Rivers Casino
5 ай бұрын
RiggedOnline.ag | Scam
5 ай бұрын
Trying To Save Him From Addiction
GGPoker | Online Poker Cheating
A True Degenerate 🤣
8 ай бұрын
@WickederThanThou 5 күн бұрын
These casinos are pretty shady. Believe me. I used to work at one.
@poker_ 5 күн бұрын
@@WickederThanThou I believe you 1000% and agree.
@goldcaps11 26 күн бұрын
Cash out option is the biggest red flag. Yeah I want to play against house please. Trash Scam site
@poker_ 26 күн бұрын
It's most definitely a trash and scamming site. Full of house accounts.
@goldcaps11 26 күн бұрын
@@poker_ was just playing 30 mystery bounty. 8 2 off in the bb. Free flop of 88j. Check check. Q turn. I bet, opponent puts me all in. Shows 8 4 . Split pot right? No. 4 on the river. Btw he limped utg. So sick of this common BS. They whole mystery bounty is bs. How can you trust a slot machine style payout. Same fxkin players getting paid out big.
@endgame6979 Ай бұрын
Is Hijack poker legit?
@poker_ 27 күн бұрын
@endgame6979 The little bit of time that I spent on there isn't enough to make an accurate and fair judgment call. I've been back in Texas for the last 2 or 3 months and just haven't been playing. I'm heading back in a few more days and will start doing some of the tournaments.
@endgame6979 27 күн бұрын
@@poker_ Well, they dont have a mobile phone version, but its coming soon. I think they might be the real deal(fair).
@endgame6979 Ай бұрын
@alexxander1768 Ай бұрын
(I will never read a reply) There is literally no regulation for any online poker sites. All the RNG certifiers do is exactly that, certify that there is RNG for the shuffle. After they shuffle one time with RNG, they can 'legally' shuffle it again without RNG and change cards at any time for any point in the hand.
@poker_ 27 күн бұрын
@@alexxander1768 Fact!
@stephenlandrum Ай бұрын
Lol they were committed once they raised
@NoOne-bj2kz Ай бұрын
rigged as hell will never use them
@poker_ 27 күн бұрын
@@NoOne-bj2kz 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@NoOne-bj2kz Ай бұрын
betonline is rigged
@poker_ 27 күн бұрын
@@NoOne-bj2kz Fact!
@NoOne-bj2kz 23 күн бұрын
@@poker_ I was playing their high stakes and flopped a straigth and went all in, a "player" called and rivered a full house. Such a scam site and BO has worse odds than most other sites on sports betting
@calbennett4035 Ай бұрын
The truth is, everything shown does not prove anything. Nor does an anecdote with no visual evidence. I hate BetOnline as much as anyone, and their games are so incredibly shady with the ridiculous rivers, but you need better evidence to make this claim.
