Twisted Holography - Kasia Budzik
String field theory - Ivo Sachs
@Kyanzes 8 күн бұрын
"Let me explain the fundamentals of the universe... right... wait... how do you turn the page on this contraption... err..."
@ExistenceUniversity 8 күн бұрын
@user_375a82 8 күн бұрын
Are the six dimensions in classic space x,y,z,ct, and two rotations (clockwise and anticlockwise)? Can anyone answer this? (no? thought not - lol,) I am assuming that + and - spin can be considered as dimensions, in math yes but in physics no. I'm not talking about quaternionic theory here.
@dankurth4232 13 күн бұрын
Seems Twistor theory is a vastly improved or complexified vortex theory
@stephen7774 19 күн бұрын
It's just a picture of a galaxy. A vortex which destroys matter and creates aether using basic spinning top mechanics.
@michaelgonzalez9058 29 күн бұрын
This is correct
@babyoda1973 Ай бұрын
I am very interested but simple can you point me to a dumming down version plz
@user_375a82 8 күн бұрын
Ha ha - no way is there a simple version yet, you'll have to do endless imaginary dot and scalar products examples - such fun! And by the time you've mastered that you will have forgotten your original question.
@handledav Ай бұрын
@Achrononmaster Ай бұрын
@8:30 this pricked my ears! Although 10 years is an epoch in theoretical physics, so call me a dinosaur, but I am a Susskinista. While I liked the way Alejandro posed his concept, isn't it true that all the states/information in the interior of the BH have a copy on the boundary? That's the holography/complementarity, right? At least to first order then, the states on the boundary _are_ those through which the BH interacts with the exterior. So what subtlety is Alejandro referring to where there could be a difference?
@Achrononmaster Ай бұрын
Maybe not? @15:40 I'd say QFT is *_not_* "Feynman graphs". The Feynman graphs are a computational tool _for_ QFT, but they are not QFT itself. If QFT is conceived as more than just a trick for computing scattering amplitudes (which I believe it is?) then QFT is the entire path integral, not the Feynman expansion. It is an open question whether QFT is well-defined, since the well-defined axiomatic approaches are not _yet_ phenomenologically correct, and the approximation schemes are not complete.
@Achrononmaster Ай бұрын
@10:20 is that not the whole problem with LQG? It tries to, as C.R. says, "...quantize gravity using notions of time in the same way GR uses time." But that is classical GR. GR (or the theory of gravity) is likely not classical. GR is only classical if we ignore small scale topological structure, which assumes spacetime is everywhere locally Minkowski topology. But this is, has , and will always be false, and just a macroscopic approximation, since matter exists in particle quanta, and that induces non-trivial spacetime topology, and worse (or better, depending on your point of view!) it implies there have to be closed timelike curves because of entanglement. (Not necessarily traversable except via qubits, due to Friedman-Schleich-Witt topological censorship.) But that implies you cannot treat time as you do in classical GR, the proper theory of gravity has to consider non-redundant data on a future Cauchy boundary. That implies fundamental indeterminism. Another way to say it is that gravity already was a quantum theory (when properly conceived). So you do not want to re-quantize gravity, that'd be highly redundant, and only invite all sorts of possible pathologies. Which lastly implies LQG approaches need to consider wormhole effects, and none of you seem to want to go there, so you are doomed! (imho, Spacetime is not doomed, rather it is attempts to (re)quantize spacetime that are doomed, since it is already "quantum".)
@IhateCCP Ай бұрын
I am lost on slide 12 and 13. Other slides are good.
@AnneJULIEN-q7c 2 ай бұрын
L'intelligence supérieure que je suis, vous dit de consulter les équations d'Aurélien Barreau pour connaître les possibilités de connexions sur tous les champs pour connaître l'information transportee vers le FUTUR. La microgravité n'est pas mesurable.
@zhavlan1258 3 ай бұрын
New technologies, new research tools. BIG SCIENCE doesn't want to eliminate the *BIG MUD* of noise in fundamental optical experiments. WHY? Let me suggest for schoolchildren and students on one's own to measure the Universe, dark energy, black holes, etc. To do this, I propose two practical devices. «laser tape measure *+reference distance* 1,000,000 m”» and «Michelson-Morley HYBRID Gyroscope». I am writing to you with a proposal for the joint invention of a HYBRID gyroscope from non-circular, TWO coils with a new type of optical fiber with a “hollow core photonic-substituted vacuum zone or (NANF)” where - the light travels 250000 (In a laser tape measure, the length of the optical fiber is fixed at 1000000 ) meters in each arm, while it does not exceed the parameters 84/84/84 cm, and the weight is 24 kg. Manufacturers of “Fiber Optic Gyroscopes” can produce HYBRID gyroscopes for educational and practical use in schools and higher education institutions. Einstein dreamed of measuring the speed of a train, an airplane - through the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1881/2024, and only then would the experiment be more than 70% complete. This can be done using a fiber optic HYBRID gyroscope. Based on the completion of more than 70% of Michelson's experiment, the following postulates can be proven: Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta, and dominant gravitational fields adjust the speed of light in a vacuum. you can make scientific discoveries; in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, higher theoretical physics,... (We are not looking for ether, we will see the work of gravitational quanta) The result is a «theory of everything» in a simple teaching device and a new tape measure for measuring the universe.
