Cracked Dice Gaming vs Unplayable
@TCGAllStars Ай бұрын
Awesome pulls 🎉
@crackeddicegaming Ай бұрын
@user-mk8el1yk3r 2 ай бұрын
Aphra comes out as a 2/5 with an ability that might get her to 5/5. The 5/5 stats aren’t guaranteed.
@WhalePants 2 ай бұрын
For the big tournaments you speak of, if SWU gets to that size, you'll need to shift to 2 days. Best of 1 is such a let down for competitive play, it is great at a more casual event or some small showdowns, but should never be the play for bigger events. Best of 1s also take away from the skill ceiling, part of the way they've created this game is based on having a 10 card sideboard, sideboarding is a skill itself that helps players understand a much wider range of the cards. The last few events I've played have lead me to losing game 1 but winning game 2 and 3 in multiple rounds, in those situations I had opportunities to come back and play the game more. Seeing that this game can be slanted in games can lead to sometimes you just don't have it, and it would feel bad to lose a game because of the randomness your deck provided. Another part of this game is learning your lines and learning to play within time, understanding how to order your actions properly in a timely manner is a skill in itself, now you can't control the other player, but I'd imagine there will be more rules that allow you to call a judge if your opponent is slow playing. A simple fix is having different styles of events where you have more casual/welcoming events at your shops, similar to open play that help players learn the game and test decks, shops can give away just a prize pack to each person who shows up and you go from there, Pokemon does this and it works great to get more people involved in the game. At big events you can't do best of 1s, it's takes away too many skills players should develop. Best of 3 > Best of 1. We can agree to disagree here, but I just don't see the same issues you may be seeing. 🤷‍♂
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback on the video! To go off what you said about Best of 1s being a let down for competitive play, would you then agree that the mulligan not being all too generous is also a let down? Let's say in the example games you mentioned about going down 0-1 and then coming back, would you have the same feeling of let down had you drawn a bad hand in game 2 or 3? I'm just curious and ever-intrigued by what results in a negative play experience for players. From our perspective, Best of 1s (sideboarding prior to the game) does take away something from the competitive side of things, but at the cost of that provides a more marketable product to new players as well as people and places looking to host events. Thanks again for watching the video and taking the time to let us know your thoughts!
@WhalePants 2 ай бұрын
@@crackeddicegaminghaving the option to mulligan and the skill to know which hands to mulligan is part of it as well. Yes you can have a non hand or a slower start, but if you build your deck properly you increase the odds of starting with a proper hand, another skill in deck building that is great to learn. Coming from a game like Pokemon that does Best of 1s at some events, and doesn’t have a very friendly mulligan system, I have had too many games where I just don’t get to play. The first event I ever played, I started a Pokemon and couldn’t really do much else, since there is no optional mulligan I had to just play my cards out and hope my opponent couldn’t attack on their first turn, they did have it and won the game on the first turn. SWU gives you the chance to be in every single game and the skills of resourcing, deck building, planning your actions, sideboarding, and initiative claiming, are all what make this game so impressive to me. Going to best of 1s takes away from some of those skills I have come to love and it’s why I am choosing it over Pokemon or MTG. Better system for mulligans and deck building than Pokemon, back and forth actions make it far better than MTG, and the list goes on for my personal reasons as why I think SWU is the best TCG I’ve played. I stand by the fact that best of 3s > best of 1s at competitive events, I love the concept of best of 1s to help introduce players and test decks and finding ways to get more players invested in the game, but at the highest level of competition, especially down the line, you don’t want a match determined by one player having a bad hand and taking a loss, knowing you have games 2 or 3 gives you hope and can show off your resiliency to comeback.
@nickmcdonnell5659 2 ай бұрын
I think the decision comes down to what the priority is for FFG. If they want the game to be more casually oriented I think bo1 is fine however I think for a lot of competitive players the con of ‘increased variance’ is enough of a feel bad to think bo3 is better. Also the idea for initiative being based on sideboard amount is interesting it also would likely inherently benefit the individual that already has an advantage in the match up especially if you reduce the sideboard to 5 cards as y’all suggested. Also I think, while top cut would almost always be the best players at the event the more variance you introduce as bo1 would the less likely that is to be the case. So there would still potentially be new players that need to learn a whole new way to sideboard for top 8 compared to what they did during Swiss which may feel weird.
