Channel Update 2022
2 жыл бұрын
@peterpowers477 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm sorry, but this theory doesn't make sense, and I'll explain why: Even before the DLC came out, this theory still has major problems. Example, Xerneas & Yveltal couldn't have been used to fire the weapon the first time, since in the lore, AZ didn't even know they existed until he ran into Xerneas after he ended the war. Then there's also the fact you admit that the flower shape of the weapon is based on Floette's flower, yet brush it off because... the h*ll if I know. Also, you are aware that the Tera Crystals and the crystal used for the weapon are completely different, right? Yes, both have energy properties to them, but Tera Crystals cause the Pokemon to become a different type, while the crystals used in the weapon are just meant to harness Pokemon's Energy. In other words, NOT THE SAME THING! So no connection there either! And also, no, the weapon did not hit Eternatus since the events of the first Darkest Day happened over 20,000 years ago, where the war in Kalos happened over 3,000 Years ago. Along with the fact that Eternatus WAS the thing that spawned Dynamax, not Terapagos. Oh, and about that whole Mega Evolution thing, way to ignore the Delta Episode in ORAS that literally tells us that a giant meteor from space caused Mega Evolution to happen Terapagos literally had nothing to do with that. And finally, just because AZ and Area Zero sound similar, doesn't make them automatically connected. So sorry, this theory, even before the DLC came out, doesn't make sense!
@vgmaster2 6 ай бұрын
I had a script for the last trailer for Indigo Disk, but I got caught up with other shit, and now the DLC is out, so it's outdated as fuck automatically. Therefore, I've decided not to finish that video, because I honestly really rather be working on other things. So, next Pokemon news video will probably be for the 28th anniversary Presents. Or if they decide to do anything else before then. Just wanted to let you guys know in case anyone was wondering where a video for that trailer was.
@Thecolorgreen 6 ай бұрын
6:11 - With all due respect, and feel free to call me a sensitive cunt for this, but please chill with the slur. Hear me out: At the end of the day we're still talking about Pokémon, of which the main demographic is kids who are probably struggling to understand this gen's balls-to-walls lore as it is, and most of whom nowadays just don't know Digimon, sad as that is. As an old-ass man whose brain has been completely rotted by both series, I immediately connected Khu's Lucemon post with Terapagos, but the seven sins theming on Satan Mode even led some people to believe it was about Dipplin's evolution. Yes, that of all things. I'm personally confident that "Dokutaro" is just going to be an event Mythical that happens to have some lore relevance, but I don't blame them for associating one purple source of evil with another, you know?
@user-ns5zl6kj6r 6 ай бұрын
the fact that only a few youtubers are carrying the whole hype season for one of the best poke DLC is insane
@SuperFlashDriver 7 ай бұрын
07:35 Alright, considering that since Generation 5 Gamefreak has never bothered to try hard and go for excellence ever again, and Kalos is just one of those games that began the downfall of Game Freak. Considering employees in Game Freak got tired of making Pokemon and wanted to create something new, this caused a shift in the company to focus less on Pokemon and more on their own independent franchises, like they did back in the early 1990s before Pokemon ever existed...And to be honest, I doubt that Game Freak could easily pull off a triple gimmick remake for Gen 8, let alone even try to insert more Pokemon into Galar since the dex was cut in half and some Pokemon were taken hostage in Pokemon Home/Pokemon services on the switch...So yeah, game freak's kind've fucked and personally I would rather see Bandai Namco take the helms of Pokemon, not so much Game Freak; but that's just me.
@peterpowers477 5 ай бұрын
Bruh... you don't get to decide who works on what series. It's up to the developers themselves to decide that kind of thing. And even then, I'd like to mention that no, B&W were not the "last great Pokemon games", because if they were, then why have so many people have still be able to enjoy the games still to this day, especially with how fun the story of Scarlet & Violet have been. Stop treating your opinion like a fact please!
