LARATIME : Expansion HYPE!!
@happensyes 8 сағат бұрын
I'll skip this expansion but also i won't play the game either until the next expansion because of the annoying expansion pop up when you log in . The last cheap mini expansion lacked so hard that i just don't trust Anet with these things anymore . Translation : Elite specs , raid wingS ! a lot more fractals and less spears , until then not rewarding these pseudo devs .
@happensyes 9 сағат бұрын
Moral of the story we need more afk-ers at meta events 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Swdgame 13 сағат бұрын
Teapot is listening, but not listening.
@MightyTeapot 13 сағат бұрын
Yeah I just ignore my friends when they are talking
@ericwaite5179 14 сағат бұрын
As someone with very limited time who is asking “what do I do in the game” I think what I’m really getting at is: I have limited time. What things are most important for me to do to maximize my enjoyment? The “maximize enjoyment” goal is defined as: ‘what steps do I need to take to be able to do the content I want to do without major roadblocks’ For example: I was too busy IRL to play much from like season 4 through EOD. I don’t have freaking United Legion Waypoint unlocked and people seem to use those all the time. That’s a priority for me. It’s also a priority to me to get legendary gear because when I decide to play a raid/fractal/etc, I often discover that my build is archaic. I don’t want to have to grind out a new set of armor/weapons/trinkets to be able to play the build I want- I want to be able to take 5 minutes of stat swapping and then 30 minutes practicing on a golem. It’s the difference between investing 30-45 minutes into learning a build and investing hours or days into the build. There have even been times where I’m in the middle of grinding out gear (ascended medium vipers) and balance changes what I want to play. I know there are obvious counterpoints here, but as someone with limited time I don’t want to spend my time playing a build that’s “good enough”. “Good enough” eventually gets left behind- I want to be playing one of the best possible builds. (Quick example- I was grinding hard for ascended Viper medium to play SB/SB on ranger- at the time it was a top tier DPS class. By the time I got full ascended viper it was so outclassed that I’m not convinced it’s worth playing- can I clear LCM on a SB ranger? I’ll never find out) So that’s my mentality. What are the biggest roadblocks to accessibility, and how do I remove them? What masteries/armors/QoL do I need to be able to tackle the content the game offers- and don’t just say “get it all, just slowly”. Prioritize it for me. What would you get first- Waypoint mastery or legendary armor? Legendary trinket or expanded inventory/bank storage? Etc
@Breatherjones 16 сағат бұрын
Let’s just piss people off for content
@sospokemika1197 17 сағат бұрын
Give me GW 2 combat with hard holy trinity and I am sold. I will ditch WoW forever if that happens.
@lestrado5434 18 сағат бұрын
8 min. talking, 15 min. gameplay. thats ca. 35% of the footage. Teapot, why? :(
@mat4537 20 сағат бұрын
The initial experience of getting smashed by the incredibly designed Cerus hard carried the expansion for me. Great video as always, excited for your content with JW soon.
@icata12345 Күн бұрын
Gotta love the devs, really shows how much thought and effort they put into the game :)
@willprotector Күн бұрын
Looks like SotO tried to be FFXIV without spending the required time and resources to pull it off.
@medivh1035 Күн бұрын
16:35 afk farmers do more cc damage than actually players. That got me good haha
@kosaraczek1 Күн бұрын
@demizegw7461 Күн бұрын
Glad to see you highlight the population issue on NA. Of course, the overall population between EU/NA is probably quite similar, but NA is spread over the SEA timezones also, so there isn't really a "peak" time which makes organizing things difficult. I'm really hoping it's possible for anet to merge the regions, as they did in GW1, now that we are no longer tied to WvW servers. It would breathe new life to the NA scene and increase the interest in instanced content. Any counter arguments about ping are nonsense, judging by the fact that every SEA player I know is lucky to get below 300 ping already, and I play on both EU and NA without any issues.
@RafalBorowski Күн бұрын
Draconis Mons gave me PTSD
@1337Maju Күн бұрын
What a shithole of a zone
@occy127 Күн бұрын
And what are they actually 'farming'.?
