@jasona716 4 сағат бұрын
What a great idea, using rem statements to contain the assembler mnemonics. Fantastic! 👍 ZX81 was my first computer, but I don't recall seeing anything like that back in the day. Thanks for demoing it!
@byteforever7829 10 сағат бұрын
This is awesome. I'm not sure which I'm more impressed with, that you recovered the program from cassette or that you managed not to get ram pack wobble - so easy to lose everything
@sylwesterlazar9441 12 сағат бұрын
The ZX81 was my dream come true, and at the age of 15, I could already enjoy the ZX81 with its entire 1KB of RAM. This is what led me to start writing programs in assembly language. Later, I bought an additional 64KB of memory. I created a Polish<->English dictionary that worked very quickly. It loaded the dictionary from a cassette tape and had a learning function. Those were beautiful times. The limited hardware forced us to write concise code, where every byte and register counted. Today, we have supercomputers in our pockets with 2GHz processors and 8GB of RAM, yet on a touch-sensitive, high-resolution color screen, we still see hourglasses or spinning wheels. I remained faithful to assembly language and today I write programs for Microchip's PIC32. Only we know the joy of moving from an 8-bit Z80 with a 3.5MHz clock to a 32-bit microcontroller with a MIPS core running at 200MHz. Throughout my life, people have always been surprised that I write in ASM instead of C, Python, etc. Thousands of times I’ve heard that assembly introduces bad programming habits, is difficult, lacks process validation, and so on. But I simply enjoy it when you turn on the hardware, the controller works immediately, nothing loads, there's no clunky operating system, the device never crashes, and there's no waiting after pressing a key 🙂 ZX81 to było moje marzenie, które się spełniło i w wieku 15 lat mogłem już się delektować ZX81 z całym 1kB pamięci RAM. To właśnie spowodowało, że zacząłem pisać programy w assemblerze. Potem dokupiłem pamięć 64kB. Zrobiłem słownik polsko<->angielski, który działał bardzo szybko. Wczytywał słownik z kasety. Miał funkcję nauki. Piękne czasy. Ograniczony sprzęt wymuszał pisanie zwięzłego kodu, gdzie liczył się każdy bajt czy rejestr. Dzisiaj mamy w kieszeni super komputery 2GHz/8GB RAM, a na dotykowym, kolorowym, wysokiej rozdzielczości ekranie obserwujemy klepsydrę lub latające kółko. Pozostałem wierny assemblerowi i dziś piszę programy na PIC32 firmy Microchip. I tylko my wiemy jaka to radość przesiąść się z 8-bitowego Z80 z zegarem 3,5MHz na 32- bitowy mikrokontroler z rdzeniem MIPS latający na 200MHz. Przez całe życie ciągle ktoś się dziwił, że piszę w ASM, a nie w C, Pyton itp. itd. Tysiące razy słyszałem, że assembler wprowadza złe nawyki programistyczne, jest trudny, nie ma kontroli poprawności procesu itp, itd. A ja po prosty cieszę się, gdy włączasz sprzęt, sterownik od razu działa, nie ładuje się, żaden kulawy system operacyjny, a urządzenie się po prosty nigdy nie zawiesza i nie ma żadnego oczekiwania po naciśnięciu klawisza :-)
@rayderrich 12 сағат бұрын
This makes me far happier than you think it would because the ZX81 was the first computer I programmed on over 40 years ago and I kind of forgot how it looked and now I feel it come back to me, so thanks.
@AK-vx4dy 11 сағат бұрын
ZX81 was first my *own* computer.... about 1988-90...it was outdated much then...but only on this i could afford then...
@AK-vx4dy 14 сағат бұрын
You wrote assembler in basic? Wow....😅 Youngsters passion i suppose. I wrote few (thin) notebooks of programs for zx spectrum, only in notebooks because i couldn't afford own computer then and computer interest club was suspended... I sunk in it completely for part of a year even at cost of my grades...
@8BitRetroJournal 13 сағат бұрын
I did the same. I've got a video coming up where I go through some old program listings and also some notes on programs I was writing.