@SuperFlashDriver 5 ай бұрын
@@peterpowers477 I know I'm not the one making decisions on which developer gets to create another Pokemon game. I'm just saying that the downfall started with Generation 6 up until Generation 8, and then a revival in Generation 9. Also, it was to pinpoint what she mentioned at this timepoint in the video. I'm not saying that my comment is a fact, it's just the way I typed it up looks like as if I made some sort of article detailing the insides of what happened to Pokemon between 2010 adn 2020. As for Scarlet & Violet, I don't have any concerns with it except from what I've heard about other people complaining about this graphic situation and the gameplay situation and yada yada yada. But for me I haven't played a Pokemon game since 2010, so yes, I've seen that S&V looks fun, but I refuse to give game freak money because of the quality of the game as well as the workers constantly being hired and fired within weeks of developing games, which is what happened with the release of Scarlet & Violet a year ago. When I mentioned Bandai-Namco, I'm just saying that I do like to see Bandai-Namco take a shot of making a mainline series Pokemon game, after seeing them work on the sequel to Pokemon Snap, and if Game freak lets Bandai-Namco make either a Legends game to say Unova or Johto, or generation 10, i would like to see how they pull it off compared to what game Freak did back in Gen 8 and Gen 9. Also, you really shouldn't take my comments as facts considering they're just comments/opinions at the end of the day, aka speculation from what I've heard from other Pokemon content creators over the past 3/4 years since. So I do apologize if my comments look like factual information as that is NEVER the point or case of why I make comments. They're simply reactions or mentions that I bring up, but can be debunked or opinions depending on the individual seeing this comment. So again, sorry if it looks factual, that wasn't the point I was making when it came to Gen 5. And if you wish to not read this all, that's fine by me.
@peterpowers477 5 ай бұрын
@@SuperFlashDriver Alright, let me go through this one-by-one. Also, I apologize for the lengthy paragraphs, but I have a lot to say: First off, no there hasn't been a downfall of the series... EVER. Since while yes, X & Y did have issues such as a lack of Post Game Content & the Broken EXP share that wouldn't be fixed until Gen 7, a lot of People still really enjoyed the games, me included. Also, we can't forget Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, some of the BEST remakes of the franchise! Gen 7 had a bit of a mixed reaction at first, but overtime, a ton of people have come to really appreciate those games a lot more. Especially when it comes to Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, which are way better games than Sun & Moon imo. And finally, despite all of the initial reaction to Sword & Shield, they have become some of the highest selling games of the franchise, literally outselling Gen 2 as a whole. Plus, a lot more praise has come out for those games online in recent time too! Especially since Sword & Shield had some of the most emotional moments I've ever felt in a Pokemon game. And keep in mind, this is coming from someone who's been playing since Sapphire on my GBA SP in 2003! As for Scarlet & Violet... yeah, a lot of those 'issues' that people had were when the game was connected to the internet, and playing in stuff like the Union Circle. Plus, the game has been patched to the point where most of the issues are now gone. Still some minor issues here and there, but nowhere as bad as when the game first came out. Um... do you have proof of that claim that people were fired at Game Freak? Because I went looking on G o o g l e, and I couldn't find ANYTHING! And even then, the real reason the game turned out the way it did initially was because when they were porting the game to Physical Copies/e-Shop, it somehow got corrupted, thus leaving it in the state it was in at launch. Joe Merrick on T w i t t e r a while back confirmed this, and I trust him to deliver honest information about the series. While I do like Bandai's work on stuff like Pokken Tournament and New Pokemon Snap, they've only been hired to work on spin off titles, not main series games. Plus, after what happened with BDSP, do you really want something like that to happene again?! Plus, it's not like they can just snap their fingers, and boom, they get the rights to make the next mainline title. They need to go through the proper channels and get GF's full permission to do this. And considering they haven't asked BN to make so far only spin offs, doesn't seem likely they'll get the rights to make a full mainline game. Look, I like Bandai, I really do, but just saying that Game Freak should give up their own franchise just because you've out grown their games is just childish man... Finally, I don't care if it's just your opinion, that's not my main issue with your comment. My issue is the logic and information you presented behind your opinion. Game Freak isn't as bad as people like you, VGM, and many more people on the internet in the minority of the fandom make them out to be. Could Pokemon games be a bit better? Yes, no denying that, but I'm perfectly satisfied with how the games have been, and I'm not gonna let people like you change my mind no matter how many people complain about the series. And hey, you don't have to agree with me, but at least try to understand where I'm coming from. 😓