@josephloy9977 2 ай бұрын
@josephloy9977 2 ай бұрын
Im only 6 minutes in this video, and not only are you right, but Im going to tell you something thats going to blow your mind!! I want to say first and foremost that Im someone who runs into a billion to 1 odds all the time, had an ability and an open mindedness from Telekenesis, Visions, mixed with all.different things in life, especially my Outerbody Experiences at 19, and learning who I/we/it/oneness, and its important to mention things that i haven't even.come close to scratchin the surface, like playing Poker with Kevin Hart, who I talked to, took him for $300, went home, looked him up, sure enough there he is on Comedy Central, and he wasn't as big as he is now, and guess what happened when he sat down at the table,..... NOBODY GAVE A FUCK. This is before they brought casinos to OHIO and I had to drive almost 3 hours to Lawrenceburg Indiania. Now I used to drive to Indiania, because I had figured out how to beat BJ, from losing around $1k each time, to me buying 6 to 8 decks of cards, because the Casino was on a boat and the mid level used 6 Decks for BJ, where as the top used 8 decks. I went from $300 more than a 100 wins in a row, and made over $30,000 out of $300. I applied my own methods and my own ideas. For me to go from Supernatural Experiences, while have lived poor, middle class, and wealthy., I was Big Time into Pool, Chess, and just all sorts of experiences in life. I want to explain something, even though im all over the place with big gaps about all.these Experiences, but it will make you the reader to understand why I see through thimgs that a lot of people don't. I am better than no one, but being a part of everything in life, ive been there, not because im super cool, NO, its because the UNIVERSE does not make mistakes. But my Spiritual Experience that I had were so deep, that it literally changed my life an instant 180 instaneously, and I started to see more through things than most, because I was able to feel and see through things, AND THE BIGGESRT THING I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND, IS THAT WHEN YOU AWAKEN SPIRITUALLY OUT YOUR BODY, AND REALIZE YOU ARE THE CREATOR, PURE LOVE AND LIGHT, AND YOUR SOUL IS FOREVER. AND THAT THIS WORLD IS AN ILLUSION. SO THEN YOUR LIFE JUST STARTS TO EXPERIENCE ALL THESE THINGS, BUT THE 1 THING THATS THE BIGGEST TAKEAWAY IS "WHEN YOU LIE, YOU ARE ONLY LYING TO YOURSELF, LITERALLY", SO IM GOING TO SHARE SOMETHINGS WITH YOU, AND EVEN THOUGH I HAVENT REALLY EXPLAINED ANYTHING, I NEED YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT THESE EXPERIENCES I HAVE WITH WHAT IM ABOUT TO TELL YOU, IS BECAUSE I NEED YOU TO KNOW THAT NOTHING IS BY ACCIDENT, BUT THATYOUR INTUITION THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG, AND YOU CAN FEEL IT, THERES A REASON WHY YOU FEEL THAT WAY, THAT THOUGHT DIDN'T COME FROM NOWHERE, YOU DIDN'T JUST MAKE IT UP, BECAUSE YOUR THOUGHT IS ENERGY, AND EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, AND YOU CHANNELED THAT ENERGY FROM SOMEWHERE. NOW LETS GET INTO POKER ON ACR. I had been twlling ACR for a few years or longer that they have been running their "Progressive PKO Tournaments INCORRECTLY. Like I think maybe I was the first person, along with another person shortly after about how ACR is "Stealing 25% of the BUY IN FROM ITS PLAYERS. Now I would tell them to fix it, and they woild make excuses that there was nothing wrong and they were running them correctly. So even though ive addressed this many times now, along with emails from back when i first brought it up, amd purposely did that so once shit hits tge fan, and they're outed for stealing and cheating, that they can't just act like thry now found out. So 2 days ago, I said you know what, I told them they betterake shit right with me or im pushing this foward. Here's an EXAMPLE of how these sites are. Okay, so lets say you buy into a $10 + $1 BUY IN on a Progressive PKO Tournament(s), its supposed to go, 1) $5 goes to the prize pool 2) $5 is "Suppposed To Be" your starting Bounty, but it isnt?? I challenge you to pull up any Progressive PKO Tournament of ypur choice, I Don't care if its $0.25 or $2500, you will see, and lets go back to the $10 + $1 Buy In, and so in this case instead of. Getting $5 as your starting Bounty, they are only giving you $2.50 as your starting bounty. Now I don't know why people are so fucking stupid, but for no one to catch that shit right off the back, years ago, blows my mind. I just checked recently more people have caught on whats been