@AK-vx4dy 12 сағат бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal I'm afraid most of my lost but I doubt they worked anway, they never left notebook and mostly were some kind of naive recreation of things o read on computer magazines. Anway passion and fascination was strong in me 😅 I dreamed of computerization of everything around (with ZX Spectrums lol;)) from small town library to uncle's farm 😉
@garyjungmann Күн бұрын
Wow, this brought back some memories for me. I too wrote a little program on the Speccy back in the day. I remember buying (an expensive!) text based quest game creator. It came loaded with a double speed loader, which failed nine out of ten attempts to load. Really frustrating. So I decided to teach myself assembler, and disassemble the loader to unlock the code and save it out for normal speed. I got the Spectrum Rom Disassembly on loan from the local library for six weeks. Figured out how the code worked. Disassembled Matthew Smith's Jetset Willy, and nicked some of his super clever features [like the alternate registers(?)] imbedded in his code. I then spent about six months crafting a small assembly code program capable of disassembling any header loaded into it, including protected headers. The tiny Basic loader loaded a small assembly loader program, which unloaded Basic, and then loaded what followed on tape (which was the main program). I don't remember much of the code. The code was originally set up to disassemble the loader for the game creator that was causing me problems. I quickly figured out how they implemented their copy protection, and rejigged the main program to bypass that, and lay bare the program code. I then saved that out to tape at normal speed, and crafted a short loader to load the main code. It worked very well, as far as I remember. I then turned the program on a few other programs (mostly games tbh) and figured out their copy protection quite quickly. I then redid the code for a third time, so that the program would recognise common copy protection (I seem to remember that they sometimes cheated by putting it in backwards, or split it and had innocuous looking random calls, which were actually invoking the 2nd part of the function), and circumvent it, without necessitating manual intervention from me. I tried it on dozens of games, and it opened all of them. I decided to send it in (annotated) to Crash magazine. It was returned rather promptly, with a nice note saying that it looked quite clever, but that a reader had beaten me to it with a version written in Basic that did pretty much the same thing. I bought the magazine, and scanned the basic code they had included within. I was shocked. The basic code was just that - basic. It loaded basic files, but nothing else. Bear in mind that, like you I was a kid. I couldn't understand how someone who wrote for a gaming magazine (someone I admired) could not have seen that my machine code program was far superior to the Basic program that they had featured in their magazine. My program had done what I set out to do. I was able to use the quest game creator (which was laughable. It used so much RAM to run the code that there was little for the game created), and I had discovered a new found interest in girls. So, I hung up my programmers hat. I still played games, though. And read Crash. About a year later, there was a big headline that one of the major cracking crews had finally cracked the protection on some popular game. You guessed it - that game had been one of the dozens of games that my little program had opened for me the year previous. All of this is hazy, if I'm being honest. It was a long time ago. I haven't given any though to it in more than forty years. But this was a fun little jaunt down Memory Lane. Thank you for that. And for your video.
@crumplezone1 2 күн бұрын
The colour of the Legs on the Op amp chip U15 means there has been heavy leaking of the caps, and I would replace the capacitors and start from there, and has been said check the voltages on the Op amp there Should be 12v on one side of the and -12v on the other, I have repaired many A600s with sound problems, you just have to be methodical in the fault finding
@avrahamrothschild2418 3 күн бұрын
Thanks❤ I waste my day looking how to connect the same Wi-Fi SD card adapter. I don't know why I remembered someone going through Google and it worked for him. And I see that it's not actually achievable.
@MarcKloos 6 күн бұрын
One Sinclair Plaza was used for mail orders, 2 Sinclair Plaza for info. According to an article in the Nashua Telegraph of March 12, 1982, the exact address is 141 Canal Street.
@8BitRetroJournal 4 күн бұрын
I think mail order was 3 Sinclair Plaza. Where can I find the Nashua Telegraph article?
@MarcKloos 4 күн бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal You can find it in Google News Archive Search. It's on the last page (17) of said newspaper. (YT doesn't allow links to be posted)
@gregskuza7166 7 күн бұрын
I have a question about US QL. I just pick one up and I’ve been having some weird video issues when starting one of the games downloaded of the web the game sometimes will show properly on my RGB Amiga 1084 monitor where I can see the whole screen but sometimes (70% of the time) it will cut off the lower 1/5 off the screen. Can’t figure out what is causing it as my UK QL always shows the full screen. The composite video acts the same way as RGB so it looks like the ULA1 is not providing proper video out and actually when I plug my Sandy super board then the game will run but most of the time the screen goes completely blank. My US QL has some extra rework done in top of the ULA1 with additional diodes and a capacitor which my UK did not have. I wish my UK still worked so I could try another ULA in my US QL but unfortunately the ULA 1 in my UK QL died and I can’t find a replacement for it anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@8BitRetroJournal 4 күн бұрын
Oh cool. I don't think the US NTSC versions are as common. Yes, in TV mode, the NTSC signal gets cut off on the bottom (I think it loses 64 lines)...that's totally normal. It's done so the US TVs could handle the signal (NTSC has less lines than PAL). I think if you swap the ROM it will likely give you back the full screen. The US ROM (JSU) also creates slightly smaller characters in TV mode to fit as much info as the UK ones do with the extra 1/5th they have. It was a weird way to implement it but back then most users had TVs before they had monitors.
