1 Nov 2023 - Ice on Road?
6 ай бұрын
@panoramicLight 9 күн бұрын
Nice presentation and great voice. Keep going.
@TzaddikMedia 7 күн бұрын
@traingear9578 16 күн бұрын
I write about in detail on my blog how Jesus was a Pharisee Kabbalist.. talmidimyisrael.blogspot.com/2024/09/the-real-jesus-pharisee-and-kabbalist.html part 2. talmidimyisrael.blogspot.com/2024/09/the-real-jesus-part-2-cofounder-of.html .. kabbalist should at least consider Jesus as a person of historical significance in Judaism and especially Kabbalah
@djfauna66 18 күн бұрын
If only more Christians read matthew 5:18 and 5:19.
@joshuamanevitz1530 18 күн бұрын
Please accept my correction to your translation Tzaar Baalei Chayim should be translated as causing pain to animals torture has a totally different meaning .
@TzaddikMedia 18 күн бұрын
In my view, pain is too broad. There are some forms of pain that we can cause to animals. For example, if a fat dog wants a treat but I refuse to give him one, I'm distressing him and causing him pain. (Hey, he might be hungry). If some kids came up to him and started hitting or kicking him (my neighbors used to do this), that would qualify as torture (in my view, anyway). Regardless, I think we agree, we're just using different words to discuss the same ideas.
@dovbarleib3256 18 күн бұрын
אחר in the Gemorrah of those 4 who went to Pardes was called Acher (The Other) because he converted to Xtianity.
@TzaddikMedia 18 күн бұрын
Interesting. Do you have a source for that interpretation?
@dovbarleib3256 18 күн бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia Rav Ephraim Palvanov in one of his recent classes. I would need to research it, but KZbin does not seem to allow links in Comments.
@TzaddikMedia 18 күн бұрын
@@dovbarleib3256 It's ok. I'm generally a fan of Rabbi Palvanov.
@yvonnegordon1952 18 күн бұрын
there is no SHALOM if its not crazy enough for you out there, then you are brain dead and heart dead: WAIT, that is exactly what the Bible says we are which is why we need a NEW HEART AND NEW MIND and our will/desire/serpent lifted up: Christianity and really all religion including Judaism reads the Bible as a history book or a future event, but the WHOLE BIBLE is a BOOK FOR NOW, TODAY if you HEAR HIS VOICE, TODAY is the DAY of salvation: It is a BIO-Spiritual book for the FORMATION OF THE SOUL above the body (this is the true meaning of the rapture, the feast of Tabernacles that will continue to be a FUTURE EVENT till you experience it HERE AND NOW by KNOWING God: what you see in the world today is built on Jewish IDEAS: Jews need a NEW and circumcised heart, not more ideas: knowing God as MAN is the whole POINT of the Bible. (Exodus 15, HASHEM is a MAN of war, YHVH is his name): HASHEM REVEALS HIMSELF "IN and THROUGH" MAN from Adam, to Abraham, to Moses, to .......well isn't the Jewish Messiah figure they are waiting for a MAN too? Does it not say, King David will be as God in that day? HOW can a mere human see God unless he too is God: This is why it says only the SON can know the Father and the Father ONLY KNOWS the SON: If we don't become ONE with the SON, we will never be KNOWN by God: (JOINED TO): TILL YOU SEE GOD IN MAN, you have not become in his image and LIKENESS: Going from a creation to MAN is KNOWING HASHEM because now you are in his image and likeness: if it doesn't compute, then keep thinking that you a mere mortal who doesn't have a Messiah, a temple and a priesthood, can KNOW HASHEM: THIS IS IDOLATRY because in this assumption, you make God in YOUR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, not coming to be IN HIS: Christians make Jesus in their image and likeness when it clearly says in Isaiah 53 the SUFFERING SERVANT is a SOUL without FORM: He becomes the FULL stature of the INNER MAN of our heart, fulfilling Jer 31, a WOMAN (Kingdom, Malkut) shall compass a MAN: This is the new thing Hashem does in the earth. HE IS THAT MAN FORMED within his people, their GOOD and PERFECT WILL that brings PEACE on earth, because it alone is the GOOD WILL IN MAN: As for the divine feminine (BINA) the Spirit of UNDERSTANDING the creation and its FORMATION from creation to MAN, she is always with WISDOM that comes from the SEED (Yachida) within her that regenerates LIFE continually, lifting it up and nurturing it, while separating it from garbage: If the feminine can't do that, it isn't the feminine, divine