@SuperFlashDriver 5 ай бұрын
@@peterpowers477 First point: If you mention that the series isn't going in a downhill slope, then that's good. That means at least it's going to improve (hopefully), better into the future (Despite what has happened to game freak in the past). I just may not be the type of crowd that's into the games as it's more about the movies, music, and the creatures as a whole that I like about the franchise, not really the video games. Second Point: I see. But again, first impressions do end up having people decided whether it's a good game or not right off the bat. At least there are those out there that stick with it and it gets better and such. So that's something to consider. Third Point: I think I have mentioned the wrong thing of "hiring" and "firing" as it's more of "Game Freak Employee Turnovers". Basically someone new comes onto the team, they program things here and there, some enjoy the company from other employees, and then they either stick with the company because of work ethics, or they quit and go to a different job. If you're looking for what I'm talking about, this video might give you a better idea of what i was explaining, but not well thought out of course (considering I did this at 3am in the morning as an insomniac myself). Fourth Point: yeah....(Sighs)...Considering I'm more of a Namco Lover, especially their arcade games from the 1970s to the 1990s is why Namco's my all time favorite Japanese developer and publisher in the world, despite the status they have today compared to decades back. Oh well, I thought that was a company confident enough to make some mainline series Pokemon game someday....(Shrugs)...Oh well, just something I thought of and such. Fifth Point: At this point I don't remember why I post these comments, as when I post them at that moment, I had a good idea based on watching this video from a month ago of where and when I made that comment. But now that weeks has passed on since this comment I've made, I don't remember why, what, or how I came up with this response. So it's not that I wanted to make it factual, rather it was something related or what I saw in the video at that time. But again, I don't want to make it factual that wasn't the point, but I do understand where your coming from. And it sucks considering to me this just proves I can't explain shit for the life of me. Also, hate to say this but I'm not part of any fandom to be honest, don't even interact with people in the Pokemon community, so it's not worth my time to begin with. I go off on my own path, on my own imagination, viewpoints, opinions, and ideas I see form this franchise and make my own version of how I see Pokemon as I see fit, based off of Pokemon Channel and Hey You Pikachu. So again, I'm very sorry I made the original response, I regret what I've said and I end up falling into these messy pitfalls time and time again. Keep in mind, what I've heard from is from other people from watching so many videos of what other people have mentioned about Pokemon (not me though, I'm just an observer/spectator watching this happen, as Pokemon, much like many video game franchises, is an on and off thing to me. I just personally enjoy listening to music more often than I do playing video games, so that's my take on it).
@peterpowers477 5 ай бұрын
@@SuperFlashDriver Much short responses this time, and then I'm dropping this conversation after this, since I don't want this to spiral out into a flame war or something. 1. Glad to hear that you acknowledge that the games aren't really your thing. And that's fine, different strokes for different folks and all that jazz. 2. I know first impressions matter, they always do, but so many people act like the game hasn't changed since launch or something, and it really bugs me. 3. Glad to hear you realized you wrote that by mistake. Also, that's just companies in general for you man, tons of other companies do it. Plus, Game Freak has been searching for new members since 2019 actually. So they not heartless or anything man... just saying... 4. Nothing wrong with enjoying a certain company man, just don't assume they can automatically get the rights to work on a mainline game of a series just like is all man. 5. No worries man, we all regret doing or making stuff here and there. It's a part of life, and as humans, it's our job to learn from those mistakes and not repeat them. And trust me, a lot of those videos you've probably watched are only a minor part of the fandom, and do not represent it as a whole. Especially when it comes to channels like this, where they've made it their goal to basically sh*t on everything Game Freak says or does these days regardless what they do. (See a majority of their content fro proof of that!) So take my advice, never watch videos from people like this anymore, since they think GF will care about their points about what they complain about, when in reality, they don't. Trust me, I can't stand rant channels in general, and this one's a clear sign of it. So yeah, that's all I really have to say. Thanks for being more reasonable than a lot of people on this website. I respect you for that, and I wish you well in the future. 🫡
@skistorm739 7 ай бұрын
eternatus create by the ultimate weapon effect meteors and mess-up space-time explain how it exist before the ultimate weapon was made and need a long time to form by it but that can be explain by hitting the earth and 1000s years later fully forming.