@zhavlan1258 3 ай бұрын
By determining the constancy of speed, all experiments and Michelson-Morley experiments are indirect and incomplete. If the Michelson-Morley experiment was carried out on a bus or airplane and was used to determine speed. only then will this experience be direct. Therefore, Einstein does not rely on the Michelson-Morley experiment. Question. Do you have an example of such direct experience? New technologies, new research tools. BIG SCIENCE doesn't want to eliminate the *BIG MUD* of noise in fundamental optical experiments. WHY? Let me suggest for schoolchildren and students on one's own to measure the Universe, dark energy, black holes, etc. To do this, I propose two practical devices. «laser tape measure *+reference distance* 1,000,000 m”» and «Michelson-Morley HYBRID Gyroscope». I am writing to you with a proposal for the joint invention of a HYBRID gyroscope from non-circular, TWO coils with a new type of optical fiber with a “hollow core photonic-substituted vacuum zone or (NANF)” where - the light travels 250000 (In a laser tape measure, the length of the optical fiber is fixed at 1000000 ) meters in each arm, while it does not exceed the parameters 84/84/84 cm, and the weight is 24 kg. Manufacturers of “Fiber Optic Gyroscopes” can produce HYBRID gyroscopes for educational and practical use in schools and higher education institutions. Einstein dreamed of measuring the speed of a train, an airplane - through the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1881/2024, and only then would the experiment be more than 70% complete. This can be done using a fiber optic HYBRID gyroscope. Based on the completion of more than 70% of Michelson's experiment, the following postulates can be proven: Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta, and dominant gravitational fields adjust the speed of light in a vacuum. you can make scientific discoveries; in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, higher theoretical physics,... (We are not looking for ether, we will see the work of gravitational quanta) The result is a «theory of everything» in a simple teaching device and a new tape measure for measuring the universe.
@zhavlan1258 3 ай бұрын
New technologies, new research tools. PHYSICISTS don't want to eliminate *BIG MUD* noise in fundamental optical experiments. WHY?❤? Let me suggest for schoolchildren and students on one's own to measure the Universe, dark energy, black holes, etc. To do this, I propose two practical devices. «laser tape measure *+reference distance* 1,000,000 m”» and «Michelson-Morley HYBRID Gyroscope». I am writing to you with a proposal for the joint invention of a HYBRID gyroscope from non-circular, TWO coils with a new type of optical fiber with a “hollow core photonic-substituted vacuum zone or (NANF)” where - the light travels 250000 (In a laser tape measure, the length of the optical fiber is fixed at 1000000 ) meters in each arm, while it does not exceed the parameters 84/84/84 cm, and the weight is 24 kg. Manufacturers of “Fiber Optic Gyroscopes” can produce HYBRID gyroscopes for educational and practical use in schools and higher education institutions. Einstein dreamed of measuring the speed of a train, an airplane - through the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1881/2024, and only then would the experiment be more than 70% complete. This can be done using a fiber optic HYBRID gyroscope. Based on the completion of more than 70% of Michelson's experiment, the following postulates can be proven: Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta, and dominant gravitational fields adjust the speed of light in a vacuum. you can make scientific discoveries; in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, higher theoretical physics,... (We are not looking for ether, we will see the work of gravitational quanta) The result is a «theory of everything» in a simple teaching device and a new tape measure for measuring the universe.
@postiemania 3 ай бұрын
At 8:38 this is the field geometry of an actual engine I am building. Sir Roger Penrose and his work is very inspiring to me.
@linz8291 18 күн бұрын
@postiemania May I ask what kind of engine you've been building? Quantum gravito-magnetic pulsar engine? Quasi-anti photonic engine? Gravitonic impulse engine? Beam trajectory engine? ...
@postiemania 18 күн бұрын
@@linz8291 I classify it as an inertial drive engine. The engine works on a newly discovered principle of modifying the associated fields of atomic nuclei. PS. I do like the names you proposed but I believe they don't quite fit the description of what is actually happening.
@linz8291 18 күн бұрын
@postiemania Maybe your classified engine and propulsion systems doesn't includes to applied jump into 24th to 32nd linear time and beyond in hyperspace, so you can just focus on your engine for really happening. Good luck.
@vanikaghajanyan7760 3 ай бұрын
12:15 Einstein. Relativistic theory of the non-symmetric field (General Remarks, D). The Meaning of Relativity. Fifth edition. Princeton, 1955. “One can give reasons why reality cannot at all be represented by a continuous field. From the quantum phenomena it appears to follow with certainty that a finite system of finite energy can be completely described by a finite set of numbers (quantum numbers). This does not seem to be in accordance with a continuum theory, and must lead to an attempt to find a purely algebraic theory for the description of reality. But nobody knows how to obtain in basis of such a theory.” Pauli, RT, paragraph 22, Geometry of the Real World, "So far we have assumed that the form ds^2 is a definite form. In the real space-time world, this does not take place, since ds^2 in normal form has three positive and one negative term." On the “dark” invariance: RT the main invariant is the 4-interval (a mathematical description of the constant c), however, it could offer another invariant value based on another physical constant. 