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Awesome feedback and critiques! I guess what it's all about is how much variance does FFG want in the game. Interestingly enough, the mulligan itself creates quite a bit of variance, especially compared to other games like Lorcana and Destiny that had a much more generous mulligan. We kinda glossed over it in the video but the idea of variance in this game is quite fascinating. For the most part, what we're advocating for in this video is to make the game more enticing and friendly to newer players, primarily by making it more time efficient, at some level of expense of the most competitive players. There's an equilibrium somewhere out there and for the health on longevity of this game we hope to find it by putting ideas like this out there! Thanks again for taking the time to watch and comment!
@manwithnoname9580 2 ай бұрын
I've seen Cad Bane put in work in testing. I don't think it honestly matters if the opponent chooses the targets. You are able to play an underworld unit every turn, meaning you are doing damage every turn. On top of that, we just got a bunch of yellow ambush units in cunning and cunning/villainy. Build him in aggression or command, and you have a lot of damage output. Also, the new Boba might actually be kind of strong for being as simple as just needing a keyword to get bonus stats. Gar Saxon requires an upgrade to get that kind of bonus by comparison, which is a more costly setup requirement for effectively the same result. Ambushing Landspeeder would work as a 3/2 Ambush but not in result of you getting a 4/3 since it would die before your when played effect resolves. Unless you plan to give them a 3/1 into a 1 power unit. But I don't think it works with Han to where you play it and get a 4/3. Rules wise you need to resolve the prioritize the first effect in the chain of events first before the rest. And Han's effects is an activated ability, not a triggered ability
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Part of me just feels like Boba Fett is a better option overall in Villian Yellow. We'll see what happens when people get their hands on him and in person and start bringing him to bigger tournaments. New Boba definitely has some good potential. I think Gar Saxon's ability being always on for all upgraded units while undeployed is honestly much better than Boba Fett's undeployed ability. And yeah we definitely messed up the whole Stolen Landspeeder interaction lol. Regardless of that I still think, and I'm biased of course lol, that he is S tier!
@manwithnoname9580 2 ай бұрын
@crackeddicegaming I PERSONALLY wouldn't compare heroism Boba with Villainy Boba from set 1. They are different archetypes. Both have one similarity. Their effects are always active even if villainy is a triggered ability, which is good. One is for extending, and the other is Gar Saxon on crack either passively or on the turn you play them. Sentinel, Shielded, Bounty, Overwhelm, Ambush, and any future keyword we get are always at +1/+0. It requires no more than simply playing the unit with a keyword. I personally would put him in A tier because of that fact alone. But on top of that, you're in green, the ramp color. 4/7 for 5 isn't bad, either. It's not S tier, but I believe it's definitely around A tier with potential to go S depending on future keywords. Han is still bouncing between S and A. Definitely, I would say the best, if not the second, best leader of the set. Cad Bane, though, should probably be S or A. Turn 1, the worst play you can do is take the first action, and even then, it's not bad. If your opponent plays a unit, you get to deal damage to their only unit no matter what. Their units will die too quickly to the point that they likely won't have more than 2 units to choose from at any point in the game, also making it easier to kill anything that survives. On top of that, if you effectively control the board like you should be, your Ambush units will always kill. Shields will be removed before Ambush. Even into grit, you're likely to just kill anything they bring out, and Cad Bane builds are low cost resource wise in red, and you get ramp in green to play things like Maul who also benefits from the damage since he's Ambush and Overwhelm. So Boba and Cad Bane are two leaders that I wholeheartedly disagree with your points as well as tier rankings on. Not to call you out, but to just provide an alternative perspective.
