10 Greatest MonsterVerse Moments
A Day in the Life of Kong
3 жыл бұрын
10 Greatest Godzilla Characters
@Real_Gusmoose Күн бұрын
Not going to lie. I’ve watched this start to finish probably 7-8 times now 😂 Love it
@chromebull884 Күн бұрын
I had a very similar child to you except my family never wanted to watch Godzilla movies with me
@kaitlint3987 Күн бұрын
Zilla reminds me of the monster in "the beast from 20 thousand fathoms" it came out the same year as the first Godzilla. It would be cool if that's what zilla was meant to be, another monster awakened and beaten at the same time Godzilla was
@kaitlint3987 Күн бұрын
Yeah, i knew the original was more serious but WOW I only watched it a few years ago.
@giannisksanthopoulos4300 Күн бұрын
For me it has the best Godzilla scenes but all the scenes with human are just not so interesting.
@Bamiyanbigasf 2 күн бұрын
I grew up in the early 2000s but my mom always got me the hesei Godzilla films because the newer millennium films weren’t in the states yet so I’ve got a fondness for them over any other era and imo hesei is the best with millennium as a close second
@evanthezilla_915 2 күн бұрын
Super X, is loosing functionality!! THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!
@jorgearetakis9688 2 күн бұрын
I just sincerely wish we hadn't lost the sense of scale, o loooooove the showa era but I don't miss it that much, it would've felt awesome to be afraid of scar king for real
@matthewzablocki5310 3 күн бұрын
Look. I'm a hardcore Godzilla fan. I love every version of him. Legendary is my absolute favorite as far as an Earth protector goes. Villain, I'm having a hard time. Ik my 3 are Minus, Shin, and Heisei but I'm having an issue in putting them in what order. I feel like Shin and Minus, he's a tragic villain. Made into one because of our(human) actions. Whereas Heisei, he's just an asshole. Lol. I will always love any Godzilla I'm given. Yes, even Zilla. I wld have loved a sequel to see what monster/s they would have had him fight. Long live the King.
@allenzillaunit0195 3 күн бұрын
I watched this one and I loved it The Mysterians need more appearances in video games tho
@BlueOysterStan 4 күн бұрын
Take the monsters out, and it’s still a solid humans vs aliens plot. This is the high point of the showa era (to me, at least.) It’s one of the few movies in the series I’d give a perfect 5 star rating to that *aren’t* the ones that already get the most praise by critics (‘54, Shin, Minus One)
@KimFromTheCrypt 4 күн бұрын
damn i gotta catch up
@KimFromTheCrypt 4 күн бұрын
i fucking love Mothra so much, shes the best
@astonfiction4227 6 күн бұрын
Ngl this movie would have been miles better had the monster been animated through stop motion
@mattdennis7511 7 күн бұрын
My fave is Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla
@mattdennis7511 7 күн бұрын
Seen every Godzilla except for new Godzilla vs Komg
@hiattgrey9161 7 күн бұрын
In 2000, we had two films from Japan released in American theaters. Pokémon the Movie 2000 and Godzilla 2000. And they both have 2000 in the title and were both released by Toho in Japan.
@HautaAntero 7 күн бұрын
I was surprised that Biolantte movie was number one. I'm kind a glad about that considering Biolantte is one of my favorite movie monsters ever.
@kevincrewse1573 7 күн бұрын
Mothra: you guys need to set your differences aside Godzilla: Fuck you Twins: Godzilla, what language
@RoryRay-pt8ou 7 күн бұрын
This review was pretty spot on! as a Game on it's on 2 legs, it's slow, repetitive, boring and so on and so forth, but as a Godzilla experience, well it's great. the models of the Kaiju look fantastic, the roster is great as well. you could say that this game makes you feel like Godzilla. what this game truly needed was a mode that went through every Godzilla movie's best moment and recreate them on the game! this mode would be called: '60 Years of Destruction!' it would be pretty awesome and would probably save this game from the negative backlash it got. (Hopefully the next Godzilla game does that whenever that's coming out.) but as it is, it's not bad. definitely not worth the title as the worst PS4 game! i mean have you played the awful Duck Dynasty game?