@illmattic024 Күн бұрын
Personally did not enjoy SOTO all that much compared to the other releases. Mostly because the maps were not fun to explore and the meta events became boring to complete very quickly, although they were a cool spectacle the first time through. Most of all I did not enjoy ANY of the Skyscale content or mid-air combat. I don’t regret buying or playing it, but I hope Janthir is a lot different
@lnfinitesimaI Күн бұрын
One set of leggy armor from each game mode. This is the way.
@pokeylope6108 Күн бұрын
Give support weapons offensive ability variants. Kinda like when you use Hammer as ranger while not specced in Untamed. Your 2-5 skills have the untamed empowered options or baseline hammer moves. For example, druid staff, make some of the abilites do damage and become blast finishers. Make.the spirit orb thing tick burning etc. Its annoying having pure support weapons in a game that prides itself as staying away from the trinity of Tank/Dps/Healer.
@pokeylope6108 Күн бұрын
CmC we need a cap the flag game mode, and more maps
@spndxxx Күн бұрын
I am more interested on why you shaking always like that.
@SoFishtry Күн бұрын
Genuinely shocked to hear that old map metas regularly complete on EU during off hours. At prime times I dont really have any issue on NA but during off hours a lot of things are straight up impossible.
@DymoSilesia Күн бұрын
cause Europe rulezzzz :P
@Zarturael Күн бұрын
EU in general is quite a lot more populated than NA for some reason, especially in the open world
@MisterNo1111 Күн бұрын
Trinkets farm- so true... and Legy Trinkets farm aswell !!!
@ravenssorrow Күн бұрын
I play on NA with limited time as well (always on call). While it slows things down I have just set smaller goals and have had no issue getting multiple legendaries done, decent gold pool and even did a raid! It just takes working on small chunks of what you are doing and not looking at the big picture. I also don't spend gold until I am super close to completing a legendary so I can see my gold go up consistently. And of course don't do what you don't enjoy. I'm not a grinder. All thr gold I make is from material overflow or unidentified sales. I don't go put of my way to grind mats. I switch things up too. Bouncing maps and instances to make sure I don't fatigue myself out on certain content (bridges!).
@guys-b3in-dudes Күн бұрын
I would like to see some WvW action. It would be cool to see how some people might lead a zerg or react to a match as it goes on. I'm not much of a livestream viewer so it would be cool to see Zero to Hero cover that aspect
@bastiaanzeeman3922 Күн бұрын
I agree. MT covers quite a lot of subjects about wvw on his livestream I believe, I like to watch it but I just can’t regularly because of irl things
@reconquer5176 Күн бұрын
how can i get into your guild? sorry im kinda new to guilds
@donkeyking475 2 күн бұрын
My question for the series: when lambo
@onicar 2 күн бұрын
What happened to the group doing HTCM?
@MightyTeapot Күн бұрын
It essentially got to the point where we had to start grinding a fair bit, and most of the team wasn't interested in that (which is fair). I then did HT CM with one of the members, and a few others went on to complete it on their own.
@katesmiles4208 2 күн бұрын
Turtles are great fun to kidnap the afk farmers and then drop them off to other spots on the map 🤣. Well it was a year ago, i doubt that has changed.
@DeekJones 2 күн бұрын
Hoping the new pvp mode is similar to ARAM in league. Remove the macro and lower the skill ceiling, and give new players a place to learn their rotations and basic concepts of team fighting. Please Janet!
@gahngis8158 2 күн бұрын
Id like to know if they ever have plants to expand the armor proficiency. id DIE to have a dress/Trench coat not on a medium class. and not a trench coat on my medium class. also just the amount of customization it opens. and there is not any inherent bonuses to the three outside armor rating, but just make it count as their classic armor weight.
@hardbrocklife 2 күн бұрын
Lawl. Little Niki seems like the kind of person that would have TDS. Can't trust a cyclist. They are the worst people.
@CombinE54 2 күн бұрын
Kryptis enemies sucked completely. I'd even have preferred to fight aetherblades instead. I hope that you are wrong and we'll see more Demon Knight-like bosses instead of bs like Umbriel.
@TheNintendoFanBoy01 2 күн бұрын
I wish you had asked why THE most most requested profession and weapon from Guild Wars 1 has never been considered seriously to come to Guild Wars 2 ( Dervish and Scythe.)