or corporeal: If religion doesn't understand - BINA -HOLY SPIRIT, (the power to separate evil and good, darkness and light, life and death) then it isn't in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God, but just held by the rhetoric of religion that can not be understood by the carnal mind (five physical senses, donkey mind): Judah (King David, Messiah) rides that mind into Jerusalem, a heavenly city whose 12 gates are the 12 tribes of Israel made out of ONE PEARL: Israel must become ONE as God is ONE or they are not yet fully Israel, the HEART and MIND and lifted up will of the LAST ADAM: The BIBLE ENDS with COME quickly Lord Jesus: Rev 22:20 He which testifies these things says, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. here coming - doesn't mean come from somewhere else, but REVEAL, in the PRESENT sense and within the heart and mind and will of your people: accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, × light, × next, pass, resort, be set. IT is a REVELATION of what always was, IS and IS TO COME in every eye that will see at their APPOINTED HOUR, so pray that you will SEE TODAY: ἔρχομαι érchomai, er'-khom-ahee; middle voice of a primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others being supplied by a kindred (middle voice) ἐλεύθομαι eleúthomai el-yoo'-thom-ahee, or (active) ἔλθω élthō el'-tho, which do not otherwise occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively):-accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, × light, × next, pass, resort, be set. the final war (Gog and Magog=the mountain and those of the mountain) is when God BREAKS the vessel of vanity (mountain that is LAID LOW, EGO, SELF consciousness, the EXILE OF ADAM) by breaking through it, out of it by the FORCE OF MESSIAH (Christ) like a chick out of an egg: Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how many times did I want to gather you as a mother hen does her chicks, but you would not: The egg shell (KLIPOT) or nut shells, are like the chards around JOB sitting among them to scrape the boils from himself: WHY? Satan is in the MIDST of all Gods sons (Israel) as the yetzer hora, lashon hora) and he must be revealed and overcome and it begins when JOB (who represent these HATED sons) enters his elder brothers house and judgement to get SATAN OUT OF HIM, begins: Armageddon is a spiritual war that happens to individual souls as they come up out of their ego, exile, false self as the ANOINTING RISES from the heart where it is born (Mark 4, John 16) to where it rises to the place of the skull, to LET THE SOUL out and REJOIN to Hashem, to God, hence in him we move and breath and have our being: THE SOUL is exiled within the ego, the body and world which is HELL:
@yvonnegordon1952 18 күн бұрын
the RAPTURE is not physical: FLESH AND BLOOD can not enter the Kingdom of heaven: Like Esau, it can not receive the birthright or anointing and rise, though he seeks it with tears: Paul's SOUL experienced the rapture but his body remained here: WHY don't Christians know this after 2000 years? They don't have the HOLY SPIRIT, the ANOINING that breaks the YOKE of their soul from their body so the SOUL can take on the heavenly YOKE (of Messiah) and rise even if the body remains as it did with Paul: the FALLEN ADAM is the ANTI-CHRIST, Man of sin, son of perdition and we all died with him which is why the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, the anti-Christ spirit: WHY can't you see it? Because there is no LIGHT in you yet: the right side is Gods side but what is his side? Do you think God is a respecter of persons? Do you think Israel and Jews were chosen to take from the nations and destroy them, or be a LIGHT of HASHEM to the nations? Israel is the heart (the woman, the feminine corrected force) Hashem marries and lives within to be a light for the nations: Jer 31, the NEW covenant is when the law is written WITHIN the heart and mind and surrounds the MAN (Hashem=GOOD WILL) that he forms himself to be within her:
@GerardoMagnano 18 күн бұрын
I used to follow Scott until he went full anti-semite.
@ConwayWoodburn 18 күн бұрын
Greco roman son/sun idol worship (winter solstice Dec25) breaks the first and second commandments. YAHUAH IS ONE.
@Nachtigall_ 18 күн бұрын
Jesus wasn't Jewish, he was a Aramaic guy.
@TzaddikMedia 18 күн бұрын
He was genetically Jewish but spoke Aramaic.