1.Comparing with Einstein's equations of 1915, we find a=-c^3/16πG. Strictly speaking, in order to determine the constant a, it was necessary to make a transition to the Poisson equation. Thus, a rigorous derivation of Einstein's equations can be given. The transition to the non-relativistic limit allows us to determine a constant factor for the integral of the gravitational field according to: R[(0)^0]=(4πG/c^2)p; Δφ=-pc^3/4a=4πGр. And a=(1/16π)m(pl)w(pl). 2.From Kepler's third law follows: M/t=v^3/G, where M/t=I(G)=[gram•sec^-1] is the gravitational current. By the way, in SR: I(G)=inv; this follows from the Lorentz transformations: m=m(0)/√(1-v^2/c^2) and ∆t=∆t(0)/√(1-v^2/c^2). Hence, obviously, we have I(G)=m/t=m(0)/t(0)=inv. 3.Therefore, the Poisson equation can be written as: ∆g(00)=8πGT(00)/c^4, where g(00) is the time component of the metric tensor (for a weakly curved metric the time component of the energy-momentum tensor: T(00)~=pc^2). This equation is true only in the non-relativistic case, but it is applicable to the case of a homogeneous and isotropic Universe, when Einstein's equations have only solutions with a time-varying space-time metric. Then the energy density of the gravitational field: g^2/8πG=T(00)=pc^2 [~=(ħ/8πc^3)w(relic)^4= =1600 quanta/cm^3, which is in order of magnitude consistent with the observational-measured data (~500 quanta/cm^3)], where the critical density value determining the nature of the model is: p=(3/8π)H^2/G. Hence it follows: g~πcH. 4.Expansion is a special kind of motion, and it seems that the Universe is a non-inertial frame of reference that performs variably accelerated motion along a phase trajectory, and thereby creates a phase space. And according to the strong equivalence principle: g=|a*|=πcH [=r(pl)w(relic)^2], and w(relic)^2=πw(pl)H. Thus H=1,72*10^-20sec^-1. {By the way, at t(universe)= πт(pl), w(“relic”) was =w(pl); at 1/”H”= t(universe)=380000 years, w(“relic”)/2π was =3.5*10^14 Hz} 5.Intra-metagalactic gravitational potential: |ф0|=πGmpl/λ(relic)=[Gm(pl)/2c]w(relic), where the constant Gm(pl)/2c is a quantum of the inertial flow Ф(i) = (½)S(pl)w(pl) = h/4πm(pl) (magnetic flux is quantized: = h/2e, Josephson’s const; and the mechanical and magnetic moments are proportional).Thus, the phenomenon can be interpreted as gravity/inertial induction. 5(a).The basic formula QG of the quantum expression of the Newtonian gravitational potential is: ф(G)=-Ф(i)w, where w is the frequency of the quanta of the gravitational (~ vibrational) field.} (b).“Giving the interval ds the size of time, we will denote it by dт: in this case, the constant k will have the dimension length divided by mass and in CGS units will be equal to 1,87*10^-27", Friedmann, (On the curvature of space, 1922). [The ds, which is assumed to have the dimension of time, we denote by dт; then the constant k has the dimension Length Mass and in CGS-units is equal to 1, 87.10^ ± 27. See Laue, Die Relativitatstheorie, Bd. II, S. 185. Braunschweig 1921.] c.Apparently, the following expression takes place: μ(0)ε(0)Gi=1, which means that Gi=с^2 where i is inertial constant, i=1,346*10^28[g/cm]; or k°=1/i=7,429*10^-29[cm/g]: k(Friedmann)/k°=8π; where k°=r(pl)/m(pl)=r(G)/2m(0); i=m(pl)/r(pl)=(1/c)m(pl)w(pl), w=[r(G)/r]w(pl). That is ф(G)=-[Gm(pl)/2c]w=-(½)[w/w(pl)]c^2=-(½)(√Għ/c)w=-Ф(i)w.* 6. And а*=-2πcа/M(universe), what is F=M(universe)а*=-2πса=-с^4/8G=-(⅛)F(pl). I(G)=M(universe)H=m(pl)w(pl)/8π=c^3/8πG=-2a (~ the "dark" const~inv), where M(universe)=E/c^2 is the full mass of the Universe, and the total energy E is spent on creating a phase-quantized space-time: m(pl)w(pl)=8πM(Universe)H { w(relic)^2=πw(pl)H. 7.That is: Δφ=-pc^3/4a= рс^3/2M(universe)H^2. And Δφ=4π[с^3/Gm(pl)w(pl)]H^2= 4πH^2; which is evidence of a phenomenon: spontaneous Lorentz transformations. 8.Thus; Δφ(0)/Δφ=w(pl)^2/H^2~10^126, where Δφ(0)=4πw(pl)^2; the best prediction. ---------------- *) - So, ф(G)=-[w/w(pl)]c^2/2, where ф(G) - is Newtonian gravitational potential, r(n')=nλ/π=(n+n')2r(pl)l , the corresponding orbital radius, w - the frequency of the quanta of the gravitational field (space-time); - obviously, the quanta of the field are themselves quantized: λ=(1+n'/n)λ(pl) = 2πc/w, where n'/n=M/2∆m: system gravity unpacking ratio, n'- the orbit number (n'=0,1,2,3…). 1.Obviously, on the horizon [r=r(rG), n'=0] the "door" is closed, however, the quanta [λ=λ(pl)] can go out singly and form the first and all subsequent half-orbits (n'=1,2, 3 ...) during the time t(0)=r/c=2nт, where т=1/w, т=((1+n'/n)т(pl), spending part of their energy on it each time. And it is this mechanism that provides the step-by-step formation of a variable gravitational field: variably accelerated expansion of spacetime as a phase space: |a|=g=πc^2/L, where L[=πr^2/r(G)] is the length of the phase trajectory (of course, the quanta coming through the "window" are also rhythmically restored: from the source- protouniverse). 2.Moreover, the parameter r(0)=r(G)-r(pl)=(2n-1)r(pl), defining the interval of the formation of the system, at n=0, when r=r(G)=0 (for example, the state of the "universe" before the Big Bang) turns out to be a quite definite quantity: r(0)=-r(pl). In the area [(-rpl) - 0 - (+rpl)] there is an implementation of external forces, "distance": (-rpl)+(+rpl)=0 (≠2rpl). 3.The phase velocity of evolution v'/π= r(pl)w/π; m(0)=(c/2G)rv', where v'=v^2/c. The angular momentum: L(p)=|pr|=n^2ћ [const for all orbits of the system; at n=1: L(p)=ћ] and moment of power: M(F)=dL(p)/dt(0)=nћw/2=-E(G)=E*, where t(0)=r/c, E*- energy of self-action. 4.The gravitational field is characterized by a spontaneous flow: J*=(v'/π )(1/4π) g^2/G, where v'/π- phase velocity of field evolution. 5.Entropy (here: a measure of diversity/variety, not ugliness/disorder) of the system: S=πε(pl)r(t)=(n+n')k, where k is the Boltzmann constant. Obviously, on the horizon entropy=min and with fundamental irreversibility, information is preserved (+ evolves, accumulates). 