@peterpowers477 5 ай бұрын
No, it doesn't. And I left a comment explaining why.
@pokeball976 7 ай бұрын
Woah. Fun!
@Melv3hunna 7 ай бұрын
cool theory im all for it !
@Ibou31Archive 7 ай бұрын
Nice video, Keep it up!
@blperry5707 8 ай бұрын
*promosm* 🤪
@JustYousif 8 ай бұрын
Nice video :o)!!
@robertlupa8273 Жыл бұрын
"Here's the problem: " _(video starts buffering)_ Perfect timing. :D
@LaprasTrainerLiam98 Жыл бұрын
Okay... a few issues with this video and your overall tone and channel. First off, the Tera Raids having an error and them getting temporarily suspended, doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Pokemon HOME. That's just a big coincidence that they happened at the same time. Joe Merrick back on the May 19th proved this over on T w i t t e r himself. Plus, it's a flat out lie to say that the game crashing also deleted your save data. IDK who told you that, but that's just not true. Don't believe me, Check Joe's post about it on the 19th of May of this year. Second off, the reason that not all the Pokemon are in the games is because we are LITERALLY at over 1000+ Pokemon. If all those models were in the one game, it would probably not even be playable, or have VERY limited animations to make them even fit. And that's ignoring the fact that a lot of people have come to accept this fact, as seen by the lack of those complaints towards the games by the majority of the fan base, which you aren't apart of BTW. Thirdly, why bring up the sales numbers in the first place? It REALLY doesn't feel relevant to talk about since it doesn't have anything to do with the topic of your video. And also, you're wrong about the sales numbers of Scarlet & Violet, since as of right now, they've sold over 22.1 million copies. And I also want to point out that most of the glitches in the games only really effected the backgrounds and environments, not the gameplay. And that's ignoring the fact that Game Freak has been putting out patches to help fix some of these issues. This is something that a lot of games go through after they first come out. Why are you acting like it's not only the only game series to do this, but ignore far WORSE cases of games actually being unplayable at first like Cyberpunk?! And finally, I'm REALLY not a fan of the pretentiousness in your voice towards the Pokemon Company & Game Freak. Now don't go claiming I'm a PKMN Fanboy or something, because that's not true. And even if I was, that wouldn't even automatically invalidate my points anyways. But back on track, You're acting like the the company and Game Freak are these horrible, non caring monsters, and yet they are releasing updates to the games, they add back in old Pokemon that can be transferred via Pokemon HOME. If they didn't care at all, they wouldn't have done any of that in the first place! I also want to point out the fact that them releasing HOME literally before May ended shows that it was not only just a temporary issue, but you admitting that you finished your script, along with your video coming out AFTER it got released really does your invalidate a lot of your issues. I also wanna point how boring your videos are overall. You just complain about different franchises over and over again, thinking that a lot of people are going to watch these videos or something. And yet you've been around since 2015, and you barely have any views, heck not that many comments to be found either. You know what this tells us? it tells us that a majority of people don't really care about your kind of content. And frankly, I don't want to associate with you again, Goodbye! 😤
@peterpowers477 Жыл бұрын
Nice to see you basically didn't understand the story. Not helping is the lack of images throughout a lot of your video making me question what you talkin about Willis...
@LaprasTrainerLiam98 Жыл бұрын
Byleth Haters: "ByLeTh iS bAd BeCaUsE hE iSn'T gOoD!" Me: "Are you sure about that?":
@bsears7471 Жыл бұрын
1v1 me on fortnite
@mrwhatcanido4942 Жыл бұрын
hello there
@awoosionist5825 Жыл бұрын
@deani7088 Жыл бұрын
promosm ✌️
@appropriate-channelname3049 Жыл бұрын
Talk about advanced wars reboot camp. The illuminati started a war in Russia to try and prevent its relase. Why is that?