@Nachtigall_ 18 күн бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia wrong
@TzaddikMedia 18 күн бұрын
Not wrong
@SAYNOTOCENSORSHIP-z6z 17 күн бұрын
Jesus Christ was a West Asian origin Jew from the Roman Empire who spoke many languages.
@SAYNOTOCENSORSHIP-z6z 17 күн бұрын
​@@Nachtigall_Be quiet.
@Nachtigall_ 18 күн бұрын
The title is Such a shame. 🤦🏻🤦🏻
@TzaddikMedia 18 күн бұрын
What then does it mean that Rabbeinu came to “bring people back from the past and rectify them” mean? Which petite? Back to what? Either he’s talking about Yakov Frank, Shabtai Tzvi, or Jesus - and the first two followed the third.
@Nachtigall_ 18 күн бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia whatever you say Goy
@davidbarnes1357 13 күн бұрын
​​@TzaddikMedia are you familiar with Ariel Cohen Alloro? He (Alloro) claims to be a diciple of Rav Ginsburgh. Supposedly a lot I the ideas presented in this video go back to Alloro - he himself wants to bring JC back through a pidyon haben.
@Nachtigall_ 18 күн бұрын
This guy is not a Rebbe. Only A Goy will say what a Christian Say's.
@ANewBeggining-so1wp 19 күн бұрын
Other Religion = Christianity = Idolatry!!!
@GreenCanvasInteriorscape 19 күн бұрын
Did all of the frankists convert? They were sabbatean inspired/descendants of his followers correct? When they ended in Turkey, I thought conversions occurred to Islam while some stayed within sabbatanism but did it quietly but didn't hear of conversions to Christianity at that time within turkey thank you
@TzaddikMedia 18 күн бұрын
Yakov Frank was a disciple of Shabtai Tzvi. Frank had his own followers called Frankists. These people lived primarily in Poland and the surrounding area. This is where they converted.
@bobk3815 18 күн бұрын
It's my understanding that the Frankests became Christians; the Sabbateans returned to Judaism or became Muslims.
@Sweet_Yerushalayim 19 күн бұрын
Title is misleading and a total distortion. And factually incorrect. Please rectify as soon as possible.
@TzaddikMedia 19 күн бұрын
Don't just complain. Explain your position.
@Sweet_Yerushalayim 18 күн бұрын
Firstly, Rav Nachman of Breslov never said anything remotely on these lines. Secondly, there are no foreign influences that Rav Nachman relied upon. Everything he said is rooted in the Revealed and Hidden Torah. Thirdly, as already pointed out by someone else, although there was indeed a lot of opposition to him, yet no one ever used the ideas presented here to oppose him. You can read Yemei Hatloyos and other seforim to understand the machlokes. The same with his greatest talmid Reb Nosson. Sure he suffered from great machlokes during his life (see Through Fire and Water and other works) but in no source are these ideas given as the reason for the opposition.
@thetoknboxshow 19 күн бұрын
They converted to Islam. This is what he's calling “the other religion''. And they were excommunicated. Christians are still trying to prove their religion is valid but it's not valid. Anyone who is studying the Greek New Testament, and the Byzantine Greek new testament and the other Greek documents of the new testament know this.
@TzaddikMedia 19 күн бұрын
Who is "they"? The Frankists converted to Christianity.
@Fellowrser 19 күн бұрын
I have a question that should be simple but i never get an answer maybe you can help In Judaism God is One worship belongs to him alone But if a prophet of God says Messiah is to be worshipped and worship belongs to God alone would that mean Mashiach is God ? Everytime I ask orthodox aboit mashiach i grt a half ass ohh there are many mashiachs and suddenly no one wants to.talk about THE MASHIACH ..
@choyayahyah 19 күн бұрын
Where does it say that the Jewish people will worship the messiah? It says that there will be a leader and we will follow that leader but not worship in the sense like we worship G-d
@Fellowrser 19 күн бұрын
​@choyayahyah a lot of places one according to rambam isaiah 9:6 is King mashiach And rambam also says psalm 2 is king mashaich kiss the son means worship, Also daniel 7 13 and 14 ,says authority and dominion is Mashiachs and all nations will serve him but when it says domiom and serve those are descriptive of Hashem in torah
@choyayahyah 19 күн бұрын
@@Fellowrser I'm going to assume you don't read Hebrew?
