good music for you here on KZbin 💪
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I love adding different kinds of music here and there!
@yaboilascall 3 ай бұрын
Oh my a fellow female commandant. I'm gay btw haha
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
Lol now why dd I hear that in a different voice! 😂 Yes! I’m a female commandant 😊
@hijodelsoldeoriente 3 ай бұрын
1:19:19 You are gonna love Echo Aria sister! That'll explain Selena's story. The story starts slow but man it will get better and more exhilarating moving forward.
@ms.ebonyytv 2 ай бұрын
Ohh I’m excited!!! 😀
@seraphskin9201 3 ай бұрын
Ice team works well here. Make sure u have an ice attacker to deal more damage
@ms.ebonyytv 3 ай бұрын
@@seraphskin9201 I’m aware. But unfortunately my ice attack is a level one. I do not spread my resources. I’m working one member at a time 😄