going on for A LONG TIME NOW!! So I had brooken this down soooooo many times now, and its the same dancing around the question don't address the question thats beimg asked Directly, just play dumb, and reply with answers that I personally told them it had nothing to do with. It. I have emails from yesterday, in the same fucking email at that where the reps. Contradicted Each Other Literally. I always start out by saying the $10 + $1 Exxample too. Them to make it simple. THEN I WOULD SAY "The Issue Im Talking About Is (BEFORE) The Tournament Starts", where your at the table and watching the seconds count down till tthe Tournament "OFFICIALLY STARTS", but the issue "IS BEFORE ALL THAT"... Everytime I say, so in a Progressive PKO Tournament, YOU(ACR) put $5 in the Prize Pooll, which is correct, but instead of $5 being their starting Bounty, they are only getting "25% of the Buy In as a Starting bounty, or getting 50% of what yoit ounty is supposed to be, which is the same thing, its just 2 different ways of looking at it, but is the same thing. So I would say well where did the other $2.50 go to, because a player is supposed to have 50% of a players Buy I???? I swear every single ttime they would talk about that when you ELIMINATE ANOTHER PLAYER THAT YOU GET 50% OF THEIR BOUNTY IMMEDIATELY IN YOUR PPLAYER BALANCE IMMEDIATELY, & THE OTHER 50% IS ADDED AS YOUR CURRENT BOUNTY. I TOLD THE FUCKERS A BILLION TIMES NOW, IT HAS ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NOTHIIING, LITERALLY NOTHING ATALL TO DO WITH ANY OTHER PLAYER, BECAUSE I'VE TOLD YOU THIS IS "BEFORE" THE FUCKING GAME STARTS!!! They would continue to play dumb and start talking about "KO'ing"" other players and get their money. I would say that doesn't make sense, your still not explaining where the other 25% of my starting bounty went to, because im supposed to get $5, not $2.50!! So inn yesterdays email, i have 2 reps, attached to the same email whete one of them says that A PLAYER DOES START WITH $5, and the other one said YOU DO START WITH 2.50, and when.you knockout another player, theres the other $2.50, and they said that $2.50 would go to their immediate balance and the other $2..50 would add onto your current Bounty. So I said AGAIN, WTF does the other PLAYERS BOUNTIES, RATHER THEY'RE ELIMINATED OR NOT, HAVE TO DO WITH THE OTHER FUCKING 25% OF MY BOUNTY?? MY BOUNTY TO START THE GAME HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH EVEN PLAYING THE FUCKING HND TO BEGIN WITH. SO AGAIN WHERE ID THAT OTHER $2.50 DISAPPEAR TO. I said please tell me how Global Poker, Ignition, Betonline, Coinpoker, PokerStars, Party Poker, 888, and evrry other site on the planet "RUNS THE EXACT SAME GAME & THEY ARE GETTING THE FULL 50: AS THEIR BOUNTY, AND THE OTHER 50% TO THE PRIZE POOL, AND SO I SAID. "WHY DO ALL OF. THEM GIVE 50% OF THE BUY IN TO START WITH, WHILE THEY ARE RUNNING THE SAME EXACT TOURNAMENT TO THE (T) ", but from ACR, is the only site on the "Fucking Planet" that gives ypu 25% of the buy in, then insult a players intelligence, especially us POKER degenerates, as if we don't know how the fucking thing runs, which is AMAZING isn't it?? So later on I am sending them pictures of their site and proving on ACR'S own site I jsve pictures of that clearly show yesterday and the day before, in the same email, that not only did both reps. Contradict Each Other, but the Pictures I Took, not only contradicts both of their contradictions to each other, but shows they flat out lied. So I took pictures of 2 different Progressive PKO Tournaments, THE EXACT SAME GAME, and the pictures show all the players got 50% of their BUY IN, not 25%. So I said "ACR, Are You Going ToTell Me That Every Other Poker Site On The Net Is Incorrect, And That Only ACR Runs It Correctly ", along with all the complaints where people FINALLY caught on, ACR are you still REALLY GOING TO LIE AGAINST EVERY UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE, AS SOLID PROOF AS ONE COULD GET, ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO STILL LIE ACR, REALLY?? See the reason they have to lie is because I mentioned multiple times that if you don't fix it, or come clean, or workout a deal with players, and on top of that ACR, there is NO SITE ON THE PLANET that could afford to have to PAY BACK every single player who had played Progressive PKO Tournaments, SINCE DAY 1 OF ACR RUNNING PKOO TOURNAMENTS, BUT THEY CAN'T, NO SITE COULD. DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE HOW MUCH MONEY THAT IS?? IT MEANS GAME OVER FOR ACR, AND RIGHTFULLY SO.