@Fellowrser 19 күн бұрын
​@@choyayahyahmechron mamre and talmud are English and Hebrew ? What's your point
@Fellowrser 19 күн бұрын
​@@choyayahyah did Rambam read hebrew do you read hebrew ? You're speaking English let's speak in hebrew if you'd like 👍
@421sap 19 күн бұрын
God bless Jerusalem Jews and Israel 🇮🇱💙
@bobk3815 19 күн бұрын
The "founder" of "the other religion" was Paul, not Jesus. Jesus followed Moshe and the Torah. He preached that the way to eternal life was to OBEY the word of YHVH and DO his commandments in the Covenant of YHVH (i.e. The Ten Words). In apposition to Jesus, Paul said one was "saved" by faith alone and not DOING the mitzvot. Two different "religions"... Jesus did not come to start a new religion. He said that "Salvation is from the Jews" and that YHVH was "the only genuine God" who is "my Father AND your Father, my God and your God" (John 17:3, 20;17). He came to bring the Jews back to Torah; to "repent" (return), confess their sins and be forgiven ... without a blood sacrifice as God originally intended. Matt 19:16-19... 16And behold, a man came up to him, saying, “Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?” 17And he said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only One who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.” 18He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, 19Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (also Mk 10:17-19). Shalom
@TzaddikMedia 19 күн бұрын
@@bobk3815 in Judaism, Jesus is called the founder of Christianity. Strictly historically speaking though, I agree that Paul is more responsible.
@garlandjones7709 19 күн бұрын
You misunderstood what Paul taught. Paul did say that salvation wasn't from the commandments, but he did insist on keeping them. He did not teach, as the church teaches predominantly today, that we did not obey the Torah. Neither did Yeshua, as I think you agree.
@Jayda-hc9cz 19 күн бұрын
Paul never preached “faith alone”, that is a saying perpetuated by lying men that twist the word of God to align with there false doctrines. Paul straightly said himself: “Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: *yea, we establish the law.”*
@TzaddikMedia 19 күн бұрын
@@Jayda-hc9cz he was being a Jew to the Jew there. He changes his tune when he starts being a Gentile to the Gentiles. He is a chameleon, he's all things to all men.
@bobk3815 18 күн бұрын
@@garlandjones7709 He spoke out of both sides of his mouth re: salvation and much more. Why? Bedause then the could "please" everyone. Paul said he "pleases men in all things' and 1Cor 9:19-22 "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some." This is Paul saying its ok to lie as long as it's for God. What do the TNK and Yeshua say about people pleasers?
@nazareneoftheway3936 19 күн бұрын
Cause people attach things and doctrines not said by him or his immediate followers but goy centuries later in another Roman institution as if that's what he actually thought, but just reading his and his immediate followers records (often called the new testament) in conjunction with the tnks context for pretext, he's not saying anything different, even if you disagree with him, to disavow him from his own people and suggest the torment he underwent as a tzaddik is justified with the way some curse his name and legacy wantonly, is uncalled for, he was still a Jew, and one of the royal households nonetheless. Be sure if you're going to be so violent in rhetoric towards someone, that you actually know what they stood for based off what they said, not another beliefs presuppositions they foist upon you. If you believe those people lied to you about one major thing, doesn't it track that they've probably lied to you about other things? It's well attested in history some things they made up centuries later for the sole purpose of separating the original sect of Judaism (Nazarenes of "The Way", Ebionites) from Judaism, when no such distinctions without proper authority from the testimonies of the 1st century, and were never concieved of beforehand as being a thing. Once people realize the original followers were Jews reforming back to Torah as the top authority within judaism (nearly no different than qarites). You'll realize it wasn't a different belief, but certain political powers had a vested interest prejudice wise and profit/power wise to make it so by subterfuge, not what was originally intended, and completely apart from the original message. Which was to keep the mitzvot of hashem, and keep the faith Yeshua bar yoceph showed, which was faith to hashem and keeping his mitzvot, even upon threat of death, so that you will have a place in the world to come as a part of the collective Commonwealth of Israel, native or sojourner,, poor or rich, as Hashems' firstborn son.
@GreenCanvasInteriorscape 19 күн бұрын
Commendations on your rational and objective perspective, I'm strongly uncertain as to his davidic bloodline being davidic. I'm somewhat certain that mitzvahs were codified by the rabbis, not just the Torah. JC was saying those were illegitimate thus receiving condemnation from rabbinical leadership at the time. Curious what the channel / moderator thanks of your statement.