6.Accordingly, m=m(pl)/(1+n'/n), where m=ħw/c^2, is the quantum of the full mass: M=n'm [<m(0)]. The parameter mλ [=m(pl)λ(pl)=m(w)λ(w)=m(e)λ(e) ] cover entire spectrum of particles. Thus, m(0)=(n+n')m, where 2∆m=nm - mass defect; M/2∆m=n'/n: on the horizon m(0)=2∆m, M=0. 7.Thus, the total energy is spent on creating a phase-quantized space-time: E=E(0)-2∆E*, where E* is the energy of self-action of physical systems (=interaction with the proto-universe). In the general case(for the universe): 8πEH=ε(pl)w(pl), where H is Hubble's "constant". 8.Can be tested experimentally in the laboratory at the moment. The experimenter needs only two parameters; the mass (gram) of the body under study m(0) and the distance from its center (centimeter) r: so the energy of the quanta of the field ε(eV) ~1.83(m/r); the radiation flux J*[erg/cm^2•sec]~7.57•10^-27(m^3/r^5). 9.For example: A lead ball suspended on a strong chain from the ceiling of the laboratory can serve as a test body; at radius r=27,6 cm, ball mass is m=1т. The energy of quanta/photons of the field (photons are characterized by different parity and helicity, and it is not quite accurate to say that a photon has an integer spin equal to one) at a distance r from the center of the test body to the detector (practically on the surface of the ball) =66,3 keV. The flow: J*=4,5•10^-9 quanta/сm^2sec; this is a measurable flux for modern world-class gamma detectors. {On the Earth's surface, the frequency of the quanta of the Earth's gravitational field: w=2.57*10^34 Hz (~2.7 J); the flow: J(G)=0.3 MW/cm^2).}
@MadDragon75 4 ай бұрын
Black Holes = Space travel potholes that *must be avoided at all cost.*
@shawns0762 4 ай бұрын
Most people don't know that Einstein said that singularities are not possible. In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" he wrote - "The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the Schwarzchild singularities (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of General Relativity predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters (star clusters) whose particles move along circular paths it does seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The Schwarzchild singularities do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light." He was referring to the phenomenon of dilation (sometimes called gamma or y) mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's the phenomenon behind the phrase "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". Time dilation is just one aspect of dilation, it's not just time that gets dilated. A graph illustrates its squared nature, dilation increases at an exponential rate the closer you get to the speed of light. Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. This includes the centers of very high mass stars and the overwhelming majority of galaxy centers. It can be inferred mathematically that the mass at the center of our own galaxy must be dilated. This means that there is no valid XYZ coordinate we can attribute to it, you can't point your finger at something that is smeared through spacetime. More precisely, everywhere you point is equally valid. In other words that mass is all around us. This is the explanation for galaxy rotation curves/dark matter. The "missing mass" is dilated mass. Dilation does not occur in galaxies with low mass centers because they do not have enough mass to achieve relativistic velocities. It has recently been confirmed in 6 very low mass galaxies including NGC 1052-DF2 and DF4 to have no dark matter, in other words they have normal rotation rates.
@LibrawLou 5 ай бұрын
@Hyperduality : Dialectic rules under ever-onward Synthesis!
@Killer_Kovacs 6 ай бұрын
What does 2 dimensional gravity look like?
@Achrononmaster Ай бұрын
Scalar curvature only, no dynamics. Boring. Except... JT gravity is (1+1)-D and has some interest for studies of (overly simple) wormhole topology implications when there is a boundary (AdS).
@Miss__Understands 6 ай бұрын
You lost me after the size of dimension to size of string ratio. And is the dimension size L really raised to the FOURTH power? Why?
@timohelenius1482 6 ай бұрын
in finland the more the more cloud the singer will gave loud, it is the best in finland, but i like more mozart
@timohelenius1482 6 ай бұрын
you must think sometimes with brains, its most difficult situation in your life
@timohelenius1482 6 ай бұрын
if you google robots sight from japan then follow ...
@SpotterVideo 6 ай бұрын
What do the Twistors of Roger Penrose and the Hopf Fibrations of Eric Weinstein and the "Belt Trick" of Paul Dirac have in common? It takes two complete turns to get down the "rabbit hole" (Alpha Funnel 3D--->4D) to produce one twist cycle (Quantum unit). Can both Matter and Energy be described as "Quanta" of Spatial Curvature? (A string is revealed to be a twisted cord when viewed up close.) Mass= 1/Length
@LibrawLou 6 ай бұрын
It seems the Clifford-Hopf geometry would be best viewed (as are Spinors & Maxwell's single equation) by Hestenes' Geometric Algebra -- a unifying mathematical formalism of physics.
@LibrawLou 6 ай бұрын
The problem of various pseudo & non-physical formalisms arising might be avoided by casting Twistor theory from the start in the purely physical formalism of Geometric Algebra, a specialized Clifford algebra.
@SpotterVideo 6 ай бұрын
@@LibrawLou Many of the drawings of Twistors, like those seen here, reveal cycles of "twist". Is each twist cycle the source of the "Quantum", being proportional to Planck's Constant?
@LibrawLou 6 ай бұрын
@@SpotterVideo Interesting -- that does seem a connection to tiny, gravity-"free" spacetime of particles? And how does the twist relate to the double spin required to complete a rotation of a lepton? And could recasting Twistors in Hestenes' Geometric Algebra allow connecting to C. Furey's view of Octonions as the fourth Division algebra necessary to be a major explainer of physics, and not just an interesting math subject?
