Come home to yourself, your truth, your potency, your power- to the pure potential that lives within you… the awareness of your already innate perfection. You are worthy simply by your very nature- you’re everything, really. Infinity looking through an illusory perspective. Human and Divine, ever expanding on this journey of embodying your wholeness. 👁🗝🌗
I’m Olivia & I created Via Frequency to inspire wellness through the power of holistic medicine, consciousness expansion & self love. 🌊🫶🏽
As an Energy Healer, Trained Reiki Master, Mentor & Explorer Of Life, I share Direct Energy Healing Sessions, spiritual (yet practical) wisdom, intuitive insights inspired by my personal journey & more.
I’m passionate about topics like spirituality, meditation, trauma integration, personal transformation, manifestation, Kundalini Awakening (and so much more…) I’m also fulfilled by other interests like music, art, writing, dancing, cycling and more! 🎨🌀💃🏻🧬
🦋✨ Inquiries:
[email protected]