@eilecha 19 күн бұрын
What a silly title. Misleading, slanderous, and just plain foolish. Although the clip is interesting, and I have many thoughts about it, posting this without further context - especially with a shameful, clickbait title like this - is a potential michshal. If you care for the kavod of the tzaddik, which I assume you do, please reconsider this post.
@Fellowrser 19 күн бұрын
Read his tesching and read nachman it's based on Yeshua teachings
@TzaddikMedia 19 күн бұрын
@@eilecha what does it mean to "bring back people from the past" and to "rectify the founder of the Other Religion"? How is that different from the title? I used his words.
@Sweet_Yerushalayim 19 күн бұрын
Agreed. The title is totally misleading and a distortion. The channel owner should change the title if that is possible. Or delete this video and repost it with a more appropriate title asap. Thank you.
@TzaddikMedia 19 күн бұрын
@@Sweet_Yerushalayim answer my question then...
@eilecha 18 күн бұрын
There's a difference between - as a single aspect and facet an aspect of an incredibly rich, robust, and expansive mission - "elevating the sparks of/founder of etc." by "taking customs and things from etc." and Rebbe Nachman "coming" to "bring Jesus back to Judaism". I know that, and you know that too. This title is clickbait. I'll even do you the favor of coming up with another title: "Rav Yitzchak Ginsburg: One Aspect of Rebbe Nachman's Avodah was an Attempt to Elevate the Sparks of Xianity". How's that? As an aside - I have never seen a single source other than this video suggesting that this was the reason for the opposition against him. I happen to agree more generally (and have some evidence to support this notion), but this is definitely not the standard Breslov understanding of the historical opposition to Breslov.
@rudeb7 19 күн бұрын
This was probably 7 years ago
@Yosef_Morrison 19 күн бұрын
I would like to suggest that as a supplement to watching this video that one also watch a Triumph in Truth video titled, What About John 1? kzbin.info/www/bejne/mn2xY6JpjbNges0 When Yeshua was on the cross (Matt 27:46 he cried out to His Father, asking why He had forsaken Him. Some of the people thought He was calling for Elijah. Project Truth Ministries has a video concerning Yeshua speaking Hebrew instead of Aramaic from the cross which clears up why the mystery of why people thought He was calling for Elijah. kzbin.info/www/bejne/iGTNhZVpZ7-kp68 The last video I suggest is another by Project Truth Ministries where they are reviewing the Hebrew Book of Yakov, brother of Yeshua (aka Book of James) where they uncover several shockingly deceptive translations from the English that take away from the true meaning in Hebrew. Big evidence of replacement theology. kzbin.info/www/bejne/Y4eTq6qZr9V8nLs
@light-in-the-darkness 20 күн бұрын
@BrandonLee-vf1go 23 күн бұрын
Why bring Islam into y’all ridiculous argument about y’all religion that split Muslims have no part in y’all argument Ismael Pbuh was also given a covenant by god not just Isaac Pbuh leave prophet Muhammad Pbuh out of it
@Malama_Ki 24 күн бұрын
If you wanna flip your beanie, check out the book Edgar Cayce On The Mysterious Essenes. Be careful
@MukbangMukbangMukbang111 24 күн бұрын
It’s interesting that Jews don’t believe in Jesus for not redeeming the world but He has definitely redeemed me and a lot of other people who were physically healed, set free from drugs, and lives completely turned around from doing evil things to doing good things.
@TzaddikMedia 24 күн бұрын
I'm so glad you're off drugs and on a wiser, healthier path, my friend. Many secular Jews have found the same healing and salvation in God. All thanks and praise goes to Him.
@BeckyCathell 24 күн бұрын
Don't forget what we have to look forward to, our new glorified bodies when Jesus returns!
@BeckyCathell 25 күн бұрын
There is neither Jew nor Greek, Slave nor Free, Male nor Female, we are all One "IN Christ". The Tree of Life in the garden of Eden is Jesus. Gentiles are Grafted in with the chosen Jews. Jesus is the roots (giver of life), If the Jews don't except Jesus they will be broken off, but can be grafted back in. Please open your eyes. I love it! Jesus/Bible/Word of God is so Awesome. I may not understand it all, but it really is a no brainer. Paul said he hopes we are not deceived like Eve (by witchcraft) and not see the simplicity in Christ!!!