@appropriate-channelname3049 Жыл бұрын
Great content and analysis
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
I completely forgot to mention that Home Capatability in BDSP and Legends: Arceus was never even brought up, and neither was the event for Arceus in BDSP. That means that they have to balance even more updates for BDSP and Legends: Arceus while they reveal either literally everything or literally nothing for Gen. 9. Also, I noticed the frame rate in the Gen. 9 teaser sucks ass. And they're probably not going to fix it, let alone delay it. Absolutely fuck this shit. R.i.P. the Game Freak employees. Hope they survive the year.
@appropriate-channelname3049 2 жыл бұрын
Legends arceus kinda looks like garbage if I'm gonna be honest. The graphics look worse than breath if the wild on the wii u game pad. The whole combat system seems jenk etc.... can't wait to see your review also can't wait to see your new content.
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I've got a video on my opinions on the info revealed for Legends Arceus revealed before release last month. I'm probably going to upload it in a couple of hours just to get it out since it's already so late. I'm also eventually going to review Legends Arceus, but it won't be for a while.
@appropriate-channelname3049 2 жыл бұрын
Like comment and subscribe for a chance to win 1 doge coin.
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
Lol, I wish.
@appropriate-channelname3049 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this Christmas present
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
You're very welcome!
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
Just wanted to let anyone interested know, I'm aware that quite a bit of information has come out on BDSP and Legends Arceus. However, I am purposefully not going full time into making it until a new, full, official trailer comes out. Also, this channel has gotten its first copyright claim! Some assholes called Materia Music Publishing have decided to claim that the SSBU Remix of Megalovania belongs to them, and have claimed two minutes of the video despite me using the song for half the video. Apparently they're so kind that they've decided to allow me to put up the video, but without monetization (which doesn't matter to me right now, but still). Fairly certain that they in fact do not own Megalovania, but since I'm basically nonexistent to KZbin, there's probably no way for me to win a dispute. Everything's fine, but I just wanted to let you guys know. Personally, I was surprised that it wasn't Disney trying to kill me because of the Mickey head at the end of Sora's Keychain, lol.
@vincentfumo2983 2 жыл бұрын
@appropriate-channelname3049 2 жыл бұрын
Also why the swearing? I thought this was a Christian mine craft server.
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
I've been swearing in my videos for at least a year. The Christian Minecraft server is no more.
@appropriate-channelname3049 2 жыл бұрын
Taylor Joy has been in a lot of stuff her most recent role was the main character in queens gambit. Charlie Day hasn't been in a lot of stuff outside of the hit show he writes and stars in called its always sunny. Both are pretty good.
@appropriate-channelname3049 2 жыл бұрын
Lol this direct had nothing. I remember fast forwarding through and seeing the janky final fantasy kart racer.
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
I think the most interesting game might have been the Kirby one.
@appropriate-channelname3049 2 жыл бұрын
@@vgmaster2 it's Kirby but the last of us
@InsaneSpyro01 2 жыл бұрын
clearly made before today's presentation, while dimond is still Eeerrr arceus is looking great and given what we saw today its what everyone wanted, the true next generation game, full open world not the illusion of open like the wild area, plus all the other stuff (im sure by now you have watched the presentation) now arceus is setting up to be a main series game, and if it turns out as what it looking like, well there is no going back, like come gen 9 if they say "hey go from breath of the wild back to linear paths and 8 gyms" people will be like, it dose need a bit more polish in the 3 months they have left before going gold (from people i know in the industry the "Master Copy" is sent to the factory to be copied 2 months before it hits stores) but if we get a bit more polish in the 3 remain months arceus my change the landscape of how future generations work and become the 1st "next gen" main series game
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I made this video about a month ago and waited to release it until it was kind of relevant. But that presentation was a huge surprise. I'm already working on my video about it. I'm still not planning on getting the games anywhere near their releases, but things are looking kind of interesting now.
@appropriate-channelname3049 2 жыл бұрын
Lol thumbnail is the best thing ever gonna like the video just because of that.
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
Lol, thanks.