@JarMar3296 8 күн бұрын
While 2005 King Kong is really good it is still too long, and there is too much CGI which does not hold up well today, and really frankly didn't hold up all that well back then. That is not to say that there are not stunning sequences, and parts that hold up extremely well, but because there's so much emphasis, and use of CGI much of it does look very artificial. I do acknowledge the use of practical sets, and stunning miniatures but because so much of the film is computer generated as a result the entire thing while more realistic than the original feels very artificial. Somewhere in both versions of the theatrical, and the Extended Cut is the perfect version of the movie which I can sort of piece together, but as it stand's for me personally it's a filmmakers overindulgence that somewhat bogs down what could be a truly excellent movie. For many it's perfect, for me it's a near-perfect but quite flawed remake. My personal gripes is it's too much everything, too much backstory, too many characters, too much action set pieces, too much CGI etc.
@tristanwilliams4180 8 күн бұрын
Who would win Godzilla 1955 or Rodan 1956?
@officershimo 8 күн бұрын
MIB said it best don’t think of this game is a fighting game, it’s a Godzilla movie simulator
@Daheiseigodzilla1995 8 күн бұрын
Hey would you look at that it’s me your reviewing my movie great video by the way
@deanwirth3627 8 күн бұрын
I love this movie, I think it works and the effects are good
@erikbjelke4411 9 күн бұрын
I still have trouble wrapping my head around this being an intense, complex, deep, character-driven drama. . . that ALSO has Godzilla in it. I love it, more than just about any Godzilla movie ever, but it's so different from the franchise norm. It is mind-boggling in the best possible way. I love that we got this film, that people can see that a Godzilla film can be more then "giant monsters go RAWR!" Though don't get me wrong, I love me some "giant monster go RAWR" for completely different reasons.
@0ContentDeleted0 9 күн бұрын
This is easily my favorite Godzilla, it’s more than just a monster movie, it’s a piece of art.
@LouZoller 9 күн бұрын
I have thought about that and I agree. Leave this movie alone.
@LouZoller 9 күн бұрын
So, true.
@LouZoller 9 күн бұрын
Gorgo was shot in 1959 but not released until 1961 due to unpaid debt to MGM by producers Maurice and Frank King. Movies back then worked with limited budgets; with a total of $675,000 and a mere $75,000 for Tom Howard's special effects Gorgo is nevertheless a wonderful movie. When Ogre is about to fall to electrocution anyone with a heart is struck with sympathy. She had a purpose as opposed to Godzilla, for instance, which was a mindless engine of destruction. Bill Travers and William Sylvester weren't there to perform Hamlet, therefore they performed well as opposing partners who captured the baby sea monster Gorgo. I think the movie only runs 78 minutes and stock footage hurts it a bit. I also think the two year release delay hurt its box office success. For cost and miniature sets you simply couldn't compete against Japanese ingenuity. However, the Gorgo costuming was considerably more sophisticated than Godzilla. Don't pass this movie up.
@chadgorosaurus4898 10 күн бұрын
I love the forest setting for the final battle between Baragon and Frankenstein. We need more natural settings for kaiju fights instead of just the typical city.
@TheDragonninja1983 10 күн бұрын
no, not once, not twice, but ZERO TIMES!!!
@Whompens 11 күн бұрын
love your videos and perspective! hopefully you get another chance soon to give your take
@bigmanarnold 11 күн бұрын
People forget this movie so much. It literally started the Monsterverse, which kind of brings me sadness because of how they ruined it.
@richardii5989 11 күн бұрын
Godzilla hs basically become the “American Ninja” or “Airwolf” of the films… hes the thing that comes in and kicks the crap out of everyone when the decisive battle is at hand… The excessively longer arms on G are awkward looking despite the fact they did a somewhat solid job of hiding them in the framing
@deanwirth3627 12 күн бұрын
I love the spaceship and monster foe,
@KlldbyCuriosity 12 күн бұрын
Glad to see these reviews back, I hope we get to see the singular point video eventually even if there probably isn't demand for it anymore
@thesuntitan 12 күн бұрын
They used his theme song so well. The moment when Noriko looks at Godzilla through the train’s window made all the hair in my body stand up
@Vic_the_owl92 12 күн бұрын
Dr. Serizawa got the nickname the Antiheimer from me because of the way he acted.