@TzaddikMedia 24 күн бұрын
If Jesus is the Tree, and people are grafted into the tree, then logically that means people become Jesus, or part of Jesus. If you worship Jesus, then you are are also (logically, necessarily) worshipping the Church. Do you worship mere mortals?
@BeckyCathell 24 күн бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia You think with a carnal mind and not spiritual. actually Jesus is also the root, the root and offspring of David. root of a tree, giver of life. Jesus is Son of God, Son of man. You heard it all, I dont have to say it. I say it for others to read. .
@BeckyCathell 24 күн бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia Christains and believing Jews are the body of Christ. Think Solomons Temple you teach on. Christ is the Arch of Covenant in the Holy Of Holies. "Head Of the Church" Yes, we are part of Christs Body. Jesus said we are Living spiritual stones, being built up into ONE Temple, many of us the is the church/body
@BeckyCathell 20 күн бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia Well you erase the post I made where the Bible states Jesus is God. anyways, the Church is his Body. I understand where Peter gave up on testifying to the Jews. But all Gods plans, the Bible says, all Israel will be saved. Just ask yourself are you the Biblical Israel or are you a Zionist? Does God see you as one of the 12 tribes or as a gentile? Its not our understanding we have to go by the Bible. not Talmud or other books that can confuse. otherwise, the Bible is no use. The testaments of the Patriarchs are interesting reads.
@BeckyCathell 25 күн бұрын
Talmud is false, Kabbalah teachings came from Mount Hermon / fallen angels. it has bewitched so many Jews. It is mystery religions/sorcery, You can almost hear the split tongue when people teach it. They think they tell you something secret that will wow you. Jesus never taught in secret. All ancient false teachings come from the fallen angels. aka satan, supposed secrets of the universe. blah blah blah
@Arnold-j6k 27 күн бұрын
John 8:44
@TzaddikMedia 27 күн бұрын
@@Arnold-j6k What about it?
@msbudmsbud7593 28 күн бұрын
Yes, it was a jewish sect, by Jews, for Jews...then came Paul ! Even Paul confirmed being a Jew.
@AmySilver-z7b Ай бұрын
What a about the scriptures that point to a messiah as a suffering servant
@TzaddikMedia 29 күн бұрын
@@AmySilver-z7b Isaiah 53 is about the collective nation of Israel
@malgaa3655 Ай бұрын
How rude it is to psychoanalyze people's real experience in finding peace in Jesus through painful life situations or any encounter that is personal to them. This is not about any Christian denomination, but human heart reunite with God through Jesus' word because He is Messiah. Jesus was a Jew, and His own people killed Him, This was clearly mentioned in Isaiah 53 and read the Genealogy of Jesus on Luke 3:23-38. Luke was a Jew and a physician who recorded eyewitness' encounters with Jesus. Pray that your heart opens to know the truth and God has a purpose in One for Israel Ministry - He will guide them as long as Hip purpose is Done - Praying for Israel's redemption ❤‍🩹❤ 🙌
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
@@malgaa3655 - I don't think you understand what psychoanalyse means... - I'm quite happy exposing One For Israel's abusive manipulation tactics, and how they capitalize off of people's trauma. It's disgusting what they're doing to these poor people. - The Romans killed Jesus. No Jew was ever involved in crucifixion - other than when the Romans were crucifying Jews. Tens of thousands of Jews were crucified by the Gentiles, btw. - Isaiah 53 has nothing to do with Jesus. - Luke was not an eye witness of Jesus. Even the early Church knew this. - Yes, God does have a purpose for them - to destroy them. They are one hundred times worse than Hitler.
@malgaa3655 29 күн бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia Yes the Jews were under the Romans as a Government, but what any religious affairs Jews had they did not get involved as Romans had nothing to do with Judaism because they, never believed in God, and the Pharisees manipulatively forced the crucifixion because they accused Him for blasphemy. If Isaiah 53 is not about Jesus, then you really have not read the complete Bible. Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit to discern even when He is gone to know the Truth, The "Truth" is not revealed through human philosophy or reasoning but through the Holy Spirit. I am sincerely praying for you that you will know the Truth and the truth will set you free - (someday) 🙏
@davidbarnes1357 25 күн бұрын
​@TzaddikMedia Agreed. I think it's far more certain historically that Jesus was crucified by the Romans for the incident in the temple. I'm sure the Saducees might have been complicit, but not the Pharisees. I heard recently that Paul was connected - maybe even related to - the Herodians and this why he was out to crush the early movement. But im not sure i trust the source. Have you heard of this? and I would love to hear your take on it.