@happycryingcat3101 2 жыл бұрын
Oo you improved your art! This is Chris btw
@appropriate-channelname3049 2 жыл бұрын
Why would she care about your name?
@happycryingcat3101 2 жыл бұрын
@@appropriate-channelname3049 Ah, we talked during our free periods back in school
@vgmaster2 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Nice to hear from you again!
@happycryingcat3101 2 жыл бұрын
@@vgmaster2 Pog!
@woaddragon 2 жыл бұрын
@CaffeineCrash 3 жыл бұрын
Supercell, Riot Games, Epic Games, Discord, Roblox, Ubisoft, and Blizzard are all companies either partially or majority owned by Tencent. It is near impossible to avoid them 100%
@InsaneSpyro01 3 жыл бұрын
so a fun fact its been confrimed with some digging its not game freak doing any of this, its ichihara and the pokemon company itself. game freak is small indie team of 148 staff, and since the scope of the main series has way out grown what they as small team can handle, * the pokemon company wont let them hire any more staff as they feel they dont need to the minimum effort product is fine because the main series game is barely 1% of there sales, * the mobile game pokemon go made over x1000 time the money that all 22 million sales of pokemon sword and its dlc combined, why invest in making a bigger team for the main series when our mobile game is making bank? what your not happy with that? ok we can fire game freak and not make any more main series it dont effect the pokemon company in any way. and now its a doomed fallacy when gen 9 comes out everyone is going to expect it to look as good as new pokemon snap and play as good, snap is made by bandi namco with staff total of 1,800 x17 more than game freak. with game freak * forced to crunched and forced to work 80-100 hour work weeks to get a game out ever single year, * getting abuse across the internet for things beyond there control, * trying to tell people to not to expect quality on the level of new snap due to such a small team only to get even more abuse over twitter and youtube they have no motivation left, they are tired, there moral is low and while no one wants to lose there job at this point knowing gen 9 is a failure due to false expectations, to them losing there job and the company of game freak shutting down at this point would be a mercy to them and they welcome it so they be free of the "triple A" industry and focus on new idea of there own like little town hero (witch was made at the same time as sword taking away exactly 30 staff members leaving only 118 people to make a full "triple a" game
@vgmaster2 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I have to admit that I tend to put blame on Game Freak when the problem actually comes from the Pokemon Company. That is something I have to work on. However, I would still say that some of the blame lies on Game Freak. For one, even after 20 years their coding is still absolutely abysmal - seriously how is Sword and Shield 9GB when USUM was 3.6 and had double the Pokemon? Also their decision to make Town and split up their team while they were making what their higher ups called "the ultimate Pokemon game" was retarded. As for the point about their amount of employees, I don't really think that matters too much, seeing as - if I'm correct - the people who make Xenoblade Chronicles, Monolith Soft only has around 40 people - which might have changed since, but the original Xenoblade Chronicles is still a huge game. I'm aware that the Game Freak employees are probably under constant stress due to crunch - which is awful, and TPC really has to get their head out of their ass when it comes to that - but I wouldn't say they're entirely innocent, they still deserve a lot of criticism.
@appropriate-channelname3049 3 жыл бұрын
Woah your on a roll wtf this is more vids than you made all of last year combined.
@SashaAnne 3 жыл бұрын
Many thanks for this! 💕 For some makeup and beauty tutorials, come and check out my KZbin page 👍 #makeuptutorial
@appropriate-channelname3049 3 жыл бұрын
Bro brooo where’s vid on the capital riots and the take down of parlor come on vgmaster 2 we need your political hot take now more than ever bro
@vgmaster2 3 жыл бұрын
I'd totally love to, bro, but at the pace I'm going, I probably won't get to 2021 shit until, like, 2024, so I wouldn't expect much if I were you.
@appropriate-channelname3049 3 жыл бұрын
@@vgmaster2 ughhh but by 2024 Trump will have already bought Nintendo with the drug money from the Mexican drug chain
@appropriate-channelname3049 3 жыл бұрын
Why don’t you talk about the geopolitical ramifications of the Armenian Azerbaijani war that occurred late 2020. I subbed to you for your honest up to date political hot takes and analysis and yet you didn’t even talk about trumps twitter post from 2012 where he said he has never seen a thin person drinking a Diet Coke. I’m sorry for the harsh criticism but I had to be honest.