@GravityThree3 2 ай бұрын
lmao @
@richardwarren537 2 ай бұрын
Russian players always and i use the word ALWAYS VERY STRONGLY , they hit there miracle cards every single frickin time, its crazy, i thought it was me going crazy, infact it does send you crazy, you just know something dodgy is going on
@poker_ 2 ай бұрын
I feel you! It's definitely crazy how much those accounts hit their 1 and 2 outters. 😮‍💨
@poker_ 2 ай бұрын
It seems like 100% of the time they get that miracle card that saves that account.
@remingtonwood3674 3 ай бұрын
Literally lost 20k within 2 years of playing on these sites first couple months were great 🕳️🐇don’t be fooled though everything you said in every video is true it’s sad they can get away with scamming im going to delete all accounts its all bs I have a better chance playing at the card room down the street ha
@poker_ 2 ай бұрын
FaCT! >>>>>> Reply will continue here in a bit.
@neverfallnewsmedia 3 ай бұрын
Bro. Let's make a video together about the ACR bot farm that took $10,000,000. Our stories just got confirmed. I also murdered those bots with 131% ROI. Holler.❤
@JoseSerrano-ir5mg 3 ай бұрын
Totally agree I hit a full house 10-3 s. on Omaha cash game turn comes in 2 Of spades No flush draw on the board guy I was heads up raised I re -raise all in $140 he has me covered with about $250 I re - raise all in because I had a feeling he was gonna suck out on me River comes Q of hearts he opens his hand has poket Qs , this guy didn’t even hesitate he bet like he knew it was coming it’s happened to me multiple times b4 to the point I’m done with BetOnline poker
@Dship444 3 ай бұрын
Everything he's saying is true. I play on bet online and I've reduced the play to sit and go's and tournaments. They have a lot of associates playing within the company. On the sit and go's unless they have 4 associates at the table I cash and it is easy to cash in tournaments as long as you don't get donked in the first hour as a lot of the associates will go all in with small pairs and if you're in heads up you won't hit so you've got to play really tight. Also at the end of late registration they will send in a bunch of players to donk you out of your stack so tighten up again.
@josephjones5552 3 ай бұрын
He's a horrible player who has been crying for years about every site he plays on. Don't feed into this guy. He wants pity for being bad at poker, and he's not going to get it. All sites are rigged for action, it's a business. Only bad players fall for the dupes though, and his problem is he can't accept he's bad. Listen to him talk, he can't even put fucking sentences together without stumbling over his words. You really think this guy can make optimal decisions in key situations while under pressure? No... No he can't.... Thus the reason why he has spent years slandering every site he plays on, and never owning his lackluster playing ability. God forbid we admit we suck, and commit to getting better with hard work and dedication. I don't think he ever read a poker theory or math book in his life, and probably never will. He will spend another half a decade crying about how he was cheated instead of putting in the work to get better.
@Cross40Productions 3 ай бұрын
Mans just loosely called someone a faggot like it was nothing 😂😂😂 I’m dying and that’s a snap subscribe from me dawg
@Cross40Productions 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I stopped playing ignition yesterday… some backstory I always bet the same amounts to hide whether I’m bluffing or have something… and yesterday I was in a session where a player who had 6 max buy-ins for a cash game would call all my pre flop bluffs and fold every time I had something good… I didn’t notice until after about 10 min… but every single time I had something, he’d fold to a 3x bb bet… every time I was bluffing or playing a looser hand, he’d call my 3x bet or 3 bet it himself Post flop same story… If I hit a set, he’d fold if I bet anything and if I was bluffing, immediately snap call, like not even taking time to think about it Meanwhile, every time I play live tournaments in my town which are usually 60+ players, I can get to the final table every time So i know I’m not THAT bad Ignition got me for roughly $150 bucks, and they won’t be getting a penny more
@poker_ 3 ай бұрын
This definitely deserves a video response. I'm going to respond and share this TODAY! What i will type is, I feel I know what's going on and I agree with you not playing there anymore. I've experienced many of the same things there also on Bovada, Global, ACR and BetOnline.