@Adam-tx3iq 2 ай бұрын
Hey. Cool video. Next time if you read the card before talking about it, it'd be easier to understand. Having to look up every leader you talk about is not easy if you're watching on mobile. Once again: very cool video. I like your content
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Wow this is like the nicest comment we've ever gotten😂 Appreciate the feedback and yeah that would've been a great idea lol Thanks for supporting the channel!
@jurdeleeuw2297 2 ай бұрын
For Finn, bounty cards are upgrades. So if you play against a bounty deck, you can exchange the bounty upgrades for shield tokens
@Cwynareiro 2 ай бұрын
You can't, bounties are not "friendly" upgrades
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Sadly, like @Cwynareiro said, Finn has to defeat friendly upgrades and your opponents bounties are not
@Jrodlxxv 2 ай бұрын
Hey now, Ive won multiple events with Mono Green Hera. Its a great tempo deck if built correctly.
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Shoot man send us some of that secret sauce😂
@friendofyoda5194 2 ай бұрын
Awesome vid and deck! Do you think new Han is better than old Han? How will their playstyles differ for a newbie coming in?
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! I think right now I'd lean towards new Han since he's in red hero. Being able to use Energy Conversion Lab with Wrecker and Poe is unbelievable strong. They both play somewhat similar in that they want to get out ahead of your opponent. The big difference is old Han is in cunning and new Han is aggression!
@friendofyoda5194 2 ай бұрын
@@crackeddicegaming thanks! How does new Han deal with Krennic Green, OB seems to just completely ruin you since your guys are already wounded
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Against Krennic on turns 1, 2, and 3 I'd try to go to space since Krennic green really doesn't have any great plays in space early and so they don't have a target for their Superlaser Technician. This is where Energy Conversion Lab and Poe really shine in my opinion! Try to maintain the initiative going into your 5 resource turn so you can ECL Poe into whatever target they would use with OB and they're cooked lol
@friendofyoda5194 2 ай бұрын
@@crackeddicegaming awesome tips! Thank you so much!
@rascal674 2 ай бұрын
Superlaser Tech in this deck has an identical effect to Resupply, except that you have to use Han’s ability, that you now can’t use on a 2 drop until after you flip him.
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Yeah they're definitely pretty similar in their function. Resupply and SLT are probably getting resourced against aggro but against control I like having the option of playing a unit later in the game rather than an event. It works well especially with U-Wing Reinforcement to counter things like Avenger and Power of the Dark Side! Either one is good tho!
@lucasunderwood2307 2 ай бұрын
@@crackeddicegamingI think you’d be better off playing spark of hope and resupply. They are both in aspect and ramp you earlier and for less. And there are plenty of other options to chump block for the avenger.
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the input! Spark in general for me has felt a little weird especially with lane dodging being a thing. Not opposed to giving it some more reps tho!
@jumbo2162 2 ай бұрын
I honestly think krayt dragon has been an almost game breaking card. What would you say are the counters to it?
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Something like waylay and spare the target are good counters as well as fell the dragon of course. I'd imagine most decks in set 2 are gonna bring counters so making sure to play around those is key. That's why I'm a big fan of Bazine coming out with U-Wing Reinforcement to scout their hand!
@kezkoal 2 ай бұрын
the blue card that defeat big units for 4?, some tempo movement retunr to hand? capture? change of heart?
@HiPSoppel 2 ай бұрын
I plan on force throwing my own to kill it
@jumbo2162 2 ай бұрын
@@kezkoalthank you! I feel like those are all good options. Do some of those trigger before his ability triggers?
@therealstefanb 2 ай бұрын
​@@jumbo2162 no matter the counter, as lomg as the Krayt "witnesses" the card being played, you're taking the damage
@cedarandsound 2 ай бұрын
Stop saying Chicky D.
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
My badddd. Force of habit lol
@jumbo2162 2 ай бұрын
Was literally thinking tonight what happened to you guys.
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Haha! We're still alive!!
@kylemitchell2005 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for coming out! Happy you guys had fun at the Showdown!
@crackeddicegaming 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for being a great judge at the event and supporting the channel! Trading me the Sabine cards was also awesome!!