@SpotterVideo 6 ай бұрын
@@LibrawLou If we add one extra spatial dimension, can we get an Alpha funnel soliton which requires two rotations at the 3D boundary to produce one complete twist cycle at the smaller end of the funnel?
@chevasit 7 ай бұрын
Very good 👍👍👍
@DavidBrown-om8cv 8 ай бұрын
"Holographic Principle ... A quantum theory of gravity should be equivalently described by a non-gravitational theory in a space of lower dimension." Consider the MOND Principle: A quantum theory of gravity should provide a mathematical model that approximates not only quantum field theory & general relativity but also MOND's successful predictions in the MOND regime of applicability. Google "milgrom mond", "pavel kroupa dark matter", & "mcgaugh triton station". Let us assume that gravitational energy is conserved, all gravitons have spin 2, and dark-matter-compensation-constant = 0. How might MOND be explained in terms of supersymmetry? Assume that gravitons & gravitinos have empirically significant MOND charges & all other fundamental particles have empirically insignificant MOND charges. Is there a mathematical model using string theory & celestial holography that justifies MOND with MOND charges?
@wargreymon2024 8 ай бұрын
I see Roger I press like
@hyperduality2838 5 ай бұрын
Twistor space is an equivalent or dual description of space/time. Space is dual to time -- Einstein. Space/time symmetries are dual to mobius maps -- stereographic projection (conformal invariance). Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry. Null points (twistor space) are dual to null lines (light rays in space/time). Clockwise is dual to anti-clockwise -- helicity. Spinors (matter, Fermions) are dual to vectors (waves, Bosons) -- wave/particle duality. Duality means that there is a 4th law of thermodynamics:- Syntropy (prediction) is dual to increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics! All observers make predictions to track targets, goals and objectives -- a syntropic process, teleological. Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non teleological physics (entropy). Thesis (action) is dual to anti-thesis (reaction) creates the converging or syntropic thesis, synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic. Action is dual to reaction -- Sir Isaac Newton or the duality of force. Attraction (sympathy) is dual to repulsion (antipathy), stretch is dual to squeeze, push is dual to pull -- forces are dual. All forces are dual in physics hence energy must be dual:- Energy = force * distance -- simple physics. Energy is duality, duality is energy. Potential energy is dual to kinetic energy -- gravitational energy is dual. Vectors (contravariant) are dual to co-vectors (covariant) -- dual bases or Riemann geometry is dual. Curvature or gravitation is dual. Gravitation is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to acceleration -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence (duality). The point duality theorem is dual to the line duality theorem. "May the force (duality) be with you" -- Jedi teaching. "The force (duality) is strong in this one" -- Jedi teaching. Classical reality is dual to quantum reality synthesizes true reality -- Roger Penrose using the Hegelian dialectic.
@ThePaulTM 9 ай бұрын
Quad Step Helical Order produces this Twistor System why do Academics give the Quad Step System the Cold Shoulder.
@KaliFissure 9 ай бұрын
Surface(cos(u/2)cos(v/2),cos(u/2)sin(v/2),sin(u)/2),u,0,2pi,v,0,4pi I suggest applying twistor theory to the above manifold.
@hyperduality2838 5 ай бұрын
Twistor space is an equivalent or dual description of space/time. Space is dual to time -- Einstein. Space/time symmetries are dual to mobius maps -- stereographic projection (conformal invariance). Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry. Null points (twistor space) are dual to null lines (light rays in space/time). Clockwise is dual to anti-clockwise -- helicity. Spinors (matter, Fermions) are dual to vectors (waves, Bosons) -- wave/particle duality. Duality means that there is a 4th law of thermodynamics:- Syntropy (prediction) is dual to increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics! All observers make predictions to track targets, goals and objectives -- a syntropic process, teleological. Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non teleological physics (entropy). Thesis (action) is dual to anti-thesis (reaction) creates the converging or syntropic thesis, synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic. Action is dual to reaction -- Sir Isaac Newton or the duality of force. Attraction (sympathy) is dual to repulsion (antipathy), stretch is dual to squeeze, push is dual to pull -- forces are dual. All forces are dual in physics hence energy must be dual:- Energy = force * distance -- simple physics. Energy is duality, duality is energy. Potential energy is dual to kinetic energy -- gravitational energy is dual. Vectors (contravariant) are dual to co-vectors (covariant) -- dual bases or Riemann geometry is dual. Curvature or gravitation is dual. Gravitation is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to acceleration -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence (duality). The point duality theorem is dual to the line duality theorem. "May the force (duality) be with you" -- Jedi teaching. "The force (duality) is strong in this one" -- Jedi teaching. Classical reality is dual to quantum reality synthesizes true reality -- Roger Penrose using the Hegelian dialectic.
@JAYMOAP 9 ай бұрын
Ironic but Penrose complained against string theory dealing with higher dimensions, but here you are he construct 6 dimensional model haha. On the other hand, his gluing is essentially a gauging procedure so he derive gauge theory just like string theory does. He doesn't realise this but he essentially indeed in the framework of string theory.