@fffUUUUUU 8 күн бұрын
Always make sure you are replacing the flat belt with the flat one. And a square belt with the square one
@8BitRetroJournal 7 күн бұрын
It was square with square. I haven't seen many devices using flat belts. I just did a disk drive that had no belt to compare to and the square belt seems to work just fine.
@fffUUUUUU 8 күн бұрын
Finger grease is an enemy of the belt and belt path hardware. Belt will tend to slip
@fffUUUUUU 8 күн бұрын
If you need to measure the circumvent of the belt just use a thread 🧵 and put it in the belt path.
@fffUUUUUU 8 күн бұрын
Then cut it appropriately.
@fffUUUUUU 8 күн бұрын
It's very bad idea to put old sticky belt in contact with a new one. And it is even worse to put that new tainted one in the heap of new belts.
@8BitRetroJournal 7 күн бұрын
What happens?
@farnell1211 11 күн бұрын
The only part I wanted to see was how you lifted the case off with monitor inside and you transitioned past it 😢
@8BitRetroJournal 10 күн бұрын
Oh sorry. I did it very carefully. You just don't want to nick the end of the tube and break that part. But if you lift slowly, keeping an eye on what's going on, you should be fine. There are worse machines to take apart (like the original Mac).
@josephlunderville3195 15 күн бұрын
Have you recorded the cassette to a computer as digital audio yet? It might be easier to edit the audio file to get a recoverable program, and it would be a good backstop, each time you put that cassette into a new deck there's a risk of the tape breaking or getting demagnetized or otherwise worn.
@8BitRetroJournal 14 күн бұрын
Yup, done that a bunch of times. Audacity is a good tool for editing and you can basically see the bad sections and cut/paste good parts in place of them...it's basically long and sort pulses so you just need a clean one of each and paste over the bad...it doesn't have to align fully time-wise either.
@WhatHoSnorkers 15 күн бұрын
Fantastic stuff, and hooray for Toni Baker. She really knew her stuff!
@8BitRetroJournal 14 күн бұрын
That book was magically for me when I was a kid. A second hidden language got me fully into computers back then. I eventually wrote an assembler which I'll show in a week or two.
@byteforever7829 15 күн бұрын
I think the old ROM is the for zx80 but not sure
@8BitRetroJournal 14 күн бұрын
Oh cool...I'll try and verify that.
@byteforever7829 15 күн бұрын
It's a great book, thanks for sharing😀
@danieldoyle8724 16 күн бұрын
Great review. Awesome memories!
@firsteerr 21 күн бұрын
i sooooo wanted a QL back in the day looked cool had wafer micro drives it was powerful at that time and claimed to be a step ahead , im old now and i am contemplating getting one to satisfy my younger selfs hunger
@8BitRetroJournal 21 күн бұрын
There's a person on the qlforum.co.uk selling one recently that he grabbed form the attic unused. You may want to hit him up. The forum post is titled "For Sale to a good home a 1986 SinclairQL and printer" so just look for that.
@firsteerr 21 күн бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal brilliant thanks very much for that
@RacerX- 22 күн бұрын
Cool. Although I am never used the Timex/Sinclair computers back in the 80s I find it more interesting now to see what people were doing with them. We were a Commodore home so I only had experience with Vic-20 and C64 and later Amiga. In fact although I knew about the North American market Timex computers I did not know they sold the QL in an NTSC version. Where did they sell those computers over here back then? Was it mail order? Very curious how you got on the Sinclair track as that was a pretty rare thing over here in the USA.
@8BitRetroJournal 22 күн бұрын
I got mine through mail order from Sharps in Virginia. That was in 1989 though. Sinclair had an office in downtown Boston in the mid 80s and of course they were directly selling (at least ZX81 and its products) out of 3 Sinclair Plaza in Nashua, NH -- I did a video last July driving to that location. I'm guessing they may have used that NH location to initially sell QLs through mail order as well.
@8BitRetroJournal 22 күн бұрын
There's a KZbin video where it shows Sinclair presenting the QL to the Boston Computer Society at MIT in 1984.