@Babyotter96 3 ай бұрын
Deck slaps you beat me at the showdown in Davison with it earned a subscriber for that
@crackeddicegaming 3 ай бұрын
Love that there❤️❤️. Imma make an updated breakdown for the one I ran at the showdown, it’s similar it just main decks a few different cards.
@danielpoblas7317 3 ай бұрын
Nice vídeo, can you pelase share the actual decklist?
@crackeddicegaming 3 ай бұрын
Here's the link to the list I've been running. The deck that I took the the $1k in March was slanted more towards control list. I've kinda remade the whole deck with a bunch of different cards to make it more aggro focused. Let me know ahya you think if you get a chance to try it out!
@justingonzalez8311 4 ай бұрын
you have peaked my interest in han i am competing in a store showdown on the 25th and i have the majority of all these cards - i will run my boba deck more than likely but i can see myself piloting han, really looking forward to your how to guide on this deck tech!
@jumbo2162 4 ай бұрын
Not sure if a winner was decided, but my friend’s birthday is in May. Just saying 😁
@Slkt12 4 ай бұрын
No Bodie Rook in double yellow boba??? Also bodie rook does not discard a unit so fleet lieutenant is live…
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Bad stuff happens when our resident rules lawyer Chicky D isn't present😂
@TruongMtgArenaHearthstone03 4 ай бұрын
Does super laser tech cost 5? Since color is off?
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
It does cost 5 but I think it's totally worth it againt control!
@Silver-co3tb 4 ай бұрын
I have a question. Have you made any changes to the deck now that blue vader is going to be a thing (after winning the 5k)? Or does Han already have a good match-up into it? Also just gotta say, you are absurdly handsome.
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
I've made changes to the original deck but haven't made any because of Vader. I think this version of Han actually had a pretty good matchup into that deck!
@Jonzku62 4 ай бұрын
Defeat Boba ASMR
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
You got me there😂😂
@M3_22 4 ай бұрын
Good luck with your finals!
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!!
@3mpires 4 ай бұрын
Hi Chicky D, thanks for the videos on Han, really looking forward to trying him out in an upcoming tournament. Do you have an up to date decklist you are running with Fleet Lieutenants and Spark of Rebellions?
@RepayableLemon 4 ай бұрын
I'd love to see an up to date one as well
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Here is the link to the updated list. Cards are always being cut and added but this is what I've been rocking with recently!
@nandoalters2499 4 ай бұрын
thanks for the video :)
@jumbo2162 4 ай бұрын
Me still hoping to win the Star Wars destiny card for my friend 🤞
@TacoKing1994 4 ай бұрын
Been working on a Han Command list for a month now and playing it all over my tri-state area and I believe I've got it to the point where it matches up great against any deck and can easily 4-0 events. Sabine and Leia decks almost feel like auto wins, while Iden and Krennic are super grindy but can be fairly easy if played smart. For example, I started running 3 Home One's main deck as it just wins games by itself, 3 Mon Mothma for gas against control, and 3 Rogue Squadron Skirmisher for recursion and it takes 2+ hits from all leaders to defeat. The biggest challenge I believe are finely tuned Vader decks, as they play aggro, control, and midrange all in one deck and sometimes better than any other leader, imo.
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Glad to hear you're having success with Han! I absolutely love the Leia matchup with Han. There's no better feeling than deleting a Leia leader with unit Han haha! Working on the Sabine matchup video currently. Let us know if you have any spicy cards you'd recommend in that matchup!
@TacoKing1994 4 ай бұрын
@@crackeddicegaming So I run 3 Greedo, as it can usually 2 for 1 a lot of times, and 3 Ackbar for restore and the removal, and a 1 of Syndicate Lackey to ambush into most leaders. I'd also suggest running 30 points bases, depending on the local meta, which I do. With resupply and Han, it's not hard to drop a Home One quickly which is game over for aggro decks.
@That_Eriksson 4 ай бұрын
I have been a fan of Han since the start loving the Han stuff and off Meta stuff enjoy your takes on things.