@hyperduality2838 5 ай бұрын
Twistor space is an equivalent or dual description of space/time. Space is dual to time -- Einstein. Space/time symmetries are dual to mobius maps -- stereographic projection (conformal invariance). Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry. Null points (twistor space) are dual to null lines (light rays in space/time). Clockwise is dual to anti-clockwise -- helicity. Spinors (matter, Fermions) are dual to vectors (waves, Bosons) -- wave/particle duality. Duality means that there is a 4th law of thermodynamics:- Syntropy (prediction) is dual to increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics! All observers make predictions to track targets, goals and objectives -- a syntropic process, teleological. Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non teleological physics (entropy). Thesis (action) is dual to anti-thesis (reaction) creates the converging or syntropic thesis, synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic. Action is dual to reaction -- Sir Isaac Newton or the duality of force. Attraction (sympathy) is dual to repulsion (antipathy), stretch is dual to squeeze, push is dual to pull -- forces are dual. All forces are dual in physics hence energy must be dual:- Energy = force * distance -- simple physics. Energy is duality, duality is energy. Potential energy is dual to kinetic energy -- gravitational energy is dual. Vectors (contravariant) are dual to co-vectors (covariant) -- dual bases or Riemann geometry is dual. Curvature or gravitation is dual. Gravitation is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to acceleration -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence (duality). The point duality theorem is dual to the line duality theorem. "May the force (duality) be with you" -- Jedi teaching. "The force (duality) is strong in this one" -- Jedi teaching. Classical reality is dual to quantum reality synthesizes true reality -- Roger Penrose using the Hegelian dialectic.
@hywelgriffiths5747 3 ай бұрын
There are still only four spacetime dimensions. The rest are the spinor degrees of freedom. String theory has extra spacetime dimensions
@user_375a82 8 күн бұрын
You have x y z and ct (time) that's 4 dimensions and add two more for spinning clockwise and anticlockwise (+ spin, - spin) makes 6 altogether.
@elainaorlando8400 9 ай бұрын
*Promo SM* ☹️
@proximitygaming8253 10 ай бұрын
I feel like this is one of those scientists/mathematicians that go down as famous for fundamental discoveries, except that Penrose is alive in our era.
@skhotzim_bacon 7 ай бұрын
Oh yeah. This man is one of the greatest of our generation. He's on the same level as Einstein and Hawking. An immortal unforgettable great man for sure.
@SpotterVideo 6 ай бұрын
What do the Twistors of Roger Penrose and the Hopf Fibrations of Eric Weinstein and the "Belt Trick" of Paul Dirac have in common? It takes two complete turns to get down the "rabbit hole" (Alpha Funnel 3D--->4D) to produce one twist cycle (Quantum unit). Can both Matter and Energy be described as "Quanta" of Spatial Curvature? (A string is revealed to be a twisted cord when viewed up close.) Mass= 1/Length
@proximitygaming8253 6 ай бұрын
@@SpotterVideo I don't quite understand most of what you said, but it seems like peculiar and quirky phenomena! I'm planning to study differential geometry sometime soon, so I might get it later.
@GnosticIntermediary 6 ай бұрын
couldn’t agree more
@hyperduality2838 5 ай бұрын
Twistor space is an equivalent or dual description of space/time. Space is dual to time -- Einstein. Space/time symmetries are dual to mobius maps -- stereographic projection (conformal invariance). Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry. Null points (twistor space) are dual to null lines (light rays in space/time). Clockwise is dual to anti-clockwise -- helicity. Spinors (matter, Fermions) are dual to vectors (waves, Bosons) -- wave/particle duality. Duality means that there is a 4th law of thermodynamics:- Syntropy (prediction) is dual to increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics! All observers make predictions to track targets, goals and objectives -- a syntropic process, teleological. Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non teleological physics (entropy). Thesis (action) is dual to anti-thesis (reaction) creates the converging or syntropic thesis, synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic. Action is dual to reaction -- Sir Isaac Newton or the duality of force. Attraction (sympathy) is dual to repulsion (antipathy), stretch is dual to squeeze, push is dual to pull -- forces are dual. All forces are dual in physics hence energy must be dual:- Energy = force * distance -- simple physics. Energy is duality, duality is energy. Potential energy is dual to kinetic energy -- gravitational energy is dual. Vectors (contravariant) are dual to co-vectors (covariant) -- dual bases or Riemann geometry is dual. Curvature or gravitation is dual. Gravitation is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to acceleration -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence (duality). The point duality theorem is dual to the line duality theorem. "May the force (duality) be with you" -- Jedi teaching. "The force (duality) is strong in this one" -- Jedi teaching.
@victordelahoz6287 10 ай бұрын
does not match with GR in the classical limit
@antondevey 11 ай бұрын
Starts at 1:45
@berserkerviking1 11 ай бұрын
I enjoyed this very much. I've heard a lot about the dictionary that translates between the two sides but this is the first time I've seen a presentation that described this dictionary.
@thomasolson7447 11 ай бұрын
The tangent plane on the sphere is where the algebra happens. Instead of Pythagoren Theorm, it's the quadratic formula.
@hyperduality2838 5 ай бұрын
Lie groups are dual to Lie algebras. Twistor space is an equivalent or dual description of space/time. Space is dual to time -- Einstein. Space/time symmetries are dual to mobius maps -- stereographic projection (conformal invariance). Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry. Null points (twistor space) are dual to null lines (light rays in space/time). Clockwise is dual to anti-clockwise -- helicity. Spinors (matter, Fermions) are dual to vectors (waves, Bosons) -- wave/particle duality. Duality means that there is a 4th law of thermodynamics:- Syntropy (prediction) is dual to increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics! All observers make predictions to track targets, goals and objectives -- a syntropic process, teleological. Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non teleological physics (entropy). Thesis (action) is dual to anti-thesis (reaction) creates the converging or syntropic thesis, synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic. Action is dual to reaction -- Sir Isaac Newton or the duality of force. Attraction (sympathy) is dual to repulsion (antipathy), stretch is dual to squeeze, push is dual to pull -- forces are dual. All forces are dual in physics hence energy must be dual:- Energy = force * distance -- simple physics. Energy is duality, duality is energy. Potential energy is dual to kinetic energy -- gravitational energy is dual. Vectors (contravariant) are dual to co-vectors (covariant) -- dual bases or Riemann geometry is dual. Curvature or gravitation is dual. Gravitation is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to acceleration -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence (duality). The point duality theorem is dual to the line duality theorem. "May the force (duality) be with you" -- Jedi teaching. "The force (duality) is strong in this one" -- Jedi teaching. Classical reality is dual to quantum reality synthesizes true reality -- Roger Penrose using the Hegelian dialectic.
