@cedricmaret8671 2 жыл бұрын
Ca c un bon avion voir le meilleur bravô la france
@Lili40-02 2 жыл бұрын
Superbe vidéo , je m'abonne , merci pour ce partage..🙂🙃😉👍👏🙏 .
@sergentkozac7476 4 жыл бұрын
Ancien S/off para du 8e je m' abonne aussi ;) . Mr Tanguy je vous connais depuis le magazine RAIDS No 9 ^^ cela ne nous rajeunie pas ;)
@christophereist987 4 жыл бұрын
C'est de la ba 113 ?
@mariamartins367 4 жыл бұрын
1:08 that’s a pretty cavalier way to get of the cockpit, he could have broken an ankle with the stunt. Did they forget to bring ladders ?
@tenevas666 5 жыл бұрын
Sous off en GN je m’abonne ...naturellement
@fr-tigerfangs7039 6 жыл бұрын
Show 'em F15s what a Rafale can do!! A la chasse... bor***el !!
@aymericlarisse605 6 жыл бұрын
Seriously, it's a shame for France to be part of this NATO and I hope you will leave it ASAP. Where is France's sovereignty in subjugating herself to this hawkish country that is ruining itself and others through the wars day and night ?
@NPJGlobal 6 жыл бұрын
Well France and the US are the oldest allies and always will be, for better or worse..
@aymericlarisse605 6 жыл бұрын
No, France is a country with 2500 years of history while the US have only 400 years. They can't be our our oldest ally and one has to run amok in order to be allied to such a bellicose country as the US wants to set up a war with Russia, as well as our representatives. France must be out of NATO in order to avoid this terrible loss of lives and time. As I know your channel, I just take advantage that you replied to me in order to congratulate you as it's beautiful videos that you have. Can we share some on social networks or record some for ourselves ?
@tonyvu2011 4 жыл бұрын
@@aymericlarisse605 France is younger country than the US, reborn after WWII when it became a modern democracy and no longer a Western colonial power. I agree with the 2500 years of recorded history but France was and has been many "things" but a modern democracy. For example, it was a Barbarian region as the Romans called it, then it became a Roman province, then a kingdom....so it inherited from many cultures and political systems and ideals to become a country it is today. It's the same with the USA, which inherited from the Brits, which in turn had inherited from the Romans, the Celts, Norman French and so on.....so if France has 2,500 years of history than the US also has 2,500 years of history due to the very same path of inheritance!
@domdenazareth5542 4 жыл бұрын
@@tonyvu2011 (From my other account, I reply you) You dare to say things that everyone know wrong. Everybody know that France is 2 500 years old while the US are only 500 years old since the discovering of this country by Colombus. France was called "barbarian" by Roman Emperor but peoples were not barbaric as they knew the soap and had many great inventions. You can look for this. After we converted to Jesus Christ through our King Clovis, our country was never conquered by any other nations and even during the German invasion of WW2 we kept a French government that allowed us to save more than 90% (if not all) French Jews. We didn't inherit something from the Brits but a French guy called Guillaume (William in english) conquered England and more than 50% of English is made up of French words. Our language is the only one with English to be spoken on every continent and we influenced the whole world through our cuisine, our fashion, our inventions (aviation, car, engine, submarine, cinema, radio, etc. and internet was also invented thanks to a French by the way) There are only two legal systems in the world that are dominant nowadays : English and French one. We inherited from the Roman law but we're Roman for your information as we called ourselves Roman-Gallic. Celts and Norman are just part of our DNA and French is not DNA as we have also Jews and Vietnamese peoples. French is about Christianism as I said before because our country has never been conquered after our King Clovis converted our nation and we owe to Christianism - listen carefully this, please because this is the most important - everything that we have like the hospitals that we have for 17 centuries (it's us with other European catholics that set up the hospitals in China which didn't exist before given the presence of Chinese medicine, and that's why there is a cross still nowadays and most peoples don't go to the Chinese doctors anymore except in hospitals from Western origin where the medicine is mainly from ... France), free healthcare, free instruction (and for 9 centuries for the girls, it's us who did it in China with our European counterparts and before Chinese girls - and certainly but tell me if you can check it in Vietnam too as this latter was influenced heavily by China) and universities (France is among the best ones and the cheapest one recognized in the world, and given how nowadays peoples are brainwashed in most of them