@microsoftbighard 10 сағат бұрын
That’s simple. Get a vasectomy and instead of having children import young people from other countries to support population growth.
@jediknight73 2 күн бұрын
My ex did three ro
@2okaycola 12 күн бұрын
New York thieves watching this like 💩 👖 MAMIIII
@novakaya Ай бұрын
I live in California. A former family friend living in NYC acquired my Rolex valued at $5300 with a written contract to sell immediately or return it. She did neither and stole it instead. I have a record of every message exchanged between us that includes our initial agreement, my multiple requests to return or pay and her eventual admission that she’s now keeping it without payment. Given our different states, what’s my next step to prosecute? Would really appreciate any feedback or guidance. Great and helpful video and channel. Thank you for your service with this
@codywarnercriminaldefense 25 күн бұрын
Call the local police in whichever jurisdiction your friend took possession of the watch and explain the situation.
@novakaya 24 күн бұрын
@@codywarnercriminaldefense thank you much for your time and thought getting back to me ! Will do
@vanessarivera9959 Ай бұрын
Do police believe outrageous claims? (I.e. he grabbed me, choked me, smacked me on the left side of my face, grabbed my shirt, took me up the stairs then held a knife to my throat) there more details but that’s the major things she said happened.
@Freedom4PalestineEndZioNazism 3 ай бұрын
I sense a lot of pain in the comments. People. Did you know that the Quran deals with domestic violence as well as false allegations of domestic violence? The latter in chapter 12, the story of the prophet Yusuf.
@DaveBjornRapp 3 ай бұрын
So many people have been killed, or rendered brain-dead, by being punched - if somebody is assaulting me with their fists I'm going to assume that they mean to use deadly physical force.
@Jeremy-wy2qc 3 ай бұрын
Fuck policed state ny !!
@memethao7907 4 ай бұрын
What if it wasnt a lie but the cops were called and defended was arrested. Then the prosecutor is exaggerating about what happened and the victim has from the beginning stated that they wanted the charges dropped and they didn’t want to press charges but is continuously ignored . Now the prosecutor wants to charge two felony charges! What does one do?
@brent1655 4 ай бұрын
Great video and youre a great speaker. very informative. I am dealing with this right now
@kinky2526 5 ай бұрын
So why two years later, im being charged with a felony possesion drug charge under 1 gram. My vehicle was searched two years ago after i was 11 miles away from the trap house. The officers ripped me out my vehicle and found a dime bag. They actually let me go. I got a warrent for my arresst in 2024 january. It makes no sense. I didnt even consent to search. Ive also been stone cold sober for 19 months now. How is this possible ? They told me that night i was free to go and im catching a break. I cant afford an attorny so i got a court appointmented one. Is my life gonna be tainted by a felony now? It was a dime bag of heroin. Ive been clean it just doesnt feel right. Im in college. I have a good job ect...
@buckeye-pe6df 5 ай бұрын
You just admitted guilt. Plead not guilty and hire an experienced criminal defense attorney. Delete this post.