@RacerX- 22 күн бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal very cool. I will check it out. I am on the west coast, sf bay area and in a pretty small city, err it used to be anyway. We had exactly 1 computer store in town that mainly sold Apple II and later Amigas. Since they sold Commodore stuff virtually everywhere around us there was no shortage of stores to buy hardware and software. I think because of that I was mainly oblivious to anything but C=, Atari, Apple, Tandy, etc. Thanks and keep up the good work.
@johnsouthern7413 22 күн бұрын
@3:03 Q68 review mentioned is at kzbin.info/www/bejne/b3rVpZeLf5qnZ5I
@8BitRetroJournal 22 күн бұрын
I forgot to put it in at 7am but added it a couple of hours later...should have been there by the time you posted this.
@gregskuza7166 23 күн бұрын
Omg, you got me! 😂
@fradd182 28 күн бұрын
I guess QL needs some kind of double buffering to resolve that flicker
@8BitRetroJournal 28 күн бұрын
Someone said it wasn't well implemented. It was Daniel Macré first attempt (I think he did it partially to teach himself how to write such a game).
@fradd182 27 күн бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal Very possible, because ive seen other QL gaming videos and many other action games have no flicker.
@AussieAmigan 28 күн бұрын
The Amiga version looks great. It's not quite Microprose Grand Prix level, or Lotus Turbo Challenge level, but it's not trying to be. I must try it out. I had no idea the QL was this limited. I thought it was more of a contender. I could conceive of a C64 version, and even a spectrum version running this game faster. Was there any racing game on the C64 that ran slower than this? Yes, many employed tricks, but even Revs with realistic 3d seems more playable than this. Even something as early as the original Pole Position(kzbin.info/www/bejne/nIOaZo2mrK2CeNU) on the C64 plays better than this. If I was so inclined I could hack the graphics on Pole Position 2(kzbin.info/www/bejne/aXzKgJ6pjL-Iiqc) on the C64, changing the main car sprite to a dashboard and have practically the same game as the QL, but faster and more fun.
@8BitRetroJournal 3 күн бұрын
I think the QL version was just Daniel Macre's first attempt at writing a game. Once he had proof of concept he teamed up with a software house and developed the Atari (and eventually Amiga) version. The flicker and slow play is definitely something that could be improved on. There's been lots of demo-scene stuff that runs much smoother than this game on the QL. Unfortunately there we no money in developing for the QL since by 1986 Sinclair sold to Amstrad and the QL was dead.
@gavinc5255 29 күн бұрын
Hey, if the volume is low and recapping ‘should’ or ‘could’ help… would you not want to get it recapped, just in case? I’ve recapped 6x A600’s or A1200’s in the last 2 years and I’d only say 1 was not leaky… yet. One A600 needed 3 chips and a host of transistors replaced to get it working 100% after very subtle appearing corrosion got to it.
@cp256 29 күн бұрын
On my A4000 the sound had been working fine right up until it didn't. I knew it needed a recap so I pulled out the Zorro cards and replaced the caps in the sound area and presto, perfect A4000 sound again. I have replaced about 75% of the caps so far.
@cp256 29 күн бұрын
I should have mentioned that the sound volume had gone down about 80% on one channel and maybe 60% on the other.
@fffUUUUUU Ай бұрын
Check the input voltage on the audio amplifier under load (loud music is playing). If it's wrong, check the voltage regulator under the load. If it doesn't fix the issue, get the schematics and trace the audio path from the analog output back to the digital source, checking the voltages at every checkpoint. If you have the scope - check signals for the waveform.
@fffUUUUUU Ай бұрын
And btw, caps can become out of specs without visible leaking. Only out of circuit checking can tell for sure
@danielktdoranie Ай бұрын
Heya do you have a PCMCIA NE2000 Ethernet or WiFi PC Card? If so you can use it and the Miami network stack and go online and or network
@8BitRetroJournal 3 күн бұрын
I do have an old TrueMobile Dell network card. You think that might work?
@vertigoz Ай бұрын
The amiga version is lite!
@8BitRetroJournal Ай бұрын
Can you add context? Are you saying the Amiga version was a trimmed down version of the Atari ST one?
@vertigoz Ай бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal sorry, my mistake , I though it as in 'it is rad'! lite as in fire! It didn't cross my mind a down version.
@davidspencer7254 Ай бұрын
The author told how the co-coder of the ST and Amiga versions heavily optimised his code from the QL versions. If only there had been a back port.
@8BitRetroJournal Ай бұрын
Interesting...yes, it does seem the QL version has its issues that could be resolved with better coding.
