Iayze New Moves For 2025..
@daddypaladin472 22 сағат бұрын
@horizxn8450 Күн бұрын
turn to Jesus Christ he loves all of us more than anything and he literally died for us. He took in the punishment for our sins thru on the cross. It wasn’t cuz we deserved it, but cuz he loved us. 1 John 4:10 “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” it was thru his love that he died for us and we can be forgiven
@prodmhv45 Күн бұрын
W streammm
@Sheluvsfuego Күн бұрын
"you cant even enjoy the stream" 😂😂😂😂
@prodchriswiddak Күн бұрын
toosi in a one story😂
@prodchriswiddak Күн бұрын
no butt sat on the toilet🤣
@prodchriswiddak Күн бұрын
@kor3407 Күн бұрын
this is actually insane bro😭
@ForgiveVeil Күн бұрын
chat wildin
@CYRMUSICC Күн бұрын
He get so much hate cause he so full of hate 🤷
@SSnow5 Күн бұрын
they judges a lil mixed up inna brain cuz why they have lil tony lose to hotboii in the recent one he so ah idk how he pulled ts off tony dont even be missing 😭
@SSnow5 Күн бұрын
😭😭 imagine how fazo feel gng he just hot ahh and hop in lose everytime
@AllureOTW Күн бұрын
@keljiontopp Күн бұрын
Jace gotta run it back frr
@AllureOTW Күн бұрын
Be my carti wit a Kaaaayyyy 🔥
@hofproduced2990 Күн бұрын
thats why I never want to be a public face on the internet mf's will act so close to you until sum happens or you slip up then all of a sudden mf's tryna make you go broke and cancel u
@hofproduced2990 Күн бұрын
the beginning funny af cause i always use decoy type beat he make some decent shii
@jahski01 Күн бұрын
Bout to steal his mels ong
@BigAnt2324 Күн бұрын
I just saw yo name pop up in the chat😂
@jahski01 Күн бұрын
@@BigAnt2324 ye thats me
@davidvasconcellos6858 Күн бұрын
Good vibe!!!
@ecooodonnnn Күн бұрын
Still the goat fr
@1nkind Күн бұрын
Drop ts
@1nkind Күн бұрын
First lame ahh jit
@iVerzed Күн бұрын
we know u the first lame jit
@karentookthekids9986 Күн бұрын
if it wasnt a full sweep people wouldnt care ngl
@Ricardo-m5c Күн бұрын
Zias was glazin toosi on purpose
@Ricardo-m5c Күн бұрын
Mfs gon hate when you doing good on your own bro real talk
@davidvasconcellos6858 Күн бұрын
@trashcanrecords8943 Күн бұрын
He the only one bringing up that diss war shit it’s in the past he hurt bout that shit obviously
@00_Sk1nny1 Күн бұрын
I think he takin it to heart too but he not bringin it up for no reason, he literally responding to things that happened right after that he aint respond too. U chattin
@douyinkof Күн бұрын
okay so what people act like everyone jus supposed to cold and emotionless tf
@SSnow5 Күн бұрын
When you competitive even the slightest loss gon make you crash frfr that's just how it go when you put it all into ts
@Lenobanzzxx Күн бұрын
With all due respect Jace took what uno said a completely different way truth be told nobody expected Jace to get swept I expected Jace to at least get one 😂
@srxsora2124 Күн бұрын
First it was wildkarduno now its unotheactivist 🤣
@dfwjusto Күн бұрын
the diss wars was the diss wars, irl jace comeback gon hit
@2ndtake283 Күн бұрын
That 1 lost changed his entire career
@KC-gf8is Күн бұрын
bra went not 1 but two bust cartis
@responsible7077 Күн бұрын
Uno coo but he really can’t be talkn
@tinymarcellegacy1933 Күн бұрын
Bro in a new crib every month
@thgfromtheeast Күн бұрын
Yeaaaa jit
@bokcchop Күн бұрын
i say they run it back
@lifewithquannn Күн бұрын
it ain’t Iayze if he don’t bring that ski mask beanies or Burberry beanies
@Lastnamehim Күн бұрын
You still a 🐐
@Ineffectt Күн бұрын
Damn that song wars did a number on him he can’t quit talking about it😂
@shxxdwkami Күн бұрын
LMAOO FR his ego bruised
@tsotrill 21 сағат бұрын
That’s what created the hate he’s receiving, why is the point of the vid?
@1bthoven Күн бұрын
As a Jace fan, This hard to watch 🤦🏾‍♂️
@afewvods Күн бұрын
nbs bra
@Viral2Real Күн бұрын
0:36 that’s how this Internet shit go
@DiffensiveE Күн бұрын
Uno was rooting for Jace bro ts out of context 😂
@t4tommt489 Күн бұрын
You lost n that made me listen to yo shit
@solomonTev Күн бұрын
Call out uno as your first diss war victim 🤷🏾‍♂️
@souled_out4024 Күн бұрын
Too bad they grew up in goose Creek brodier😂😂 them 🥷🏽 hoes
@SoBreezyify Күн бұрын
Unoactivist is gay and lame asf
@topkidosamaa Күн бұрын
well there goes the collab that could’ve happened 😕
@DumbHashtag Күн бұрын
Mannn 🤦🏾‍♂️
@ThrowedoffLo Күн бұрын
I fw Uno but jace right
@kinfoul Күн бұрын
He receiving the energy he puts out remember bro was talking crazy to ybn nahmir, kashdami, slump6s, rich amiri
@myles3161 Күн бұрын
Sybau please
@Ineffectt Күн бұрын
@lifewithquannn Күн бұрын
they was talking crazy to him first bro
@Ricardo-m5c Күн бұрын
Them nikkas soft I would too have ain’t wrong
@Faunswayyy Күн бұрын
@@lifewithquannnybn nahmir wasn’t