@skadmatrix 4 ай бұрын
Loving the Solo content and been trying to use him myself. Would love to be entered into the giveaway! Thanks for the content
@skadmatrix 4 ай бұрын
Didn't play destiny. Would love the SWU stuff. I've been trying to use the solo deck myself and could use that gear!
@owlxoggest6247 4 ай бұрын
I love Lando in Han Red since im typically dumping my hand. He's effectively a draw two when you're playing an aggro list
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Ooooo Red Han!! Gotta give that a try sometime!
@GoodK4t1337 4 ай бұрын
I'm still struggling to understand the Superlaser, which turn you play him? Do you keep him at the starting hand? You only need him for countering Power of the Dark Side, I really want to try him out, but fear I don't play him correctly and judge the card wrong
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
If you'd rather run some other than SLT that's completely fine. He's great to U-Wing Reinforcement out when you have 7 resources and he just puts blue control decks in a bad position. Lots of times their best play is Takedown, Vanquish or POTDS and playing any of those with SLT is a win for the Han player :)
@GoodK4t1337 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the answer! The fact you play 3 home one and 3 reinforcement walkers makes sense to me, to add additional ramp in the deck. Was just curious if there are other specific tactics with the card (other the the cheesy turn 2 Han deploy). Anyways, I really love the addition of Lando and will test him the next few days throughly. Thanks for the input :)
@gloth 4 ай бұрын
how's bombing run working for you? I feel like in most cases it will do most harm than good. I would swap those with gerrera i think. Still, the only thing you gain by double red is aggression + tarkentown. aggression is awesome for sure... but compared to green sabine, ecl, rebel assault, battlefield marine, echo base defender, steadfast battalion and uwing reinforcements.... sabine green seems like the better version
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Bombing Run has been working pretty well. It's great into another aggro deck if they go heavy into a different arena than you. That can definitely win you the game. Sabine ECL is probably better overall but double red Sabine has a surprise element that Green Bean doesn't!
@johndigiovanni2519 4 ай бұрын
I feel targeted by this video :D Great work though! Love the Lando take, especially against Iden.
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Lando is my boy!
@JobraKai 4 ай бұрын
Keep it up love playing Han vigilance
@obiwein24x2 4 ай бұрын
You mentioned it was good in a few of your local events. How many people were in them and what types of things did you run into during those events?
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
So I usually go to three different stores on a weekly basis in MSP. They all are typically 16-24 players depending on the night. I typically, aside from the normal amount of Sabine and boba, run into a lot of Leia surprisingly, one of them is fairly vader heavy. Also Luke has surprisingly been in a decent amount of matchups.
@lukescharf6098 4 ай бұрын
Been playing this deck (with a few changes). I love it. Strong against many meta decks. Double red Sabine!
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
We love to see it there brother and it’s truly the best, also kinda an off meta that not a lot of people tech for. A lot of guys tech for like green bean so when you pull this one out it’s a lil surprising.
@jonunciate7018 4 ай бұрын
Ok fine, I'll slip a Lando into my deck. My favorite sneak attack play has been Home 1 grabbing the millennium falcon from discard on the Han flip turn. 10 damage out of nowhere was fun.
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Been loving the Sneak Attack Home One combo with Falcon or Fleet Lieutenant! And let us know how Lando works out for you specifically against control!
@jonunciate7018 4 ай бұрын
@@crackeddicegaming I played Iden already before this video. No Lando and it was easy. It was Iden aggression however. Han is too fast for that build. If you have resupply and a 7 drop, it feels like auto win. Haven't had a chance to play against Iden command yet. However, Krennic command can be tough if they are running steadfast battalion with ECL. Krennic comes out a turn earlier than Iden, and if he's deployed before Han, a smart player will ECL steadfast into Han, taking him out the moment you deploy him. Krennic has 7 hp, so it makes Lando feel a lot less useful. I'm usually running the 30 hp base, but I'm also running Rogue Squadron Skirmisher. If I was going to run 3x Lando, ECL would make a lot more sense. I'll definitely want to try it eventually.