@babygrand734 Ай бұрын
As a Jew from New York City, the home of many of these people who testify, I lived the experiences of many of them. And like them I discovered that Jesus is the Son of God. I hope one day you can figure this out too. It's not hard.
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
@@babygrand734 All Jews are called God's firstborn son. What's new? Biblically, King Solomon was also called God's "son."
@Yosef_Morrison 19 күн бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia By virtue of the spark that all of us have from the Creator we are all son's/daughters of Gd in that respect, but there is a difference in being the result of a miraculous conception when you are called the Son of Gd. Psalm 82:6 I have said, 'You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.'
@natalnetal Ай бұрын
Judaism is a cult. A rabbinic interpretation of Torah, Tanah, etc, with rules, traditions, rituals so on., It has a concept of God; it does not have a path to living God with whom ppl can build a relationship. Even your appearance , the wig, coats are cultic. Your cult is no better than Islam, Jehovah witnesses, Mormonism, Hinduism, etc. Those are cults that bring people to rituals, images ,strict rules and no relationship with God. I humbly suggest you to read the New Testament to see what Jesus Christ , the messiah, reveals about you and you cult. But just so you know Jesus died on a cross and took the punishment for sin for all people , including Hasidim. May God of hope find you ,Tzadik.
@fewexxx Ай бұрын
Son of Abraham, have you even once read through the New Testament - featuring an all Jewish cast. You have been greatly honored by YHVH. Yeshua HaMashiac came primarily for you and secondarily for gentiles. The New Testament fulfils the promises made to Israel in the Tanakh, so much that the rest of us gentiles are simply late comers to the banquet spread for Israel by the Almighty GOD. Be brave and READ the New Testament for yourself.
@samueld.webster2438 Ай бұрын
You are 💯 right Paul taught the wrong things
@MarkJ.Ashwin Ай бұрын
Judaism is great. Being a Jew is great. But knowing God is greater. "Let us press on to know The LORD ... He will come to us like the rain." Hosea 6:3 Oh my brother, I have seen Jesus, should you meet Him, your heart will break. I knew a hard-hearted farmer, I guess from having to eke out a living. His wife told me when he "met" Jesus later in life, he went into the barn and cried his eyes out every day for three days.
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
@MarkJ.Ashwin You're directly implying that Jewish Jews don't know God, which is displicable and unbiblical.
@MarkJ.Ashwin Ай бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia No, not at all. I once believed that because that is what I was taught. I have met many Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons over the years who obviously know God. And when I saw Jesus the first time the first thing I realised was that He was the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. Oh! My brother, don't miss out. But there is a danger as a Christian, or a Jew, of knowing our Bibles better than we do God Himself, of being more enamoured with our culture, or our careers, than we are with God Himself. I once advised a Pastor friend of mine, 'Go for a walk in the mornings, but don't take your Bible. Walk with Him, talk to Him, get to know Him.' To quote the Tanakh, Seek The LORD, Wait upon The LORD. Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. John 14:1
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
@@MarkJ.Ashwin Everything you just said demonstrates what I just said. You don't believe that Jews have a relationship with God. Just admit it.
@MarkJ.Ashwin Ай бұрын
@@TzaddikMedia I'm sorry I don't understand you, "he's". Typo? What do you mean please?
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
@@MarkJ.Ashwin sorry, I use a stupid iphone for work. The autocorrect is terrible. I meant "Jews." Ultimately, you seem to believe that Jewish Jews have no relationship with God and that the entire nation is divorced from God without Geeziss. It's classic supersessionist arrogance.