@kinfolkzlandscaping7663 5 ай бұрын
I was detain and my truck was towed
@AndreRosario-zm8pf 6 ай бұрын
2001 illegal wire taps. No warrant. 2016 Due process violation 4th 5th 6th 14th Amendment violation. A Writ of habeas corpus a violation of my constitution rights violated 2019
@markkenta3077 6 ай бұрын
Make sure you have a great lawyer with empathy been down this path 3yrs of he'll good luck to everyone
@leonardmusi7196 6 ай бұрын
Hi Mr Cody, can you kindly assess my case and advise? My ex girlfriend has been gatekeeping my child from me. I went to children's court and have a court date. However, she now made me sign a protection order stating that I shouldn't come near her and my child. She say's I have access to guns, I abused her etc 😢
@lynngroll1 6 ай бұрын
I’m in a horrible situation !! My husband and I have been together since we were 15-year-old kids. We’ve been married 40 years we have four kids and four grandchildren. He had to retire early because of Parkinson’s with dementia diagnosis. We built a small retirement home. We’ve been here almost 3 years, none of his siblings ever came because they wanted us to live closer to them , long story short his sister talked him into signing his younger sister as his health advocate because she was a nurse !!My in-laws have known me since I was a kid so I trusted her!! I Didn’t like that this was being done,! I felt if he signed that paperwork. My life would never be the same. ! My sister-in-law, my husband’s new advocate would not communicate with me. She would confuse my husband with his medication, making him an absolute stressed out mess. Then he would take it out on me.! She never once got into her car and drove 45 minutes to sit with her brother here at our kitchen table. She was talking about how wonderful these blister packs were the monthly medication that’s delivered already set up.. I told her she should’ve shared that along time ago if she knew about it to ease our stress, but I also made her aware that I was always confident when giving my husband his medication. I’ve been doing that for years.! Her and I got into an argument because once again she was on FaceTime with my husband and trying to explain this blister pack system! She knew he couldn’t do his own medicine! He has had dementia for over 3 years! As we were arguing my husband grabbed me. The monitor got tipped over and the next day she walked through my front door with APS.! She lied to this APS worker telling him I have a shoplifting record and that the police have been phoned multiple times on me and she said I needed rehab because I do drugs and I’ve never even had a parking ticket. I was arrested, put in jail and they took my husband, this is been since October 17 and I haven’t seen him since ! His family is warping his head and his heart keeping the no contact order in place, and I am absolutely livid and heartbroken!!! They dropped him off at his 82-year-old mother‘s house and that’s where he is living now and I’m alone in the new retirement home we built together! This is in Gladwin county Michigan. I am absolutely blown away that this has been done to me and to our family. I spent my 40th anniversary by myself I spent Christmas alone for the first time in 40 years and so far my husband‘s gone to Rome and next he’s going on an Norwegian cruise with his 82-year-old mother, we had our very first cruise last March. I thought we’d have many more but that was our last together. I am fighting so hard to bring him back home but I’m up against way too many people!! I hired an attorney, but he’s pushing for me to just divorce and I told him how can I just divorce if I haven’t been able to even talk to my husband. I don’t know what to do here I’m devastated. They put me back on probation because I sent him a few messages by text and they were all forwarded to the prosecuting attorney. I can’t even text with my adult kids if he’s staying there with them I had court yesterday and I’m back on six months no contact and I never committed a crime, my only crime is loving my husband !
@ThePrinceraj88 6 ай бұрын
I just got a desk appearance ticket I’ll be giving u a call soon
@Mackie_Starr_Music 7 ай бұрын
Thanks🙏 Attorney Cody. Very explained
@single_daddin_it 7 ай бұрын
If you’re found guilty of lying or making false allegations on court records in my state, it’s a 3rd degree felony and you can get up to 5 years behind bars.
@nikkylastephan1168 7 ай бұрын
Unfortunately there's something called the WMATA compact which brings forth immunity, that may make it difficult to protect myself against calculated tyranny, as im still in pain throughout the day.. its demoralizing that police feel they can do whatever they want and do it to various levels, with reckless and wanton disregard, i often wonder what rights do i have, im very competent to ascert my rights, Unfortunately due to nature and demographics being shot by police has been a very present image due to being held at gunpoint by police for no probable causes nor reasonable articulated reasons.. im fortunate to still be alive 5 times over.. looking a a police officers gun being pointed at me for no reason 5 different times is telling of the other men that are amongst us...very unsettling to know trigger happy police whom are public servants have a itching trigger finger they just need a good excuse to shoot someone that is a state inhabitant...
@nikkylastephan1168 7 ай бұрын
I was assaulted by Metrotransit police, falsely accused of fare evasion, in 2018, the case has been reopened, the Metrotransit police is now trying to sue me although im suffering from injuries in my shoulder and neck due to the assault. The Cop interrupted my question to the station manager so i asked if the cop could help me, instead the cop flips me over with a tactical move onto my left shoulder and neck then empties the contents of my bag on the upper platform then arrests me, for making an inquiry to the station manager..
@user-xf4yv5wy3o 7 ай бұрын
What if someones robbing your store? robbing you in your own store? can you act? as well what steps to take after you used your legal weapon?