@thomasolson7447 5 ай бұрын
@@hyperduality2838 that's what I said!
@patrickmendoza3210 Жыл бұрын
Roger Penrose: "But anyway, he was very useful to me." LMFAOOOOOO
@brendawilliams8062 6 ай бұрын
To me also, I need to revisit his lectures more often. I’ve been lately in 1001600474/ 1001603612 and the relationship of them to 35/ 34999.. and the place 112 if divided by the associated 1014 no.s will move the motion of the no.s from left towards the right. Things that interest me.
@brendawilliams8062 6 ай бұрын
I mean that 3168 has a 1014 no. In a 10125 space. The 1014 will go upwards 18 spaces to 35 no.
@brendawilliams8062 6 ай бұрын
I don’t see the sphere packing unless you moving left to 101010.. no.s To the left
@EsdrasOlivaresPcmasterrace 6 ай бұрын
Penrose's mind is a godam powerhouse same as Eric Weinstein
@HisHigherness8472 Жыл бұрын
Appreciated this Space time video
@Killer_Kovacs Жыл бұрын
I came to nearly the same conclusions. Can hyperspheres be monopolar?
@ArtisanTony Жыл бұрын
You have to have a PhD to understand the basics of this :)
@Achrononmaster Ай бұрын
Pretty High Dementedness or Pretty High Delinquency? ;-)
@portalsandmagicghostnumbercube Жыл бұрын
I will save this and watch it later today. I have errands to run, but I appreciate this post very much.
@KipIngram Жыл бұрын
You know, I SO wish I could find an introduction to this stuff that actually taught it from first principles. Everything I've been able to find is already just a little out of my reach, and I haven't been able to find the "ladder rungs" I need to cover the gap yet. 😞
@RandomNooby Жыл бұрын
Calculus, linear algebra, Scalars, vectors, manifolds, geometry, group theory ,etc at postgrad level would be a good start point I think...
@KipIngram Жыл бұрын
@@RandomNooby Well, I'm fairly familiar with a lot of those things. It's just when I start to get to the twistor stuff itself that it doesn't "gel" for me. I may be getting closer - I did find a video series on spinors recently that I got a lot out of, so hopefully that has moved me a little closer. Out of your list group theory is probably the thing I need the most shoring up on.
@antronixful 10 ай бұрын
​@@KipIngram grad school is a great place tu study it. Differential Geometry, abstract algebra and algebraic structures are prerequisites to understand spinors. Also, to get the "why" of this topic, you should get to study modern formalisms of both general relativity and quantum mechanics, involving groups and weird algebras and geometric interpretations. Then I think you can jump towards this topic, because it involves a deep understanding in both fields.
@hyperduality2838 5 ай бұрын
Twistor space is an equivalent or dual description of space/time. Space is dual to time -- Einstein. Space/time symmetries are dual to mobius maps -- stereographic projection (conformal invariance). Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry. Null points (twistor space) are dual to null lines (light rays in space/time). Clockwise is dual to anti-clockwise -- helicity. Spinors (matter, Fermions) are dual to vectors (waves, Bosons) -- wave/particle duality. Duality means that there is a 4th law of thermodynamics:- Syntropy (prediction) is dual to increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics! All observers make predictions to track targets, goals and objectives -- a syntropic process, teleological. Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non teleological physics (entropy). Thesis (action) is dual to anti-thesis (reaction) creates the converging or syntropic thesis, synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic. Action is dual to reaction -- Sir Isaac Newton or the duality of force. Attraction (sympathy) is dual to repulsion (antipathy), stretch is dual to squeeze, push is dual to pull -- forces are dual. All forces are dual in physics hence energy must be dual:- Energy = force * distance -- simple physics. Energy is duality, duality is energy. Potential energy is dual to kinetic energy -- gravitational energy is dual. Vectors (contravariant) are dual to co-vectors (covariant) -- dual bases or Riemann geometry is dual. Curvature or gravitation is dual. Gravitation is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to acceleration -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence (duality). The point duality theorem is dual to the line duality theorem. "May the force (duality) be with you" -- Jedi teaching. "The force (duality) is strong in this one" -- Jedi teaching. Classical reality is dual to quantum reality synthesizes true reality -- Roger Penrose using the Hegelian dialectic.
