Tiftakar il-memorja ta' Karin Grech
3 сағат бұрын
L-avvenimenti ewlenin tas-sena 2024
4 сағат бұрын
"Kull persuna għadha d-dinjità tagħha"
Riħ u kesħa fil-ġurnata tal-Milied
@JohnCamilleri-pk6gy 5 күн бұрын
Ma tafux kif thamgu lil hadd iehor Ja qatta demel Faxxisti
@WilliamBusuttil 6 күн бұрын
22-12-2024. Bet you they'll want do that again, and there concurrence.😅
@gamingwiththealexander-wv1mu 6 күн бұрын
nice. I am Maltese, and I need to say one thing. RIVIVE AIR MALTA AIR MALTA > KM MALTA
@PatriciaStorey-v9u 6 күн бұрын
so nice, blessings
@NoelMangion 9 күн бұрын
Dak imisu waqf miel ewel
@rockssocks5451 9 күн бұрын
Roberts Golden boy flew too close to the sun and ended up in the sea.. What a way to ruin your career!
@WilliamBusuttil 13 күн бұрын
15-12-2024. What, were, why?
@stevejessemey8428 13 күн бұрын
So nobody is complaining that they don't have any money right 😅
@WilliamBusuttil 15 күн бұрын
13-12-2024. We didn't vote her in.
@josephborg6271 19 күн бұрын
Mela ghandkom biex tithallas inti ghal paga tieghek u ghad dawl tal kazini taghkom , dawk li ilom pendenti ghal zmien twil.
@vincecauchi7267 19 күн бұрын
Ha titilfu iktar voti
@stevejessemey8428 26 күн бұрын
Even if he leaves or if he is fired, he will be given another cosy job with a huge salary. This is the way it works in this country and many other countries to be honest. Yes with the big they can get away with anything, with the average person you are punished to the fullest.
@kebekebe8025 27 күн бұрын
Another one
@WilliamBusuttil 27 күн бұрын
1-12-2024. So please Net News, name the recipients, of the slush funds.
@marygatt5589 27 күн бұрын
Why is it any off your Business and what is the Total off the Nationalist Party ???
@WilliamBusuttil 29 күн бұрын
29-11-2024.Dear Net News, MCAST is a private enterprise on private property, managed by Maltese people who don't want outside influence on their agenda, these so called students are not entitled to anything.
@WilliamBusuttil 29 күн бұрын
29-11-2024. Please make yourself credible, by stating the Roosevelt owner's name.😊
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
So when I reached the age of 60, I was told that I will be receiving my pension in full, 28 Euros a month extra. Only for the housing authority to detect that same amount of money per month. It's like being kissed on one cheek, and then slapped on the other. What a joke.
@JohnCamilleri-pk6gy Ай бұрын
Sur editor mela Bendu xi. Missu Jamel hu metsola hu assassini ohra fil partit faxxista bDAWN tridu taljenaw in nies Ja qatta demel
@JohnCamilleri-pk6gy Ай бұрын
Kummidjant tafx x hux m ta dahq il flus li qed tevadi thahsu f kontijiet ta dawl hu taxi. Ja muqran
@benjila2008 Ай бұрын
I always despised Daphne as a human being because of her writing - I created this image in my head and I must admit I let certain propaganda enter my head and for a decade I forgot she was a human being. I never wrote any hateful comment against her or anything of the sort BUT I realized that I am part of the problem our country currently has. Watching this video reminded me that she merely was a human being, a person like the rest of us with feelings, dreams, wants and ideals....My inaction led to the assassination of a mother, wife... person. And for what?! For doing what she believed was right. I am sorry Daphne, I hope your family can forgive me for remaining silent. I will still vote against PN as I do not believe that it can lead BUT I will not vote for corruption, murderers and thieves anymore. You might not be the oracle of truth as some would like to portray you BUT you still were better than most.
@vincecauchi7267 Ай бұрын
Dawn jamlu hsara il partit, U iktar jekk il primministru majwarrabhomx.
@anthonymuscat Ай бұрын
Ma nafx imma din ghanda x tofri minn bejn il kwinti.
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
Yes this government gives you from one hand, takes from the other, especially with the average person on the street. Because of this €5.49 that we are going to receive next year as compensation, housing authority deducted 28 Euros per month from my rent subsidy each and every time they do a review they are deducting money in 2 years they have deducted 45 euros per month ,and then you hear this government saying people have more money in their pockets and this was a budget that will hit everybody's pockets. Well it most certainly did hit my pocket, but in a negative way.