@user-kd7sk5yh2k 7 ай бұрын
Renting a room at a friend's house they got a search warrant the RV out in the driveway wasn't in my name but I was thinking about buying it drugs drugs were found in it
@AndreRosario-zm8pf 7 ай бұрын
🙏🙏🙏🌎 Attorney up always. No warrant for taking phone
@AndreRosario-zm8pf 7 ай бұрын
Have to have a search warrant. 2001 illegal wire taps. No warrant. 2016 Due process violation. Entrapment 2019.
@pauldobo1 7 ай бұрын
Bro, this is practically happening to me right now in Saskatchewan, Canada where I live. The lady is brazenly lying. She is biased.
@superbanner3635 8 ай бұрын
It;'s almost impossble to get hold of a firearm within the 5 boroughs
@user-qb5lt2ey3p 9 ай бұрын
I need this attorney for a friend that was sentenced tò 20 yrs n federal prison for possession with intent. That is ridiculous He may have deserved 10 yrs but not 20 yrs in federal prison
@ORV02 10 ай бұрын
Notice one common similarity, the "victim" always has a family member or friend who works for the court or the government. DONT FORGET THIS.
@Griim_Reaper05 10 ай бұрын
Thank You
@1sscamaro202 10 ай бұрын
I wish the justice system could comprehend what this Lawyer is saying. Will County Illinois has their heads up their collective butts and chant METOO movement and witch hunt for their cause. Unfortunately, when you have stepchildren to back up her bullshit that's when you have the problem 2-3 liars against you can't win. After 10 years of putting up with a now ex-wife that has cheated, stole money, and mentally abused also emotional abused me after taking care of them for 10 years without incident.
@DaviesMartinezBeats 11 ай бұрын
False DV allegations ruined my life on 14 July 2016 in Sydney Australia...
@IAMGiftbearer 11 ай бұрын
Can you recommend a good criminal defense attorney in or near Jackson County, North Carolina? My son got involved with a psychopath who has now accused him of a serious felony after having viciously abused him for at least 6 months on a regular basis. He was the one who called the police after she injured him and he was bleeding profusely, but they arrested him instead of her. They didn't even have his injuries treated or take him to the ER before processing, and he's not even sure he was properly mirandized. While in jail she went into his phone, got all his passwords and cleaned out his bank account, then took out a restraining order so that he'd lose his job and sole source of income since they worked in the same place, and during a previous incident she destroyed his car so he had no transportation. He's having to go through a long process to get the bank to restore his money (which is the only money he has with which he could pay a retainer). He has a public defender who has a terrible reputation and has been disciplined by the Board, so we are trying to find him a good lawyer who is willing to work with him knowing he does not have money right now, because he deserves a good defense. I have been calling alot of firms that say no, most because North Carolina has alot of them that only take cases in one county. Jackson is small and rural, so there aren't alot of choices there. Many firms are not willing to drive very far to their clients. I'm in Georgia so I don't know alot about the North Carolina legal system and how it works. I hope you have contacts in his area that you can offer. I am looking through everything I can. His next court date is in November.
@sk3ffingtonai Жыл бұрын
Yes, our society and judiciary do tolerate domestic violence, when a woman abuses a man. This must be fixed or the entire system is a SHAM.
@codpexlegends3763 Жыл бұрын
False accusations shouldn’t be a misdemeanor. It should be a felony
@billthewhovian 7 ай бұрын
It certainly should. I personally think anyone found guilty of False accusations should get whatever sentence the person that was falsely accused would have got plus extra for wasting police time and the falsely accused's legal fees including court fees. So say the falsely accused would have got 15 years then the sentence might be 15 years plus 1 for wasting police time plus the fees so 16 years all up. That may seem excessive but I think of it like this a man if convicted of domestic violence when he didn't do it he will lose his freedom and miss out on life's celebrations whether or not he would have attended every celebration he missed or not isn't the point, the point is he wouldn't have the opportunity afforded to him. If he wanted to go to a wedding he couldn't, if he wanted to celebrate a birthday he couldn't, the list goes on so if he wouldn't be able to be free for 15 years the she shouldn't have those freedoms for 16 years for the reasons I listed above. It's only fair I think.
@JeffreyJones-fo1gp Жыл бұрын
Omg . I am loosing my life because of this .and no one wants to help me . Can anyone help . My ex has bi polar and menapause.
@falseofdoom7919 7 ай бұрын
I feel your pain.
@falseofdoom7919 7 ай бұрын
I feel your pain.