@Cross40Productions 3 ай бұрын
@@poker_ yeah… it’s a shame really… The tournaments in my town are just for prizes no cash, so the closest place I’d be able to play for real money is like 3 hours away… that’s why I started playing online in the first place
@poker_ 3 ай бұрын
@@Cross40Productions kzbin.info/www/bejne/rYDCkqufhLqZjq8feature=shared
@joseontiveros9057 3 ай бұрын
Gotta get it all back
@poker_ 3 ай бұрын
ALL!!!!! 😂
@kxje8781 3 ай бұрын
I know exactly what they want say 😂
@poker_ 3 ай бұрын
@hullhealersboatworksrestor4377 3 ай бұрын
The higher stakes games NLHE100+ seem to be less rigged to me.
@poker_ 3 ай бұрын
I used to play the highest stakes (fixed and NLH)on Bovada/ ignition, ACR and one other site. When it came to all this sites it felt the same. The only difference to me is, the number of donks.
@szokimondour8384 3 ай бұрын
Hello! Could you please somebody tell me a site which is surely not rigged? (I mean no bots who sees yours cards)
@poker_ 3 ай бұрын
That doesn't exist. All sites have issues with bots, both regulated and unregulated. Some sites just have more of an issue than others. When it comes to the "sees your cards,". Many of these unregulated sites are the worst. It's not necessarily bots seeing cards, but inhouse accounts/ super users (SU not as common).
@strangecrimeworld9402 4 ай бұрын
Is this site all cheating? Or is there any sites like it? That I can play in the USA
@poker_ 4 ай бұрын
Depends on your state. I wouldn't recommend playing any unregulated sites. Examples for unregulated are ACR, BetOnline .ag, Global Poker, ignition Casino, Bovada and etc.... There are some regulated sites that's a bit more trusted (you still but be careful)like PokerStars, Party Poker and etc... that offer network play.
@Daniel_420 4 ай бұрын
Nobody works for free on exchanges or wallets Theres always fees on deposits
@KO-771 4 ай бұрын
You had 93 of clubs against 52o. Like you said, you should have raised more to prevent the draws. You played the hands bad. I already know that Betonline has mostly setup hands like that. Just gotta fold them.
@poker_ 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, you're right, I did. Online has reshaped my online value for the worst. Usually, when going for value, I go lower. I'm just so used to these magical bad beats on this site 🤦🏽‍♂️
@PhoebusQC 4 ай бұрын
all online poker site.. the RNG is not random .. i repeat .. the RNG is not random !!! bots.. collusion.. superuser.. a lot of them
@poker_ 4 ай бұрын
1001% agree. Those very things you mentioned, plus more is all I talk about and show here.
4 ай бұрын
they shove with 3 8 offsit and hit
@Nick210606 4 ай бұрын
This site so rigged. I’ve never run so bad in my life
@poker_ 4 ай бұрын
🤦🏽 ..... Magical bad beats ever hand. Meanwhile, the same accounts and suspicious accounts winning everything, huh?
@scottyheav 4 ай бұрын
Weren't all the bots found on ACR playing the lower stakes games because it was harder to detect then the bigger games which have less players? This dude sounds like a goof. You shouldn't even waste your time talking about him.
@poker_ 4 ай бұрын
Yep, you are correct on both. They were all over the site, especially the lower stakes and partly for those very reasons. 🤣 You're right! I made the video and then deleted it. Then I was like fuk it, I'll post it 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️
@scottyheav 4 ай бұрын
@@poker_ 👍😃
@ashleymartin6521 5 ай бұрын
This site is rigged 100% I deposited for the first time last week binked 8k since then I have had about 100 bad beats lost AA vs AK about 10 times! 5 top boats vs Quads. More bad beats than a whole life time in 2 weeks
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
DAMN 🤦🏽‍♂️... But this is why I try to make these videos. Just super rigged.
