Hackathon november 2024
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Hackathon Zuyd aftermovie
6 ай бұрын
Hackathon Roerdalen - verslag
Keyport hackathon - Proteion
Beleef je loopbaan stages
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Groba kiest Keyport
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Werken bij Vlassak betonwerkers
Werken bij Vlassak - uitvoerder
Werken bij Vlassak - timmermannen
Numidia. A great place to work!
Zuivelhandelaren kiezen voor Numidia
@WicketEngineering 5 жыл бұрын
I don't speak Dutch, but the track they showed is very smooth.
@VinneighPinneigh 4 жыл бұрын
"Vekoma is one of the largest roller coaster manufacturers in the world. We develop, design and help with construction in the parks. In addition to roller coasters, we also make Ferris wheels that can be found across the world. By making roller coasters and Ferris wheels is quality and safety incredibly important and that's why innovation is also important. Not innovating is bad for the quality and safety. In 2014 where gonna be busy with new projects like a automatic welding machine and more automation (idk if that's a real word my English isn't that great) to increase efficiency. Keyport is especially important for education and knowledge and that's an important subject for Vekoma. We mostly hire people from the area but it doesn't mean we don't hire people from further. We try to work together with as much parties from our area as possible. With that we mean businesses that fabricate parts but also entrepreneurs in the field of transport and education and knowledge centers. What is the future of Vekoma? We just want to become the best roller coaster and Ferris wheel company of the world." That's not exactly what she said but close enough. Your welcome 😂😂
@WicketEngineering 4 жыл бұрын
vineuro vin thank you 😂
@PIatopus 3 жыл бұрын
"the track they showed looks very smooth" good one