@whitejodeci8926 Жыл бұрын
Going through this now with a disgruntled ex. Didn't answer the door for vthe cops
@c3t-rex721 Жыл бұрын
What can i do if i already got bullied around by the biased court system and had no choice but to take a plea deal for a crime i didnt commit or risk severe charges that would affect my rights? Also, she used the claim to get a restraining order to aid in getting custody. I went homeless for a while and my debt exceedes my income yet im still expected to pay child support. Not homeless at the moment but on the verge of going back to that situation
@codywarnercriminaldefense Жыл бұрын
You can try to withdraw your plea, but that will be hard to do. Many judges dont allow that.
@JeffreyJones-fo1gp Жыл бұрын
It's not right !!!
@Charlie-gv3zt Жыл бұрын
@traviskuebler4804 Жыл бұрын
False allegations need punished. Too many people get their lives destroyed by this. Who's the real criminal in these cases?
@JeffreyJones-fo1gp Жыл бұрын
Yes they are I am one of them . I live in my car. lost 2 jobs and got kicked of of a town. Slander ...... but no one cares about my side. We built the roads we drive on we as men fight for the freedoms but yet we get fucked over from hear say
@kylerfn204 2 ай бұрын
@@JeffreyJones-fo1gp same here man
@connellmoore6429 Жыл бұрын
Something need need to be done about this lot of good people are get hurt
@victorben1902 Жыл бұрын
Women lie a lot. False Allegations.
@FatherX2022 Жыл бұрын
Correct. Falsely accused men care a lot about false allegations. Nobody else cares at all about the damage from false allegations. That's part of the problem.
@kmetzgr9594 Жыл бұрын
What if the accuser passed away but dismissed the TRO? I was never accused of the allegations but they’re still on my record. How do you get the allegations removed ?
@codywarnercriminaldefense Жыл бұрын
It depends on the state where you are located. You should review your state laws.
@kingal89 Жыл бұрын
Cody, how do you interpret 35.15 - 2(a) : "...the actor may not use deadly physical force if he or she knows that with complete personal safety, to oneself and others he or she may avoid the necessity of so doing by retreating..." Specifically the complete personal safety, to oneself and OTHERS part. Does this mean that you do not have to retreat if an attacker is attacking other people with deadly force even though you can get away safely?
@codywarnercriminaldefense Жыл бұрын
Great question, and yes, I agree with your reading of the text.
@amykickazz Жыл бұрын
Hi Cody! I’m a big fan! You are so handsome! I have a family court question….kinda complicated….I’m in az.
@dmitrymuraviev8453 Жыл бұрын
My Russian wife made false allegations in order to be not deported from USA and us our yang son for it. When I left New York with my son my wife did not follow us to Moscow in order to save our son from abusive father. No my son is successful lawyer in Moscow. And I am have bad reputation in USA as child abuser. My wife remarried to USA citizen and got American citizenship. My son doesn’t want to go to leave in USA as he is happy in Russia and he doesn’t want to follow my footsteps.
@TheScapegoat420 Жыл бұрын
This has ruined my life....and I have suffered.
@thaimissel3370 Жыл бұрын
Bueller.... Bueller.... Bueller...
@susanlorraine2267 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your help and appreciate your advice most appreciated .I have a problem everything in United States but i am in Canada what do you do then everything belongs only in Canada.
@codywarnercriminaldefense Жыл бұрын
Most of the principles outlined in this video--except for any specific speedy trial calculations--will apply to cases in Canada.
@TheIrishdriven Жыл бұрын
60 married 7 years wife and syep children all over 35 made extensive false accusations causingme to be held without bail. I refused to waiv anything you as vocal on my opinions and incompetenc of appointed atty forced trial in just over 90 days my atty tried to get me to take a plea for4 yrs knowing da eas going to dismiss all charges that day because on body cam they admitted to researching planning it all with a deputy sheriff because if wife divirced me id get half her pension. In that 90 days the converted everything i owned literally exc eding 400k because wife was anurse in cali prisons sheriff da refuse to charge the many serious felonies committed informef me to file in civil courtive been homeless over a year now no attys willeven talk to see the evidence i have its all smiles ke screen scam theatre to make us trust crooks