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
So would it be possible if I get a job with Air Malta,, I don't have any qualifications and I never studied to be a pilot, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem right.😊
@vincecauchi7267 Ай бұрын
Tini listess U nitolbk apologija
@vincecauchi7267 Ай бұрын
Irrizenja ghax ghax qazzistuna
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
They are getting the promotions and wage increases while we the ordinary people in our 60s are getting our rent subsidies cut each and every time
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
After waiting 50 days to receive my rent benefits I was once again shocked to the core. Each and every time they do a review of my rent subsidy the last time they deducted €17 a month, and today when I received the rent subsidy, this time they deducted 28 Euros per month, while my rent is going up each and every year. And of course this government is boasting that people have more money in their pockets, so basically in 4 years my rent subsidy has been going down. And they have the nerve to say they're improving the lives of the people seriously.
@channelmalta Ай бұрын
vera xi kultant degrees u expernjenza ma humiex kollox, xi kull tant kull ma trid nejka tajba
@gustavtonna7407 Ай бұрын
@francemifsud9223 Ай бұрын
Naseby li kin faith xurban
@neriku3 Ай бұрын
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
I have a fantastic idea, why not pay everybody 70,000 per year, and nobody goes to work.😊
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
The well is deep and plentiful for the rich and the few, but shallow and empty for the poor.
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
In short, tough with the weak, and weak with the tough. I am getting absolutely tired with this situation in this country.
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
And yet there are people who are waiting for over 7 weeks to get housing benefits. What a beautiful world we are living in.
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
This is absolutely fantastic. And here are the average people on the street waiting to get rent subsidy from the housing authority. They didn't pay us because they required the following information. Work history, how much money we are receiving from social security, photocopy of the ID card and fill in the application form. And send all the information otherwise they will stop providing the rent subsidy. So basically 6 weeks without any assistance to help pay the rent. 40 Days and counting, now that I have sent all the information, and keeping in mind I have been receiving this subsidy for a few years already so they already have all the information. I am almost 61 years old and I have to go through all this stupid process every 2 😮😮. Now they have to evaluate my file and calculate how much money I'm receiving from social services and maybe perhaps deduct more money like they did last time. While others are making a fortune in salaries. A country of quality indeed.
@JohnCamilleri-pk6gy Ай бұрын
Andrew rtk dejjem Tara cio int Andrew. Tkunx ipokrita hu kocc hmieg. Ghax ma stidinc lil bovril fuq art ta ghawdex hu lil Shabek il Faxxisti ta Kemm sgarraw HAllina trid. Buffu
@arnoldfarrugia6764 Ай бұрын
Iyes wide shut 😢
@alexandercamilleribajada6565 Ай бұрын
Kif se tiddefendi l- poplu ?? billi trid izzid il paga tieghek ???? billi trid li il -Gvern jaghmel tajjeb bit-taxxi taghna id-dejn tal-Partit Nazzjonalista ? fuq xix inti iffukkat Dr. Grech fuqek personali ???? u hallina ghax lil minn tafu ma' tistqasiex ghallieh, il vizjoni taghna hija li nibqaw taht Gvern Laburista ghal hafna u hafna snin ohra.
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
This is a crazy world we are living in. Take America for example, Trump was re-elected again 😊.
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
The first thing this government needs to do is sort out the housing authority. Every time you call them nobody is answering the phone, they are not paying people on time, quite literally we have to wait a long time to get paid, this is the second time this year where they haven't paid us on time because they are evaluating the file. 38 days and counting without the rent subsidy. A country of quality. I actually feel sorry for people who are struggling to make ends meet who are always waiting for the money so that they can pay the rent on time and buy food. Politicians are living in a bubble. Fancy slogans, empty promises. And when I hear that the cost of living is actually going down, I am shocked because prices are still going up. I very much doubt that you will ever see a politician shopping at lidl, or standing in front of these bcrs machines to recycle their bottles. For sure if you are living in a penthouse, cash is coming in, life is good. But for us peasants we have to search for discounts on certain days, scan the streets for an empty bottle, and constantly check to see if our benefits have entered our bank account.
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
I receive a rent subsidy every month, usually on the first of the month where I have to pay the rent on time. And on a few occasions like this month I did not get the money, I called the housing authority many times but nobody answered the phone, so I sent them an email and to my astonishment they replied straight away. Basically I asked them why I didn't get the rent subsidy, their reply was, because we are evaluating your file. I mean seriously couldn't they evaluate my file but still pay me at the same time . And there was no mention of when I am going to receive the money, so basically I have to wait for god knows how long. This is unacceptable because people are waiting to get the rent subsidy on time and not have to wait 5 to 6 weeks to receive it. And actually the last time they did an evaluation of my file,they deducted 17 euros so instead of my subsidy going up it's going down, while my rent is going up. I am soon to be 61 years old, I need to pay my bills on time and of course not receiving that money is a huge chunk of my subsidy taken away from me. Now can you imagine government workers working and they don't get paid on time, there would be hell to pay for sure. It is only the housing authority that is doing this to people, luckily social services never do this. So they usually pay us on the 1st of every month now if the 1st of the month is a Friday and a public holiday, we will have to wait until Monday to receive the money therefore an extra added few days of waiting in order to get the money. The only good point that I can say is that every 2 months we had to provide the rent receipts along with the contract and all other necessary details in order to get the money, thankfully that system stopped. I mean seriously people who are struggling to make ends meet and don't get paid on time is a double blow. A country of quality, yes for the few of course.