@ElectronGordo Ай бұрын
Comparing the same game in QL vs A600... is not it a little strange?
@8BitRetroJournal Ай бұрын
How so? That's a pretty common theme to compare games between different platforms.
@semicuriosity257 Ай бұрын
A600's gaming hardware is the same as 1985 Amiga 1000.
@8BitRetroJournal Ай бұрын
@@semicuriosity257 Oh great, thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure if the chipset was significantly different (i.e. OCS vs ECS). So I'm guessing an A600 ran at the same speed as the A1000?
@semicuriosity257 Ай бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal The same performance for games. ECS has extra high resolution modes for business use cases.
@AussieAmigan 28 күн бұрын
According to Wikipedia, Vroom was originally for the ST. The ST port looks about the same as the Amiga version. So what are we looking at here on the QL? A fan creation? There's even a DOS version(kzbin.info/www/bejne/en28iX99YtaWi8U) from 91 which looks even better. ECS provides 2mb of chipram compared to the OCS 512k, but that probably wasn't something being utilised in this game. If so, it might have helped with more space for caching and rapidly animating the side object blobs/sprites, but this version looks like a straight port of the ST. See how it compares here (kzbin.info/www/bejne/jZDKeIF7bNpoe9U). I might just give it to the Amiga version, but I'm not sure if that is because that driver is doing better in the video.
@andre0000000007 Ай бұрын
i remember hearing that Sony approached Sinclair to incorporate a 3.5" drive in the QL which he refused.. not sure if it's true or an urban legend : )
@8BitRetroJournal Ай бұрын
I could imagine Sony, at that time, wanting to be put in all major new computer releases so I don't think it's a stretch. The 3.5" standard was just starting out back in the early 80s, trying to beat the 5.25" standard and maybe even the odd 3" here and there. Nothing is guaranteed until everyone jumps on board and uses it. One of Sinclair's selling points for microdrives was faster throughput once you found the file (so a trade-off for seek time). Also, some early 3.5" media was only about 250K in size, so two 128K drives was pretty comparable and having two drives made life a lot easier than a bigger single drive.
@GSimpsonOAM Ай бұрын
Probably considered a nice idea but would have added to the cost of the machine. The microdrives already existed and having 2 drives was really needed prior to hard drives. There was also the competition with 3". I had a Sega at the time which came with 3" I actually replaced Sega with QL due to the QL being more practical with more columns for Word processing and Spreadsheet and of course came bundled with software. I actually found the microdrives fast and reliable.
@tsriftsal3581 Ай бұрын
Fun game
@tsriftsal3581 Ай бұрын
This dumb game entertained a knucklehead quite well. Move back and press up and down them there will be an opening to run for a td. Seems to be a loop expecting you to do something but you trip it up switching between the top 2 or the bottom 2 positions, looking for an opening. The pass opportunity opens up sometimes but the run is where the win is. The td sound is playing in a younger knucklehead's ear. Too fun for the time. The ai is just as dumb today. It only has access to more data at a faster rate. ai is stoopid and that will never change. It can only try to sell crap. That's it and nothing else. Oh and corn. It's good at corn. Lol Suck it ai. Yes, that was another TD while you watch again.
@keyboard_g Ай бұрын
For the keyboard, sometimes the metal contacts where it slides into the connector get some corrosion. You can takenit out and use even a pencil eraser and then isopropyl alcohol and a cotton bud. A600 keyboard cables are known to fail over time. If yours goes, there are modern reproductions.
@_chrisr_ Ай бұрын
With regard to interrupts this will depend on the CPU but the operating system will register interrupt service routine addresses for code that will deal with a given interupt. When the interrupt occurs the CPU will deal with it immediately (again the precise details are cpu specific) and run that ISR code. The ISR code will have to deail with the nature of the interrupt and might deal with it then and there or (in the case with windows) they get queued up and dealt with at a different level of the OS through the driver code). This approach allows for drivers to be written to run in user mode rather than kernel mode - user mode drivers don't have access to memory directly and have a virtual address space which makes for a more robust operating system as a user mode driver can't crash the system (in theory).