@vgmaster2 3 жыл бұрын
Damn, you're right. I'll have to do better.
@appropriate-channelname3049 3 жыл бұрын
@@vgmaster2 thank you I’m glad your willing to work on your content. Now I want a libs owned or conservatives owned video up here ASAP solider.
@appropriate-channelname3049 3 жыл бұрын
@@vgmaster2 where is your coverage of the trumpet protesters and the trump rioters
@mistake9477 3 жыл бұрын
@happycryingcat3101 4 жыл бұрын
Mad lad
@vanillauniverse1215 4 жыл бұрын
Woah this is kinda mean
@vgmaster2 4 жыл бұрын
While working on this video, some shit was announced for Pokemon - some of it was part of the leak. I'm probably gonna make a video compiling the recent batches of info once the trailer about the horse comes out. Also, Masuda did an interview with Game Informer. Assuming the entire interview is going to be in their magazine, I'm probably going to do a video about it - for some fucking reason I keep on letting myself get their bullshit every month. So, yeah, there's going to be quite a few Pokemon videos coming out. It might take a while, since I have to wait for Game Freak to get off of their ass, but I hope you all look forward to it.
@aaronlaughter6471 4 жыл бұрын
I have so many things to say about game freak, this controversy, but the thing I hate the most is the hypocrisy coming from the "game freak defenders" there the people who attack activision, EA and Bethesda for the smallest of things (I am not saying there don't deserve it, most they do) are also the ones defending game freak, for doing the same exact thing EA, Bethesda and activision have done themselves, and the the defense they use of "its not out yet, its still in development" is the same excuse people used for Fallout 76, let that sink in Anyway sorry for being a bit ranty, I enjoyed your video and you earned this like, and thank you for not being a hypocrite and for calling out Game Freak for there BS
@vgmaster2 4 жыл бұрын
That's a good point. So many current companies are being rightfully condemned, but for some reason Pokemon fans are acting like Game Freak is supposed to be immune for it. They watch people successfully make companies change things like the Sonic Movie or Mario Maker 2 but then they turn around and say we can't do that for Pokemon. It really is the strangest thing. Also, thanks for watching! Glad you enjoyed the video.
@vgmaster2 4 жыл бұрын
Well, this is probably gonna destroy my reputation before I even get one. Fine. I rather get shat on for saying how I really feel than hold my tongue and watch other people get shat on. From this point on, I'm gonna try to do much more to help. For one, there are petitions to have Game Freak bring the Nat Dex back. They'll probably do as much as the petition for Game of Thrones, but if they gets a lot of votes, it may get their attention. Here's the ones I could find: If you don't know what's happening, I have a playlist containing videos that talk about it and explain why it's not good. I said in the video that there'd be a link in the description, but I decided to have another link here too: The Championships of the games began today. Nothing important was revealed and Masuda missed the chance to redeem everything in front of thousands of people. Surprisingly, the mods of the chats - who like to censor people over the slightest thing - aren't stopping people from protesting. Sorry for the essay! Hope you enjoyed the video.
@appropriate-channelname3049 5 жыл бұрын
Woahh woahh I though this was a Christian channel lots of cursing in this video. I knew Pokémon was devil worship.
@vgmaster2 5 жыл бұрын
Yep, Pokemon is the devil. We gotta get out of this cult before they use us as sacrifices.
@appropriate-channelname3049 5 жыл бұрын
@@vgmaster2 I mean thats what a cult does they drain you for all your money and then bam sacrifice you to there dark lord
@vgmaster2 5 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for maxing to be forgotten in three years. But, in all seriousness, don't let the new info sway you from fighting - it doesn't really change much. If you want more info on the situation, as mentioned in the video, I've got a playlist of videos detailing everything: Also, not as important but, I recently did a channel update. You should check it out if you're curious about my channel and its future:
@NicolasAndrade-zn1wo 5 жыл бұрын
Sora is trash