@element4element4 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the talk, until some very dishonest statements were made. around minute 42. 1) String theory has supersymmetry at VERY VERY high energies. Independent of string theory, there were phenomenological motivations to study possible existence of supersymmetry at LHC scales. So far these searches has not found any supersymmetry. But to state this somehow weakens the belief that string theory is correct is pretty crazy. It's like at Maxwells time, non-abelian Yang-Mills theories are discovered. People wonder whether beside U(1) gauge theory (electromagnetism), maybe SU(2) or SU(3) gauge theories could exist in nature. But since no experiment at the energy scales available in the 18-hundreds found evidence for non-abelian gauge fields, people should conclude the likelihood for them to be correct is low. String theory needs supersymmetry at energy scales MUCH MUCH MUCH higher than LHC. If (and massive if) string theory is correct, it would be convenient if the supersymmetry breaking scale would be around the LHC scale. But there is no physical reason to expect this, beyond hope (so we can detect it now). It would just have been lucky to coincide with the arbitrary energy scale politicians have agreed to fund in our lifetime. It's not just that it does not "falsify" String theory, it also does not even provide any "drawback" compared to before the search. 2) I wonder why it is claimed that String theory community "expected the cosmological constant to be negative", who expected that and based on what? Maybe many hoped so perhaps, due to the AdS/CFT correspondence but I have never heard anybody say that this is what string theory predicts or favours at those scale, ever. The holographic principle started with consistency thought experiments by 't Hooft and completely independent of String theory. Maldacena just found that String theory happens to satisfy this principle, and found concrete precise formulation of it on AdS space. But this is a limit where the principle can be studied in detail, a mathematical convenience. Finding that the universe is dS, is in not way changing anything. It's pretty dishonest claim. For example the claim "whenever you see AdS in a paper, it's the expectation that the cosmological constant in the world in negative". What a dishonest claim. People study all sorts of spacetimes, AdS in holographic settings as that's the only place it's under control. People are not claiming OUR universe is AdS in those papers. To use these examples and say "I think we should listen to nature", as a mean to dismiss String Theory is just dishonest and sleazy. I think there are significantly more honest and stronger arguments one can put forward against String Theory, but most of those apply equally strongly against Loop Quantum Gravity. I was enjoying the video until all these dishonest claims. I 100% agree when people criticise string theorist of overhyping and overselling their theory prematurely for decades, being dishonest about it. It's sad to see that Carlo is also taking to a dishonest approach.
@Achrononmaster Ай бұрын
Yes, both theories suck. But the nerdiest theoreticians who vomit at the sight of a condensed matter lab need to be employed so they can feed their kids.
@gilleslalancette7933 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Sir Penrose!
@hyperduality2838 5 ай бұрын
Twistor space is an equivalent or dual description of space/time. Space is dual to time -- Einstein. Space/time symmetries are dual to mobius maps -- stereographic projection (conformal invariance). Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry. Null points (twistor space) are dual to null lines (light rays in space/time). Clockwise is dual to anti-clockwise -- helicity. Spinors (matter, Fermions) are dual to vectors (waves, Bosons) -- wave/particle duality. Duality means that there is a 4th law of thermodynamics:- Syntropy (prediction) is dual to increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics! All observers make predictions to track targets, goals and objectives -- a syntropic process, teleological. Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non teleological physics (entropy). Thesis (action) is dual to anti-thesis (reaction) creates the converging or syntropic thesis, synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic. Action is dual to reaction -- Sir Isaac Newton or the duality of force. Attraction (sympathy) is dual to repulsion (antipathy), stretch is dual to squeeze, push is dual to pull -- forces are dual. All forces are dual in physics hence energy must be dual:- Energy = force * distance -- simple physics. Energy is duality, duality is energy. Potential energy is dual to kinetic energy -- gravitational energy is dual. Vectors (contravariant) are dual to co-vectors (covariant) -- dual bases or Riemann geometry is dual. Curvature or gravitation is dual. Gravitation is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to acceleration -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence (duality). The point duality theorem is dual to the line duality theorem. "May the force (duality) be with you" -- Jedi teaching. "The force (duality) is strong in this one" -- Jedi teaching. Classical reality is dual to quantum reality synthesizes true reality -- Roger Penrose using the Hegelian dialectic.
@abdonecbishop Жыл бұрын
imagine .....if the great Leonard Euler was alive today....he would probably provide a solution....similar to loop quantum gravity....nice talk...short and concise....well done
@Achrononmaster Ай бұрын
I think not? Euler was a least action principle guy, so the path integral formulation should have been his cuppa tea, no? The real-time path integral for a region of spacetime cobordism does not have to sum over global spacetime topologies if all the topology is in the local particle phenomenology (spinor and vector fields).
@gene4094 Жыл бұрын
Interesting, as this could describe “Worm Holes”. I’m not a physicist, but I am curious if the positive and negative hemispheres, could be obtained by the use of, synthetic materials, negative refractive indexed meta materials (left-handed electromagnetic rotation); and natural material, (right-handed electromagnetic rotation). Just a thought…
@UnforsakenXII Жыл бұрын
@@hyperduality2838 : /
@18890426 Жыл бұрын
​@@hyperduality2838 Always two there are! Nice quote!!
@hyperduality2838 5 ай бұрын
Positive is dual to negative -- charge, numbers or curvature. Twistor space is an equivalent or dual description of space/time. Space is dual to time -- Einstein. Space/time symmetries are dual to mobius maps -- stereographic projection (conformal invariance). Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry. Null points (twistor space) are dual to null lines (light rays in space/time). Clockwise is dual to anti-clockwise -- helicity. Spinors (matter, Fermions) are dual to vectors (waves, Bosons) -- wave/particle duality. Duality means that there is a 4th law of thermodynamics:- Syntropy (prediction) is dual to increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics! All observers make predictions to track targets, goals and objectives -- a syntropic process, teleological. Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non teleological physics (entropy). Thesis (action) is dual to anti-thesis (reaction) creates the converging or syntropic thesis, synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic. Action is dual to reaction -- Sir Isaac Newton or the duality of force. Attraction (sympathy) is dual to repulsion (antipathy), stretch is dual to squeeze, push is dual to pull -- forces are dual. All forces are dual in physics hence energy must be dual:- Energy = force * distance -- simple physics. Energy is duality, duality is energy. Potential energy is dual to kinetic energy -- gravitational energy is dual. Vectors (contravariant) are dual to co-vectors (covariant) -- dual bases or Riemann geometry is dual. Curvature or gravitation is dual. Gravitation is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to acceleration -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence (duality). The point duality theorem is dual to the line duality theorem. "May the force (duality) be with you" -- Jedi teaching. "The force (duality) is strong in this one" -- Jedi teaching. Classical reality is dual to quantum reality synthesizes true reality -- Roger Penrose using the Hegelian dialectic.
@RandomNooby Жыл бұрын
Very interesting, more detail would be nice...