to Marxism, it's better to pay less for this treatment lol), help to the poor for the renting and housing (that the so-called foundations of billionaires are dismantling in order to destroy the influence of Catholicism and to impose in the soon future "communism"). It's because France has made the French revolution that appeared "capitalism". French revolution was financed by England as their bank of England is private. Before, French peoples were working into corporations and it was the quality the main idea so that peoples could not sell their products to a lower and put peoples from third world countries into competition. England and America with Germany financed the Russian revolution and set up communism in order to make it possible to get a cheaper labor force and to oblige peoples of China to work for them while before their Emperor didn't want to sell to England. So your comparison is very unjust given that America is just a byproduct of England and was a French, Spanish and English colony. The Grand Central Station in NY as well as the most important building Plaza Waldorf in this same city is made based on the French architecture. Chevrolet was set up by a French that financed Mr Chevrolet to sell it to the North America. Cadillac is dedicated to a French. Half of the helicopters in the US if not more are from France. The US has never been a civilisation given that they were never capable to cure their own peoples like we did for more than 17 centuries, along with the fact that their peoples are in huge debt for studying and so on. France is a 2 500 years old and the US have no history, even their McDonald is based on French fries... Please, if you hate us, convert yourself to Catholicism by praying daily the Rosary and you would get out your country Vietnam or Australia as you prefer out of the misery it's. Australia was set up by England and can't compare too to France as they were also exploiting poor English peoples from jails. The only reason why they can cure for free like us in countries that belong to the "Commonwealth" is because since the French revolution they've implemented the usury in the economy and they can print as much money as they want. But soon it's finished and all the countries will go into chaos. France must follow the path of Jesus Christ while the US are continuing their path of wars and destruction.
@spongecaviar 4 жыл бұрын
@12345fowler 6 жыл бұрын
Mets ta cagoule :-)
@MrTheXyo 6 жыл бұрын
Enfin plus de contenu sur cette super rencontre !! :))
@ricoudu64 6 жыл бұрын
N'est-ce pas un désavantage d'être seul dans un Rafale? Le pilote doit gérer et son pilotage et ce que le navigateur est censé faire sur le siège arrière de tout autre biplace?????
@oscillatine 6 жыл бұрын
Rafale est conçu pour un pilotage facilité, de sorte que le pilote peut surtout se concentrer sur la mission et la stratégie. L'avion est finalement une sorte d'ordinateur.
@artyparis 6 жыл бұрын
Tout dépend de la mission. S'il s'agit d'intercepter un avion seul, à proximité et bien visible, pas besoin de copilote. En revanche, faire un mission en profondeur, en territoire hostile et dangereux (au sol comme en l'air), avec un navigation compliquée, des ravitaillement en vol sur des créneaux de temps très précis, une dimension guerre électronique bien lourde et des armements sophistiqués, un copilote est probablement nécessaire et très utile. En combat aérien, un pilote seul c'est mieux, avec un avion plus léger. Mais un Rafale fait aussi des missions où il est l'intrus et a d'autres objectifs que de descendre des avions.
@Hieronymus73 6 жыл бұрын
Il y a une catégorie de Rafale biplace, voir plusieurs je sais pas. Mais au moins une.
@chaps5504 5 жыл бұрын
Oui, et non... Les Rafale dans l'armée de l'air peuvent être biplace, mais pas ceux de la Marine Nationale (pour gain de place sur le porte avion me semble-t-il...) Maintenant, les pilotes de chasse Français, et principalement ceux de la Marine Nationale ne sont pas considérés comme les meilleurs pilote de chasse du monde pour rien.... ;)
@kasugakyosuke6441 3 жыл бұрын
Les avions de chasse modernes et avec des technologies avancées comme le Rafale, même seul, le pilote n'est jamais vraiment seul. Le système Spectra est un assistant et un copilote permanent du pilote. Ce genre de systèmes comme Spectra EW and Suit, sont déjà des intelligences artificielles capable de simplifier et de donner une vue globale du champ de bataille au pilote.
@jean-marctanguy3725 8 жыл бұрын
misfit, these are the RAF Hawks :)
@DafterDarlin 8 жыл бұрын
Un jour ce sera moi
@baptiste9439 4 жыл бұрын
Alors, avez vous réussi ?
@HACCJ 8 жыл бұрын
La vidéo est superbe ! Le boulot aussi 🙂
@kenishi28 8 жыл бұрын
je ne sais pas quel traitement de stabilisation a été utilisé ??? ( si on peut dire comme ca ) ; mais ca donne un effet surréaliste
@kenishi28 8 жыл бұрын
j'en ai plein les yeux !!!
@kenishi28 8 жыл бұрын
superbe ... !!!