@_chrisr_ Ай бұрын
With Windows the priorities are only used when there is competition for CPU resource - most of the processes on a Windows machine are background processes that only do stuff when responding to an other event (e.g. a timer or when triggered through the actions of another process (like a virus checker). Processes that are active - e.g. your browser still have downtime whilst they are waiting for other stuff to happen - e.g. responses to network requests or perhaps writing to disk etc. The scheduler takes into account whether a process needs to be executed at a specific point in time - the kernel will wake a process back up when a call to the kernel is completed and the process (well thread) can continue. Where you have a thread that is actively doing something where it will keep consuming cpu cycles without creating gaps (perhaps a complex calculation) then this is where priorities come in - theads with higher priorities will be allocated a greater amount of run time compared to processes with lower priority. Realtime is a special priority which was for real time code which is sensitive to timing - an attempt by microsoft to try to lure realtime system designers to use windows rather than dedicated hardware. Setting the wrong type of process to realtime can hang the system as the operating system doesn't get to run it's processes until the realtime process completes.
@8BitRetroJournal Ай бұрын
Thanks for that detailed rundown on Windows. I did try and set Notepad to real-time to see what would happen (I was prepared for the crash) but it neverallowed that,e even with me as admin.
@_chrisr_ Ай бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal I just tried it on my Win10 machine and it worked fine. Notepad is safe (I would hesitate to try loading or saving a large file though!) as it's mostly waiting around for windows messages to handle. Most windows programs spend their time in an infinite loop which calls GetMessage() over and over which is a blocking API call that gets the next windows message to process, when a message arrives (like a keypress or mouse etc) the that function returns and the program can deal with it before waiting for the next message. The scheduler won't allocate any CPU cycles to that thread whilst it is waiting.
@8BitRetroJournal Ай бұрын
@@_chrisr_ Thank you for giving it a try. For some reason, on Windows 7, as user with admin privileges, it would not let me set it. I'm very familiar with event loops as I hacked the Mac kernel back in the day (early 90s) to add pseudo scheduling control. I had to grab the event handler and then control it differently from the plain old round robin scheme that the Mac OS was using. This was pre-BSD obviously, when Apple had written their own kernel (in Pascal of all languages).
@_chrisr_ Ай бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal I was able to set it on my Win7 VM too - but you have to either launch taskmgr.exe with elevated rights or elevate it by clicking on the "Show processes from all users" button before the realitime priority can be set.
@8BitRetroJournal Ай бұрын
@@_chrisr_ Yup, running as administrator worked and yup, nothing to interesting happened. I ran a KZbin video in the background and used Notepad to repeat letters and nothing...very deflating but expected since you don't want Windows to be freezing due to priorities.
@peddersoldchap Ай бұрын
Has anyone ever tried to cut a VHS tape by hand and replaced it successfully?
@8BitRetroJournal 3 күн бұрын
I was thinking of creating a rig that cut the tape and try and respool a cartridge.
@peddersoldchap 3 күн бұрын
@@8BitRetroJournal video please! 📽️ I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people with kaput microdrive cartridges that would be interested in building such a rig.
@ifrit05 Ай бұрын
I have trust issues with you 😂
@vertigoz Ай бұрын
I remember having my imagine 3d locking my A1200, but there was a program rhat allow to lower its priority, after setting its priority lower it was like it wasn't even running (it rendered with only a few seconds more but the rest of the computer worked as if ot wasn't running)
@fra4455 Ай бұрын
@Barbarpapa1 Ай бұрын
And, if I remember correctly, size of executable file was only 54KB (Kilo Bytes)! Pretty amazing 👍...
@danielktdoranie Ай бұрын
Regarding the keyboard… the Amigas use a membrane keyboard and the membrane can be replaced, new ones are available
@danielktdoranie Ай бұрын
FYI PiStorm project now has a driver to use the WiFi on the Raspberry Pi. There is a PiStorm for the A600… running CaffeineOS (Free!) on a PiStorm enabled Amiga really feels modern
@danielktdoranie Ай бұрын
Looking forward to it! I recently acquired a used Acer Aspire One ZG5. Maxed out the RAM to a whopping 1.5GB and put 256 GB SATA SSD in it… Dual Booting the Amiga-like AROS AspireOS and Debian 12 32-bit
Let's ditch the USB Stick and go with a new old stock ATI All In Wonder Graphics card with built in TV Tuner plus the software.
@8BitRetroJournal Ай бұрын
Well, if you have a laptop then you can't install a card. Also, does the Wonder Graphic card capture European TV signals as well? That was the point of the card, that it can capture any RF signal, not just the one in your home country.
@@8BitRetroJournal I would think so depending on the country selected. and that is the reason that the ATI AIW graphics card is the best and you can get a cabinet for the graphics card that connects to the main unit just search for it.
It is a shame you can install an AMD All In Wonder Graphics card with integrated TV Tuner.