@traviscue2099 2 күн бұрын
Seeing that Ectos are now 100g a stack, this hurts to watch
@StoneEdges 2 күн бұрын
Hyped for loads of this but do people even like Convergeances?
@TheRealBoz 2 күн бұрын
Now just make a filter for S/A/B fun metas that are also S/A/B profit, and profit!
@khiemnguyencao4324 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for the timestamp for spear
@grandehefe 2 күн бұрын
what to do with all the unused ascended rings and what would be some good ideas to do during early hours when pvp and wvw is dead and all the bigger meta events like eparch fail, is there perhaps something in the game that it would be advantage to not have a lot of people on.
@StoganNZ 2 күн бұрын
The best time to start playing an mmo is yesterday, this applies to most arpgs, but gw2 differs, it may be a better time to start playing next week, who knows. This is mainly because of the lack of new players, when theres no content veterans will almost fight over a newb who is willing to learn and the old content hasnt expired, waiting will only provide them with more to do with this new group of people.
@ChaosRevealsOrder 2 күн бұрын
The ONLY reason I can't return to GW2 after playing 5000+ hours, is the graphics, they look so outdated, so I'm suuuper excited about GW3.
@hardbrocklife 2 күн бұрын
High quality video. Fair criticism. The reason I follow Teapot is because hes not afraid to criticize something he loves, and when he does its fair as he truly wants the game to succeed.
@foaly8 2 күн бұрын
Gg to the French, awesome game!
@jgray-bo5fc 2 күн бұрын
The new PvP mode sounds like it's going to be 1v1 duels
@Insig385 2 күн бұрын
edit: I think Bryan gives too much credit to ppl lololol just yesterday doing rifts multiple ppl kept running away after getting green, causing half of the squad to go down. even after saying mult times in chat(map, squad, n say chat) if u get green come to group, someone still runs away. 😂😂😂😂 the comments about providing new playstyles for existing role i wholeheartedly agrees with. i remember when the soto weapons came out ppl complained ele pistol not strong enough whats the point if theres already a midrange condi weapon (sceptor). meanwhile i switched to pistol immediately because i tolerate sceptor but i never really liked that weapon. (of course after snowcrows benchmark came out revealing pistol's actually got higher dmg i lolled so hard - trust the ppl to complain first cuz they have no idea what theyre doing). same with engi shorbow, that got crapped on hard but i like it more purely because i cant stand mace 2 😂 (now shortbow is meta for heal builds too lol). i personally am perfectly happy to get side-grade weapons to get different playstyles. not every new weapon have to bettr than everything else - then it just turns into gatcha games
@leahfantasy 3 күн бұрын
Legendary gear given to everyone immediately and loot removed is the best take I've ever heard about gw2
@brunomunemassa8266 3 күн бұрын
Glad you put your take on the expansion. I'll share a moment which i thought connected me with veterans: suddenly heard an incredible song playing on Droknar's Light during meta and immediatelly was filled with awe. I asked in map chat "Hey what's the name of the epic song that plays here ?" and veterans responded with "Oh trust me look for it in the Soundtrack". I listened to the entire soundtrack, relearned i love Eagle Flight and Attack on Tarir, and still didn't find the song... then it hit me what they meant: Guild Wars 1 soundtrack. I had my palms in my face when i found it was the dwarves theme song because i honestly didn't try searching the most obvious option lol
@pyhna-lol2625 3 күн бұрын
@lostpotato8363 3 күн бұрын
Guild wars 2 has always nailed the worldbuilding and showcasing the beauty of the world to me. Skywatch and the wizard’s tower succeeded in that regard imo but it all went downhill after which had repercusions on most things: fractal, story, strikes and open world. I would have excused all the other flaws and mishaps if that remained present as it is always the strongest point across all expansions, unfortunately, it wasn’t there for me. Also, we got Zojja back for like 1/3 of the story lol like why. Anyways, as you said, cautiously optimistic for Janthir Wilds 🙏🏼
@StoganNZ 3 күн бұрын
I like how accurate wanders gear is named, you really have to have wandered off the beaten path to think its worth using.
@foaly8 3 күн бұрын
Seeing a core ele and a weaver doing so well…. What is happening