@house.of.tremere 4 ай бұрын
FACIBI hitting at least 3 pretty regularly with 8 non-heroic main deck?
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
It’s usually 3 rarely does it hit 2 but also if you feel like you’re hitting 2 more often then there’s also cards to swap in for the non heroics. Like karabast isnt in this list but it definitely can be played to get that heroic count up.
@Hjekk 4 ай бұрын
Enter me into that giveaway please! I don't think Han would believe in Jesus, but glad to hear that you do!
@MeepleonFire 4 ай бұрын
Hey man whats your current list right now? Im struggling to find a room for Lando and Sparks in main deck,if you dont wanna sacrifice too much early game. I tried to play him but never find the good timing to play it and not take a massive hit on the ressources, you really need him after 8 ressources but he always come too soon.
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Here's the link to the list: I keep going back and forth on different cards. I've cut traitorous completely just because waylay does the same thing and it doesn't synergize well with U-Wing. Definitely feel free to sideboard Lando and maindeck Starviper or something like that if your local meta is more aggro focused :)
@MeepleonFire 4 ай бұрын
@@crackeddicegaming nice I've switched to echo base instead of Ezra too, way more stable. I like traitorous with Han cause you go to five ressources very fast with resuply and don't have a lot of good option at 5. You never missed it? Sparks seems like a really good add yeah, against control it's so strong to clear a superlaser blast or a no good to me dead on Han.
@MeepleonFire 4 ай бұрын
Fleet lieutenant was consistent enough to keep? I guess it's for the combo sneak attack and home one but it doesn't seem reliable.
@MeepleonFire 4 ай бұрын
And no amiral ackbard anymore? He's very strong with uwing and against aggro but he can be very limited
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
@@MeepleonFire Ackbar honestly just struggles into the Sabine matchup especially if you play resupply or Falcon on turn 1. Traitorous is great but I think waylay kinda just does the same thing. Fleet Lieutenant is great not only for the Home One combo but also to use on Battlefield Marine to take out Unit Boba. Fleet Lieutenant is honestly just a great card!
@jumbo2162 4 ай бұрын
I’ve thought Lando was strong since using him to dominate a draft tournament. So many people indexed into shielding and sentinel, and he did work against that.
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Lando might just be the most underrated card in the game!
@darthpanda0 4 ай бұрын
Very nice! Do the Boba match up next please!
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Boba and Sabine are the next two!
@DanSolo77 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, I have 1X Spark in my Han main deck. I played Boba against my Buddy (who was playing my Han deck) he basically won the game when he played Spark to remove my Firespray...
@JohnSmith-dq1rx 4 ай бұрын
When you defeat a resource, do you get the cards effect? Like if I use Hahn's ability to put Super Laser tech in my resource, then defeat that resource, do you get its ability?
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Sadly this is a no since you defeat the "resource" and not the "unit."
@uncouth420 4 ай бұрын
Lol ive opened 2 boxed and got only 1 fighters for freedom, mythic uncommon for me
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
LOL thats a wild one actually, ive only bought singles and only packs ive opened are just from weekly play and ive got a set of foils for em LOL.
@youtubetrollking1880 4 ай бұрын
3 boxes and have 0 takedown.
@tivo12 4 ай бұрын
Defensive coverage references and an aggro deck? You got me 😂
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
you already know it, guess it couldve been an offense reference LOL, but that Bill Belichick cover 0 was fantastic.
@michaelandrada8731 4 ай бұрын
Need more Han deck content
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Will have some coming soon!
@sn0ggrriss 4 ай бұрын
Don’t be a meta slave! I’m just a slave to supply shortage 😜
@andrewsierra2004 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for your great content. It helps me to improve at the game being my first TCG!
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Love to hear that!
@gloth 4 ай бұрын
22:00 I would agree with the blind jedi being the better chewi deck
@crackeddicegaming 4 ай бұрын
Depends on who you ask LOL 😂😂 but yeah crankin chewy here agrees with you 100%