@hogla6548 Ай бұрын
Very subjective opinions, no theology at all
@jamesoliver5688 Ай бұрын
His Majesty ,Messiah Yeshua ben Yoseph,ben David ben Elohim is coming back to reign and rule over Israel and on out into the whole world, and all nations will flow ,into Jerusalem to b❤❤❤less YOU and everyone there and to learn from Him. You still struggle in "religion" because you missed the point! Its all about RELATIONSHIP. He is your near relative .Before Abraham He is. It is just mind blowing Awesome ! Foot note: there will be No "Christians" per se in Heaven. Just Sons and Daughters of God. Every word of God proves TRUE. Rest in His righteousness . How ? Just ask Him.❤
@TzaddikMedia 29 күн бұрын
Tsk tsk, another example of Christian theft and subsequent corruption of Jewish ideas. We were the first nation and first faith to claim that God had a relationship with us. The Bible calls Jews God's "firstborn son" and elsewhere Jews are called His "wife." You seem unable to understand that the terms of our relationship with God are found in the "religion" He gave us at Mt. Sinai. We have no intention of committing adultery with foreign ideologies like Christianity. What God gave us is not only sufficient but better.
@ercamero Ай бұрын
Sorry, sir but you are wrong. Do your research completely. They don't put down Judaism at all. Whatever people decide to switch their religion that's up to them. You are just a lonely guy who needs the true love of God and his son Jesus. Look at the full content and stop. No one has to stop their tradition. You sound so wise but your wisdom is just to put people against Christianity. We love you, sir. I'll be praying for you. Exactly you are Jewish no matter what religion you are in. Stop your lying. Yes,Jesus safes and He heals. Wow!!!! 😂😂😂
@thursten4moore Ай бұрын
Well, like it or not, Jesus was a Jew and He spoke to Jews about the way to get to Heaven. He did not come to destroy the Law but to complete it. Huge portions of the Tanakh point to the Messiah coming to this earth in two stages. First as a suffering sacrifice for our sins and second as a triumphant conqueror over sin and death. It used to be that even the most respected rabbis taught this, but the hardened hearts of some later rabbis have rejected the teachings of the older rabbis. So now Israel is blinded. So sad.
@debrapaulino918 Ай бұрын
Krishna was conceived by their holy ghost which is represented as a white elephant sacred to them as the dove symbol in Christianity. Devout Hindus believe Krishna was as real as yours is to you. They believe archeology will unearth his birthplace. There are 29 other saviors conceived through women. Yours is the most recent. We reject them all because our TNK repeats the message that G'd is not a man or a son; that no G'd was formed before or after and that Israel is G'd's eternal witness. Isaiah 43:8-18. Shalom.
@debrapaulino918 Ай бұрын
"Like it or not" was an impudent remark. It would be wise to find out why Jews disagree with your assessments.
@thursten4moore Ай бұрын
@@debrapaulino918 Yeah, whatever. Like I said... The Jews have been blinded. The reason, as Jesus said, is because they rejected their Messiah.
@thursten4moore Ай бұрын
@@debrapaulino918 Regardless of how you "feel" about the remark, the Jews have made it fairly well-known why they reject Jesus. As I said, it's sad. But God is faithful and He has not given up on them, even though they gave up on His visitation.
@ercamero Ай бұрын
@graftedacres7017 Ай бұрын
Thank you for making these, Yonason. I appreciate your wisdom and insight.
@Ellie-hx4lu Ай бұрын
I think you should listen to Paula Fredriksen.
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
I own and have read one of her books, but I'm curious as to why you recommend her work?
@Gorlock_the_destroyer_is_a_man Ай бұрын
Rabbi David Bar Hayim - love him
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
He's a good halachist
@Tetelestai-cw8qy Ай бұрын
They're the seed of the serpent. Mathew 23:33
@Tetelestai-cw8qy Ай бұрын
They're Esau, they're the Revelation 2:9 tribe of hypocrisy.
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
"They" who? Christians or Jews?
@aldenvidal Ай бұрын
Hillel listening on top of the roof is hilarious. Felt bad for the guy but that's extra effort for sure.
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
@@aldenvidal no pain, no gain lol.
@tylerdavis520 Ай бұрын
You think autism should be depicted positively? How is that not gaslighting the child and the parents who actually have to live through these things?
@TzaddikMedia Ай бұрын
@@tylerdavis520 you seem to not know the difference between bad and challenging.
@davidbarnes1357 2 ай бұрын
Excellent video.
@davidbarnes1357 2 ай бұрын
Gut voch. This short is a year old - have you been able to find a community?
@TzaddikMedia 2 ай бұрын
Yes, B''H God brought me to a community last December. Thanks.