@ashleymartin6521 5 ай бұрын
Yea man I actually call the cards now that come it’s almost become funny! Every time I have AA vs AK a JQ in the flop and I call the 10 on the turn! The funniest was the first hand of a 215 tourney the other day I pick up AA on the button and raise BB has 10 10 in the flop comes A 10 3 all in on the flop and river comes 10! I’ve delete my account will never play again on this site
@poker_ 4 ай бұрын
@@ashleymartin6521 I know the feeling and what you mean.
@poker_ 4 ай бұрын
@ashleymartin6521 I have a few more videos floating around somewhere. In those, I do a better job calling out cards and outcomes. One day ill really have to search for those accounts. They just show folks it's not random at all. HERES just 2 videos of someone randomly finding one of my old old channels. kzbin.info/www/bejne/rGjZiHZ4iNOgjdEsi=VxFd4wSCoVlFsWZz
@ashleymartin6521 4 ай бұрын
I had to search the net to make sure I wasn’t going crazy on my last day playing I lost 11 flips in a row 😂 I feel so stupid I let them take my money! I withdrew around $4k and then the algorithm decided to screw me for about 5k
@F..L 5 ай бұрын
@KO-771 5 ай бұрын
Earnest Goes to the Casino???
@noahstroud3170 5 ай бұрын
Me after work
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
@HotCheetoVr12 5 ай бұрын
Bro it's only 18 dollars and 19 cents
@Seedeezz 5 ай бұрын
LmAO 🤣 🤣 🤣 Not R&M
@uploadcomplete 5 ай бұрын
@uploadcomplete 5 ай бұрын
@rufusrolph7870 5 ай бұрын
Some mothers do have em😂😂
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
🤔 What, a coin purse 👛
@jameswebber9041 5 ай бұрын
You saw it coming and did nothing...top shelf individual
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
Damn, I should have jumped through the phone 🤣
@jameswebber9041 5 ай бұрын
​@@poker_ then why have that caption smart arse
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
@@jameswebber9041 Wow, you're super slow in the head 🤦🏽‍♂️
@mrmojomajestic8317 5 ай бұрын
Please don't fuck Jesus. Hes not into that.
@Golden_God_Untethered 5 ай бұрын
Hard h?
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣 My original caption was "SLvt -VS- Slot."
@Golden_God_Untethered 5 ай бұрын
@@poker_ That's awesome! The slot won!!🤣🤣🤣
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
@@Golden_God_Untethered 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Golden_God_Untethered 5 ай бұрын
@@poker_ If she pukes in the bathroom it's a royal flush!
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
@@Golden_God_Untethered 😆🤣🤣🤣🤦🏽‍♂️
@redthomas7334 5 ай бұрын
One day
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
I hope soon for you ✌🏽
@vivaguerro1932 5 ай бұрын
*Soo that's your cousin i bet* 😃👍
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
@hamidbohluli3692 5 ай бұрын
The boy who was previous person on that slot machine is now Crazy ...😂😂😂
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
@Zcamoman777 5 ай бұрын
@cacahoute3 5 ай бұрын
Won 1.18 million, gambled 1.35 million to get it😎
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
🤣 Possibly 🤦🏽‍♂️
@joshJ. 5 ай бұрын
Sorry that was a computer error but we will give you a steak dinner for 2 free drinks and a free night stay instead !
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
🤣 Naw, it was for 1
@NFLaCosaNostra 5 ай бұрын
It's more like $1.18 million. If you don't want the $185,599.. hit me up. I know a guy
@poker_ 5 ай бұрын
😂 Right, maybe they were pre calculating the taxes. The reason why I captioned $1.18.