@bigb5206 13 күн бұрын
Wow neatly arranged for no one to fight over anything bad?! Pale in what we get from the best seats in the house!!!
@SlitherWhisp 13 күн бұрын
This came out the year I was born. I first saw it when I was 8 or so. I remember my shock and disgust when one of them ate a person. And my parents were bemused by how angry and upset I was that the good one died along with the bad one.
@kh884488 13 күн бұрын
I realize this may be a very unpopular opinion, however I believe this is even better than the original 1954 Godzilla film.
@takeshikovach5165 13 күн бұрын
It's still nothing in comparison of what Japanese did is East Asia.
@ALLinONEchann3l 14 күн бұрын
Very good reviews! Congratulations! 👏
@sabineb.5616 14 күн бұрын
While this movie is vastly inferior in comparison with "King Kong" and often downright corny, the special effects are absolutely amazing! The movie was done 16 years after "King Kong", and I don't think that the available technical tools had become that much more advanced and sophisticated. But the giant Joe- Young gorilla looks surprisingly natural and the movements are less choppy! I would've liked the original Kong much better, if the Kong puppet would've looked more like and moved like the Joe-Young puppet. I like the 1933 Kong movie for many reasons - but I don't think that the original Kong puppet looked amazing. My young son thought it was some kind of funny looking teddy, and I always wondered why it hadn't been possible to come up with a more natural look. The first director who actually achieved that, was Peter Jackson. His mo-cap Kong looks amazing - even after 20 years! Legendary's Kong doesn’t look as good as Peter Jackson's Kong.
@ConstantineFurman 14 күн бұрын
Forget the 90s films, Gamera's been beating Godzilla at his own game since the get-go. "Gamera vs. Gaos" was the most successful Japanese monster movie of 1967, the year that every studio in Japan put out a monster movie. Ishiro Honda even sent Gamera series' writer Niisan Takahashi a congratulatory card. From that point on, Gamera went on to whip Godzilla's ass at the box office every year. "Gamera vs. Viras" was a sleeper hit and far outperformed "Destroy All Monsters." "Gamera vs. Guiron" outgrossed "Godzilla's Revenge." And "Gamera vs. Jiger" was the most successful Gamera movie to that point. Unfortunately, we don't have any data on how well "Gamera vs. Zigra" did, probably because of the riot that happened in 1971. However, I doubt it touched "Godzilla vs. Hedorah," which was one of the most successful Japanese films that year. At any rate, this is why Toho hates Gamera to this day. They can't deal with the fact this "rip-off" was beating their guy with audiences. And "Gamera, Super Monster" wasn't an attempt to revive the series. It was a movie contractually forced into production by Tokuma Publishing, who then owned Daiei, because they found the contracts signed by the Gamera makers for an eighth movie meant to be made for 1972. They then refused to give Noriaki Yuasa a proper budget and made him use the stock footage. He tried to shoot new sequences with a new Gamera suit, but the Vistavision matting processing they were using for that film screwed up and made most of the new footage unusable. When Gamera came back in the 90s, the films themselves may have been more cleverly made than the Godzillas of the period, but they didn't even touch what the Heisei Godzillas were bringing in at the box office (and "Gamera 3" even bombed).
@eewilson9835 6 күн бұрын
Thanks, Gamera was always a winner, had zero losses, and this is why only Gamera can do what it takes to make wins flawless and masterful, this includes saving kids lives. Gamera saves lives.
@CaptainCanuck1975 14 күн бұрын
Sometimes you want to see Godzilla in a serious and emotional story, and sometimes you just want to see him blow shit up and suplex giant apes off the tops of pyramids.
@UpFromTheDepths88 14 күн бұрын
@Ilovekaiju 14 күн бұрын
They need to make another Gamera movie ASAP, because we're in a new Kaiju golden age and there's no better time for the guardian of the universe to make an appearance.
@nazodreemur8284 15 күн бұрын
Tell me, How many time did Mothra really went to Godzilla and be lik "Please help😢😢😢" And Godzilla went "Ok wifey"
@CreativeTeamGMA7 15 күн бұрын
Realistic Gojira among the MONSTERVERSE.. Adam RUINED MV tbh