@alexandercamilleribajada6565 Ай бұрын
Budget li jkompli jzid il -problemi fil -Parit Nazzjonalista aktar milli il pajjiz. tista tghid Dr. Grech se taghmel jekk tkun inti Prim Ministru, ghax sa issa hlief il kelma problemi ta tafx tghid, nifmek u ghandek ragun ghax kull fejn thares fil- PN tara problema, fuq il bolla din hija gimmick ohra bhal hafna ohrajn li dejjem taghmlu, inti taf bizzejjed minn zied l-eta tal-irtirrar u minn zied il bolla minn 8% ghal 10% , hu minn huwa dak li jhallas bolla f' eluf kbar ta euro fis-sena, kif qed tghid inti ? tghjd li temmen f'Pajjizna meta inti tghajd li tisthi li inti Malti u meta tkun barra minn Malta peress li inti Grech tassoccja ruhek mal-Grecja u il Griegi. kif qatt xi darba nista nafda lil PN fit-tmexxija ta' Malta meta l-ahhar kapijiet tal-Partit kollha stqarrew li jisthu jghidu li huma Maltin.
@alexandercamilleribajada6565 Ай бұрын
Gidba Ohra ghala PN din tajjeb li taghmel naqra studju Dr. Delia li fuq l-Isptar ta' GHAWDEX din is-sena il Gvern kien hareg €79 miljun, filwaqt li - Fl-2025...se johrog €86 miljun anki fuq ghawdex generali Il-Gvern se jalloka lil Għawdex l-akbar budget fl-istorja b’total rekord ta’ €93 miljun, Żieda ta' kwazi €9 miljun jew 10% fuq din is-sena 2024.
@stevejessemey8428 Ай бұрын
It's very simple,if you are a young Maltese person, the only way to save money is to live with your parents. Because let's face it, renting an apartment is too expensive, buying property is very expensive. The only way for people who are considered working class, in order to survive comfortably and I have said this many many times, the average salary has to be around €3,000 per month, and we all know that this isn't going to happen. Everywhere you look there are foreign people, in the evening all you see people collecting bottles from rubbish bins, there is a homeless man a handicapped homeless man near the bus terminals in Valletta sleeping on a small bench. When you go to the bcrs machines, again what you see is people from third world countries disposing of the cans and bottles that they picked up during the day. Surely this cannot be helping the Maltese economy. The government likes to paint the picture that everything is fantastic a country of excellence, well all I can say is come to Floriana, it's like a rubbish dump. And I asked you when you go out to spend your hard-earned money, at a bar or restaurant are you receiving the best possible customer service. I have seen government workers who collect the rubbish at night time near the Triton fountain driving by in a truck, and when they see people collecting bottles from bins, they shout out sarcastic remarks. Yuuuuuup ! I have heard and seen this happen numerous times. And to be honest, I have stopped going to Valletta because I don't really believe that I am getting good value for money, when it comes to dining out. I would prefer to save my money, and go to Rome or Vienna. Perhaps that's why certain people jump on their yacht and go to Sicily to wine and dine with their families. I mean let's face it, who wants to go out at night and see huge cockroaches running around. The only way Malta can be a destination of luxury, is if the country was owned and run by a Japanese company, and of course Japanese staff. And I think that people have realized by now that the government will give you from one hand and take from the other, this has been going on for many years. Now let's wait for the cost of living to go up even more. Happy days ahead.
@stevejessemey8428 2 ай бұрын
Personally as a single person living alone renting from the private sector, this was the worst budget for me. I haven't received a housing benefit increase in many years, actually they deducted 17 euros per month, telling me the reason why I am receiving less is because I am receiving a lot of social benefits, go figure right. Now my rent is going to go up again next year, so €20 a month extra is going towards the rent. This budget wasn't for single people, but for families with children.
@therugrats9972 2 ай бұрын
I had really high hopes for Dr.Grech, however the recent DB and Villa Rosa issues have really dampened my enthusiasm. I want straight talking and no side stepping. If Dr. Grech did actually speak the words he allegedly did to Anton Cammilleri, he needs to step aside. We need a transparent opposition.
@JohnCamilleri-pk6gy 2 ай бұрын
Mela Qed tahsbu lidan Bendu. Ghall gideb hu propoganda qarrieqa hadd ma jerbhilkom. Li hu tajjeb hu li in net hu Faxxisti hadd ma jafdakom issa ir riposte Dalwaqt. Tiehduwa😊